Today we are sure in a new peace between israel and the of root everybody said this in boston let us try and put one in one to get that lets try and develop the sort of any relief in ship things are happening that i can talk about. That ive always believed if we could establish peace with the arab world i hope the palestinians will see this for what it is as well a stark opportunity for the middle east to be stable peaceful i want it to be because donald trump is good looking but the president understands that. Also coming up tonight the summer of social distancing that is it the coronavirus many countries thought that they had under control in the spring is coming back this summer with a vengeance so this virus is a long way to burn if we allow it we need to make choices and so little choice is are not easy they are hard and. I think thats going to be the struggle over the coming. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day. With a peace deal between israel and the United Arab Emirates today at the white house u. S. President trump announced an historic agreement that will reduce the number of hostile countries towards israel by one the u. A. E. Says it and israel are normalizing their relations in return israel has agreed to suspend any further annexations in the west Bank President trump said the agreement was the result of months of negotiations led by his son in law jared cushion or but he offered no answer when he was asked about the timing of the deal why now trump said his policy of maximum pressure against iran was key to sealing the deal israel and the u. A. E. Both regard the Iranian Regime as an enemy however trump offered no explanation as to how u. S. Policy on iran had helped to bring israel and the u. A. E. Closer now this deal marks a substantial change in the accepted equation among arab states for reaching peace in the middle east the creation of a palestinian state the u. A. E. Is no longer making peace with israel dependent on the creation of palestine todays deal requires israel to stop and nixing any further areas of the west bank no new ones but the existing settlements they will remain along with the conflict between israel and the palestinians. I just came from an historic Virtual Conference between myself President Donald Trump and crown prince mohamed bin zeid of the United Arab Emirates we are now of the establishment of a full informal peace between israel and the us it includes the mutual opening of embassies direct flights and many many other Bilateral Agreements this is the greatest advancement toward peace between israel and the arab world in the last 26 years now that if this agreement doesnt serve the palestinian cause it sets the zionist narrative it encourages israel to continue its denial of palestinian rights and its crimes against our people we need support for the legitimate struggle against the occupation and not to establish agreements with the occupier the palestinians will meet any an exception with confrontation and we will be supported internationally by arabs refusing to sign normalization agreements with israel but of. My 1st guest tonight has been called the rabbi to the muslim world for cause of his research and work on muslim jewish relations newsweek has named him one of americas top 50 rabbis im happy to welcome tonight Rabbi Marc Schneier rabbi schneier joins me tonight from new york city rabbi its good to have you on the day with this agreement there will be 3 arab countries with diplomatic ties with israel does this deal does it make the middle east a safer more peaceful region. I know this will have a domino effect on other gulf states. And all is protected by any 20 we would see one of the arabian gulf states sound shape relations with israel right behind you 8. Saudi arabia by train and amman kuwait spawn and then i know that. In life there are you you need tension to make a deal and there were. Major of actors here that were reached for the making of the steel contributing elements 1st called the 19 pandemic ive heard from several gulf leaders that with our wealth and resources and israels brain trust and technology that still gather we could break the curator of the sea and only the regions of the world secondly was the whole controversy over the possible and it station of the west bank what the emirates did today is they say in the 2 state solution and wind instruments a tremendous opportunity to thank me for the palestinians the fact that there will be discussions down of a 2 state solution and 3rd you always have the angolite as extension of this threat coming from iran but it was these 3 intruding l is that created tension to make this this card that jordan apparently does not see it the way you do wrap on today in jordan the government of jordan said that the region will move towards a just peace if israel sees this deal as a step towards returning to the borders of 1967 do you believe that in israel led by Benjamin Netanyahu sees it that way. I dont see i dont think all states see it that way i think the difference between this film and i mean stern and they get the presence of dots back in 81 with bacon returning the sinai or the iran being made with husseins father that was about the sation of hostilities this is a tremendous tremendous opportunity both for israelis and for the arab gulf states from an economic point of view from the scientific point of view from a technological point if you in this region can be the most powerful economic rachid in the