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I lost it. Would be as a liberation hero. Then betrayed all of those values of justice and human rights and democracy of the freedom struggle and became a corrupt dictator but. It. Was a good meeting theyre going to say. Thank you. You have a great speech on my side and. Also coming up a month after india scrapped kashmir special autonomous status and impose a security crackdown paper in the region say there are restrictions at jeopardizing life saving medical treatments. There are no Communication Channels mobile services are down everythings cut off my brother had an accident and some kind people came to our home 25 kilometers away to tell us thats how we found out. A former president Robert Mugabe has died at the age of 95 as the countrys 1st post independence leader many zimbabweans still regard him as. Liberating but during 40 years in power the liberated became a tyrant crushing the center and rich in himself and his inner circle and laying waste to the economy 2 years ago when it became apparent that he was grooming his wife to succeed him the army removed Robert Mugabe from power. Robert mugabes political career began in the 1960 s. With the formation of a radical anti colonialist movement dedicated to fighting white minority rule. After zimbabwe became independent in 1980 actions were held and Robert Mugabes zanu party won by a landslide. Gobby became the countrys 1st black Prime Minister striking a turn a free conciliation and forgiveness despite his militant past. But hopes for a peaceful political transition where unfulfilled. Political tensions and violence between mcabee supporters and political opponents persisted now that Government Forces were responsible for killing thousands of civilians. From. During the 1980 s. And early ninetys he was a welcome guest around the world but by the mid 1990 s. The once venerated Freedom Fighter was attracting International Criticism for his increasingly tragic rule. The white farmers were driven from their land by mugabes supporters. That. Dissent was violently quashed and opposition leaders when timid dated and beaten. They will never believe the teaching here. They were always the good people of even have been in control. But the people of zimbabwe suffered under his rule when mugabe ordered a patch of zimbabwes slums entire neighborhoods were raised to the ground and up to a 1000000 people made homeless. Economically mugabe in ruins and bought with a country that had once been africas breadbasket. While his people were starving mugabe a celebrated his 91st birthday with a lavish Party Costing a reported 1000000. 00. He once said that only god could remove him from office but in the end Robert Mugabes insatiable will to power proved his undoing. After firing his Vice President amazon. To install his wife grace as his 2nd in command the military intervened good morning bob. In a defunct take they placed mugabe under house arrest after 37 years in power he was forced to step down. Sparking celebrations in the streets of her are a. Coma. Some especially africa well on amoco obvious legacy in the fight against white oppression but many around the world will remember him as the continents most notorious dictator. The german chancellor has begun her 3 day visit to china after an official welcome of the great whole of the people in beijing and them back home and premier league could show since this is primarily a trade trip they current dispute between china and the United States was high on the agenda but the trip is not just about Money Transfer and told her hosts that the freedoms of the hong kong people must be guaranteed. The people of hong kong have taken to the streets in their thousands and theyve been doing this for more than 3 months now theyve also been protesting more than just the extradition law democratic rights like freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are at the top of their list and free elections. These videos were made just a few days ago and this conflict is on the verge of escalating even though hong kongs government leader retracted the disputed law on wednesday. The withdrawal of this bill came too late now longer matters to hong kong is like its not that important anymore the problem now is the police post. And in the midst of this internal conflict the german chancellor is visiting china the visit to beijing is not expected to be easy politicians human rights organizations and activists in hong kong expect on the americans to take a stand protest Movement Leader joshua wang appealed to america before her trip for support in his push for democracy in hong kong. As in past years she is traveling to beijing with a Large Business delegation but yet again merkels visit is being overshadowed by the issue of human rights not just because of what is happening in hong kong. Human rights organizations have been complaining about the situation of minorities in china for years for example how muslim weekers are being treated thousands have been moved to huge socalled reeducation camps in the north west of the peoples republic Internet Access is blocked and anyone who reports on social issues might land in prison. If i had the situation regarding freedom of the press in china has deteriorated considerably especially under xi jinping and china ranks 177th out of 180 countries in the press Freedom Ranking list no country has more journalists in prison and is currently at least 113 are imprisoned and what worries us most is that some of these