Over the past 5 weeks. Plus we spoke to the british fund raising phenomenal captain tom watch hes raised a staggering sum countries Health System and the world war 2 veteran saying we should all stay strong during this crisis. So theres no doubt that wrongdoers who ruled. The drugs those are the some who are going to go. Hello im Christine Wonderwall come to the Program Political demonstrations on no longer possible in many nations even in democracies because of the Pandemic Response the Climate Action Movement Fridays for future has switched to protests on line one group here in berlin and has a creator. Whales staging a physical demonstration in the government district off germanys capital without it seems breaking any laws. Berlijn in 29000. 00 and normal friday for Climate Change protesters but not this year with schools still largely closed and demonstrations limited due to social distancing rules striking from school for Climate Change action has become tricky to mark the faith Global Climate strike fridays for future protesters let that slogan speak for themselves after 2 days in quarantine more than a 1000 placards collected from across the country were laid out in front of the bundestag as a reminder for german politicians that the curve of 1000. 00 pandemic isnt the only crisis on their doorstep protesters hope to the lessons can be learned. Not to just be of course we wouldnt have wished for the Current Situation because this is costing human lives there are however companies for example that have now integrated Conference Calls into everyday life and might also be able to do without certain business trips in the future so theres also a bit of hope from the corona crisis for the Climate Crisis. Thousands of demonstrators also joined fridays protest online home to the worlds Virtual Reality during the 1900 pandemic many of them huge social media to voice their demands that would otherwise have been made on the streets their main message the world might have been put on hold for now but Climate Change has not. Joined by d. W. Political correspondent kate brainy shes the author of the report you just saw hey kate so you were actually at a fridays will feature protest today here in berlin how did those who took part manage to avoid breaching the social distancing guidelines. They certainly wasnt like any fridays or future protests id covered d. W. Before very quiet only a group of around 20 people working there putting out those placards in front of the bundestag this morning and which is exactly how they were able to and jeer to the social distancing rules currently in place here in germany and ensure that they were keeping at least one and a half metres between each other but everyone was in good spirits this morning there were a couple of local officers out from the local Police Authority as well but everyone seems to be getting along just fine and the protests went ahead as planned. Just how much has the coronavirus pandemic hurt the fridays will feature movement well of course a friday is a future demonstrations havent been able to take place for weeks weve seen in previous weeks that people have been turning to on online means to meet to make their voices heard but having spoken to some of those protesters that were putting out the placards this morning they said that they were concerned that they were perhaps preaching to the choir as it were and were only being able to share their message inside a bubble so hopefully what they are hoping at least to achieve today is make their voice heard again in a reminder as it was to german politicians by making these protests a bit more present again particularly here in germanys in in germanys government course here in berlin some activists fear that you know planned measures to reduce the impact of the pandemic may actually worsen the Climate Crisis in the long run can you tell us more about that. That is certainly the case and those are some concerns that people are also telling me earlier today the worry of course is that the that this will not be in focus anymore until just a few weeks ago a Climate Change was arguably the most pressing economic issue in the world right now so there are all concerns that perhaps there will be some leniency given towards businesses as well when it comes to taking more environmentally friendly action to to make that committees more sustainable for example but there are also concerns that money particularly here in germany that was set aside for germanys plans to run down its coal usage by 2038 is concerns that that money billions of euros could be used to support the German Economy elsewhere as it comes to terms with the Economic Impacts of the kovac 19 pandemic ok thats kate brady Political Correspondent thank you now heres a look at some of the latest developments in the coronavirus pandemic the global death toll from cova 1000 has surpassed 190000 according to Johns Hopkins university the number of confirmed cases is approaching 3000000 china has reported 1000000 new coronavirus states for the 9th straight day and just 6 new cases 2 of them brought from overseas well for domestic cases poland will extend closures of schools and preschools by a month and said it needs to may 24th but the countrys president ial election is still set to go ahead thats on the 10th of may and henry plans to replace its lockdown which included a blanket curfew on the entire population with more targeted mischas from early may the new rules are to focus on those at high risk. Yes President Donald Trump has raised eyebrows off to saying people infected with the current virus should be treated with ultraviolet light and disinfectant mr trump made the remarks during a White House Press briefing following a presentation by a Government Official suggesting heat and sunlight could weaken the virus. On its listen to mr trump himself now