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The initiative despite strong enemy resistance in the bakhmut direction receive the armed forces of ukraine, in particular, the russians are conducting intensive work with heavy artillery from mortars to multiple rocket systems. This was reported by the spokesman of the Eastern Group of forces , serhiy cherevaty, during the day there were 16 combat clashes in this direction, during which our defenders destroyed 65 occupiers, wounded 120 and captured three into captivity, the armed forces of ukraine advanced hundreds of meters in the direction of melitopol. This was reported by the Deputy Commander of the troops, tavriy serhiy kuzmin, our soldiers continue to advance in in the area of ​​the settlement of robotyn and destroy the enemy, a similar situation is also in the berdyan direction, the Defense Forces are moving forward, the enemy has significantly increased the shelling of our defenders in the southern direction, deputy minister of defense hanna malyar said, if last week they recorded 7,000 artillerymen on our positions, then there are already 9,000, but even in under such conditions, ukrainian soldiers bravely go forward, soninarms, approximately because of course , it is difficult to calculate exactly, but it is approximately half a million rounds of ammunition last week it is to be about 400 thousand, that is, what does this mean, it means that they are trying to stop our troops with this continuous and artillery mortar fire, and they , so that it is clear in what conditions ours are fighting through this continuous shelling, however, they continue their offensive actions, the Ukrainian Military is changing tactics the offensive is said in the general staff, in particular, they are trying to destroy the logistics and warehouses of both sets of close range enemy artillery and create conditions for the artillerymen of the 37th separate marine brigades work against the enemy even in 35 heat, they are helped by american m109 selfpropelled howitzers in the heat to work. So we work, we dont feel sorry for ourselves. Three shots and it goes to the target was called on someone else s mountain the Law Enforcement officers detained a 35yearold resident of cherkasy who cheated money from the relatives of the captured defenders, he pretended to be an employee of the Defense Forces and assured that he could contribute to the release of his prisoners the fraudster estimated the services at 60,000 hryvnias, he was caught redhanded while receiving the next tranche of 40,000 hryvnias, the detainee was charged with suspicion of influence peddling, according to preliminary data, the swindler managed to defraud more than five families of the Ukrainian Military. The harvest trip was unsuccessful. At night, the Border Guards noticed a truck moving in the direction at the romanian border, during an inspection of the car, two men of military age were found bribing plastic boxes. At first, the passengers claimed that they were going to pick berries, but it turned out that they paid the driver three with half a thousand dollars for unimpeded transportation to a neighboring country in vinnytsia, they arrested a gang that committed an armed attack on an agricultural company, men dressed in camouflagecamouflage formula with masks on their faces broke into the administration room, threatened with pistols, tied up the guard and broke the safe from which they stole about 200 30,000 hryvnias as well as company documents, after which they fled in a car. Vinnytsia operatives and korda fighters detained the perpetrators. In the territory of the region, a special interception operation was introduced as a result of priority investigative and Search Operations for several hours by special agents of the court and operatives of the criminal investigation, four offenders were identified in the territory of the kyiv region as a result of an inspection of the car of the accused. Stolen money, weapons, overalls were found and seized burglary tools and other physical evidence that testify to the involvement of offenders in this crime the authorities do not is going to downplay threats to the upcoming heating season, while at the same time calling on not to panic on this topic, informed Prime Minister denys myhal, he noted that the repair campaign of the Energy Infrastructure is going according to plan, in particular , five Nuclear Units have already been repaired, 70 of the countrys energy and almost as many heat and hydroelectric plants prem he also emphasized that the protection of Energy Facilities will be significantly strengthened by the ukrenergo company, we have almost 80 of the works on the repair of main networks, in particular highvoltage substations have already been restored to the prewar level, we are forming multilevel protection for Energy Facilities, we are preparing for all possible scenarios of the development of events in order to avoid the worst, the winter will be difficult, but we must endure, we are preparing everything necessary for this, about 85 of schools in ukraine will start teaching in a mixed facetoface format on september 1 this is much more than last year , stated deputy minister of education and science andriy stashkiv, while at the same time he noted that it is currently impossible to provide offline education in all schools, because at the frontline territories, in particular in the kharkiv region, some educational institutions are under constant shelling, the official also reminded that the ministry of education has allocated one and a half billion hryvnias to the state budget for the construction of shelters with these funds, new shelters can be equipped in half a thousand schools. On july 27, the ukrainian saber player olga kharlan refused to shake the hand of the russian ani smirnova for this reason. Was disqualified from the world championship, which deprived olga of the opportunity to continue her performances not only in the individual but also in the Team Tournament the day after the scandal president mock thomas bach reminded the girl that she was guaranteed a place at the 2024 olympics, and the International Fencing federation suspended the black card. Olga said that