Around a 1000000 residents have been told to evacuate. And the fight for survival in yemen given grant access to this war torn country our correspondent needs a young doctor working to head the most vulnerable citizens. Last in the German Bundesliga football dream and battle to do their 1st win off their season against a 43. 00 outs but we will bring you all the goals and all the action. Hello and welcome im under touch of a good to have you with us. Germanys main Political Parties are meeting today to assess the fallout from 2 state elections at the weekend with source so large in support for the far right the alternative for germany or f d emerged as a 2nd Strongest Force. In both saxony and the state of brandenburg in the east of the country the mainstream parties managed to hang on to power in both states but the results are raising questions about how they should deal with the f. T. Was. C. D. U. Party leaders breathe a sigh of relief and saxony chancellor merkels party has been in power here since german reunification and theyve retained control despite suffering considerable losses now that weve done it this is a message being sent out from saxony tonight a large majority of people who are standing up in a positive way for this country who want something the friendly saxony has one many thanks to all of you but it will be hard for saxony c. D. U. To form a coalition the center left s. P. D. And environmentalist greens did too poorly state premier michelle catch my eye has ruled out a coalition with the far right f. T. The states 2nd Strongest Party which picked up a far greater share of votes than in the last election. The f. T. Also won more votes in brandenburg also becoming the 2nd Strongest Party there but they fell short of the victory they hoped for. 5 side but this result this prognosis shows one thing very clearly the a. F. D. Is here to stay. Politics will no longer be able to be made by going around us the center left s. P. D. Remains the Strongest Party and brandenburg but they need to Coalition Partners to be able to rule. It means that we continue to face great challenges in this country to reach out to the people and Work Together with them and that is my goal for the coming years as well. There is one thing that almost all parties can be happy about Voter Participation has risen considerably and both german states. Joining me now is the us desk hes the head of if hes barely a Regional Branch welcome mr podesta gave the if he came a strong 2nd in both Regional Elections but he were not able to topple the main parties in both the states so what do you see Angela Merkels Coalition Government is most stable because your party fish to come out on top. I think the coalition of mr merkel is not stable at all what we experienced yesterday balls that. Ruling parties or in the future ruling parties got votes from the other parties from the liberals from the Left Wing Party and also from the s. P. D. And c. D. U. And this means all have to unite just to be the f. T. And the oldest will certainly recognize that and next time maybe remount be Even Stronger but talking about right now despite your success and you had Great Success in book these states none of the other parties want to work with you as a coalition how do you react to that. Our aim is just to rule with with another party because if youre going into politics then your aim is just to rule and just to to to to bring your politics into working and we will see its currently its a situation that nobody likes or wants to work with us but on the other hand if more than a quarter of all voters voted for the f. T. You can not. Negate or this this vote by the voters and this means in due course im british sure that the f. T. Will also be in the government and will also rule in one of the countries so you shared a view if youre particularly to understand a gallon who said this morning that sooner or later the main parties will have to talk to the f. T. Amount of possible coalition perhaps in a saxony this and the c. D. U. So you think this is likely to happen. Absolutely we have seen it with the green party the green party when it started in germany nobody wanted to cooperate with the green party we have seen the same after the reunification with the Left Wing Party nobody wanted to root together with the Left Wing Party today they are normal Coalition Partners and this is a matter of time and although the f. T. Will be a Coalition Partner in due course and we are very confident that this will happen well you are seen as a moderate within the f. T. And one of the 118. 00 members who signed a letter warning of the extreme right wing within the f. T. But candidates of the extreme far right have been successful of being now running the f. T. No certainly not because its the f d which was elected by the people and this means we have obviously the right politics we have the right program we are going into the right direction and we are one f t and you have in every party you have certainly people who have different opinions one are more ride one are more left and this doesnt matter because we have to discuss we have to find the best way follow both us for our country because we want to bring our country from its head to its feet once again and this is why we started to politics in germany because we have seen that many things are going not in the right direction germany mystify this 60 percent of the people polled in these 2 states which went to the address the ballot yesterday said they view your party as a party which has links to the far right it has allegedly. Links to neo nazis how do you react to such observations when they come from an opinion poll. What we have seen in germany and especially for both elections is said we have an intense Media Campaigning by the Mainstream Media and it was all against c. F. D. It was so to see all the media against the f. T. And this has certainly impact and people have obviously the opinion that this is a case but i can assure you this is not the case the f. T. Is a normal Citizens Party a normal conservative party we we claim the ground which si c. D. U. Claimed 20 or 30 years before and there is obviously also a need in germany for such a party a real conservative party we have to see how far that goes go does this get from the f. T. Thank you very much for talking to w. Youre very welcome. And