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Who. Theyre protesting against todays world cup qualifying clash between iran and cambodia with. For the 1st time. Hello im terry martin good to have you with us germany is in shock and to semitic attack on a synagogue on the holiest day of the jewish calendar poor the day of atonement the heavily armed gunman tried to force his way into the building in the eastern german city of hama but was prevented from entering he then shot and killed a bystander in the street before killing another person at a nearby cable shop chancellor merkel condemned the attack and showed solidarity with germanys Jewish Community by attending a vigil at a synagogue. In berlin earlier her interior minister said it could be assumed that the hollow attack was rooted in anti semitism. At the end of the vigil merkel spoke to reporters heres what she had to say. So by the unfortunately t. J. On your holiest day we have witnessed something terrible even 500 people have lost their lives there was an attack in germany. And though its not my call and that if the government is to do Everything Possible to ensure that you can live in safety. At this stage shows us that this is not simple and that we must do even. The. Well police have arrested a suspect in the hollow shootings hes been named as stefan be his last name has not been released hes a 27 year old german with a right wing extremist background at 1st police indicated several people had carried out the attacks but they later determined it was just one man acting alone. The midday attack filmed by a resident in holland the video shows a man dressed in combat type gear climbing out of a car and firing off a series of shots. A few streets away eyewitnesses recounts how a woman was shot in front of the synagogue there of the 1st there was a huge bang and then someone tried to get into the Jewish Cemetery who fired several times with a shotgun at the cemetery at the door. And then the woman came along the one who was shot she just came along from the tram stop quite by chance to phillipos was none of. This in a dark was full when it was targeted worshipers were celebrating judaisms holiest festival of young kapoor an attacker trying to shoot the synagogue door open a jewish leader says the reinforced structure withstood the onslaught. Close by a man was killed as a donna combat shop also came under attack. I was standing right in the entrance and so on older woman passed a show of like suddenly a man came up behind her dressed in a helmet and army things or at least very military looking. He was holding a rifle and had a balaclava on and he tried to throw what looked like a hand grenade into the shop. But also in the hunt but it bounced off the door frame and went off right in front of the old woman with a really loud bang. And he raised the rifle and began shooting. Police and shots were also find in landsberg a town 15 kilometers from halla but it wasnt clear whether the 2 incidents were related soon after Police Arrested a person outside talent who is reported to be a 27 year old white german male with a right wing extremist background. Well for more we have kate brady in holland our political corner correspondent simon young is with me here in the studio good morning to you both i will start with you kate what more can you tell us about the investigation thats been launched i understand police have been searching houses in connection with the case. Exactly so overnight Police Actually searching houses has you say closely here in. A 2nd incident was set to take place said to have taken place yesterday afternoon now i am police are still trying to determine whether those incidents were in fact related by the shooting. Incident in lannes bag but its still unclear exactly what police in on spec were trying to find we heard from reports from eyewitnesses locals there in lines back that police were going from house to house trying to search and it was also an area of about 300 meters that was closed off for a while that has now since been reopened and at the moment authorities are remaining quite tight lipped a sewer exactly what they were trying to find what they were searching for joining those house searches yesterday evening. I mean youre following the investigation as well what do we know so far about the attacker and his motives was it anti semitism terrorism both well the chief suspect this young man the same custody the authorities are clearly treating base as. Hate crime and they believe that he has an extreme right background beyond that there are some pretty cold creek things he published an anti semitic manifesto on lowly and just about a week or so ago in which he said that hes objective was to kill mt whites and including ji beyond that is the fact of this incident took place on the jewish holy day of your poor. And those of course the video online the police also believe will tend to be coming from the attack in which he was commenting on what was happening and launching a sort of diatribe against use in that so all of that adds up to a pretty clear picture of the same time i would point out that when he failed to get into the synagogue he indiscriminately shot all the people who dont appear to have had any particular connection so theres a sense in which he is just motivated by the desire to kill and to cause havoc and another aspect we should mention to put this all online at the same time in a sort of video game fantasy so its something that goes beyond perhaps even a Political Races motivation but all of these things are things that the investigation is now having to look at ok kate you are in harlow where this attack took place how are the people of holland and the Jewish Community in particular