world this is a deal of opportunity after opportunity what a Significant Partnership 1st led by u. A. E. Has i mentioned others will by the end of 2020 and it is an alliance that will only bring opportunity to the region where is the opportunity for the palestinians in this. Book i recall at the conference last year and behind the peace to prosperity arent where you had the reins hosting this conference and israelis you had representatives from saudi arabia from the u. A. E. From cantarell from other arab states and there is no question that the gulf states today recognized they have skin in the game in terms of bringing about the final reconciliation between israelis and palestinians particularly in the arena of economics the you know this can bring great Economic Empowerment opportunities to palestinians and thats really the name of the game you should know that i mean this and its a should is very consistent with an overriding principle. In jewish history in judaism not in jewish people that. The one discipline that transcends all others is a pursuit of peace even if it means giving up lands even if it means giving up land its all about the pursuit of peace israels not giving up land have are all i mean israels not as well as agreeing to suspend any further and exemptions in the west bank but it already controls most of the west bank and its not agreeing to give up any territory that is already in control. Right and these are the lambs captured you know in battle in 67 so what is really is are now saying is that we are going to suspend an exception the 2 state solution is back on the table kudos to the emirates for helping to facilitate that and this is a win win from Palestinian People today 2 state solution back on the table and youre going to see tremendous Economic Opportunities for the houses but its about reading what im wondering is how how you are seeing the 2 state solution being supported by this deal because as it stands now with the annexation and the settlements that israel has you cant draw a continuous line to make a state of palestine so until you can do that you really cant talk about having 2 states of course you cant because theres always and even the Saudi Peace Initiative of 2002 there was a principle there of swapping you know different pieces of land taking parts of the negev to make up for the loss of the land in terms of the west bank you know if there is a will there is a way today what has been made very very clear on the part of israel and the gulf that there is a real desire to bring about peace in the region of peace that would also greatly benefit the pounds the Palestinian People its a day of great celebration and im telling you and i know that in the coming months you will see other gulf states falling in the same pattern before we run out of time let me ask you about iran you say that iran is one of the reasons why the u. A. E. And israel have come together what has changed about the role of iran in the region. Nothing is strange you know iran has always been you know seen as a very. Evil as of sensuous threat not only it is road but you know to the gulf states as well. Considering this kind of Nato Alliance you know i think that the gulf this and ive heard this you know from the king of bahrain ive heard this from other gulf leaders that our only hope for a strong moderate arab choice in the gulf is a strong israel i think many of the gulf states are looking to israel to really serve in that capacity to bring the security to bring the protection its a win win for both sides. Rabbi Marc Schneier joining us tonight from new york city rabbi we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you very much. You too. So this virus is a long way to burn if we allow it the key objective for us all is to try and suppress infection to a point where we have control at Community Level and then risk manager way through this we have to make some difficult tradeoffs opening schools versus crowded gathering places we need to make choices and some of those choices are not easy and they are hard and. I think thats going to be the struggle over the coming months there was michael ryan there with the w h os Health Emergencies program speaking a major new study estimates that 3400000 people in england may have been infected with the coronavirus now that figure is more than 10 times the official number of known cases researchers tested 100000 people and looked for cope with 19 antibodies and found 6 percent of respondents tested positive now that figure was much higher in london where 13 percent of those tested were coded 19 positive the study also found that black and asian people had higher antibody rates at 17 and 12 percent respectively well im joined now by one of the researchers involved in that study professor helen ward with the Imperial College london shes with the faculty of Medicine School of Public Health professor words good to have you on the program the headline figure is 6 percent thats thats more than 10 times the number of known cases were you surprised by that. No i wasnt surprised because we know that the number of as you know cases where only those who tested positive and we know particularly early on in the epidemic there wasnt very much Testing Capacity in england as in many other countries that particular in england there and so most cases were not able to get test unless they were really seriously ill so we knew that it was not widespread and that i wasnt surprised and i was in there been