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A struggle to get to grips with formula ones newest circuits we take a look at the best of the action from the tuscan grand prix. A matter how to welcome to the Program Security forces in bel aversive detained hundreds of antigovernment demonstrators during the lightest mass protest in the capital minsk more than 100000 have joined of marches as the diving rallies into day 60 wake the protests highlight the plight of those detained on suspicion of trying to overthrow the authoritarian leader alexander lukashenko. This time riot police were out in force in minsk ready and waiting to pounce. They sprang into action as soon as demonstrators began gathering. The interior Ministry Said hundreds of people were arrested for displaying offensive symbols and messages. One woman shouted shame. But Security Forces were soon outnumbered by demonstrators an estimated more than 100000 people heeded the call to turn out to show their support for leaders of the opposition. Some protesters chanted we are the power and your fired. Words directed at president alexander. Who the opposition accused of stealing last months election. Again with top Security Officials to discuss what they see as menacing drills by nato countries and bella who says western border. Is due to travel to russia on monday for postponed a face to face talks with president Vladimir Putin the 1st since the mass protests ahead of the planned visit protesters demonstrated outside bellos embassy in moscow theyre worried about possible russian interference knowing full well that the kremlin is watching the protest movement in belarus very closely. Correspondent Nick Connelly is on the ground for us in minsk protest aside i feel like its the time how does your vantage point. Well its difficult to imagine now on the streets how many people were out today around 200000 as we just heard but it ended as quickly as it began that is the pattern here because most of the arrests happened beginning before the big crowds arrive while its easier for the security stragglers and the same as it ends so kind of extraordinary contrast to a very relaxed atmosphere people that were in this small children their strollers and then suddenly when the end nears everyone disappearing in a great hurry into the metro and Shopping Centers just trying to get away from the police who as weve just heard of made about 400 arrests so far. Still rise. These protests are continuing a month after the election here in belarus and no sign from the people here that the threat and the arrests of the last 2 days the release putting them up. To violence against women protesting yesterday has that affected turnout or the behavior on the streets on sunday. I think theres a level to which that was kind of factored in we had seen a phase where women were treated with great concern and regard by the Security Services there was a very famous pictures that made their way around the world of women standing between this police and protesters demanding to prevent arrest that is well and truly over now that he is talking to Security Forces last week he said that sometimes theres just no time to follow the law basically. To use all methods legal and illegal to prevent these protests so i think definitely but no surprise at these measures and definitely based on stay turnout no willingness to keep it to stop going out just because the government is making good on its threat to crackdown the images. Dramatic the words and the acts not by sides. Powerful but we have a style might how are the opposition planning to to change this is position. Why i think from the position you hear that its actually their point of view is that its not up to them to have to come up with some kind of roadmap here they say in a system like this where there has been in power for a quarter century and not being challenged for most of those 26 years this kind of regular protest is already in itself enough to put the government to pressure and were seeing how the government is after weeks and weeks of these protests starting really to take more drastic Action Action that is compromising the government opens it in the eyes of people who may be worth a bit to go for and help but have been shocked at these detentions that the violence used recent days and weeks and where you see people who maybe were protesting the 1st coming out because they have been appalled by the length is going to go and protest long as they keep on keeping getting numbers growing week to week that that is enough and eventually the government will end up making mistakes that bring it down and connally on the streets of mince thank you. Staying in the region of voters across russia or casting their ballots in local elections which are being seen as a key test of president Vladimir Putins grip on power Elections Come on the weeks after the neophyte poisoning of Opposition Leader valley team wants russians to vote for the candidates with the best chance of defeating. United russia party 1st results are expected on monday. On the tent city is opened on the great island of les voss the facilities meant to house migrants left homeless after fires destroyed in the tourist morea refugee camp but most of those displaced say conditions are unbearable and they just want to leave chris is Prime Minister is calling on other European Union countries to accept their fair share of migrants. New arrivals settle into life in the replacement migrant camp