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Countries is anti muslim. And anger and disappointment as narrative on climate talks and with no new goals the u. N. Says the world has lost an opportunity to act we talked to the head of Greenpeace International. Class in the industry god love god and knocked off the top spot after a late goal condemns them to defeat accords bug. Out in the bay will melt into you im under that shima a government death squad in belair ruth was responsible for the disappearance of 3 opposition leaders 20 years ago and that was when alexander look shango started consolidating his hold in power in the former soviet republic the allegations come from a man who claims to have been a member of that death squad to look at shingle rules valorous with an iron fist the countrys described as europes last day to share in a moment ill talk to our correspondent who got this do the exclusive but heres his report euro graph skills living in a Central European country and are seeking asylum. In a dodger vella exclusive he tells us about his time in a regime death squad in belarus and reveals new details about a series of crimes. A number of opposition politicians in belarus disappeared 2 decades ago and its still not known what happened to them on the evening of may the 7th 1909 yuris a her ranko parked his car here near the Old Fire House in minsk and was never seen again. At that time the former interior minister was a leading figure in the opposition. Her ranko and his supporters wanted to prevent the country descending into dictatorship and to remove president alexander look at schenkel look into had organized and won 2 controversial referendums to expand his powers and neutralize parliament. Since then has ruled the country alone. Is considered the last dictatorship in europe. This reenactment of the murder of your is a harangue who is based on statements made exclusively to us t w by your acre of ski 4 members of a special military unit abducted and shots of her uncle dead in a forest gorecki tells us he was one of them and an accomplice to the crime and that as a member of the armed forces he had no choice 20 years later he has a message for her a close family. Here but. I also my sincere condolences. I took part in the murder. I offer you my apologies. I can show you the burial site on a map the rest is up to you and bella ruth says Law Enforcement system. Is a her records family is living in exile in the german town of minister his eldest daughter yelena hears from us for the 1st time details of her fathers abduction and murder she calls the informant a man without a conscience. When you and. He would sit so its not about him its about the entire system of. Course and you just said one cant blame him people are dependent on the system im not but you know he died they forced to commit bloody crimes in its name. Every autumn a vigil is held in minsk in honor of you resign and the other opposition politicians who disappeared got off he says he also knows what happened to them so perhaps after 2 decades the truth about the regime death squads in belarus is about to come to light. That exclusive report by didi obvious christiane trip he now joins me in the studio welcome to c. N. N. 1st of 4 to see how did you find your you got f. K. But actually we didnt find him but he found. An email to my colleagues in the Russian Service of claiming that he had some interesting things to tell about these disappearances 20 years ago and thats how we got in touch with them so how do you know that he was telling the truth and that he is the man who he claims to be 1st of all retract we tried to clear the identity of mr goh russkie that included some Data Based Research but also inquiries on the ground in his hometown minsk and we met with him several times conducting an overall fall long very long interviews in which we again and again repeated the key questions we had working out even minor contradictions and with this evidence with this material we went to some legal experts in europe there are a few of them who are familiar with these cases in belarus and why does he actually you know what his motives why did he actually write an email to Russian Service why did he leave better well he told us that he wanted to go clear that he wanted to remove a stone from his soul which is fair enough but it might well be that there are more and perhaps even other. Motives that there are people behind him who might have told him to flee to the west and to speak out but when we did the research we never found any facts that ended in that direction so this is open to new speculation and of course a looker single as you mentioned is described as the last dictator in europe its a very very authoritarian regime from what everyone says what will these revelations eventually lead to do you think years ago the council of europe had been investigating the situation in belarus and especially these disappearances in the 2004 report they talk about a conspiracy of high ranking below russian officials and it might well be that the General Assembly in strasbourg now reopens the new minsk file and renews the mandates to do research on the ground so this could take a fair bit of time this investigation to confirm what youve just revealed to us in answer to some reports will there be any broader implications these allegations at the moon broader implications for the government of some might be a lot of political implications below us as a country pretty isolated in europe because of the horrible situation of human rights and the very dictatorial way the president