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And now they cannot find over 500 sets of those parents and those kids are alone no where to go no where to go its criminal its criminal let me ask you this they went through and i reporters everything they are so well taken care of there in facilities that was so tightly knit some have gotten a search a good idea but just ask one question who built the cages id love you to ask of that who built the cages let me ask about voters finally got something resembling a substantive argument but its unlikely to have a major impact on the electorate a record 45000000 americans have so far taken advantage of early voting and polls so a majority of those yet to vote had already decided what theyll write on their ballot. And i am joined now here in the studio by william blue croft from our u. S. Election team who came out on top here i say everyone did i mean not just the candidates but kristen of the moderator she was fully in control much more than Chris Wallace was you have the help of muted microphones but even without those she was really in control of both camera specially donald trump who we saw in the 1st debate loud really quite abrasive and it didnt do well for him in the polls and of course viewers actually got a chance to listen to these candidates debates are never that substantive and in fairness to both candidates to have 30 seconds or or 2 minutes even to explain their solutions to very complex policies youre never going to get that deep into things but certainly a far cry from what we saw in the 1st debate you know donald trump needed to as we say to be more civil and he was by pulling a lot of his punches trying to make a lot of these accusations money of them baseless especially this new email thing that were hearing about biden and his son and their involvement around the world im trying to make those land but at the same time pulling his punches by not trying to have too many concrete accusations that are like i say basically baseless and or at least not yet proven and biden just had to hold the line because he is up in the polls he is doing well on the issues so he just had to not say anything that would that would put true much criticism in his direction given all of that that did the debate matter will it impact the election it matters to the extent that its one of the few times that voters can can see these 2 candidates unfiltered you know not you know not through the filter of attack ads or the media or pundits its just the 2 of them on the stage more or less answering questions so that its refreshing to see in that regard but as you heard the report 45000000 its probably even more by then Michael Mcdonald the u. S. Politics professor was crunching all these numbers and is really the go to source on this saying as much as 50000000 people have already voted at this time in 2016 according to his numbers. Just about 6000000 people have voted in advance so a lot of people who already voted the idea of this swing voter or undecided voter i think is really very small in this election so the debate nice to see but 2 weeks out i think a lot of people have made up their minds william glu croft from our election to thank you for so in the debate we heard a lot of bold claims from both sides which ones are credible lets bring in his head a Fact Checking of a about to tell us coronavirus was clearly one of the main issues President Trump said that the u. S. Was rounding the corner in fighting the disease is the worst over in the u. S. Im afraid thats not the case president from indicates that the United States of being over the the crisis will be over soon this is not true and heres why the u. S. Will facing a new rise of cases of 3rd surge we can say more than 65000. 00 new cases per day according to the c. D. C. This is a sharp rise of around 30 percent compared to 2 weeks ago so the numbers for me a more concerning than relaxing actually and claims that his administration has done a great job so far and im study in the john of the American Medical Association tells us a different story in the us have not only the biggest absolute number of corporate deaths over the past 5 months the rate of death per capita was bigger than in 18 other high Income Countries in this report so i dont think thats a coronavirus will be defeated soon in the u. S. And another topic was Health Care Donald Trump attacking joe biden about the previous administrations reforms known as obamacare lets listen to what biden had to say not one Single Person in private insurers would lose their insurance under my plan nor did they under obamacare can you verify that. Joe biden claims that is not one person lost their Health Insurance under obamacare this is of least misleading then president barack obama promised that everyone could keep his Health Insurance under the Affordable Care act a c a but thats not the case for all of them when obamacare took effect in 20145900000 people lost individual Health Care Insurance plans following a study by us think tank rand so biden is wrong here but on the other hand you have to see that more than 22000000 u. S. Citizens now have Health Insurance through the cas so there was a net gain we can sleep we know that this is just sort of a sampling actually in terms of the statements that the candidates have made for you and your to me of a Fact Checking a lot of statements through out the campaign where can we find those results our team found more misleading or false claims from both for example check on bidens claim that republican run states are hit harder by the virus or trump telling us that gas is cleaner than wind energy you can find all of this in our indepth fact check on