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A shadow pandemic they have an urgent appeal dont look away step in and help when women become victims of Domestic Violence turkish women are protesting against government plans to withdraw from the is simple convention on combating violence against women even though more and more women are being murdered. Violence against women in turkey has been on the rise for years the perpetrators are often people will known to the victims a husband and ex partner earlier this year one case that sent shock waves through the town of backyard kind western turkey is that of p. Not good to kitten she was killed by her exboyfriends back in july more than 200 women have become victims of femicide just this year but now turkish president to one wants to withdrawal from a European Convention that was designed specifically to protect women from violence and abuse there is strong opposition against this plan not just in p. R. s hometown. The friends describe her as a fun loving young woman. This was the image techie was left with of the 27 year old student and ill go to him on july 16th exboyfriend strangled her to death remember her body. Flowers and a photo commemorate and her favorite. Now her friends beth and layla sits here with i dont stone numb with grief and in constant fear of becoming the next victim of violence against women. To get out and back maybe tomorrow theyll be announcing my death it starts right from the very 1st 30 shots encounter they say you cant go there alone. You mustnt wear this or that you cant meet so and so on and on and on and thats just another form of violence that the science of the merger was a province on the edge and coast. Has a reputation for a free and more easygoing mindset than turkeys conservative regions or so many women thought. The brutal murder in arkansas can understand wave of protest nationwide against the rampant violence against women. Their fortys and many communities responded with violence sending policemen to beat the protesting women. The number of women met each year in taki has more than doubled since 2012 now turkish women are no longer keeping sign and many celebrities also join the protests around the country including the popular turkish thing a seal a. Magic a. Half an hours friends are also taking to the streets every week in the hind town no longer will they sit by and do nothing as violence against women started. Rises. Harnick of a step by the lower they try to intimidate and sideline us the greater our rage and the terminations and. Now im convinced of that hard to jiang zemin on the road map. The finance against women key to news unabated. But progovernment policy journalists like. Czech dont see the problem so much in a piece of men as in the Istanbul Convention on combating Domestic Violence turkeys them government signed and ratified it in 2012 the one in the december called whatever happens inside the bore walls of the familys home want to stay there. This convention is incompatible with our faith our culture and our traditions on them is it would prove your service making. Seemingly compatible with the culture on the other hand is the coverlid treatment of violence against women in turkish t. V. Series for years lawyer took has been representing the victims of Domestic Violence im a survivor as shes often seen the abusers appeal to the court for leniency and sympathy. To impeach the cook theyll say this woman has done this or that on wound my male pride in a stain my car thats what motivated these actions which are so dull fabricated something in their entire defense on it give you as lose this single time on this home alive you know the accused can then hope for a lighter sentence. Which couldnt even be possible with the authorities and the courts are bound to the European Convention on preventing violence against women. What are the men and cannot go to consume towns how important to them is the protection of women. Gun violence before i have to confess but its important for everyone to understand each other and get along. The roots of the violence line are bringing. What has to change from the meeting with you to keep. Murder victim punahou to concerns agree. Times to change in this country until it does the protests will go on that already reshaping consciousness among the turkish people. For i raised my voice and expressed my rage inside out the solidarity of other women i was so far more vulnerable to abusive behavior from men and it wasnt just any of them all women experience the same things we see and experience them every day to do and i knew. The tragedy of the friends will hopefully at least inspire a Resistance Movement among women. The guy crater in russia is one of the largest permafrost craters in the world and although its located in one of the coldest regions on earth in siberia it too is facing the effects of the Climate Crisis the ice is thawing increasing the craters size year by year the rising temperatures are an Alarming Development and they could affect the livelihood of people like cousinly if he needs the colds to keep supplies for his Community Fresh his warehouse is like nothing youve ever seen before. Deep in the heart of the mountain is where. Keeps a supply thats because its cold here freezing cold even in summer some products can be stored here for up to 2 years without spoiling. Here we store so flour all transmeta today talk chips to fruit