On what germany expects from the u. S. Election its been one of the most polarized campaigns in u. S. History how much of a difference for the winner make for u. S. German relations plucks germanys intensive care units brace for its 2nd wave of coated patients staff say that they have the beds but fear that its infection numbers arent stop for prizing could be overwhelmed. Im sorry kelly welcome to the program 4 people have been killed and more than a dozen wounded in what the austrian government to scalding an islamist terror attack a gunman opened fire at multiple locations of the center of vienna on monday Evening Police say that they shot and killed one attacker and are hunting one or more assailant. Still a large. Panic on the streets of vienna the shooting began around 8 pm Police Quickly flooded the city center it was an unseasonably warm evening and bars and restaurants were crowded ahead of a partial lockdown beginning tuesday gunman opened fire at least 6 locations the 1st reports came from the of the citys main synagogue it was closed at the time but a rabbi watched the horror unfold from his window. I saw the attacker running into areas also addressed rooms. Or the street. Or people running away in. One or 2 attackers armed chasing them or to the street they were shooting at least 100 rounds just before the program. Police sealed off the city center urging people to stay away and remain indoors. Last night we experienced an attack by at least one islam is terrorist. Is a situation we havent had to experience in austria for decades. Said same. Authority has told parents not to send their children to school on tuesday if possible further attacks cant be ruled out. There was very well equipped they have automatic weapons and are very professionally for parents that as on to Police Continue their search the army has been brought in to god key locations additional checks are in place at the borders and they feel is that one or more heavily armed suspects could already be far from the austrian capital. And. She is standing by with a view from vienna irrational we just heard from the austrian chancellor what has he been say. Sorry short speech essentially saying only same do defend peace and democracy saying that islamic data has no place in the austria now these comments come even as the government has announced a 3 days of National Mourning just to keep it in context in terms of how significant the state of National Mourning is the last time ostrich begins. Days of National Mourning was in 2000 for. The death of austrian president thomas cholesterol so 3 days of National Mourning have been announced legs are going to fly out of mosque in about an off from now theres going to be a minute of silence to observe in vienna to remember the 4 victims who died in these attacks last night and their eyes how about the situation on the ground has has it been determined yet whether this was one attack or whether this was potentially multiple attackers could people still be on the lives. They certainly could be on but is the impression that we are getting from Vienna Police and from the interior ministry they are working in the example that there is accused in the words of the minister one other attack up on the run and but he seems to be any working on that assumption so this is very much an active incident they havent closed chapter on this as yet which is why the Police Advice is still to avoid the. Multiple locations previous attacks occurred so very much working with. And attacker lose but that having been so if we do seem to be making some progress in the day for eliminating investigations the one attack a suspect if i could who were shot dead last night the tombs appear to be emerging about him he appears to be a 20 year old austrian with not. Groups some 15 how searchers have been conducted across vienna and several people have been arrested more detailed than this on to be able at the moment but as the hours go by more and more details appear to be trickling out from the administration which is being very careful in what information we are as you mentioned 3 days of National Mourning have been announced how are people there reacting to this attack. It is complete shock at Something Like this happening in a city like vienna im a regular visitor to v. M. S. There and i can tell you that there the way the city works and. The beauty essentially of this if you search me its a cultural gem for sure people did not expect Something Like this to walk up in their city of the magnitude that has occurred in battery what has happened in mumbai that is one of the cities across the world and the really shock that vienna now is on that east of cities that are facing tough in this form so there is a complete and utter shock and disbelief and i think we did see a manifestation off that in the minutes of silence in about an awful now this is really shaken the city to its core its a grim wake up call sara to the state of the world that were living in if you like. With that assessment from vienna where 4 people have been killed more than a dozen wounded in what the austrian government is calling and islamist terror attack irrational thank you very much for your forte thoughts well now in person voting has begun in one of the most anticipated and polarized u. S. President ial elections ever it takes place amid record early voting and a campaign marred by the president s allegations of foul play on the eve of the election donald trump and his democrat challenger joe biden made their final pitch to voters trump made a world with torre a 4 swing state telling