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A wide range of topics from the pandemic to Race Relations but who came out on top. Of that im told me a lot of well welcome to the program u. S. President donald trump and his democratic challenger joe biden have traded blows in a final t. V. Debate in nashville tennessee with less than 2 weeks to go before election day the exchange was a lot more civil than an ill tempered 1st debate between the 2 men microphones are muted to stop the candidates from interrupting each other and President Trump seemed to adopt a more restrained tone biden renewed his criticism of the president s handling of the coronavirus pandemic while trump said little on actual policies deflecting any criticism and instead leveling unfounded accusations at biden and his family the country should now. Lets get some analysis now from all us Election Team so me so much going to is still with me from washington and stacey bourbons is here in studio city see a very different atmosphere from the 1st debate which candidate do you think think came up on top well that 1st debate was a hot mess so this was a much appreciate it departure the bar was probably a little low because the 1st debate was so horrible but overall i think that both camps were able to succeed in what they wanted to do president and all trump wanted to try to make himself seem like hes on top of the pandemic his base will probably agree with him and biden was trying to push and say look this guy is bad for the country and he was horrible on the pandemic this was something that donald trump though needed because hes behind in the National Polls hes behind in some swing states that he won hes tied in florida which usually always goes red and he needs that because his path to the white house getting 270 electoral votes is tighter than biden so he really needed Something Special i dont think he got that tonight so me what were your impressions from this debate. Well it was actually really a debate finally you know we got to actually get through all of the topics that the moderator had laid out and had gathered questions on and it served the American People far more than the hot mess that stacey mentioned of the 1st debate i think that we saw a president that was for change from the 1st debate as well he was former strain more disciplined former courteous as well to the moderator he didnt interrupt nearly as much in fact of course the mice were muted so interrupting didnt really get to take place in the 1st place but that being said president from took a different approach as he was coached to do by republican strategists earlier this week and i think that was effective because it actually gave all of us the opportunity to listen to where the both of these men stand on many of the issues the reality is that there were a lot of unfounded claims made particularly by presenter and also some unfounded claims by former Vice President joe biden as well so the Fact Checkers have quite a lot of work ahead of them and combing through all of what was said if we look at what president of trump decided to focus on who really went after joe biden on what he saw as his failed record so the 8 years where he was a Vice President 47 years as a lawmaker that he continues to make plans or promise things that he hasnt actually delivered on when he had the opportunity to do so and he also really attacked joe biden on what he sees as a former liberal left wing part of the Democratic Party that will push him to take more liberal positions and then joe biden there said very clearly you have you are miss misinformed there you are running against joe biden not against these other democrats and joe biden really was focused on pointing out that President Trump as he sees it has been a reckless dangerous leader who only cares about the bottom line and not about average working families who are struggling right now so as stacy said i think both of men really got to deliver the points that they wanted to and that was a 4 more civil debate that everyone could watch but i agree with stacey that its hard to imagine that. A candidate here really came out on top in a way that could swing the outcome of this election. Right now the corona virus took center stage during this debate with about one 3rd of the 90 minutes given over to the pandemic so lets take a listen to one of the exchange exchanges he says. You know were learning to live with people learning to die with you folks who will have an empty chair at the Kitchen Table this morning that man or wife going to bed tonight or reaching over to try to touch their out of habit where their wife or husband was is gone learning to live with it cmon were dying with because hes never said he said its dangerous whens the last time is it really dangerous still we dangerous you tell the people whos dangerous now what should they do about the danger and you say i take no responsibility let me talk about your q. B. I take very i take full responsibility its not my fault that he came here its chinas fault and you know what its not joes fault that he came here either its chinas fault the fact is that when we knew it was coming when it hit what happened with the the president said he said dont worry its going to go away begun by easter dont worry the quorum whether the worry maybe inject belief he said he was kidding when he said that a lot of people thought it was serious a whole range of things the president said even today he thinks we are in control were about to lose 200000 more people. President look perhaps just to finish this i was kidding on that but just to finish this one closed he said i shouldnt have closed and that went on for months at one i closed he said this is a terrible thing it was then a phobic i think you called me a racist even and because i was closing it to china now he says i should have closed that earlier it just it doesnt i didnt say either of those you certainly did. It i talked about design a phobia in a different context that wasnt about closing the border to chinese coming to the United States are that exchange there from the 2 candidates back to you and a washington dead trump put up a