unless. While the facility is still being built greek oath already is remain hopeful all will be re housed within the wake. Since the natori a sleep over crowded morea camp and down most migrants have been forced to sleep on the streets iraqi refugee and photographer to use a flash wiley is angry at just how desperate conditions have become so i look up to be able to be very early in the cold does the station in this region the world know almost nobody coca cola here is. The way of the world in the city you know unsecured in grizzly no meat with bowl full of holes with. Our group of. Milk our. Own little. Girl. Some migrants have even chosen to stay at the scorched morea camp. Like who say they too are angry at the situation. Bombers in a queue we are approaching disaster there is no growth we should have tourism but we have had nothing for 5 years now we are living in a constant state of fear 500 migrants became 1002000 we are still in the same situation and this is a disgrace the office arties fuld us now for your daughter got out they must leave as soon as possible we treated them well when they 1st came but they destroyed our island the greek government is also to blame. Most migrants unless boss just want to leave the island but they fear the new tent means that wont be happening any time soon. Well for more on this im joined by Florian Schmitz from lesbos florian as not full 5 days after the fire how many people there are still preparing to sleep without shelter this is very difficult to express in numbers out of the 13000 refugees who lived in moria before the fire only about 300 have moved into the new facilities 400 unaccompanied minors had been transported to the mainland earlier this week yet the situation here less buses rather chaotic in a press conference this morning the minister of migration northeast has announced tonight 5000 bits will be ready for the refugees as of today though the press has no longer access to the street where a majority of the migrants and refugees still gather about a 1000 people sleep around the area of the former morea camp others are scattered around the area which means that the majority of the 13000 people spent another night outside floor and we heard that some people are refusing to move into the new temporary accommodation what are they waiting for instead. Well theyre hoping to be transported either to the mainland or even better to countries in western europe such as so germany or france or the u. K. The chances of this happening very low though germany has announced that they would take in only 150. 00 austria for example wont take in any at all and yet after many years of dire conditions in moria neither the refugees nor the people of blessed both want and you can but closed center as the government is planning to erect this is also white the refugees refused to go to this new facility in fear they might not be able to leave any more. On the on the flats bus Florence Metz thank you so much. Ok lets have a look now some of the other stories making news around the world. Israel has become the 1st country to impose a 2nd National Lockdown to combat a surge in the coronavirus Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the closure will begin next friday after the jewish new year holiday new infections had topped 4000 a day. Exit polls for local elections in germanys most populous state north rhinewestphalia show a surge in support for the environmentalist greens but chancellor Angela Merkels christian democrats are still leading overall theyre on course to get 36 percent of the vote and the social democrats around 23 percent. Believe Michael Bloomberg is to inject 100000000. 00 into democrat joe bidens president ial campaign against donald trump in florida polls show a top rice in the battleground state with a slim margin for biden is set to make a Campaign Stop in florida and shes done. Well taliban and Afghan Government forces have clashed just hours after the start of a long awaited peace talks in qatar because she had is a hoping to find a way to end the decades of war in afghanistan talks were due to begin in february shortly after a us taliban agreement that the meetings only started this weekend because of continuing taliban offensives form afghan President Hamid karzai has told the w. He hopes talks will lead to a long lasting peace in an exclusive interview he also expressed optimism that the insurgents would up hold the rights of Afghan People including womens rights and freedom of speech well these are these are fundamental rights in any. Suicide in any society that looks forward for progress. But todays these these are fundamental rights without these rights are coming to a Prosperous Society or. Society does progress in their food. These are the rights that i hope they will respect and also very much want to emphasize that. These rights of these rights the right to education for Afghan People for all children especially suspicion that i do education for our daughters who is in afghanistan is a fundamental that that we cannot compromise on and im sure the taliban are also recognize and work to promote that was former afghan President Hamid karzai speaking exclusively to. A guy in formula one who is hamilton took his 90th career victory in a chaotic tuscan grand prix 6 cars were tied before the 1st lap of racing was completed but from the chaos the constant another hamilton win as the stand in his championship late. Bought us got off to a dream start and with