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The changing. The people making it possible to be going to africa. Fantastic right. As they set out to say few foreigners. Learn from one another. And Work Together for. Comfort. Its time. To take a step further. And face the possible. Moment here on this side of love really tough to search the the fight for the truth so for. The 1st time to overcome truths. And connect the world. And sometimes learn how to. Do w. T. F. Is coming up ahead. Minds. That 77 percent. Are younger than 65. Thats me thats me. And you know why this time the voice is 100. 77 percent talk about the. Front part 2 flashes from housing boom boom boom top this is where. 77 percent. This week d w. O n a very well welcome to news from the world of arts and culture well be going over to the Toronto Film Festival in just a minute but also coming up in our series 100 german must reads a book called in times of fading light and intricate saga about family life in the former east germany. And well have a look at the Beethoven Fest in the great composers hometown of which got underway 10. Bots we begin in canada a Toronto International Film Festival because of the time of year its held it is rather like venice before it considered a bit of a launch pad for the oscars so apart from all the usual independent films theres a few hollywood blockbusters getting their premiere in toronto as well ill be talking to scott rocks in just a minute but 1st a bit more about the tiff. It started quite small but over the years too long term has become one of the most important Film Industry hops this year it presents 333. 00 films from 84. 00 countries its not an a festival so theres no International Competition but that doesnt mean no major premieres and the stars. Look good last year green book was screened here it won the toronto audience prize and went on to pick up the best picture oscar. Because it takes. This year trauma hanks is one of the big names dropping in he stars in a movie about us t. V. Legend fred rogers. The Toronto International Film Festival runs until sunday. And joining me now direct from toronto is scott iraq fresh from seeing the movie jojo rabbit now this is a black comedy about a young boy in the hitler youth who has an Imaginary Friend in the form of adolphine 1st lets see scott just lets see a quick short clip. Big joe joe my old friend. Well little man they call me scandal rabbits people used to say a lot of nasty things about me. Hi scott now scott thats sounds quite surreal youve seen it all. Yeah actually not a bad word for this this is is a quite unusual film has a weird pitch life it is a story about a young german boy who idolizes the nazis set close to the end of the 2nd world war and then he has this imaginary fred who is a version of adult sort of a boyhood childish version of a goofy adult hitler and then the boy himself comes into conflict because he discovers that his mother is actually hiding a jewish girl in their house at the time and so he has to make this issue of whether to turn the girl in and be loyal to his doxie beliefs or or do the right thing a very interesting movie it could have really gone horribly wrong i have to say the premise is so problematic but the director here the new zealand director talking what. Hes he also plays hitler actually in the clip that we just saw he gets the balance just right hes an interesting guy hes both bowery and jewish heritage and he gets the balance between the the humor and the whore exactly right this film remind me a lot of life is beautiful another story that found comedy in the horrors of the 2nd world war and i think its really an amazing. Feat that what he is a man has managed here and could be maybe the final for the 1st film to actually get even germans to laugh at him ok now another black comedy. I believe this is a whodunit with a difference. Yeah this is an interest dressed in film its from ryan johnson whose last movie was the last of the last star wars movie so i wasnt really knowing what to expect from him when he did just a whodunit the film is set up like sort of one of those classic Agatha Christie adaptations you know star studded whodunit here youve got daniel craig Jamie Lee Curtis Michael Shannon all these these these amazing actors packed into this room in one of the beds a bed and then a guy with a foreign name and a weird accent comes as a tactic to try and solve this case played by daniel craig but usually whodunits for me dont work because theyve been done to death you know weve seen hundreds of versions on film and on t. V. But what ron johnson does with this is he sort of plays with the genre he has a lot of fun with it and he almost makes it almost a satire but in the end it still works as a proper style whodunit watching this film had the feeling like this is the kind of movie that if Agatha Christie got stoned and wrote a new mystery this is what might come out its a lot of fun and if youre a fan of the old school i think christies you have a lot of fun with this scope im going to go to target just tell me theres also a lot of talk about one particular bio pic a Beautiful Day in the neighborhood starring tom hanks what did you make about what. Yeah this is quite interesting a female director here theres a lot of female directors in this year this is a biopic but with a difference its put stars the nicest man in Hollywood Tom hanks playing the nicest man in t. V. Fred rogers or mr rogers the late childrens t. V. Presenter and