supposing we hit somebody with a tremendous whether its ultraviolet or just very powerful light. And i think you said that has him a check that you going to test it and then i said supposing you brought the lady inside the body you can which you can do either through the skin or. In some other way and i think you said youre going to test that so i was interested right in that i see the disinfectant but not sure that in a minute when that is their way we can do something. By injection. Or almost a cleaning mistress ideas would dismissed immediately by doctors present at that briefing now for more on mr trumps latest current recommendations im joined by John Campbell hes a medical doctor who also works as an independent health and inist welcome to to the program what do you make of the u. S. And the president s suggestion off injecting disinfectant 16 the body of coral in a virus. Well disinfectants a certainly produce to disinfect surfaces and to disinfect objects theyre not to be used to disinfect the virus the virus in the body and the idea of drinking disinfection tor indra injecting disinfectant would both be highly poisonous things to do if you drink it is going to go into the stomach is going to cause inflammation in the stomach can all be absorbed in composing your and if you inject into the bloodstream it could kill you straight away and if you inject insulin muscle its going to damage the area of muscle and cause an injection abscess so its not certainly not something you would want to do these things if a cleaning service or not forgiving into the body in any way what i thought about mr trump also suggested tracing patients with ultraviolet oh youve even lived is there is Science Behind that and could it possibly work. There is the ultra violet light is part of the sunlight not your spectrum and that does have Antiviral Properties so if a virus is on the surface then the ultra violet in the sun will start to kill that virus over a period of time so not sure sunlight is good for this virus and the higher the temperature the less time the virus will survive as well but of course the problem uncovered 19 infection is not a virus on the surface of the body the virus is actually down in the loans infecting the you respond to tree epithelium lining the lungs so theres no way that the lights going to go from the outside through into the lungs and likewise theres no devices we could put down into the long as well that would eliminate the lungs from the inside because the viruses in a 1000000000 different it will blank your prosecutors im afraid its not practicable ok so most experts estimate that a vaccine is at least a year out and you know this is is there a case of desperate times call for Desperate Measures can me completely toss out ideas even wild ideas that the state. Is very good question there is something called compassionate prescribing where doctors can prescribe drugs to patients that arent actually proved to work yet but theres always a balance in health care that anything thats got the potential to do good is got the potential to do harm and certainly those particular ideas that the president was sort of thinking out loud really would do harm so we dont want to do those now individual doctors may make decisions on individual basis about treating particular patients with drugs that are on proved and thats their decision if they decide to do that but we certainly dont want to do any harm weve got to be very careful about doing harm and this is one of the things with testing the vaccine vaccines can do harm as well as doing good so we have to make sure the vaccines are safe and that its efficacious that is going to work ok dr John Campbell thank you very much for your insights thank your search. Staying in the United States the pandemic is pushing jobless numbers to the highest not seen since the Great Depression of the 1930 s. The most recent figures show one in 6 American Workers has been thrown out of a job in the past 5 weeks thats 26000000 people a washington correspondent and it has on its report. When monk looks at her old construction site she still struggles to comprehend what happened 3 weeks ago the immigrant architect from poland was working on one of washingtons biggest apartment buildings then she lost her job in just a blink of an eye so very challenging it was of our times being actual to even an intro for unemployment it took me 2 weeks of nonstop calling sometimes i was on the hold for 56 hours in her 20 years in america leno was able to build a life she owns her own home. And raises 2 sons. You know for the 1st time she is fighting to make ends meet she cant afford the mortgage and she has been forced to learn new skills like home schooling the kids. Can recount so i have students who have. Her savings will last for another few weeks she says she is trying not to think about what comes after that. Call. The right now the main thing gets to. Ill be able to provide them with food and to have a shelter and we dont have that than we are in that really its the way shes. Only a few miles away in washington sean neighborhood bar that was shut down has reopened as a food Bank Catering to some of those who are hit the hardest its. Laid off workers from the Hospitality Business get one hot meal per day has been tough is day by day but all you can do is just be optimistic and you know be glad that youre healthy you have my wife. And well were for you and we are now working. Its very high these are great people in our preserve is going to do it like its helped me through some type of tours it could have been a lot tougher. The bars owner will have to furlough 70 over 85. 