Trying to create. Hong kong. We shall not surrender we. Just. Want to advise every citizen not to test the law because we will respond with action. We will not tolerate any violent act. Every. Action. Also on the. Premiere at the Venice Film Festival critics say they should not be showing the work by Roman Polanski because of the bad actors conviction for sexual abuse of the films producer says we need to move on and focus on the ott. But the past is in the past we need to focus on the present the film speaks for itself the jury must judge and the public if they want to can applaud thats it. Your thoughts is in hong kong ramped up their campaign against prodemocracy activists today Police Arrested and then released on bail protest leaders joshua. Some prodemocracy or legislators were also arrested today 12 weeks of protests of cigs violent clashes hundreds of arrests and security personnel arriving in the territory from china protest organizers have not called off a mass demonstration planned for this weekend because of at least but activists say the struggle will continue. Fighting for democracy and. Retraction. And independence. And also the most important thing is the. Democratic political system i urge International Community is a clear man station to a president sending troops or using emergency orders is not the way out we will continue our fight no matter how the process. So wed to the protests go from here im joined from new york by hong kong prodemocracy activist nathan knoll and. Reporter sherry child whos from hong kong welcome both lets start with you in new york nathan are these protests still. Suspended an extradition bill. Well of course the 40 months from the plot its very player one of them also is about to through withdrawal of the bill but i think one of the most important one is to ground on common democracy and as well as being promised by a change on complete people and by getting democracy work or great checks and balances of government and preserve our high autonomy. Thats up quite an ask isnt it what makes you think china is going to allow hong kong small autonomy that was never part of the deal well autonomy is part of the deal when beijing tech when beijing got the sovereignty back of ongoing in 1907 they promised hong kong people to have high degree of autonomy and hong kong people ruling hong kong so in the serious of protests lasting for around 3 months one of the for the months of the people used to getting democracy getting autonomy i think is a really legitimate demand pressuring government so what does change and what is about the system of democracy that pertains in hong kong now that is different that you see as being worse than it has been previously. Well hong kong is never been more democratic city. For the past few years think roshan on liberty and the rights of lashon has been worse for some for there are several legislators including me under chinese intervention who were forcefully and seated Political Prisoners well in these few recent years and more and more people who participate peaceful demonstration also persecuted so this new years of encroaching on oil liberty really wrote our will on country to system and high degree of autonomy and it is what the the resort there are reasons why people come out and protest. Sure each other news today weve been talking about their arrests not only of protest leaders but also of pro democracy lawmakers many people this is what i would to i think the 13th week tomorrow this is the 13th weekend of potential protests lots of people are looking at this and wondering why has it taken the hong kong is so long to crack down like this and what staying chinas happened so well lets start 1st with holds the hong kong authorities right so it has not been the tradition far far to to crackdown on prodemocracy lawmakers for example or activists in china it may be more common but after all hong kong its being governed under one country to system we have a 5 different system we have independent laws and we have always enjoyed a certain degree of Freedom Freedom of speech freedom of media so to crackdown on prodemocracy activists its not that common in ok so thats not what you would expect from hong kong or florence is a lot about china china watching this from the mainland. This is a country with it is not noted for its tolerance of dissent how much longer do you think they will allow this to go on its really hard to say for certain how much longer and its very clear that. What the hong kong people are going now its starting to step on the red line the Chinese Government have and you can see that for example today they have been arresting a lot of lawmakers and activists and it really shows that china is being very impatient about this and we are presuming that the crackdown is as a result of pressure from china oh yeah that thats for sure thats for sure ok so nation law one of the 5 demands for quite interesting its that the use of the word riots is withdrawn in relation to the protesting why do you regard that as being important given the violent confrontations that we have seen between the protesters and the police. Well obviously that the months of was made in early june which there was a protest taken place on the are. Told of june that the police had fired probable is so far lethal arms to the protesters when the protests there was completely peaceful and that is their origin of that demand and the reason why people wanted to the government