she hopes to get to the olympics with her team and also considers the change in the rules about handshakes quite fair. I really want to go as part of our National Team womens saber, we are now doing everything to get into the team, of course we dont know what will happen next, but we are motivated now more than ever and its not because i already have this olympic license, now they have changed the rules that i am very im glad about it, and there should be some justice, there should be some kind of justice somewhere, the global air and ocean temperature reached new records, so july became the hottest month since 1850 , it was announced by the European Service for the study of climate change, copernicus, extreme heat was recorded on all continents against the background of high july temperatures there were numerous forest fires, in particular in the countries of southern europe, according to researchers, 2023 or 2024 will be the hottest years in the record books and even exceed the heat in 2016, the espresso tv channel continues an urgent and important collection for the armed forces. Our defenders from the 27th separate rifle battalion really need a car. They are fighting in the eastern direction , where fierce battles are taking place. Our goal is uah 400,000. Together with you, we have already closed many volunteer meetings and the defenders are grateful. For our contribution to the fight against the occupiers. We ask you to actively donate this time too, because without you, we will manage, every hryvnia is important , remember that only together we will bring our victory over the trenchers closer to this i tell you to meetings already at 5 00 p. M. Read more about important things on our website espresso tv subscribe to our channels in social networks stay close thank you to the state melnyk for information about the most Important News again suchanskoe vasyl winter remains with you work in the studio will work on within the next hours yes exactly lets see how it goes. Well, before i wait for our guest, with whom we will talk about economic news, this is also important to understand, we will announce a few news that we currently find for you in information Information Space well, first of all, i will say that the command of the armed forces of ukraine reports that in the bakhmut direction, the armed forces take the initiative to destroy the communication hub of the Russian Federation and 65 occupiers. It was also reported that 19 occupiers were destroyed on in the kupyan direction and the enemy command post was also destroyed in the enemy command post there must have been Senior Officers in charge of this or that direction, we will follow the information, we will find out more who managed to reach titan from the russian e higher of the military leadership, but in that direction, by the way, yesterday we Just Announced the information about the explosion in the turkish port on the coast of the marmara sea, and yesterday we actively spread the information that it was a dust mixture that exploded, well, comparing it to how a gasfloating mixture explodes in mines when somewhere, a spark will come, it can explode. Well, im not here , im not a strong expert on how this sexual mixture from grain can explode, but today information has already appeared that such a version is considered sabotage because, well, believe it that the dust just exploded and damaged everything because there were so many victims of the destruction and russia is suspected of course. Well, by the way, i want to tell you that i would like to remind you that we actually discussed this topic yesterday with Valeriy Ryabykh from defense express and that was it literally a few minutes after the information and video of the explosion was made public, valery ryaba immediately said that it was not just that, well , it is very unlikely that this is some kind of domestic incident. Sabotage is also true for me, this version looks very uh in this situation , by the way, i want to say that this is me, finally, i want to say that this is very much in the tradition of putins russia, before going, lets say, to the negotiations, a reprimand must be shown something that how do they say to be er dominant in this conversation well, to make such a story and it is not known what the kremlin did well, but there is already such a hint that if you do not listen to us and something does not go according to our plan, then there may be many more such explosions thats why im not here at all i rule out that russian ears can very well here and well, where can we actually be . By the way, we will wait for this meeting for these negotiations. Serhiy fursa, a financial analyst , an investment banker, is already in touch with us. Glory to ukraine, mr. Serhiy, glory to the heroes. Congratulations , one and a half years of fullscale invasion already almost 10 years since the beginning of the halftime invasion of russia into ukrainian territories , and we still have nuances. After all, we support any ties, whether diplomatic or economic, with our enemy. According to their data, according to the data of our fellow investigators, a huge part of this titanium raw material, which is exported to the west through the country of intermediaries, goes through such laying companies , whose founders are very often russians, then they end up in russia and everything is made from them that which then arrives in ukraine, you have a word to say in principle , in fact, the fate of economic ties between ukraine and russia there is minimal. Now we almost do not cross paths. But is there still a certain level of specific directions cooperation well, maybe we saw each other on the example of the sichi motor, eh, maybe its not as relevant, and its possible with regard to the titanium one, but in practice you have to see that the largest producers of titanium they are mostly breakfast and i m not sure that this is critically important specifically for the russian industry, its the ukrainian one they could also buy african parts there. That is, it is not the case that the entire Russian Military is kept on our titan. They recycle titan because then the americans buy what they recycle from titanium and it depends on