Back a as well have congratulated joe biden and his running mate harris after Major Networks to clear them the winners of the u. S. President ial election in a statement posted on twitter she wrote i look forward to working with president by our transatlantic friendship is indispensable if we are to deal with the major challenges of our time and to talk more about these Transatlantic Relations lets bring in detail be a correspondent. Whats the reaction in germany been. Well i think its a sense sort of for at least tonight here in germany youve read out the statement by uncle americas spokesperson on twitter its really about really really shuffling the cards between germany and the u. S. Its really about restarting again the trends that the transatlantic relation as a sort of Foreign Affairs minister talked about a new beginning a new deal when he congratulated president elect joe biden and Vice President. Arias so the relation between the u. S. And germany has been really really difficult over the past 4 years remember in 2017 when after a g. 7 summit bank of america saying at the times during which we are doing which we can count on each others are over now referring to tribes attitude towards its western allies so theres really a sense of relief tonight in body and of course German Government would have congratulated to do you were on. Election but theres the hope that at a new a new relation a new era between the u. S. And germany come stocked with these new presidency of joe biden our reporters have been out talking to everyday germans about what they think their reactions. Im talking i think what you want to bet on but he has divided the United States lets see what biden will bring in the end it can only get better for america but its a. Whole new i am sad yet i hope that change but im not on by inside. The oval he definitely is the better choice in the end trump and his methods are impossible maybe the world will be a more Peaceful Place not. Better than triumph for sure. In my view its always a matter of opinion but after the way trump has acted in public i think for the us its better that biden has won. Emmanuelle relations between trump and german chancellor merkel was known 6 to be very difficult while ties improve with joe biden in the White House Well i think its fair to say donald trump left diplomacy between failing and washington in shambles so joe biden can in a way only try and do better whats what we know readies that joe biden promised. To return to paris climate agreement so there will be a completely different stance on climate for example we can also expect a change in nato donald trump has been really critical over nato nato members especially towards germany here so. Most of us troops here in germany joe biden will probably also have a different stance on that and joe biden also said he would really need reinitiate talks with iran over to nuclear do so we can mix except i expect sorry really a reshuffle that diplomacy between germany and the u. S. In the months to come after january iran so joe biden will have invested the white house what is germany expecting policy why is a from a biden presidency. What they expect i think in a day expect definitely and it was something that the high come out of Foreign Affairs minister was saying a few days ago was that no matter who wins disallows action the tone of washington towards bellina would have to change and of course this is referring to. The constant tweeting constant criticism of donald trump even criticised germanys and europes handling of the pandemic and that was a very clear stance here in fairly in that the tone between washington and but it would have to change so i think thats the priority now to reestablish to reestablish does diplomatic ties emerge diplomatically turn to exchange and even if its for example on trade where we dont really expect joe biden to really meet the germans where they want to be met he might have a very tough stance on trade as well but even even if barely indefinitely i specced more and. More civilities to being saying so its sort of saying. In berlin thank you so much for your analysis the last 4 years have seen a stark change in Americas International standing the trumpet ministration has withdrawn from treaties and antagonized longtime allies so what went a biden presidency look like for the rest of the world heres a look at the worlds policeman that was the rule you west took on at the end of the 20th century under bill clinton nato bombed serbia to stop its aggression in kosovo. Under george w. Bush wars in afghanistan and iraq u. S. Troops are still stationed in both countries even barack obama who promised an end to stupid wars authorized the bombing of libya. That policeman role largely ended in 2016 when donald trump announced an america 1st agenda the u. S. Would no longer try to solve the worlds problems. He backed out of major treaties and criticized alliances like nato rattling nerves in europe and beyond. And he embraced authoritarian leaders from Vladimir Putin in russia to kim jong un in north korea. Joe biden has promised to restore what he calls americas place at the head of the table grave. Ill be a president will stand with our allies and friends and make it clear to our adversaries the days of cozying up to dictators is over its always stand for our values of human rights and dignity and work and common purpose for more secure peaceful and prosperous world in the middle east that means rejoining