will question go around his country but bill aris for some years now is working hard to be accepted again as a partner and europe and all these efforts could suffer a setback now or in the light of this new evidence and at the time the same time it needs to be pointed out that below are big neighbor in the east russia often a predominant neighbor is trying to expand its influence in belarus and perhaps these revelations even play into the hand of the kremlin because they weaken the stance of belarus in negotiations which are going on right now so huge implications lot of open questions of course she has to thank you so much for being us that report as well as your insights into this story thank you very much as. And you can see the full exclusive story by my colleague christiane people on you tube channel did of the documentary. Let me have been up to date with some other stories making news around the world at least 304 people were killed in iran last month during a 3 day crackdown on protests across the country thats according to a new Amnesty International report. Rights group had earliest admitted just over 200 deaths iran has acknowledged that protesters were killed but not released any figures. The u. S. Media reporting that the trumpet ministration plans to announce the withdrawal of 4000. 00 troops from afghanistan President Donald Trump visited military personnel that last month he has long sought to reduce the u. S. Presence in the country about 13000 soldiers are currently deployed in afghanistan. This president says he would close to military bases used by the u. S. He was responding to a question about possible u. S. Sanctions and the Congress Still resolution recognizing on meaning genocide in the internet and this is a key facility for us and theres a whole. Theres been violent emphasis in india over contentious citizenship youll find bottom line the legislation provides a foster track to citizenship for refugees from bangladesh pakistan and afghanistan but it doesnt apply to muslims oppositions and know has been especially strong in indias northeast and a solid state which borders but now is an ethnically diverse region with a large Muslim Population but the unaddressed is also spread to other parts of the country where people say it goes against the constitution and indias secular traditions in the capital delhi demonstrate and set fire to 7 buses Police Responded with tear gas. Delhi riot police fire a volley of tear gas their target student protesters holed up inside the capitals prestigious Islamic University this is the latest front in the battle for the soul of india. Students took shelter here after protests descended into chaos theyre angry at what they call a muslim then. After training rocks with the Police Demonstrators finally surrender with their hands aloft assured on to buses here to take destination here for you and i know. Nothing you can give it what you get what you put up use wood up is pretty sparse also we did did not undertake to tell the damage it does cause damage to public property thats called to go out of some money to certain people. As it goes on pirates go to storms almost. I know what in short i would only interest. Them back on so that theyre going to spot on the want of a distorting the idea tensions were running high across india earlier in the day burning buses foretold the violence that would follow. In order a calm hundreds marched in opposition to the bill some here vowing retribution should the government ostracize muslims i come to be america youre ready to support the government but if theyre going to harass muslims then it wont be tolerated muslim groups were launched a Massive Movement against. Back in delhi and hundreds were again gathering at the University Campus the crowd electrified by claims of Police Violence the night before was the police came at us with baton while they are protesting peacefully banter the campus the police even attacked the students who were studying in the library they were not involved in the protests they threw tear gas shells in the library and does not respect our fundamental rights as citizens of this country and the states is sponsoring this has been shameful and the Police Students believe that he has broken that border. Authorities maintain they responded appropriately to this youthful demonstration but with the situation on a knife edge here their next move will be watched closely yes im not on un climate talks and then is in madrid with very little to show Major Economies rejects of course for boeing to talk to combat Climate Change sparking anger among developing countries and activists who were hoping hoping for emergency action. Until a new good ted is also voiced his disappointment quoting the summit a lost opportunity to act. They were the longest talks to date leaving representatives exhausted with little progress made on how to limit Global Warming to under 2 degrees but there was agreement on one issue regretfully after all the hard work that you have all done we couldnt get our to an agreement it is my sincere regret that we were not able to reach an agreement we invested a lot of energy and find a very fresh. That. At the end of the day we were not able to arrive at a final agreement observers had hoped that cop 25. 