d. W. Dot com. Of ever Fact Checking all of those claims for us thank you so much. And now a quick summary of some of the other days headlines freshman president Vladimir Putin says that nearly 5000 people have been killed in fighting over the disputed region of nagorno collar about the warring parties azerbaijan and armenia estimate much fewer losses to russian brokered cease fires have failed to end the 3 week flare up in the long running conflict. Lands are expected to vote for constitutional change in a historic weekend Referendum Programme form party says staged a final rallies near the president ial palace the opposition wants to sweep away a Legal Framework dating back to the former dictator Augusto Pinochet government supporters say that the constitution has ensured stability. And those in the indian city of culture are holding an annual festival just by coronavirus for stretches Public Access to the dirge of celebrations has been limited and many events have moved on line the festival commemorates the slaying of a demon marking the triumph of good over evil. Germany has recorded more than 11000 new Coronavirus Infections over the past 24 hours for the 2nd day in a row the surgeon coronavirus cases here has mirrored other countries across europe with many countries reaching new highs and infection rates faced with a spiraling crisis governments around the continent are tightening restrictions and imposing new lock downs our report begins in frats. Another record in france where more than 41000 corona virus infections were reported on thursday in some cities intensive care units already reaching capacity a Public Health crisis looms large the government has responded by extending curfews already in effect in the capital paris to a total of 38. 00 regions. France is set to become the 2nd european country to exceed 1000000 cases. After spain reached this grim milestone earlier in the week with an infection rate 3 times the National Average the region of nevada has resorted to drastic measures. It has banned most travel into and out of the region and closed all restaurants and bars. The capital madrid has been under a similar lockdown for the past 2 weeks to stem a spiraling caseload. Italy was the 1st european country to be hit hard by the coronavirus. Prime minister just set the continent has appealed to a tally ends to adhere to curfews imposed in italys 3 biggest cities the country is desperate to avoid the massive casualties and overflowing hospitals witnessed earlier this year. The caseload is exploding in the Czech Republic a record 15000 new infections on thursday prompted the government to impose a hard lockdown. Prime minister im sorry bob ish said the house system would overwise collapse by early next month. The shop sheltered in the capital prague. The army moved in to set up a field hospital. A lockdown is also in effect in ireland over the next 6 weeks households are not allowed to mingle and people have to stay within 5 kilometers of the homes nonessential shops have been closed and restaurants are restricted to take away services. 19 has wreaked havoc on Health Systems globally but especially in 4 geographic hotspots there are well over 8000000 cases in the u. S. 9000000 in latin america 4000000 in europe and more than 7000000 in india we can get an update now from 3 of those different regions correspondents are standing by in rome beijing and delhi and i want to go 1st to seem a group that was standing by in rome see what we know that italy hit very hard in the 1st wave of this pandemic one of the highest death tolls in europe what is the situation now. Well what were seeing is were hitting record in terms of new infections daily just in the last 24 hours more than 16000 new infections but its important to note that theyre also carrying out with more tests now than they ever did back in that 1st wave in the springtime you also see 136 deaths in the last 24 hours a green figure but it doesnt compare to the highs 1 of 900 deaths deed we saw back again in spring if you look closely though at the admissions into the intensive care unit that is beefing up you now have about 992 admissions for corbett 19 cases so the region that was hardest hit fact that long but it still is counting for the most in terms of the number of defections and the governor of that region saying today that the situation is dramatic and theyve made the decision to open that temporary cold that hospital that was set up in the milan say grant a curfew has been in place in milan in the surrounding long but the region from thursday and here in rome and the surrounding last your region from this this day onwards theres going to be a curfew this evening from midnight till 5 k. In the morning so back again with those self declaration forms d sima thank you so much over to you and mathias youre standing by in beijing unlike europe china appears to be containing cases there why no 2nd wave. Why i think the reason is 1st of all technically that they have a lot of testing capacities and theyre cracking dont very quickly on any new outbreak or teen in people and testing mosques is off i think the main difference between europe and here is that often things got out of hand in january in 1 hand the government decided to take a hard line and to eradicate to bring the cases down to 0 notch to try to mingle through with having them below the infection. Rate of one or any other targets so they really waited this out until there were no more cases and whenever something appears now they aged identify them quickly theyre very early people are still very scared of what might happen and the borders are closed so no new infections come in via travelers mathias thank you so much