voters that he would win again despite polls predicting his defeat by me while focused on ohio and pennsylvania there he told the voters vote it is time to and the chaos of the past 4 years. On the u. S. Election is being closely observed abroad including in germany for decades berlin and washington shared relatively warm relations that was until 2013 when they were shaken by revelations. Of american surveillance of chancellor Akhil America adult trumps time as president has deepened divisions and left germany leading calls for a stronger in you saying the days of her lying on the us are over. The roots of todays us jam in relationship deep back decades the bay wooding of the bell and wall in the 1960 cemented the alliances foundations then u. S. President john f. Kennedy standing at west germany site. Was the wall became a rallying point in the cold war over decades to communist soviet system on the east faced off against a western capitalist system another us president writes in himself into the history books with this immortal demand that we should all care down this wall 3 years later gemini was one that heralded a new era in us german relations barack obama enjoyed a rock star reception when he visited on route to the white house and more informal among friends. But the alliance took a turn for the worse when obama successor donald trump was voted in more than once he appeared to disrespect german chancellor Angela Merkel for instance when he ignored calls to shake her hand at a press conference relations between the 2 countries cooled down dramatically for the German Foreign minister sigma gabriele blames a failure of diplomacy. Relations between germany and america have always been difficult but i think the problems have never been so deep and this has to do with the fact that the current president is treating us more like enemies than allies or partners. Right now there are unresolved tensions between the u. S. And germany the americans want germany to meet its need to defend spending commitments because the us says its tired of footing the bill for the security of others secondly the withdrawal of thousands of u. S. Soldiers for. Gemini a move that left some germans feeling abandoned and thirdly the north stream to gas pipeline which in americas view makes gemini too dependent on russian supplies all of this is likely to remain controversial no matter who wins the upcoming election of course there are expectations of allies in particular as important as germany germany will continue to be key even more important to the u. K. Is on the way out will be out by january 1 berlin will be the epicenter of europe and so of course there are expectations but i think much will change it is not appropriate for the United States to be lecturing and insulting and harassing an ally as we have in the last 3 and a half years donald trump or joe biden the eyes of the world are on the usa and what about germany germany hasnt looked toward washington in this anxiously for quite some time. And we are giants now by by our transatlantic coordinator of the German Government and lawmakers of Angela Merkels conservative c. D. U. Welcome to the program thank you for joining us and id like to begin by asking you what is at stake for german American Relations in this election. That is not an easy question a lot of at stake so to speak if you look to the payoff for years that we experience donald trump as u. S. President you see that a lot of you see a lot of scratches at the transatlantic fundament so yes of course we are hoping for better times of the transatlantic dialogue the friendship that we are not considered in the future as foes as donald trump labeled us in the past there seems to be a lot of hope you know from trance atlanticist such as yourself of a biting wind and i just like to ask you in that context because there are already a number of sticking points in the transatlantic relationship including the u. S. Pressuring germany to increase defense spending to help the norths free to project for example these efforts have bipartisan support in the u. S. So how much change can you really hope for. Yet think the change will not be so with so much on the topics because theres a full row of a whole range of topics you mentioned 2 of them there are many more to air but you know the really the change that could come with a joe biden president are more of a common occasion and the respect we have tree which we each other. Across the across the atlantic and the common acacia and how allies should communicate with it with each other is very important to address these topics and to really constructively bring these topics closer to a solution that is a fundamental prerequisite other than the rhetoric that you mentioned there are what u. S. Foreign policy changes would you hope for from the next administration. I mean you look to the International Organizations for the multilateralism thats they as we call it joe biden has already said he wants to strengthen as a National Organizations he wants to go back into World Health Organization he wants to go back and join again the Paris Climate Accord only 2 examples and also i think he would play a very constructive role when it comes to the politics on iran does j. C. Peel away the agreement we had there United States unilaterally withdraw from that so there are many concrete are you know things of projects i hope for that we can redress them jointly together with the United States of america because no single country alone can address these challenges and just briefly before we go you said in a recent op