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South africa for testing against the governments handling of the industry many have been jobless for months during the cold 19 pandemic and see the need help now. And youre welcome to the program its time for students to return to school in nigeria now that should normally be good news right because children have been away for months. And demick but its a bit more complicated on but with insufficient funding for Public Schools. How well the schools to fulfill the new crop of 19 prevention guidelines are correspondents on the far side reports from labor. Normally martins would be sitting in class right now studying math but not. Thing is normal for the 13 year old or for his siblings since march this is martin reality. My mom and my sisters the. Rest of. Us with every passing month he lacks food the behind the educational curriculum classes exist but just like most of his peers in Public Schools martinez cannot participate i need a lot of boards i dont have because my prose or hard words are both forwards. Hes more is the main breadwinner in the family she wants her children to have access to education but the prospect of schools reopening puts her on edge. I set out by saying that 5 year old knows. Thats because i knew everything she wants to monitor the situation for a week after schools reopen before she will allow her children to go back to school. We were approved for a rare visit to film inside this Public School government funded institutions are aware of parents worries soon this classroom will be full of life again full of students ready to learn but theres concern over whether the chronically underfunded Public School system is also ready ready to prevent an outbreak of the virus. That could destroy all the progress thats been made here because the basics are in place water best since senate eyes are but schools need more rooms to add here to social distancing rules 60 students in one classroom has been the norm here if you have more classrooms theyre not any need for them. To have attendance we dont want more than 20 students in a class that means we need to split the class into 3 students who would be requested to take turns some receiving face to face teaching others who stay at home with the promise of classes the numbers that we receive in our schools are quite enormous. In the funding to accommodate everybody stretching the funding for Public Schools is nothing new getting an education doing the pandemic will be even harder let alone keeping students safe. So what happens to our. Entertainment industry has been shut down. Thats been the case across the continent including in south africa are protesting against the governments lockdown. Its been locking down their business after several months of nowhere. It. Has been a locked down year in south africa for 6 months now but gradually the economy has been reopened in the past weeks and months but not all industries many. People are still suffering this is why artists came here to protest they say they havent been able to perform for half a year not able to make an income and they want the government to consider them as well. I mean is that mean doing im an artist im a performer it has been small town the music. Performance in those dreams attainment. Lots of Small Businesses attached to all those Small Businesses out there not just. You know. People sound levels that have been affected when they just pull the plug ive been just surviving via the grace of god you know in my creator and my family people that have helped and supported me they can because our industry was the 1st to be afflicted with it was the 1st to be knocked down shut down completely businesses have gone out of out of business. I many people are also complaining that the government has largely been ignoring the arts and entertaining industry for many years and even during the times of the pandemic some odyssey are complaining that they had no access to a covered 1000 emergency relief funds among the people protesting musicians seeing people playing in theaters most of the odds menus in cape town remain closed to open but at limited capacity at the moment with a maximum of 50 people at one venue people here saying this is not enough to survive to make a living and theyre demanding for them to be allowed to operate at 70 percent capacity. West African Leaders keeping up the pressure on mali and i go as meeting in our car so the modern military block 18 month transitional period but insisted that both the president and the Vice President must be civilians they also said that agenda must rapidly cede power to the Transitional Government the west African Group imposed economic sanctions on mali after the military coup that ousted president. On 18th of august. They got him president is that he had this to say about the immediate timetable the minute the government is put in place sanctions of course is put in this money will be lifted if you reduce the impact to the sanctions on the people of mali to. Be the default because this is. These accidents. Will be going to bomb a coup in a weeks time and hopefully between now and then these reasons when theyre being put into place through that he can report. And then go from there. Stay in the mahdi from our president. Has died he was 83 the general seized power in the ninetys did see a military coup remains the countries of the rita and wilma for 23 years but he also and praised for his diplomacy in various african crisis in 1991 he was toppled by a coup and sentenced to death after being pardoned the status of an elder statesman in the late yes almost all of his successors including the tyrants we need to sort his advice. Now if you love music with a pap clothes like i do then you would love the gemini dancing to as a rights became known in germany because of mainly concepts in Youth Detention Center just now if you want to use news to give a voice to the voiceless on help make the weald a better place. Outside hamburgs university all is quiet but in the basement diana as a rexs band is making some noise that. Diana as a rex is working on her debut album in a few weeks shell be reporting in the studio. Im sure many of what the album that im currently working on can achieve so many people have put so much time energy heart and soul into it that theyve helped compose to be big that. Inspiring people to make the world a