its practical and much cheaper in a climate controlled warehouse. Even in summer the temperature in this ice cellar is normally 15 degrees celsius below 0 but cousin can tell that northern siberia is getting warmer and warmer even underground. Things are naturally kept cold here in the permafrost now weve covered the cellar up with sheets to keep out the warmth. This year the ice summer was water temp agrees war with that change isnt too bad its ok. But for how much longer in the village of guy there are many ice cellars like has the village depends on them for it supplies overland access is only possible when the river is frozen for 4 months a year it forms the road in and out. For the generator able we can use the winter its to receive supplies. In the summer because you 3 stories get weekly deliveries by airplane from the regional capital you could say its expensive but necessary. With temperatures that can drop to minus 50 degrees in winter life in about a guy is dictated by the cold permafrost still covers the area but its starting to thaw. This is about i got a crater just a few kilometers from the village its the largest permafrost crater in the world one kilometer wide and 100. Meters deep and its growing. The crater was originally caused by deforestation as the frozen earth was no longer protected by trees today its also exposed to the rising arctic temperatures the melting permafrost sets off a vicious cycle the organic substances in the ice decompose as it melts which releases more Greenhouse Gases which in turn speeds up Global Warming. What modern processes were observing at the bottom like a crater are things were seeing everywhere else just to a lesser extent the ice under the ground melts in the ground collapses but it happens everywhere. But the guys with the budget guy crater is the perfect example of why we shouldnt mess around with the permafrost still smears lot toys for watching it. May bring greater youngster is otherwise one of the coldest places in the world but this summer temperatures hit 38 degrees its never been so hot movies that houses here could collapse because of the melting permafrost was the most the most basic and supports in the ground just like all public water and sewage systems. So. If they start shifting there could be accidents. Global warming will cause a lot of problems here. The earth is also. Ice seller everywhere cracks like this one. In the region seem plugs them up with water which then freezes and reinforces the walls with blocks of ice he says ice is always shifting in the cracks have nothing to do with Global Warming is that the courts will manage even without an eye center its not that bad lets hope everything turns out ok weve got a model. For can seem in his eye cell or the effects of Climate Change still seem to be a long way off and many people here still dont know anything but called for most months of the year but that is starting to change. France is among the European Countries that have been hardest hit by the coronavirus and make many french flag top a car are afraid of another lock down heres what she is manufacturer and he remembers all too well what effect the 1st lockdown had on his business for 2 months the demand for cheese plummeted as the nation came to a standstill to stop tons of this good Quality Produce from going to waste the french were called upon to support the local economy go out and. A region famous for its cheese as they declared a colony emergency theres simply too much good cheese in storage due to the coronavirus french or cheese maker baton has close to 10 tons of cheese maturing in his cellars and thats creating more than a storage problem cheese has a limited shelf life in particular. One of us becoming president its a fragile truce after more than 2 and a half months you cant sell it anymore or the workers will it wouldnt look very nice or not even 40 fourths would start to appear on the rye and would grow too thick. After more than 2 months it would require too strong a taste. During the cold 1000 lockdown artist and all cheeses remained behind closed doors thousands of french cheese shops were shut as were the regional cheese counters and supermarkets restaurants were closed as well so consumers were left eating prepacked mass produced cheeses with long shelf lives. Children who were stuck at home with their families found themselves without their favorite varieties and were not happy about it. Oh no we dont have any gets cheese anymore. Either. For close to 3 months even gora maize had to put up with processed or prepackaged cheese meanwhile across france artists and all cheeses were piling up over a 1000 tonnes worth soon after the lockdown was lifted the dairy industry coined a new term for margie song combining the words for cheese for mush and taking action. Eating cheese has become a patriotic duty all mashed only and by buying in consuming traditional french she says people are being good citizens helping small produces the find themselves in difficulty due to the lock down wall and at the same time theyre treating themselves to some delicious traditional french cheese this. Campaign surpassed all expectations and has been seen around the world. For farmers like john. Who owns 39. 