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American tilton, thanks for joining us for who has sworn in a new president just one day after ousting their former leader amid corruption allegations, former head of Congress Manual merino will carry out the remainder of the current president ial term, which is set to expire in july next year the change has been met with protests and distrust by many peruvians who see president martin, thats coras removal as an overt power grab the new leader brady to take on the mantle of power. In Manuel Arturo martino de lima. Swear by god, by the country. And by all peruvians, that i will faithfully exercise the office of president of the republic, but outside the congress in the capital, lima, people do not believe in him. Manuel merino is perus 3rd president in just 4 years. The former congress began, has taken over the top job at the height of the pandemic and a crippling economic recession. Many peruvians fear that the change will only lead to more instability, that its terrible, its a coup. What they are doing with the old president should continue in office because the 2nd wave is coming. This should not be happening. Congress should not be doing this. Its all wrong. Its just a day ago, congress diverted to oust the former president. Martin. This car is accused of taking bribes for public work contracts, but has the night any wrongdoing he has not been charged and investigations are ongoing. Where the money will not actually or i will not take any legal action. I am leaving the Government Palace as i entered it, 2 years and 8 months ago. With my head held high, thousands took to the streets to protest against his car, his removal clashing with police as they called for the sacked leader to finish his term. The leaders have taken part in a Virtual Summit aimed at improving security following a spate of radical islamist terror attacks in france and austria. The summit was hosted by french president michael mccall, who called for a swift and coordinated response. He also denounced what he described as the abuse of europes asylum laws. French president emanuel met kong told his fellow leaders, the threat of terrorism weighs on all of europe and the fight against islamist extremism. Must be a joint effort to all our capitals. All of us who are here together have now been affected and terrorism from paris to brussels. Vienna, london, madrid, barcelona, copenhagen, stockholm, nice vienna. And so many others is a european reality to which we must respond. And that is why we need a common coordinated and rapid response. In the video summit set out the need to forge collective antiterrorism strategies. As a matter of urgency. And german chancellor Angela Merkel said europes troubled shang and zone of control free travel also needs swift reforms. Just a week ago, a gunman who tried to join the socalled Islamic State shocked at 4 victims in the heart of the austrian capital vienna. 3 people were stabbed to death in a church in the southern french city of nice last month. One of the victims was beheaded and 2 weeks earlier, a teacher was beheaded in a paris suburb. The attacks in both nice and vienna involved assailants who move freely between schengen countries. I dont want it. Prosecutors in germany are treating the recent stabbing of a man in the eastern city of dresden as an islamist murder. German chancellor Angela Merkel echoed other european leaders and stressing the importance of border controls. The string. No, its an option is that we know not only who lent is, but also who leaves fishing going to area. And we must also have this information from those countries, which we have visa, free travel with the european travel Information System being no 12023 is very important. Not medical insists the security measures are not about a confrontation between islam and christianity. But about society having to confront terrorism and contempt for democracy. Lets have a look at some other news stories from around the world. The u. S. Supreme court has heard arguments to repeal the countrys Affordable Care act 1st established under president obama. The act ensures health care and Health Coverage for people with preexisting conditions and covers tens of millions of people. President elect joe biden said he plans to expand its scope with longtime palestinian negotiator. Saya better cause has died of covert buying team at the age of 65. For nearly 30 years ever caught champion Palestinian Statehood as a solution to the conflict with israel. A dream he never saw realized, palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has declared 3 days of mourning. Russia has begun to disperse, to the ploy peacekeeping forces the disputed territory of no governor trying force a cease fire between azerbaijan and armenia. The 2 former soviet republics have agreed to stop fighting. After more than a month of bloodshed, at least a 1000 people have been killed since the longstanding conflict broke out again in september. Im a peace deal signed, but this was the reaction in armenia. Protesters storming the Parliament Building in get about demanding Prime Minister nicole. Resign several government offices were ransacked and the local media report, the parliamentary