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To find proposing that governments around the world set a standard that no household should pay more than 30 percent of their income on rent. She adds that a drastic rethink is needed if people are to keep paying brant drive the pentax and british fund raising hero captain tom morris celebrates his 100th birthday just days after completing a record breaking charity walk to raise money for Health Care Workers battling the coronavirus. Im sorry kelly welcome to the program as the debate in germany intensifies over the speed at which lockdown measures are being relaxed chancellor Angela Merkel will be taking stock of the situation when she holds a Video Conference with regional leaders this afternoon the government has repeated warnings that there will be no swift and to the coronavirus pandemic it is introduce new measures for dealing with the virus long term including more testing and stocking up on additional flu vaccines to prevent a wave of double infections and the fall. The latest figures from the whole bad Call Institute provided the clearest picture yet as to how the epidemic has developed in germany the calculations show when and how many people became infected and when key steps were taken to slow the virus spread the ban on public gatherings took a while to make a noticeable difference the closing of schools brought infections down considerably German Health minister young spawn says the number of registered acute infections in germany has been falling for over 2 weeks and is currently at 37000 but regional differences remain so the government announced that testing will be stepped up even further from nearly half a 1000000 tests last week. We feel it will miss levy will introduce more regular testing in care homes including for asymptomatic patients were also changing some of the rules for tests to get a better overview of the epidemic and were introducing compulsory reporting of negative test results when they get to return start work on an antique over 1000 vaccine in germany has meanwhile taken a step forward mind based Company Biotech says the 1st group of 12 participants had received a trial vaccine on wednesday. But with the progress of infection still unpredictable across europe Germanys Foreign Ministry has decided to extend his Global Travel ban until mid june foreign minister said that europe needed to find a coordinated approach. Over the last 4 weeks we brought 240000 tourists from all over the world back to germany we will not carry out such an operation again this summer which is why a lot will depend on how we get talking with fighting the pandemic here and in other countries probably may become for once remember them remember. Protesters and pressure groups meanwhile a urging the German Government to ease even more of the current restrictions on thursday the state premiers of germany 16 states will reassess the situation with chancellor Angela Merkel. And the number of unemployed in germany jumped by 300000 in april thats a 13 percent rise from march it reflects the onset of wide reaching pandemic measures in the country economists had expected a rise in jobless numbers given widespread business closures but the figure has dampened or was dampened excuse me by state support for companies more than 10000000 employees in germany are registered for wage subsidies in order to remain on payroll. Financial correspondent Chelsea Delaney is standing by in frankfurt so are these mounting job losses a temporary phenomenon while the lock downs are in place or something more. Its not a temporary blip these these impacts were seeing on the economy are going to have theyre going to be around for a long time what the data has shown us so far is a particularly severe blow to the Services Sector so people working and restaurants and hotels in tourism and retail thats where a lot of this economic damage is being sell thats not surprising given the lockdowns but even as economies such as germany do start to take steps to reopen theres still a big question mark over when people will be back eating in restaurants and people will be taking vacations again and other parts of the economy such as in for example here in germany and the Auto Industry we are seeing Companies Like volkswagen start to reopen factories but theres still a lot of uncertainty over what demand is going to look like will people be buying cars throughout this year so even in the best Case Scenario economists expect that the the economic fallout from the krona virus could last for a year or 2 years or even longer and that has left governments really to fill the gap here so what are they doing well we have seen a lot of a lot of governments pledge that no people with lose jobs here in germany france made those pledges thats really not feasible but they have taken a lot of steps in germany theyve really beefed up this short time Work Wage Subsidy Program in the United States which has a different type of social safety net network theyve increased Unemployment Benefits but a lot of countries such as italy and spain in developing countries in particular dont have the same social safety net they dont have the same financial firepower and so they are much more vulnerable to long Term Economic damage chelsea 1000000000 frankfurt thank you. So with the situation around the world now how bad could things get for workers the International Labor Organization Says that barely half of the Global Workforce at 3300000000 people could be affected by the recession especially vulnerable the workers in the informal economy those who lack the safeguards of a contract. Nearly 1600000000 workers without proper contracts are on short Term Contracts are in immediate danger of losing their livelihoods because of the coronavirus pandemic we estimate that the average income of the informal economy workers around the world the hit will be 60 percent these are people who dont earn a lot of money