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About hatred but also about stream right wing of use this is about violence is about tires of its about crimes. Its. Also coming up a message of hope help to people are helping in the fight to save one of the worlds biggest reefs one day at a time. Well i feel like when i look at what its like. When they call me and say all right were going to do this laughing back here at the corals here whatever it is im like all right lets do this lets lets rock this lets wrap that is. On to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the manifestos of mass murderers those ideologies that are harder to killed and those who kill believing in them in the United States last week in a white supremacist shot dead 22 people because of their brown skin on Easter Sunday earlier this year congregations in sri lanka were blown up because of the god they worship and one month earlier in new zealand men and women praying inside a mosque were gunned down their gone too had made them the target of a madman 3 tragedies equal in their inhumanity but it was the words and deeds of political leaders afterwards that differ dramatically new zealands Prime Minister earned praise around the world for her quick and resolute stance to reform gun laws and not to give xenophobia and in now its the u. S. President who is being watched and listened to carefully will his commitment to human rights and humanity be as firm well not if you believe his political surrogates last night on fox news host Tucker Carlson told his viewers that one supremacy in america is make believe a hoax a conspiracy take a listen. But the whole thing is a lie if you were to assemble a list hierarchy of concerns of problems this country faces where would White Supremacy be on the list right up there with russia probably its actually not a real problem in america the can by membership of every White Supremacist Organization in this country with able to fit inside a College Football stadium i mean seriously this is a country where the average person is getting poorer with the suicide rate is spiking White Supremacy thats the problem this is a hoax just like the russian hoax its a Conspiracy Theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power thats exactly whats going on. You know hopes thats what he says to help us understand more about the assault on the pluralistic world as we know what im joined here at the big table by rick you know why he is the Foreign Affairs reporter for the Washington Post he also focuses on terrorism and security and hes based right here in berlin its good to have you back on the show lets talk about that clip there from fox news is Tucker Carlson claiming everything is a hoax is he giving voice to what the u. S. President really thinks well thats certainly what Donald Trumps critics are claiming that trump has been downplaying the role of white supremacist ideology of far right ideologies indeed United States and around the world yes how do you explain the dramatic difference following an act of domestic terrorism in the words and actions of the u. S. President compared with what we saw with new zealands Prime Minister for example or earlier this year i mean dramatic differences there right and thats a really interesting point i think there are 2 points here 1st the countrys political landscapes so i spent some time in some point earlier this year and its not remotely as polarized country politically polarized as the United States right now and of course the Prime Minister and President Trump are very different politicians one trying to actively unite the country and sort of. Make dad her p. R. Strategy in a way and then donald trump having a very different take on what do you think this is something hes not as polarized in new zealand do you think its because they dont have a fox news and Tucker Carlson screaming at them and telling them that everything that theyre hearing is not true well think there are many reasons the media landscape certainly is 11. 00 element but there are historical reasons stir you know its a much bigger country as well. There are many reasons why. This polarization came about you wrote an article in yesterdays Washington Post about Christ Church and hell it connects and you night terrors talk to me a little bit about that i mean its almost like i guess the beginning of the web of terrorism if you will well after christchurch i spoke to several terrorism analysts and what they kept saying was that this is essentially going to be copied by other attackers worldwide because it is designed conceived in a way that really with the aim to be imitated by others it was live streamed it was a manifesto and now looking at what we think is the manifesto of the paso shooter you know and in the 1st sentence he makes very clear he is referring to christchurch and also referring to this broader Conspiracy Theory that repeatedly is mentioned in there the socalled a great replacement theory which essentially says that the liberal elites are deliberately replaced saying that the white meat or eightys in the west end and that is a powerful Conspiracy Theory you now hear echoed by mainstream politicians almost in europe but also in the United States and by those shooters where do we hear it here in europe well for instance in austria. Or former far right chancellor of austria after the christchurch attack he in fact gave an interview saying that he stands by the or even knowing of course that this was what the shooter claimed as well so so you do hear that in mainstream circles and. What is the defense if someone were to ask politicians or anyone who is claiming to defend this theory that the global elite if you are not you know the brown skinned Central Americans invading the United States as donald trump says so youve got the liberal elites who are too. Going to replace whites themselves with these immigrants i mean that that doesnt make sense it doesnt it certainly doesnt hold up to the fact it is a Conspiracy Theory its been around for for decades since really the one 970. 