were strong the cancer grow station of that is the government has been abusing an ordinance that was made in the canali of time to really restrict freedom protest and freedom demonstration and by doing so by labeling these protesters as brides they could charge people and set them to jail k. C. s forgive me for interrupting but but now we are in a situation where we have seen the t. V. Pictures we have see. Police attacked in their vans we have seen Police Attacked with scaffolding poles so do you still want the these these demonstrators this word riot to dropped or if you moved on from that. Well of course this is one of the 5 demands and its cross and its called value is to get the police of violence to calm down and also get them to really look into the well whats happening in the society and the structural problems so if you dont care about the government have been stigmatizing the movement seemed mainly like composed by violent protesters that is not true. What sort of lets talk about the terraces treif big chief executive kerry kerry. What sort of future awaits. Replace him for allowing this to you know will it keep her in place to show that its its not going to be bossed around its actually very unlikely at this stage that she would be replaced because if beijing would have allowed it would have allowed it only away earlier when the protests started and now for beijing its more or less a problem of losing face they cannot let her step that they cannot let the world see that china is actually fairly are they here have been actually compromising with the protests so she gets to stay for a final word to you made some little knowing that china has these enormous resources standing by ready to crush you once they decide enough is enough why do you keep going. Well its very obvious that if they crush on kong china would suffer because hong kong play is a very crucial factors in all in chinas economy and is the main gate way to getting money in a many out and providing you know surfaces or like bell and low risk initiatives so for china they they have courts to shut hong kong down so i think their calculation is their balance and i think hong kong people rebel eventually makes the law in new york thank you at the debate report it should be john thank you. And i was at the Venice Film Festival which began on wednesday trying to control visit by premiering a Roman Polanskis latest film office under spike is about frances notorious 19th century political scandal the dreyfus affair whose only festival interview mr polanski compares himself to his films hero captain Alpha Dreyfus was persecuted for being a jew in 177. 00 for polanski was convicted of the statutory rape of a 13 Year Old Girl in the United States he fled to france to avoid prison hes faced contriver so you have a sense the name Roman Polanski has become a byword of abuse of power in the Film Industry at beyond well despite the controversy the festivals director Alberto Barbera was unrepentant the only criteria i can use selecting a finn is the quality of the him or the view and i dont think that any other concerns should be sued and going through the process. Has got more on this for muslims is entertainment a journalistic k. J. Matthews welcome k. J. What do you think should Roman Polanski have been invited. You know its such an interesting question that you raise Roman Polanski has been an outsider in hollywood for more than 40 years well before this need to move swept into hollywood and he has been saying for very very very many years now that what has happened its happened so long ago that even the young lady that you perpetrate the Sexual Assault against has said that she has forgiven him everyones forgiven him except hollywood and that he just wants people to judge him on the basis of his films and thats beginning to be very very difficult however i really think that the Venice Film Festival is sending a message to the world by allowing his film to be viewed there with theyre really saying is that need to may have taken over hollywood and perhaps other film countries around the world but in italy they are not going to let hollywood dictate to him what is art and when are is important and i think this sends a clear message even though Roman Polanski did not appear for the films premiere there are his films that he could. There are you know hes kind of in the back it almost like some of the other people that are here in hollywood named parker have one of his films they view there you may recall a couple years ago he was in trouble or a young lady came or and said that she was aware that he had sexually assaulted someone in college and ever since fear his career has kind of tanked and now hes resurfacing its been a skill level and i think that Roman Polanski would not have lasted all the years if he was in a good film he simply wouldnt see reason to push him aside because he has such a Bad Reputation for incident that happened more than 40 years ago but it is because he is a great filmmaker he does put provocative art out and people want to see that despite some of the things that hes been accused of doing which is always going to be a difficult issue this is this notion of. Disputing the person from the work from both sides of this argument because i think its difficult for instance for a female actresses and rightly demands to be judged on the corners of a word but they still collaborate in the go socalled of parading along a red carpet in a way that few men would or indeed would be expected to. Youre absolutely right but you know within the last year or so i dont know if you recall but many women have launched something with a hash tag spank the saying basically ask me more many of these women are asking these designers address them to donate money to various causes that they no longer want to just walk the carpet where dressed in diamonds are worth more than a 1000000. 