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To keep her pension is who already can barely afford to eat but didnt have enough to make ends meet and this reform will make things worse. Also coming up anti vax or messaging on social media is being blamed for driving a deadly measles epidemic on samoa where children are now paying the price. Im not faced children dying and in front of us and front of a minute front of other families in the intensive care unit. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the french protesting today over a future that everyone agrees will be expensive but no one agrees on who will pick up the tab across france today workers went on strike angry. Over president microns plans to reform the nations pensions as retirement age in france is 62 and the state pensions are generous and the number of retirees is just getting bigger where you can do the math and you can see the problem president says that reform is the only way to confront a prohibitively expensive future now that was the argument that president Jacques Chirac offered back in 1995 the last time that the french president attempted to touch pensions 3 weeks of strikes then forced the government to give up nothing changed is president mack wrong looking at history repeating itself. A sea of strikers its the largest mobilization across france in decades this time its all about Pension Reforms for future generations. Pension its a can already barely afford to meet. Who dont have enough to make ends meet and this reform will make things worse. All cindy said the knish that i might retire myself in 10 years time and im not sure ill be able to survive on what mccall is proposing its not simple. However by thursday afternoon scenes from Paris City Center showed increasing violence groups of protesters smashed store windows and clashed with police among them members often Anarchist Group the socalled black bloc the violence made visible to frustration many strike supporters feel with the french governments. Take it with all of that is it going to he says i want to say don its always the one class who pay the price because unacceptable thats a fact if theres money then the people in power like capitalists have to pay it off they know how to find money for not for the deals that turn the world upside down and they want us to pay even but we dont agree with that you went on in the fight that all. The general strike was called by trade unions to protest the governments plans for pension reform many fear it would increase their work time and reduce their pensions to strike has received widespread support. Several forces united for this its really big there are a students says doctors lawyers and yellow vests like me. Unions say they might extend the strike as far as monday. Lisa lewis spent the day on the streets of paris talking to protesters and she told us why so many people refuse to accept pension reform plans. Well the people who are here today in paris and other cities of france of disney to demonstrate against him on my cost the president s pension reform there are worried that when they get to retire one point all the children get to retire that there will be nothing left that he will actually squeeze pensions so much that people wont be able to make ends meet after telling me that theyre really concerned that the government seems to be taking more money away from those who are already struggling to make ends meet instead of taking it from the rich thats why theyre here today demonstrators whove come to demonstrate against the pension reform peacefully have also voiced their concerns to me that you know if there are too many violent clashes that might actually distract from what theyre asking for and the government could then say well these people are violent you shouldnt go and to not to demonstrate and thats it looks like thats whats really happening here today there was the so there were reporting from. Parents are here at the big table with me now is luke andre he is a french journalist based here in berlin and the correspondent with rodeo france its good to see you again i want to kind of ask you if this is the the reality in france the french can retire at 62 their pensions are calculated with very generous formulas and do is this about a growing aging population of Senior Citizens insisting that they not be forced to sacrifice anything in their old age its a bit more complicated than that actually got a joule system. Mainly for the private sector your pension is calculated on the best 25 years in the public fixed or is the best the last 6 months is and now with. The reform to a single Pension System. The Public Sector and some special systems into the Public Sector but not on the there are 42. 00 special pensions instance of a lot to lose and. It could be explained that people that working in those fields. Chook maybe low wages with the perspective of better pension and when the rules are changed me the way. They are kind of angry what would be the solution that if we talk about just that that aspect of it what about a gradual change then so that the impact is is not you know black and white that its softer thats part of the negotiation now and. That takes place now until next week the Prime Minister is about to announced some more details in exactly the gradual you have the reform is one of the very matters that he can play on the reports to the government there is from should take place from 2025 to 5 years but you could stretch it out the Prime Minister was at the beginning open to introduce. Only for people coming into the labor market like postponing by 40 years basically which was declined so there would be something in the middle but thats one part of the negotiation you know the last time we sold strikes like this was in 1905 and of course it was Pension Reforms that brought people out on the streets the government backed down and they said ok were not going to do anything did they miss an opportunity then to begin gradual changes that could have maybe even been completed by now i mean was that a missed opportunity for sure for sure remember sure i was elected maybe 95 the demonstration took place in the full 95 until 2007 it did no major reform on anything just minority from on the Pension System but that was the turning point of its presidency and now weve gone to. President he was on the front page of Time Magazine a few months ago. Theres talk about him resetting the presidency in france i mean. Can he do that or will this break him thats 1000000. 