the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal that trump abandoned biden says that would also help rein in irans military provocations and reduce the risk of a new war in the region. Many experts consider china the biggest Foreign Policy challenge for the coming years biden has harshly criticized the chinese human rights record hes expected to try to rally allies to push back against chinese trade policies and its expanding influence around the world. On the environment biden says that on day one of his administration the u. S. Will rejoin the Paris Climate Accord limiting Carbon Emissions which trump quit and he wants to call a new Climate Summit to convince other major polluters to go beyond the commitments theyve already made and hes commits the u. S. To do so as well. In many ways a biden presidency would be a return to a more traditional american role but hell have to work hard to restore trust from our allies who feel scarred from the last 4 years. And. Are more on these Transatlantic Relations im now joined by our own colyer from bard college here and berlin mr collyer thank you so much for joining us tonight joe biden is going to be the next president of the United States and not dahlan how are other nations going to be viewing these news. Well i think the cool question with donald trump was is this was that a transitory shock to america you know something that is a bad moment or a sign of whats to come and by the size of the feet of donald trump of the polls. At least it would appear the continuity of a longer trend of american Foreign Policy and lets face it joe biden you know a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for so many years the chairman of the Foreign Relations committee here is someone who comes to International Relations with a deep background compared to the current president so the sign of relief is having a predictable person who does understand the complexities of u. S. Foreign policy within a world of many competing interests many conflicting values and someone who will. Be true to his word and not just look at the world is a series of single singular transactions between one nation and another well it was exactly that attitude that led to relations between germany and the u. S. Being very strained over the last 4 years lets take a listen to how German Foreign minister heiko moss reacted to the news i find sanctuary. Im relieved because at least now theres a result but also because the person whos been elected has shown in the last 48 hours that he acts very responsibly hes someone who wants to reunite his country and tackle global issues thats why were looking forward to working together with him and his new government its on my work even when i dont read your. Letter calling or how do you think the relationship between the u. S. And germany well changed now oh i think instead of having someone who is obsessed with german cars being driven on american streets youre going to have someone who looks at germany as really the biggest partner in europe and in a world where you need more rather than fewer friends and allies. The United States can be trusted to want more cooperation on a lot of different fronts with germany so in that sense germany instead of having the sense that the United States wants to knock it down a notch will in fact see its role in europe and the world strengthened by the. Genuine respect that someone like biden would bring to germany nonetheless Many Americans did applaud donald Trump America 1st approach to Foreign Policy while that harder for biden to build bridges now save with nato. Well you know 70000000 people did vote for donald trump this is you know a huge proportion of the American Public to this stream of america 1st has been a long historical. Part of domestic american politics but the u. S. President has a lot more room for maneuver with out the approval of the director approval of congress and so whether or not the senate floor remains under republican control or. Theres democratic control that is less important for the United States woman world where the the u. S. President has a lot of discretion so in that sense 70000000 voters who perhaps were the america 1st rhetoric resonated. That wont matter neuilly as much this is not a serious check on president a president elect joe biden. A lot of people say that trump has done a lot of damage to the norms of International Relations would you agree to that and do you think that damage can be apparent under president joe biden. I think norms are less important than kind of an understanding of what interests are and how to advance the interests theres no doubt that the United States of america will have its National Interest unlike all the other sovereign states acting out there in the world will try to get to advance its own interests but the idea that you look at the world is a 0 sum game that what the United States wins means necessarily that someone else loses rather than through cooperation serious Cooperation Coalition building. With other nations through coordinated multilateral action these are all potentials to strengthen. American influence and to advance American Interest this way of looking at the world was totally foreign is totally foreign to a donald trump who saw everything in terms of strictly bilateral relations rather than a rather complex interaction of Different Countries with unique interests. Asymmetric power some are more influential than others but that their deals can be done. In a a way that is much more complex