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From animal skin and many animals pay with their lives to satiate our design for it but there are alternatives for our global ideas theories we headed to indonesia to the city of banda east of the capital jakarta and there we met a young inventor whos found a way to produce leather from mushrooms. Here on the outskirts of bandung a city on internees his main island java something is being cultivated that could be of great value. Mushrooms. They rarely draw much attention there are many species with many very properties. Some others contain medicinal agents. Here that the raw material for an innovative kind of textile mushroom is a pretty real to become a Sustainable Future a leather he cares crewing mycelium of edge of this part of the fun. It can mean making perfectly like a letter without any b. Your p. V. C. Or any chemical content base material. Comes from a family of mushroom farmers in 2012 he and some colleagues founded a start up for gourmet mushrooms but they quickly changed tack to focus on my sili im committed to developing a sustainable and animal friendly fashion industry. Compared to animal that are. Having a really huge advantage in Environmental Impact for example we can share less water we dont have to kill animals we can move vertical farming so we can save some species and its also a really last carbon emission. They feed their mushrooms with organic waste such as sawdust. Company micro tech sources it locally. Whats waste with the wood mill is a recyclable treasure here. First the sawdust is cleaned with steam. Then its mixed with tiny mushroom spores. They consume the sawdust and at the same time on the outside of the sawdust blocks they produce tightly woven my celia which can be harvested within a few days. The process uses a fraction of the water used in standard leather production less than 110th. This has caught the attention of lunda he makes and sells shoes many of course are made of leather but these days hes keen to find alternatives to the Leather Industry is one of the biggest contributor for carbon emission and we see that as long as words keep selling. And as the cells grow we keep damaging the environment and then it came to realisation. That we need to find the sustainable solution at 1st he balked at the notion of mushroom lever but his team have now learned how to work with it. My syrian fabric is breathable flexible and robust it can last for years. And its an eco friendly Sustainable Product Companies around the world are discovering its advantages. Mycelium shoes still have a long way to go theyre not yet widely available and not yet a mass Market Product but it has higher costs because due to the scale meaning. We still produce a limited quantity its a learning curve but as an Innovation Company we need to and i think the future will be very bright for us. To grow and his team agree that busy ramping up production they already have orders for us far ahead as 2027. So currently we are producing 2000 square feet of my silly matter per year over the demand is really huge so we need to double down our capacity in order to keep up with the man. The company is growing it used to have just 5 employees now it has 30. It monitors carefully the quality of its output even testing samples to destruction. It also breeds its own mushrooms and works on optimizing them for the times could handle. It get some outside funding for its Pioneering Research that helps sustain the startup. Will go the extra mile with his mushroom leather shoes its a great idea whose time has come. Jam packed terry. Fight without food imports or Long Distance transport can be torture for animals and often theyre being taken to the slaughterhouse sort of fat nose or breeders far from the farms they were raised on. In the e. U. Alone around 3800000. 00 animals are transported every day mainly pigs poultry cows and sheep a total of 1400000000. 00 a year some are taken far beyond the borders of the e. U. Covering thousands of kilometers and over many days with barely a break. Animal rights activists have long demanded an end to life transports now some farmers in switzerland have got one step closer to achieving that. At the most whole family lets book my own zonda anchor and look as was love breed mother cows for raising beef cattle. The mother cows produce larry and manure for organic done production their offspring are taken off to be slaughtered for meat when theyre 18 months old the transport puts the animals under enormous stress and is unpleasant for the farmers too but thats about to change. The school here. Slaughtering the unanimous is something we accepted as part of the job. The way it happened which can sometimes be disturbing though we use our own trailer to get them to the slaughterhouse. So both see involvement as soon as theyre in the truck in the doors close and they realise i cant get out i cant get back to the others thats when the stress sets and they start acting nervously they move they want to jump out it can be quite a challenge being clawed the sense that i. Live transports a misery for the animals it can take a whole day to collect cattle from the regions more remote areas and get them all to the slaughterhouse and increasing. Number of farmers dont want to put their animals through that torture any longer they want to slaughter them on the phone. To switzerland recently legalized the procedure. Pioneered the process for years now hes had a special permit to shoot his animals in the fields he needs a raised platform to shoot from and a hunting license for the cow falls to the ground unconscious stress free. But research has shown that if the target animal was not stressed beforehand the rest of the herd dont even notice whats happened the stand count dies soon afterwards when its bled out. Or. And look at what the hells to die with a minimum of stress in the future there is one of 120. 