00 the like mission but thats was one of his major complaint promises to do finally it is Pension System reform so its kind of have to do it maybe in a way thats surely acceptable maybe to stretch it but if it has nothing on that then i will have a not a lot of presents 2022 reelected well see whos willing to stretch the most in france moving forward look andrea as always we appreciate your analysis thank you. Well still to come on the day britains general election now just a week away will it be another referendum on bragg sits were going to look at how remainders the people who are against drugs that are waging their own information war to keep the u. K. In the european new led by dont get is going to be out every day trying to get the message out the people the. Lunacy and a proper say. The South Pacific state of samoa has gone into lockdown as it carries out a mass vaccination against measles of its population of 200000 people and more than 60 some 0 and most of them children have died since the start of the epidemic in october more than 4000 cases have been reported in similar since the current outbreak began the main streets of the capital are largely deserted as mobile medical teams go door to door vaccinating people. The World Health Organization says the outbreak is part of what it calls a global collective failure to protect populations against missiles. Landolin necessary buying clothes for her son to be buried in. Hes one of more than 60 children who has died in the measles epidemic sweeping samoa. I dont know if we get might it be. With cases like as mounting the government has declared a state of emergency vaccinations have been made compulsory in a country where only around a 3rd of the population was immunized against measles around 90 percent need to be vaccinated for adequate protection. One reason for the rapid spread of the preventable disease misinformation by anti vaccination groups we know that. Anybody who are going to. Force people to come to their section for. The proper means should we have been handicapped by our dr before. We have children. And try to actually. Keep. Them for. Many of you. To keep. The governments patience is running. It started a 2 day shutdown of businesses and most government offices and advise samoans to stay indoors. Officials have asked residents whove not been immunized to hang red flags from their windows medical teams are going from house to house to administer vaccinations. Others are being vaccinated in Emergency Centers in the tiny island nation. Just desperate to finally stamp out the disease. And to talk about that im joined now by Kate Heinrich she is chief of communications for unicef pacific which has been working to contain this outbreak and its good to have you on the show its friday already there were you are you know when we look at the numbers that the numbers of children dying in samoa for a very small country were looking at the possibility of an entire generation being threatened here simply because their parents chose not to have them vaccinated and that in the 21st century its hard to believe. Thats right incredibly tragic situation he had because measles is a prevention well disease thats we know meant that things can prevent that but they and they 62 deaths now and most of the children and thats too many children who are in hospital. Struggling to recover from the misa with the thing and this is a man made problem how do you combat this when the culprit is not Mother Nature but the misguided thinking of parents. Well there are many reasons involved as to why children may not have been vaccinated or the population may not been vaccinated there was a very low rate it was on to 40 percent and the World Health Organization recommends a target of at least 95 percent in order to protect a community or a country from preventable diseases such as measles and so having a very low vaccination rate that has allowed the measles up to 2 spread and have a much bigger impact than it would in a country which does have high vaccinations as many reasons why families may not have been getting the vaccine and made a family its week and they were staying at home because they were quite scared of coming out because their children might get sick and they were really happy because the outreach work because the government was all its huge to reach the entire country now and the community has really pulled together during this crisis to reach every part of the country and every person and every child with that thing we understand that one man accused of spreading misinformation about vaccinations has been arrested but it be his diatribes against modern medicine that you can still read them on facebook i mean that that has to be alarming to you there on the ground and seeing what the result of this misinformation is. Thats right and he attacks the movement its been present here in somalia with the traditional he and the spreading to front messages as well to