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Every day counts for us and for our planet. Google ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. Conjoining make see the screen. How can we protect habitats. We can make a difference. Google i do this the environmental series in total 3000. 00 on t. W. And on the. Volatility retains its grip on Global Financial markets Central Banks keep the stimulus coming to fortify economies against the coronavirus but the panic among Investors Companies and consumers on the spray. Up in the air bosses in the travel industry. Could jeopardize the future of aviation that is unless the taxpayer is willing to fork out a lot more money. And an early spring heralds harvest time in germany but closures prevent the seasonal migration of workers from Eastern Europe leaving some. Place to Business Experts say theyve never seen anything like it for Financial Markets have gone crazy but this isnt a financial crisis a virus has spread around the globe countries going into lockdown key economies coming to a standstill and volatility is setting in you can see the panic on oil markets the price plunging for 3. 00 days then surging on thursday by more than 35 percent for u. S. Crude. Production cuts ahead but they wont be enough to offset the decline in demand so Many Companies in so many different sectors staring into the abyss are talking about mass job cuts internationally help is on its way but will it really help. On both sides of the pond the Central Banks are pulling out the big guns 750000000000. 00 euros in bond buying by the e. C. B. The Federal Reserve promising 1. 00 trillion dollars in cash loans from banks get even old that is not enough after all Monetary Policy firepower alone cant breathe life back into lockdown economies they want to avoid a wave of insolvencies but would undermine the recovery but nobody can prevent the freezing of the economy and the consequences this is certainly are in a Global Economic downturn which is at least as severe as the downturn in the financial crisis could Government Spending provide the answer european governments are spending multiple billions of euros to keep businesses afloat and employees paid the white house promising to spend 1. 00 trillion dollars with even a direct Cash Transfer to Citizens Bank accounts under consideration and it seems markets are starting to get the message european indexes like germanys dax closed thursday trading with solid gains u. S. Markets also ended the session slightly up Central Banks and governments are digging deep but the only way out for businesses is likely months away when restrictions to movement and Economic Activity ease after the pandemic has passed. Lets go over to wall street where jose luis to harrow is standing by for us youve got a lonely job there looks like just about everyone has left tell us about this stimulus were talking about trillions of it is it stimulating enough. It is that bad but i would add that when when you talk about don kaname of iran 21. 00 trillion dollars it gives you a little bit of perspective of how much more it can and may need to be done and probably define no bill will be larger done to trillion dollars if we take into consideration that we dont exactly know when the situation will normalize how Many Companies and industries will need to be bail out and more importantly if Consumer Confidence that will ever be the same after the Current Health crisis if this does drag on way were talking about millions of jobs that are being cut at the moment whats whats going to happen with trumps success that hes built his success on on the successes of his economy and those amazing job numbers that hes been a joy. Most of those jobs will well see in the short to medium term some projections already talk about in about 80000000 jobs at risk a wall as we wait for day of full fiscal stimulus secretary of treasury stephen knew shed already said that if its not in acted as soon as possible Unemployment Rate could skyrocket up to 20 percent if you dont stop but materializing will be a double digit Unemployment Rate we saw here in the United States during the financial crisis so is a must to help companies especially as small or medium sized ones had to deal with the Current Situation we always talk about they are poles the amazons the basement the big corporations but in the medium and Small Sized Companies are diggers u. S. Employers and the real base of the Worlds Largest economy it is a based on those all full employment or unemployment for costs what whats going to happen to President Trumps election bid. Definitely not good deals on that front Reelection Campaign was mostly based on a strong Economic Growth job creation as we mentioned before and record highs in the stock markets neither of these are actually in the picture anymore most banks are talking now about a contraction for the u. S. Economy in the 2nd quarter that will be the sharpest in the post world war era Unemployment Rate will definitely increase and even if its too early to assess economic damage. Any light at the end of the tunnel would definitely not get the u. S. Economy back as it was earlier this year how convinced are investors there that President Trump has acted quick enough to fight off this coronavirus. Not very convincing ben lets not forget that not a long time ago day impact of the virus was diminished and mischaracterized so their early response has been questioned a lot here in wall street for now several factors will be key to say praise especially increasing capacity for testing diagnosing treatment and prevention aside from. The stimulus that is the still in the works. How to pack up your stuff and get home isolation for you county. Thank you. And lets look at how the virus is making business headlines elsewhere in the world panic buying is gripping parts of london british supermarkets have announced measures to control the buyers and juice brush that seen shelves emptied summaries of the 1st hour of trading for the elderly other stores are limiting customers to just wait and service. France is boosting mass production currently has 100000000 protective facemasks or 4 produces many European Countries have none germanys lifted recent export bans on medical equipment including the European Commission president on the line said the restrictions undermined the e. U. Single market. Egypt has suspended air travel until the end of the month many tourist hot spots are in lockdown the pyramids of giza are now virtually deserted almost 140000. 