to you over now to delhi where many are chowdhury in standing by mira over all the cases are relatively high there the numbers however are coming down has india reached its peak. Well going by the official numbers given by the government and the force that we are seeing this seems to suggest that india army have crossed its peak in the mid of september when you were showing all 98 how to use a spud so india having been cross might be one of the reasons why were seeing a declining trend but there was also concerns that india might be testing low because in the immediately following that there was a slight difference in the number of tests so there were concerns regarding that but that number also picked up an honest blurts out the jesting that a part about the apart from the having been crossed another reason to which the decline in shed can be attribute it to is that india may have a better working system or with death being tracing isolation and hospitalisation off uses which can get wasnt but again india is a country with a Huge Population and a high population density so we are still showing over 50000. 00 cases but the declining trend its important to nort can also be seen in parallel with the increasing recovery rate and as far as the daily life of them sun its more or less hazard dungeon on lucy reportedly its clear that we may not go back to log on to jewish in the called the top of huge economic costs but the ongoing Festive Season and the approaching winter season is giving cause is giving into the concerns that we need to see a bit of the right bit of a rise in the number of cases that get. There in delhi mathias alling there in beijing sima gupta in rome thank you so much to all of you. And here is a look at some other developments in the Global Health emergency the United Nations is urging the g 20 group of leading economies to Work Together to fight the virus secretary general antonio good 10 ish says that its disappointing there was no coordinated action in march south korea has confirmed to 155 new cases its biggest jump in more than 40 days most of the infections have been traced to hospitals and care homes around the capital seoul australia is easing the cap on the number of residents allowed to return each week the limit will rise by nearly 300. 00 from next month youre watching d. W. News still to come on the program brazils football legend having turns 80 the 3 times world cup winner striker is seen by many as the greatest player of all time we will hear how you feeling on his birthday. The 1st century as president has called for an end to protest across the country as demonstrations against Police Brutality continue the president has warned protesters not to undermine National Security his address came after 12 people were killed when the military opened fire during a protest in lagos earlier this week. Lagos has descended into chaos. Gunfire rang out shops were looted and a prison was set ablaze in nigerias biggest city on thursday prompting the president to call for calm. By their full quarter on. To new. Floors. And construct to live in government in finding solutions. You have words as will. And clear and. People are losing faith in their Security Forces and the government after 12 protesters were allegedly killed earlier this week peaceful protests against a police unit known as sars have been underway across the country since earlier this month with a unit accused of torturing and killing citizens. On. My from there in South Ossetia but tensions escalated on tuesday night when Security Forces fired into crowd of protesters singing the National Anthem according to Amnesty International from what we have seen on the ground clearly the they did not respect international. And Us Constitution as well in themselves in peoples lives and during it was. The incident sparked condemnation from the International Community and violent unrest within the country mobs vandalized and burned police stations courthouses and t. V. Stations while Police Fought back but the Nigerian Military has denied shooting at the protesters. And members of the International Community. Many of whom have expressed. A boys Ongoing Development in that we thank you and as you all to seek to know all the facts. Before in order to judgment and making history. Months and the president said he was pained by the loss of innocent lives but did not directly acknowledge the protest shootings its a rhetoric that may not be well received by the nigerians who have been calling for an end to corruption for weeks. And with us now from Lagos Nigeria is correspondent fred movie fred tell us we heard that president mubarak has called for calm are his comments appeasing nigerians. Not really some nigerians who are saying that this is a defiant statement and they see this as a warning rather than asking them you know to come on the table and negotiate but also he did mention that people should the u. S. Should come forward but. We all know that there is no one who is heading these protests or even talking about no serious ones is actually almost impossible. To we know more about what really happened earlier this week. Yeah we know that for example meter Office Opened fire. More than a dozen people. Some problems. But it must be done in terms of addressing that issue and making sure that people are trial hold accountable rather would have seen the military saying that they were not responsible they were not behind and i think that. The protests they started over Police Brutality of the discontent however growing much deeper doesnt it. Yes yes if you look at the issues here in nigeria people talk about the Unemployment Rate which is very very high we also had a report that