00 look pretty take a picture of a home they know that they have an image to a hole but they also want to do something to give back and help people in less fortunate circumstances and they just dont want to be a poster girl of only being able to read lines like the red carpet go home they want the world to know theyre more than that theyre really tired of it they want people to ask them more introspective deep questions and i dont know if you recall the Screen Actors Guild in a couple of the other award shows last year talked about the me too women and talked about times up and war rivets so that people that would come up to them and ask them questions would ask them why are you wearing this ribbon why are you being involved with the times up initiative what do you think about me to this happening in hollywood what about gender parity and salaries and inequality so there is a push to get stars particularly female stars on the red carpet to do more and say more happening here in hollywood ok so then they want to do more but is it working are they being asked these questions or are they still being off you know nice dress or who did it. Right that still happens youre never going to be able to get rid of glitz and glamour and fashion in hollywood that isnt going anywhere i think what is happening is that now people are doing more and asking more and with the times up initiative here in hollywood people are Holding People accountable you still have people who are being pushed out of office is not as people are accusing them of Sexual Harassment or Sexual Assault so were still feeling the remnants of that i mean look at Harvey Weinstein is back in the news so its still happening its still slow but i will say you are starting to see a backlash now in saying that not everyone that is accused is guilty ok the needle has shifted k. J. Mothers in los angeles thank you thank you. Not in latin america and the struggles deal with the high rates of violence against women that in some countries the more than 50 percent of married women say about survivors of violence perpetrated by the husbands one city in north of mexicos responding with special police teams the doctors that i toss size a visit to quit dot quietus and the u. S. On the u. S. Border and sent us this report. On a yearly particle is a policewoman in the Mexican Border city of what if. Shes part of a special task force designed to eliminate Domestic Abuse but im going to respond to imagine she call this week at least a dozen of them in a single shift there short of. The 1st order of the day is interviewing witnesses what is has a 1000000 residents and the highest rates of violence against women in all of mexico over 100 women were murdered here last year alone and yet he suffered Domestic Violence at the hands of her exboyfriend so she has a special sensibility toward other abuse survivors such as this 15 Year Old Girl whose partner is 17. With this gift of every level of argued about his behavior hes very aggressive and suddenly he started beating me up pulling my hair and strangling me. By the time and yelling and her colleagues arrived hes long gone the officers cant arrest the offender but they take time to talk with the survivors making sure their children are safe and explaining the womens legal rights. To those that i suppose i would we have to make it clear to the women that theyve just experienced a crime that they are victims of a cycle of violence in their families and that they need psychological attention to help them get out of the situation. Its our job to empower than. Those employed outlook besides identifying suspects and he advises women who want to report their husbands to the police every day. Women understanding what is can also turn to a leader. Who founded a shelter for those fleeing Domestic Abuse. 11 women are currently living here with their children. 11 there either but also feel that the women here are simply exercising their legal rights by seeking prosecution and yes even by well lets put some investigations can take up to 6 years that means offenders are free to commit violence against women in that time in the relays here i want to move it meanwhile and he is preparing for her next shift as a policewoman she always hopes to prevent the worst but she cant always do that with them somewhere and who as a woman is murdered every other day. The world will commemorate the start of one of the darkest chapters in modern history on september the 1st 1939 nazi germany invaded poland a group that began world war 2 so lets take a look back at what unfolded in poland decades ago. I think in the early hours of september 1st 1939 the german battleship college time attacked a polish Ammunition Depot and down sick now known as the dunce they were the opening shots of world war 2. German bombers also destroyed veal on a town in western poland of no strategic importance 1200 civilians were killed in the them off the 1st war crime shortly afterwards the german army crossed the polish border a scene reenacted for these