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Illegal illegitimate. This leak does not mean you are doing the same thing with nazis. And indeed i have a message to many close allies around the world to your people could be next. Also coming up tonight a warning from the un that millions of children are at risk of being put to work many families are turning to dangerous child labor to put food on the table during the Global Health emergency. My father was killed my mother is very ill. I go out to get money so we can buy medicine for my mother so we can treat her and so that we can buy food for us selves. Us President Donald Trump sanctions against staff of the International Criminal court who are investigating u. S. Service personnel over possible war crimes in afghanistan the United States is not a signatory to the courts charter and wrote select in retaliation for the inquiry. The white house says it will block the assets of Court Employees involved and impose visa restrictions on them and their families and to corruption investigation into the court itself is also said to be in the works us secretary of state might pump a 0 questions the very credibility of the i. C. C. I. C. C. Cannot subject americans to arrest prosecution in jail the u. S. Is not a party to the rome statute the created the i. C. C. And even if a prosecution were to proceed it would make a mockery of due process theres no requirement for human memory for a conviction the prosecution can rely on hearsay to obtain a conviction but theres no real guarantee of a speedy trial is dead or facing a jury of ones peers its a panel of judges who arent subject to any American Accountability lets talk about these allegations with kid pal hes a lawyer specializing in atrocity crimes what do you make of the sanctions against i. C. C. Stuff well there could and precedented these type of particularly the financial sanctions are these are the types of sanctions that are imposed on mass human rights violators or terrorist this not just be the 1st time it would ever be applied to judicial professionals trying to hold those exact same type of individuals accountable under the law. Says the i. C. C. Has no jurisdiction over the u. S. Because the u. S. Did not sign the rome statute that created the i. C. C. What do you say to the. While hes definitely correct that we are not a member of the Court Jurisdiction and i. C. C. Just like a jurisdiction and Domestic Court is not that simple for instance if i were to go to germany and commit a crime i would be subject to german laws in german courts the same apply here with the i. C. C. Afghanistan and lithuania poland and scuse me and romania where the torture rendition allegations are there all state parties to the i. C. C. And the allegations are that american and other individuals took part in crimes on those terror territories of those state parties testings the United States supported many prosecutions by the i. C. C. But the pay is seems to have questioned its very credibility. Is that what whats your reaction to the us well 1st of all the rome statute as he said is the founding treaty of the court this was something that even though the u. S. Did not vote in favor of this room statute they did vote in favor and consensus on all the other documents that the u. S. Fingerprints are all over i. C. C. Is governing statutes and laws and procedures so certainly and also our allies like germany france and other countries so that certainly all these countries have lended its credibility and legitimacy to this and certainly as you just noted the United States has supported almost all the cases before the i. C. C. Including transferrin of suspects so this argument is i would say a straw man argument. Lets listen in to another statement by the u. S. Secretary of states never forget the american commitment to real justice and accountability from the north in tokyo trials up to world war 2 to the more recent yugoslavian rwanda tribunal to those who says always sought to uphold good and punish evil under International Law we will continue to do so. When our own people do wrong we lawfully punish those individuals as rare as they are who tarnish the reputation of our great u. S. Military and our Intelligence Services we hold our own accountable better than i see has done for the worst perpetrators of mass criminal atrocities welcome lets pick up on that is. To suggest that the u. S. Prosecutes its own war criminals and can do it better than the i. C. C. Well that is what the rome statute is build on its built on something called the principle complementarity which makes the i. C. C. A court of last resort it only gets involved in a country in allegations in a country if the Domestic Courts are unaware laying around able in this example you 9 states courts are certainly able to do this its a political will issue so today extent that pail makes that statement the i. C. C. Would agree its just a fact that the United States has not helped investigate it in genuine investigations and genuine prosecutions not only people at the lower levels but the architects of the allegations that 3 years ago for 3 years ago i. C. C. Prosecutor said that they want to look into alleged war crimes by americans in places like afghanistan what do you think now is behind this apparently