joe little during past pulsar Lewis Hamilton to take the lead. For red bulls much for it was a nightmare. He didnt even make it through turn to. The dutchmans early exit was the 1st sign of the chaos that we didnt go for the scrum prefer with 2 red flags calling a halt to proceedings as drivers struggled with the circuits lightning fast corners. Eventually order a marriage from the chaos hamilton past teammate bought us after the 1st restart and held his place after the 2nd the result may have been predictable but the briton said it was anything but routine. As like 3 races in one day. Just incredibly tough today i think with a difficult start this track is phenomenal another victory in 2 weeks time at the russian graeme prix woodsy hummel to equal the legendary Michael Schumacher record for career wins. There watching the news on his coming in 45 thats. What secrets lie behind the swans. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. W World Heritage 316 get the map now. Has a virus spread. Why do we panic and when well. Just through the tough. And weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at. Slash science. Kids dream of becoming pro football and. In the starting 11 these players are. There currently without meaning unemployed in the football world. In the workplace. Im not even. Down under my belt but we dont usually associate. Unemployed players at the other side of the. Which is the german player has organized a camp for out of contract footballers the idea is to help them get fit and hopefully find a new club for many its a make or break moment in their career. Nick mentions one of those footballers seeking a club his contract at some pollies youth side ran out in january back in march he had a trial lined up in slovakia and even agreed to a contract in principle then corona broke out. I thought he says look there was some sense that you funk. Something. Like hundreds of other players men should graduated from childhood fame cannot and should be an academy was left searching for a club in a moment of people. Its got to be. You want to find a. Fellow youngster dominating the t. V. Was in a similar position he had a couple months left on his deal when the pandemic hit in his team was suddenly looking to cut costs to use. This stuff let the food such as social. Lives. Get a social in the composition of been. This is plan b. For roughly 30 unemployed players a season the annual camp is just one of the found a 1000 Numerous Services the Players Union supports pros from the 4th to 1st divisions also offering legal aid as well as career and educational training 1400 of germanys nearly 10000 crows are in the union. Members the camp reminds me of american predraft binds players live there sharing meals and rubbing elbows they train hard for 4 days and head home for weekends. On all. Dominic was kind enough to show us around. Well its kind of a fine its. Pots and shake you know its you thats me well thank you kindly. Not bad and most of us dont have the luxury of looking for a new job from the ball the ball court i expected a grim atmosphere but the mood was largely upbeat the found a fellow model is common unions in europes top leagues organize similar camps with roughly 500. 00 players taking part each year. For the year. If it afforded for me to put up. The. Floor. Wouldnt. Feel right up to it failed because it would have on the camps led by pay dont know if anyone can resuscitate a players career its him he was technically declared dead due to a heart attack while golfing back in 2012 and making a miraculous recovery hes also got a rolodex the size of a house and knows exactly what players need to do to succeed at the highest level have been coached at multiple Business Leaders sides over the course of 3 decades. Have always fought for me. For me. And in football the whatever if you give. Up if. You dont get through its pretty hard to nail down a typical player at the camp. Or disappearance are often at opposite ends of their careers with youngsters hoping to establish themselves as pros lining up next to veterans looking to extend their playing days. As experienced incredible highs in some deep lows in history here he was playing for germany squads in making his Champions League debut for dortmund at. Team the last few years have been down as planned the last suited up for you in the 3rd division help not to show off my goodness of utah. Which tie in for. Just me. And thats why its vital. You know the camp could be a chance for a much needed career reset the mayans happy just to be playing again after a lengthy career on a break still to shiism sofa tight even just us for us with some food spot on the sets. And so today and one that i finished on the stand i fall off and so again. A constant refrain between players coaches and foudy field staff is a similarity between footballers and the rest of us thats especially true the further down the links you go where life can get pretty precarious contracts are short and earnings are limited in injury or unperson event can throw everything out of whack. The county thout told us how hard it is for players to make ends meet between jobs some can scrape by on savings others collect unemployment older players are often used to bigger contracts and have families to feed putting them under constant pressure and the Young Players typically have more flexibility their lives are less glamorous than we might think. Loads of you jane so im sure. That once they get from