them, for example, the aircraft construction of the United States of america, and this problem must be looked at from this perspective in order to build vertical integration excluding the russians, that is, there are aircraft builders in the United States, there are ukrainian titan it is necessary to somehow persuade to lead in this way to the western partners so that, er, this intermediate lanka also fills out the interview independently. And it is possible to somehow regulate it at the state level levels of agreements agreements that uh, lets say if ukraine extracts something or manufactures something and then exports it, then other countries cannot reexport it, lets say to russia to belarus , that is, this mechanism can somehow be worked out no of course you cant no it s impossible thats why you can talk about it dont talk mr. Serhiy, i would like to ask you, well, maybe you will tell more about how it will affect the. Well , maybe not the global economy, but the life of entrepreneurs, people who work for entrepreneurs, here are these new taxation rules which began to operate on the first of august this year, what could be the consequences of this plus or minus for the economy , or maybe some more changes will be made later, well, you know, i will show you how it will look, how they work, and no , something needs to be improved here, it does not work, because it works on the contrary. Very well. Be thank you, it was still the right decision, this return to normality in principle, the introduction of tax benefits at the beginning of the war was a mistake, but then it seemed that this could be a shortterm story and many decisions were made on the knee, so mistakes are quite logically permissible only these mistakes took a long time to be corrected, but it is absolutely normal for the economy, it is not appropriate for the state to have tax benefits, especially the same strong tax benefits, because actually 2 taxation, well, this is downright ridiculous. Moreover, they are often used by big business to minimize tax payments and very often large trade networks are built on fops and now they quietly paid themselves 2 . This is very, very dishonest. Therefore, there is nothing terrible here, we are returning to the normal system that we have was before the war, er, no one is affected by this. I also wanted to ask about what the National Bank announced some time ago about changes in the discount rate, and this is normal. Well, it only concerns the National Bank of its relations with commercial banks, and commercial banks are already working from us, so now you have disappeared. Yes, they have appeared. They work with the population. What is the General Health of ukrainian banks, because we understand that the war is going on. 11 will take loans somewhere. Well, restore housing somewhere and start some kind of business. Well, without this, there is no way to do it. For this period, as of now i am how healthy and functional are you and do you have enough funds to work with the population of commercial banks in ukraine . Well, if this is a change in the discount rate, will it somehow affect it or not . Is it a normal, simple decision that somehow will not immediately affect the citizens, please . We will mark the correct decision here , it reflects the decrease in inflation and the fact that the National Bank saw an opportunity to lower the discount rate, and this is the first decision in the chain, since similar decisions the rate will continue to decrease and this is a longterm will affect, including citizens, due to a decrease in the cost of lending in relation to the Banking System, banks are excellent in the form of profitable banks, in fact, we have now seen these one and a half years of war have demonstrated the effectiveness of the reform of the National Bank and the Banking System after the maidan, this is what gontareva did for what it was hated, but now history has once again confirmed the assessments given to our International Partners and financial analysts who said that this reform was very important and key, now the banks are in excellent condition about what to expect lending to the active population or business no, you should not expect it because the risks during the war are too great and banks do not want to open even with sufficient resources, the strategy is now to be cautious about the ukrainian business, which has among its founders russians in belarus. Ties with close ties actually with the representatives of these countries, so we talked for a year and a half of the war, and during this time , only 5 of ukrainian enterprises that actually have such ties had changes in the composition of the beneficiaries, that is, in their structure representatives of these countries left the structure of the founders. Although this does not always mean that they actually left. Yes , other persons could appear there, but they will continue to receive their profile, and the first, in addition to the fact that the number does not decrease, did not disappear at all new enterprises appeared in the 22nd year, a large number of them appeared, 39 enterprises of new companies in the Ownership Structure of which are present persons connected with russia or belarus, and questions appeared again. I understand what to say to the mind some people obviously have no meaning, but at the state level, is it possible to work out some kind of mechanism to stop this, more than that, we dont know what kind of russians there are in ukraine, we have russians who fight in the Ukrainian Armed forces, for example, there are russians who long ago refused to cooperate with putin and now they are taking the ukrainian position, maybe they are also the founders of these enterprises , we dont know this, to fight against those russians who are really part of putins closest entourage is a tool of sanctions, in fact , recently we saw how the former nation was alfa bank, where really big russian business was present significantly in the ukrainian economy. And when we have some small businesses, well, they do not affect our economy, and especially do not affect the weather, so we should specifically study what is happening there, which is not very interesting. Its