ed that germany needs to do more that germany for example needs to improve its capacity to act how so yeah that its true i mean if you if you look through the sheaves of the new Organization Structure of how the federal government is working that goes back decades to our chancellor counted out in or like in the fiftys 950 s. We need to you know reshape the way we address we coordinate foreign and security of defense politics in this country to really be a partner was a strong politically leading partner not only with regard to economy but really with regard to political Decision Making in europe and that is what i expect america goes to the polls today the world is watching giving us the transatlantic view thank you so much chance of that to coordinate or for the German Government and lawmakers of Angela Merkels conservative your patience. Its well its not just germans who will be watching this election closely with his america 1st policy is in his brash style on the diplomatic stage trump has polarized opinion globally he asked people around the world who they hope will come out on top in the selection. Of government and i hope whens because i really see him as a patriotic person his interest is in his country and not in politics or trying to do something to benefit to myself. But official by the military i wouldnt like donald trump to win because his immigration policies are very strict and hes separating many families for the moment being i know that biden is ahead of trump but it doesnt mean anything like last time hillary was ahead but still. So i can only hope and pray that trump will not have a 2nd term i suppose because im a businessman. The country you need to be a businessman i dont think trump is going to be elections why because jumping out of guns is fear and i dont. I hope that democracy prevails and the majority for their decision. Whatever it may be. Elections were getting a new president theres a bill and then tell us the same. America relationship. Plus any issues relating to our middle east some problems which is already important. On being donor trump would be revealing because i dont think your vision is anywhere close to winning and the kind of walk of done for america thats been if you dont return i hope really that dump loses big time i think he should write a book on how to destroy a country in 40 years 100 destroy a country in 40 years which is what hes done i dont care who wins the americans in the business. I dont have expectations i just hope the relationship between the u. S. And china will be peaceful louisiana that you dont do dont you and i sure in terms of politics nasm many think taiwan can benefit more if trump wins you know turn to the fighting could know how because hes more than i have a job he tends to balance china. Those of us however you come home. It doesnt matter who wins were there unpredictable and a bit sit removed we know that u. S. President s are just puppets you should be going to streams of voice so i have no expectations of them but im a lets get a check now of some other stories making news around the world a 4 Year Old Girl has been rescued from the rubble of destroyed buildings of western turkey almost 4 days after a large earthquake hit the death toll in the quake has now reached 102 with more than a 1000 injured 2 children were rescued from the debris on monday. The French Defense minister florence part of the says that her countrys forces have killed more than 50 jihadists aligned with al qaida in airstrikes in mali french Authorities Say the offensive took place on friday in an area near the borders of kenya fast so and new share or Government Troops are struggling to rout and islamic insurgency nicaragua and honduras have been evacuating citizens as hurricane bears down on their atlanta coast forecasters warn of massive flooding and landslides across a vulnerable region they say the category 4 storm packs winds of more than 240 Kilometers Per Hour which could unleash waves point at 5 percent high. Mexicos day of the dead festival has drawn to a close and this years celebrations were unusually muted due to the pandemic normally family members gather to remember those who have died but with 90000 mexicans dead from cova 19 many parades were cancelled and some cemeteries closed due to visits for fears of spreading the coronavirus. Well germanys intensive care units are bracing for an expected increase in coated patients as the number of new infections hits record levels germany has weathered the pandemic so far without pushing its hospitals to the limit but now the country has gone back into a partial lockdown in the hope of heading off what chancellor merkel has called an acute emergency situation. This patient has been in a coma since sunday his condition is so bad he has to be artificially ventilated hes 48 years old and one of 19 intensive care patients at this hour from hospital the 2nd wave of covert 19 has arrived and is different to the 1st. We have a lot of older patients in the 1st wave some young ones too but now theyre almost all young which means age 15 or younger. And theres another difference to what happened in spring the hospital is treating more seriously ill patients from neighboring belgium 5 arrived last week alone the hospitals head of medicine ses belgian took too long to introduce new stricter measures against covert. Were told jim is an example of what happens when these decisions are made too late there isnt enough capacity so were taking in more and more belgian patients. During the 1st wave just on the 50 patients wrong ventilators of this hospital