whats interesting about this its not really the story of fred rogers but its the story of the life of someone he influenced namely a cynical journalist who tried to find the dark secrets about fred rogers but spoiler all he found was more wonderfulness this film is like a big warm hug and maybe just the right thing for these sort of talks at times skull always a mine of information great to chill. Scott roxboro in toronto thank you. Now in our continuing series 100 german must read featuring great books from german authors that being translated into english were looking at a book that sheds some light on have family life was in the former communist east germany in times of fading light oil you can rule go off as a view of life on the wrong side of the. Another Family Gathering from hell the mom gets smashed the son doesnt even show up and the 9 year old birthday boy the grandpa probably knows of that happening. And. Everyone in oregon always novel in times of fading white knows the old mans and the mentor but its probably for the best otherwise hed realize the country hes helped build is about to end just like his life its october 1909 a few weeks before the east german regime collapses. But again the little girl was 57 when he made his debut with this novel tells the history of east germany through the eyes of a family his own family. The authors alter ego alexandre hates growing up in the country his grandfather believes. He would never hear the Rolling Stones live would never see woodstock never even see west berlin with its new demos and student riots its free love because between the small narrow world where he would have to spend his life and the other big wide world where real true life was lived there was a border and it was the one that he likes on their own its our turn to have to guard. In times of fading light is about the failure of a whole country written without accusations or justifications read it if you want to understand what made people build communist east germany and why their dream was doomed to fail. The western german city of ball was looks big beethoven. Where he spent a formative years of his life as a beethoven fast and in a featuring many of his works of course but then self was a Great Innovator so im sure he would have approved of the festival features contemporary music and lots of dance as well it got underway at the weekend with classic. Music in the yeah the Beethoven Fest in bonn kicked off with one of its annual favorites and live screening of the opening concert of the markets where im on. It features the beatles from symphony number 6 also known as the Pastoral Symphony conducted by you cup pecan salmon steak and the food im on the answering. List me sitting out signs experiencing this with other people i really like the conductor its exciting to watch him not punish the you dont like it when you listen to this its a force of nature fantastic. One last rehearsal at dawns World Congress center playing the Pastoral Symphony and beethovens hometown is a special experience for the 94. 00 musicians and the conductor. Well its a unique symphony of course and also in from years on and kind of bet on how this kind of. Hard about what nature means to people actually i think thats the kind of the most important point of view. Every year of the festival picks a motto in connection to beethovens life and work this year its moonlight a romantic theme thats based on the composers moonlight sonata and fits in well with the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. And for the men like you simply are chanting makes us want to dream for him and this is the man on the moon monument everything seems possible to start this feelings of love and longing scenes of all these is connected to the theme of moonlight the moon changes the contours of the real world in very late. Over the next few weeks the Beethoven Fest will stage around 50 performances among this years highlights as a joint concert over german vocal ensemble and the south African Acapella Group and theres more with ballet experimental works and works for me as also taking the stage. I want to present Something Special at the Beethoven Fest it just goes on its not just about the old masters like i took on my style he left this world why do while we go so we dont just own of the old mostest we want to show what contemporary musicians do with that extraordinary heritage and. This is why the opening concert is not just about to be tortured. Pieces from the trendy of century i included like the laptop talks the miraculous mandarin. Talk beethoven was a main source of inspiration. Thanks course there are so kind of obvious reasons to to play better from here but i think its a very good idea to try to juxtapose the battlefronts. Heritage. How it kind of reflects and music after betto from. This was the opening concert of this years betoken fest next year its the 250th anniversary of the composers birthday bon will celebrate the special occasion with not one but 2 festivals. And the 1st one gets underway next march 20th all Foreign Service welcome all of beethovens 9th symphony much ball on the website as d w is media for the festival so for this edition of ops and culture i. Kick off. Only seems to come down to the scenes to try and mimic jointly. Finest playing cops and on time. Management time as champion beyond to bring the german football trophy home. Joyousness plummeting. Quest to come in song. Because youre strong double. Your own daughter would prefer to