Port explosion one week ago the face as angry crowds renew calls for the president resignation. Im told me a lot of well its good to have you with us the u. S. Democrats president ial candidate joe biden has selected kaamelott harris to be his running mate in november as election the senator from california is the 1st black woman to be a major partys candidate for Vice President the decision comes a week ahead of the Democratic National convention where biden and harris will be officially confirmed to challenge President Donald Trump and his v. P. Mike pence for the white house. Lets will indeed be a correspondent in a poll who joins us from new york in new jersey is this a surprise choice. Well yes and no you know many people really speculated that she would become the v. P. Pick of joe biden because i mean shes very qualified she is African American plus actually her mother is from india. But some people thought that joe biden might not pick her because she really was criticizing him really harshly on the come pain trail but by the end of the day he obviously picture ok tell us more about the candidate about the Vice President ial candidate. So you know she is very energetic people hold democrats hope i shall say that she gives this energy to the campaign of joe biden which is lacking a little bit of exactly that shes a very evil know and she is highly respected among many politicians and shes very valid connected to bods as a prosecutor a she also was really for strong Law Enforcement so that it could backfire a little bit on her. How does this overall effect impact bidens bid for the white house. Well it will most definitely increase his chances to get elected she is the 1st and therefore this is really a historic moment she is the 1st blank v. P. Pick from a major party she obviously joe biden hopes that she will gain votes from the Africanamerican Community also from other minorities shes a woman obviously so he hopes that she reaches out to women and this is actually not really reported shes also an interfaith candidate her mother was hidden to her husband is jewish and she all selves called her a baptist so shes really reaching out to different religious communities and this is always an important case here in the united states. Considering harris and biden repeatedly clashed during the primary election debates what kind of a partnership will this be. Well both of them are really professionals there are many many years in politics and joe biden gave himself a lot himself a long time to pick his candidate so im sure that he overcame any crunches you have held against her it will be a very professional relationship and i actually think that joe biden will use the power and the knowledge of his cabinet much more than other president s did before so im expecting a very good political relationship between the 2 of them. A correspondent thank you. To bella rusinow where unrest has erupted for a 3rd night as Security Forces fired rubber bullets and stun grenades to disperse thousands of protesters of a ledge for president Alexander Lucas shango falsified sundays Election Results which saw him with 80 percent of the vote amid the crackdown the oppositions top president ial candidate has left the country. A 3rd night of anger and under arrest in the capital protesters here are still furious about an election they say was rigged but as demonstrators rallied once more to voice their Outrage Police moved in to make arrests. We are all belarusians how is this possible fighting against your own people this isnt fair. President look i shant go has vowed to crush the protests and crackdown on the opposition that crackdown has now claimed its most high profile victim opposition candidate spent. On sunday she was claiming victory in the countrys president ial election 2 days later she fled to lithuania citing concern for her childrens safety. I made a very difficult the situation for myself and ive made it absolutely independently me. Many will understand me many will denounce me and many will hate me. God forbid anyone should face the choice that i faced. Saucily that still are far more anxiety too for the families of detained protesters so many have been gathering at Detention Centers like this one on able to locate loved ones arrested amid the unrest. Children. Yesterday in the evening my father was kidnapped they were walking on the streets one riot police ran to them and took him to the Police Vehicle police do not give any information 24 hours have already passed since he was kidnapped but we have no information about his whereabouts so we are worried and we are searching for him. The European Union has denounced the result of sundays election which saw president look at shank when a 6th term with a widely disputed 80 percent of the vote in a tweet the e. U. Used top diplomat yourself borel called the poll neither free nor fair and pledged to conduct an indepth review of relations with by the roots he said the 27. 00 nation bloc was considering sanctions against those responsible for violence unjustified arrests and falsifying Election Results. Now a quick check on some of the other stories making news around the world. Tens of thousands have taken to the streets of malis capital bamako to demand the resignation of president imbra him book arcade opposition protests have range since june due to disputed local elections and perceived government corruption and incompetence tensions escalated last month when police shot dead at least 11 demonstrators. A team of United Nations experts arrived in riches to aid efforts to prevent an oil spill from further damaging the nations environment salvage crews are racing to pump fuel from the japanese ship which ran aground last week before it is fear the vessel could split in 2 as cracks in the hole grow. More than 300. 