better place is what drives the 25 year old as her ex made headlines when she gave over a dozen free concerts in juvenile Detention Centers in germany she raises her voice for the unheard not only within germany i think some of the most time i heard about george floyd being killed and how it happened i burst into tears because its so terrible that people treat each other like that. You mention here without the thought behind. How people interact is the focus of as rexs songs its hard to make the dream of having an album a reality and thats mainly for financial reasons but through thinks about the most difficult thing about releasing a song it was sides having a good idea is finding the right producers and musicians in the music of the baton as are. Puts the earnings from her live appearances into the production budget for her album shes also trying to get Stage Funding the 25 year old also studied education in order to work in Human Resources but her love of music was stronger with music has always been a big part of my life sometimes i think about giving up because its so much work but i cant imagine doing that its a constant presence with me. She taught herself to play the piano both her german mother and nigerian father made music as youd expect they encouraged her. Thank you and we feel very german in many ways my organization my structural thinking is very very german but a lot of my other personality traits come from my father. Attributes her penchant for thinking on a grand scale to her nigerian father this includes the dream of releasing her own album. Thats just beautiful and thats all time well ours on this show more of our stories go to d. W. Dot com. Check out. On twitter pages now we leave you with images from la just came out mendez in the maryland district of latest meeting is a local. On aba Household Items that is one thriving despite the economic downturn caused by the corner virus from dubnyk. Traditional nigerian craft next time. The world of literature as undergoing a massive shift the authors on this years booker prize shortlist are more diverse and fresher than ever will meet one of the shortlisted authors sits. In her home zimbabwe where shes awaiting trial later this week and also on the show what looks like spaghetti turns out to be a different food entirely some aspects of life in germany that are guaranteed to surprise you and our series meet the germans. Welcome to arts and culture this years booker prize shortlist is the most diverse ever and another 1st most of the nominees are debut authors now that doesnt include sit see shes nominated for her 3rd novel this morning bore body its about a womans descent into poverty and post colonial zimbabwe zimbabwe an author talked to us about her recent arrest for protesting government corruption. Award winning novelist and now booker prize shortlists nominated at her home on failed in this involved way. Is due in court on september the 18th the author was detained after staging a small protest part of a planned day of action on july 31st holding up a placard saying we want better reform our institutions we went ahead i walked down the road with my records we got friends and then we stopped at an intersection so that the cars coming from all sides could see us and that is when. We saw a riot truck coming down and they stopped and told us to get to the demonstration was against corruption and the worsening situation in the country with zimbabwe facing a spiralling economic and political crisis is accused of change in a meeting with the intention to cause to incite. Breach of peace and at such a tree i am also accused of late. Night regulation through necessary. Criticism of the government whether on the streets or even on social media has been widely suppressed under the rule of zimbabwean president and mrs Clarke Duncan says that an already bad situation is likely to get worse and this government can find a different way of thinking. I do believe that the situation could swell escalates because citizens have their backs against the war. The playwright and novelist is also a filmmaker whose works of won awards in europe and africa. But its her latest book this movement to build body and a place on the booker prize shortlist the novel dinks the breakdown of its central character with turmoil in postcolonial zimbabwe are now done grampas our future remains uncertain. I am hoping and praying for the best there. Will not be convicted of these charges. I havent looked to see what the sentences are certainly for inciting public livens. The sentences can be jail. Wow my colleague scott roxboro is following this story and scott lets talk a little bit about. And this years booker prize shortlist this is a very Diverse Group of authors and yet she still really stands out doesnt she yet definitely not just because of her political activism in the situation that she sent but shes also by far the most experienced writer on this list shes 61 shes been writing for 30 years before getting this recognition i also find her work really interesting particularly now that she is nominated for this moral body because its a sequel to her 1st novel and it features the same character the character back then was a young girl growing up in preindependence zimbabwe and this carries on the story many decades later and she becomes a very disillusioned middle aged woman and sort of tells the story of zimbabwe from its sort of the hope after independence to sort of the decline in corruption that of course the author self knows far too well absolutely now what is your take on this years booker prize shortlist on a whole yeah its really interesting its kind of surprising i mean the big names hillary mantell and how theyre not there instead we have this much younger much more Diverse Group and i think the jurys deliberately trying to make a statement with this they have to choose much more Diverse Group i mean we have 4 women writers on the list weve got 4 nonwhite writers for the 6 nominees our 1st time novelist but what i really find interesting is well is the broad range of stories and themes that are represented in this years shortlist i mean youve got huge sweeping historical dramas like them as the east is the shadow king which is set in ethiopia in the 1930 s. And then all the way to sort of meet near future Economic Disaster and cooks new wilderness youve got political books like real life from