coping with it. Is in a real state of shock this morning like most of the rest of germany was that i keep hearing on that was of dismay and also words like a shame but i did actually have chance to speak to you as someone who was actually at the young Composer Services yes its a while that shooting happened here outside and we can have a listen now to exactly how hes feeling after this attack was considered an attack against the Jewish Community here in how the. I think the energy was was fairly calm given the situation today i feel more kind of. Somber just because people were killed but yesterday it was more about just kind of being really think for a kind of america that he couldnt get through the door and that like a much bigger tragedy was. Didnt happen. So that was as rove axemen the one of the people who was in the synagogue yesterday afternoon behind me attending those Yom Kippur Services he has actually only lived in germany for a couple of months and was visiting for the day to attend those services from berlin to try and bring some younger life to the Jewish Community here in harlem and as you might be able to see behind me as well a few candles and flowers have also already been laid here in front of the synagogue theres one message that says in deep mourning and calls on people to stand together against hate and inhumanity so definitely a real shock here in how this morning and the local community in the Jewish Community are still trying to come to terms with what happened and also what could have been a much much worse tragedy had this door behind me not prevented that gunman from coming in and getting into the synagogue yesterday afternoon. So i mean this attack has shocked the country how seriously is the problem of anti semitism in this particular attack being taken by germanys germanys politicians as political leaders well i think is people digest all the facts around this case is being taken extremely seriously as you say theres a sense of shock and indeed as the Jewish Community leaders are calling for more action and more protection for synagogues but also tough action against people suspected of anti semitic hate crimes so youve seen chancellor merkel going immediately yesterday evening to big major synagogue here in berlin of the interior minister and the german president be going to how todays Political Action is likely to diffuse kate brady and Hollande Simon young here in berlin thank you very much to you both. Now to some of the other stories making news around the world today in the u. S. Democratic president ial contender joe biden joined the move to impeach President Donald Trump during a Campaign Speech biden said the president had quote violated his oath of office betrayed this nation and committed impeachable acts its the 1st time biden has called for trumps impeachment. In ecuador protesters have clashed with riot police in the capital quito it was the 6th day of nationwide protests following cuts to fuel subsidies and other austerity measures the government has declared a state of emergency and nearly 700 people have been arrested. And tunisian authorities have released opposition president ial candidate and media mogul. From prison the move came just 4 days before the countrys president ial runoff vote had been jailed since august on Money Laundering charges he says the charges are part of a Smear Campaign against him. Youre watching news still to come the women of iran who dont think they should be allowed to attend mens football matches they want to keep the ban thats been lifted from today for world cup qualifying clash between iran and. Now to syria and the border to turkey civilians are fleeing Northern Syria as turkish troops have bantz in to kurdish controlled areas with intense bombardment followed by a ground offensive the offensive was made possible by the withdrawal of u. S. Troops it has opened a new front in syrias 8 year old civil war so who are the key players in this particular conflict and what are their goals lets begin with turkey and corrode wants to establish a socalled safe so safe zone along its border stretching about 30 kilometers into syrian territory this area is controlled currently controlled by Kurdish Militias. Turkey wants to clear it of kurds and then resettle some 2000000 Syrian Refugees there who are currently living in turkey on the other side or the syrian kurds kurdish groups like the kurdish peoples traction units or y p g want autonomy currently about one 3rd of the region is under kurdish control the syrian kurds fought alongside the u. S. And turkey against the socalled Islamic State but they crucify answer could now push them to side with the Syrian Government and its russian and ukrainian allies and then there is the u. S. The main goal of the United States and its allies was to defeat isil missed forces in syria like is. Washington says i yes has now been defeated and has started withdrawing its troops from Northern Syria clearing the way for the turkish offensive well the European Union meanwhile has called on turkey to cease its military actions and u. S. President all trump bell says turkeys assault is quote a very bad idea as mentioned he earlier withdrew u. S. Troops who had been supporting the kurds. Particularly an aerial bombing light up the sky as turkish troops continue their offensive in northeast syria. There and acting turkeys plan to carve out a buffer zone along the border and to move against their longtime enemy the kurdish Led Syrian Democratic forces the kind of city several civilians and soldiers have already died in the assaults and they claim turkish bombs have struck a Prison Holding fighters from the socalled Islamic State. Brutality tree strikes also came from within syria