00 cows the campaign arrived at just the right time now he can once again sell his cable show without any problems but even during the lockdown he came up with a clever idea he contacted acquaintances throughout france and offered to send the cheese by mail enjoyed your coffee. Along they said to themselves hey we know them learn a bit of a pickle so they spontaneously said yes for the name of. The farmer thank his customers on behalf of his cows to. Dont have a tap you can turn on and off they have to be milked. Morning and night and you have to do something with them now. The campaign has hit a nerve with cheese lovers in recent weeks consumption has risen in france and the stockpiles of cheese are getting smaller all the time. Shes makers like batons are pleased the french are proving so patriotic. And more of this patriotism will be needed not just from the french but from all of us as governments entrance to a stricter measures to combat the pandemic life in a village far away from the hustle and bustle of the big city thats the ideal for a lot of people in germany actually many refuse to move to other places because their families have owned the land for generations but the villages in our next report may soon disappear one of germanys Largest Energy firms has been allowed to relocate all of the People Living in the village of kind back in western germany the Company Wants to expand its coal mining activities in the brown coal mine of god but many villages are not ready to give up their homes. To the village the greater the threat. And its far. From. Here and the bigger its already right there in from. Its about 3 or 400 meters away its come a lot closer in the last few. Only 3 more years than his whole undesigned would have disappeared to godfather europes largest open cast lignite mind germany has pledged to phase out cold by 2038 but thats too late for the victims. They live as an extended family on this historic farm with a 1000 square metres of land. Mine because what i see and my grandfather was resettled here because of that same mine more than 60 years ago when he was out he was told that there was an old farm here that he could take over and hed be safe here you know now were the 4th generation on and it seems well have to leave again because of the mine. Vic the seat. The vincents want to defend themselves but most of the neighbors have given up even though its difficult for them. If they tell us that we have to leave then theres nothing we can do about it. Theyre being relocated from their traditional centuries old farming villages to unfinished new settlements the lignite Mining Company or w e tells us that 80 percent of the villagers agreed to the compensation while many are struggling others think that resettlement is a good thing. There are people who work for our. Relatives who do and of course they are in favor because theyre concerned about their job. And there are other people besides them you see the benefits in. Terms of money the relocation deal isnt unfair i have to admit. But illness is old village with the orchards the words and the well being is much more to him than a new development thats why he supports the ones who want to stay and fight like marie to address my parents keep saying they dont want to go through it again having to leave my mother says that often and then she starts to cry she says she would rather die than see a coal digger destroy everything here and take her home on. That is why she and her song cofounded the initiative all villages remain to take a stand against the political decision to excavate 6 more villages in the rhineland coal mining area for me just as far as the question of justice it is not fear that people have to leave their homes because of a 19th century form of energy. Initiative is attracted support from climate activists and this has caused a stir in the otherwise quiet and long forgotten villages that surround the mine for some the protests are a cause for concern but others like the drug isnt see the support from the Climate Protection Movement as a chance to stop the diggers for god. Its given us a lot of strain theres a feeling that we might actually. I think its a great sign. For villages its about loss and destruction they dont understand why they have to lose their homes. They say lignite is not compatible with the parents agreement on Climate Change the resettlement measure is excessive and that residents rights are equal to human rights. Trying to keep all of the villages and we wont back down one bit. This weekend around 1000 people came together from the villages and beyond to form a human chain. Protective wall for the villages which are still losing ground to the mine. What do you say no to this job offer like Robinson Crusoe you get to live all alone on a Beautiful Island located between corsica and sardinia youre surrounded by nature and youre only task is to protect the famous pink beaches talian island well the man in our next report took on the dream island the guardian for over 30 years but now hes been ordered to leave although his job is still important. Well you cant come in here because you see the red boys. Roam around he is able to drive these 2 would be intruders away. From you if i were to your theyd already be lying on the beach. Would follow their lead and soon the whole place was full of people like accused to be. Morandi is defending this. On the island one of the most famous speeches on the mediterranean its playing sandy is unique. And around he has been caring for this natural wonder for over 3 decades he got stranded here back in 1909 while heading for the atlantic in his