00 would end with a framework for a carbon certificate scheme imposing a tax on each tonne of Greenhouse Gas produced a columnist and environmental activists alike say its a critical step if the world hopes to minimize the impending climate catastrophe but a deal couldnt be reached in part due to resistance from some of the worlds worst polluters like the usa china india and australia. Forcing delegates to only pledge to do more to uphold the paris climate agreement. With leadership in short supply in madrid environmental activists saying its time for the European Union to step up i mean this conference in madrid is really a good point for the entire much of there to listen on on Climate Change and its now up to the European Union with the green deal to go ahead with a clear vision of carbon free neutral economy all eyes are now on next years meeting in glasgow but while the world continues to drag its feet the worst predictions of climate scientists have already started to become a reality. Joining me now is Jennifer Morgan shes the executive director of Greenpeace International. And the climate talks in madrid ended with a usually blame game and accusations of xenophobe what is your assessment of what was achieved at this. Well the summit itself was indeed the outcome was unacceptable but i think that the finger pointing should be going at the corporate interests and the Carbon Pollution interests that are behind the fact that governments were not ready to come in with much deeper cuts and and actions to actually address the Climate Emergency so what hell say is perhaps if full of that away from tackling Climate Change than ever before what fundamental needs to change well i think that on the one hand you see people in the streets you see the youth that were at the cop trying to push the from that side of the society i think people get it they need governments to act and so what needs to change will governments need to start engaging with their citizens and putting in Place National laws that are going to phase out Greenhouse Gas emissions in a socially just way that will then allow the un were all countries have a say and can block like wilson are like trying to move forward it really is governments at home to stop putting short term interests of their companies had of what their young people are saying they want to happen. So i do say that weve been you know weve had so many some months jennifer weve had a silly discussions going on heads of government heads of countries talking to each other and yet every time they foreshore to what they hope to achieve what is the fundamental conundrum where does one need to bring about fundamental change in the front to see. Well i think the fundamental conundrum is that for example paulson our own government right now is not not acting in a way that is listening to people it is and i know im repeating myself but if you look at who makes Company Policy in germany the Auto Industry in germany has blocked significant action by the government so the government in germany just as an example and this is true for around the world needs to step back they need to look at systemic change they need to work with with their citizens they need to put that interest in head of the car industry and the car Industry Needs in a in a managed way to transform into something thats consistent with the Climate Emergency the atmosphere is not going to wait it will continue to bring these types of impacts were seeing until we have a systemic change in until the young people actually are the voices that governments like germanys listen to theyre talking about young people because the young people are getting increasingly engagement saying this fight is a future move lens what impact do you think they could have on policy. Well i think you know that young people around the world are are demanding more but they are not responsible so what we need is actually the policy makers to pick it up. They can hopefully look themselves in the mirror hearing the young people behind him and have the courage to do Something Different the u. N. Is just a representation of whats happening on National Levels but what they need to do in the government level on young people listen to them listen to the island nations who in madrid were pleading for action because their very survival is at stake they need to roll up their sleeves and put in Place National laws that will she face out Greenhouse Gas emissions then maybe young people around the world will feel that they have some hope for their future Jennifer Morgan executive director of Greenpeace International a pleasure to talk to you and. In other news thousands of lebanese protest has rallied outside the parliament in barrow and plastered police calling for a new independent head of government someone an affiliated with established Political Parties in lebanon the president has delayed consultations on designating a new Prime Minister until later this week. Delegates from europe and the u. S. Have attended a salesman in belgium to mark the 75th anniversary of the battle of the bunch because one of the world war 2 is bloodiest episodes in which u. S. Forces defeated a german attempt to stop advancing allied armies back in december 944. The draw of the 1st knockout drug of the Champions League has taken place by munich will face premier league side chelsea mine famously lost to the 2000 in the 2012 final of tome to the london as they meet over 2 legs in february and march boosted dortmund will be at home 1st in their duel with paris and her man and their former coach tomas to have last 16 debutantes be leipsic will face last seasons runners up doesnt them in the pick of the other pairings record when israel madrid made english champions Manchester City and holders liverpool play athletico madrid. In the bundesliga brucia once in love but have slipped off the top for the 1st time in 2 months rb live signal lead the way marco