00 swiss farms interested in slaughtering their animals in the field or farm yard. Switzerland legalized and regulated both methods in july its unique in all of europe and applies to all farm animals not just cows. You get a better idea of the costs time and effort involved money on and look has commissioned a study by e. T. H. Technical university that showed them that animals which are taken by truck to be slaughtered have 6 times more hydrocortisone in their blood than those killed on their home ground. A clear sign of stress which also has an effect on me to quality. Also for you. And i took advice from agronomist early committee of switzerlands f i b L Research Institute called theyve decided to use a box trap. He explains how the cow would be locked inside ready to be stunned but you know usually if the cow will go along willingly to be fixed in position a budget then stuns it with a bolt can. Hold. So what will the customers think youre gonna get meat and other most whole Farm Products can be purchased at the market or in the farms and shop. Be careful now says the consul man. I expect consumers to become more sensitive and make consumption to decline. All the direct vendors will increase their market share because they can plausibly show let them eat comes from ethically reared animals often cant. Help and the tuna seen. Displayed in homs. The e. T. H. Study spoke with 200. 00 more school farm customers almost all of whom said they would welcome farm yard slaughtering and would pay more for the meat. Theyve already found a butcher willing to do farm yard slaughtering beef from cows that were born and die on the same farm is an expensive nice product but only a few years ago that was true of all organic products and now theyve become mainstream. Thats all from us at global 3000 this week dont forget to send us your feedback we love hearing from you you can reach us at global 3000 after d. W. Dot com were back next week see you then take cat. Cold africa. These freshly hatched sea turtles in an ivory coast are under threat. Humans are their greatest enemies. But one in geo is working with researchers in the Maritime Police to protect. The saving the sea turtles the ivory coast to. Coast of africa. In 30 minutes w. Electric emission free assistance the Sustainable Future of mobility the wheel is a. Warning at least it was so that 19 appears to be fighting the brakes on the development of ordinary cars comfortably big ones are back on the block on their relief to no alternatives. Made in germany. To missed on the moon. On the road with our superheroes my mission is clear kushti good and nicole surely should explore germany. Theyve done them and Everything Else theres a lot going on a fairly low blow by germany tried and tested tradition. A lot. Of it is for me. Is for. Beethoven just for coming beethoven. Beethoven is fruitless. Beethoven is for the modern television 22. 00 a. 50th anniversary here on d w. Houser virus spread. Widely repayment and. Just through the tax credit card and i read your blog is called spectrum if you would like to claim the information on the crown of irish or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you can get your podcast you can also find us and. Science. This is did every news live from berlin a historic agreement inside the white house President Trump hosts israels Prime Minister and the Foreign Ministers office rained out the United Arab Emirates also need to establish diplomatic ties its also coming up the 1st step towards justice for the family of Brianna Taylor officials in the city where she was shocked by police and then has taken the rain to interpol and it greed to pay a settlement of 12 1000000. 00. In his 1st Public Comments and says poisoning us money the russian Opposition Leader alexey now finally is pictured setting up with his family and says hes grieving on himself. Im here if i must and welcome the United Arab Emirates and the rain have signed agreements to normalize relations with israel thats the 1st major agree. Men of the sky between arab countries and israel since jordan egypt signed peace treaties a quarter century ago u. S. President all trump post the white house ceremony placing himself in the role of International Peacemaker ahead of us elections in november the decision by the United Arab Emirates and bahrain to normalize ties with israel breaks with decades of consensus within the arab world a peace deal with the palestinians had long been up hild as a prerequisite for establishing relations with israel but trump bandmates on yahoo price the deal is groundbreaking. Were here this afternoon to change the course of history after decades of division and conflict we mark the dawn of a new middle east thanks to the great courage of the leaders of these 3 countries we take a major stride toward a future in which people of all faiths and backgrounds live together in peace and prosperity im grateful