successful defense of his leadership during the pandemic. Well i just want to point out one thing that he said theres an interesting combination of phrases he said i take responsibility it is chinas fault that really also displays how the president feels about this pandemic and to be fair he says clearly you know i did not bring this pandemic to this country joe biden didnt either that being said he deflected a lot of the attention that was put by joe biden on his mismanagement of the pen to make as joe biden says it very early on in downplaying the severity of the virus and what President Trump said coming out of the of the gate right at the beginning the day he said 2200000 people were expected to die we will fight it it came from china im not sure that that was the most effective defense to say you know for more people who are projected to die we have reduced the number of deaths well more than 220000 americans have already died and more are still dying the infection rates are still going up for well over 8000000 now in the u. S. So im not sure that that was the most effective defense for the president he was also very clear about the fact that this was a worldwide problem that the u. S. Is not alone in facing this and that there has to be a way to not close down societies not come to close down businesses because businesses are suffering quite badly and there is where joe biden said very clearly we have to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time so deal with this virus but also be able to run our societies and keep businesses open and President Trump there again try to keep trying to deflect some of the attention that joe biden was shining on his handling of the penn demick particularly in those early months when another key topic khodr in this debate was racism in the u. S. Lets take a listen. The fact of the matter is there is institutional racism america and we have always said weve never lived up to it we hold these truths to be selfevident all women are created equal or guesswork we have never ever lived up to put weve always constantly been moving the needle further and further to inclusion not exclusion this is the 1st president to come along and says thats the end of that nobody has done more for the black community than donald trump and if you look with the exception of Abraham Lincoln the possible exception of but the exception of Abraham Lincoln nobody has done what ive done i got criminal Justice Reform done in Prison Reform an opportunity zones i took care of black colleges and universities i dont know what to say they can say anything i mean they can say anything its a very its makes me sad because i am i am the least racist person i cant even see the audience because its so dark but i dont care whos in the audience im the least racist person in this room. Claims of being the least racist references to Abraham Lincoln so you see what you make of that exchange on racism as a whole i think that president on a trance response problematic number one do a basic Google Search or open a book lyndon b. Johnson signed off on a Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights act thats a pretty big deal and number 2 donald trump called black lives matter assemble of hate and he said that he thought this because of the video some video that he saw earlier but he never later said that he no longer felt this way furthermore he has been tweeting. White supremacist propaganda and but he never reached out to as the president people in the black Community Civil rights people black lives matters people teachers yes he released 3000 prisoners but thats not reform. And so he needs to do more he needs to do a better job of explaining it but hes not going to because he feels like hes done enough i think that. Vice President Biden talking about acknowledging the fact that there is institutional racism i think that thats a big deal for a lot of people who know that this is a fact and for the thousands of people that marched for months after george floyd was killed. And i think that because he is a politician whos running for president who said this out loud that it might encourage some black people to vote for him even the ones that are not excited about his candidacy because they feel like well maybe this time well see some change sumi both candidates covered lots of topics did we get a clear sense of the different policy visions. You know i think we got a clear sense that they are very different people and have very different characters you know when it came to some policy points it did come a little off the rails especially when it got to the he said she said finger pointing over who is received what money from which countries and we got lost a little in the details there a little bit but i think what we really did see is that these 2 men are gulfs apart on some of the key issues that voters care about from coburg 19 where President Trump said again you know were rounding the corner and joe biden pointed out the fact that a 1000 people are dying a day in the u. S. And there are 70000 new cases a day over to a Climate Change where we heard from President Trump that. Windmills and wind power are problematic because as he said they kill all birds and joe biden there made a very clear commitment to Renewable Energy as a source for the future and really also on leadership you know that was one of the last questions of the debate or the last question and there again President Trump was very clear my record speaks for itself i have done so much for the American People and joe biden there his message again saying i will return a sense of decency to the white house i will return again that decorum you can trust me in the white house so yes we did get to look at a number of policy issues but i dont think there was enough overlap that we could really tell where the daylight is between them because there is so much daylight they really dont overlap very much on many of these issues i think one point where we did see a bit more of a real policy back and forth is on Foreign Policy on how joe biden would approach iran and russia and china in there somewhere a point where president can point to his