speaker was attacked and beaten. Was the Prime Minister pushing the uncalled for calm and said it hadnt been easy to agree a deal. I saw that the decision has been taken as the result of analysis of the military situation. And based on the assessment of the people who are the most familiar with, the military situation is one of those during 6 weeks of fighting Azerbaijani Forces made steady inroads into the go now to buck. And on sunday, officials said theyve taken the key city of shusha, knew going to cut about has been meeting in hand since it won the war with azerbaijan. In 1994, most of the people who live there are ethnic mania, and that on the international law, it is part of azerbaijan. Both countries were once part of the soviet union, and russia still wields huge influence in the region. Moscow helps negotiate the deal and is already sending peacekeepers to the area. The republics of azerbaijan and armenia are to stop at the positions they have taken. Peacekeeping forces of russia are being set up along the line of contact in the corner car, back and along the corridor, connecting with the republic of armenia in baku, the capital of us, of asia. And the deal was high, old as a victory now kind of back is liberated, a nation is liberated. Thank you for today. God bless you, will i 70 words in my heart that i dont know. I want to set you free ceasefire is the new going to have failed since fighting erupted in september. Many he hopes this deal will finally bring peace to a troubled region. Here in germany as elsewhere, theres been a cautious welcome to news that a vaccine could help spell the end of the global pandemic. German drugmaker biotech and u. S. Pharma giant pfizer say trial show that there vaccine is more than 90 percent effective at preventing covert. 19 was some reservations. Many people want vaccinations to begin as soon as possible. When human trials of b n t 160 began earlier this year, no one knew if they would lead to a coronavirus vaccine. The reports that this substance is in fact highly effective, have brought new hope. Germanys Research Minister is cautiously optimistic. Has been there for the mantle, is im very pleased with naturally encouraged by this beginning. And hopefully we will not have any setbacks with vaccines. You are never sure about that, but these positive initial reports give us a lot of hope not to lose their health, and the German Government has put more than 350000000 euros into this research. Over 40000, people have received doses of the vaccine. At the same time, the approval procedure has been speeded up. Could that mean the drug isnt safe . To say that we have not lowered our standards at all . People can be sure if this drug is approved, that will be according to the usual standard were used to here in germany. The surveys suggest 2 thirds of germans are ready to be vaccinated. Thats enough to get coded under control, but not everyone is yet convinced it will work. Ill wait and see, but im not a risk patient. They should vaccinate those who need it 1st and then ill get it. If theres any left of course theyve tested it on people who are relatively young and healthy. How will it affect older people, those with Health Problems . Im not sure i think i would but i mean, it can also grow into something else. It might not even work on the production has already begun in expectation that the new vaccine will get full approval. The European Union says it will order up to 300000000 doses. We have many countries back in lockdown measures. Theres an urgency to have a means to beat the pandemic city. There will be an initial vaccine in the 1st few months of 2021. Gives me confidence. Its encouraging. Its a light at the end of the tunnel. This is least for most people, the new vaccine cant come soon enough. Lets take a brief look at some other developments in the corona virus pandemic. In the United States, the number of people with covert 1000 at u. S. Hospitals has reached an all time high of over 60000. 00. Newly confirmed infections are also running at record highs of well over 100000 per day. Nearly 400. 00 inmates at a penny meaning in prison, have tested positive for the disease, according to authorities. About 3 quarters of the prison population located in the Central Province of coakley are infected. And hong kong and singapore have announced theyre establishing a travel bubble in company, encompassing the 2 cities from november 22nd, one flight a day in each direction, only allowed between the 2 locations and with the number of coronavirus cases skyrocketing across much of europe. Many countries have resorted to closing laser facilities like cinemas and theaters, but one Circus Company in prague has found a way to continue performing despite the lock down. The curtain rises and the show can begin through a window that looks onto the stage. A small audience can enjoy a private circus show with performance spaces in prague close because of the lockdown circus has to get creative every evening. It offers a series of 5 minute long performances. A maximum of 4 people can attend each show and they have to sit outside and wear a mask. The circus wanted its performers to return to the stage to keep their skills intact. Even during