the public and also were seeing that across the world as well its an issue thats affecting many communities and having an impact and thats why its really important you know that its working with the government he had to get the correct messages out to the communities to educate the families on the importance of this fact thing and we are seeing that when families are aware that this vaccine can save that their children and prevent them getting measles and getting sick with seeing a lot of families willing to come and get get that thing the news are you not having any cases of families resisting once someone looks at the door and says we need to vaccinate your child were not saying no i havent actually seen that in my time here in samoa weve seen weve heard from families who are really happy because they say that they couldnt afford to get to the clinic or they couldnt travel to the clinic and the government south to families to put up a red flag outside their aryan if they have not been vaccinated and youre seeing the whole community pull together because they have thing that impact everyone is affected he asked everyone who was no family has been affected so that means everyone is very supportive of this campaign. Heinrich with unicef pacific joining us tonight from some more we appreciate your time and we certainly wish you all the best and lots of success with this vaccination effort thank you. Well if there was any delves about president obama trumps past the impeachment while those doubts were dispelled today u. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today formally gave the green light to draw articles of impeachment against the us president it marks the culmination of months of inquiries into whether trump pressured ukraine to investigate his political rival joe biden says president trumps alleged withholding of military aid to ukraine threatened the heart of the us constitution. It presently has and it is the pallor undermining our National Security and jeopardizing the integrity of our elections its actions and in defiance of that they should have at founders and the oath of office that he take to preserve protect and defend the constitution of the state. That. That with confidence and humility with allegiance to our founders and fight for all of love for America Today im asking enchanting to proceed with impeachment. When all drunk could be facing potential offenses ranging from bribery and abuse of power to obstruction of congress and obstruction of justice the white house remains defiant despite the legal storms that are surrounding it trump daring the democrats to bring it on tweeting if youre going to impeach me do it now fast so we can have a fair trial in the senate where republicans hold the majority and so our country can get back to business the House Judicial Panel will begin hearing the evidence against the u. S. President on monday a vote on impeachment articles could come as early as next week before christmas. Well just a week before britain goes to the polls in snap elections Prime Minister Boris Johnson looks to be well on his way to victory in the latest opinion polls but his conservatives about 10 points ahead of jeremy corbins labor party this is a crucial vote well have to tell you that one that will determine the future of the u. K. Johnson has promised to deliver braggs it and get britain out of the European Union by the end of january in another boost for johnson the threat posed by nigel farage is breaks of party has receded further after 4 of its European Parliament lawmakers quit the party today to back johnsons conserved. Bars this deal. Its the only leave option we have it is clear to me that the bracks it party is splitting the vote of leavers even if you have to hold you know vote conservative in the upcoming election. Or earlier this week to use honey cleavers spoke about the u. K. Election and briggs it with former British Foreign minister David Miliband hes now president of the new york based International Rescue committee so living in the us no longer actively involved in british politics but you were at one stage arguably a major player watching bracks and the Election Campaign now from far away how does all of that make you feel were obviously anyone who cares about britain is grieving about the fact that we have been turned from a country that was famed for its pragmatism for its stability for its International Engagement to a country that is now better known for having abandoned pragmatism in favor of plunging off the cliff that briggs it represents and having withdrawn from a Large International organization has given such such influence over the last 40 years so i have a personal deep concern about how the break that process is playing out how its been conducted but i think for the benefit of viewers around the world its important to say that there are forces trying to mitigate the ill effects that brags it might have internationally and i think no sane British Government even if it tries to reorient its economic relationships with europe knows same British Government would sever its political relationships. But im talking about how people might be seeing it from overseas on the face of it a referendum about leaving your opinion thats basic democracy but its caused this chaos was it a bad idea to ask people what they want i think that people have to remember that a parliamentary democracy depends on votes for parliament and when i was foreign minister for 3 years from 2007 to 2010 i argued against having a referendum on precisely the grounds that it was set up a competing mandate with members of parliament thats been the source of britains gridlock over the last 3 years everyone says that they want to respect both but its very