some hitting homes on the turkish side of the border. The. Turkish president red chip tired of one oversaw the start of what he calls operation peace spring he was given a warning from washington against using the chance to try and wipe out the kurds i will wipe out his economy if that happens every done at once with pastor brunson im sure that he i hope that he will act rationally turkeys military partners at nato urged caution. I count on turkey to act with restraints. And sure that any action it may take in Northern Sudan is proportionate and measured. We must not jeopardize the gains we have made together against our common enemy isis. But the residents of northeast syria arent counting on words to save them their escape in the border towns by any means possible for some its only been a few years since they fled from the advance of i. R. S. Now theyre back on the road with no clear destination. T. W. Correspondent is standing by for us in istanbul and here in the studio is our Foreign Policy editor say they say there are thank you very much to both of you to tell us more about the Turkish Military offensive that is now underway how is that expected to unfold. Well the turkish Army Launched a ground offensive the last night just hours after the operation started with airstrikes and shelling since then some fierce clashes have been reported from border towns in northeast syria so that 6 pack did to continue today the turkish army get support from an uncle of backed Syrian Opposition fighting a group called the Syrian National army so in terms of manpower and equipment the turkish side is clearly out numbering outgunning the Syrian Kurdish fighters but these fighters there in northeast syria have also said they are determined to fight back until the very end to defend the territory so this is likely not going to be a swift and smooth military operation there but rather another stage in syrias 8 year war. So the Kurdish Forces in northeastern syria they are Holding Thousands of fighters in detention what is going to happen to those fighters well thats a big question and thats also a big concern us said will President Trump that its now europe and turkey has responsibility to take care of these fighters and the families not just the fighters but also thousands of their families women and children are being held the big concern is what happens just like you were saying what happens when why p. G. Has to pull out its fighters there to bring them to fight against turkey so a lot of europeans and of course u. S. Is worried that. The camps might be just freed and thats why u. S. Actually took 2 british jihadi out of syria and these are the most notorious ones if you recall back in the 24 to 2015 there were a lot of videos about beheadings of captured hostages and these are the people that u. S. Took out right now but its just very few number ok turkey says it is planning to create a buffer reserve in Northern Syria and move to 1000000 refugees there from turkey how viable is that plan all the refugees in turkey willing to go. Well turkey has huge plans that i mean theyre planning to build residential areas Hospitals Police stations schools which suggests that turkey really has a plan to stay for a longer period there in northeast syria and this is of course going to be costly and i guess the question of whos going to pay for it has not been fully answered yet of course there have been syrians who were returning voluntarily to areas under turkish control there in north in syria but ive also talked to many people here many syrians here and its somebody who say they can never ever imagine going back to a country where bushell assad is still somehow in charge and this is how it looks like off for 8 years that this man is not going to go anywhere so no matter if this is called the say so and no matter whether its in fact save many syrians cant imagine going back ok weve talked about the turks and the kurds and syria to some degree the americans what about the europeans what are the europeans european leaders saying about all this where europeans are very concerned that the e. U. Released declarations calling on turkey to seize this unilateral military action also German Foreign minister condemned turkeys military operation and because theyre worried that this is going to further destabilize the zone and of course europe is worried that there might be another humanitarian crisis there might be more refugees on the way ok lets leave it there for now. In both thank you very much to you both. Lets catch you up on a few other International Stories making headlines brazilian Officials Say oil thats been washing up on the countrys northern beaches probably came from venezuela they believe the oil was being transported near brazils coast as well and authorities have not commented on the accusations. In Northern California the states largest utility has shut off power to more than a 1000000 residents the pacific gas and Electric Company say it is to prevent a repeat of the past 2 years when wind blown power lines sparked Deadly Wildfires that destroyed thousands of us. And in mexico a video has emerged showing the mayor of the town of los margaritas being dragged behind a truck through the streets and angry farmers seized jorge luis as and on and try tied him to the back of the pickup truck accuse him of not fulfilling campaign promises. First world cup qualifying clash between iran and cambodia later today will be a historic occasion after the Iranian Regime announced it would relax the ban on women attending mens football matches but while the move has been welcomed by Many International observers religious hardliners in iran are voicing their dissatisfaction. With the change in iran comes inevitable friction of the recent decision to begin involving women to attend mens football matches in the Islamic Republic has provoked protest including from some of the we mean certainly the right towards life has been extended. Domani and as shiite muslim women were not at all happy about this because the dignity of muslim women will not be attacked that this has a major impact on us the dignity of muslim women have to be preserved if they enter an atmosphere that is specific to men most thats our. You know i think it it. Is as old as the Iranian Regime but under pressure from fee for all 3. 