the lockdown. We have chosen an active approach and we look for opportunities. I think this will also help us not to give in to pessimism and to stay sane. For the audience. Its a rare opportunity to continue to experience culture. Even a short 5 minute performance can deliver beauty every allies, only now how much i miss life culture. The atmosphere is impossible to replace. As people in the Czech Republic eagerly wait for restrictions on social life to be lifted. For this circus, at least the show must go on. This is g. W. News from berlin up next, our documentary film series looks at the history of the middle east Peace Process. Remember, you can get all the latest headlines at our web site. Thats d w dot com. Rebecca rivers will have more news for you at the top of the hour. For now, thanks for watching. Mean getto to parliament. Everyone knows bob, you are just despite coming from a poor family, the pop star wants to become president and challenges or god doesnt reach out to the rebel story. Bobbie, why starts december 10th on w . Its hard to find an opening to my story. The tale of a small footnote in the history of our region. I can only write my own private memories of these 3 years of hope and anguish. Is this a tale of triumph or defeat . The ending to our story has not yet been written. The president ducks begin 40 days after the massacre in hamburg. Luckily, the 40 days of mourning was a full hour and there are and you see blood on the streets and people are saying, this is the peace that you promised us. And you could not say, dont forget, it was only at the o. B. What is the hope for, wasnt there a ceremony . We are all fun and rubbing. And clint wasnt going to be one. In march 94, we headed back to the negotiating table. Since the wave of suicide bombings, israel had closed the border to 2 and a half 1000000 palestinians. Poverty was rising throughout the occupied territories and living conditions, declining. Our people were losing faith in the Peace Process. But i knew we must not give up. These will be to the c. E. O. Hes also thinking about the 6. Youre going to go in the future of sleep fast for the common to write whatever it was. Yeah, i was going to sort of go away. Now the trick of negotiating with the palestinians is not so address the main aspects of the prominent to enjoy. If we try to deal with it, im going to arrangements. Now. The whole thing will fall upon your going to be adequate. Im going to jump 30 percent over that despite the blood and the violence, the process had a force of its own. And in may 94. 00 when we set out to sign the gaza jericho agreement granting the palestinian self rule in gaza. The use of the uses of told the speech was finally set agent to president mubarak, provided a suitably dramatic setting for the ceremony in cairo, the morning of the signing of the gaza, jericho agreement, faisal and i were being interviewed in jerusalem by watching a live broadcast of the ceremony. On my way to the interview, i was held up by Israeli Soldiers at the checkpoints. Someone said to me, this is your idea of peace. Tell the old man not to sign, tell him to come at the checkpoint and sign it here. Along with the rest of us, i stared at the screen and wondered, is this a celebration of the birth of the Peace Process or its burial . Both sides appear to have sorted out differences over the gaza strip in jericho. Or were they minutes . It was clear that the deal, like the stage positions, was not going to plan a just fine. It was a genuine sell through liquid. And im sitting there and i see how far signing documents, signing could go to me. Signing a document, the all the documents, and then the guy that the system team brought the maps look, the bam didnt sign close the and went back to spam am copying was watching to do the same. So i walk up the stair and i stand next to a beam, and as he begins to sign, i open it. And then i whisper in his ear without show trying not to show any excitement. Because everything was recalled and, and filmed. And i told him are off the notes for maps. So he says, so what does he mean . I responded, it means that there is no agreement. Israels Prime Minister examines the documents, foreign minister, shimon peres, and also refused to sign for a while, it seemed as if the entire ceremony was about to collapse because we had not been a part of that channel. We didnt fully appreciate what the gaps were between the 2 sides. Israel saw this as a devolution of power as a power seems prove themselves. How soon saw this says we have to show this is a new day. And as a new day, we have to have all the trappings of state, even if we dont have a formal yet. So immediately they want to, you know, they didnt want controls over crossing once they want to, they want to immediately to say, you know, the israelis are out of our lives. Would have been thought. If they know that negotiations is says that this is normal or they would be, i was downs with mubarak, they wanted list. So i would go to them and says, no, they would quit. And to stop it. Mubarak said it publicly was a mistake. The son of a bitch. After a brief interval, the p. L. O. Leader was assured that the signs of the jericho region was still under negotiation. He