hard to do so and there is a concern that the general election that were having at the moment in the u. K. Is not actually an effective way to resolve the brigs that is you so referendum is no good and the election thats been campaigned for now also not the answer what does need to happen now i think that briggs it needs to be addressed as an issue in and of itself of course the referendum in 2016 and no definition of what breaks it meant thats why the last 3 years have seen such quarrels over what kind of briggs it should go forward and really the country faces a very clear choice Boris Johnson the Prime Minister has a plan that would withdraw from the European Union without much clarity about what the future relationship would be that plan is now on the table and so many of us argue that the right way forward would be for that plan to be put to the british people in a referendum decide whether or not they want to go ahead with this decision and that last option is what the labor party is now offering is that where you would do if you were in charge of the labor party or the labor position i think is not generally seen to be as clear as the position i have Just Announced the aged to you and thats one of the reasons that this general election is so confusing for so many people who are observing from abroad but also frankly for some who are. In the u. K. Too i think all of us would like to see briggs it properly addressed the Prime Minister says he can quote unquote get briggs it done by his briggs the deal but anyone whos got any knowledge of europe in the firs knows that the promise that hell conclude trade arrangements with the rest of europe over the next 12 months is a fantasy and so i fear that for your International Audience theyre going to have to listen to reports about briggs it for many years to come great thank you very much. Minister David Miliband keep your eye on him or Prime Minister to win a majority in parliament you can push through his divorce deal with the European Union but opponents of their not giving up and some are trying to win over voters by making them smile. And these 2 chaps know a thing or 2 about billboards and this one in the north london district of Stoke Newington is particularly close to their hearts it was here that ben and ali began their campaign back then the ladder was too short and passes by laughed at them but now hundreds of thousands of people appreciate that political pranks especially those opposed to breaks it meet led by the Pressure Group tackling a few of the contradictions peddled by british banks it politicians. Like on this poster which points out how the money being spent on no deal breaks it plans could be used to fund 4000. 00 nurses. Now their messages arent just restricted to billboards following a crowd Funding Campaign they etched Michael Goves face the minister in charge of preparing for a hot bricks it into the sand on a beach quoting what he said before his new job. You see in these quotes this for. This perfect coming together of sort of. An ideology and her brothers and i think against the reality these quotes you know the sort of spirit styles when we were sold back allies as with many things in life the idea for that project came to them in the pub and theyve stuck with it. You couldnt miss their message at a recent mansion in london for a 2nd referendum. And this series of clips from interviews with Boris Johnson ends with a stark warning about how hes lied to those closest to him. Which brings us to the current u. K. Election campaign and led by donkeys billboard presence around parliament then name alludes to the popular 1st world war phrase lions led by dawn case when brave british troops fought like lions but had done keys for leaders. Is going to be out every day trying to get the message out to other people the poor are all guilty of lawyers. And thats important because they say most of the polls show that the majority of brits would now prefer to stay in the e. U. He wants to be a dog. Well the days almost on the conversation continues online well see tomorrow everybody. Has strong opinions clear positions international perspectives. Nato leaders of this week be meeting in london to mark the 70th anniversary of an organization that likes to see itself as the most successful military alliance in history but how deep are the rifts within me a lot of us find out on to the point of going. Next on d w a a a a little my tragedy was one of the biggest pharmaceutical scandals in history when she was born it was just a really sounds finally they seem to move from. Now im slaves of the drug phillip in my is still used today even though it cost more than 10000. 00 children to be born with birth defects its a nightmare without it. Being 45 minutes long d. W. Was the speech of his life trying to. Ops his best certainly his most difficult the speech by colin tristan on december 19th 1989. Shortly after the final of the rest of the chancellor addresses the people of east germany. The mideast tent the crown clamors for german unity journalist peter lim borg was at the scene. 30 years later he looks back on the time interest or. Starts december 19th d. W. Nato leaders have this week been meeting in london to mark the 70th anniversary of an organization that styles itself as the most successful military alliance in history however provocative claims from french president emanuel about carolled the nato is as he put it breaking into edge triggered an angry reaction from others not least from u. S. President donald trump who described the comment as nasty insulting and disrespectful furth off angle america as usual work to seek some sort of compromise and consensus conclude

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