A Good Relationship with the white house. Also coming up italy shuts down one of europes largest Migrant Centers and warns boats carrying rescued refugees no docking no well tonight a special report on fortress. Lampedusa is at the front lines of a struggle over who is allowed into europe and who is not as italys right wing government slides its gates shut an International Network of rescuers is trying to keep those gates from closing for good. As you our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the dysfunctional u. S. President the wacky British Ambassador and a relationship quickly going from special to strained to strange it has been 48 hours since a secret u. K. Cable was leaked revealing to the world what the u. K. Ambassador in washington really things about the u. S. President in effect this functional crash and burn those were just some of the words written by ambassador kim derek well last night the ambassador was promptly uninvited to a dinner at the white house and today trump unleashed a tirade on twitter aimed at the ambassador and his boss Prime Minister to resign me the wacky ambassador that the u. K. Forced it upon the United States struck tweeted is not someone that we are thrilled with a very stupid guy he should speak to his country and Prime Minister may about their failed brecht sit negotiation and not be upset with my criticism of how badly it was handled i told it to resume a how to do that deal but she went her own foolish way was unable to get it done a disaster i dont know the ambassador but ive been told that he is a pompous fool. The u. K. Government has condemned the leak but is standing by its ambassador and his right to communicate honestly about the u. S. Administration but trumps lambasted have to resign may and breaks it that led u. K. Foreign minister jeremy hunt to tweet this message today for the u. S. President he writes dollar friends speak frankly so i will these comments are disrespectful and wrong to our Prime Minister and my country your diplomats give their private opinions to the u. S. Secretary of state pump a 0 and so do ours strong words for that special and now strained relationship but publicly the British Government remains more concerned that a secret diplomatic cable was leaked to the public the government has ordered a special investigation to track down the leaker. The problem is the leak thats the fundamental problem is that the British Government cant be trusted to keep secrets the reality is there is number 3 in washington who although i dont agree with his knowledge this was doing exactly what the british people paid him to do which is to give his understanding and his best insight into the u. S. Administration at the time and thats exactly what hes done. All right so a test of transatlantic time and we are covering it tonight on both sides of the atlantic here with me in the studio at the big table is the ws Alex Forrest Whiting i expect years reporting on the British Parliament she is considered a westminster insider and our white house insider tonight joins me from washington Helena Humphrey both of you welcome helena i want to start with you the white house uninvited the u. K. Ambassador to a dinner last night at the white house but it did not stop there what has happen today. Thats right brant i think you get the sense that the president has been stewing over these leaked diplomatic cables for a number of days and today he really doubled down with his signature weapon of choice which is name calling on twitter referring to the British Ambassador as whacky calling him a pompous for saying that he was a very stupid guy and he didnt stop there that name calling also extended to the Outgoing British Prime Minister the woman of course that President Trump famously once held hands with here in washington no less saying that to research a was also also foolish for not having delivered breaks it as he had instructed her to and then i think most worryingly he also hinted that with a change of Prime Minister would also come a change of her and i say that thats worrying because i think most experts agree that the idea of you know outside influence certainly would compromise the Diplomatic Service and also compromise the idea that diplomatic cables should certainly be frank so i think that was certainly a source of concern today and of course we do know that the trumpet administration and trumbull likes to fill his cabinet with people who are complementary to him the idea of him being able to have a hand in other governments in that constellation and how they refer to the president is alarming you know or use a very good word to describe it we know that maybe that explains to do so now one day the British Government is standing behind its investor in washington and instead theyre looking for the mold for. A new day i think its important to say that for now downing street are saying that they are sticking by sick kids and i think part of that is because they do want to show that they understand that the Civil Service that is what sikkim is part of so it is a part of the Civil Service that it is. From government and from political interference but also they want to prove that you know the u. K. Even though it loves the u. S. Does not want to be pushed around by another power however the point that helena was saying there its important to reason may is only going to remain british Prime Minister for the next few weeks who will be next well its a toss up now between jeremy hunt the foreign secretary and Boris Johnson who is the favorite naive already read out a tweet from jeremy hunt who has said that sikkim will if he becomes Prime Minister to stay in the post so what about Boris Johnson well theyve both been head to head in a t. V. Debate this evening in which they finished not that long ago and Boris Johnson was asked this over and over again and we can now hear a clip of how he says it. Whoever leaked that deserves to be screwed the heart of the question i want all all go on sort of where are strong how does it come on a little bit i was a little bit one of the one whos going to just. So i will keep him until hes due to retire and i think would like to know if you could well im not going to be so presumptuous. Amazing because he doesnt answer that question a tall and i think that a lot of people particularly in the audience was surprised that he wouldnt stand by them and in washington certainly for the time being so what will happen to him we dont know and weve also youve been in touch today via twitter with the journalist to report this leak the journalist is known to be one of the top boards its yours nigel for raj whats the connection here isabel who is a king breaks a tear so much so that she even ghost wrote a book called the bad boys of bricks american banks are in banks led to the unofficial breaks it leaves campaign for the referendum hes also a big. And