very delayed reaction that mother trump ministration. Well theres certainly a procedural argument to be made i dont want to warrant your viewers with the details but this did go through the process it actually did find in favor of not going for the investigation that was appealed and to the People Chamber and thats when the prosecution one that appeal so there is a procedural argument however it is hard to not speculate and there is some evidence to it that this is a distraction from domestic events and also a way to sensually pander i would say to the trump base which is trumping the trump ministration which are very much. You know been leveling complaints against International Organizations most recently against the World Health Organization and now the i. C. C. On a more down to earth level one fact is this decision by the ministration going to have on the on the work of the i. C. C. Well the i. C. C. Even before these sanctions was didnt really have a reasonable expectation to be granted access to u. S. Territory or to be access to u. S. Officials that they can interview so in that regard these sanctions arent going to. Change anything that much its all of course financial sanctions on the court staff and their families would be a big deterrence and however the biggest limitation that these sanctions have is on actually people that dont work at the court for instance lawyers who represent victims more n. G. O. S nongovernmental organizations that work on behalf of victims and may have evidence that is relevant to these cases these sanctions and the trump him as it is now leveled can be directed against these individuals and that could have quite a chill effect tony hale thank you very much for this analysis thank you. As the coronavirus pandemic pummels the Global Economy the un wants warns that millions of children at increased risk of being pushed into underage labor in iraq years of war have already forced many farmers to make hard choices to make ends meet for some that has meant putting their kids to work as we report from iraqs kurdistan region a big load for a little person mohamed how meade has to cart heavy fruits and vegetables around every market he earns a few euros a day working from 7 in the morning till 7 in the evening 6 days a week hes 12 years old. But its hard work but im used to it i want to help my family so we can live. Child labor is a part of daily life in kurdistan the latest figures say about 2000 miners work in the capital and be alone and that number is going up schools are closed because of the Coronavirus Crisis many families are desperate so they send their children to work. Mohammad come out works full time in a garage also 6 days a week hes 13. He stopped going to school 2 years ago his father has a heart condition and he sees it as his duty to help his family through hard times. I dont like working in this area its exhausting. And i do. I have to help my father because hes old and. My brothers and i come here to help support him i didnt want to leave school id like to go back and eventually go to university. But our government doesnt give us any help. Childrens aid organizations say thats no reason to take a child out of school. Child labor is widespread in iraq and all over the middle east its considered necessary for children to work. But thats wrong its illegal to exploit children for profit or other purposes. That may be but the reality here is the children are working while the authorities turn a blind eye and parents simply feel they have no other way to make ends meet. Joining us now from new york city for more on this is canarios williams is the associate director of the Child Protection unit at unicef. Weve just seen this report from iraq but this is of course a global issue earlier today that in africa alone 72000000 children are actually working whats behind these high numbers of child labor. Well weve made some progress actually but still there is a lot there needs to be done so the cover today is one of the drivers right i mean its economic factors families have to make difficult choices of how to sustain the family. Is going as you said youve seen some progress where do you see progress and compared to when. So i mean from 2000. 2000 to now we have seen me early on great 1000000 children taking out of the work was so tremendous progress has been made in the last 20 years and what were worried about its there to actually to cope it responses. With the trips the progress that we have made with all these these children taking have been to have been taken out of labor how did you achieve that how was that achieved. Well actually if we achieve that you know we would see if you ask me we have a 5 point action which we use to achieve that what was social protection ensuring that actually the families had a social safety net using Cash Transfer and social assistant to addressed the issues of poverty to address issues of claim Financial Stress and economic straits and the fact this 2nd one was the Poverty Alleviation providing jobs and livelihood especially areas you know where they say one economic one we believe theres some job growth a corking and some group of people who suffer from economics one would believe that would have to make their hard choices so putting the achievement but then we also have a question