weve been deceived you have a senior Political Correspondent hans bron welcome what do you make of what mr bob diskin had to say what struck you most well hes certainly one somebody from the more moderate section of his party what hes trying to say is what they have Party Leadership at the moment which is mo moderate is saying that they are in fact right of center party not really a radical all right wing radical party the fact of the matter is that in both these federal states that had elections now in both of those states is very fall on the right leader of the party in brandenburg state which is the state that surrounds burden in fact has admitted to attending nazi marches where the swastikas were being shown. This denial of the right wing tendencies in the party thats something that the Party Leaders of the f. T. Say repeatedly and then tribute to Media Campaigns turn themselves into the victims of a Media Campaign and the reality is that there is a very strong tension within that party between these right wingers these radicals and certainly a moderate faction ok but theres no denying the fact that these 2 recent elections if he has done remarkably well theyve doubled and trebled they have votes in these 2 states and what does it tell us about whats happening in the country you have to say that despite the fact in both of these regions they have tea was late there by very rightwing owners the extremist people that did not make any difference to the voters the voters did still cos they vote for the f. T. Part of the reason of that is that these are protesters these are people that decided that there is a if he was the best party to bring forward their feeling of being dismissed by the rest of the part of the political spectrum were not being respected by the rest of the political spectrum but it doesnt mean that the f. T. Is a stablished as a Political Force in germany its something that you cannot ignore its a party that is not going to disappear at the short notice its very well established particular least. Strongly in the east of germany somewhere over 20 percent of the vote but in the west to this party gets more than 10 percent of the vote so its a Political Force to be reckoned with so does this have implications at the National Level for the government if im going to make that shes in collusion with the s. P. D. Both of these bodies still record losses in these recent elections is there is a sort of parallel movement that as the f. T. Has been getting stronger the more established parties against which the f. T. Is campaigning have been getting weaker and the conservatives have on the market and the social democrats have lost a lot of support in voting on no longer Strong Enough between themselves to form governments that are certainly a serious effect on their policies they have been scrambling to try and find a way of bringing a back to these dissatisfied voters from the side of the team theyve been deciding whether its better for them to emphasize more the left wing policies move more to the left or to move more to the right both of these have been attempted both tactics have been attempted neither has been particularly successful for the governing parties they really lift left a little bit at a loss at the moment hans fondu debbie senior Political Correspondent thank you very much for now. And were expecting a post Election Press conference from on a great comic con bio. Successor as head of the c. D. U. Body thats in about 20 minutes and of course well bring bring that to you live as soon as it starts so do stay with us for that mean but let me now bring you up to date with some other stories making news around. The u. S. China trade dispute has escalated both sides. Each others exports the United States is imposing levies on additional 112000000000. 00 of chinese exports like headphone speakers and shoes while beijing is retaliating with terrorists on 75000000000. 00 worth of u. S. Goods and u. S. Crude. Hostilities are fading on the israel lebanon border the Lebanese Militant Group hezbollah fired a volley of antitank missiles at an israeli army base on sunday is wrong responded by shelling a village in 11 on no casualties reported. In the u. S. States of florida georgia and South Carolina have issued evacuation orders as Hurricane Dorian approaches as many as a 1000000 people could be forced to leave their homes the storm is forecast to hit the eastern seaboard of the United States by tuesday and darren is currently pounding the northern bahamas. Hurricane dorian slammed into the southwest as a huge category 5 storm packing winds of nearly 300 kilometers an hour officials. Up to 7 meters high could be life threatening. For him in Prime Minister hubert minister said parts of the island where dorian made landfall were already flooded. It is already. A difference as to the beginning of the street. That destroy us whether officials call dorian quote the strongest hurricane in modern records for the northwestern bahamas the storms huge salaries and power become apparent when seen from space. Like in these images film from the International Space station meteorologist say dorian might be back out to sea away from the eastern u. S. But it might also slam headlong into the southeastern coast. We just dont know when exactly its going to turn north it could turn north obviously we want to have that turn as quickly as possible to minimize the impacts on florida but if you look at the forecast it absolutely could impact the coast and turn once it hits the coast and so weve got to prepare for that eventuality as here in florida people all along the southeast coast are preparing for the impact of one of the fiercest hurricanes for a long time. It was in the news coming up ahead as demonstrations hongkong we need to kill democracy legislator determined to bear witness to the protests despite the risk of injury and arrest. And has tried to Coalition Fighting in yemen has hit a Detention Center killing at least 100. 