other small thirtys. Actually quite similar thing around 6 percent of people having antibodies and. As you suggest well does having covered 19 antibodies does that mean that a person has definitely been affected. If you test positive if you havent definitely because not all tests are not perfect no test us in the might be a few files opposed to this not that many as far as we understand it from are quite extensive evaluation of this test in the. Cases. Known cases so really quite confident that most of those people will have been exposed to the virus the case you have might be cross reactivity with work around irises but we dont think thats very common so yes most of those people will have had. 19 direst sars could lead to you found a rate of about 13 percent in london and that is a similar figure to the swedish capital stockholm which you know did not have any lockdowns why is the prevalence so high in london despite having a walk to. Thats a very interesting question i mean. We didnt have a universal lockdown but it did actually have a lot of social distancing it did actually encourage most people to work from home and sonically as questions on events larger events and so on so its not to say that its as if they didnt do anything yes there was a lot and once and that a lot in london and the rest of the u. K. Happened relatively to happened on the 23rd of march by which time we already knew that the epidemic had really spread quite extensively and london was particularly badly affected im not surprised that there were higher things and and but we did find that there was evidence of the infection across all regions of the u. K. Right back in january february so it was obviously introduced right across the country in multiple ways i would suggest and there are also these these higher rates for black people. Do we know why they seem to be harder hit. We have seen from hospitalization figures from testing and unfortunately death biggest that there are grace it is in some ethnic minority groups almost ethnic minority groups and what we have to share is that he this is not just because they are likely people in those groups the last to get more sick or so it is actually because they will actually get the infection the 1st place that a lot of the town explained by the fact that people black and asian people unlike you see in sectors that are essential work sectors such as Care Health Care transport delivery shopping etc so they are actually is a lot of its associated with work and that more exposure is also associated with living in areas that meant to private areas where the virus spreads easier larger households more gest populations design so theres a number of reasons why its is just simply people will be more likely to come into contact with it less able to lock down and not themselves where her example of the 1st question before we run out of time by reading this correctly if these figures are correct then they suggest that most people who develop antibodies are also symptom free asymptomatic is that correct. You know about. As a 2 percent just under 30 people didnt recruit any sentence they didnt they werent suspicious that they had it so most people see that people are the case. But he tests positive oh they had symptoms that night and says this is so is that of people you asymptomatic that are less interesting lead to anything 50 percent and people of 65. 00 so lots and lots of them. Actually younger population. Professor helen board with the school of Public Health Imperial College london the 1st of what we appreciate your time tonight and your insights thank you. Youre welcome and hes well for months germany has been seen as the poster child of efforts to deal with the Coronavirus Crisis but in the last 24 hours germany recorded its biggest daily increase in infections since may the number of young people catching the virus continues to increase as well since will berlin or berlin mitta which is known for its younger demographics now has germanys 2nd highest rates of corona virus infections the Health Minister calls this worry and is urging people to be alert temperatures arent the only thing rising jaring geminis heat wave theyre all but Coke Institute for Public Health reported 1445 new cases on thursday the highest number since may 1st. If people dont speak i want to say on behalf of the government the development of these numbers is worrying and they should or yes we dont have a single be cowed break but many small and medium sized outbreaks across the country. Many cases have been traced back to holiday makers returning from vacation as well as family gatherings and parties at 34 the average age among positive cases is also younger than in previous months. That means that infections are prevalent above all among younger people but thank goodness that means you are serious cases that said this did risk because at some point you visit your parents your grandparents like them maybe there are people among your friends with chronic illnesses underlying in assists or congo perhaps there are people that work in health care in hospitals and other areas. Testing meanwhile is on the up but the process isnt always going to plan the Southern State of bavaria announced wednesday that 44000 results of tests taken by holaday makers returning to germany by road still hadnt been relayed among them 1900 positive cases the delay was due to the manual input of handwritten data the consequences on the region a still unknown. I have no doubt that i