signed the document and added a few comments. Finally, with the briefest of handshakes, a deal was done. At the very last minute on july 1st, 1904 Yasser Arafat returned to his home and reclaimed his position as the palestinian leader. It was an ambivalent return. He came back and had to govern palestine, which was divided and driven apart. Or perhaps israel brought him back in order to control him. What was the price we had to pay for his return home . Was this one of those minefields . Or was it the 1st step toward peace and the liberation of palestine . As we made our way to promise time, my heart pounded and i was choked with the emotion of the moment. I wept because i never went before kissing and hugging all my relatives and friends. The last time i met my father in jordan, i hinted that i might be coming home, so it cried and raised his hands, swearing he would prepare a feast on my return. With my sadness was that my father had passed away just 4 months earlier. After waiting for my return for so many years, soon i called yuri, i said, im finally back in march childhood home and greeted me with the arab order of welcome and told me he was really pleased to hear my voice. We have become neighbors and asked one week after i was returned to our bodies, we met once again in taba this time in order to negotiate the 2nd stage of the osce low process. Israels withdrawal from the west bank by spread out the map, we have kept secret until then the oslo accord stated, israel will withdraw from most of the west bank within a year. And the palestinians were expecting to receive control over the land immediately. But israel demanded a gradual withdrawal and offered the palestinians full control of only 2 percent of the land. The remaining 98 percent would be controlled by the israeli army. Arafat stared at the map silently and then announced about it was an unbearable humiliation. These are prison camps, he yelled, you want to destroy me. With those words, arafat left the room. What you were suggesting deviates from the signed agreement, i shouted, you keep 98 percent of the land. We wont accept that. You can enforce this approach on arafat and push him into a corner. But remember this, a one sided agreement will not last last it up without saying another word and summoned his driver. We exchanged a polite and cold handshake, and we each went our separate ways. As hours went by, we waited nervously in the hotels lobby. Some israeli reporters informed us that arafat had issued a statement about the talks collapsing. We were all on edge, but refused to cave in are something else. Now is the time to decide . Do they want agreement or not . And 2 main issues are on the table. Hebron and withdrawal maps are out of so i believe well know in hours or in the days. But where the end of the negotiation was almost at this stage of the final decision. Later that evening, arafats personal assistant came rushing towards me. Arafat asked that you come to our laws room immediately. She said hes collapsed. I went to our laws room and found him lying in bed, pale as a ghost, trembling nodding in and out of consciousness. Hold on my friend, i whispered, i need you to stay with me. The doctors found collapse to be a result of extreme fatigue caused by the many hours of negotiations. But i knew the truth. The map i presented to him had broken his heart there was something very personal in east making. It wasnt political festival. It wasnt that political ambition. It was a very human race. Theres a symbolic picture where people live when the israeli attacks in the streets and put on their dances that thats, that the steroid your lives and your homes. Their irony of that killed your kids and oppressed your people who went out and gave them flowers and gave them olive branches and felt that this was that this is their and their complex, this is that and up the occupation their moment of a moment of trauma as peoples hopes were dashed and then my peers and some terrific, im so happy, sad and responsible. I missed a moment. I want day. Im driving to my office and the guards tell me a bus was blown up as we drove there. And the whole square was awash with blood and bodies were still lying there. Body people wailing and weeping. The show must thousands of people were there. And when i walked in, they surround murder and see what youve done to us. Try to see what youve done to us, much as it i had the meeting with you here, and ron, we all felt that time was running out and that we had to act fast. We agreed on deliberations that would lead to a permanent agreement, utilizing the same framework we used and osce low, quick, discreet talks and no empty slogans. Mahmoud abbas, and i deliberated over the draft for almost 2 years behind the scenes without the wreckage of the taba hotel. We touched on the most sensitive points of the process really, for the very 1st time, at least theoretically, we have a document in our hands with a comprehensive solution. The withdrawal to the 67. 