join terrorists rather than stay with you and she thinks its cool. Maybe i just wanted to rebel because my agent and is not was kind of trendy i guess i just want. Them things down because you can how a father lost his daughter to Islamic State just helpless. Little or no. In 75 minutes on d w. Welcome to the girl max you tube channel. A good line of story. With exclusive. Must see concerning arts and culture to ensure a. Place to be for curious minds. Do it yourself networkers. So for subscribers and dont miss out on. How to cover more than just one reality. Where i come from we have a transatlantic way of looking at things thats because my father is from germany and my mother is from the United States of america so i realized fairly early that it makes sense to explain different realities. Im out here at the heart of the European Union in brussels we have 28 different realities and so i think people are really looking for. Journalists they can trust for them to make sense of. Why this is not so often i work at the government. This is the dublin years these are our top stories the British Parliament against the far east as im sure later today lawmakers will be sent home regardless of how they vote in the 5 ministers call for a snap general election if Queen Elizabeth has formally approved a law forcing the government to delay branches unless you can strike a deal with the new speaker of Parliament John bercow has announced that he will stand down within weeks. For the results in russias local elections show big losses for the building United Russia Party or moscows city council a candidate supported by Opposition Leader alexei in the valley appeared to have won almost half the vote even after many opposition candidates were removed from the ballots elections were marked by a low voter turnout. In tennis rafael the doubt one has for us open in new york between you know russia is that real medvedev in 5 exhausting sets the dollar one the 1st 2 sets but not their full back and forced a decisive 5th down now has now won 19 grand slam titles as one behind all time the roger federer. Says d. W. News from belgrade you can always find the latest headlines at d w dot com or follow us on twitter at the w news. A law took effect today in the u. K. That prevents the country from crashing out of the European Union next month a no 2 and no deal breaks in its parliaments way of putting the brakes on Prime Minister Boris Johnsons breaks it plans and its not only westminster today the irish Prime Minister told johnson that leaving the European Union with no deal is a nonstarter johnson appeared to hear the message we dont know tonight if he was really listening im burned off in berlin this is the day. I am ready to listen to any constructive ways in which we can achieve partly goals and resolve the current impasse i think the want everybody in the whole of the e. U. Including in dublin can see is that. Negotiations discussions have been going on fox you go to what we cannot do live up to i know you understand this is a great replacement to the beetle guarantee with the promise that we need to find a way of ensuring that the u. K. s dont get looked into in the past or arrangements or there is a way out will be tough for the cape in the absence of the greek alternative arrangements and no backstop is no deal for us. Also coming up is he too old for the job democrats are questioning the men told by taliban have joe biden after a string of gaffes and yet he remains without question the front runner to take on donald trump in 2020. You know knowing your bar of this election is different than any of ever for. This president as the deepest darkest forces in this nation. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the united. States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the shout before the silence from inside the parliament of regs that britain today at legislation became law all designed to prevent the u. K. From crashing out of the European Union at the end of next month and its also designed to rein in the Prime Minister Boris Johnson the no no deal breaks it law is one of the last parliamentary checks on the Prime Ministers power before the Prime Minister wields his own power over parliament beginning tonight Boris Johnson is suspending westminster a force to leave the parliament known as prorogue for 5 weeks its legal but many in Parliament Say its dirty the u. K. Is scheduled to leave the e. U. On october 31st one of its most important geo political acts ever now you would think that this is the time for parliament to be working overtime but not Boris Johnson hell now have 5 weeks free of parliamentary pressure time he says that he needs to keep his promise of leaving the e. U. On october 31st deal or no deal if he breaks the wall that took effect today the Prime Minister could end up in prison in the eyes of the opposition silencing parliament tonight is crime enough i think its disgraceful parliament should be sitting in palm beach we hold income into account when the Prime Minister appears to be wanting to run away from questions now in extraordinary times when you have a Prime Minister saying he doesnt want to abide by what is a clear decision of a democratically elected parliament and that hes prepared to countenance plunging many peoples lives into complete chaos and we will do everything we can to prevent the crushing apps on the say 1st of october and well support from the election when that is clear that were not doing that question