said venter percent households in may just its in this country how to keep. Doing call be denying t. Even up to now there are so many issues including but governance people are talking about so its not just about the Police Brutality its about everything but this countrys going through at this moment fragment vini thank you so much. And we apologize for the technical difficulties there in other news brazilian football great pele turns 80 today he is still regarded by many fans as the best player of the game after winning 3 world cup titles events are taking place around brazil to mark the milestone the man himself has been displaying his famous sense of humor brazils love for pele is a strong as ever a huge mural in the spiritual home of santos has been unveiled to celebrate the football greats 80th birthday the tribute but artist cobra is just one of many pele shot to fame as a 17 year old helping brazil win the 958. 00 willed cup i repeated the trick in 1962 and also guy didnt iconic brazil team to the trophy in 1970. All these years on and the man named player of the century remains an icon sao paolo Football Museum has opened an exhibition honoring him on his birthday and despite brushes with ill health in recent years he has lost none of his sparkle. On my 80th birthday i thank everyone who has already sent me a message others have already sent me an email. Now that im 80 i need to thank god for giving me the health to get this far and stay so lucid even if im not always so intelligent where we can. Talk to the king of football pele is still immensely frank fulfill what the game has done for him. I hope that when i get to heaven god welcomes me the same way that everyone welcomes me nowadays and that is thanks to our beloved football. Thats 80 years of age pele continues to be one of brazils most in jewelry figures. Well water might not be the 1st thing that comes to mind when you think of to buy but a fountain there has just broken the guinness book of World Records for being the biggest on are taking the title from the one just around the corner the palm fountain is a quick check with jets capable of blasting water more than 100 meters into the air and 3000 multicolored l. E. D. Lights. Thats a fountain youre watching t. V. It is up next chinas comeback from the coronavirus steps a discussion on to the point do join my colleague melissa crane for that in the meantime from all of us here at g. W. Thank you so much for joining us im sara kelley in berlin take care. To the point of strong opinions clear positions from international perspectives. While the rest of the world struggles with cold it is a country where it all began this reporting low infection rates and strong growth in china and coronaviruses of super spreader to economic winners find out onto the points. To the core of the to read up next im going to tell you. What keeps us in shape what makes us sick and how do we stand up for. My name is dr costly i talk to medical experts. Watch them at work. And then discuss what you can do to improve go ahead. Stay choose and lets all try to stay in good shape. In 66 w. Sleep. Carefully. Dont move soon. To get. Discovered. Subscribe to the. Documentary. While the rest of the world struggles with a corona crisis now in its 2nd or even 3rd wave the country where it all began appears to be well on its way to recovery china is reporting daily case numbers in the low 2 digits and its Pandemic Management appears to be paying off economically china is the only industrialized economy that has seen growth in 2020 but how reliable are the statistics china and the coronavirus from super spreader to economic winner thats our topic. And welcome to to the point we have a great roster of guests to answer that question its a pleasure to introduce Clifford Kuhn and he was a Foreign Correspondent for 15 years in beijing and he says chinas success in dealing with the coronavirus shouldnt distract from its emergence as a challenging strategic rival and im very pleased to welcome more its a little piece an analyst an expert on china at the german think tank s w pete and he says china has been partially successful in gaining International Discourse power by revealing an ugly side beijing has failed to profit more significantly from the covert 1000 crisis and were very pleased to have with us gen sun she is a freelance journalist from china and she says compared with the financial crisis 2819. 00 Recovery Plan is greener more domestic and digital oriented. So let me start out by asking you rudolph china has reported Economic Growth of nearly 5. Percent in the 3rd quarter of this year thats a rate almost equal to what it was doing before the pandemic hit but how reliable are those statistics both on the infection rate and also on the economy well big numbers in china always a difficult topic by itself but when we speak about the general trend of recovery and especially compared to other Major Economies in the world we can say that china has been more successful than other countries in actually come going back on track and with its Economic Development so i think we can see well if you analyze the doctor the doctor is robust saying that of course this has increased if you dig a little bit deeper than the question of course is where is this growth happening different problems with the gruel population and the urban population are the gets to get actually widening and it seems to be the case is that get widening between state owned enterprises and private enterprise as the answer is yes there as well when well come back to the stability and sustainability of that growth picture a little bit later but let me ask you this jensen how do the Chinese People see it do