00 prisoners thats according to officials off for the. Group now local say the building was being used to detain people opposed to the whole thing the head of the International Red cross in yemen toured the site and suggested the death toll could rise frank time said the cent ahead 170 people and only 40 had survived the Saudi Led Coalition said it had attacked a military target. To the devastating one yemen has been region since 2015 and is far from over one funny for job was just in yemen and she joins me now in the studio welcome funny not many journalists actually managed to get into yemen share your insights with us as to what is happening that the situation and spiteful ground in fact once you enter. The interim capital ever. Since sanaa the capital is in has been taken over by the with the rebels 5 years ago aden the interim capital is facing a lot of challenges a lot of tensions when you pass through the checkpoints you really wonder who is in charge here is it what is left of the government the government is it the separatists who are dreaming of an allstate is it part of the saudi let coalition who is it really people waking up the other morning are wondering who is in charge today and within that situation within this conflict and this this in stable situation ive met a very young doctor fatima her name 26 year old and she said shes doing this job being a doctor in this Public Hospital but she had completely different expectations when she started her medical study 6 years ago before the war started lets have a look about 40. Things can change in seconds at this intensive care unit. This is john not shes 18 months old and has been diagnosed with. Trisha. Between life and death. By that did you request oxygen there is nothing the oxygen bottle and the room doesnt work. The doctor fatuma must improvise its not the 1st time she has felt helpless inhalation is the only option available for the moment. Its life is now. Her breathing is so flat so think its also right away. Shift is just beginning the oxygen bottle is delivered after all. Many children do not prefer the fact that oxygen cannot always be provided on time is depressing when she began her medical studies before the war shortages were on her to off. Feeling. Optimistic i was really looking forward to graduate but its. So difficult for delivering even for doctors considered lived up here in the country. Happiness comes in small doses here they spa there is relieved his daughter is gaining some weight for now theyre not enough doctors and most of those here must work unpaid. Hospitals cannot cope its not just the lack of food in yemen that brings a lot of people especially minorities children to this hospital once they arrive they face another problem the lack of medical supplies and theres not enough space simply the r. T. L. Belts for these children. These children are new patients waiting in the hallway for admission. 14 i was not prepared for this level of stress after a 24 hour shift she finally find sanctuary at home photography helps or to unwind at the age of 26 she finds her job overwhelming it makes me feel that i am not still working and just forget it all and live in an all in the hospital and starting a new life maybe but there she wants to continue her medical studies in germany her father a geologist used to live there in 1980 s. Popular do you think the war never and will end and show me how in shallow a lot of time how long then you have to deal with this is nobody lives but we hope the war ends for a children because the people are suffering and they are in bad shape theres no stability nothing and nothing no salary no jobs the youth is the last measure of the way in. The future so bleak fatima doesnt know how. Working on paid she wants to continue working as a doctor to help people but she also wants better opportunities of her own if possible outside of yemen. So funny how tell us what the humanitarian situation in yemen and why our brave young doctors there are not being paid for their work right well this is just one example of whats going on in the country to situation is dire all over the country especially in the north which is controlled by the who in fact the World Food Program has temporarily suspended its aid because they claim that the roof the spare stealing the food and selling it or sharing it within their fighters now wait comes to she says shes working on paid because shes committed to what shes doing and she started studying a medical studies she made a commitment for life so she says if she doesnt get up in the morning whos going to get up for these children but also in terms of experience just very pragmatically she says in a Public Hospital she would get much more experience than in a private hospital because those also exist but hardly anybody of course can afford to go to a private hospital or spittal and why the situation is this dire and getting even worse because lets not forget theres also a cholera outbreak that the country suffering its not just just the femi but so many other problems putting and adding an extra layer of challenges in the country what all these these happening on the ground people really feel abandoned not just by their own government or whats left of it but also internationally they feel even though there is International Aid sort of channels towards yemen it really doesnt arrive to post arrived because theres so on the other so many other challenges that this country is facing so yes these people really feel left behind and they just also feel that nobody really cares about yemen a war in yemen thats been going on already of years and the conflict in yemen is viewed as a proxy war with regional act is is there any sign of this conflict ever drawing to a close unfortunately as it stands now is that just a whats called a proxy war between saudi arabia and iran and a civil war between the Yemeni Government and of and the Yemeni Government being supported by the Saudi Led Coalition theres also a rift. Given that correlation new frontlines opening up the separatists for example theyre dreaming of a very own state southern yemen as it was up until 990 so as you can tell there are so many elements in place your dissertation is so fluid that even the question of whether soon there will be any peace that soon is already very very hard to tell at this point no one can tell whats going to happen thats the only thing what we see on the ground at this point the things are getting more complex and difficult by the day for the people in yemen. Just back from yemen thank you very much for your insights. Now hong kongs for democracy protesters attempted to hold a general strike today with thousands of Hong Kong University and School Students swapping