than simply i when you lose that is sort of the mentality of going to the bazaar and. Negotiating over carpet or Something Like that its not that thats not the way the world works and joe biden certainly understands that from all of his experience on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and as Vice President of the United States a lot of changes to be expected aaron kollie or from Foreign College for len thank you so much pleasure having you. As weve heard donald trump is refusing to can think defeat and the election instead pledging to press ahead with legal challenges in several states and the past president ial candidates have publicly admitted to feed and congratulate at their victorious opponents lets have a listen to some of those concession speeches i just call that governor clinton over in little rock and offered my congratulations he did run a Strong Campaign i wish him well in the white house and i want the country to know that our entire administration will work closely with his team to ensure this smooth transition of power there is important work to be done and america must always come 1st so we will get behind this new president which thank you. In a contest as long and difficult is this campaign has been his success alone commands my respect for is ability and perseverance but then he managed to do so by inspiring the hopes of so many millions of americans who had once wrongly believed that they had little at stake or little influence in the election of an american president is something i deeply admire and commend him for achieving. This is an historic election and i recognize the special significance it has for africanamericans and for the special pride that must be theirs tonight good evening just moments ago i spoke with george w. Bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the United States. And i promised him that i wouldnt call him back this time. I offered to meet with him as soon as possible so that we can start to heal the divisions of the campaign and the contest through which weve just passed its not going ended up being a correspondent Stephanie Munch hes en philadelphia stefan you are in pennsylvania the state that tipped the balance in joe bidens favor what are the people saying. Now that he knew where that they actually made all the difference and lets walk a little bit here you see even if the celebration takes a little breather right now you this place was packed just about 3 minutes ago although moving a little bit on this is becoming a Family Affair here theres little kids with their parents a lot of college kids no offense to college kids and people from all walks of life of course celebrating what happened here it was pennsylvania who put. Biden harris the ticket by hers over the top. Middle of the day another batch was released of counts of ballots mail in ballots counted just down the street about 2 blocks from here another batch of 3004000 ballots released the data came in the statistics on the math geeks did the math and they go gold charm impossible for him. Absolutely impossible they say that works the statistics all the mathematicians say absolutely impossible for him to turn the state to get up his vote vote count because of course all those votes still counted now are coming for dominantly from cities like here in itself democratic now what happened 4 years ago donald some was able to actually grow up to go your Group Pennsylvania wisconsin michigan and minnesota and actually broke so. Called blue wall well now the blue wall is back joe biden reestablished the blue wall michigan minnesota wisconsin 1st the way we talk to people here other happy other in a celebratory mood right now yes of course ill be aware of whats coming so monday as the Term Campaign has already announced that there will be gold to the courts fighting their way through the courts. Yes the no other aware yes theyre aware are they do they care not really theyre not if they care at least not concerned about it why because for them its very clear very very easy for them this is how democracy to work with democracy works here right here this is how it works while votes for one candidate they werent less for the other loses and nobody nobody really at least in the stores who we have talked to. Really cares about concession speech and all trump. Theres rob speculation is he will give one or not we have to run a little bit nobody cares here we can just leave the key for the oval office they said on the table and thats it doesnt have to speak so thats the mood here this will go on all night doesnt look like much right now but again marching around here in the square and the streets are in no time again all right 71. 