this newsgroup this is of initial. Was an offense that was directed to start to lose. So on and. So on to the stage so theres often an initial feel such players like sanchez will also likely never have to stand in line waiting on a meal at a canteen. But if im going to go beat up in. What they thought was victor would. Be to go become the lightest. But actually. In a chip which add up could make us gandhi and of course football has been thrown into chaos by the coronavirus traces. On the me. As we go to pull from the outfield plotted in 5 oclock in the fight that would be topping a foot into thoughts on foot into. Finished up although we had to go to also sort of using the other to go by the ball through to the other mention of these i am all moving the fun out of things in front of them up isnt. On the ball. Its fortunate then that by the camps 3rd week things are moving along nick has left for a trial in croatia where hes latched on to a club not bad. Meanwhile fellow camp goer salim good news has signed for a 3rd tier hyla. Dominic sees it as a good sign that players are starting to get picked up having compared himself to get induce a lot of hits and im long. As happy as a result and i saw something mindless and stomped on the. Ice i know much else and will also mistrust us and i said all shuttlecock and the best chance to make it at the camp is in one of the friendlies they organize its as close to a Job Interview as the players can get with plenty of the agent scouts and coaches in attendance i thought the foundational boys held up well especially given the element just 2 weeks ago. You become the new president your. New hit off with a line that should be what im thinking of months of off the pitch along the cuff why im going to. Neuer doing likes what he sees from marion but knows that he has to deliver on the. Mentality youre going to top once relieved about. The commonwealth according to you to be a plus but what about to get the music off a computer bunch go fall off as a whole color of your desk without a war going to get just relying on very good bull dudes with a good mind im going to have a look you have a kind of life was a kind of off life a dish come most importantly money on got minutes in real match conditions thats hard to find as an unemployed footballer and probably the best way to find a new club. As i ask why im schooled. To stay in iraq its been year and its. Same or not thats more plots well meaning british really good bit of a blog. Where i notice both of you have the mafia the board model where theyre going to be out there where hes going to go food out for him but i get the flight that hes going to be hard on the. Dominic is already weighing some offers from 4th Division Sides which he sees as a realistic goal he was pleasantly surprised when we told him the coachs opinion. Of things when they send off they dont when theres a us in a field or anything. Because of the. Guy from. The new testament itself nearly banal you go. To the. Dominican mother and should fall into the roughly 80 percent of found a foul camp covers you find a new club even if its in the lower leagues all players are focused on bagging that next contract the found a fellow offers a number of services off the pitch to take a holistic approach that focuses on their members futures whether thats in the game or. Not if our representatives told me that only one in 3 footballers have the education or job training needed to succeed when they hang up their boots many fop. Entirely on soccer for their whole lives the union is there for these players helping them identify strengths and weaknesses and potential post playing options footballers may not want to think about what comes next but these guys know better than anyone just how for terry is life in the game can be. Getting the ball and he really met afflicted out for oil. On his 1st visit to the film. Im getting is that the ladies i think are the good side may get guns thats what he thought from. Your mom with bills to pay and dreams on the line the pressure is a mets but the players are all taking it in stride every player we talk to has been surprisingly level headed and positive about the situation we always put things into perspective and keep looking forwards even in these tough times this is i for my new life and shove them ill be able to focus a little this white and some on bills mom for them now but itself i. Can see her walking through quite high and then crashed. On stage media was once a week and regarded as a model businessman bankers and politicians contributed to his success. The scheme would never have worked if the banks hadnt played along theres no way. Big money big fraud this story of a german car. Next on t. W. Kerosene. Is there an alternative to this climate. Researchers in switzerland are producing a Carbon Neutral person at a solar mini refinery sunlight air and water are turned into kerosene. The amounts are small but that could change. Airlines need to make flying. Only friendly to borrow today. In 60 minutes on d w. Passionate drama competition rivalry marketing numbers atmosphere power the fight at intuition love hate money. Fans friends further spams and fans all. Go off on you tube joining us. This is the story of a man who was very good at selling things that didnt exist. Manfred shmita was at the center of the biggest financial fraud case in postwar german history. He said 6 years in prison for his

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