00 borders, the establishment of a palestinian state, of course, keeping the settlement blocks intact and making jerusalem the capital of both nations. My plan was to set up a meeting with rabin. I told him that i would like to meet with him about the permanent solution. And he said its not possible. So i told him, lets do it when i return from the United States on saturday, nov 11th. No one could have guessed under what circumstances that meeting would take place. Only a few on september 5th, we reassembled in taba. I must admit that after our last encounter, i wasnt looking forward to another round of this endless boxing match. It was the nastiest meeting ive ever been in my life. We just wanted to be anywhere. But in that room, as i was leaving the room, i turned around and the israeli and palestinian delegations are talking to each other and having a cup of coffee. I think it underscores the point that part of what happens to negotiations is the humanisation of the other side. You no longer see just the quote unquote enemy, but you see a person and you learn about that persons family and their ups and downs, their happy moments and you get a sense of how committed they are to peace. And you never able to translate that to the public. That evening we improvised a friday prayer service. We led candles and much to the astonishment of the palestinians. Singer recited the kiddush prayer we opened with Everybody Loves saturday night in 3 languages. Afterwards, abu alaa and myself joked around by imitating the peres and arafat conversations. Meanwhile, we taught whos the ass for how to sing . My you disha, mama, it was nice to get around again. Later that night i received a call from jerusalem. A bus had exploded in the center of the capital to tell the government stop the peace talks we sat and watched the news silently. No one said a word. No one doubted that our palestinian friends opposed to terror and that it was directed towards them as well. 2 days later called me up from his room and asked me to watch the arab evening news with him. We watched images of a 7 year old boys funeral, a boy who had been killed that day by the israeli army. Abu alaa was right when he said that neither side has dominion over suffering. That night a law and i reached the final draft of the osce low b. Agreement is going to let them of the also be accords was signed by early, severe, on the israeli side, and as well enough for the palestinians. According to the treaty, the israeli army will withdraw from 6 name cities in the west bank besides jericho and elections for the Palestinian Council will take place in monstrous. Most you showed us that up today on this is a day of achievement. The visits are grubby and on this morning he achieved the signing of the oslo be accorded the government debated for 5 hours. You know what the minister has described as an historic meeting about in a story are you are no showed you today with the help of the israeli army. We rule over more than 2000000, palestinians, and control daily lives through the Civil Administration all shallow. This is no peaceful solution or we can go on fighting. We can continue killing and being killed. Will go to your colleague or not so bad. We can also try to bring a halt to this endless cycle of bloodshed. We cant give peace a chance. Shallow i think thousands of gathered to protest the ratification of the oslo b. Agreement, and what the nationalist camp calls the forsaking of security and the abandonment of the homeland. I do still a little feel that i asked this huge crowd. Is there anyone amongst you the police . Yes, i dont fancy that i fell over you saying no, but there is some want dont, doesnt care about your painting upset at that, mr. Rabin. I did it, did i maybe even john . Well, the president of the United States is majesty king hussein of the hashemite kingdom of jordan is actually one single mom whos mubarak, president of the arab republic of egypt. It is actually, its a good start to be Prime Minister of israel chairman arafat. Please take your good pablo there. Saw you here see once we both blows on the eager bill just to eat, you should go into our great basin. Soldier and survey knew what to do to make peace moment. Most of these where the years of hope, when the peace camps felt that they were somehow vindicated, they are bringing to their people the fruits, you know, from the same hotel, a spontaneous get together of the oslo veterans among them the original negotiators. And it was one of the, you know, its a one day off and also one that im good at this. Yes, i am optimistic. Yes. I believe that the process will continue despite the cold difficulties we face. But subsequently we have both. We have a good political push disperses far away. I concur with up, well, what i said, and we have no choice. And there is some good common language around this table. If you can see also your days highlight is the friendly perception of us where personal guards are let down and on the podium gives her phone number. Tony says out of this chemistry among the women in the she and addresses out of foster the 1st time in a personal to human what the situation spoke. And the story is, speech made you. I are still at the believe show but know that you are close to be cheery. I was if if if, if i was that was all of that. If i was valid and looks into you could all be his eyes and replies a lot of oh, out of causing i was 3 was i think the huge sacrifice being and