last 4 years in particular and how he says hes really talked tough to these countries but there is well i think a stark contrast in how these 2 men view americas role in the world and stacey just around briefly do you think voters would have seen this exchange and made up their minds based on what they saw not based on tonight i dont. I think most of the votes are baked and people know who theyre going to vote for i think that people may have gotten a better idea if theyre going to go out to the polls of say for example if you were thinking about voting for donald trump you listen to this and you think ok am i going to get out of bed and vote for this man and. Well see but i think that most of the votes are baked in and that this move anything either way and like i said i think that president being behind need to have a stronger performance than need it ok sumi some of the ground and in washington and in the studio thank you both now and here is a reminder of the top stories were following for you. U. S. President donald trump and his democratic challenger joe biden traded blows in a final t. V. Debate before the upcoming president ial election in the exchange which had the microphones muted to stop the candidates from interrupting each other president adopted a more restrained told biden renewed his criticism of the president s handling of the coronavirus and. Trump other accusations that his challenger. Will be back at the top of the hour until then check our web site for more on. Combating the pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and. Our corona update. 19 special next on d w. Im not laughing at them i guess sometimes but i. Think stephen for german culture looking at the stereotype but if youre thinking future of the country. We take this drama. To me its all about. Join me in front of you post. Were being told to keep things clean. Ready ready ready ready through direct contact or through the air traces of coronavirus can be transferred to the objects we touch and in turn transfer to. To keep that from happening weve come up with innovative ways to avoid having to touch things. And to Keep Services we. Living our lives means its impossible to avoid all types of contact so we need to understand the real risks in our environments. How long does the virus remain viable on surfaces and is it ever there in dangerous amounts to surfaces pose the threat we once thought they did. And this is the covert 900 special hello and welcome to the show im Stephen Beardsley in for well its good to have you with us money shopping cards door handles just about everything we touch is getting a 2nd look these days or even a clever work around like that elevator we just saw but our anxieties over surface contacts backed up by the research of the virus and its fire ability to take a look. Weaving in and out among the commuters the london Simpang Chris is this futuristic pair. Theyve been brought in by one of the british capitals Busiest Railway stations to help with the fight against coronavirus. One sweeps and mops the other uses powerful ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms including those the cools complete 19. Keeping coronavirus off the station surfaces is a constant battle. The new technology were ours to have a star focusing on the heart such points. Matic machines can link our crane among diner areas and that allows us to ensure that were doing exactly what we need to send. Scientists have been trying to work out how long the virus remains active on surfaces for searches in australia recently tested its survival when left in ideal conditions. Sure metrics that resembles. Humans accretions. Will then place a truckload of forests on to the surface level to dry no need or up to. 20. And 40 degrees and then we sample the regular points to see if we can recover ours the scientists concluded that corona virus can remain infectious on surfaces such as glass steel and polymer banknotes when kept at 20 degrees celsius for at least 4 weeks thats more or less Room Temperature however move up to 30 degrees and the virus of ice for just 7 days at an even higher temperature 40 degree celsius he remains infectious for just 24 hours. The researchers are however keen to point out that outside of their strictly controlled Lab Conditions coronavirus may find it a lot harder to survive. In the real world. Encounter. The real. Results like. The amounts of virus used in this 30 year also are likely to be much greater than would be encountered in the real world nevertheless Global Health officials have taken note of the findings we use this information to look at our disinfectants the good news is that this virus can be disinfected with with disinfectants with chlorine with different types of very very quickly. And thats where the some pancreas robots come in through their work and that of their human colleagues station stands a better chance of stopping the fire in its tracks. Im joined now by a man your goldman is professor of microbiology of brokers university in the u. S. And i know its good to have you with us this australian story that we just mentioned in that piece does it tell us anything relevant for normal people about how they should interact with their environments. No i do not believe so the conditions that they used for these experiments were just completely out of touch with reality. Says if. The thief the scientists set down and said what what can we devise a way to protect this virus as long as possible what can we do to extend this life time thats less what they were doing for example they did their study in the dark viruses kept in the dark viruses killed by light ultraviolet light youre already mentioned that in your broadcasts. All light has some some component of ultraviolet. They used. A material in the virus preparation. That they were aiming to imitate human secretions but they use something called both fine serum albumin bovine stands for cattle. This is a protein from cow cows and its already been published bovine serum help human protects the virus and the best from decaying. The virus is killed by being dried out they took their experiment in 50 percent humidity. Now thats relatively normal humidity and indoors but humidity is a variable it doesnt always stay at that percent and its turns out that 50 percent humidity is the maximum committee for the virus survival. Are in the sort of stories or dries out the dogs so its going to study it looks like the got a lot of attention obviously because of this this figure of over 28. 