in the 1st instance so the post the most vulnerable desperately need International Solidarity assistance simply to survive hundreds of millions of enterprises are struggling to survive during the prolonged lockdowns the International Labor Organization Says governments will have to provide assistance to companies in the most foreign or more economic sectors to prevent job losses thats retail and wholesale its manufacturing its business says we are seeing that some 436000000 enterprises around the world all at high risk of going on as governments across the globe stepped up assistance to counteract the crisis the i. L. O. s urging them to speed up procedures for Unemployment Benefits extend support to independent workers and fast tracked access to loans for small and informal businesses that will help preserve jobs now and boost labor demand wants the recovery phase begins. And as people around the world face unemployment and Economic Hardship theres a radical proposal for how to help them pay their rent United Nations housing representative is calling on governments to cut rents to just 30 percent of peoples income selling. More on that lets bring in now deed of his very own told all right whos joining us here in the studio so whats being done to help renter just specifically in his difficult time there will at a time when many people around the world are confined to their homes some are also worried about how theyre actually going to pay to stay in their homes now at the start of this Coronavirus Crisis governments said that they may introduce a rental holiday now that hasnt happened anywhere instead governments around the world have brought in other measures that are a bit weaker for example theres a fiction moratoriums in which people can get kicked out of their homes during the pandemic or rental delays can pay back the money later the most ambitious proposal comes from spain which has promised that it can give renters low interest loans but the problem is in all these cases people have to pay that money back and its not clear that they ever can now that has led to his radical proposal from the un special rapporteur to an adequate housing lani fata she says government should do more lets have a listen to what she had to say earlier. I am proposing that governments around the world set a standard that no households should pay more than 30 percent of their income on rent we know that thats an affordability measure and under International Human rights law the affordability of housing is tied to Household Income its not tied to what the market can bear and we know in this pen time of a pandemic people are really suffering people have lost their jobs and people are underemployed they have fewer hours of work that means they have less income to pay their rent 30 percent realistic well the latest lady on the phone is a lawyer and she says that this is actually possible under these international existing treaties by which governments have promised to help their citizens without a quick housing according to their rent to their income levels so she says its possible and realistic and not only that but she says that it would be better for the economy because it would give people more money to spend in the local economies lets listen to what she had to say. I think its realistic i mean i think the proposal that people only pay whats available to them in terms of Household Income makes sense its logical and its better for the economy in actual fact because if youre only paying 30 percent of your income on rent that leaves 70 percent of your income to go back into the economy so you can buy your groceries you can buy clothes you can you know spend your money and we know that people at the lower end of the income spectrum actually spend a greater proportion of their income into the economy so its actually really beneficial for governments to take this approach so thats a big idea to help tenants but some tenants around the world arent waiting for governments to give him relief tomorrow is in may 1 and its being billed as an International Day of rent strikes tens of thousands of people in new york have signed up to stop paying their rent because they simply cant and the hash tag cancel rent is trending around the world these kind of rent strikes were common during the Great Depression of the 19th thirtys and now were seeing them have making a comeback during this new coronavirus economic crisis shelves arrived from you that you know thank you. Well here is now a round up of some of the latest developments in the pandemic south korea says that it has recorded no new domestic cases for the 1st time in 2 months the Korea Centers for Disease Control and prevention reported 4 new cases all of them imported japan has expected to extend its state of emergency by about one a month for the entire country its currently scheduled to expire on may the 6th south africa has seen its largest single day jump in cases but the tall tree has so far recorded 205 cases and one death. Germany has banned hezbollah on its soil and designated the iran backed group as a terrorist organization Police Conducted Early Morning raids in several cities on mosques and associations suspected of affiliation with the Group Hezbollah is a shiite Muslim Political party and militant group based in lebanon its military wing has long been banned by germany this latest measure it applies to the groups political work. Lets get more im joined now by ahmed nouri pore the Foreign Policy spokesperson for the green party in the German Parliament welcome to the program and thanks for joining us id like to begin by asking you banning has follows political wing the right decision. Its a bow yet there it is theyre doing in germany and its absolutely correct to ban the activities there are trying to find funding in germany for their war in you know lebanon and in syria and theyre trying to recruit people and this is not nothing we can accept our national the