7 years of complex research an informer suddenly got in touch with now film team and said he wants to hand over certain documents secret documents kept under lock and key germanys federal Intelligence Service the p. N. D. The b. M. D. Cause the shipping company to transport arms to crisis regions our informant knew this but he kept quiet and today those regions are war zones. We have arranged to meet at a remote location our contact thought mailing the documents to us seemed to risky even now 10 years on. Weve given the shipping company stowage plans. Arms transports the documents also include photos of tanks in a ships hold tanks for a brutal military dictatorship supplied despite an embargo. We were also given the freight papers of other ships and finally a computer stick and that is it. The stowage document shows how 80 tanks have to be positioned in order to get all of them on board. The shipping companys plan to deliver a consignment of tanks to islamic north sudan. The documents also include a manifest tanks guns and ammunition for delivery to kenya. But the arms were ordered by goss the government of south sudan controlled by rebels at the time south sudan was in the process of separating from sudan. The military unit or in my own man was also supplied with tanks seen here in a ships hold. The shipping company which delivered the arms is said to be beluga owned by neil stalled back. Stolberg agreed to an interview he wanted to present a different image from other ship on its seen as someone who staged fundraising concerts supported social projects and dreamt of ecological Ship Propulsion technology so how can that be reconciled with transporting arms we confronted stolberg. I was the arms to says sudan and. Doesnt that embarrass you. As who is quote personally im very sorry if we carried freight for that should not have been carried from theres no question of that but you did. Yes charted ships out and had no idea that certain goods were onboard and were transported to highly sensitive regions we were unaware of that was heavy in the. Store bag the Award Winning entrepreneur and selfstyled world Market Leader captivated by his success banks financed the construction of his ships in china one after another until he had a fleet of 80 vessels his headquarters in braman northern germany the architecture is representative the location maritime stolberg laid the emphasis on size but then came the shipping crisis stolberg earned less and less with his ships the rising losses were hidden in his Balance Sheets but it was all to no avail after all the entire world market was collapsing under such circumstances lucrative armstrong sports were the perfect solution stolberg shipping Company Charged 1094687. 00 for 2 consignments of tanks to my mom another lucrative deal involved the luger in durance the vessel transported tanks ammunition and guns from in the ukraine to mombasa in kenya. Beyonds were then taken on towards south sudan by kenyan railways king kenya 2008 new terms being transported through the country by rail. In mombasa several ships have unloaded arms of this kind not only the beluga are in durance. Under the gaze of the Kenyan Military a ship carrying weapons berths this time it is a ukrainian vessel. A soldier and an expert sense specially from the ukraine watch as the cargo hatch opens. Some of the crew have left the ship and look on. Guarded by soldiers the heavy cargo is unloaded yet another consignment for gas the rebels in south sudan loaded like other vessels before it in the ukraine and now everything has arrived. The president of the ukraine has sent the head of his foreign Intelligence Service to hand over a present that message our weapons are for you kenyans not the south sudan even though we know that they were ordered by goss the head of the secret service is uneasy during the ceremony later he told us that his president did not have the arms trade under control and that german ships also secretly loaded weapons in the ukraine. Were on our way to akio brusk the name of a secret port and a kind of arms bazaar where until 2014 russian and ukrainian state run companies offered weapons for export. The port lies hidden some 100 kilometers east of odessa it took us a long time to find it the place was not marked on any map the beluga are in durance loaded arms in october osc as did the beluga eternity these photos of the hold on the blue collar eternity which were taken secretly are some of the documents that were leaked to us. Long before the ship with the weapons set out a certain close home on send an email to the shipping company good morning whats the situation with the sensitive transport the keyword is sensitive because there is an e. U. Embargo in place with regard to my own mother and its dictatorial government despite this the shipping company plan. To send a consignment of arms there. In another email or man made the shipping company a job offer tax for yemen a country where a civil war is now raging his exact words to the director responsible for chartering at the firms vessels were yemen is currently procuring a large number of tanks that should be of interest to you regards climbs home and the shipping company c. E. O. Remembers. Their home environment of why mr holman was on the staff of the federal Intelligence Service he simply said how things were to be handled and how not from digging a good fire on to do for the mr fun passkey but it was a sensitive cargo eskin call it was a sensitive consignment and i reckon that he came to see us maybe once every 2 or 3 months time and simply told us how things were to be handled and how not. Though from digging in other words it was important for us to proceed according to certain regulations. Not torture engage in any illegal transporting or. Illegal and transported for fun to save a sickly he or the b. M. D. Decided what was on and what wasnt and hed good exactly. This is