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Completed preparations for an offensive against syrias perves a surprise move by the u. S. To pull troops from Northern Syria has plunged the region security in turmoil kurdish fighters say they are being stabbed in the back by their american allies. And the nobel prize for physics has announced a trio of space researchers limits for their contributions to understanding how our universe of all and what the earths placed in it. Was. The act. Im sorry kelly welcome to the program in germany officials are said to be investigating an incident in which a truck was rammed into other vehicles for possible links to terrorism the crash happened yesterday evening and left 9 people with light injuries the incident occurred early monday. Evening in the town of limbaugh the driver drove the truck into a line of cars pushing the vehicles into each other police have since detained the driver of that truck there are reports that he is syrian he has been living in germany since 2015 and may have already been known to police. A journalist from the regional newspaper to the frame for frankfurter noir presa spoke with the driver of the stolen truck and he described what happened he said that he was in his truck on the street at a red light about 200 meters away from the traffic lights waiting to turn left onto the motorway suddenly a man he didnt know pulled open the door of the truck and started at him he asked him what he wanted but he didnt say a word he asked him again and then he dragged him out of the truck to the reporter rebecca is in limbo. To tell us a little bit more about the scene there and especially that scene how its developed since this overnight incident rebecca what is the very latest that we know is the very latest that we know right now is that police have cleaned up the scene right over my shoulder here is where this incident took place last night its back up and running again police have stopped cordoning it off and traffic is back moving again its a very busy road and people are starting to resume not only traffic but trying to resume their lives here investigations of already started moving away from this site and have started to spread towards the driver of the vehicle of the semi truck there were reports that police have already raided the drivers home and his apartment nearby and investigations are still ongoing into the backgrounds and motives of this attack of this of this incident and how are the locals reacting rebecca. Weve spoken with several people who have just come out to to look at this scene i think if if they hadnt seen the headlines this morning they might not have known that this town was now the center of a of a National Focus right now many people told us that they were shocked that this had happened in limburg especially limburg is its a small town its about an hour outside of frankfurt it has about 30000 people that think it was most small known for is a cathedral and its medieval town center the people are just they told us that they were very shocked that it could happen here one woman said that she would have expected it to happen or that an instant like this would have happened in a bigger city and some said that they were nervous about going out on the streets so what does it look like now rebecca i mean are there any special security measures in place in the city currently we havent been able to see any special security measures there certainly arent any on the street it appears that the focus was to try and get this fairly busy thoroughfare back up and Running Police have taken away all of the all of the crime scene tape theyve cleared out this section and traffic seems to be up and running and i think more security measures are happening more around the scenes of the other sites of investigation but here everything seems to be theyre trying to get back to back to normal the back of my thank you. And the german interior minister has say how far has been guarded about his assessment of the incidents of have a listen. The middle speeding investigated but at this time i cannot tell you how this crime will be classified is it thoughts are qualified siennas. Lets get more now were joined by john st pierre he is a counterterrorism expert at the modern Security Consulting group here in berlin you know weve heard the German Authorities the police theyve been very wary here they say that so far they dont know what the motive is incident happening overnight why do you think that they would be so guarded when it comes to releasing information because its very ball time information they always say if they right away say well its terrorism or not the type of. Perpetrator that is people get excited you see on social media very fast a rumor spread and that can actually lead to security incidents people can get injured people can get attacked weve seen elsewhere as well and have as we saw last week in france in paris with the attack is that caution is required because we dont have all the elements until the investigation proceeds further and i think the level of caution is always words of how will it proceed further just walk us through the steps that the authorities are now taking in order to gather that further information while i love a go simultaneously so of course securing the crime scene trying to find out exactly what occurred theyre speaking to with witnesses if theres a new Security Camera material available go through that as well but he was apparently known so if hes known then you try to go into what was the and what was known for what was the history of his case and if i dont further than monitoring his communication it needs looking to cell phone looking to any other types of access to go electronic access he could have had and try to dig deeper because what we know over the last what we found out over the last few years is that it looks like he acted allow alone but he