You can see but the data lacking so maybe there is some hidden thinks on going faster better government claims are now the Czech Republic is currently the european country hit hardest by the continents latest surge of a covered 19 cases a new 3 week emergency is due to come into force from midnight tonight closing schools bars and clubs and there were 2 restaurants to take away Service Early its a dramatic reversal of fortune for a country that emerged relatively unscathed from the 1st months of the pandemic. Around 500 people have died of covert 19 in the last 2 weeks in the Czech Republic as many as since the start of the pandemic another 400 patients are in critical condition. Because. People are not taking the virus seriously. Medical staff at this hospital in prague are doing all they can to protect themselves nearly 3000 doctors and nurses have been infected with the virus their absence presents a challenge. Klein and conquer noise in small hospitals where there are not so many staff then it can be problematic if one infection turns into a cluster of quote on the hunt for. No other country in europe has a higher rate of infection capita as the Czech Republic many let down their guard in the summer when they thought the danger had passed. Schools and bars and other places were opened and many people did not wear masks but as soon as the 3rd oshii say please wear a mask then very few people will do that it was recommended in the holidays but no one wore a mask the such measures will only work if they are mandatory and you dont you dont need to do. This woman says the government should not have relaxed rules in june and that scientists should have been working together to try to find a vaccine study of nearly but i thought rushed it out of us said why did. The government decided to take action theatres cinemas museums and gyms have to close for 2 weeks with the orbits and go on friday the Prime Minister warned people that if they did not stick to the rule is within stricter measures would have to be introduced that he did not rule out a total lockdown sort of. Referring to the prospects of a lockdown the finance minister said they want to work towards introducing measures across the country but they do not want to close down the economy businesses are worried about a new lockdown astronomy and tourism are especially hard hit when guests have to go into quarantine and are no longer allowed to meet for a beer in the evening bars are already closed in the evening and youll be less than asked me if these rules last for 2 weeks then we could survive if it is not but thats the limit is that a hit on yeah the Czech Republic is more afraid of the economic consequences this autumn than the virus itself in spring most wore masks but many are finding it difficult to get used to wearing them again. We must summer is on the way to the Southern Hemisphere raising hopes that countries in south america will be able to bring their coronavirus outbreaks under control the daily caseload in the region is now 4 legged but its being hit hard with well over 10000000 confirmed infections 15000000 in brazil alone colombia argentina peru and chile amongst the worlds worst affected countries a pandemic is also causing severe Economic Hardship making it even harder to control the doubly visit an area of what is areas where poverty has been worsened by the pandemic. Staff at the department of health in buenos aires get a final briefing before they set off for a deprived part of town called california this will be the 1st time theyve been there since the beginning of the pandemic. Its hard to even survive there people have basically occupied the site of a closed down factory that was called california its all very precarious. They call california a term for islam in argentina doctors assume there are many cases of coronavirus here theres been a surge in infections across the country since the lockdown was eased flu shots are offered here to anyone who wants them its probably the 1st contact these people have had with Health Workers since the beginning of the pandemic. I have never been tested even though i had typical covert 900 symptoms the Emergency Call Center told me i should stay at home. I was looked after for 3 days over the furrowed. Afterward so i recovered. During the pandemic poverty has dramatically increased nearly half the population so about 18 and a half 1000000 people are classed as poor in this we share many are unemployed german aid worker corrina fits here from pharmacists without borders is shocked at the conditions here. The problem we have is that 60 percent of test positive which means we have a lot of infected people here. Apparently most of the people have already come into contact with the virus many reports typical symptoms of covert 19. I had a fever and headache and my back hurt a lot so i went to a doctor. Made Health Care Workers have made many such visits in the city but the numbers of those infected continue to rise. Health care workers. Tired stressed out they have their own problems and i must say theyre paid a miserable amount. Coronavirus has a stronghold of argentina making it difficult for the financially strapped country to function at all some analysts are predicting a social crisis which will only add to the existing medical emergency. We can take a closer look at this with me on a few extracts from the sherry take institute of iran here and he has a particular interest in south america welcome to d. W. Do you think summer will help stop the spread of the virus in south america. I feel not sure of just in there from bolivia. Had several missions to latin american countries to counsel governments for cope with 19. Forms. Experiences its quite mixed. On the one hands its true that summer and warm a relatively draw weather conditions are likely to effect the worst stability in transmissibility on the other and it will lead to more effectively more people most people which grew into an increased transmission so low we cannot just simply assume that some of the conditions will the decrease in for she reads why is south americas so hard hit by 19 is there more to these catastrophic figures than just poverty. The main thing is poverty the main thing is poverty. Level america itself is a very heterogeneous continent all issues issues region but they do. The big thing which is the dissipation of 60 to 80 percent of people in most countries in the informal market so those are people that are poor they have no friction in their homes or they have stock car for a week or a month or so you would in europe if you wish. That people cannot afford this and. So they have to somebody has to go out