the shimon peres, the yossi beilin and to their friends. I say to you throughout the day we will rally our forces and we will sit still was clear of the was we will put an end to those threats. We will succeed. I was because there is nation is much stronger than its government was actually national was rabin, and arafat felt isolated and the hostile environment was the peace camp wasnt going out into the streets to protest was instead they chose to avoid confrontation was the peace opponents, hamas on the palestinian side and the greater israel camp on our side was now on to Public Opinion in the face, off wasnt between israel and the palestinians. But between those who supported peace and those who objected to it. Mr. Abbott, look at why do you like to make the settlers angry as much . What are they accusing me of now . Cut off forsaking the settlers. Lifes like bombs. People said that the settlements bolster our security. Where is the security . A bit of a problem today . Just lighting the security for the settlers. Let me know above and you see the settlers as pioneers. Sure, absolutely not. What do you see them as i see them as people who are implementing their political philosophy. They believe in the greater israel. Isnt it these days . Some hill near ramallah bringing 700000 immigrants to israel and absolving building a society and economy of the tiny settlements surrounded by hundreds of thousands of palestinian in early october, john freedman, a friend of peres, convinced him to arrange a rally in support of the Peace Process peres. Urged robin to accept the initiative, but rabin wondered, would be people even leave their homes in those days, rabin was more pessimistic than ever. If too much is heard in the middle east from the few extremists tonight, the supporters of peace and the huge rally in tel aviv. This is the young israel, tired of obvious service, tired of chasing palestinian stone, throwing children into refugee camps all sides are mobilizing. But this is now becoming one of the most contentious moments in israeli history. For the past 5, the surprise is fading, and there is a popular vote, i turn to peace it was the happiest day of his life. Ive known him for 15 years. I do never seen him so happy. He has many downs and he didnt know if people would show up or call how they behave. And to his pleasant surprise, the crowd was enormous. And the enthusiasm was incredible. And the young men and women jumped into the pool in their clothes and praised him and peace and me to a little so i had known him for 15 years and i never saw him seeing that was the 1st time i ever saw him. Seeing i was i what we both sang and neither of us so great seeing as the hard go afterwards he hugged me like he never hugged me before. I never saw him so happy as he was that night. I have a good deal allow me to say, im also new much i want to thank every one of you for coming here to stand up against violence and i feel no peace at all. Thank god. So when the rally was over, i started walking down the stairs. My car was parked in front of his car and next to his casket, his driver. I asked him, he said there he is. He was maybe 10 or 12 meters away from me because i got in the com drive and started it. And just as we closed the door, we heard 3 gunshots Strong Enough more much of what made me feel she can make you call my place. We are now seeing an edited footage from the peace rally. This is what we know so far. 3 shots were fired Prime Minister rabin. The jewish Vendetta Group claims to have shot, rob. We still dont know the condition of the Prime Minister moments of us in washington, sheila, most of the time i went to the hospital layer of bean, the family and Close Friends were there to go. And the hospital director took me aside and said, its a bad situation. Almost hopeless. A few minutes later he came to tell me it was over his last layer. And i went into the room where he lay on a gurney, covered with a sheet. Says we saw his face restful, peaceful when there was even a hint of a sarcastic smile on his lips of slow or a smile of acceptance that i kissed his forehead and left the room. Shocked about my meds and whats up, you are an ass you know because people were fighting each other didnt go on as each other. They kill each other and sort of was in the play. But then later i saw robins meeting with out of the press. So meeting after meeting after meeting after meeting, i was there every single meeting and i saw how the relationships develop. After there wouldnt rabin was assassinated out of 5, told me, its estimated the Peace Process. And i disagreed with him on that. I was not about her, be vigilant. Its about institutions, its about having replacements and so on. And me, the brightness for that has happened to me. Very significant response. There is, was, was not himself was not himself. He was very said, deeply said who he was already the Prime Minister and a on saturday i came to his home with all the maps and all the material. And i said to him, this is the women that i have it with the ones i think that we can go for it. You have the exam board, will you have the solution for jerusalem . Everything is. And then i think that now is the time, i mean everybody is so