propaganda pictures the previous evening as s. Troops wearing polish uniforms had staged an attack on a german Radio Station hitler used this as a pretext to invade poland by. German troops also attacked the polish post office and don sic the siege lasted 15 hours most of the defenders were shot dead after a german court martial. But hitlers ambitions went far beyond poland he wanted to conquer europe and oppose his racist nazi ideology on the entire continent. The early weeks of the conflict saw war crimes committed against polish civilians. Polands allies britain and france declared war on germany but they were not prepared to intervene militarily. And there was no help from moscow the soviet union had given nazi germany and almost free hand germany and the soviets had publicly agreed on a nonaggression pact and secretly made a deal to carve up Eastern Europe between the 2 dictatorships. Now long after the german invasion of poland the soviet union moved in from the east polands fate was sealed when German Forces and the red army met at the agreed demarcation line. Well now there are growing demands in poland for germany to pay reparations worth several 1000000000. 00 euros as compensation for the devastation the country caused the topics likely to be right germanys dedication visits warsaw on sunday for commemorations the question of reparations caused tension between germans and poles. Who are so small town a few days before the 80th anniversary of the start of the 2nd world war. Walk through it every day on his way home from work the 29 year old german has lived in poland for 5 years he actively supports german polish Economic Cooperation but he didnt expect this particular debate topic to resurface. I was surprised when i heard about polands demands for german reparations and i was seriously shocked when i saw that many of my friends young poles who dont sympathise with the government were saying that they could understand why the government wants this. Why they feel that germany has not dealt sufficiently with what they did to poland also i think 50 times more says old town is a symbol of german guilt the city was completely destroyed during the 2nd world war and then rebuilt without any help from germany. And now after almost 80 years berlin has been handed the bill a Parliamentary Committee has been working on a draft for the government so they can finally put this topic to rest even though for decades they have already considered it closed. Berlin doesnt like the fact were talking about reparations we understand that. But for us. It is an important topic. At the moment we are still calculating the exact reparations sops we want to present this to berlin very soon. But berlin doesnt seem open to this presentation so far they dont even want to talk about it the topic is considered legally closed. Its in the government hasnt even sent us an official message of all that if they do then the legal Situation Requires that we return to the treaties of 1953 and the 2 plus 4 treaty of 9 194. 00 through the law considers they claim says regulated and therefore nonexistent or. In fact in 1953 communist poland renounced reparations for the then communist east germany so berlin suggested symbolic gestures instead here for example in the middle of the city there are plans for a memorial site for polish victims of the German Occupation during world war 2 to be built. The young german living in warsaw actively supports the idea he believes that such political gestures could make the upcoming historical debate easier than guns with us i think this would be a very important sign of compassion. It would be a symbol of empathy for the poles and the so on that we as germans should never forget what happened. This is and this is why i will be here on sunday when the president s of poland and germany remember the 80th anniversary of the german invasion. Well those nearly done but the conversation continues online on twitter i. Will go over to the. Good International Talk show for journalists to discuss the topic of the. Jumps are bracing for a clinical earthquake s 2 Eastern States go to the polls just searching support for the right meaning amount to a litmus test for the federal government and tribunal fixation 30 years later find out the trigger. Quadriga 90 minutes on d w. B r fighters want to start families to become farmers or engineers every one of them has a plan for you. So nothing is on the children who have already been there all day and thats you and those that will follow are part of a new house us. They could be the future of. Granting opportunities global news that matters d. W. Made some minds. Im not laughing at them well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up in which at that point the germans think they consider german culture looking at the stereotypes clash that is think the future of the country that i not blame. Yet needed to take for this crime and they are doing it because its all about ok. I my job joy make me a german funded up your. Post. S. O. S. Europe the european crisis. If its to have a future champions young champions. Glen flemmi europe to the front for the country. They are fighting for the dream of a united europe. The flemish they saved a good idea of flame most of my money to stand up for european fantasy and contribute to something important to circumnavigate. The lead. Of europe starts september 2nd on d w. Of the. Plane

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