of the work and raise money to buy food for the family in the daily basis and this is really the big uncontrollable problem in the region and so are we likely to see vaccinations then rolled out across south america especially given that this place poverty will people even be able to afford it. Access to vaccines is a global issue but it is definitely also a regional issue particularly so in the hospital latin america we know that there is at least one commercial supplier starting production in argentina and mexico and we can assume that this will increase availability of us into Latin Americans we also know that most of those countries if not all i do like the detail have joined the kovacs initiative which will also guarantee access to vaccines the big problem as in all regions is how much vaccine will be deployed when and and what we do have to do globally including as in america as the discourse the public transport discourse and who gets back sedated for itself and prioritize ation and this is so far not been undertaken there who do have to be aware that the vaccine will 1st be for a few percent of each given population in the 1st place so they really have a long process this is not going to be for discussion that america reached in addition to poverty is related to poverty and is affected by a rather weak infrastructure in addition to the very complex geography so rolling out of that scene in england if you wish or in germany is one thing which is already complex role in all of thats in the country like aruba 27. 00 he calls on those or in bolivia from just last week is a completely different piece of cake its very challenging you have to maintain the cultural you have to stockpile the vaccine somewhere so it doesnt end with getting vaccines into the country or talking to us very clarifying so much our young feel extracts from michelle to take instead of virology and but it. Takes. Well take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world soccer superstar christiane ive been all there has tested positive for corona virus do you have the u. Ventas and portugal strike it wont be able to play for his country in the Nations League games against sweden on wednesday the Portuguese Football Federation says hes well has no symptoms and is in isolation. Police in thailand have arrested at least 21. 00 prodemocracy activists in bangkok on the eve of a planned antica protest the demonstrators that scuffles with police the other cities democracy monument which has been the focal point of more than 3 months of rallies calling for a new constitution and reforms to the monarchy. Malis army says suspected jihad this have killed at least 12 soldiers and burned down an army base in the village of the army says 9 militants have been killed in the west african country has been struggling since 2012 to contain an Islamist Insurgency thats killed thousands. German chancellor Angela Merkel has warned the e. U. Must be prepared if trade talks with britain fail if theres no deal by the end of the year hell you could introduce a border controls and trade restrictions but unless the e. U. This. Donald trumps nomination for the referee can seat on the u. S. Supreme court says had religious views would not influence her decisions the 2nd day of confirmation hearings or devolved Roman Catholic any current parent question by senator Lindsey Graham who chairs the Senate Judiciary committee brain court. Staying in the United States President Trump has held his 1st election rally since contracting covered 19 he flew to florida the 1st of 4 battleground states hes planning to visit over the next 4 days with just 3 weeks until the election hes trailing his democratic rival joe biden in several National Polls both contenders held a very different events in key swing states. Back on the campaign trail after his own brush with a Willis Donald trump is no trying to revive his reelection fortunes. Trump tossed masks from the stage at the 1st of several events this week. Following attendee separation from his hardcore fans it appears absence makes the heart grow fonder. I went through it now they say im a mutant i can feel i feel so powerful why did. I walk in there out to see everyone. While the thought lingered sought to alleviate any concerns the tightly packed crowd may have had about catching the virus. That i said to my people were going to take whatever theyre oh they gave me and were going to distribute it around aspinalls and everyone is going to have to say. I. Simply reinvigorated trump wrapped up the rally dancing with the crowd even as the tone jarred with a country in crisis. The contrast with democratic nominee joe biden couldnt have been stuck on visited another battleground state or one of several essentially distance events across ohio he attacked trumps handling of the pandemic asked Donald Trumps presidency 250000 dead because of karl rove. Experts say were likely to lose another 200000 people in the next few months at most we take some serious action and he doesnt know what hes doing. Because his presence only worried about one thing the stock market refused to follow the science its estimated we just warn mass nationally we save over 100000. 00 lives between now if youre out of the year. Biden himself is no heading to florida with the election day just 3 weeks so we both campaigns are in overdrive straight to washington then where we join detail theres a color blind welcome call and how much is the president using his apparent recovery from covered in his campaign. It plays a huge role i mean 1st of all of course its the reason that he cant campaign at all and go into these events but hes also really playing it up see it saying see these is this isnt as bad as people saying really cold but its nothing to be afraid of i need to through it im strong im fine and thats really important democratic voters dont really care that they are saying well because he was careless we were never going to vote for him in the 1st place but for Republican Voters this is really exactly the message that they wanted to hear and that they needed to hear they they feel confirmed now and saying well i mean the president got through it so it really cant be as bad as the democrats would have us believe and it basically proves try. And talk to us about why is this state so important in this election. Florida is a crucial swing state and has been going back and forth between democrats and republicans from election to election and has 29 votes in the Electoral College which is quite a significant number and its also a pretty good bellwether of voters in florida have voted with the winning candidate in every president ial election