00 s. In novels and and its sort of making not a comeback but it really is gaining strength and power and is it gaining this new popularity through the rhetoric i mean theres seems to be a template or a rhetorical template that were seeing. Weve seen it with. Weve seen it here in europe to. What about here in germany are we seeing. Patterns of double trump in the way far right politicians here in germany speak to the public well its interesting because a lot of the rhetoric and the points people make and especially the sort of identity Area Movement here which does exist in austria and here they make very much exactly the same point speaking of that invasion also saying that they dont really condone violence or they dont want violence but sort of still steering those tensions by by by using those theories and the a of d. You have a lot of politicians there too. You know sort of using capitalizing on the mission and what about the disgruntled angry voter that we hear about in the u. S. And also here in europe are they in your experience are they reported on differently here compared to the United States i mean theyre obviously theyre different populations but are they treated differently in the way we ort well i think in the u. S. Certainly theres been a lot of questioning after 2016 election what happened there and i think there has been an extreme focus sort of on on those groups in europe and in germany you havent had to do that. And i would say in the same way here i think one of the questions that has come up repeatedly has been why is east germanys were different than west germany france the questions are certainly somewhat different but the core the core question what what are those people believing in and why and in whos sort of fueling the sort of more conspiracy theories underlying all this there are certainly similar in before we run out of time and you know we can describe what is happening thats true but but what about the prescription i mean what should you know in your experience in your opinion what should americans with this u. S. President what should they do what should be thinking right now. I mean talking to 2 terrorism analysts and people whove thought about how to sort of bring this divided nation together. One practical solution would certainly be banning assault rifles i mean thats thats one 1st step it doesnt sort of address the ideology or the divisions itself but it does take away or it could to give a way a violent element there but certainly. Almost as important perhaps more important as addressing sort of the hatred and the vision and thats a thats a lot more difficult its a lot of work rick you know like with the Washington Post you coming in sharing your insights thank you thanks so much. Turkey says it has struck a deal with the United States to set up a joint Operations Center in Northern Syria and turkey has been pushing the us for months to establish what it calls a safe zone along its southern border turkey wants a u. S. Backed Kurdish Militia to vacate a 30 kilometer zone along the border on korea says the militia d y p g well it considers him to be terrorist but with u. S. Help theyve alstad socalled Islamic State in taking control of almost all syrian territory east of the Euphrates River the details of the claimed u. S. Turkish agreements remain unclear neither side have said if they have overcome the 2 main points of division but how far the zone should extend and who would command forces patrolling it were to get some analysis of what this Development Means but 1st this look at the difficult alliances which of emerged during 8 years of civil war in syria syrias many sided conflict has thrown up some quick bedfellows in the battle to oust the Islamic State from the former kind of fit in syria u. S. Led western forces found themselves heavily reliant on the Syrian Kurdish fighters of the y. P. G i thought and lyons was to become a fill in the side of washingtons nato ally turkey. Ankara sees the kurdish waikiki militia as a terrorist organization and says it could ultimately both an ongoing insurgency inside turkey. In 20162018 ankara launched cross border incursions into kurdish controlled areas where it ousted Islamic State extremists but also the y p g before establishing turkish controlled zones in a bit to assuage techies fears over National Security washington launched talks on the creation of a safe zone east of the euphrates in syria it would be cleared of cut his fighters and become a place where ankara could potentially return some of the 3 point 6000000. 