brain but also very personal family stories like douglas stewarts chuckie payne and bert sugar from. A so you can really see that the jury here is trying to say were not just looking to the past and what used to be gray. Literature in the last decades but maybe with these nominees were put having a signpost to what literature could be like in the future hang in with me for a moment because theres another big headline in the world of publishing i want to talk to you about the controversy over j. K. Rowling rowling of course best known for the harry potter books but the outrage currently circulating online is about her new detective novel troubled blood what can you tell us about this 1st you have to have a little backstory here j. K. Rowling has become a bit notorious online with certain communities particularly trans rights communities because of statements shes made essentially. Saying that trans women are not real women thats been very very controversial in this new book of hers theres a character who is a man hes a serial killer and occasionally he dresses up as a woman to entice is victims that character is being seen as an example of j. K. Rowlings transphobia by her critics now. Obviously really didnt invent the trope of a man dressing up as a woman to kill people i mean thats not really thats been. Its been a while so she didnt invent it but because of the comments that shes made this is being seen through the works being seen through this through this lens has been seen as example of her trance so called transfer. I mean i think the whats interesting here is that this is the world we live in right now i mean artists are not being judged just for the work they do but also for what they say and what they do outside of there are particularly nowadays of course on social media and shes lost a lot of support and support roxborough thanks for coming on the show. And now every society it has to be said has its oddities and germany has got plenty for our latest installment of the series of meet the germans our brave reporter Rachel Stewart explores the unique toilet habits of german men a german ice cream delicacy that baffles tourists and also windows that to the non german i have a kind of well unhinged. Unfunded Pretty Amazing that you know localized interconnected world whenever you vote you know the country. Never seen before. This experience is also going to be completely different so heres my list of 7 things that made me go. What when i saw them here in germany for those very. First up an odd looking vegetable thats a staple in both miri and german cooking. Its name comes from the words for cabbage and turner but actually belongs to the company so how do we call gabi in germany by law go to the top for good didnt start its also. Love. For. The 1st time i did this to a window in germany i thought i cant answer or tilt would. Turn the handle like i did and completely but turn the handle all the way on the window or door will tilt inwards this practical double digit with this style seems to have originated here in germany and its now spread to many other countries. Tourists in london often get excited about trip red double decker bus but for me its all about the double decker train. In fact these kind of double decker trains can be found in many countries all over the world but i 1st got my eyes on one in germany on the novelty still hasnt worn off. Something or rather someone i had never seen before i came to germany a gynecologist thats not out of the ordinary in the u. K. But here in germany women tend to go at least once a year for a full check up at the fallen art store women dr it took me a while to pluck up the courage but dont worry its really no big deal. Twice a year the germans take that cost of the carriage and change the tires from winter to summer and back again ive never actually heard of the concept of winter tires before and to be honest it seemed a time table top i mean yeah sure ik. But its not canada so what exactly are the rules. So they to move into ive moved on so you can get told youll be in october of this all stone. Even though. Theres a. Number of people not to step into life you know that this is you know it will rain coming down slightly. As a moment. In our next stop this sun. When youre in a Good Standing upright not necessarily many men in germany prefer to take a seat at least in the right time its such an important cultural habit that its proponents of the specific night. This method means 90 minutes from splashback will pull away on one side even suggest that it cannot tell if its too. Sometimes you dont realize that somethings missing in your life until it comes along a good example of that is ice cream that looks like spaghetti but in that you get the ice is a hot favorite in the geminis ice cream how it was invented in 150 years of Vanilla Ice Cream through a pasta making contraption. Then theres a story puree but its not a soul and grated White Chocolate for the parmesan cheese. But now if youll excuse me im about to get culturally integrated with the post because the ice cream. Might take some getting used to now when hip hop 1st came on the scene in new york it was a subculture a lot of people in the mainstream associated with poverty and crime oh how the times have changed so the bees in new york the 1st major hip hop memorabilia auction in the world fetching impressive prices including 600000. 00 for this iconic plastic crown worn by rapper notorious b. I. G. At his last photo shoot days before his murder in 1997 High School Love letters written by biggies rival to parks a core sold for 75000. 00. One letter that wasnt in that option was to parks break up a letter he wrote to madonna that already got auctioned off last year after madonna tried to stop it well speaking of madonna the queen of pop has just revealed shell be directing a movie about her own life cowriting the script with oscar winner diablo cody the film will charge for rise to global stardom from her early days in the new york club scene. Well shes never directed a movie that got good reviews but will be watching either way thats it for this edition of arts and culture see you again next time to kick. Into the conflict zone with sarah palin for years for lens Foreign Policy line has been dialogue 1st keep talking no matter what but as russian Opposition Leader alexina only recovers in a girl in hospital after an apparent poisoning karlin is under pressure my guest this week is germanys Deputy Foreign minister meals on. Conflict so far. Hes going to minutes. Gemini lift. At any time any place the names. You have i dont like. To sing along to you see has to come from super. Interactive exercises. Everything is online. Interactive in german to frame a 60 w. Percent drama competition why the marketing number goes here by intuition 8. 