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Restrictions on daily life. And easter of like no other as worship moves on by Church Services are cuts and religious leaders are around the world canceled festivities and celebrations. Im sorry kelly welcome to the program europes finance ministers have struck a deal on a 500000000000 euro bailout aimed at limiting the economic damage from the coronavirus the measure should help nations hardest hit by cope with 19 as well as supporting companies and protecting jobs the breakthrough came after ministers failed to bridge their differences in marathon talks earlier this week southern European Countries led by italy and spain want the European Union to ease access to Financial Markets by creating so. Called bonds but the idea was resisted by richard northern states including germany the netherlands and finland and its. A very abrupt regard who is following the story for us from brussels about tell us what exactly is in that steel. That was a big sigh of relief in all 27. 00 capitalists of the European Union after the finance ministers in the euro group struck this deal late in the night after 2 days of fias negotiations of bargaining and bickering and. Sent a no the politic is finance minister the head of the euro group said these are bowed and bishes decisions we made it and all of shows the german finance minister said this is a great day for sort of dairy tea and its also a great day for you pretend you didnt because the union can act so in the deal itself contains 3 components firstly there is a Loan Guarantee by the European Investment bank in luxembourg 200000000000 euros for small sized and Medium Sized Companies the secondly there is a new unemployment scheme to finance Unemployment Benefits in poorer Member States worth 100000000000 euros by the e. U. Commission made available by that you commission and theres also a 3rd component 240000000000 euros from the european stability mechanism the years m. Which was created in the greek crisis that now makes money available for italy france and spain without conditions they only have to take care that these finance instruments are used for the technical the corona virus and the Health Systems so a lot of talk a lot of measures as you mentioned also a lot of talk of solidarity but ultimately you know we we did see some fault lines on display its a killer the those between north and south within the e. U. So which countries alternately have achieved what they wanted and which countries have not. Well the spain italy and others have achieved easy access to cheap loans but these are only loans is not fresh money they have to pay it back at one point the italian fine is mr roberto god here he said vincentio i have one and also the dutch finance minister. On the other side said we have fun because now there will not be any ikoro no bones no debt is issued by all Member States the common debt that is fiercely debated in the e. U. This has to be decided down the road the timeframe is not clear the you find has been says also agreed to have a Recovery Fund later on the size is unknown and also its unknown how to finance this germany is strictly against these corona bones but italy is still fighting for them and banks you know the enormity of really what is at stake here for the European Union should not be underestimated many people saying that the future of the block itself depends on how it navigates its corona crisis alternately based upon this plan will the money be enough but all the experts in brussels and also the European Central bank says these emergency funds worth 540000000000 euros are not enough you need a Recovery Fund to restart the european economy after the coronal crisis the e. C. B. Talks about 1. 5 trillion euros and you have to combine that also with the National Measures germany alone is pledging one trillion yoan run trillion euro for its own economy so the numbers are really high and this is only the beginning of the discussions and the money has to flow ok so going to see the bees go to tease perhaps in the future to me here its joining us with the view from brussels on this massive bailout package for the e. U. Thank you. All asian markets were up on friday after that e. U. Deal although it was a series of new emergency lending programs in the United States that drove much of the trading indexes in tokyo so in taipei all responded positively after the u. S. Central bank announced that it would lend more than 2 trillion dollars directly to businesses and local governments a major expansion of its powers that were looking at there by the way gave on wall street following that news that the grounds for fridays sessions in asia. Well lets take a look now at some other coronavirus related news from around the world new york city authorities have begun using a trench to bury virus victims the number of unclaimed bodies interred at the heart island Public Cemetery has increased 5 fold since the start of the alpine new york plans to draft in additional Funeral Directors to deal with the numbers of people who have died in recent days. The worlds Major Oil Producers have made progress on a deal to cut out but by 10000000 barrels a day of meeting between opec countries and allies including russia remain between all members except mexico a cut is seen as the best way to support tumbling oil prices as demand comments. While german chancellor Angela Merkel says that she sees signs of hope in the fight against covert 19 social distancing is helping to slow the spread of the coronavirus in the country but merkel also warned that now is not the time to use the lock down. Deserted streets in the german capital a common sight in countries facing curren a virus around the world but according to experts in germany the restrictions on movement seem to be having a positive effect. The number of new cases there appears to be leveling out but with a long easter weekend looming the german chancellor has warned against getting complacent to do for no snitch we mustnt allow ourselves to be lowered into a false sense of security instead we should be really happy that more stringent measures arent necessary