classes for demonstrations at a hospital staff formed a human chain in support of the city wide strike the actions on a weekend of chaotic demonstrations passengers filmed police storming a train compartment beating passengers using pepper spray as they hunted down the testers. Now some prodemocracy legislators have been attended to test in an attempt to discourage further Police Violence as our correspondent charlayne reports from hong kong. Hes a familiar face among people him democratic lawmaker luncheon taking notes this protest isnt authorized police have made clear anyone taking pot faces arrest. But still hes head another to find ficca in the crowd i know. Weeks of violence of shots of his faith in the police hes come hand not to make noise but to act as a witness to what he says the nightly injustices i think its my duty to call the to the lower in force much of the police force and if they try to. Weave it in and they skew to a bit to address me then i could only defend myself in the court. He knows all too well the risks hes taking on friday 3 of his fellow lawmakers were arrested for that and edged role in protests. Then theres the physical risk to eat i was back in july protesters were attacked by a gang of men at the un in a train station and i was he was among the fast on the scene and live stream for he so on social media was right up there guy was the only who was was he finally was was. He was left with a fractured wrist and a cut to his face he says police failed to stop the attack oh i like the way the i really would be best by the police or attacked by the kings terrorist liking. It just not the letter i have to concern anymore. To get every phone call people destroy. Oh its best to fight for democracy your phone calls and. Protests against the evil though. Its not long before reports of clashes outside the government complex come in and hes on the way. During the week this is his office but today he can only stand back and watch as the chaos unfolds far from the front lines but close enough to witness as molotov cocktails thrown from one side take us and water cannon on the other he regularly posts updates on his social media using his platform to urge tens of thousands of followers to stay safe knowing that for some it will be futile. To the been this legal now and there have been many were desperate for a home victory against the world after losing their 1st 2 matches this season then a man from japan ended up making all the difference. There the dream and coach florian co felt received the backing of the fans after a bad start to the season they were looking for their 1st points against outback was europe their aim this term. And the home crowd soon had something to shout about a circle making it one nil after just 6 minutes out those defensive line was far too high. But the visitors hit back stefan lick china funding fellows wrist ruben vargas for the equaliser the 2 recent arrival showing a great understanding. Braman though continued to frighten and josh argent showed she purred skill to put them back in front on 21 minutes the 19 year old american is already making a name for himself in northern germany. To go back to the house when luke china picked up a 2nd booking and was sent off just after the half hour mark. But instead of falling apart at spurs regrouped for the 2nd half. And ferguson got his and his side 2nd right after the race stuff. Game on. Brandons extra man began to tell however japans a sucker snatched the winner 432167 minutes his 3rd goal of the season the same amount he managed in the whole of the last campaign. Out spurred the still to get their 1st win but bremen are now off the mark. Also on sunday im shocked frankfurt left of late to fight back against fortune i decided after the 21 win sends the eagles up to 7th place in the table. For took 6 points from their tour encounters with last season but they went behind today when alfredo morale is found an unmatched proven headings in the 36 minute and experience strike alike hennings needs no 2nd invitation when offered such time and space by standoffish center backs his header made a difference in the 1st half and decide off went in in front at the break. An equally simple move in the 2nd half produced frankfurts equaliser new striker has tossed with a powerful header on his debut to bring things level just shy of the hour. And in 86 minutes frankfurt completed a comeback gonzalo pass here in syria turning the game on its head and securing the home side a 2nd home win of the season. So heres a look at the win this league table after match day 3 of the lab 6 lead the way with 3 wins from 3 behind and are 2nd after hammering mines on saturday when dortmunds also lost at only on the end in the bottom half we see mines rooted to the foot of the table with brave men moving up after their 1st points on sunday. Youre watching the news coming to you live from berlin uk top story this hour leaders from the far right alternative for germany say mainstream parties will have to reconsider their refusal to work with them after making big gains in 2 state elections despite the populist surge mainstream parties managed to retain control of governments in saxony and in brandenburg. And were waiting to hear from the german chancellor Angela Merkel c. D. U. Party at a great club card in balad the partys leader and German Defense minister is expected at a press conference shortly did obvious chief Political Editor michel is there hi michelle another cd who has suffered a record losses in those 2 state elections in eastern germany how much of a blow has this been for the party in your assessment. Well here theres very tangible relief that it didnt lose a lot was managed to come out as the Strongest Force and continue to be the party that is in charge of forming a government in the state of saxony also theres a lot of relief tax of the Coalition Partner here at the National Level the social democrats didnt receive hammering at the ballot box that many polls had predicted to manage to hold the stage of brandenburg which surrounds palin and at least in this particular election will not or is unlikely to push the surge of democrats further down the road of a political novice product breakdown which they are surely in right now as they try and find new leadership so

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