actually has a network behind him so against trying to find out just how deep the rabbit hole goes absolutely and we do not know we have to see. Whether this is an attack yet but you know you look at this and it bears such striking similarities for example to the attack just a couple of years ago in berlin at pride plots where you know a stolen truck was it was drove driven into a crowd of people weve seen a number of incidents that do have that profile here in europe why is that increasing because it seems to be. Something certainly increasing but the ease of it the prominence of and i think where we get that feeling that its increasing is that any accident or cases moonstone last year for example were some but it was an entirely different motive but someone ran his car into a terrace we saw in berlin about 3 or 4 weeks ago it was a severe car crash where people died 24 people were killed where does the impression we got at 1st when it could be terrorism so accidents now are evaluated much different where the present the different when we get the impression nonetheless because these types of attacks are easy to do. We saw yesterday if it is indeed an attack he went after the driver pulled him out of the car was essentially carjacking and using that vehicle to do the attack so its hard to to anticipate and because of the ease to perpetrate such an incident yeah it does increase or do likelihood of it increasing does increase and so we get that impression German Authorities they are putting more resources into counterterrorism your assessment of the efforts so far. Its still catching up in the problem with that is that. Regardless of the amounts they invest the people that want to hire theres still that training period so in germanys 3 years they wont let anybody work on cases prior to that. Training being completed so that the 3 year gap is still there and the resources the tronic resources arent there in germany did they deport files are very different theyre not adapted yet so its not very good i would say since youre 2016 where many attacks occurred in germany theres hasnt been much improvement although there is a wish for it and i think well really start seeing the changes in 202223 yeah pierre counterterrorism expert at the modern Security Consulting group here in berlin thank you. A quick check now some other stories making news around the World European Union interior ministers are meeting in luxembourg hoping to end the deadlock over who should take in migrants rescued at sea germany france italy and malta want other e. U. States to back a plan b. Agreed last month to distribute migrants throughout the block. German police are removing climate protesters blockading streets and central for lent activist Group Extension rebellion says that several 100 people camped out overnight as part of a wave of civil disobedience similar protests are taking place worldwide to pressure governments to do more on the climate crisis. He said iraqs president barham salih has condemned attacks on protesters and journalists during a wave of antigovernment under arrest earlier the government acknowledged that soldiers had used Excessive Force against demonstrators 2 2 more than 100 people have been killed and 6900 in a week of demonstrations against corruption and economic mismanagement. Donald trumps plan to pull american troops out of syria is drawing fire from both sides of the aisle in washington senior politicians are calling on the u. S. President to reverse his decision theyre concerned that the pullout would allow turkey to launch its long planned offensive against kurdish fighters in the region fighters that have been key allies of the u. S. In its battle against the socalled Islamic State. Leaving in a hurry american troops started pulling out of syria within hours of the fischel announcement they gave behind these empty bases near the tackiest border bases that had been a guarantee of safety for Kurdish Forces. U. S. President donald trump abruptly canceled that guarantee saying in a tweet it is time for us to get out of these ridiculous and less wars many of them tribal and bring our soldiers home u. S. Troops were in syria to support Kurdish Forces in the fight against the socalled Islamic State but turkey has long resented the presence of armed Kurdish Forces near its border it considers them terrorists and carol wants to establish effective kilometer buffer zone along the border and resettle some 2000000 Syrian Refugees that kiddish groups in the region have protested them if they feel abandoned by the u. S. He teamed up with kurdish fighters against i. A. S. They fear a takesh invasion is imminent and i have the hope this green light the trump gave her the one will actually complicate the crisis and the region of the. It will provide Islamic States with an opportunity to regenerate and control areas such as russia and there as they were again at the cover of the resort majority turkish president tried to pay up over 1. 00 gave the kurds a stark warning it suited their is a phrase that we always say. We can come any night without warning and our determination remains because it is absolutely out of the question for us to further tolerate the threats from these terrorist groups. Trumps decision has and him widespread criticism even within his Republican Party the current state of. The poor. Radical islam. Hours later trump appeared to try to placate critics by issuing a stand morning to ankara right now were at a position where if turkey does anything out of what they should be doing we will hit them so hard on the economy mixed messages at the top and meanwhile on the ground in syria the kurds are waiting for the next bye to fall in a region that seen its share of misery and violent already. For more lets bring in our correspondent whos standing by in istanbul so yulia how soon could we see Turkish Forces move into Northern Syria well the Defense Ministry in