keep the children in school we have enough evidence now to show that if a charity is in school and the child is able to complete school theyre most likely not to be engaged in full time work then we have the legislation the legislation and then the legal enforcement of this legislation is important im trying only actually one of the things weve been saying this has to be secret you cannot do this in piecemeal it has to be integrated and wrapped around which out and its partly you said that youre concerned that the coronavirus pandemic is making things worse. So what we have seen with a. Pandemic and the response to the pain every kid is fun it is provoke you know unemployment it is pro who killing. A lot of people have lost their jobs which is resulting in poverty a lot of people have lost their livelihood especially those any form of able an abscess to create heat and theyre going into debt and so in debts that go there is a likelihood that the children could be command beyond their debt levels and their very few social protection schemes step hurry ties to pay in primaries with children and you also have an impact on migration we need to insist going down canadians williams thank you very much thank you very much for having me. Latin america has become a coronavirus hotspot with a number of known infections now its saving 1500000 argentina is among the countries implementing strict measures to prevent the virus from spreading but that could be bad news for women that Domestic Violence was a serious problem even before the pandemic and its fear the danger has increased due to curfews and quarantines. No traffic jams for a change a curfew has been imposed and when osiris for weeks now but it has other consequences besides the traffic according to experts theres been a sharp rise in cases of Domestic Violence during knock down Claudia Cooney is fighting against this fine and every year she organizes a demonstration outside congress because of the corona crisis its been cancelled this year. For many women are locked out with violent partners at the moment with rightists this is a real problem right now. Or 5 years ago claudia and other argentinian set an example they found at the knee when i mean i was movement campaigning for equal rights and against femicide. Every year hundreds of thousands took part and some of the biggest protests by feminist groups more and more women have become involved in argentina and the movement has gained political momentum. Recently though there have been only spontaneous tanners like the one after the murder of a 23 year old woman families and friends are demanding more information including those of the silly of us are doing whose body was found in a garbage dump. Ok. Cecilia was an angel and a good girl. Is in the path of traitors must because. They are usually i will visit them in jail until city is past a few days to make sure they serve their sentence every day be very early. Bakiev if youre going to be muslim moderate as daughter was killed in 2015 by her lover thats where muscle is now drawing attention to femicide during this corona crisis. Levien athey at the moment some women experience violence 24 hours a day. But this isolation is exactly what perpetrators want. Me until it was made mandatory by the state. That it would because were going to feel any element of if we have to. Usually muscle as one of the demonstrators purple shoes or one of the protests but they wont be making an appearance this time. Thats. Now during the crisis for the 1st time theres a works of emergency number for women. As a class that they usually can speak freely on the phone. But now using matzah they can secretly make an emergency call from the bathroom when you know if i mean it isnt instead of a large scale demonstration theres no live stream of the protest on the internet it is crucial to send a signal of protest and against the fact that so many perpetrators go unpunished our fico bundled with the government has had as much of a quarantine planned for the time in fact slums as it did for the issue of womens finance during this curfew. Called. Many here are hoping the lockdown will soon be over so they can get back onto the streets to protest from a science. All some countries worry about a 2nd wave of the corona virus many parts of the globe still havent seen the worst of the 1st outbreak yet correspondents around the world filed these coronavirus updates for you. The Nigerian Government has continued to emphasize the use of face masks and other protective measures but many people have become all concerned about getting the virus and more interested in getting their lives and businesses backing off its way look on his recent history and never present grain on new mosque nor sadly its eyes are not keeping the misery of distance you its scary. Its scary but most thing is theyve got many people as to moving out of the you know so they found no way india face mark and some of them they dont even care do they really believe that its corner where was the. New zealand steam off 5000000 crushed goes at 19 but the celebration was short lived as that very same team now faces a long road to economy recovery ahead obviously we have a lot of and media issues to address and im joined managed. International travel and also just basically getting businesses back Small Businesses i mean im very hopeful that it wont take as long as she might disappear. Not that we are in love with one and things all back to normal but yet we have the full disclosure to imply we make it trickier as we open our borders that will be a challenge and often the tourism is what brings some money to the smallest teams has a rural areas so i think thats going to and picks the very strong need there is still around 8000. 