to you President Trump for your decisive leadership you have unequivocal he stood by israel sard you have boldly confronted the tyrants of her own you proposed a realistic vision for peace between israel and the palestinians and you have successfully brokered their store of peace that we are signing today. But palestinians say there can be no resolution to the core conflict unless they are involved and bahrains foreign minister made it clear it was too early just celebrate. You just comprehensive and youre going to stay solution to the biggest is ready to conflict will be the phone. The big broke over such peace. Demonstrators really did in the occupied west bank and in the Gaza Strip Palestinians see the deal as a political move by the u. S. And israel to cut them off from their traditional allies and erode Regional Support for a palestinian state trump said he expects other arab states will also normalize relations with israel and suggested to them would pressure the palestinians into reaching a peace deal with these rial. So might other arab nations also looks normalized relations with israel we put that question to did having a correspondent. In washington. Well certainly trump and netanyahu are hoping for this and promising this that there will be a domino effect throughout the arab world trump said earlier today that a handful of other nations are deep into talks already we dont know yet which countries he was referring to but certainly many eyes right now on saudi arabia but there is little indication from riyadh that theyll take up a different position than the long standing arab stance that they wont recognize israel without statehood for the palestinians but it is certainly not worthy that the saudis likely gave bahrain the green light to proceed with their deal today so what are these 2 arab countries actually gain by signing this deal with israel. Well there are certainly looking to ramp up trade and tourism and to engage more on the economic level but there is a great focus on the political factors of these deals one major element in the agreement between israel and the u. A. E. Appears to be that israel has agreed to pause and exceed in the west bank in return for recognition but we dont have confirmation from the israelis that this is a permanent pause and there is concern that Benjamin Netanyahu may at some point decide to lift that suspension in order to appease some of his domestic supporters the amorality foreign minister though insists that his countrys deal will help the Palestinian People however critics disagree and say that these moves give israel less incentive to sit down and negotiate with the palestinians another aspect that remains very much unclear is whether washington agreed to supply the u. A. E. With arms as the amorality seek to build up their military capabilities we heard trump say on tuesday that he has no problem selling f. 35 fighter jets to the amorality so plenty of moving parts and despite todays signings we still dont have confirmation on some of the more contentious elements of these deals have been who had been reporting from washington thank you so much staying in the us where the city of louisville kentucky has agreed to pay 12000000. 00 to the family of Brianna Taylor and introduced Police Reforms as part of the legal settlement taylor was shot dead in her own apartment by Police Officers who entered on a socalled snow knock warrant or killing was one of several deaths that sets off months of antiracism protests in the United States the officers who shot taylor have not been charged prosecutors are still investigating the case. And for more on this im joined by activist and author Margaret Kimberly in new york her latest book president ial explore is americas relationship with race thanks for joining us on w. And some 12000000. 00 it appears to be one of the largest settlements off its kind in the u. S. And some are calling its historic but you agree. Its a lot of money but its not the biggest settlement the family who white woman killed by the police in minnesota got 20000000. 00. So yes its a substantial sum of money but it is no substitute for justice it is no substitute for the police being punished when they kill they burst into this young womans home on the basis of this species warrant they not only shot her but did not try to revive her just allow her to leave out and she may have been saved had they. Attempted to resuscitate her the police kill 3 an average of 3 people every day in this country a 1000 people every year and monetary settlements are not enough police need to know they cannot kill with impunity that is what we need to see. So part of the settlement as part of a settlement the city has announced and plans to Reform Police practices including an overhaul of how these search warrants out taint how important is this in your view and is it going far enough. No its not going far enough you know i its not why do people have to be killed before the police do what they should have done anyway what we need is Community Control of Police Departments the public need to decide how policing will be carried out need to be able to decide who will be hired who will be fired need to be given an assurance that they can determine when police will be prosecuted when necessary but once again we have the same situation where a particular instance makes the news and there is a lot of protest and that is a good