00 in philadelphia thank you very much. Lets check out some more and the reactions to joe bidens nature if you regions are as affected by who is and the white house and latin america previous president s have called it the backyard of the u. S. Our correspondent and bogota colombia has been out and about talking to people there dont we feel eastern stories here and i mean im very happy i mean u. S. Citizen to you and i voted for biden regardless of republican or democratic policies what you want is a leader whos morals and ethics. And that was certainly joe biden and not donald trump so im very happy and we think its time we please im very happy that trump lost im not a big fan of biden but trump must go he was damaging the country too much so were very happy hes leaving we. Have are you in my terms if it wasnt the best and i think that influenced the results a lot. When i think bidens an interesting person but her and she is very important especially because shes a woman of immigrant origin so she represents the very opposite of trump and the fact that she is africanamerican is another step towards that freedom that were hoping for from the United States and whats a kind of war against racism which is their main problem. Lets cross over to colombia now and talk to a corresponding young road near us who has talked to all of these people you know and the people you spoke to were very engaged in the nuances of u. S. Politics is that typical for the region in general. The u. S. President is always a Big Personality in latin america but i think this time down the trump is special because 1st and foremost hes very controversial that its very hes more closer to our cultures its more closer to the those who actually used to say hes than not most many president president s they are to say so is a personality that is closer to. Even a very often compared with former venezuelan president hugo chavez so i think thats one of the reasons why in this election people got a lot of attention on the u. S. All right stand by for now well you are still in the studio with us. Analysts were quite surprised by how many latin next voters came out for trump what whats the take away in this election regarding their role in american politics and the diversity of the Community Well if theyre surprised i dont know why they should be there is no such thing as a latino voting bloc they are they are coming from dozens of countries hundreds of experiences and they really range you know from liberal to conservative views especially for example cubans who have a very painful experience with socialism and the kind of socialism of fidel castro that republicans not beginning with donald trump but especially donald trump have really hit home hard on trying to convince especially cubans that joe biden presidency would bring back the kind of bring some kind of socialism that there that they are used to or that they are coming from in cuba which of course is not true because theres no evidence of theres not been political prisons in the United States for people with differing views but still that plays a very strongly among the Cuban Community about you have to say about 2 thirds of the entire Latin American Community in the United States does generally vote democratic are generally voting. More on the Progressive Side of the scale but there is a still a very strong 3rd of that group again from many Different Countries and many different immigrant experiences and many in the United States for generations already who are voting republican or themselves are conservatives you know Small Business leaders people who want low taxes people who want you know low regulation things you know tried and true bread and butter republican conservative issues so to paint a latino group as just you know theyre immigrants so you know therefore theyre going to vote democrat is very naive very insulting democrats should not take them for granted or really have to work really hard to win more latino voters over especially as they become an ever larger you know Minority Group in the United States all right thank you very much william cool craft and yonder marathoning by and columbia and bogota for us and watching live from berlin and heres a quick reminder of our top story joe biden has been elected u. S. President after winning the swing state of pennsylvania finest voice address the nation and our. On the call from me and the entire team thanks for watching me back at the top of the hour. With. Odd. Every day counts for us and for our climate change. Is on its way to bring you more conservation law because do we make see the stream or how can we protect habitats what with all our waste. We can make a difference by choosing Smaller Solutions overstrained said in our way sublime diego submittal seen recently moved house of the law. Nico is in germany to learn german published in the. Why not learn with him d w z e learning course nikos fake. It was the 1st International Tribunal in history. The nurnberg trial some. 75 years ago a high ranking officers of the nazi regime of mortgages by the allied forces. They were the 1st criminals to be held accountable for their crimes for. Now come on. Going through dont pay as you use the phrase youre. Our 2 part series the 3rd reich the song starts nov 12th on d w. And you let me know yes yes we dont need you and how last years german chancellor when you bring you im going out mad cause i do youve never heard her before surprise yourself with what is possible who is magical what moves and want. To talk to people who follows her along the way admirers and critics alike how is the worlds most powerful woman shaping her legacy joining us from eccles law stops. Visionary and the primitivist. Diplomat who gets straight to the point to. Look good to institutes outgoing director close to tell a man. We look at his final year in office and his in press of career. Claiming the last cultural diplomat. Starts nov 16th on g. W. The be. The big. The c. W. News live from berlin and joe biden elected u. S. President. After a tense to vote count lasting days by the securities and number electoral votes in the crucial state of pennsylvania so when the white house the president elect is for a parent to address the nation why

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