00 employees she collected some 300000 u. S. Dollars in donations and is now trying to keep the community afloat. Here in d. C. One in 7 workers is actually in the Hospitality Industry so youre talking about a huge number of people who are suddenly hitting the the Public Safety net programs and so there have just been a lot of delays in them receiving the aid that theyre applying for. How much is a model in a l u 2 is still waiting for her unemployment aid as a skilled worker she hopes to find a new job once the crisis is over but she knows that Many Americans will not be that lucky a month. Now europe is trying to soften the economic no doubt by the coronavirus e. U. Leaders have signed off on an Emergency Rescue package to help countries deal with the immediate fallout of the crisis they also agreed to set up a fund to secure the blocks long term recovery but they are still divided on how this should be financed. The Video Conference was the 4th such meeting since the virus hit e. U. Countries and expectations were lower e. U. Member states have so far failed to agree on how to help those economies hit hardest by the pandemic but after just a few hours the Council President emerged emphasizing the countrys common interests this toned image is put into our societies and circe through there will be inches of each e. U. Member states depends on the will be of the whole of the e. U. We are all in this together michel said leaders have agreed to task that you commission with linking your Recovery Plan to the use next long term budget a you Commission President on the line called for unity unless we acted decisively and collectively the recovery will not be symmetric and divergence between Member States will increase. Speaking to the press and berlin after the meeting german chancellor Angela Merkel also stressed what this meant for europes biggest economy. Thats what are the figures for germany it means we have to expect higher contributions for the e. U. So next budget. Its clear we need some kind of financial instrument or Recovery Plan. Or Recovery Fund Recovery Fund and i want to be very clear here the collective response is also in germanys interest in. Berlin has expressed a willingness and recent days to offer more aid to other struggling a euro khana mees and eurozone finance ministers had already agreed on the principle of an e. U. Recovery fund the big problem the size and nature of this new debt instrument has yet to be decided but after thursdays meeting italian Prime Minister just epic counter hailed the progress being made. The most important thing is that this urgent and necessary instrument has been confirmed italy led the calls for now and they should event the list is signed by the countries was very important an instrument like this was absolutely unthinkable until now. Despite the price details on the planet spas and many suspect the e. U. Commissions toughest negotiations are yet to come and im now joined by the chief Political Correspondent melinda crane head of melindas so germany will pay the biggest share of the Emergency Fund that e. U. Leaders have agreed to set up is that bound to be some opposition to that in the country there will certainly be opposition from the far right alternative for Germany Party the f. T. They said very clearly yesterday that they were not willing to see any kind of increased aid from germany to help other e. U. Members particularly the hard hit southern European Countries but otherwise the my old so far criticism or somewhat mild criticism that weve been hearing is coming from different. Members of the political spectrum including the Junior Coalition partner the social democrats saying the agreement yesterday didnt go far enough and germanys commitment didnt go far enough that bolder action is needed to really get an effective Recovery Fund up and working. So all of the socalled corona bonds that countries like germany and other northern countries are opposed to a day now off the table. No so far basically nothing is off the table the chancellor said very clearly yesterday both in her report marie marks to the german bundestag and also in her press conference after that e. U. Video summit that germany was ruling such mutualization of debt out but the fact is that what the summiteers yesterday decided in their Video Conference essentially was to hand the whole subject back to the e. U. Commission the commission is supposed to come up with an exact assessment of how bad the damage is in different sectors in Different Countries across the e. U. And then make recommendations about how this fund could be set up and how its payout would look and so at the moment theres bound to be a debt the commission will have to borrow money in order to fund any kind of fund of this proportion but the question is what that might look like germany has made its position clear so have other northern European Countries right melinda just just briefly and other thing that called it saying yesterday was that germany as well being dependent on europe being well what does she mean by that well germany is an export world class exporter as we know and 2 thirds of its exports go to other e. U. Member countries and 2 thirds come from other e. U. Member countries in other words even if the German Economy emerges from this crisis quickly and it has in fact put into place some of the biggest rescue packages anywhere in the World Without recovery in the rest of the e. U. Germanys economy cannot flourish that was her message and that message its absolutely accurate and even a 2 track where some countries are languishing while others flourish that will not work out well for this very very open German Economy in future all right thats melinda crane thank you. And now heres a look at other stories making headlines around the world a portuguese migrant santa has been evacuated off of the vast majority of the 175. 