journalists are in a life threatening conditions. But all it but being a woman thats civil rights lawyers also end up behind bars like wang chung shang who represented victims of land expropriation in january he was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison. The fact that the German Government stood up for him was not well received in china. President xi refuses to accept criticism from abroad calling it unwanted interference. So what do germany and china want from each other thats the stance and if that china and if they should exploit it but its Free University welcome to day doubly lets start with whats the chance of the ones from china where she wants to improve political relations and of course economic relations we have 2 Major Trading partners to each other theres not a new story that has been growing over the last 15 to 20 years almost 40 years since china started its reform policies and as you can see from the sheer fact that it is the 12 visit of transamerica to china no other country she has visited more than china it gives you an idea how important bilateral economic relations are thats why shes there and do these visits do any good of course Business People need Political Support in china from is a different type of a political system if you want to be economically successful you need Political Support at least in core areas of interest of the Chinese Government and without Political Support is very difficult thats why she is there so germany is one of the countries that are so far refused to follow americas call to ban of the chinese telecoms from huawei from involvement in its 5 g. Network does that by germany any credit with the chinese. Not necessarily this is 1st of all a matter of Internet Security of technological security it is of course also a meal of the matter of transatlantic contra controversy the American Ambassador to germany is openly blackmailing kind of the German Government to deal differently with fabio on the other hand no one has proof of it to have made any mistakes any serious misdoings or whatever so germany is insisting that hava has the capacity to implement 5 g. Technology no American Company has that capacity no European Company has it its an open race but china ones are trying to of course once there is a china 2025 program trying to nose and ones to use technology as the one leading instrument for its own positioning in the global world of the 21st century so china wants technological leadership and china is pushing pushing hard to improve the technological leadership which is why there is a great chinese interest also in German Technology which is why donald trump and the American Government knows the future of technology will be decisive in defining the outcome of this will make major race for power whether were going to hear about the major race for power in just a moment 1st though lets lets talk about human rights lets listen to the german chancellor Angela Merkel talking about hong kong. You know one thought i mean on the one country 2 systems is the basic principle and i stand that we have an agreement signed by china and the u. K. And 984 and the hong kong basic lul guarantees the freedom and rights of hong kong citizens. During the meeting i pointed out that the freedom and rights of hong kong citizens should be guaranteed and the agreement in 1904 should still be valid under the Current Situation we should do the utmost to avoid violence. Not the norm didnt couldnt listen professor sunshine to do those sorts of pronouncements of the chinese establishment or the exact this is just stuff that visiting western leaders have to say to appease that emetic audiences 80 percent of the sense is not german chinese relations related but german domestic politics the german public german the german political elite expect the chancellor to say what she said and she did it job done thats it and the chinese elite on the other hand knows this is what they have to expect this is what they have to accept also and after the sentences have been so were doing business then we get down to business are saved youve done your bit ok. Lets come back to the point that you that you raised just before we heard from the chancellor about this this idea of china forcing its way. Into the world enter into the the wider world the western world especially the United States seems to be finding it difficult to accept chinas emergence as an economic superpower so who needs to change more for worlds trade to work or are we seeing a new order emerging. The lesson we have seeing in new order emerging. Know if you have a country the size of China Growing at a double digit rate over 40 years it is absolutely enormous that thats a country can translate its Economic Performance into political power in the end also into military so chinas rise has been one of the major issues of global changes ever since the beginning of this century and of course the United States who once thought to have a uni polar moment for its of realizes there is a huge competition coming up with china and that is one of the reasons which will make this trade for not only important for the time being but it will make this conflict important for the 1st at least for the 1st of the 21st century and so as china embraces the world buying up ports buying up land in africa and europe and developing this this belt and Road Initiative can actually afford it. Because its accumulating huge debts yes but it cant afford it because it has to economic power and it is stretching out globally