u. K. Meantime the netherlands a band has been a years ago why do you think it took germany so long to policy. There are 2 Different Things we have to to be around for the 1st one is that roar of his followers playing little and especially in these times the Health Minister of lebanon is a member of these valar so these people are very bad ones but we have to cooperate with them when it comes to to to go level and it doesnt mean that you have to accept what they are doing in europe and this is what is happening now in germany this is by their activities are not about you and so. There that there are some kind of organizations are now suspect to go for supporting his followers work here is something we have to to definitely soften and this is why a way finally this that this step has has been take ok i need time we have to mention your party actually abstained on the German Parliament vote to ban hezbollah in december can you walk us through why you did that because you had a better proposal in the proposal we also endorsed they. Then they did in fact that they give it is obvious but i should should be should be stopped in germany so it was not about that issue it was had been other issues b. B. B. Sauder there had couple of it it is just not fair to propose that the government had a couple of very overweight. Sentences when it came to syria it couldnt support the activities of this is was saved by lobbying ban in germany is the right thing to do and get happy that find it happening so you wanted stronger action are you satisfied with the level of action that youve seen now. I think its the right thing to do in germany i wouldnt support a stop of cooperation not cooperation but at least dialogue with these below in general in lebanon because theyre part of the administration is by law took living on as a hostage shooting that hizbullah ended when im used to shoot at the house that also so we have to find a way to to work with the hope minister of the country for example but there is no way to tolerate what hizbullah is doing in europe and in our in in germany and this is a breach of our sovereignty when they try to recruit terrorists in germany and so this is good that they are not banned in and in our country and now that the political wing is also banned in addition to the military one how high do you see the risk that this will now drive hezbollah activities underground in germany and what measures are being taken in order to counteract that force is always there always when you when youre back. Job but theres always a risk when when you go after its a result when using that of course they go underground but that there is no way to accept and theres no way to accept that hizbollah try to bridge funding for their work and in syria which is part of the disaster of the Syrian People here in germany and this is why its a good thing to to try to to abandon any activity of hizbollah in german on the north poor Foreign Policy spokesperson for the green party in the German Parliament thank you so much for joining us and. Thank you. On how its got a quick check of some other stories making headlines around the world to the south african antiapartheid veteran Dennis Goldberg has died at the age of 87 he was involved in the armed resistance to white minority rule in south africa he was tried alongside Nelson Mandela when they were convicted of sabotage and sentenced to life in prison goldberg died in his home near cape town he had lung cancer. Well there have been traffic jams of up to 30 kilometers at the border between kenya and uganda because of mandatory coronavirus testing the controls were introduced after several kenyan Truck Drivers tested positive driver said that they had been waiting on the tailbacks for days. Facebook has seen earnings climb amid a growth in its user base during the pandemic social media group earned 4900000000. 00 in the january to march quarter more than double the amount a year earlier. And early shut down and tight travel restrictions helped give Israels Health service a head start in tackling the corona Virus Outbreak but while the burden on medical staff appears to be easing israels battered economy looks like it will take much longer to recover tanya cramer reports there are no customers but. Keeps the place ready for guests and how 6 weeks ago she had to close the families restaurant in the kibbutz just outside of jerusalem because of the kootenai 900 pandemic she supports the overall handling of the Health Crisis by the government thats good Binyamin Netanyahu the 2 think stream. Familys life you hit. The. Cleanup of after a month and a half of lockdown we are still completely closed except for deliveries and take away. But that is just a drop in the ocean. Independent business is a very much on edge not knowing if we are going to survive. That of all that. Every morning daniela and her husband prepare peter to take away this very government is taking steps to reopen the economy and allow some businesses to start operating again the us lance can see a clear path out of this crisis that many other israelis but there is no exit strategy that is being presented to the public ok no one here say ok if we going to be under you know 200 mil. People who are infected were going to open up these and that and yeah they were going to close these and that how about course what the what if you know what what is the program what is it what what they fear what is their workflow the kimono virus pandemic came the midst of deep political crisis in israel 3 elections with the needy approved conclusive only last week Benyamin Netanyahu signed a Coalition Agreement with his former rival benny gantz to form a National Emergency government with netanyahu as Prime Minister. Is very long serving Prime Minister has been credited with quickly imposing strict measures like travel restrictions and defacto closing israels borders at the beginning of the crisis. But now the public debate has