00 Syrian Refugees its currently hosting but in recent days taking has been piling on the pressure threatening military action if diplomacy failed. Or it lessen thread this now with the help of steven cook hes a senior fellow for middle Eastern Africa studies at the council for Foreign Relations and he joins us tonight from washington think its going to have you on the program so lets talk about the turkey its pretty sure that it got a deal from the u. S. On Northern Syria turkey has been playing hardball over the issue has the u. S. Given in to that pressure. I dont think so i do think that the turks were making these threats which amounted to an elaborate loss the turks i dont think have the capacity to undertake the military operations that theyve threatened but the United States was quite obviously concerned about this possibility but the agreement that the United States and turkey struck really doesnt move the ball as we say all that much 1st its quite vague and it really echoes an agreement that the United States and turkey struck over the contested town of man bit also. In Northern Syria where there were large numbers of y p g fighters so in a the agreement says that the United States and turkey will undertake actions those on those actions are not spelled out it says that as soon as possible some sort of Coordination Center will be set up it says that this will be a peace card or these are all very vague kinds of things that no one could oppose i do think that it is an effort to paper over significant differences between the United States and turkey and gives turkey a way out of having not to invade like it had promised it would do to very good points you make there and we also know that the United States says that a 30 kilometer safety zone makes little sense so what kind of turkish involvement in Northern Syria would be acceptable to washington. Well this is the crux of the problem has been. The source of ongoing negotiations for many months and i think that washington and ongar have 2 very different conceptions of what a safe zone means for the United States a safe zone means a safe zone for the inhabitants of the area and for y p g forces that are in the area that will value not to undertake any kind of operations against against turkey and turkish personnel for turkey a safe zone in Northern Syria means making the area safe for turkey which means opens the possibility of Turkish Military operations against the white b. G. And thats the crux of the problem and its clear from this agreement that the United States and turkey still do not are still not on the same page despite protestations from turkish government officials who say the United States has embraced the turkish position. We remember a couple or few months ago President Trump announced that the u. S. Was pulling its forces out of Northern Syria i mean there was a huge headline at the time why are those forces still there. Well we live in Interesting Times in the United States and in American Foreign policy and the president often responds to events as he likes to say from the gut and what happened after his announcement that the United States was going to leave was that the permanent Foreign Policy bureaucracy here in the United States the state department in the Defense Department the Central Intelligence Agency Others caught up with the president and modify his. His pronouncement that the United States was leaving and has left a residual force in it in northeastern syria to continue to keep pressure on the Islamic State and quite frankly to develop whatever leverage the United States can and even with a small force over the russians and the Syrian Government in one of their own oh this chest beating that weve been seeing a Syrian Kurdish leader told reuters today that any attack by Turkish Forces in Northern Syria would spark what he called a big war i mean does the p. G. A. Does it have the capability to stand up to the Turkish Military. Well theres obviously a lot of chesapeake one all sides 7 and the Turkish Armed forces is a is a lords well equipped well a trained nato force so obviously toto the y p g is really no match for the turkish on forces but lets keep in mind that turkey makes no distinction between the y. P g and the p. K. K. And its the p. K. K. That has been battling turkey since 1984 thats a very long time so one will can imagine that if the turks do take that step and invade north Northern Syria the wife e. G. Would follow the lesson of the p. K. Phase gauge and a guerrilla warfare and terrorism that would seek to leave the Turkish Armed forces and you know the one p. G. Says that any incursion would divert forces away from the fight against socalled Islamic State if you should we be worried about that to me i thought that this was dead and buried. Well i think that most analysts of the region understood that although the slavic state had suffered heavy blows from the United States and its partners on the ground the y. P. G that it would in all likelihood reconstitute itself in some other way in addition to the fact that you still have large numbers of Islamic State fighters who are being held in makeshift prisons by. The wife gee if those y. P. G. Forces were drawn away from fighting the remnants of the Islamic State or drawn away from these makeshift prisons one can imagine that it would make it easier for the Islamic State to reconstitute itself and pose a threat to governments in the region as well as governments in europe and the United States. Stephen a cook with the council for Foreign Relations in washington stephen we shake your time tonight and your insights thank you thanks for having me well swear in syria monitoring groups say there have been clashes after damascus scrapped a ceasefire agreed on just last week Government Forces every port of the cantered to rebel held in the north west the truce was meant to protect the 3000000 People Living in the region they have already adored months of deadly bombardments which have now resumed many who had previously fled risk returning home when the truce was agree. To him its male has decided to go back home to its good province despite the recurring asteroids. 