00 residents taste of positive for the new coronavirus although as he has ordered mass tasting of all residents of the lisbon facility after one of them was found to be carry the virus several 1000 people have attended Previous Services at the biggest mosque in indonesia is such a province the crowds ignored advice from the National Government and Health Officials who urged worshippers to pray at home to prevent the spread of coronavirus. South africas prison settled on the poster has announced gradually lift the countrys lockdown starting may 1st restrictions on travel and some industries will be east South Africans have been and to stay at home orders for almost a month with essential trips the only exceptions. Several beaches in australias largest city sydney have been closed again off to crowds ignored coronavirus restrictions local officials had reopened the beaches for exercise just a few days earlier while at the same time warning people to idiot to social distancing guidelines. Now critics of lockdown say some governments are using them to curtail Civil Liberties and in some cases violate human rights a spot of an ongoing series. Correspondents around the world look at the situation in the countries that they are covering. Throughout latin america were seeing quarantine related protests and while in most countries citizens are taking to the streets asking for more Government Support during the pandemic the protests in brazil certainly stand out because theyre led by none other than the president has been heavily criticizing quarantine measures calling them job killers among other things and that is a rhetoric that doesnt only resonate with his hardline supporters it also appeals to those brazilians who are more worried about an economic crisis than about a Health Crisis freedom all the fear thats a quarter message from protesters here in the u. S. They are popping up across the country to rally against stay at home orders they are a small part of the population but theyre getting a lot of attention and they seem to have the backing of President Trump hes defended and encouraged them even though theyre flouting the social distancing policy of his own government due to several measures currently in place here in germany to try and curb the coded 1000. 00 virus several basic rights have been restricted including the freedom to movement the freedom to demonstrate and the freedom to worship german chancellor Angela Merkel herself said it was one of the hardest decisions of her career to limit peoples freedoms but at the same time germanys Constitutional Court has made it clear that such restrictions on basic rights can only be accepted for a limited strict period of time at the same time judges have also reiterated that there can be no blanket ban on the right to demonstrate. All floors hes in netherlands have released footage of a thief stealing a prized painting by fence and then call in the early hours off march 30 the burglar used a sledge hammer to him to sing and amsterdam the problem been escaped with the 1884 painting the parsonage garden at noon and fled on a Motorcycle Police are hoping the footage will help them catch the thief and retrieve the precious ot work. At the age of 99 captain tom what has become a Global Social media phenomenon the british world war 2 veteran has made headlines for raising funds for Health Workers treating coronavirus patients so far the Viral Campaign has attracted donations from around the world a total of over 32000000 euros and counting you had a chance to speak with captain one week before he turns 10100 laps of the garden for 1000 pounds that was captain tom moores plan to raise money to support workers in Britains National Health Service but in the process he won the hearts of many around the world and foster passed his fundraising target by millions of pounds speaking to d. W. Alongside his daughter the world war 2 veteran expressed his delight at the achievement. Of yours absolutely an amazing amount of money as we rode to so short time almost the clauses there is only good 1. 00 run 2 sources i think those are. The coronavirus pandemic has strained britains public Health Service the n. H. S. And expose shortages in equipment for frontline staff thats why tom moore took up his challenge we said initially that the money would be far and the n. H. S. Charities and that money could be used to support all sorts of things then this crisis so things like knocks start sleeping and ive seen what i can find the towards and crying i have and looking after Mental Health so that money you really can use. Having fought in world war 2 the army veteran turned celebrity had words of hope for todays generation. Throughout the world you can believe quote was all new people. Is no no no you son. But i would say to everyone things will get better theres no doubt that rondo will roll out onto the ground. Tom moore turns 100 next week physical distancing measures mean there will be a big party at his home in bedford but nothing will stop the many well wishers who be cheering him on from a fart. A true legend says steve every news in full and a quick reminder that you can get a new news and features around the clock thats on our website at www dot com and of the deeds of any app on twitter how were at it is from myself christine one glass and the team here and good in thank you for joining us its been great having your company see you next hour. Dr carson look at sunday examines the much power of the did a. Good job rob. I know you know the trick to just take some vitamin pills intercepts whole long happy and healthy life but is this really true we expose some of the myths and give you some good nutritional advice the good ship. Oh. Passionate drama competition rival marketing numbers atmosphere by the time and traditional love hate money millionaire fans primes 5 stamps. On you tube. Like vogue. Mug or just love was. For the russians so. Steep. So many different walks of life. Some are. Ugly. 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