how the system worked holeman maintained contact with the belugas shipping company for the b. M. D. When the company planned an arms transport it asshole man whether he saw a problem if he didnt stolberg gave the go ahead and the ship sailed for example a vessel was supposed to take a consignment of tanks rockets and ammunition to the congo the plan was to load the arms in the secret ukrainian port of akio brusk. Beyond the cargo was coordinated by the shipping companies chartering director he wrote to Neil Stolberg saying that he had sorted everything with regard to the congo consignment the ship he said could sail he had of course been in touch with horman from the b. And d. And been told that there was no problem. Referring to horman from the b. M. D. Who didnt see any problem but the manager asked his boss for his ok stolberg wrote back ok and the ship sailed. Documents photos papers time and again it was all a bad where the horman saw any problem with an arms transport. Weve also obtained an internal report strawn up by the zed k n e the German Customs Investigation Bureau in its present k a examines the link between home and the shipping Company Based on a staggering 9 terabytes of seized data the b. M. D. Must also have the report at the b n ds headquarters in berlin we were given the Cold Shoulder a spokeswoman told us that the Intelligence Agency would only discuss operative aspects of its work with the federal government and federal parliamentary committees that was a pity because we would love to have shown the be indecent documents so instead we showed them to secret Service Expert eric schmidt in bloom he sees a complex being the operation and beluga behind the work of a man code named holeman. Zone to push up a typical b n d initiator and Liaison Officer was being commissioned by a specific department to implement transport. That of course who is why he cultivates links with beluga order of the room for the email communication show quite clearly that he was authorized to present himself as someone who could give official approval good good or hallman probably work somewhere in the middle hierarchy of the b. M. D. Clean up could i find out what his real name is does is more intrigue that is incredibly difficult after all his code name is designed to hide his civil identity and thus prevent any investigative authorities gaining direct access to his real name there so its really difficult because the Intelligence Service is able to mask identity z. T. Even by going as fun as to issue forged identity papers of all of you. The b. M. D. Cannot be expected to provide any indication of who horman really is and what his brief was with regard to the beluga shipping company fortunately though we have good contact to someone who knows holman personally neil stall back here the captain of a cutter who is an old friend of his is taking stolberg from the mainland across to the island of speaker over in the north sea. We are also on board stall burke has agreed to give us an interview on his Favorite Island he used to own houses and develop on speaker. Before that is his shipping company went under and before he was summoned to the Public Prosecutors Office and bringing over the office had been investigating stall books since 2011 on suspicion of serious embezzlement and fraud including fraudulent accounting and loan fraud now 7 years later after a long court case during the course of which stalled work fell seriously ill he is on his way to speak with us to talk about everything. Yes but i cant for im a fighter ive had surgery 3 times for cancer keeps or peas in 1000 sharps and now im going into the new year with this on my plate. And always in the us yard here stolberg literally had to drag himself into the courtroom but he hung on and today hes in better shape the trial lasted 68 days stolberg was sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison but he appealed. That is why hes still at liberty weve come to meet him by the city transporting industrial plants on heavy duty ships made store burger wealthy man but a shipping company also offered to transport arms drew up plans illustrating how tank should be stowed in order to prevent a ship from listing stolberg name the shipping company after the beluga whale he was impressed by the animal social behavior under the flag bearing the whales tail fin stolberg telephones not only with customers who wanted to have civilian goods transported but also with home and whenever arms transports were planned and he met home and personally. Wanted home and look like what kind of person was. Which scully was kind of sorry but i really cant tell you exactly how i met a whole month maybe 2 or 3 times he then had a few meetings with a colleague of mine and things were discussed. Gadhafi was a doing of good on us and was a big or small did he have a large nose or small one i dont know if its Firm Handshake i dont know because the aftershave price i dont know well i suppose it. Can i really cant say its not enough for an identikit picture but from the recollections of one shipping Company Employee whom we are asked a graphic artist was able to sketch some of home and speeches he was of rather squat figure more on the small side he was also well groomed especially his hands the nails were always neatly manicured. Whats more his parting was always straight and he had always a perfect wedge shave he was always so well groomed and so casually or formally dressed perfect elegance i dont know really im sorry but i dont know. Hourman always was shirts that were crisply pressed indeed everything about him we heard was sheer elegance he was about 50 years old. Of all i am of all men was there and the voice due on these sensitive issues. This is coming these are not all happened some 10 years ago so i cant remember exactly can us and huguenot known so we now know that holeman was well dressed and you all about arms