1000000 times 5. Because we. Call on you tube. Every journey begins with the 1st step and every language is the 1st word because nico is in germany. Why not with him. In simple line on your mobile and free. Double using a learning course. German made easy. This is the line from police for the western germany launched raids on fellow officers 29 also suspended over the sharing of neo nazi images in child groups 11 now face criminal investigations also on the program. We need to go fast. And we need to do things better. And so sort of sets out her vision for the future of the e. U. In her 1st state of the union address. Guilty of corruption the former head of world athletics a sentence of 2 years in jail following the doping scandal his lawyer says the court has made him a scapegoat. Im for welcome to the program 29 Police Officers in the german state of north rhinewestphalia been suspended as part of an investigation into the sharing a far right images in private chat groups are now under criminal investigation images shared in the groups include pictures of hitler and nazi symbols such as swastikas and this is not the 1st time germany Security Forces have been at the center of a scandal involving far right extremes. By this grace and a slap in the face for germanys Police Forces thats what the interior minister in north rhinewestphalia called the discovery of czech content in which 29 Police Officers shared right wing extremist material. Including for example pictures of hitler of swastikas of imperial war flags but also many more horrible images like the fictional depiction of a refugee in the gas chamber of a concentration camp Police Officers from different cities and 34 Police Departments took part in the czech groups they were all suspended pending the results of the investigation they could face charges of inciting racial hatred a spokesman for the federal interior Ministry Said the reports are worrying. This would goes to what we are hearing from north rhinewestphalia is very alarming. It is a disgrace for the police force there but of course it also has an effect on the entire Police Profession throughout germany. Its not the 1st case of far right extremism spreading within germanys police and military forces in july a former Police Officer was arrested for threatening politicians across germany referencing a neo nazi cell in his emails and in june germanys defense minister disbanded part of the armys elite commando after allegations of far right extremism within its ranks. More from. This is just the latest case of far right extremists and within germany Security Forces does anyone have a handle on the science of this problem. Well the short answer is no because after all this latest case appeared after the Police Officers phone was investigated he was under suspicion of having passed on information to or done list so really this wasnt an investigation looking into neo nazi tendencies in fact the police chief has also been interviewed today and he said there were no indications with these particular Police Officers that there may be some kind of racist tendency there had been no complaints so they really didnt have had a clean sheet in terms of their behavior will record and yet looking at this private mobile phone 5 what groups were found and the big question now is once other phones have been seized and theres been investigated and is continuing what else will be found so we have 11 officers facing criminal charges what is being done now. Well i think were seeing an investigation that is going to be scaled up if anything 200 Police Officers were involved this morning looking into 34 police stations and private homes of Police Offices and i suspect that we will probably get more information trickling through in which direction that investigation will continue but we know that if anything this is potentially the tip of an iceberg although nothing at this particular moment in time points at an organized Large Scale Network this appears to have been small attack groups but nevertheless Police Officers sharing and looking at imagery thats not just tasteless that was illegal and despite these revelations interior minister is refusing to launch an inquiry into right wing extremists in Public Service why is that. Well this is a slightly altered the debate and that emanated from the allegation of systemic racism amongst Police Officers and many in the wake of what happened in the United States that he said he wouldnt launch such an investigation because he was against a kind of wholesale suspicion against the police as being a racist and institution but in the light of this latest investigation there will be political pressure to look more systemic into whether this could indeed be systemic amongst germanys police so thats something i would expect to evolve the coming days and weeks chief Political Editor may have thank you well take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world or forces on the greek island of last months of charge for man with acid in connection with the fires that swept through the overcrowded monnier refugee camp last week a man all migrants from afghanistan have been given 3 days to prepare their testimony. The government of barbados says it wants to remove Britains Queen elizabeth as its head of state and become a republic caribbean island gained independence in 1966 but retained the queen had the Prime Minister says its now time for the country to have a barbadian and not just. American sally has been downgraded to a category one storm its probably the southern United States causing severe flooding in the coastal city of pensacola florida storms dumping huge amounts of rain on the flood prone coastal area as it pushes to the west. The president of the European Commission has laid out her vision for the block to tackle the Climate Crisis addressing the European Parliament are sort of on the lines wide ranging speech also called on china to improve its human rights record and made a not so veiled attack