at any one time but even that placed huge demands on the whole stuff. But the benefiting now from the huge amount of experience gained. We had standardized procedures last time. I will reactivating those standardized procedures having these standards is very beneficial even if we get more patients we can just implement them. How well the system copes with the 2nd wave also depends on staff availability. And there are shortages already in some hospitals caused by covert 19 infections or quarantine and those on the front line of the fight against covert havent really recovered from the 1st wave. In summer even if we had Vacation Time we were here there was no real time off and after the 1st wave we still had to deal with normal cases and also all the paperwork that was left from the 1st wave now. Theres little time to relax because the number of patients who are seriously ill with covert is set to rise again experience shows for 2 percent of kovi patients and in intensive care. So there will be more im expecting more intensive care patients than in the 1st wave. So were just under 3000. 00 then im afraid its going to be more this time. Here in harken the hoping to rise to the challenge all the way through the 2nd wave of the demands on all of them will be great. Lets get more on that we are joined now by marc shiner executive director of the berlin Hospital Federation welcome to the program and thank you so much for joining us how concerned are you about Hospital Capacity as the 2nd wave in this pandemic accelerates in germany. And the development of the infections is very stunning we have to have a lot of more patience in our in the hospitals so far we have good prepared food concerning the supply machines with also the supply with protection material stuff but what is missing or what will be missing very soon is the stuff itself and this is what circumstances very much at the moment so are there are enough beds are there enough nurses that what level do you see the capacity as becoming critical in the country. At the moment we still have enough but high number of intensive care unit that is available in germany germanys hospitals did a lot during the crisis to novel race often from the sky but despite we had already great numbers before the crisis began. What will be the up there now with the 2nd wave of this stuff is getting ill itself and. Already before the crisis we have to pick a popular. Base ability of nurses was not sufficient so we were stopping already before the crisis. Complaints in order to acquire more nurses but the effects of the complaints. Only in a few couple so if yes. Actually our big problem would be like us nurses ok so its a personnel issue so talk with us then give them back what is your message to the public right now. Germanys hospitals are preparing to get. High number of corporate patients for example. Recruiting stuff. People who left the child. Some time ago tried to get them back. To get. Into intensive care units we asked our stuff to shift from. 8 hour shifts to a 12 hour shift to. Shift from potting work to full time work in order to get more work in the stuff. So we do a lot to. To bring more personal. They want and finally it will be also a question about running down. So people please come back like we 1st meet our stuff to treat covert action this is absolutely. Just briefly before we go german chancellor Angela Merkel speaking to the public yesterday we know that this socalled lockdown light is now being implemented in the country in an effort to get the virus under control is that enough. I would say. Its a. Step by step. If we. Look at the. Patients and their intensity and i think i think there will be more needed than we have today thank you so much for giving us that assessment of the situation on the ground those hospital workers which are working so hard right now in order to keep people safe keep them healthy marc shiner from the berlin Hospital Federation we appreciate it. This is the news live from orlando quick reminder of our top story at least 4 people have been killed and danna in what the austrian government just calling an islam ist terror attack government attacked bystanders at 6 locations in the city center on monday Evening Police shot dead one of the assailants one or more of the attackers are thought to be still at large. To tax it is Business News with my colleague monica jones coming up in just a few minutes time you can always go on a website didnt you dot com you can also follow us on social media im sarah kelly in berlin thanks for watching take care. Of. Her 6 match days there on top of. Buying new limbs in cologne putting it out of the top of the table. After 6 months. Loses and. The bottom of the table no points. In 60 minutes d. W. Play why did this person loses her. The but there are certain subjects. Playing. Laws that cant be done playing make up your own mind the b. M. W. Was the 1st International Tribunal in history. The number of trials. 75 years ago a high ranking officers of the nazi british morning judging by the allied forces flew for the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes. Come back down come on. Going rudolph pair years frazier. Our 2 part series the 3rd reich dog starts nov 12th on d w. Whats next in the u. S. China relations for years of donald trump in the white house have changed the worlds perception of the 2 simple policies today the u. S. Has gone to the polls and beijing is watching closely also coming off a Major Construction project in the baltic sea comes under scrutiny

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