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A position of weakness. I dont understand what michael and michael want to do so then skinned putin should sit down together drink some folk get together and put all this behind them we need a united ukraine and we need an end to this to giving the other suddenly making peace and thats going to be tough. Also coming up no lympics no world cup russia faces a 4 year ban from all sports a nation called cheating about its own dopey consequence including the finding of russia from the olympics battling fake said whoa championships are run by all coach signatories so full use and running the russian host of russia pushing these leisured eventually should. Be free. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the new president trying desperately to shake off the weight of 2 other. That ukraines president botha ms lewinsky was elected this year on a promise to bring peace and stability to his country a promise that he can keep only if the u. S. And russian president s cooperate well hows that going so lynsey is at the center of an impeachment process against u. S. President donald trump claims that u. S. Military aid for kiev became a weapon in u. S. Election politics now ukraine depends on military aid from the u. S. In its fight against russian sponsored separatists and that brings us to russian president Vladimir Putin putin denies that Russian Troops are in Eastern Ukraine yet he remains the only leader who can bring peace to the region he and his ukrainian counterpart zelinsky now this conflict began nearly 6 years ago shortly after russia annexed crimea fighting between Ukrainian Forces and russian backed separatists as claimed more than 30000 lives and displaced more than a 1000000 the worst fighting has been in the donbass region our correspondent Nick Connelly traveled there and he sent us this report. Close enough to see the other side having a lunch thats how these ukrainian troops have spent the last few years just 300 meters from the russian backed separatists placing them as a whole night without a single shot i dont remember a day like that maybe on the 1st lady of the see saw and its a strange and theres no financial you get all nervous we used to the shooting at the. The conflict may have fallen out of the headlines but the shooting and the death continues less than a 10 minute drive away a young woman out walking with her child was to be really wounded by a stray bullet just last week. Through the trenches on xander was in his 2nd year cadet school when the conflict broke out when he unrolled he could hardly have imagined that he would soon find himself a 1000 kilometers from home fighting a trench war. Everyone is tied off the war has parents wives about them back home but if the politicians can sort this out by talking why not if we withdraw from here its a disaster as long as no opponent. But than it does with that. But off camera many soldiers are more skeptical they dont want to give up territory regain from the separatists and the cost of many lives. President selenski government is convinced that only a buffer zone between the front lines can bring peace. Its a short drive from the trenches to one of the regions biggest crossing points between government and separatist held territory thousands make the journey every day spending hours out in the cold. Were hoping for peace after all this time we need to resolve this war its been 6 years since it all began im convinced on buses part of ukraine but i you know. I dont understand what maclin max want to do selenski and putin should sit down together drink some fight get together and put all this behind them. With the public theory. That we need a united ukraine and we need an end to all this. So people dont have to suffer in these queues anymore the. What if ukraines biggest cities its less than half an hours drive down the road behind me we cant go that the pro russian separatists in control of the city or where e of the Foreign Press present selenski was elected earlier this year on a promise to bring down your back to Ukrainian Government control thats what this meeting in paris is all about. Back in the front line its quiet at least during Daylight Hours silence allows time to think about the future. Will be im not interested in this normandy summit what will happen will happen. This war needs to and ive lost so many comrades already. True giving the other side making peace but thats going to be tough. The repercussions of this war will be felt for years to come its not just about the mines and grenades the litter this landscape its about the war in peoples heads. Are you from or knows are you joan of the sea is a senior fellow with the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Its good to have you on the program to look at these 2 president s zelinsky hes a newcomer putin has ruled russia most of this century i mean this face to face meeting in paris it is not a meeting of equals is well the good news for president solecki and i want to give him a lot of credit here he has made peace and the da resolution to this conflict a top priority and what hes done already has shown that hes willing to take steps in that direction not to jeopardize ukraines territorial sovereignty and integrity but to move this process forward so i think we 1st i think he deserves a lot of credit 2nd mr selenski is not alone he has the backing of the United States germany france in this in this effort and so when hes in paris today hes with 2 allies and 2 partners and so hes certainly not alone but i have to give him a lot of credit for stepping up to try to move this process forward thats been stuck for 6 years i mean he definitely is ambitious despite the fact that he sitting across the table from you know a very experienced politician. Does that make the role of the german chancellor and the french president here even more important piece in Eastern Ukraine without microland in america is it even think. Well i think certainly those 2 are critical to moving this process forward and the fact that even as we speak the e. U. Is adding and moving forward on additional sanctions of course comes with the blessing of both paris and berlin is incredibly important and those 2 leaders know full well who is responsible for where we are today for the 10000. 