transports on beluga ships and we know that stolberg doesnt like talking about those transports he refuses to snitch on home and and is not prepared to talk about october ask the secret court in the ukraine corner where weve been house make a brief cut. Kiev the capital of the ukraine it took 8 months for us to get an appointment with a politician who knows everything about the secret port stall but refuses to talk about an appointment with a politician who sent the head of his Intelligence Service to kenya our appointment is with the former president of the ukraine. Viktor yuschenko outlined how putin is destroying the ukraine through his occupation of the crimea putin the enemy but he dodged questions on russell Ukrainian Arms deals that took place via the a brusk during his presidency of the president himself that did not sell any pistols or rifles or any other arms usually with a boy to push. Past 8 run arms export company or sport that its own guidelines which were also passed by the cabinet under proved by the National Security council of the ukraine so everything that was perfectly legal but when you are usually put on the bottom. Of. For to to assure. Us that the ukraine has always observed current legislation through the through nonetheless laws in this business is highly delicate at this bill because. Footage of one delicate deal tanks being unloaded from the fina the ukrainian vessel normally this would be a clandestine operation but this time the press were watching pirates had kidnapped the ship and when the crew were allowed to disembark in mombasa the cameras were present the finer was one of several vessels which transported ukrainian weapons ordered by god according to the former head of the secret service the president no longer had the arms trade and the control restored your worst fears were personal or you should get over syria or muslim i know you change the world which we spent a lot of time together he played down our arms explodes saying there was no corruption yet i pointed out to him several times that corruption was involved but for him it was all perfectly normal when such a stablish structures simply existed he said of the q 3 talking about in the book. Showed us kiev he told us about beluga saying that a secret dossier or existed the shipping company was regarded as reliable but it too was under investigation however nothing had been proven that he said was all he was allowed to tell us. We were going building. We chatted about the German Secret Service and learned that he once met the president of the b. And d. We asked if he had already seen the fine new building the b. N. P. Had been given of course he said and laughed. Mr that. We then arrived at the comparatively modest building housing the Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service the s. B. U. Until 2010 mile or more she was the boss here and they still listen to him looking today dont worry he tells the guard is German Television everything is ok his office is somewhere else near the parliament he wants to go into politics as head of the secret service he told us he knows all about the secret port of octave brisk the arms bazaar nor across the river from ability to sure its actually a good model the port was controlled by our secret services and also by russias. But behind the official facade but of which there was a shadowy economy in the border young as the corruption was them as a result large quantities of arms could be transported secretly without us being able to keep checking or on what was there or being loaded on some ships or didnt have any money 1st at all others put to sea with forged papers who were particular port was a hub for hidden arms consigned was supposed to nobles thought. October ask the secret port stored here were tanks missiles guns and even field kitchens everything required for a regional war and observed by sea for a. B. S. An organization from washington. Its director is a Lieutenant Colonel who speaks russian and arabic and was trained at west Point Military Academy Prior to our interview the researcher on the left brought the director up to speed on the brusk c 480 s. Had focused on the port because of its own. Arms turned over and according to David Johnson it wasnt easy to research indeed the port lies hidden and is hard to access. But you could certainly see it with satellite imagery but it was not a port that was readily easily accessed they had gate guards there were a few roads leading into it it was out in the Interest Rates an area farther away from the city out of the countryside to a certain extent on that point in on the boat river it certainly had gates and controls. We made our 1st attempt to see the port in 2013 this is just the 1st of 3 guarded gates we werent allowed any further seaman had described to us what it used to look like in the ports when they were there to load the ships behind the ships they said they were arms as far as you could see and hanging from the cranes with tanks the shipments are global this is going around to countries where there are a lot of conflicts going on eritrea. Youre looking at latin america venezuela youre looking at. Places in asia youre looking at places further south in africa like the democratic republic of congo or the cells you did. 5 years later with back and this time were allowed in congo kenya sudan mayan mar and yemen whenever beluga planned an arms transport this port was always involved. Secret service boss mullah bush had promised to ring up those in charge of the port perhaps that is why we were allowed to simply drive through in fact we were even given a musical reception. The poor bosses welcomed us on the left the director of security the great eminence of the rights the union leader kind of lay. The director and in the middle of watchdog 1st we were served a then we engaged in small talk. With. The press Spokes Person explained the regulations we