they have the feel of the feeling that china is well and truly out of the woods beyond the pandemic and ready to sail full steam ahead. I think the short answer is definitely yes because right now if you compare whats so the private private life peoples daily activities even tighter than outside of china other than cannot go abroad for vacations. The daily activity in china seems to be pretty much the same as before the pandemic happens and people definitely have a different view now whats going inside whats going on outside clifford couldnt you say in your Opening Statement that chinas success in dealing with corona shouldnt quote unquote distract from its emergence as a challenging strategic rival doesnt chinas success in fact prove the comparative if. Most of its model at least economically i think a lot of us do that while prices are prepared to pay for these situations we see at the moment a systemic battle emerging in the way between us and china which some are describing as a cold war i think this excess of the crown of ours in china but also in countries like taiwan new zealand. Finland and even germany has been pretty good at dealing with it you know shows that the very very tough approach is very effective but you do have to ask yourself for cost dot coms and whether youre prepared to theres a lot of things that just cant happen in a democracy that can happen in china so these are this is where people have to weigh up what sort of what approach they want to take. Sometimes you hear people in the west especially businessmen and women saying that the chinese are simply more effective at getting things done what you say theres some truth to that and do the chinese themselves see it that way i think is a very interesting question and a very relevant. I think to a certain extent the very i think its starting from even that education right so if you compare what a High School Student like their schedule daily and compare with what a german student or a macas did and youre sort of i mean i dont believe theres a difference by race or by different nationalities i dont think that exists but it be a change to the Education System and then people have been trying to perform it differently and have a different expectation of how much work and how effective that that specific person should be having those a different saying that so let us take a look at how china got things done when it came to a Pandemic Management we have a report that takes a closer look at the measures that brought the virus under control in the city where it 1st emerged. December 2019 chinese authorities. For the 1st infections of an unknown one disease in this city of on the outbreak probably occurred i dont want market Coronavirus Spread at breakneck speed throughout the country and infected more and more people many died. Trying to build emergency hospitals in record time shut down entire cities and closing off residential districts hundreds of thousands of people were locked down on their homes for weeks and Stores Remained closed china in lockdown. And. Those who are allowed to move around again were closely monitored by the state with thermal imaging cameras and clinical thermometers the government also reported the Movement Patterns of. Apps to provide information on individuals health and location no access without screenings. In the fall of 2028 the city has its everyday life back without masks without social distancing its as if the pandemic had never existed are dictatorships better at fighting disease. And let me put that question straight away to morrow coupled with the question relating back to your Opening Statement because it talks about chinas tactics as having an ugly side but if you see those pictures of normal life if you see these numbers on recovery couldnt you argue that the social and political benefits outweigh the costs. Well what china wants to do is once through the show to the world that is responsible International Power of course we have seen that as an efficient system to. Control the spread of the virus but that doesnt make china responsible International Power what they want to be so the question has been china at the beginning of the crisis they were sending off italy to spain to other countries that are really hard hit from the crisis but it is same point of time just a couple of months later chinese for diplomacy was really aggressive directly against other European Countries so china actually had an opportunity to show their side because especially with the United States not filling in this role china actually had a chance of doing that but they havent been doing so in practice because some of the equipment that was sent was of low quality and in addition they showed a really really strong and aggressive and pushy side to cash in the favor just a couple of weeks that they were delivering that so the mosque the promise is failed the question is whether a next a nation diplomacy will be successful but domestically speaking if you look at the measures that were taken which you criticize as having an ugly side measures of surveillance measures to some degree social repression dont you dont you think that they did deliver real benefits to the people well we have to say that those measures that they were put in place of course they were at the price of individual liberty so of course for the chinese side theres no interest in upholding the individual liberty of individuals and the process this was already in charge and placed before was only accelerated through the through the corona crisis so if you say that the most important issue in life is state stability then of course it is really efficient and then the answer would be yes but if there