ankara says preparations for this cross border. All completed theyve sent out a number of tweets today sounding very determined additional troops and military vehicles have been deployed to the border it seems now they are evading orders and they reportedly are also waiting for the American Forces to fully withdraw to avoid any military confrontation between the 2 nato allies but this so peroration is controversial it has drawn criticism from the u. N. From the European Countries as well and it seems it appears that there are some u. S. Officials within the pentagon the state department who is still hoping to talk turkey out of this iran the Syrian Regime ally has also. Reportedly to not you know go ahead with the incursion but the big question is of course well im sure a listen uli been alternately what does the u. S. Withdrawal mean for the kurds in Northern Syria. Well aid organizations like the International Rescue Committee Say for example that there are 2000000 People Living in these areas in northeast syria many of them most of them have survived the brutal rule of the socalled Islamic State they live in displaced camps and camps for displaced people and the military incursion by turkey could immediately displays about 300000 people so thats the civilian aspect of this story the syrian Kurdish Forces on the other hand say they feel abandoned and betrayed by the u. S. Because they say for 5 years they have been fighting alongside american soldiers in the battle against the socalled Islamic State they have lost thousands of their fight says in this battle and now basically u. S. President trump is turning his back on them they also to the south face iranian russian backed Syrian Regime forces and on top of that they have to deal with the challenge of yeah whats left of the socalled Islamic State in syria and lets look in fact at what the u. S. President did say trump essentially warning that the u. S. Will punish turkey if it does anything off limits is it clear what he means by off limits yulia and what is on grossing about all of this. Well its clearly perceived here as a threat and as we know threats never go down well here in turkey but we were waiting quite for quite some time to get an official response now the 1st one to respond was the Vice President for typos an add on himself is on a state visit abroad and mr oktava replied by saying our message to the International Community is clear this is a quote turkey is not a country that will be moved by threats but at the same time we remember what happened last year when the 2 Countries Exchange sanctions tit for tat sanctions that really hurt the turkish economy so thats what many people here are still afraid of when trump is threatening to the stronger the turkish economy yulia han in istanbul thank you yulia. Well now we had to hong kong where leader kerry lamb has warned that the Chinese Military could step in if the uprisings over democratic reforms escalate further heres what she said during a press conference at this point in time i still strongly feel that we should find the solutions of steps that that is also the position of the Central Government that hong kong should tackle the problem on her own. But if the situation becomes so that. Then no options could people if we want hong kong to at least to have another chance so we have it there hong kongs chief executive not ruling out asking time is military for help in quelling the territories ongoing unrest for months protesters have staged demonstrations over what they see as growing influence from beijing over semi autonomous hong kong but the protests have often turned violent our correspondent in hong kong has looked into why businesses have also become a target for demonstrators. Protesters attack a china mobile in the past few days dozens of businesses in hong kong have been vandalized during clashes protesters of target companies from the mainland such as the state owned Telecom Providers big chinese banks and other industries tight to the beijing government. I think there are less obvious choices like this famous us coffee i stock has been one of the top targets this one has been vandalized twice 1st they trashed the entrance then the next day the company set of these wooden panos to protect it and then the next day the protesters took down these panels and continue trashing this shop its not the hardware i used to believe this side truths outside of me who had expressed a thing about this over time. Theres consequences did it is still today government which didnt have this century does citizens. In online groups protesters post messages explaining their choice of targets hong kong starbucks branches are run by their local cager a mix seems the company drew the wrath of the protestors when the founders daughter how the speech at the Un Human Rights Council denouncing the protest makes seems house distanced itself from her statement saying she holds no official position in the business but to no avail the logic of conflict has reached on kongs businesses between the idea of the protesters and repercussions on the Chinese Market many of them are facing a tough choice. For this starbucks crunch the only thing to do now is to renovate and hope that they will be targeted the 3rd time. 3 scientists have been named as the winner of these this years nobel prize in physics in a ceremony in sweden it was announced that the prize will be shared by James Peebles michelle mejor and d. D. A. Quayle though for their research into the universes evolution and structure the remainder of the prizes will be awarded throughout the week with the prize for medicine and house yesterday. Lets get more now were joined here in the studio by. A nice sakho joining us from d. W. Science so tell us a little bit more about these winners and their work this year the nobel prize in physics basically new understanding of the evolution of our cost loss and the 1st discovery of an exoplanet which is an earth like planet with the potential to hold life so everybody heard of the big bang model how our universe developed 40000000000 years ago out of a hot bend state into what it is today so james people one of the winner he based his research on this model and discovered or into a present for example of the universe radiation and helped discover new physical process that went on in the universe and the other 2 winners they discovered the 1st x the planet in 1905 so of course they explained it was really far away so they couldnt observe it directly so they had to develop custom made instruments and then discovered a planet which is called. 