if and to. Say that there is a lot of talk about why did she how did she get the story why did she write it shes saying its just a good story but this was such a benefit nigel we know he has a Good Relationship with donald trump a dont trump in the process said that he would make a great British Ambassador to the u. S. Even if for august now saying no no im not diplomatic enough it does him no harm whatsoever we cannot say though that he is behind it all that has anything to do with that because there are other conspiracy theories for example that this was done to a hostile state. In russia at the moment all we know is that there was an inquiry an investigation into how this leak happened is a big and really here too weve got to talk about the u. S. President getting the u. K. Ambassador in washington fired take a look at what the u. K. And bastard were just a few weeks ago in the atlantic about how important british diplomats are to the United States all right here it is for the u. K. Has one of the largest diplomatic footprints of any country with embassies in missions around the world this reach is hugely valuable and the americans recognize this the u. S. Has no diplomatic presence in pyongyang or tehran we have had ambassadors and teams in north korea since the early 2000 and in iran since 1821. 00 the United States relies on us to be its eyes and ears in places where it has not there the ambassador talking about why the u. S. Needs us helena if the u. K. Ambassador if hes highly aware of the worth of british diplomats what about the u. S. President is he aware of how much he needs them. Well brant you do have to wonder im essentially on monday we saw the u. S. President declare the British Ambassador persona non grata saying that he would not be working with him in the future at a time of course of such heightened global tensions and were talking about of course the u. S. Is closest ally and weve got issues to deal with such as iran for example north korea russia to name but a few and of course fortune in the u. S. Have always worked together perhaps you know in the most closest manner when we talk about europe for example you only have to look yesterday at germany rebuffing for example americas request for more troops on the ground when dealing with syria that said i think its important also to look beyond the bluster and take a look at the concrete steps ive certainly been monitoring reaction from the state department very closely today and there was no indication that the current British Ambassador necessarily would be rebuffed when it comes to dealing with them and i think perhaps the tactic from the british delegation at the moment is to keep a low profile wait for this to blow over i mean we did see that meeting between the trade secretary liam fox and the commerce secretary wilbur ross council today that perhaps its a case of keep calm and carry on for now carry on tomorrow and just wait until there is a new Prime Minister and then well know for sure what the next step will be one what here to the table with me until im free in washington to both of you thank you. After almost 20 years of conflict and countless dead rival groups in afghanistan including the taliban say that theyve agreed on a road map for peace this after a historic intra afghan meeting in doha after 2 days of talks the longtime foes well theyve issued a joint statement with a list of agreed principles for a post for more afghanistan now these include an islamic legal system the protection of womens rights and the assurance of equality for all ethnic groups. Television talks in doha were interrupted for the peace conference which some are hailing as a genuine breakthrough well we believe so more than ever before the real problem is especially now that the taleban that american. Ideal we believe with a lot of different results so its just a matter of this as the weight of what out of the isnt and that the us from all sides. That to. Also for deduction. The civilian casualties and i did my own for withdrawal of all 40 forces from up on a stand. So peace in afghanistan my next guest spent 5 years as the u. S. State Department Special representative for afghanistan and pakistan shes now director of the asia program at the International Crisis group i am happy to welcome a real miller to the program she joins me tonight from washington ms miller its good to have you on the day this resolution or this roadmap for peace it sounds like a major breakthrough for afghanistan and your opinion is it. Its a step forward theres no question about that it was a positive spirit and in town by all accounts and they were able to produce a joint statement that set out some basic principles and ideas that they agree on participants but i put hesitate to call it a major breakthrough because it was not negotiation of a peace deal it was just what is often referred to as talks about talks to limit here in talks that might evolve into an actual negotiation some kind of peace deal but it wasnt a negotiation as yet it was bill or have you had a chance to read the the unofficial English Version of that resolution yes and i would say again i mean it was positive in tone it was clear that they were looking for some areas of agreement but it was limited in its scope it didnt delve into any details they set aside some of the more difficult questions and it is an unofficial and binding document so again a positive step forward but well short of a clear beginning of the Peace Process i ask you that because there are reports that in the English Version we have the taliban agreeing to protect the fundamental rights of women but in the past 2 version there is reportedly no mention of womens rights are you aware of this. Ive heard that there is just agreement between the different language version and i dont know as yet whether that is intentional or an error in fact even if its correct sometimes it is rather difficult to translate between the different languages but nevertheless even based on what is said in the English Version its not really any different than statements that the taliban has made before they have including recently said publicly that they would respect womens rights. Because those rights are subject to islamic law this law principles that is a statement that many afghans would probably agree with but it raises the question who in the system of government gets to be the interpreter of islamic principles and what is and is not consistent with islamic principles several. And even based on the more the more positive seemingly version of what was said its its not really a new statement its not really crossing law that the taliban hasnt crossed before you know and its important also to remind our viewers that what was agreed to these or recommendations are not legally binding anything thats in this agreement but we also understand that there are separate talks taking