catamaran. Marandi happened upon a Little Island between corsican sardinia quite by accident. Hes living here on his own and watched over delhi ever since at 81 hes still almost chemically selfsufficient. When it came to the island i couldnt even change a light bulb. But here i was forced to acquire all sorts of important survival skills. Like a modern day Robinson Crusoe he uses everything the islands rugged terrain has to offer like prickly pears and aloe vera. I also use the aloe as a medicinal plant to treat cuts and scrapes and above all summer. Because the only shady spot on. His house miranda is only companions are his 2 hands who keep him hopping. They jump over the brush and lay their eggs elsewhere. So he cant count on eggs for breakfast. Thats a dead person is the friend did with supply him with food morandi was once a teacher and. From his pension. I used to go shopping myself but then i was forbidden from using the motor boat. So now i have to rely on others his days in paradise looked to be numbered soon there could be no more rubber boat on the beach and no more around the and. Thats of the administration of the National Park on the main island madalena has its way the whole model an archipelago is run from here to delhi included. To build a research station in a museum there in place of. Some future visitors to the pink beach better consciously enjoy the Natural Beauty before their eyes. The operators of the National Park want to leave 6 years ago the Italian Government purchased new delhi which had been privately owned they say mirandas contract as the islands caretaker is now known and void. In Public Administration positions are publicly advertised candidates must be suitable and qualified and several need to apply. But morrow marandi wont be pushed out of paradise without putting up a fight using instagram as his weapon hes one close to 60000. 00 followers they have launched a petition demanding he be allowed to stay and continue posting photos of rule breakers. I need this life here its my mission. And i hope the folks from the National Park finally get that. Many day trippers who visit here legally in the summer and keep to the prescribed paths think that this beotch or rosa or pink beach needs protection from the tourists towards being. And those whove met. Agree that he and his way of life are worth protecting to. Morrow should stay not just because of the island he makes you reflect what are our needs where do we come from i mean. As long as he lives and who knows how long that will be he should be allowed to continue. Tomorrow marandi cant imagine being banished from his island paradise he plans to stay live in his hut and continue his work protecting delhi and its pink beach. And will be sure its a follow up on that story to find out if more andy will be allowed to stay on his beloved island well thats of course a day thanks for watching and goodbye. Absolutely. It. Has a virus spread. Why do we panic and when well all miss them. Just 3 of the attacks from cover and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the chrono marist or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at dean w dot com look for it slash science in. The morning. Can actually be prose you know for using love. In this small. Lolos swallowed. These goods mostly. Theres no use no love. For the. Gaza. Kids from the world. The. Cant sleep. Couldnt sleep. Came to school. Please. Leave the room is just bad. Luck. To. The british lovely. Little place above. The 1st. Place. Such. Love love. Love love love love love love love love. Love love and respect the bunk. The be. This is you dont use life from growing up under attack pressure president smart call condemns a suspected terrorist assaults in nice he says france will not yield to terror after a man armed with a knife kills 3 people and injured several more at the zilla and the city center also coming up a necessary and appropriate term trends on america the friends her new pandemic lockdown measures dress in parliament the chancellor warns that tracing only when factions is no longer possible but the opposition says the new rules are excessive plus the United States the police and racism. Something. Months after the police kill a black woman in her home in kentucky campaigners pushing forward forms in law enforcement. And while iraq thank you so much for your Company Everyone when we start our broadcast in france that country is on high alert after a suspected terrorist attack in the Southern City of nice police say a man armed with a knife killed 3 people and injured several others at the north of them basilica in the city Center President has traveled tunis to oversee the operations there he says france will not give any ground to terrorists and that he will deploy more troops across the country to defend against potential attacks was. Police storming nieces not to damn basilica were too late to stop the bloodshed by the time they shot and injured the attacker 3 people had been fatally wounded one of them was a church official. Go one weve just learned from the television that a sacristan has been assassinated its a huge shock. To the affluent families he was that all day long he wasnt somebody who would drop in and go again he was always there. The church is just a kilometer from the scene of a deadly truck attack which killed dozens in 2016 nieces may i spoke to reporters at the scene he said the assailant kept shouting