51 people ok so but overall though what does this tell us about the universe and does it have any Practical Applications you know well peoples work basically showed us that what we know of the universe is the matter that constitutes treason stross and everything in it is basically just 5 percent and the other 95 percent are dark matter and dark energy is totally unknown to us which is of course a huge challenge for future research and the discovery of x. The planets which is the other research is interesting to us because this totally changes the conception of our world you know because now we know day life is possible on other planets and until now 4000 of these exit plans have been discovered so and its in every one of them holds the potential of life basically we had we have 3 male laureates now right no female or its actually in physics its quite rare to see that. Yet still last year was celebrated on a strickland she was only the 3rd female a winner in a 100 years of a nobel prize in physics and we actually thought that would set a bit of a trend that more female scientists would be acknowledged but it wasnt like that that being said of course science is the most important thing it doesnt independent of gender but yeah we are a little bit disappointed that we have the same usual suspects again this year but on the other hand the science is the exciting part of it of course and asako from science thank you. This is news and these are our top stories. Turkey says its completed preparations for an offensive against syrias kurds thats after u. S. President Donald Trumps decision to pull troops out of Northern Syria move has sparked criticism for abandoning Kurdish Forces who have been key u. S. Allies in fighting the socalled Islamic State. 9 people have been injured after a stolen truck rammed into cars in limburg germany on monday evening german broadcasters e. T. F. Is reporting that authorities are probing the incident as a possible terrorist attack but investigators have yet to publicly confirm those claims the driver has been detained. 3 scientists have been named as the winners of this years nobel prize for physics in a ceremony in sweden it was announced that the prize will be shared by James Peebles you show me your and did da quail 0 for their research into the universes evolution and structure. The European Union interior ministers are meeting in luxembourg hoping to end the deadlock over who should take in migrants rescued at sea germany france italy and multo want other e. U. States to back a plan they agreed last month to distribute my friends throughout the block. This is g. W. News you can find out more on d w dot com you can also follow us on twitter at the news. With the remake of stephen kings it now in cinemas and the release of the movie joker scary clowns abound in Popular Culture these days and that has the happy clowns on a mission in italy. Even the bell tower is wearing a red nose for the festival. On the streets of monte centrist everyone is getting in on the act. And performers from all over the world have come to clown around. 7 been perfecting their cross for decades and theyre in town to help people find their sense of fun we all have that joy and that celebration but sometimes we bury it for a variety of reasons and the clown reminds us just to have to have that joy and that sense of freedom and celebration. Judging by things reactions it seems to be working. Not. The same whatever your religion might be no matter what place in the world youre from laughter unites the world. But im also sorry i mean i also want to add that laughter is contagious because often even without knowing where that laughter comes from you get infected. You look at a baby laughing and its contagious or someone laughs and we laugh about that. However you feel about clowns the crowds here certainly found plenty to laugh about. Youre watching news live from berlin coming up kick off will have all the goals and glory from the weekends bundesliga games ill be back at the top of the hour with more news and dont forget you can always get all of the latest news from around the world on our website at www dot com and you can follow us on social media. Yeah thank you so much for watching ill get my. Mug. Boys. Boys. To. Kick off. Welcome to the real world byron munich suffer a humiliating loss the Conference Time now. Welcome to the top mark on the whole church among the 1st places no make table. T. W. Is he a traitor or a fighter for free access to information. Julian assange. The founder of the wiki leaks whistleblower platform is in a london jail hes waiting to see if hell be extradited to the United States or just sweden how much truth lies behind the charges against Julian Assange should. Close up in 60 minutes d. W. Film the tumbling dice and i ask him to jurors or dealing with anyone at all they killed many civilians i mean the irish coming including my father. Says i was a student because i wanted to build a life for myself lucky stuff but suddenly life became elish kind of sob. Providing insights global news that matters d. W. Made for mines. By. Doing. Welcome to it dramatic nail biting match day 77 such a fateful number their 7 day

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