for me this means that we cannot be reckless now we mustnt allow ourselves to be loaded into this false sense of security and i know that for myself personally you get a little hope then you gain confidence then you become a little more relaxed and then youre a little careless you know we have to stay focused the situation is front gyle you germany also announced plans on thursday to increase Domestic Production of protective medical gear asian manufacturers are currently responsible for 90 percent of the worlds production of protective masks more than 100 companies have responded to the governments call for help but also if you give momentum going displacement as a result in our discussions about procurement and the purchase of personal protective equipment especially medical protective masks we saw the 1st steps of progress. Some companies that operate here in germany are already investing in increasing the production of the material thats needed for masks and the its through that solution visteon signs of cautious optimism in germany but the debate over an exit strategy to lift restrictions will resume after easter. And after weeks of rising infections the Spanish Government is also expressing cautious optimism despite more than 15000 deaths the number of fatalities has been inching lower but spaniards will not be allowed to leave their homes for at least another 2 weeks and schools will remain closed the measures are hitting children from low income families in particular. Us is most important tools right now are her smartphone and laptop from her own backyard she uses them to try to keep in touch with her students but its not always possible media and heads parents dont have an Internet Connection at home so until recently he was stuck permanently offline. A friend brought me over a few homework assignments i can do that. But unfortunately i cant do the other assignments because i need to be online. Yes the only reason miguel is able to talk with his teacher right now is because a schoolmate gave him a prepaid sim card says that was great but its no long term solution. And i have students who are really good but they cant continue their learning no. The government should be making sure that everyone has access to the internet and all students have the chance to take punts and classes online. Spain has some of the highest poverty levels in europe especially among minors according to the United Nations surveyed percent of all spanish children and adolescents are at risk of poverty Internet Access is not much better around one in 5 families in spain still dont have a computer at home. Isolation social exclusion problems at School Children from low income families especially affected by the crisis and theres another direct Us Government reports have found that the number of people infected in poorer neighborhoods is up to 7 times the new rich districts theres a lot of discussion in spain about possible reasons but what is already clear is that a person social status place a role in how much the effect someone. Marta stays positive but the longer schools stay closed the harder it will be for disadvantaged students to catch up on their learning cant wait to leave her home office and get back into a real classroom again but many in spain believe thats unlikely to happen before the summer holidays. Lets get you up to date now on our latest developments because John Hopkins University is corona virus tracking website now shows that more than 1600000 confirmed cases have been recorded worldwide almost 96000 people have died of coven 19 yemens internationally recognized government has confirmed its 1st case widespread poverty and 5 years of civil war make the country especially vulnerable to a severe outbreak and authorities in indonesias capital jakarta are implementing stricter restrictions to slow the spread of the virus about half of confirmed cases are in the capital chicagos Cook County Jail is reporting 450. 00 inmates and staff have tested positive the jail holds almost 5000. 00 prisoners and is now one of the biggest clusters in the United States. Well for the worlds biggest regions this week is usually fill it religions excuse me this week is usually filled with celebrations Christians Mark easter jews mark passover muslims the fasting period of ramadan begins actually later this month so did obvious correspondents in rome manila and moscow reported on how social distancing is affecting religious observances have a listen. Easter here in italy is going to be an easter like no other instead of family gatherings in feasting as well as excursions to the seaside or countryside to enjoy the good weather its going to be all about staying at home the police are expected to be out in full force to make sure that people dont do what they normally used to doing at this time of the year other struggle is to hard to make this period special as compared to every other day when were here into more than a month of these lockdown missions here in italy im going to try to cook an extra special meal or perhaps try and get the chocolate Chocolate Bunny for my child but its not so easy for many out the their families concerned about the fact that they may have lost their jobs on not getting enough money in order to feed their families here in the philippines easter is celebrated with elaborate religious rituals like reenactment of the crucifixion and massive prayer gatherings were in for a more quiet easter as we enter the 4th week of lock down this church where im at would normally be teeming with Street Vendors and church goers it isnt usually very quiet as 19 has changed the way we worship and we pray masses are still ongoing but they are very limited authorities extended the lockdown to april 30 bringing more uncertainty to filipinos and with that a deeper need to cling on to their faith. Its a very different reality this year all around the world youre up to date now on g. W. News and please dont forget you can get the latest headlines on coronavirus and a whole lot more on our website thats a d w dot com you can also follow us on twitter and at d w news in fact on all of the social media platforms my name is sarah kelly in berlin and ill be back again at the top of the hour in the meantime to. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news of. Our corona. With 19 special next on d w. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when will all of this. Just through the tactics of uncovered and we couldnt read your blog is called spectrum if you would like any information on the clone of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast so you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at. Science. How useful are face masks during the corona crisis experts contrie to agree on this should we wear them and if so who should wear them do they protect me or the other person and which types of mosques make sense. And many Asian Countries face mosques are regarded as one of the main. In the fight against the coronavirus and in china its even forbidden to be on the streets without a mosque. But here in europe we have mixed feelings about Wearing Masks in times of scarcity many believe masks should be reserved for Health Care Workers depend on protection but that few seems to have changed recently now more and more local authorities do recommend to wear masks in public so lets talk about face masks and what they can do for us during a sunday. Welcome to our 900. 00 special here and news i want to get good to have you with us is wearing a face mask useful during the Coronavirus Crisis or is it all just nonsense opinions are divided but there seems to be a growing consensus that we cant stay in permanent crisis mode thats how do we end the lockdown without risking a rise in new cases and consequently a higher death toll could compulsory facemask policies be the out so well in a moment well talk to an expert from the w h o but 1st this report. Not all respirator masks are created equal we can generally distinguish between the 3 main types. Socalled filtering face piece or f f p mask fit snugly around the nose mouth and chin and to filter out the tiniest airborne particles the most effective type lets no viruses in or out. An excellent valve makes breathing easier but increases the risk of viruses escaping through an unfair f. F. T. Mask protects both the wearer and the person they encounter with a valve that only reliably protects the wearer if f. P. Masks are in short supply worldwide so they should be mainly reserved for medical personnel. A mask thats often seen now it is this simple protective face piece for the mouth and nose known as the surgical mask it consists of several layers of paper or. On woven fabric with a thin wire to make it fit over the nose when the wearer coughs or sneezes the surgical mask blocks the large droplets but on inhalation air also flows in over the sides that means mainly to protect others from infection rather than the wearer. Once the mask is wet from breathing after 8 hours wearing time at the most it has to be discarded. In the coated 900. 00 prices professionally manufactured masks are in short supply thats led to a flourishing Cottage Industry in d. I. Y. Masks whether using handkerchiefs t. Shirts or vacuum cleaner bags people all around the world are revving up their sewing machines at textile mask functions rather like a protective mask made of paper but generally has a poor seal and blocks only a 3rd of the droplets of the surgical mask does according to a study. However a cloth mask can be washed and reused the most important thing is no matter which mask you wear it can only be effective if used with hygiene measures like thorough hand washing and keeping a safe distance from others. And still some people say the mask is better than none others however warn that mask give people a false sense of security for more im joined by professor ben colling at the university of hong kong his research there focuses on respiratory virus transmission and the impact of control measures on professor cal and hes also a codirector of the w. H. O. Collaborating center for Infectious Disease epidemiology and control at the h k you school of Public Health good to have you with us so please there are still a lot of mosque critics out there and they say that theyre simply not enough evidence that Wearing Masks could actually stop or at least reduce the spread of the virus you however were involved in a study that was published just last week tell us a bit about that. Sure so the study that we did last week was a very careful experimental study in a laboratory of how much virus comes out of the mouths of people with influenza or common cold infections including a common cold or flu virus and we found a lot of virus in the xo breath not only in the large droppers but also in the small particle aerosols and the 2nd part of the study we looked at how well facemask blocked that virus from getting into the environment we captured all of the extra breath that these patients were breathing now and we found substantial reductions in the virus that was able to get into the environment when those patients wore surgical facemasks including influenza and including human coronavirus well that sounds to me like the study says that we should wear face masks and perhaps it should even be mandatory what you say i think we need to be careful not to think that may face mask or magic weapon against cause it we know the best things that we can do in the community is stay at home stay away from other people because thats what would definitely stop transmission but then if we do need to go out i think it might be better if people were wearing a mask than if they werent but you mentioned the beginning the supply limitations is one of the big challenges to back kind of policy oh i dont just one more question about this discussion around whether or not we should wear face mask because its also lint to see is that a sas close to could be airborne what do we know about that. Well we dont know i think the jurys still out in the clip that you just played now you mention the face masks block the large drop is from coming out of someone whos infected but for the other person whos wearing them some of the air comes in the sides actually in both cases the air will come in the sides and