are other areas which he would consider important and Human Interaction in living in a country then the question then the answer would be no so let me come to cancer and to ask how again how. In china see its sometimes said that the governments handling of the pandemic as we saw it there in that report has actually boosted trust in the government and the state would you say thats right. I would say its right because i think in the end people look at look at whats there is out and the result is really writing front of our eyes that chinas life is receding almost back to normal and. I think the intent of this meant how this kind of very strong that the benefits of the manning outweigh the benefits of the few and i think also the government used this opportunity to tell a really good story they use their almost seems like a crisis and that was actually in the chinese whats crisis means way gee thats actually a crisis hidden behind the opportunity and thats what the government has been done so in fact some people who tried to report on the uglier side of the way that the government handled the crisis including in at the height of the pandemic faced very severe repression i think a couple have in fact not been heard from in quite some time has that had no influence on Public Opinion i think that we also have to look at how Public Opinion is a formed entire narrative so we dont really have the publics the fear thats very sophisticated here for years and when youre a poor you know other countries and how the media plays a different role in town is also very different they are more advice before the government once the people to hear instead of forming this public the fear for opening a discussion and so theyre broadcasting what the opinions that want to be heard instead of having a critical voices so i think that has a different layer or at a different layer to the whole story. If you wish speak to that point as well but id also like to know coming back to this idea of whether. Dictatorships are better and getting things done what i hate is that china manages to erect enormous medical facilities in record time manages to roll out a Mass Testing Program for millions of people in record time and apparently smoothly as well where western countries struggle well over the years ive covered many major stories in china and one was the was the earthquake in sichuan in 2008 there i was witness how there was this incredible operation to to to fix the situation. And dictatorships can mobilize in this sort of way but i mean if you look at taiwan which is democracy for example also ethnically chinese largely it also had a very small very small number of cases and observe very successful in controlling it so or if you look at new zealand you know thats also been very successful so i dont think its dictatorships per se certainly they can do things they can introduce these mass projects very quickly but i think again if it comes at the cost of personal liberty you know the whistleblowers who as you mentioned who were taken away. Dictatorships also create a narrative and this narrative is what people are theres no all terms of to this narrative within china because dissent is very quickly online just and in wheelchairs and stuff is very quickly. Done away with so its those are the options basically. Its a little do you think that some of the chinese tactics that we saw there in that report the measures of surveillance and so on can and will be applied in western countries as well as they seek to bring the virus under control im thinking for example of the corona apps and so on do you have concern that china because weve become a kind of a model in ways that you see as problematic when i think the dividing line but always be at the. Protection of private data i think this is just is a different approach to that in europe than there is the china i think more interesting will be whether a 3rd countries like in europe i dont see it happening at all but maybe in countries that are logically maybe divided between orienting themselves towards looking at the west or looking east the corona crisis definitely will convince many of them that the chinese approach is more efficient it is maybe less costly so those countries are the ones that will be more interesting to to look at and i think the chinese side has been quite efficient in approaching exactly those those countries cancer and our report showed normal daily life returning. How confident are people there and how confident are you personally looking at the situation from abroad that the situation really is stable and sustainable that the pandemic wont come roaring back for example when the cold season starts i think from a Public Health perspective yes i think of they controlled all the borders and theyre not they have theyre really people even comedian lending china without any trace and also theres a really strict according to policies right now in china so whoever comes from abroad who would have to enter a 14 day card not at home in a hotel separately so i think from Public Health perspective yes but if you look at from language from look at from Economic Perspective for example right now the boost in recovery is quite large leave rely on mass to activities but china is a very important part of the entire supply chain and economic change so how long time i can stay like this or how fast economic can read it depends on the international and Global Environment as well something of thats the question people are asking right now and were coming to that topic in just a moment but i want to have one brief look at chinas corona diplomacy and the question of the facts

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