picked the right person to join me as an expert praise the United States of america and that senator couple hours after the most competitive primary in history she left angry she left. The country received a resoundingly message that joe was the person to lead us forward there was nobody more insulting to biden she said far worse about biden than i ever did she going to stand with me in this campaign and all of us. Were going to stand up for her joe biden of the Democratic Party have been overtaken by the radical left its no surprise that he chose senator harris to be his running mate shes tough shes experienced shes a proven fighter she i think shes going to be a big failure the case against donald trump and mike pence is open and sat where you can hear it in her delivery. A former prosecutor and attorney general will bring a prosecutorial style to the Biden Campaign it has been 24 hours since joe biden introduced his Vice President ial running mate to the california senator. Harris has been a boost for the Biden Campaign already on many levels yesterday alone the campaign raised 34000000. 00 the excitement surrounding harris is palpable but not in ways that we are used to the pandemic means much of this years president ial campaigning will be done online and in person social distancing means many voters will not cast a ballot in person but rather send in their votes via mail in ballots a good solution many say but not everyone is ready to hand over their ballot to the mail kerry. Over 2 thirds of the u. S. Voters will be able to make their choice by either mail or absentee ballot in the 2020 election more than ever before in the history of the United States this is what this years election battlefield looks like sounds ridiculous well donald trump has politicized malin voting in absentee voting because he fears that this might lead to a great awarded her knowledge among democrats according to President Trump made in voting is more susceptible to voter fraud even though there is little to no evidence for this he has already announced that he might not except the outcome of the 2020 election undermining the most crucial tool of democracy the right to vote. He is unfortunately turning into an authoritarian figure and. He doesnt like democracy so much anymore it seems like so i think its really important for all of us to exercise our right to go and im teaching that to my children to know. How people want to exercise their right to vote looks different from many in this years election due to the corona 5. 1000000 downloads as a professor at cringe a Pac University of connecticut and he has been teaching constitutional and criminal for decades id rather vote in person im used to doing that ive been doing it for 50 years but because of the pandemic i just dont want to go into a polling place where people are standing in line where im dealing with people who could be in fact where i have to touch Voting Machines other people may have touched so im very much in favor of the absentee voting this year at least. Deca demick has a very different take from the republican President Trump has been sowing doubt about the reliability of this years Election Results from the beginning of his tenure. The biggest risk that we have is mail in ballots because with the mail in ballots called universal mail in ballots each month it is a much easier thing for a foreign power its much easier for them to forge ballots and send a man its much easier for them to cheat. The president s statements raise concerns that he might not accept a defeat and might try to remain in the white are concerns about this even if the president doesnt refuse to leave it remains to be seen how was followers are going to take this they have already been primed to believe that if he loses this was an unfair alexion and that could easily lead to mass resistance even to violence in the street. The pandemic damages many aspects of life even the integrity of the democratic process itself. Well the day is almost done but the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either d. W. News you can follow me a breath go off t. V. And remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see that everybody. Into the conflict zone. Off to the moon to be joe Louis Company car woman get me to go to insult has become a firewood for violence to corruption my guest this week is the countrys foreign minister every song solo for you says he wants to improve motors tanishq image from how many more secrets have to come before it will be possible. Conflicts of. 2 minutes w. Im not laughing at the germans because sometimes i am but mostly im nothing with the time and even to have anything to think into the german culture im. New to take this drama day oh you know its all out there know im right so join me for me because im going to gulf coast. And germany with t. W. And any time any place. To see news video never. Have had the benefit of pop. Songs to sing along to download to see this to come from soup. To 2 months of. Very course is kind of into active exercise is a hard thing about that d w dont come slashdot action and im on facebook and they are still. Jammin for free but w. Theres. This is. In the middle east and historic peace deal between israel and the u. A. E. Stablished diplomatic relations in israel is agreeing to suspend any further annexations in the west Bank Washington and. Also. Take to the streets of. Peaceful defiance. More are

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