leak but they can still protect against droplets what we found in our study was the actually surgical mask a block many of the aerosol particles as well so even if sars kovi too is airborne a surgical mask could still provide some benefit obviously not as much as it would against the larger risk group to doctors but it could still provide some benefit where i did as you mentioned earlier surgical mask or any kind of mask really theyre in short supply right now a lot of people are turning to d. I. Y. Mask what kind of mask makes sense in your view for the general public. But i think any mass is better than no mosque but we know that materials that are a bit thicker probably have better through a trace in performance so a cotton mask or cloth mosque is probably better than a scarf but we actually dont know that much there havent been that many studies on the different choices and i think does now one of the play overseas now you already mentioned that a mosque kondrat plays measures like social distancing or washing your hands but theres a lot of discussion now in europe about an exit strategy from the lockdown can face mask help us return to an almost normal life so are they a prerequisite for ending the lockdown. I dont think massive going to be a magic weapon that lets life go back to normal if people would just wear a mask and washing their hands i think they will do something but probably not enough to allow life to otherwise return to normal i think were still going to need a lot of social distancing and the other measures the test and trace but maybe if we do the mass as well every little bit will help is there a downside to wearing a face mask why is there such a reluctance amongst even experts recommending it you say any mask is better than none so is there a downside we should know about yes some experts have been saying that perhaps people could choose between staying at home or going out and its better to stay home everybody agrees that but then if there was a mask available maybe that person would go out with a mask instead of staying at home with no mask and actually its better to stay at home but if you do really need to go out it should be better to wear a mask to not wear a mask i think the experts are really saying there could be some consequence to behavior so that people wear the mask they think it makes them protected and actually its more like a small benefit and if everybody does it then we get a small benefit as a community all right professor been calving there from the university of hong kong thank you so much for your time and yes to stay healthy. Facemasks lockdown and of course the constant fear of catching the virus many of us look for a way out of this nightmare by following conspiracy theories that explain what really happens or by discovering old health myths that promise to keep us safe be aware that there is a full scale but a list to be used Derrick Williams time for your questions. Can you kill the virus by spraying alcohol chloride. Ok this is a really bad idea the only place on your body where you should use alcohol based sanitizers is on your hands because they are what transmits the virus to your face thats how it enters your body through the membranes in your nose or mouth or also your eyes and when using hand sanitizers you should pay close attention to recommendations about how frequently they can be used without causing damage to your skin dont ever spray a sanitizer or chemical on your body or your face youll do no good and youll possibly do a lot of harm. That connection between covert 19 and 5 but. Youre referring to the Conspiracy Theory currently making the rounds on a lot of social media platforms that the spread of the virus is somehow linked to the spread of 5 g. Technology now this was a brand new myth for me and 1st i couldnt believe it was serious because the idea is so patently absurd but apparently people are taking it seriously enough to go out and set fire to mobile communications masts lets get something straight this disease is caused by a virus not radio waves but we repeat that its caused by a virus not by radio waves there. National and International Health body on the planet agrees on that so if youre somehow involved in spreading this idea please stop and especially stop if youre one of the ones trying to burn down Telecommunications Infrastructure Emergency Service personnel have much more important things to deal with at the moment. Derek williams theyre setting the record straight and hell be back tomorrow good friday to answer your questions and that was our covert 1000 special for today thanks for joining us for more on the pandemic do check out our social Media Channels and our website at c. W. Dot com which has dedicated covert 900 pages in 30 languages i want to get jones in berlin and wed like to leave you with some images of creative o. B. F. Not necessarily serious ideas for face masks you can see them coming up now here we have oversized plastic bottles and of course large lettuce leaves and there are men with long and well groomed to be its well that might be something for you to go for a creativity in times of a pandemic. To me and you knew in her early twentys english you want to go was a victim of domestic abuse. She works in the slums of nairobi to promote selfdetermination for women. Also support. Their dogs the agent from asian programs in schools and campaigns for womens rights. 3000. Next on digital. This search for the last summer. With the secret. Leonardo da vincis. Masterpiece art history. Art restorers misplacing discovering. Oh mum a mysterious copy exists. On d w. In a timeless way discover the gulf. Coast world starts maybe a foot on the w. Beethoven is for me. Its for. Beethoven is for him. And beethoven is for. Beethoven is for every modern. Beethoven 2020. And 50th anniversary here on d w. Welcome to global 3000. 00 caress mens and Sexual Violence are all too commonplace for many women around the wilds in japan for example women are often groped in overcrowded trains most suffer in silence but theyre beginning to fight back. In one of nairobis poor

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