would have to observe afterwards in the port then the labor director indicated that it was time to get going as he still had things to do he wouldnt be accompanying us. So the Security Director became our guide at 1st it wasnt quite clear whether we would be able to film from our vehicle the situation was tense after all we were the 1st Television Team ever to pitch up here with a camera. This is where we stop the director of security said then he issued clear instructions you can shoot anything he wants thats ok in this direction but not in the other direction where the underground warehouses are located not even afterwards with a drone only in this direction just on the most of them ok a lot of that up and down broken nucular with the dog that was the secret to the part at the secret weapon a port. That she didnt yeah you can say so not exactly but blarney so youd get a robot to a certain extent we load commercial goods and sometimes special goods that are chemicals or explosive materials such as q but he had mirrors that he had the most interesting material what about arms the interpreter asks where you those 2. Big cargo would military yes for the time being the days of the big arms business are over because russian tanks are no longer loaded here but up until 2014 David Johnston told us no we didnt you pray in russian danish and german vessels used to put in here. At the jersey where the poor people of mordor lovely grain carrier for us german shipping Companies Used to berth including 2 from the braman area so the ones in the report that we identified were reserved as well as a boat which i believe is no longer solvent. Because they have special skills that are required now in particular of the german shipping companies that we were that we looked into while we were working on this report. Capable of moving heavy cargo they were special or ships that had trades and usually what theyre trying to ship if youre going to a port destination where they may not have the cranes to im a load to carry cargo a tank weighs 40 tons in addition to tanks the powerful cranes in october also heaved missile launchers and heavy ammunition boxes on board more to the jetty are the volute get insurance which will be taking arms to kenya and the beluga eternity which despite an e. U. Embargo will be transporting arms to mine mark. The beluga eternity will be stopping in braman for a few hours shipping company c. E. O. To your store berg is paying a brief visit he likes to be seen with his people immediately afterwards the ship set sail for the ukrainian port of akio prost with arms from iran maher on board following an initial consignment in 2007 the generals will be getting more tanks ammunition and guns brought by the beluga or eternity. The shipping company sent home and the shipping list for my emma and i asked whether he saw any problems instead of stopping the consignment home and asked to be sent photographs of the arms being unloaded in mine mine yes long before hand he had warned that the e. U. Had embargoed the country. The shipping Company Charge 360137. 50 for the transport and holeman cost his be n. D. In a positive light with the generals. The 1st 50 in other words the b. And d. Gained favor with the generals in my own manner by enabling them to obtain heavy military equipment despite the existence of International Embargo c. Of them with the. Braman Public Prosecutor frank bazaar investigated the beluga shipping company because of my unmarked holeman he says played the decisive role not the shipping company because its of course was relying on the be empty. Think of in the middle and be in the middle of it all in in where this kind of business is involved and youre in contact with a b. And the operative and instructed not to transport a certain consignment you would be well advised to comply and you could provide and easily form putting you to from within and what if you gives you the go ahead to the who do it. Then i think you can feel youre in good hands. Off. Because the b. M. D. Is ultimately responsible for the fall in the general conception is that if such consignments are transported with the knowledge of a federal authority then it is all the legal acceptable invitro movie to offer some more. In investigating the palookas shipping company for evidence of wise collar crime this is Archive Footage the solder came across and then initial arms transport to my unmarked by the beluga enterprise in 2007 and a further transport by the beluga eternity in 2009 the transport home and was involved in he and the shipping company with us suspected of a joint breach of the e. U. Embargo against miami and its ruling generals nevertheless the arms brought by the beluga or eternity were personally received by gen chalk kwok. Fortunately we do not have a photograph of him the maximum penalty for breaking an embargo is a 5 year jail sentence but as the Public Prosecutor tells us imposing it is not that easy. To foresee in dust in the former in consignments only come under the embargo restrictions if they are destined for a specific listed person and if the goods are destined for that persons own private use force and hes agreed to physics in that. However the tanks were delivered to the ministry of defense for tight on the listed person the only took receipt of the arms on behalf of the ministry of defense he did not receive them personally of the one cretin so from a legal point of view or no violation of the e. U. Embargo restrictions actually took place in. The us with no criminality involved in the investigation had to be discontinued. But thats absurd but it is hard to understand frank decided discontinued his investigation into home and shipping company c. E. O. Neal stolberg. Over to you for words of Public Prosecutors Office in raymond or ought to try and reopen proceedings with fresh alone and really exert pressure on the federal chancellor unfortunately