allahu akbar or god is greatest as he was detained. Its the threat that has france on high alert president not hong kong a crisis meeting in paris before departing for a nice horse you can in friends theres only one community the National Community i want to say to all our fellow citizens whatever their religion whether they believe or not right now we should unite and not give into the spirit of division. That youll see the dispute with. The french president has angered many in the muslim world by refusing to condemn caught tunes of the prophet mohammed. Its a long standing debate in france reignited by the murder of school teaches summer and patty earlier this month he was beheaded after showing cartoons of mohammed in a class on free speech now france has 3 more reasons to mourn the National Assembly held a minutes silence for the victims those in power to face some uncomfortable questions in the days ahead many in this tricky secular country may ask if the official approach is the right one and whether they should fear more lone wolf attacks hes have raised the terror alert level to its maximum. You know where to the capital of france paris Catherine Field reporter is standing by there catherine the president mccall at the scene what has he been say it was a very defiant message that we got from president backwall he said that this attack when they ask if the official approach is the right one and whether they should fear more lone wolf attacks hes have raised the terror alert level to its maximum. Take you now where to the capital of france paris Catherine Field reporter is standing by there catherine the president mccall at the scene what has he been say. It was a very defiant message that we got from president barack wrong he said that this attack was an attack against france it was an attack on values that a whole dish of the french people he said and i quote we will not give ground so it is fairly robust reversal that the problem is france as far as emmanuel bankroll is concerned france is a very secular state and freedom of expression is absolutely paramount and the unity of the country will not be damaged by these attacks that weve seen theyve been 3 jihadist inspired attacks in france that just dont run months president macro is fairly determined nevertheless to keep out with this message that france is a secular state to state where as he said people have the right to believe but also people have the right not to believe. Now he has announced a more troops or will be deployed to the pen to defend rather france against possible future attacks in the days to come will that reassure people. Well hes more than doubled the number of troops that will be deployed at sensitive side sees originally there are 3000. 00 troops there now up to 7000. 00 they will be patrolling sites such as schools churches other areas of wash Media Organizations and in particular in the lead up to the all saints commemoration day this sunday in france there will be extra troops symmetries so it will go some way to putting some people it is certainly what the church is hoping is that it will not deter people from coming into worship i mean as im speaking the french Prime Minister is meeting the archbishop of paris here in paris to try and explain to him just want the government is pushing him plays to make sure that catholics and others able to practice their faith in this country and this is also you know happening just as the country is going into lockdown what effect will that have well one of the problems of lockdown is of course people are stuck in their homes and it has been a concern particularly from some members of government that what this is doing is further isolating members of the community that theyre retreating into their home state going to online groups being taken out of the mainstream of society and that is something that theyre well aware of and in the last few hours we have had the undersecretary for state for Digital Affairs get in touch with the Media Organization to say look some of these messages should not be on social media and you should be taking more care so that is a real concern were all sitting at home not because to her we have to leave it there Catherine Field in paris thank you for your continued coverage thank you. German chancellor Angela Merkel has defended the latest round of coronavirus restrictions as the country prepares to go back into a limited locked out addressing parliament chancellor merkel said it was currently impossible to trace the origin of all new infections and that is hampering efforts to contain the virus or she faced frequent interruptions in the opposition have called the measures excessive and inappropriate empty restaurants and bars no museums no theatres these images are actually from the 1st wave of the pandemic but in november germans will have to get used to them again as coronavirus cases rise johnson the merkel announce sweeping new restrictions the main difference this time is that schools im sure will remain open on thursday merkel defended the new policy in a key speech before the german parliament. Is upon the new good news pandemic throws the spotlight on a word which is part of our most essential vocabulary freedom does most of the meaning of this word is not very concrete because the measures agreed by the government and federal states in the spring and yesterday restrict our freedom actually the same time we can