russas gladbach went down to one. They conceded a late goal for the 2nd straight game having been eliminated from the europe ali midweek. Marcos a coach out spoke to the Austrian League title last season all of a gloss now lead lives to 2nd place while sport hadnt won any of their last 3 home games but they came out swinging 0 mercy young took sawfish lager to open the scoring in the 13th minute of the austrian netting his 1st one just the goal of the. Clock back responded faster though braille embargo equalising just 2 minutes later the 6th goal of the season for the Swiss International was won all the score at half time. Things remain tight in the 2nd half with plenty of scoring chances for both sides but both kept on wasting their opportunity. The decider came in injury time maximillian on old making it to one pro ball scored a late victory at it by a pair of misplaced headers from the club back to france i just didnt and. It was really great because you know 98 minutes she was and i have to say we deserve to win it all for the golf sport celebrate their 1st born to speak a home win since october well klotzbach hang their heads after their 2nd away loss in a row. In the hit film billy elliot a boy from a fulfillment and then ends up becoming an International Ballet star well it looks as if the story is being acted out in real life in russias far eastern city of god gave us to these of these either these are said to let a young boy at the bunch i bet academy whose dream has come true i asked him once a very hard luck he got a solo pot in the tradition of Christmas Dolly the nuts cracka. In the Class Schedule its called dance classical dance. Ringback but in reality its work hard work and it comes with a unique language thats only understood here. At night and feed. More now turn out i mean yes we tuck in the belly and shoulders down a hole in your tale. Of his getting ready for his big performance in the not crack or in the christmas ballet. He dances every morning for hours. Being at ballet dances beautiful but exhausting in other words there especially if you come from the country and try to make it here here in the last book an offshoot of the Moscow Academy of choreography also called the Bolshoi School of ballet. Nigger it is for the 1st time i heard them say pulling your tail i thought what tail and how can i pull it in order to turn your knees rotate the thighs outboards. For over a 100 years russia has been known as the place where the stars of classical ballet are trained at the competition is fierce some your needs more than strong legs he needs to have a strong character. Ready for over 3 months the 11 year old has been living in a boarding school and there was talk he really sees his mother. Today she traveled from their home town of. 1000 kilometers away to see her son simones Big Christmas from near. The finish headley missed him so much you know were also so proud of our boy. Did you miss me to. The bloody last look opera house posters last nutcracker rehearsals. That simulate his very excited he has a solo. News server instances im scared stiff this huge stage all 3 of taliban sits down i dont want to end paris myself to do what i would do this they laugh at me im a fright if that. And then his big day comes simulants 1st performance on a real stage. The lot of us took opera house and sold out simulants family is sitting in the audience they came all the way from good to be john to be here. It. Was. Movements that was my big chance and Ballet School they said this was a chance of a lifetime and i was like really. Ruses for. The 1st book. Is from. Am. Its the 1st step on the long road to success. In moscow he was in need of news coming up next on news asia did elvis speaks with a blogger giving a voice to mainland chinese who support the hong kong protest movement. And the backlash to football star mizu posies Online Campaign for regal rights in china what price will he and his club pay. All that and more coming up with british policy in asia. I mean do remember lots more on our website that c w dot com you can also follow us on twitter as well as on facebook still with us now for the of your music if your cat. Ceiling lights that can send an email out floor lamp that can stream a film. Called a Wireless Network that uses light. Sounds like Science Fiction writing. Life on the internet like. To follow today. 60 minutes. Poems to millions of species a home worth saving. And those are big changes and most start with small steps global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like to use the term climate news to Green Energy Solutions and reforestation. They create interactive content teaching the next generation about Environmental Protection and were determined to build something here for the next generation globalized dios the multimedia environment series clone t w. That 77 percent. Are younger than 6 oclock. Thats me and me and. You know what time the voice is. On the 77 percent talk about the. Front part of the flash from housing boom boom town this is where. Welcome to the 77 percent. This weekend t. W. The food. Is eat up the news a shot coming up. Protests across india over the law the u. N. Calls discriminate free the law provides protection to non muslims fleeing persecution. People protesting will ask a journalist whos been in the thick of it plus. Dissent from the mainland chinese man gives a platform to mainland chinese eager to express their views on the hong kong protests. And china retaliates. Mr criticises beijings persecution of the muslims we go

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