00 plus ukrainians have been killed the millions that have been this place the blame lies squarely with moscow with mr putin and so i think everybody is going into these negotiations with eyes wide open and. Not bringing any political baggage with them he is. A newcomer here hes pushed very hard for the fuse deal weve already seen these prisoners could he some people here in this country maybe giving up too much or do you think he could convince putin to finally leave. Well i think theres no expectation that theres going to be immediate success in this negotiations mr selenski as well has expressed that he will do anything that would harm again ukraines security in this process but what you have had in the media interest interim period over the last couple months is some prisoner swaps that have taken place a pullback from some military positions anything that can reduce tension in the immediate term and at least provide for some stability is important but as weve seen even over the last few days there continue to be contact across the line there continue to be ukrainians wounded and so i think nobody you know right now believes that this is going to end in the next couple days but if somehow this process moves forward in a positive way thats important. Mr. Certainly between 2 important president s going to president drunk president what are you hearing there in washington about the impact of the impeachment proceedings on future u. S. Ties here. Well one thing i do know is that that there is strong bipartisan support in washington for ukraine of course the impeachment process which is ongoing as we speak right now. I believe is harmful to us ukraine relations ukraine is being dragged through the political mud there are all sorts of efforts to try to connect ukraine which is unacceptable to interference in the 2016 election so there is some worry that that there is a breakdown of some of that bipartisan support but what ive seen over the last several weeks is both sides the aisle and washington step up to support that relationship i cant speak to the future with with regards to President Trump he has a penchant for for doing things one day and then doing the other the other day. Frankly many of us here dont understand what his relationship truly is with president Vladimir Putin but the most important thing that we have seen over the last several weeks is strong support again for ukraine this includes assistance and just before the negotiations took place 2 senior u. S. Officials from the state department went out to kiev to ensure kiev that the u. S. Stands firmly behind them. Before we run out of time to me ask you about. This could be one of her final opportunities to mediate to be a peace maker did you get that sense from where youre sitting or would you say that since president may be standing in her way you a bit. Well i think both mccrone and merkel are critical to these negotiations but there are different timelines we know that politically the chancellors timeline in her capacity is shorter and it certainly mr mccrone over the last several weeks has made considerable headlines in terms of his positions views of nato and President Trump i think the most important thing right now is that those 2 leaders are focused on the business at hand understanding whos across the table from them which is mr putin and supporting ukraine and i expect that that will continue there are no signals that both paris or berlin are breaking from ukraine same here in washington. All right Jonathan Katz with the u. S. German Marshall Fund thank you mr knight from washington johnson as always we appreciate your talk think. It is one of the worlds most successful and active volcanoes today it became a deadly volcano at least 5 people died monday in a volcanic eruption off the coast of new zealands north island 8 others are reportedly still missing the 2 kori volcano which is also known as white island erupted suddenly shortly after 2 pm local time on monday spewing plumes of ash into the sky. Upon it to wrist watch as a wall of volcanic ash threatens to envelop them. But. Minutes. Age no they bore witness to its might. Survive or scrambled on to boats 50 people were on the Island Emergency Services ferried the engine some in Critical Condition to the mainland however it is now clear that they were 2 groups on the island those who were able to be evacuated and those who were close to the eruption as police sit out last night the Police Helicopter restrained helicopter and indeed t. V. Craft have undertaken a number of aerial reconnaissance flights over the island since the eruption. Signs of life had been sitting at any point. In the day visitors found themselves walking on what the mao reste call for carry the dramatic volcano little idea what was rumbling beneath their feet although acts of fatal eruptions are rare. Its not a particularly big eruption is its seed it was kind of. Almost like a throat clearing kind of eruption and thats why material probably wont of made it to my new zealand what mike it mainly in new zealand. A through clearing exercise and for those involved an unforgettable reminded that nature also and sometimes awful bangs to its own will. And my colleague w. Senior Business Editor ben facility is in new zealand right now hes on vacation and wherever he goes news happens he joins me on the line right now good guesses good morning to youve been you were planning we understand to visit the volcano yourself and talk to me a little bit about why people why so many people want to go in and being so close to this volcano. But they get about 10000 visitors a year and its as you said very accessible you just got to jump on a boat in and youre out there quite quickly whereas other places in the world like ethiopia where i was a couple years back on holidays i climbed a volcano which a rock that is i got to the top it made a 2 day journey through a soaked as it and. Valley bowl the top region with militants and a boulder to eritrea which is quite dangerous in itself but this volcano which started rocking when i was on top of it i got out of there as quick as i could other tourists stayed up there they thought it was fantastic to watch this lava spewing out i think a lot of people have fascinated by you know a part of the us which is changing and dramatically. Kind forming out. So people are quite fascinated by this sort of thing to get so close to it is is quite amazing but you dont want to be there the run from time to your business had there been some soon joining us from new zealand then thanks for calling in on your holiday and stay away from those active volcanoes i will. Note a limb big gains no soccer world cup no russian athletes today the worlds Antidoping Agency known as wada banned russia from all International Sporting events for the next 4 years the ban means that the countrys flag will not be on show in next years Tokyo Olympics the countrys soccer team will not be able to call itself russia to qualify for the 2022 world cup and russia could be stripped of hosting World Championships in any olympic sport the world Antidoping Agency announced the same tunes on monday saying that russia violated terms of a ruling which lifted the ban which had been imposed the cost of dont think wow. The ruling that russia should be punished for manipulating Laboratory Data planting think evidence and deleting files linked to the positive doping test that could have helped identify drug cheats what it says