now that we all want an election we all want to avoid a question you know there are there was labor leader german corben there will today during. That final session of parliament the man who presides over it all the man whose guttural calls to order have made him a global star or that man he called it quits john bercow speaker of the house of commons said that he will step down by october 31st and he offered a Strong Defense of parliaments place and power in a democracy. Throughout my time. As speak. I have sought to increase the relative all full rights see all of these soon legislature. For which i want to make absolutely no apology anyone. Anywhere at any time. To deplore i. May perhaps dangerous phrase. I have only. Sought to be. The back they should as backstop. We degrade this power of the moment. Not our peril. All right im joined tonight here at the big table by germanys former ambassador to the u. K. A man who knows a thing or 2 about whats going on inside westminster mr thomas when to say he is currently a Senior Advisor at the consultancy flint in london ambassador its good to have you on the day you know there are concerns in the u. K. And here in germany as well that the Prime Minister will defy parliaments will that he will break a wall to make breaks that happen on october 31st are you worried. Well you know i think it was mark twain to set for dictions always difficult especially when the future is france and i would especially when Boris Johnson is concerned. You dont know i dont think i dont think hell go as far as openly break the law but as you said hes pretty much fenced in i think he has 2 other options one option would be to go to brussels to the european summit and come up with some sort of changes in the political declaration and try to sell it back home as a major as a major result change to the deal. Well the deal is the 2 pop nights no not the legal pot but the political rationing i dont think thats going to happen because he is he has chosen a cabinet a pretty tough complex of his and the last option would be to get in touch lets say with some friendly heads of government of the 27 to persuade them to put in a veto so that he could come back ok a extension was not possible which friendly heads of state are you talking about well i dont want to black mouth anyone but he feels that he is pretty close lets for instance of the polish government but dont forget the french already made some great difficulties the last time around the French Foreign minister yes that is that we are really we really. Are out of oil we have fed up so but i think on the macro the voice of reason will be able to swing the market do you really do you think theres a possibility that the polls would would say were were going to blackall this. And thats it as it would be a big that was a very big says i want to sleep outed so i think i think the he practically has no other option then to each humble pie to os the heads of state and government for an extension and then of course immediately calling the election in the hope keeps his fingers crossed that you might win the election and then of course you can repeal all the laws and the fact that its even suggested that a british Prime Minister would break the law that something in itself last week johnson said that he would rather be dead in a ditch then to ask for a break to delay. The law that took effect today he has called a surrender document i mean these are war terms terms as were language do you see Boris Johnson trying to turn the European Union into an enemy charlie u. K. Oh it has started quite some time ago not up with the drones about but the munich rop another us to portray the e. U. As a sort of prison where the make a very very tough for you to get out so the blame game has already started now and i think this is what this British Government of boris transfer to close aiming at at the moment so i think the other 27 of very well advised not to walk into that trap but to keep the tone low to refrain from full makes and not to stop this escalating war of words because in the end. It will make the situation much worse for both sides you mentioned the voice of reason being the german chancellor Angela Merkel we know the bush onsen he visited her right here in berlin last month and since then he has repeatedly mentioned the name until america as proof that breaks it you know that breaks that deal can be struck before october 31st he even mentioned heard today in ireland take a listen what he said. I think we have really the ideal amount of time in which to get this kind of thing done and get a Medical Center i think she said it should be a 30 year 30 days would be enough that he is was that he would go on but that is we didnt contribute much 30 days to be enough she said and i think shes taking it right if we really focus i think that we can make a huge amount of progress of the 40 and slip there with the 30 years and the 30 days at the but what do you say ambassador i mean is is johnson is he reading on the american correctly no hes not being and he knows that hes not reading are correct and what im going to try to do is she try to be polite and say look its not about the timeframe weve been doing this for 2 years its about the substance and she just picked the figure out of as that 30 days but that of course was used by him the next day and by the way also by a lot of british media and you have better say she now set 30 days this

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