00 days survivability what do we know about the actual survivability of the virus under normal conditions. Everybody else has looked at it and including including many papers that i have criticised find much much less survival of the virus and surfaces. The new england journal of medicine paper. Found a couple of days. Other papers have found a comparable. Natural human ucas the virus finds a half life of 3 hours what we mean by half life is that extra set amount of time half the virus is dead and half remains and then same amount of time again half of what was left at that point is gone and half remains were a quarter is left so you do the math and you go through 456 half lives and youre down much much lower levels of virus. And the half life that most people have measured in one paper. Order of an hour or 2 maybe 3 hours new england journal of medicine paper and plastic and still the papers had about a 6 hour half life i think people are overly concerned about surface transmission that theyre more worried than they should be. Yes yes i do believe that they are. Definitely more moral concern than they should be the main concern should be in what you breathe. This virus is contracted by breathing its not contracted by surfaces and in theoretical you can get it from a surface there is no case confirmed in the scientific literature with this wires has been transmitted by a surface there are 2 possible papers that suggest it but even there it could just as well of been transmitted by aerosols but the air that you breathe. For says this is a study in south korea. A case in south korea where there was a misuse building of offices and residences of that loving 100 people in that building one of the this is in that building. People got sick with the coronavirus and everybody in that office got sick the rest of the building almost nobody got sick. And if there had been surface transmission we would have seen a lot more in that case briefly if i may ask just on a piece there about cleaning Solutions Like these robots to go around the station doesnt fact do you think thats helpful or is that just for peace of mind is it a gesture briefly if you can i think its peace of mind its just a gesture again of the look the problem with focusing on surfaces so that takes your focus away from what really is important which is what you breathe all right and then you will have to leave it there professor Emanuel Goldman at Rutgers University thank you so much. Thank you and now its time for your questions its the part of the show where our science correspondent Derrick Williams and the questions you posted to you tube channel over there. How long does an asymptomatic person or one who has overcome covet 19 remain a possible source of infection. Regardless of whether you have symptoms or if youre asymptomatic if youve been diagnosed with coke at 19 its important not to leave isolation until your local Health Authority says you no longer pose a danger to others and its recommended guidelines that w. H. O. Says that on average positive patients who show symptoms could be infectious for up to 10 days after symptoms 1st appeared it also says patients should wait at least that long plus 3 days after their symptom free without any medication so a person with an average case of coke at 19 if there is such a thing should isolate a minimum of 13 days for a symptomatic people the w. H. O. Recommendation is to isolate for at least 10 days since your last positive test various National Health authorities have interpreted those recommendations in different ways there is no 0 risk scenario but as a rule of thumb people who test positive whether there are symptomatic or asymptomatic are no viewed as being no longer infectious after 2 weeks. Or so and corresponded their claims there and before we let you go were also learning how to incorporate social distancing into our routines well heres a school in italy thats found a novel way to bring children to class while staying safe with a socalled petty bus or foot bus thats basically a rope with distance handles the Children Wear face masks and pull their book bags alongside a system was originally designed to limit air pollution from cars but has been updated for the coronavirus era. And thats it for todays coburn 1000. 00 special as always fun to watch it. To the point strong opinions clear positions international perspectives. While the rest of the world struggles with covalent country where it all began as reporting low infection rates and strong growth in china and coronavirus from super spreader to economic winners find out to the point. To the point of. The mix the t w. Every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their home. The consequences are disastrous our documentary series displaced. Drowns in floods the climate exodus. What becomes of those who stay behind when their homes are flooded. And their fields dry out. In 45 minutes on t w. It was the 1st International Tribunal in history. The nurnberg trials to. 75 years ago high ranking officers of the nazi regime of morning judging by the allied forces. Were the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes. By the government found them on them gary. Rudo peer review is right through. Our 2 courts series the 3rd reich dog starts nov 12th on g. W. While the rest of the world struggles with a corona crisis now in its 2nd or even 3rd wave the country where it all began appears to be well on its way to recovery china is reporting daily case numbers in the low 2 digits and its Pandemic Management appears to be paying off economically china is the only industrialized economy that has seen growth in 2020 but how reliable are the statistics china and the coronavirus from super spreader to economic winner thats our topic

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