00 teas have given assurances that women will be allowed to attend games starting this week with those days world cup qualifier against cambodia some accuse footballs governing body of meddling thats why exactly does a Foreign Organization have to interfere in the affairs of a Muslim Country anyway i just 3500 tickets were set aside for we know you sections in the 78000 seat stadium in tehran Iran State Run News Agency says they sold out in a matter of minutes probably just hardliners thats 3500 tickets too many as mondays demonstration outside parliament in tehran made clear. For more on this story were joined by someone who perhaps would like to be at the football match in tehran tonight can tell you and. Is the former head coach of irans under 19 National Team shes currently coaching in the United States and joins us from seattle thanks for being with us on d. W. News 1st of all did you ever think you would see this day when women would be allowed to attend the match of the National Team live in the stadium in tehran. Seem to be having some problems with our line to see a whole at the moment can you hear me yes i can hear you now great ok i was just wondering if you ever thought you would see this day when women would be allowed to attend a match the National Team in the stadium in tehran. Of course it was a dream of mine when i 1st moved to run in 2000 by and you know this is not the 1st time it happened mass new york we actually you know cushion it is initiatives in efforts to watch the believe the aggressive iran game though when i was coaching the National Team plus 300. 00 women who were a part of the footballs this them and Football Federation we are one state game and also for the. Asian football championships so there was twice that woman went last year and but this was you know this is this is a game specifically its an important match because its 500 tickets meaning 3500 women entering the stadium which is a great start in terms of social progress rather than sporting value how significant is this occasion is very significant because its showing that you know you any woman they love the game just as much as men deal and you know they want to be part of this is this global. I think is one issue which is not is not the stuff thats a fact of being a part of something much bigger is the fact that being able to watch your Favorite Team and you know cheer for them and the fact that you can do that among men ok so 33500 tickets were allocated to women for this particular game against cambodia these tickets sold out minutes do you think that female football fans in iran will start asking for more. Right of course i think. If. You know women are its our 1000 or 800000 i think well end with how to buy all 100000 tickets thats how much to not soccer or football. Depending on which side of the pond your dog came from thank you so much i was caught at your own concert shes the former penn coach of irans honored 19 National Team currently coaching in the u. S. Thanks for talking with us. You know. Just a reminder the top stories were following for you here today on the news german chancellor Angela Merkel has condemned an attack on a synagogue in the eastern city of hama and showed solidarity with the Jewish Community by attending a vigil in berlin the suspected gunman killed 2 people and seriously wounded 2 others. And turkey has launched air and ground attacks in Northern Syria aimed at flushing out Kurdish Militia the Kurdish Forces say turkish bulbs have had civilian areas and a Prison Holding us. There watching g. W. News coming up next focused on the euro where we take a look at Syrian Refugees facing deportation from turkey ill be back at the top of the next hour and dont forget you can get all the latest news from around the world on our web site any time. Dot com thanks for being with us. Along with 6 kilos of Plastic Waste and a normal couch for italian french german johnny chloe and his crew. These ocean going garbage men are doing their part every day to clean up the mediterranean sea. Her clear goal is to help preserve the local fish stocks and create a cleaner environment to go about it. Next on d. W. Enter the conflict zone funding the powerful. My guest this week is masia disha afghanistans ambassador to switzerland plans of the United Nations in geneva caught in his governments relations with washington see some guts to supply. Them in. The Office Conflict so fierce that 60 minutes off e. W. Unity and justice and freedom the 1st words of the German National anthem. And the 3 central values that form the foundation of this country. Above all have these values developed in postwar germany abart is it to live by and defend the principles of unity justice and freedom in our everyday lives. Our journey the 3 part series starts october 21st on d w. To. The atlanta and hello and welcome to focus on europe im lara its nice to have you with us turkey has taken in more Syrian Refugees than any other nation in europe around 3 and a half 1000000 were let into the country as they fled civil war lately the mood towards the refugees has she

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