just about 20,000, they are here personally , there is more of a moral aspect that it is definitely worth terminating any relations with those who kill us, one more question. In western countries, they see it with slightly different eyes, and i think that this is about to begin. That men should be banned from leaving ukraine for at least another three years so that there is someone to rebuild, so that there are these hands of the head who will restore ukraine. What do you think about this . Is this a good approach to investing in our future . The institution of a bad future, even this institution of a bad future is from him already because of the paint, even because it was stupid, it only shows that when its hot like that on the weekend, you dont need to drink a lot. And thats all, of course , it wont be implemented, of course no one will implement it, because with on the one hand, it is very unpopular and ukrainians will never accept such a thing, and on the other hand, your incubator has ukrainians for reconstruction, god wants it to have a faster deadline to restore the infrastructure of the enterprise , the economy, all this, well, look after the war in the biggest problem for us will be depopulation and we will not solve this problem of peoples return. Because some of them will not return, what did you do here . We will not solve this problem with some kind of support for families because people simply do not give birth that much anymore. Urbanization in the modern world affects what people do not want to have. Three or four children ago, the only answer for ukraine, which is possible, is migration, and here the question is whether it will be chaotic or whether there will be a state policy to attract migrants in order for it to pass as painlessly as possible and here the question is not even about the number of people, because the number of people per square meter kilometer is not so important, the question is about the age structure of people in ukraine, there are too many pensioners and not enough young people who can work and pay taxes, and just such a number is not enough for a normal uh, to support the economy and maintain social standards at the initial level, thats why we really need migration, and this is the only possible answer, whether we like it or not, but this is the way all the civilized countries of the world are going, it just doesnt work any other way and ukraine should also go this way , and the question is whether we will go chaotically or whether a state policy will be built to attract people so that we ourselves determine who, how and when we need thank you very much for the conversation serhiy fursa financial analyst, investment banker, we should have a pause right before the word, i wanted to Say Something well, then ill say ok, ok, lets wait a pause, then lets wait, because vasyl has something important to tell us this was me before, bleeding gums, inflammation of the gums the solution was so simple gum problems lacalutactive lacalutactive actively overcomes bleeding gums protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens clear lacalut active action you feel immediately novelty lacalutactive plus even more active protection there is a cure for cystitis there are discounts on drops and capsules urolesan 15 in pharmacies traveller, you and the savings are tired of heavy agricultural saws, then the compact and powerful strong saw from unboxing tv is just for you. 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Sensetil what effectively reduces the sensitivity of teeth if i knew lacquer sensi you in the past i wouldnt have had to come here at all lacquerat sensetu reliable protection against pain war is going on and not only for territories it is also a war for minds russia is throwing millions of oil dollars to turn ukrainians into little russians ukraine will become russia, analysis and analysis of information about ukraine by russian propagandists, specific facts and methods by which enemy propaganda turns people into obedient zombies , lets get rich residents of the ldr to the information attacks of the russians in the project of the chronicle of the information war with olga laziness tuesday thursday friday at 17 10 on the espresso tv channel every day every hour every minute we receive a large amount of information of the year what is really happening at the front what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield how do you evaluate our successes the International Community and what moscow is lying about, from the stream of news coming from everywhere , we single out the most important ones from closely monitoring whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what and what the russian occupiers are whispering about the back of the commanders news summary of the week this is an overview of only important events, events with the weight of credibility this is analytics , fact checking, expert comments, much more today about important things in simple language available to all viewers welcome to the studio of iryna koval and this is the summary of the week on the espresso tv channel, news summary of the week, every saturday at 9 00 p. M. Expresso thank you to everyone who endured the intrigue, who waited and now, vasyl, what did you want to tell us about the state strategy regarding the return of ukrainians, no, no, and return ukrainians abroad, of course, and in regard to which migrants to invite to ukraine, how will we later build the state together . Well, you know, im not worth it, because different peoples lived in ukraine, ukrainians, moldovans , georgians, that is, from me, lviv, lets say, was a place where there were ukrainians poles, i have jews here, these communities have remained until now. That is why it is not scary. The question is that there must be a strategy , but if it is a strategy, i read very interestingly viktor labarenko, he wrote about this meeting in the jews of saudi arabia and about he told a very good story about the results of this meeting , it also applies to migrants and many other issues, and the strategy of the Ukrainian Government means that the bunnies are coming to the owl

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