understand that freedom does not mean everybody does what they want especially now freedom means responsibility im talking to their. Own responsibility for ourselves our families our colleagues and for all of us who go north who. Makar was constantly interrupted. And the Parliament Speaker saw himself forced to call for order the biggest Opposition Party in the bundestag the far right if he was quick to slam the measures that we consider the paralysis of the cultural industry the Hospitality Industry and practically the entire social life as announced by mrs merkel to be excessive and inappropriate. Now one of the Big Questions is the Financial Impact of these restrictions the German Government has promised economic support for businesses that are particularly hard hate. And its because these are focused measures limited to the month of november and to certain sectors we are able to offer massive economic and Financial Support to those who in a sense shoulder the dealing does it isnt. It and theres also the issue of whether citizens will actually comply with these new measures the government has enjoyed high levels of support but criticism is on the rise and theres also an evident coronavirus fatigue. All right lets take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. The former british Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbin has been suspended from the labor party after an inquiry and 2 alleged anti semitism a report found unlawful harassment and discrimination took place during his time when he was in charge of the labor party or the u. K. s a human rights watchdog identified serious failings within the party. At least 8 prisoners have been killed and 12 injured in a prison riot in afghanistan Officials Say violence erupted in the city of herat after guards began collecting with they called quote unnecessary items in the possession of the inmates. In hong kong a teenage activist has become the 1st political figure to be prosecuted under a sweeping new National Security law imposed by beijing 1000 year old tony chung is a former member of students localism rather a Group Calling for hong kongs independence from china. Would like to turn now to the city of philadelphia and the u. S. Which has imposed a nighttime curfew to quell unrest following the Police Shooting of a black man on monday 2 nights of looting and clashes between police and protesters followed the death of Walter Wallace jr at least 172 people have been arrested and 53 officers injured are protests against the killing of black americans by Police Became a National Movement over the summer one of the focal points of the campaigns of black lives matter was the killing of Brianna Taylor she was killed by police who carried out socalled no knock warrants on her home to the resolver salat went to louisville kentucky to meet activists pushing for reforms to policing. October in louisville kentucky a city scarred by the pen demick and protests reeling from the death of black medical workers Briana Taylor who died while police were searching her home in march. Black lives matter activist. Justice briana she is her hero and the symbol of a movement that will no longer be silenced. Personally and emotionally Briana Taylors name for me it gives me strength she gives me hope and she gives me a reason to wake up every day and fight for justice i mean. Im 40 years old in we have seen the injustices of black people in this nation Briana Taylor lived here on the outskirts of louisville in march police entered her apartment using a no knock warrant an exchange of gunfire ensued and she died in a hail of bullets you can see from out here that when Police Officers started shooting that they shot from outside the home and so heres one still bullet hole in Police Evidence tape over 20 bullets shot in the night inside the home. A policy strategist drafted brianas law which bans the use of no knock warrants and. She says the roots of Police Brutality lie in the judicial system and with the police themselves no one is really holding the Police Accountable and its almost like Police Officers have been able to just do whatever theyve been wanting to do. I 7 months after Briana Taylors death the protest movement is still alive in late september kentuckys attorney general revealed that the Police Officers who shot her would not face murder. Charges i mean the decision came as a shock for them to tour a hair and many others now shes pinning all her hopes on a new president. We have to protect folks in the United States and i dont think that the current owner ministration has done that i think that they have have not feel like theyve been misused and of these in their power and so this this this election is is the most important that ive ever saying oh offering room. d heroin is especially concerned that donald trump has refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose the election. In louisville protesters are singing for peace and for an end to the escalation of violence. Tevita. The reports from the republic kentucky thank you so much for watching the. Berlin channel to allow us to ask. What secrets lie behind us will. Discover new adventures in the 360 degree. To explore fascinating World Heritage sites. W heritage 360 get to know. And you may know yes yes we can you and how it all stands jasmines hans that we will bring you im going to tackle as youve never

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