00 landmarks across london have been lit up to highlight the plight of the live Events Industry during the pandemic lock down the National Theatre the london eye and several sites skyscrapers were eliminated as part of the Red Alert Campaign most live venues have been closed since march. Lebanon has marked a one week since a massive explosion tore through its capital beirut on tuesday hundreds gathered in the citys streets in memory of the blast victims and in protest of the governments failure to prevent the disaster more than 170 people died and 6000 others were injured when a warehouse full of Ammonium Nitrate blew up at the citys port. In one week on beirut pause to reflect on the moment the toll this city apart. They gathered amongst the ruins to mourn the loss of loved ones and strangers. The names of those killed were read aloud. I mean it was a day of mixed in. Martians on the areas of your ears on the ridge are not really our. Current locals. Are here to pay my respects to those who fall theres often i know im not alone in feeling this way to go for the hopefully there are better days ahead a lot of anger sadness no words i think i can kill. I feel for all my friends whove. Been through it who lost people they love. Its a disaster. At nightfall distillery every emerged for us. All those met unknowns entire government resigned on monday many protesters say its not enough they want the resignation of the president who they say is in part responsible for last tuesdays devastating explosion. Germany a staging a 2 day Video Conference aimed at finding consensus on coping with migrant flows across the mediterranean germany currently holds the European Unions rotating presidency and its hoping to forge a breakthrough on an issue which has split the e. U. A Member States have been unable to agree on distributing the migrants among themselves within one of the terms of how much you know that you know from the time the founding of the thing you wanted to make that the captain of the lebanese livestock freighter calls for help after rescuing dozens of migrants in the mediterranean sea. For a total of 5 days in july the maltese authorities left him alone with 50 migrants off their coast only when the captain ran out of food and water did they bring the people ashore. Migrants being housed in animal pens is of course an extreme case but regularly freighters and Aid Organization ships have to wait sometimes for weeks before they can bring rescued refugees to a port thats because multi and italy are demanding that other e. U. Countries take in some of them to. Greece also feels abandoned by the other e. U. States to prevent more refugees from arriving on the greek islands the coast guard apparently protects the border with turkey with socalled pushbacks this means that the refugees are not brought ashore but are pushed back into turkish waters in their boats as these drone pictures show this contravenes current law course a hope for would like to be the one to solve all these problems while germany has the e. U. Council presidency to do so other e. U. States including germany would have to show solidarity with the countries bordering the mediterranean and take in more refugees his counterparts have sent positive signals but say ho for also warns against too high expectations. Saying i dont think this is being too optimistic but i do feel some confidence that we can achieve a lot in the coming months although i cant guarantee today that we will make the breakthrough its a very difficult task you see sridevi of. Difficult or perhaps unsolvable until now many e. U. Member states have been vehemently reluctant to accept even a handful of refugees yet far fewer of them arrive in europe by water or land than they did 5 years ago. Manfred vapor an ally of say who 1st party in the European Parliament has proposed that u. S. Officials should examine asylum applications directly at the external borders. Does appear in front of i think its unreasonable to 1st distribute everyone who arrives before checking if theyre allowed to stay it would be logical to quickly check at the extra no border whether a person may stay in the e. U. But have to do this we cant delegate it to greece or italy. What he is proposing is in principle already being practiced in greece in addition to greek officials staff of the European Asylum Agency also examine the applications despite this thousands of people have been stuck in miserable camps for years waiting for a decision on their situation there are simply too many applicants in one place. And while e. U. Member states argue about asylum procedures and distribution quotas scenes like this continue to play out on europes xterm no borders. The remaining quarter final games in the Europa League took place on tuesday night spider sized severe defeated britains wolves one nil the winning goal coming in the last few minutes of the game while Ukraines Shakhtar donetsk beat the basil of switzerland for one and so the semifinals will now see sivia taking on Manchester United on sunday while on monday inter milan face shocked our. Youre watching the news coming to you from berlin remember you can always keep up to date on our website good of you dot com follow us on twitter and instagram at. Told me a lot of things are changing in. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona update. 19 special the next on d w. How does a virus spread. Why do we have it and when will all this. Produce through the topic for

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