i think of the simple fact that ever since the end of the 2nd world war we never talked about eurasia due to the bed and wrote initiative we using this term eurasia meaning this huge duration lead for the 1st time again and not only and only jewel to chinas influence this is happening so china is getting ever more global which as i said it is very normal consequence of chinas Major Economic rise and how do the expansion and those economic goals how do i swear with efforts to control pollution and comply with the requirements of the paris climbers agreement well. The success of china comes with a certain cost and the pollution you mention is one aspect of this cost is not the only one they have a number of serious huge problems the Chinese Government has to deal with not only globally with the United States or with europe but also domestically it is social inequality it is pollution it is the job market the list is unbelievably long the challenges for that for chinas government enormous but no one has to tell chinas government that leadership pollution is a serious problem and Environmental Protection is something you should take care of they know and thousands of people because its affecting them now its affecting them now and the people expecting the government to do something about it and the Chinese Government has already started working on this issue but that takes time and he was country like that and the effect on the Global Climate situation may not be fast enough you see this is a this is something that i think we rarely hear the idea that domestic Political Considerations have an effect on what we presume is a completely autocratic Central Government come ons that different in germany is not different in the United States domestic politics usually comes. 1st and foremost the basis of International Terms is a where they can say this is whats going to happen everybody else just fall in line everybody else inside the country its interesting to hear that in a one party state like china those are considerations of course its a consideration the major consideration of chinas governance is easily connect with hong kong is at least 2 for one is National Sovereignty thats the case of hong kong and one is domestic stability and the pollution aspect you mentioned falls into that category of domestic stability if the government is not able to tackle these problems domestic stability may be lost and in due course and that is of course not the interest of chinas government fascinating talking to thank you for joining us professor everhart asuncion writer. For university. I was over the months since india scrapped kashmirs special status and they pose a security crackdown across the disputed region locals say the restrictions are jeopardizing life saving medical treatments which indian authorities deny. Nimish are just well traveled to the regions largest city shouldnt go to assess the situation and its hospitals. I think under siege. And a hospital struggling to care for thousands despite it started sister was diagnosed with cancer in february. She has been regularly suffering bouts of pain. My sister is supposed to have surgery they told us to come today. When we came here today the doctor told us that the Operation Theatre is a closed only emergency surgeries will be conducted. But. Has been asked to return to weeks to check put a date hes reading to request if she could miss not to. But that looks impossible there are problems of patients here we being in the hospital part of those to scheduling of surgeries doctors here have told us off camera doubt that they cannot schedule these soldiers these because certain titos autumn standby for any emergencies that might crop up because of the tense situation on the ground. With many medical staff one desire for emergencies doctors say that only house the usual amount of elective surgeries are taking place. Malignant cancers take precedence. Doctors say anyone else will have to keep coming back every fortnight to see if the situation has normalized enough for regular operations to resume a communication blackout imposed by indian authorities has meant that people cannot reach ambulances whatever the family about the health of hospitalized loved ones. And some people are angry that when they get the medicine but so many agencies state the will my sister is very sick we cant even call an ambulance because the ferns arent working i had to bring on a scooter for over 15 kilometers. Limited to the communication there are no Communication Channels mobile services are down everythings cut off my brother had an accident and some kind people came to our home 25 kilometers away to tell us thats how we found out my. Husband was writing his motorbike to his hometown in south kashmir a heavily restricted here to buy medicines for his uncle he had an accident. Passers by found him barely conscious and brought him to the hospital. The id card it has pocket help them identify where his family is communication has been thought to leave better how could how my family didnt the will if forward a son is dead on a life no nation in the word nor civilize of nation in the wood knows still allies a people out there were good good ive no do you study popper destructions up haas on has been put on the observation for into on whod leading he says his pain of not only physical it is the be in official meetings here inexplicably and suddenly cut off from the rest of the world waiting for normalcy. Russians voting bridge or elections across the country this