except for 2 since 1924 and these 2 exceptions were democrats who managed to win the presidency without winning florida so experts are saying that it is pretty unlikely thats trump could get reelected without winning florida i mean while joe biden still has a strong hold lead donald trump and hes outspending the president on comparing the ties and forward to is money in this campaign. You really cant overstate the importance of money an 895 senator mark can i said and i quote there are 2 things that are important in politics the 1st this money and i cant remember what the 2nd one is so that hits the nail pretty well on the head its basically 50 elections that trump and by they are competing in they have to pay for a campaign ads and all these stuff or in states to win over these few elusive undecided voters and to mobilize their base and they have to travel this huge country for for all these Campaign Rallies and thats why money plays such an Important Role to talk to you thank you call a black eye and walk into. Football our job. Is hoping for more improvement but he sighed meets switzerland in the european Nations League tonight so there is very true for ukraine and did a bunch of street draws despite the germany teams recent fall as led to criticism of the man in charge. Hes been in the hot seat for 14 years during that time you can love has had his share of ups and downs hes known for his stubbornness in sticking to his decisions and that left him open to criticism from a germany captain Bastian Schweinsteiger the latest to raise questions about his former boss. The one who pulls in external because the results arent 100 percent their team has lost some of its appeal theyve given away their lead in recent games you cant 100 percent identify with the National Team and thats a shame. Been here before not least after germany crashed out of the 2018 world cup in russia after that bitter disappointment there were calls in some quarters for him to go from speaking to shoot hugh there are always lots of different opinions in football my relationship with basti in doubt this is intact its very very good they also have to express their opinions thats clear people always have different views. Is determined to keep giving Young Players a chance despite the criticisms levelled at him. By the results against ukraine and switzerland reports since but so is our development. Yes i think i would describe myself as in skin or arrogance for now learn is in control hoping the only way is up. A new play has opened in moscow about the last leader of the soviet Union Mikhail gorbachev and while russias current president putin fights to maintain the soviet sphere of influence the player go bitch off what betrays a very different leader a man who gave up power and the communist bloc dissolved to go himself attended the preview. Without it if i remember everything. Memories of the life of one of historys greats gorbachev from a balcony seat the 89 year old watched his own life play out on stage at the moscow theater of nations the play that was supposed to be a love story between michel you gorbachev and his wife raisa became much more its the story of an entire country and the era during which gorbachev was in charge. But its a hes a visionary politicians none of us can come close to that one day his name will be written in gold lettering. To actors a few wigs and dozens of anecdotes from an eventful life together if getting near enough in church come a play a couple who from early on dream of a better for your future everything seems to go according to plan the young Party Official hopeful from the countryside is given a post in moscow he rises to the ranks to become head of the communist party and then president of the soviet union. He dares to do what no one has done before reform the soviet union. In 1906 cover chuff began his restructuring his perestroika risking what Many Russians still cant forgive him for today the collapse of the soviet union acclaimed in the west remains a polarizing figure in his own country. So that was as a politician he did a lot of bad things for russia still. But im not saying its not good if a country isnt moving ahead to something a better word i want our country the soviet union was stagnant. The old times they were not good. Thanks to him we were able to free ourselves from the big prison that we were all in back then we helped russia will one day become a garbage shop was striving for. In the play about the statesman who brought freedom to his people there is no reference to todays russia no reference to the terrible disappointment that has still not been forgotten almost 30 years after gorbachevs resignation. I was a young woman when perestroika came and back then i was promised a whole new world a world with a functioning freedom of the press freedom of assembly and rights to sexual and gender selfdetermination that the world that was promised to me then has nothing to do with the world today with 3 years of research us the climax of the play is the death of michel gorbachevs wife from cancer and the turning point of his career the last chapter is called gorbachev and solitude the theater may be filled with enthusiastic applause but in real life things quickly became quite lonely around michelle you cover charge. And his dream of a better freer russia to. And since your updates ill have more at the top up next thursday tempers one does link up football so i kick off dont forget you can get all the latest news on information around the clock on our website stay w. Dot com im going to. Boil the phone. The last final of the communist east germany was a clearance you never took. To miss. The underdog. Because of the way opportunities the Biggest Issue of national in the soon to be made in germany. Every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their homes nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced the consequences come the disastrous our documentary series displaced depicts traumatic humanitarian crises around the world you know. What a campaign will be i didnt go to university to kill people. Or to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone and he got mad if i dont theyll kill me. People feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of those who stay behind. Our capital my husband went to pearl because of the crisis. That if he hadnt gone there we would have died of hunger manana down the. Display starts october 16th going to. Get it. Done is to stop us yet and i do zocalo could see. This they say its not the case. Against besiktas that would. My money. Is. Not. Based on my

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