3 days ago he and his family moved back into that home. They had fled to Northern Syria where fighting has ceased but when the ellipse ceasefire was announced last week they decided to come back here about monophonic and were not counting on the ceasefire that we know what the russians and al saud can be like they try to is but we couldnt stand that anymore in the north when the ceasefire was announced we came back to our home without children that i didnt have not another would you know. He has good reason to be skeptical for civilians the loans and fighting and basically short. A day off to he came back home bombs fell on a neighboring area just 20 kilometers away. The Syrian Government canceled the ceasefire because terrorist groups had launched most political acts including against the syrian army. But abraham is staying put despite the recent attacks. But i cant describe how i felt when i got back when youre away you miss your home you miss the earth and the trees i missed everything and. Abraham hopes that it will be spat on that the war will finally come to an end. Well the worlds remaining barrier reads need urgent help thats according to a recent call to action by unesco which says warming sea temperatures connected to Climate Change are taking a massive toll one country making progress is the worlds 2nd largest who are read winds off its coast the countrys passed laws to safeguard its research and conservation is have found that painstaking work can nurse the underwater world back to help. With its breathtaking beauty billies is a paradise on earth that was almost lost. The countrys most prized possession lies under water the incredible biodiversity of its 7000 year old coral reef the 2nd largest in the world the reef was dying but its now gradually being brought back to life Monique Vernon is one of those fighting on its behalf. Well i feel like when i look at work its like. When they call me or say all right were going to all do this laughing work here check the corals here whatever it is im like all right lets do this lets lets wrap this lets wrap that is beneath the surface its clear why the reef is struggling the corals have been dying off the sea water is too warm too acidic and the frequent hurricanes have wreaked havoc here Climate Change is turning everything gray together with marine biologist lisa car and the fragments of Hope Organization monique is rebuilding the corals. Overdue and so theres no time to waste right now for our own survey strickly like the 1st season so just like the trees in the forest provide habitat and so there for so many other animals on the corals didnt seem on the reef very meticulously after Much Research and careful selection they take a few fragments of some especially hardy quick growing corals then they plant them in new places several times a week they place the coral pieces in the prepared cement as they need to secure foundation. Around 80 percent of the fragments survive these ones have been growing for 18 months life is returning and attracting more life with it the reef protectors work is financed by project money and donations they proudly show us the results of 8 years work the corals here have increased from 6 percent to over 50 percent all the hard work is worth it the reef has been able to recuperate. This is not solving the Climate Change craze are going to do is a little bit indeed bind us some time for the close of Community People here i see its all about political will i think we can do this if we have all if we have the people behind us Hurricane Season is about to begin to mourn each that means that the coral has to be established enough to withstand any storm that comes its way. Good news all right the days almost done the governor say she continues online to find us on twitter either d. W. News you can follow me a brit golf t. V. Dont forget to use our hash tag of the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day it will see it in a. For more than 40 years microsoft has lived in forever whales. But they may have to move soon. To coastal villages struck by rising sea levels and theres no money to repair dikes and dams. Russell feels offended by as a wholesome authorities but hes not going to give up his home without a fight. Next d. W. Will go to the girl max knew to channel. The good mind of stories. With exclusive insight. Into a must see concerning part time culture to ensure a. Place to be curious minds. Do it yourself networkers. Subscribing to. The world is getting worse and. Catastrophes im not trying. To global 3000. 00 talks would seem british researchers to take a more optimistic view. The wireless is not always a good plan but its much much better than it was. Just the world really getting better. Global 3000. 00 special report. Starts on this 9 seats on t. V. Hello and welcome to focus on europe im liable lola its nice to have you with us 1st its an art form rooted in tradition to others its a torturous blood sport bullfighting has divided opinion in spain and each summer the debate gets heated well away from the big arenas and famous matadors are the socalled thats the rabbit festa

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