00 new corona virus infections in russia every day and restrictions are still in place in most regions across the country but by lifting the lockdown in the capital the author already have given people across the country the sense that russia has essentially beaten the virus. Its been seen as a landmark case that could set a legal precedent for other teens everywhere a court in seoul officially recognized the woman who was born in south korea as the daughter of a korean biological father even though she was adopted and raised in the u. S. Its a right she spent years fighting for after south koreas put states privacy laws prevent it from tracing family. It was an emotional hearing for cholera both the ruling makes her an official member of the family she was born into and entitle her to an inheritance but she says all she ever wanted was to find her mother this is just all my mom. Can you recognize my face please come to me please i think this day is momentous for all of us adoptees just to have a life by the way i took was the struggles that we faced with not having any rights whatsoever to be able to contact our families and i hope that this can change in syria born in seoul as cunny soak boss was abandoned at the age of 2 and adopted by an American Family shes one of 200000 south Korean Children adopted overseas in the past 60 years lose prioritising birth parents privacy over adoptees rights make accessing records new turi asli difficult the issue has long been shrouded in secrecy and stigma growing up in michigan the now 38 year old says she rarely thought about her birth family but when her own daughter turned to she decided to track down her mother. After conventional channels failed a genealogy website matched her to a young south korean student whose grandfather they suspected must be both his father she tried to contact him via his daughters her half sisters but her pleas fell on deaf ears. I even went to one of their houses and i begged like literally on my knees. And they called the police. In november both filed a paternity suit a Court Ordered d. N. A. Tests proved it was almost 100 percent likely the now 85 year old was indeed her father karr abbas plans to meet him next week she hopes hell reveal the truth about her origins and lead her to her mother. Back here in germany the desire for a 4 Legged Friend has grown during the coronavirus make people working at home on some company the surge in demand has boosted the business of illegal dog breeders Animal Welfare workers worry theyll end up being sent to shelters. So far the huge demand for poppies has outstripped what the illegal trade can handle thats why dogs like this one have been abused as breeding machines once they can no longer go on or if they get sick they end up in a shelter but during the pandemic german breeders have been completely overwhelmed by the growing demand never before have there been so few residents and berlins Animal Shelter caregivers can now spend more time with them in peace the shelter is closed and is only reachable by phone. We found more new homes this year than we did by this time last year. Lots more people realized they could work from home or their bosses allowed them to add it may stay that way so people with office jobs have had a rethink and now have more time for a dog a few little idiot starters for all. But shelter staff or concern over the sudden love of animals. There also more internet searches on classified ad portals thats true we urgently hope that they dont end up back in the shelter afterwards and that the huge flood of puppies doesnt end up back there. Just how long this newfound love of pets will last might not be known until after the pandemic. The day is almost done with the conversation continues online to join us on twitter as did i just watch. By the sound gives card goosebumps. La guardia sister electronic cars are way behind it. We talked to some experts about how the cars of the future will sound. Read the. Next. Car out. In the north. Germanys only im on the open sea a day trip is nice but its better to stay 2 or 3 days on the island that makes a real difference its the ideal place to slow down and relax chicken. In 16. Happiness is for everyone schuman penises are very different from primates you know we have a totally ridiculous i mean the size view nature. And this is Climate Change spreads its sex happiness in books you get smarter for free books on. His nobel. My managers do not go to day nothing would change you know the banks you know why and so was the language of the bank money. Speaking the truth global news that matters g. W. Made for minds. Of the bush with all the madam of the book the ball. Boys alone the. We are living during the most extraordinary time history. Support for before the electorate. In my backyard

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