on member state poland for its attitude towards gay people and she urged Member States to resolve the blocks paralysis on the issue of migration. Also love underlying ahead of a 1st stage of the union speech waiting to unveil more ambitious climate goals for the block we need to go faster and we need to do things better the European Commission is proposing to increase the 2030 targets for Emission Reduction to at least 55 percent catching emissions and becoming climate neutral by 2050 are part of the European Green deal one of funder line speed priorities of the situation taken partly due to the mounting pressure of climate activists but ramping up the instrument targets its not enough for some i expect on the lion to keep on working with her commissioners and really to put pressure on the council because we know that there are Member States who are not willing to do what we need to do when funder aligned took office late last year she presented a long list of projects by the car with 19 pandemic slowdown many of them or brought them to hold she now said its the years 1st priority to pull each other through this that you commission chief also put a focus on human rights not only calling out chinas treatment of minorities but also criticizing your member said poland for introducing socalled free cell phones l g b t q ive 3 zones are sure manatee free zones funder line also said the e. U. Finally has to decide on a solution on how to handle migration one of the most disputed topics among Member States i expect that the Member States will engage in the discussion so that we can really move forward and have a common plan to deal with that topic underlines commission will present a long awaited proposal for a new pact on migration on september 23rd and as her who will be judged on its outcome. Now to japan where you actually heyday suga has been formally an elected as the countrys new Prime Minister following a vote in parliament to replace his shin so who resigned this month for Health Reasons as he takes over the helm of the worlds 3rd largest economy mr super is expected to stick closely to the policies championed by his predecessor. It was an easy victory for the former Prime Minister is a long time right and and. Here shes here to serve one the parliamentary vote by a landslide. For the last 8 years he has occupied the powerful position of chief cabinet secretary as such he was defector number 2 to shinzo abbay and a kenyan full of government policy as part of his effort to secure the top job he vowed to stick to those policies presenting himself as a safe pair of hands at a time of upheaval but his Top Priorities will be far from the corona virus and turning around the economy battered by the pandemic. Human i will strike a balance between preventing the spread of the current virus and maintaining social Economic Activity if i will create a government that will overcome this crisis and be trusted by the people by will create a cabinet that will work for the public better tonight than me. Hes not seen as a flamboyant all passionate person often described instead as someone who operates behind the sayings hes also said to be a pragmatist rather than an idealist but some critics lamenting what they fear could be a lack of vision on his part. But in one respect he stands out from most of the japanese lawmakers he does not come from an elite political family he grew up in a rural part of the country as the son of a strawberry pharma and has now worked his way to the countrys top elected position. A former head of world athletics has been found guilty of corruption and sentenced to 2 years in prison a french court found that the media solicit bribes toting 3000000 euros from russian athletes suspected of doping it and use the money to help them compete in events like me 2012 london olympics. He was one of the most powerful men in sports during his tenure at the governing body of track and field the International Association of athletics federations and a french court says he used that power to rake in piles of money. That included a scheme that allowed russian athletes who paid millions in hush money to keep competing when they should have been suspended for doping some of those athletes went on to claim medals at the 2012 london olympics medals that should have gone to athletes who didnt cheat. Runner crystal do and they said she was all smiles after the verdict and i think it says a lot about me warhead you can see the grin on my face with the mask im wearing but im very happy to have been recognized as a victim of the corruption by the i double f leaders and im also happy for all the other athletes who were who were out there to talk to kids that. Has long professed innocence in the scandal maintaining over 16 years he turned the track and field body into a much admired organization. Now diac son. Was given a 5 year sentence for illegally funneling out some 15000000. 00 during his fathers tenure but he spent a lengthy trial comfortably in his home country senegal which has refused extradition requests. And these accusations i can say that based on everything ive read im not very reassured that the French Justice system has no basis for condemning lamine. To remains free for the time being as his lawyers appeal the verdict a verdict they say made their client a scapegoat that after the judge told the he had purely and simply violated the rules of the game i mean. Here on the double weve often reported on the wildlife photographer of the year award usually though the wildlife refers to the pictures rather than the photographer well this is the case this time with this cheeky monkey who stole a smartphone in malaysia and got up to some Monkey Business after monkeying around with a video camera and media savvy simian found the selfie feature and fired off a few pics a photo not found abandoned in the bush later discover the primates pictures along with a few by hamas. Now we get you can always get the w. News on the go just download the app from google player from the app still ill give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news on your part of a new story you can also use it to send us photos i figure the. State of being is the light from general doom alone will have your business updates in just a moment and golf will have your world news at the top of it im going to. Cut. 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