00 tourism jobs are at risk in egypt according to the International Air transport association it says a 1000000000. 00 in Airline Revenues that have been lost due to the shutdown authorities are closing shops and restaurants to contain the virus are now over 250. 00 cases in egypt including several decades. Well for the Airline Industry thess is worse than 911 even worse than the Global Financial crisis one german aviation boss says if the outbreak drags on and the state doesnt step in carriers will fail. Only 5 per cent of towns are scheduled flights are taking off right now nearly all planes are grounded due to entry restrictions and a collapse in demand. Though that is good. If the Current Situation doesnt improve in the coming weeks which nobody expects will talk to the government to determine the basic Flight Services they think should be maintained from a business point of view flying doesnt make any sense right now. Transit now what lufthansa c. E. O. Says europes Largest Airline isnt good friend and chill shape for now but he did not provide an outlook for 2020 he said nobody can predict the entire fallout of the penn demick according to the Consultancy Firm copy center for every nation most airlines in the world will be bankrupt by the end of may unless governments intervene International Industry group says up to 200000000000. 00 a needed to help cushion the blow off the outbreak. And its going to be a massive blow 25000000 people worldwide will lose their jobs because of the outbreak thats the warning from the International Labor Organization People working in the tourism and Services Sector will be among the most affected the u. N. Agency says the number of working poor holding one or more jobs will also increase significantly its call for urgent large scale measures to protect workers including paid leave and short time work. For documents show germany expects a record of more than 2000000 people to make use of its short time scheme it was 1st widely used during the financial Crisis Companies can apply for state aid to cover the costs of keeping stuff on. Getting workers in the 1st place is proving difficult for German Farmers a warm spring has pushed up harvest time but border restrictions are stopping thousands of Seasonal Workers from coming from Eastern Europe. This rhineland farm has only half the normal amount of workers for a spring harvest farmer simon klein says the rhubarb is already ripe and the asparagus will soon be ready as well. None of them are to the future looks quite dramatic because were still only in the preseason were starting to harvest the 1st crops but the main harvest will start next week right now theres only 24 of us it will be difficult to do next weeks work with that number of people. Josh abbotts of actually. Klein says hes going to need at least twice as many workers but they were started and closed borders between germany and Eastern Europe are worrying many farmers they say its difficult to find locals willing to do farm labor for the minimum wage of 9 year olds per hour between really have their backs against the wall theyve made considerable advanced payments theyve maintained stocks for over a year they have seedlings on the farm that absolutely have to be planted. The minister of agriculture says people from other sectors who are out of work due to coronavirus should consider working on farms. Farmer klein says hes had luck finding help on facebook. Group to shits im happy that many students have contacted me i want to get to work as soon as possible taking the details and well definitely hire some of them for the harvest season. Hes a lot of course was young but despite that ray of hope its unclear if the labor supply can possibly meet all the local demand this year. Nice in business or if youre. Lucky. Lucky im on. To the point. Clear positions international perspectives. More than a 100 countries around the world are in the grip of the coronavirus thousands have died and many more are in fact in this business is struggle to stay alive growing fears of a global recession signs of deal with the facts to find out on to the point short mob to the point. The next makati w. A. Each step tells my story. Of the people who climbed to me built dedicated to me. Im not too dumb to. Be honest and put my name. In the centuries they built me they created something. To munch as i was destroying it. I have mocked my cities days for centuries the company of my country. Has until the day i mean theyve. Done differently stunts april and. No troops no concerts no visits throughout the world drastic measures are being imposed to combat the coronavirus millions must accustom themselves to an ongoing state of emergency the European Union is hunkering down borders are closed for 30 days Member States are checking passports to get at what used to be open the internal process and every government seems to be thinking of its own people 1st even as leaders rattle off appeals for cross border solidarity so how are people reacting to what concerts

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