confused including also, but still there is the support for, for peace, even more than before. As a result of that as a nation. And lets use it for his memory and finish the job and a listen to him very carefully for 2 hours. And then he said, not now. Not mom. I dont think that people are ready to leave the jordan valley, which was part of the math. So that israel should withdraw before the dawn of and i think that today to bring it to the people, i mean with his image was a little orosi much a word, but this is the opportunity i was not Strong Enough to tell him. It is your biggest mistake reconsider. I did not come again to him with this and maybe it is in me. Maybe it is part of my weakness. Maybe it was just a mistake. I dont know, but if you ask me were doing great. I dont regret it. I had, i had apparently, to fight for him for the permanent agreement on may 5th, 1906. I found myself back in the familiar surroundings of the hilton taba. Ready i wondered about the 3 years that had passed since i 1st met abu allah and also low. Since then, our lives had become a combination of promise and then which the process was started and withstood tremendous trials since the 1st day and asked lo and up until this Current Exchange in may 961001, 100 days of peace talks had passed. When we said our farewells that day, i never imagined that it would be my last and final meeting with abu alaa, in my official role as head of the israeli negotiating team. If i had known it was all going to end, maybe i would have come up with something more intelligent to say to him. But all i said to abu alaa was, see you soon, my friend nearly 80 percent of israels poor 1000000 voters. Dreams of polling stations. Everyone seemed to understand why piss on election was important. In suburban tel aviv voters chose peres. The Peace Process that he would want to be in a bradley army already in a bloody war. In the west bank city of hebron, jewish settlers voted for netanyahu. This one to be give our land for the obvious. So of course we are voting for video. Anything you know tonight, those who support the steps israel has taken toward peace. Mark claim to the whole that they may be the ultimate winner. And have told the shop on the opposition. Its officially up a turnabout in the 1906 elections. The next Prime Minister has been, you know, he, netanyahu can go, he received 50. 4 percent of the while shimon peres received only 49. 00 and a half percent. Its a little its like someone building a bridge and building and building and building something that could have really changed the middle east and to make these comes one c. 100 the its and it was a waste. I failed. So when it all collapsed, because i think it already and i felt we can do it, we can do it. And then it went wrong. And i know its not in my life by probably not in my kids lifetime, maybe the grandchildren. Yes. Should i guess i should . Should comrades, lavery, supporters, friends. The state of israel is embarking on a new path to the national i well, i needed time to focus on a belated that and well and the whole movie did a bit late and many of the honest decent didnt lift the lid to that. And let me know it in the end planted the order to get to his home and well, i know that there are going to sit down and get a lot of the airship, hunkies and the live on Digital Learning to take you live in a single long in thing and young and even optimists just to believe theres a chance for peace between us and the biggest in among the girls. And im both on the can not all fall upon the cinema mold for loss. Oh, no doubt. There is an on going war, but there wont be a good thing. In waldo mobic story, only becomes more wars. I dont finish arlos. Sneaking up close rope was a a half hour. My mom was the last man. I live in a land mine and they are desperate abandon, destitute. Life for single mothers in albania is this specially difficult. The organization a different weekend. The mine support to families in need, move through donations and volunteer efforts in the global 3. Those who do the world in 30 minutes on d. W visionary. And a pragmatist, a diplomat, who always gets straight to the point to the good to institutes outgoing director. Close to tell a man and well look at his final year in office and his impressive career and blame on the last cultural diplomat starts november 6th, teet d. W. Did a system, this journalism for human rights, the environment of the global media for the coup to maintain endemic the points against him, fundamental defenders has increased unless america journalists are raising awareness for these attacks. But in journalism, have an impact beyond creating visibility. Discussion player play player. This is data, news live from berlin, and hopes for an end to the pandemic. Gather momentum. Europe is poised to buy up 300000000 doses of the vaccine developed by drug makers in germany and the u. S. The head of the European Commission says its the most promising back same so far. Also coming out tackling terrorism in europe after a series of islamised attacks in france and austria. The french president calls for a coordinated campaign against terror and tougher border protection

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