place between the u. S. And the taliban theyre scheduled to resume today do you expect the United States to commit to a withdrawal of foreign troops if the taliban promises that it will never use afghanistan again as a base for terrorists. Thats whats being negotiated right now the u. S. And taliban sides didnt meet again and this morning my understanding is it was a fairly recent meeting they had and concluded this strand of negotiations and in the meantime investors all make calls the american negotiator has left for have previously planned trip to china and then he said hes coming back to washington so theres a theres a pause in the u. S. Taliban negotiations for both sides to consult but that negotiation the process that just involves the u. S. The taliban has advanced much further and the dialogue among afghans before we run out of time is miller i want to ask you the trumpet ministration we know does not hold the u. S. State department in very high esteem how does that attitude impact the leverage u. S. Negotiators have when they sit down to talk with the taliban is that a factor i dont think its a factor in this case its very clear that a bad start policy who is working within the state Department Structure has been given a very clear mandate with political backing to negotiate the us out of afghanistan and so i dont see that theres any. Any constraints on him resulting from the way things were these days on washington the way things work these days in washington is thats right the real miller with the International Crisis group ms miller we appreciate your time tonight and your insights thank you very much. It is not bullshit. You dont have to speak italian to understand what theyre saying. Thats what these protesters were shouting. Interior minister today when he came in to shut down what he said was europes biggest Reception Center for migrants the complex in sicily at one point held more than 4000 people it became a scene. As well as being the towns biggest employer. Said that he was keeping a promise to the italian people heres part of what he said today. They called me crazy when i said as a minister that i wanted to close the center because it exceeded 4000 people we cut the numbers and today were at 0. Is that former camp in mindanao he tells us more about why the government decided to shut it down. Well it is unclear why they closed it in fact there was conflicting opinions of course on the one hand it had been underfunded for a long time and it was it became a place of criminality and there was drug busts and prostitution here now that wasnt everything though at one point at its height there was classes people to take classes in different topics so it was on the one hand a place of criminality but on the other hand it could have been an example of how Refugee Centers could have been run if you can see here the houses were built for american troops and there it was a place for american troops families until 2010 so it had a lot of resources so this activists say that salvini wanted to close it as a symbol to send to the public that hes taking a hardline stance against immigration. And that was. Reporting there before me and went to sicily he wanted to see the situation on the italian island of lampedusa which has become the new front line in europes struggle to deal with the migrant crisis and he spoke to some of the people who have made that dangerous journey from north africa to europe and he also spoke to some of the islands residents. Lampedusa island of recreation highlands of refuge. As the closest european shore to the coast of libya lampedusa takes in several 100 Asylum Seekers in an average month those who survived the treacherous journey across the mediterranean. No see claims as many lives as this. Berm helps coordinate rescue missions for the german n. G. O. S see watch he was on my produce when the Italian Government attempted to block their ship from bringing 53 rescued migrants ashore. Sea watch was kept and all of our kids up to 5 the Italian Coast Guard on the gun forced their way into the harbor and she was arrested for her act. What were seeing is that the criminalization of Sea Rescue Missions isnt stopping people from coming from libya more people are dying and the routes are becoming more dangerous as once migrants arrive on the island most are taken to this Immigration Center where they are registered in a 1st step toward applying for asylum. After being registered the residents are free to leave. At the church in the center of town i meet mahmoud. There is. A frequent india and so there these. Days i left leaving. As im leaving the Church Square a man begins shouting. Ive known i should get out that if it wasnt for the migrants the media wouldnt come to lampedusa. No one cares about us lampedusa. Produces mayor tells me he welcomes those rescued at sea. My father was a fisherman. I am a fisherman. But scuttled if and when a fisherman rescues a person at sea we apply one will. Not the french uptick not the german or anyone elses law actually did they scoff and chase a pig. They dont have to be dying so you dont have to document them you just save them on saturday evening another standoff begins a rescue boat defies the governments order to stay away it enters the port carrying 41 migrants the vessel is called alex operated by italian angio meditate and then. Theres a commotion at the dock where locals have gathered to watch a representative from italys right wing leg a party is here too she wants to send a message to the new arrivals as well as the boats crew for example that hit the dam im here because we have to fight against those who traffic human beings these people are not save us they are people who traffic human beings on the boat is taken into Police Custody on the other side of the bay. The exhausted passengers wait another 7 hours before they are let off the boat as the mayor of lampedusa told me immigration to this island is nothing new he believes the current standoff can only be resolved by a european solution. You know because i mean as if theyre reporting well the day is almost done the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either you w. News or you can follow me at brant goff t. V. Dont forget to use our hash tag the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then everybody. We buy cheap clothes and discard them soon after. Fast fashion is everywhere nowadays. In germany alone almost a 1000000 tons of textiles are thrown out every year. Most are poor quality and hard to recycle. So what happens after clothing is dumped global 3000 next on d w. What secrets lie behind the smallest. Find out in an immersive experience and explore fascinating world Cultural Heritage sites. D w World Heritage 360 get the app now. Its all happening coach of british a fairly. Sure link to from africa and the world. 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