it doesnt have the same operative possibilities as italian Public Prosecutors you who were always brazen enough to enter secret Service Headquarters and seize papers. The charges against holman from the b. And d. Are serious according to the customs Investigation Report one shipping Company Employee told the Public Prosecutor that holeman approved the arms consignments to my mom in my and modern military reacted while holman was asking the shipping company for pictures of the tanks being unloaded opposition politicians she was being sentenced once again the b. M. D. Has made no comment on horman the investigation into his activities were discontinued so what was there to get excited about plenty says free to schmidt a long standing e. U. Development politician responsible for Southeast Asia he was in my in mar when the arms arrived today he is a member of the Parliamentary Commission on foreign affairs. This was strictly hated to be in the naturally of the b. M. D. Should have informed the German Government after all that is its duty of its supposed to gather information on what is happening politically like when an embargo imposed by the European Union is breaches on you an embargo supported and counter signed by the federal German Government understood want us to be violating this embargo is an offense against German International politics be intense all sorts of quality if the b. N. B. Receives information on this once all it is duty been to inform the government otherwise for we are talking about a political scandal eaters gondar. With hourman the b. N. D. Is firmly in place at beluga and not only with regard to my own mark on the shipping company plan to transport tanks destined for north sudan foreman was well informed but how did the company just transported tanks to kenya tanks whose recipient according to the manifest was the rebels in south sudan. Didnt homan know what goss stood for didnt he see a link between the transports for south sudan and the tanks brought by the beluga vessel and the tanks for gossip wrought by other ships. In 2014 civil war broke out in the fledgling state of south sudan a conflict in which there was no shortage of weapons something wed like to discuss with home and. Brussels is home to an eyewitness who saw the tanks for gas incense sudha. He was in the country on behalf of the bomb International Center for conversion a Peace Research institute looked vandeven the vault members of the south sudan military these are pictures of his visit shortly before the civil war erupted and 5 years after the ships brought the arms inspected the small arms store which we see here as it happens the general showed him something really grand. Defer some respite civically remember seeing these hes t. 72 squares at the s. P. L. A main headquarters around bill pong because they were just stationed there as to guard the compound i think thats particularly effective way of guarding your compound but the general himself said do you want us to drive around so it felt it felt really bizarre almost like they were they were showing them off to us look at look at the kind of stuff that we have here look at how how we can drive them around think show you how impressive for a year they were incredibly proud and i remember saying to my colleagues is this a good idea because those were the tanks that there was not supposed to have early day the s. P. L. Itself thought it was no problem. According to a secret dispatch from the u. S. Government the American Secret Service satellite pictures proving that tanks were delivered to goss insects that the cargo documents for the beluga in durance show tanks field howitzers and machine guns ordered by Goss Stolberg dismisses any moment just how he knew nothing about that. But still bugs people did plan armstrong sports and not only for north sudan and schulberg gave his ok for arms consignments for the congo then came the job offer keyword yemen we should be in the expert the email once again. How about it home and wrote in the email and asked the shipping company if it wanted to transport tanks to yemen from the ukrainian port of octave brusk. Of the content of this email is highly instigating it proved quite clearly that mr holman is flouting article 25 of the german constitution which criminalizes any attempt to disturb the peaceful relations between nations that. According to an internal report of the German Customs Investigation Bureau investigators counted 426. 00 emails between home and the shipping companies chartering director. The 2 discussed sensitive ships cargoes and sometimes they wrote to each other in coded language. The chartering director seen on one day of the trial of the District Court in braman the former manager ended his time with beluga with his integrity totally intact he had nothing to do with his bosss White Collar Crime the investigation into his activities with regard to the arms transport to my n. R. Was closed but he refused to grant us an interview meal stall bird was charged with embezzlement and various forms of fraud after proceedings lasting 60 days the Public Prosecutor gave his Closing Argument the same Public Prosecutor who had dropped the investigation into stolberg because of the arms transport wanted a sentence of 4 and a half years for White Collar Crime time consignments transported on the all stolberg ships were not an issue eric schmidt has no problem with that in his view responsibility for that must be borne by horman from the b. M. D. Division phono felt he was in the right and its possible that he was also aware that what he was doing was wrong life at the same time however he knew that he could not be brought to task for it since he was acting under the instructions of the federal Intelligence Service. We discovered a few facts about home and that only of a private nature he likes playing cards referring there to taking his wife to the opera which he