russian athletes who were not involved in doping could still compete under a neutral flag president craig reddy said that russia had only itself to blame for the harshest saying since water has ever handed the. Russian doping. From clean sport the reach by the russian authorities should respond as reinstatement conditions approved by the executor to meet in september 28 team demanded a robust response russia has afforded every opportunity to get its house in order and to rejoin the global antidoping community for the good of its us each and for the integrity of sport but it chillis in stage a different route to talk about that im joined now by hes an expert on doping in sport see is the journalist who 1st broke the story on government sponsored dont be in russia hi its good to have you back on the program weve talked many times about this situation in russia now were looking at a 4 year ban for the country does this punishment in your opinion does it fit the crime if you will. Some people would say as its not enough. Should have been imposed total ban for russia as a nation because i think this worst Case Scenario doping of cheating of corruption sports must have a consequentialist is on the same level but i would say is this is the real hitting it says the russian so looks russian squads so well because escalates from that country no not a lot for 4 years to where their own. Jerseys to to see their own russian flag and to listen to a rendition anthem so that means it is really all. Meant and also a strict conditions will apply for athletes from russia they have to undergo a very strict and on to doping regime so i dont think that very many athletes compete because events i would say only a few but also not very many which means it is a punishment for russia but i dont know if they will draw the right conclusions and change the culture of cheating in that country you know thats right weve talked about this before that its part of the cold for in russia for for blood tests to be altered for there to be cheating about evidence relating to doping will this band that has been imposed for the next 4 years is that going to have any impact or are we going to look at russia in 4 years basically the same way it is today. Might happen this doping scandal is no lets say running for 4 or 5 years it started in december 2014 and has a cost of 4 years i have to say is that i have been so many efforts from the russians to undermines antidoping system to make dirty deals to lie to delete every dens too many prelate every dance and to fredrik create new evidence fake evidence so i have seen so many things happening in this course was a for us that im not sure if they really known senescent in saves still runs on us im not sure on the other hand i have to say as a set is this is really a harsh punishment it takes 4 years 4 years is a long period where there might be thinking about how can we change our system maybe i have to change the heads on top of twitter ations maybe even sports polygyny politicians and russia needs to be. Fired jesus has to be discussed now in russia and the treatment commitment be a gift. Set already today and russia is its a understands and that means that they have to really go to who to doping culture in russia for decades since it needs to be changed on the other hand i have also too to say that it takes a very very long time for coaches for schiffman for pushes to change a doping culture which is established in russia since the soviet union times and for the athletes who do not this leaves them of course on the losing side no matter how things develop. Investigative journalists an expert on the evening in sports was always thinking. Thank you. Are moving on caused by hong kong democracy activists for citywide strikes well they went largely on answered this monday protestors mostly kept off the streets a day after staging their biggest antigovernment rally in months organizers say 800000 people joined the march on sunday called to mark 6 months since the start of mass demonstrations which called for more autonomy but is d. W. Charlotte charles until reports many are too scared to take part in the protests instead theyre setting up inventive ways to support those whove lost jobs or Family Support because of theyre involved faces hidden location concealed only then with these home. Agreed to be filmed they set up an Online Shopping set is which support the prodemocracy movement. It employs protesters whove been arrested or kicked out of their homes their pawns in the demonstrations. We want to provide for the teenagers and everyone that is involved in this movement they should be proud of what they are doing we are proud of them and we will support them with the korea despite being a world away from the front lines initiatives like this can feel the found is over and his fate being identified could jeopardize their career is perhaps even a safety starts with a new born son logistics manager caleb is getting caught up in violent protests isnt an option passionately i dont have the courage to go on the front lines and fight with them so i fell into this backup role and started this company and let them know that they are not left behind and the hong kong people are supporting that. With this scheme calebs among the growing ranks in hong kong is finding inventive ways to support the prodemocracy cools. When you picture the hong kong protests warehouses like this one wont be the 1st thing that springs to mind its far from the front lines behind the scenes initiatives like this one that are quietly and collectively sustaining this movement caleb says he hopes one day he and his team wont have to hide their identities and will feel safe to proudly admit their role theyve played well the day is almost gone but the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either at b. W. News or you can follow me and t. V. Dont forget to use the hash tag the day well see you tomorrow. Kick off. Another blockbuster weekend in the bundesliga going on how much does a door for a movie in the 1st place. Like to be called on time on the 2nd. Black box scored in injury time to take all 3 points against Bayern Munich and a top of the table. Meaning in this mess in this way but its christmas. World musician missed through and through. 3 women with african roots undulate kids joe. Told and it may come back to whats the source of their inspiration. Soul ladies. G. W. Was the speech of his life perhaps his best certainly his most difficult the speech by calling tristan on december 19th 1989. Shortly after the final of the chancellor addresses the people of east germany. The movies tent the crown clambers for the german unity journalist Peter Limburg was the same. 30 years later he looks back on the time interest. Starts to simmer 19 d w. Ive. Crunch time to speak. Time to separate the wheat

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