shifted to the Economic Impact of the knock down a Clearance Sale at a small neighborhood shop in tel aviv closing down because of virus it says on this window and employment has risen from 4 to over 25 percent. I dont think. Theyre clear about where theyre going it seems like theyre doing everything. Very spontaneously and without a lot of stuff behind in there that they are shocked that markets are in my opinion the government is stressing us out of it too much. They could give us more freedom because people are keeping to the restrictions and the same crunch of them along. In many other countries these are troubling times in israel in the long term politicians here will be measured by the response to both the house and Economic Issues surrounding the coronavirus now pregnancy can be a scary time for any woman but expecting during the corona Virus Outbreak brings a whole new set of difficulties is it safe to go to the hospital can the baby get infected and can women even reach the hospital during lockdowns or the situation is particularly hard for women from poor households in kenya you know what if it were up to karen she would stay away from any hospital especially hospital which now houses the countrys main corona clinic but at 8 months pregnant she had little choice but to go for regular checkups. But when i go i sit outside we sit far away from each other then the doctor comes but you have to stand away from them they take your health card and you go back outside. With the little time the doctors have these days its up to do this Health Volunteer with the local n. G. O. S to explain the results to the mothers she checks up there well and following the doctors instructions. According to the best with could try and she has been told to grant tests for the its the for the hitch be sought you find that she has no money to go for the test and which is keeping her there and shes. Current a blood test costs equivalent of 1. 00 us dollar but like many other families here karen is spending all her money on this sensual food and rent. She didnt you bera can his biggest people are scared of corona but right now the Economic Hardship that has come with it is worse to these next client is also struggling to make ends meet but her biggest worry is the evening curfew one of the measures can be introduced to curb the spread of corona believe me i dont know when i will go into labor at night or during the day its a problem at the moment with the curfew and the way the police are beating people up what if the baby comes at night and i dont have any health. Duty reassures her that she can walk to a nearby hospital at any hour. I have my. Jacket. With ward im not to disturb any Police Officer because they just. Dont. See how the Health Care Facilities are managing the situation we visited a maternity clinic run by the end your carolina for kibera. Aside from the extra precautions things are still but the health care because. We have seen a number of. Clients really not accessing the site he says but we are doing all that we can to ensure that mothers do not still deliver at home to their cough you are ways that are being imposed by the government and you have been working closely with thought it was the pressure of this is this is a success of this particular point a moment. Up to now kenyan has a few 100 confirmed cases of corona but the hope is that the people who need Health Care Services like pregnant women will be able to access them even when the numbers rise. Well the coronavirus locked down in france has made it difficult for many to exercise even extreme athletes are having to learn to adjust Simon Nogueira is a 3 runner who usually scales the most famous buildings in paris but now he is limited to taking 2 rooftops that are within 2 kilometers of his apartment the 25 year old says that hes noticed that the air is a lot fresher now that theres less traffic. Well captain tom moore of the british world war 2 veteran who raised millions for Britains National Health Service turns 100. 00 today well air force planes usually deployed for world war 2 camembert of events flew over this and terry and home in Central England in his honor the fly past was supposed to be a surprise that the government had to confirm the rumors in the face of immense navia interest. Happy birthday to him a quick reminder of the top story that were following for you here on News German Police have carried out raids and 4 cities after announcing a family on all activities of the iran based has full of groups on its soil and germanys Health Minister says the new measures to deal with the coronavirus in the long term include stocking up on additional flu vaccines to prevent a wave of infections in the fall. Youre watching t. V. You do something that you know is the believe us on the go just download our app from the google play or from the out store which will give you access to all of the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for breaking news and if youre part of a news story you can use the deed to send us photos and videos of whats happening there you. Im sorry kelly in berlin thank you so much for joining us have a great day. The human. Influence. On perception our thinking man our action. Should really change the trying to the parents and the form soon easily failed to see the danger of more companies when the bumbling mob its time to clash he made good judgement. On w. Europe. What unites. What divides. The economy and the most tragic course. What binds the continent to her audience was an stories of punching the clock. Spotlight on people. Whose body from 60 minutes on t w. O bored. Big ideas drive big changes in business and in society as a whole some are hailed as visionary but visions often turn out to be wrong or even stupid today on made well be examining a range of illusions in the economy im chris colfer welcome to the show now one big illusion that

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