finds lucky. He likes dining out occasionally with his contact at beluga pointing out to him in an email however that in braman the man should find somewhere decent human lives in hamburg but we couldnt determine who. He is or whether he also had contact with other shipping companies horman was incriminated by his contact at beluga the manager told the Public Prosecutor that horman had considered an arms transport to mine marta be illegitimate and possible that is stated in the documents of the Customs Investigation Bureau the Public Prosecutor does not know holmans identity. To new thoughts on the death while they be in the middle of what at 1st when we planned to put the b n d employee on the witness stand at the b. M. D. Was quite prepared to grant permission for him to give evidence thailand does have is it on however that permission was withdrawn when we pressed charges against him dogging is the home due process requires every accused to be granted the right to a fair hearing. So we were then approached by a lawyer representing the accused b. N. D. M. Employee. He asked to inspect the files. But if you do this request was granted and afterwards the statement was made on behalf of the b. N. P. Employee you doing be in the middle of. Them and so you never got to question him as the accused here know not personally. The session its actually inconceivable in a constitutional to date for a Public Prosecutor to allow someone under an assumed name to make a statement vajra lawyer when as the accused he ought to be questioned in court for shit. On one occasion the word beluga in the names of 4 ships belonging to the beluga shipping company was painted over the vessels then set sail. On the mediterranean they secretly took on board phosphorous bombs from another ship from hamburg which had loaded the weapons in the United States with israel as their destination home and was fully aware of this clandestine operation but why was the word beluga which mirrors stolberg was always so proud of painted over what exactly were home and the shipping company doing their home and void in a naturally mr holman also wanted information from us about certain cargo flows cargo. And so we of course complied but as a German Shipping Company it was our responsibility and hard so we provided him with the information what information they are at well he wanted to know for instance what kind of cargo is were on the market and we provided him with that information on the truly he front of it from a film because so were talking about tanks guns and so on exactly. Stolberg told us that he had a clear conscience that the b. And d. Was always in the picture and that holman gave his approval but he hasnt got over the loss of his company even after an investor had taken over the financially Distressed Company he tried to work through what he had experience by writing a book he showed us some of the 1st passages hired by the investor bodyguards had thrown him out of his company. Mombasa kenya ships have a direct link to the rail system. This ship is being unloaded by ukrainian technicians the tanks transported here for gas will continue their onward journey straight away. But doesnt so sudan have a legitimate interest in arming itself and establishing itself as a state may as well your intake of oil and well it was an integral part of the sudan and fought for independence and done it but in a situation like that where one side says it wants to prevent independence and the other side says it wants to systematically prepare for a line anyone supplying weapons must know that there is a strong likelihood of arms being used in a possible war of independence and it could be a political motivation to promote the separation of the region up because of the presence of deposits of oil or materials but that is clearly in violation of International Law and us unacceptable it is of course a humanitarian crime is it one or 2 leaders and who many appeals for permission. South sudan in 2014 its president salva kiir the man with the hat was armed to the teeth and waged war not on islamic north sudan as many had predicted but on his former fellow fighters in the rebel war the young republics Vice President riek machar and he mobilized his forces against the president. Today there are kalashnikovs galore and so sudan and even more powerful weapons. Now each side can really stick it to the other. Just how we didnt know that. The beluga in durance transported tanks to kenya its cannot be proved that the shipping company knew that the client hiding behind the name goss was south sudan. The consignment of tanks from north sudan was transported by another shipping company. The arms transport for the congo was cancelled the new investor who took over the belugas shipping company no longer wanted to carry out such transports with the backing of home. 7 years of research now only parliaments can shed light on the b n ds operation home. Place. Elease at full speed. With shiny new. Play but always almost play live mobility today and in the future. 30 minutes until you. Kick off like. Boys keep outs. Monitor stub coaches really good roles in gum deal. For both of those legal claims to change womens football here with the projects. That are to. Pick. Up you know this you know 5 minutes more minutes. As an hour and a beauty. Pageant all. The feats in the pantheon of the great tennis certainly hes one for the ages. Up. Scott turner for the ages starts july 10th on d w. More than 40 migrants have disinvited to rescue boat which docked in the italian port of lampedusa defying a government ban the boat was in private as italy rejected a call from germany to open its ports to charity vessels interior minister. Said he would propose increasing fines for n. G. O. S violating the ban. Seismologists a warning that powerful aftershocks could continue to shake california

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