thing but that is no substitute for for changing policing for getting rid of the mass incarceration system for all of these abuses which make the United States one of the worst human rights abusers in the world. And all of these things it without systemic change these monitary these settlements to individual families dont mean a lot and a lot of families dont get anything ever they dont get justice they dont get compensation so this is the exception not the rule margaret came in a thank you so much thank you. Greece has called on the European Union to help deal with the migrant crisis unfolding on its Eastern Islands last week a fire less buzz destroyed europes largest like one cat which is a European Union Council President. Also appealed to you nations to step up their response to the crisis on tuesday germany said it would take in more than 1500 migrants from greece. As he walked away from a temporary migrant camp on the greek island of lesbos European Union Council President Bashar Michel made it clear he was not walking away from the problem. A very complex situation but on behalf of the European Union i would want to say that i refused. Although this migration challenge this is a common european challenge by the end of the mons the apparent commission intends to put a new concrete proposal from the 3rd of those proposals that are expected to include tougher border policing policies and renewed efforts to resettle migrants across the European Union in the day both michelle and the greek Prime Minister jointly appealed for more solidarity from the e. U. Athens wants other Member States to help run the new refugee camps being built on the greeces Eastern Islands. Meanwhile the greek army has set up temporary accommodation for thousands of migrants displaced by the fires at the more a camp. Across the bay from these temporary camps many greek residents say they feel sorry for the migrants and i too would like to see more solidarity from the e. U. Then economy this is not a proper solution there are 27 European Union states if they all took 400 people it wouldnt even show up because they have big countries if you. Country took in 400. 00 people the problem would be solved. But with the e. U. So far struggling to find a unified approach to the market crisis at its border is a lasting solution could still be a long road ahead. Russian opposition politician alexina viney has reached out on social media for the 1st time since being poisoned last month he shared a picture from the berlin hospital where hes being treated it shows him sitting up in bed surrounded by his family and when he says he can now bring on his own he plans to return to russia after he recovers debbie a reporter has been following this story from outside the hospital and berlin where. And he told us about the huge response to his post. Theres clearly a lot of goodwill for russian Opposition Leader alex cena valmy his post from his hospital bed here at the hospital in berlin is on track to becoming one of the most liked photos on instagram he spokeswoman says he wants to come home to russia and that shes puzzled why people might think otherwise but that could still be some way off doctors dont yet know the long term effects of the poisoning on 3 specialist trees have confirmed that he was poisoned with the soviet era nerve agent novacek russia continues to deny any involvement European Countries particularly germany are pushing moscow to provide answers. Thats reported outside berlins hospital early on tuesday. German politicians have to sided that fans across all 16 states can return to sports stadiums in time for this weekends 1st match day of the season for a 6 week trial period cups will be allowed to use up to 20 percent of the stadiums capacities strict coronavirus measures will be in place but there are no plans for fans to be tested. Football grounds in germany i live in enough once more slowly but steadily the fans are returning after a recent friendly between on your own berlin and nuremberg 5000 socially distanced supporters were allowed back on the terraces it was the 1st time that theyd seen a live game or indeed a live gold since march and fans were grateful for the opportunity to be back with a fellow was that of course it wasnt completely normal because a few people were missing but it was still nice. The fans everywhere will be subject to strict measures on their return but when your own supporters were impressed with their club safety protocols. Of 1000 people in a stadium that holds 23000 on to big problem i think. I agree on your own did a good job of executing their plan there were no problems no risk of infection or anything like that. Recently german cup matches have seen even bigger numbers of spectators returning welcome 7 and a half 1000 fans back to now motorists and 10000. Previously the Decision Making power rested with local authorities but now there is a single solution for all german sports clubs 20 percent of the stadiums capacity may be used away fans wont return yet and no alcohol will be sold normality might still be a long way off but the days of actually empty terraces unnumbered bit by bit fans are coming home im. Specialist just up next in just a moment and you. Combating the corona. Endemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and their recent. Our corona update. Covert 19 special next on d w

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