weekend critics are already saying that vote will be not afraid nor fair and the local governments of keeping opposition candidates of the ballots opposition supporters of held a series of protests in the run up to the vote much of the focus is paid on elections in the capital moscow which has seen the Biggest Police crackdown on protesters for nearly 2 years they dont do correspondents your reports. This is the most Moscow City Parliament elections are just around the corner into the fight for seats in parliament has been the fiercest moscow has ever seen. It all began in july when practically no opposition candidates were not to run for election. Not even the usually. Of the party allegedly due to a technicality dozens of other candidates experienced similar problems this has outraged their supporters. For weeks and there were protests like here with 20000. 00 taking part at the beginning of august. The new push technique of war the fact that not a single opposition candidate got through something we really didnt expect you would get thats quite a foolish politically. If i were on the other side i would never have allowed a Development Like that yeah but snape says about the oh. She was allowed to run for office with no problems valerie yeah because some are a position to herself from the very outset as a loyal supporter of incumbent mayor cyril gay so beyond him. And as someone who knows how to score points with photos of all move it appears the civil war the people are concerned about their daily lives running smoothly about the replacing of trees that have been cut down in their yards about their neighborhoods staying safe about improvements in their standard of living above the sea and they want relations a little far too used to be trustworthy and you will be easily of gnashing yes. But is that a reliable relationship with the public or so it is only benefited candidates loyal to the government the opposition turns to protest even when the city refused to issue them the permits the result more than 2000 arrests many of which took place here on pushkin square in downtown moscow. Police acted rigorously and at times brutally among their arrested were innocent passers by mind their son and john honest. Most who were released after several hours but some remained behind bars for weeks such as hugely youre going to yanina she was in custody for 33. 00 days that they were in the uprising was syrian the where to us the meeting go but im not the system forces us to take to the streets but the our media is controlled were not allowed to take part in the elections we have left is the streets in order to make our ideas public even thats restricted of. The call of solar stores of this of my. Image that im categorically against the opposition provoking the old dorothys remaining close to dialogue but instead organizing demonstrations that are not approved and during which innocent people have to suffer. Just like they counted at a rift has forum to between moscow vides who supported the Current System and if those who want change but their conflict is unlikely to in. The outcome of this weekends election. Is the next the results are basically already clear off to the exclusion of most of the independent candidates. Now we finished cervidae with some sad news about a gay couple in berlin who made headlines on big night in hope around the world skipper and paying male penguins who spent weeks taking turns to brood an egg that had been abandoned by females but now the zoo in burbank has announced that despite the couples best efforts the ag has failed to hatch on her resume says it is optimistic that skipper and paying will get another shot at parenthood in the future. Well the day is out almost double the conversation continues online you can find the song twitter i thought you knew sort of followed me out there and go to forget to use the hash tag for the day. Have a good. Morning good Week International trip for journalists to discuss the cover going to let me just say says showdown over exit this week as tory step up their own Prime Minister 1st defeat could a last minute revolt save you came from a no deal brown said and perhaps toppled Boris Johnson to find out if. 90 minutes on w. Thing. Oh to. Keep learning marched reality wait a 2nd. We want the whole picture fact so is that a fake i. D. s shifts to live us. From atlanta to reality to cryptocurrency to your top ace for live in an ever changing Digital World lets start to devise a simple. Shift. On d w. Its time to take one step. And face. Time youre out just such the unknown and fun for the troops. To overcome boundaries and to connect to the world. And its time for. The deputy a scumming up ahead for mines. Natural riches. Precious resources. And a rewarding investment. Of farmland has been called the ethiopians green gold the country has an abundant supply and leases it to international giants. Government after high export revenues and the corporations high profit margins. But not everyone benefits from the booming business. Expansion environmental destruction starvation. The crisis for government and corporate greed. The selling out of a country. Dead donkey and fear no hyenas. Start september 18th on d w. This is live from Mission Control the to aims to join the exclusive club of countries to successfully also the program so you would look at hes complex legacy and see how people then he bring comes death toll from Hurricane Dorian in the bahamas will become few war

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