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Will become hedgehogs, well, stick yourself with a needle somehow become hedgehogs, then they will start pricking you and wont attack you. They left. The hedgehogs went home for the night. They were thinking about something. When they didnt come up with anything, they came to their place. Say, okay, poke around. They wont eat and how to implement it, he doesnt say, you know what, im not such a strategist, well, besides that, im leading to the fact that always when there are some ideas of what to do, you still have to think about how to implement these ideas. Because we all are very brilliant when it comes to strategy, he once said our president is not very good at tactics, he thinks strategically, but those moments that need to be thought of tactically and implemented at the front in the economy, in migration policy, in many other policies, because there are a lot of ideas on how to do something, and when it comes down to it, how to do it all of a sudden, somehow, everyone disappears somewhere, people and ukrainians. Well , god gave us ukrainians, we always think of something to do and then it works. And this is very good, but not only ukrainians, but actually from britain, we also have great news, they expanded sanctions to limit russias access to military equipment cleverly announced the introduction of sanctions against 22 individuals and legal entities outside of russia who support russias illegal invasion of ukraine, as well as against three Russian Companies that import electronics vital to Russian Military equipment used on the battlefield this is what the Deputy Commander of the tavriy operationalstrategic group of troops for Strategic Communications and colonel glory to ukraine plovku glory to the heroes what is the situation in the melitopol and berdyan directions we would like to hear from you first of all in these directions the offensive operation of our Defense Forces of ukraine is currently underway our soldiers are confidently destroying the enemy and moving forward so for the last we have been for the past day more than 2,500 enemies were destroyed , the enemy lost how to kill us, and the wounded were actually released. Fierce battles are ongoing, the enemy is constantly trying to counterattack, drawing up new and new reserves of their own, which are withdrawn from other directions to work on counterattacks, he engages units not only fulltime, but also engages gray special operations units with his special units that operate in small groups. I would like to ask whether the enemy has reserves for of this direction, well , about which you just spoke, except that he is now attracting specialists of special forces in order to work with the armed forces of ukraine, are there reserves, again, or is the enemy attracting reserves from forcibly mobilized and recruited local residents of the zaporizhzhia region, have such facts been discovered in this area of ​​such facts . I do not know, but in general there are many. Here is the socalled lpr dpr. Well, then they are some of those regions. Well, if we came to the so called dpr, then we will come to donbass, how is it holding up . Defenders in avdiivka, is there no threat of encirclement there . What losses did the enemy inflict during the day, please . For a long time . Our Defense Forces are reliably protecting avdiivka. The enemy, the enemy does not abandon its intentions to seize the entire Donetsk Region within its administrative borders uhu well, thank you briefly but in fact Serhiy Kuzmin Deputy Commander of the operationalstrategic grouping of tavria troops from Strategic Communications thank you, colonel, now we have a short break, then we will return to the church talk there are discounts on tablets citramon darnytsia 10 in pharmacies travellers bam and savings pain can become an obstacle on the stairs not with my knees from knee pain try dolgit cream dolgit cream relieves pain swelling and improves the mobility of the joints, you can also walk dolgit the only yellow cream for joint pain and with muscle spasms tablets dolgit antisums for muscle relaxation and circulation this was me before bleeding gums inflammation of the gums and the solution was so simple gum problems lacalut active lacalut active actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens the gums. The task of defending the football goal at the same time. Our heroes are fighting for every piece of their native land for our freedom with you. Thank you, our indomitable warriors , ukraine, above all, only drink when ordinary water is not enough. For special medical purposes, aquadermis cares for, moisturizes, protects and cares for your skin at any age, aquadermis supports and protects your skin. Kherson district live streaming, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9 00 a. M. Vasyl winters Big Broadcast , two hours of air time, two hours of your time , two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, 2 hours to stay up to date with Economic News and new of sports for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeminded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours , vasyls Big Broadcast of winter, a project for intelligent and caring people in the evening, the most espresso war in ukraine the main topic for ukrainians is victory and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics, Serhiy Rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this, people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future, the main and interesting thing in the program is Serhiy Rudenkos verdict from monday on fridays at 20 00 repeat at 12 10 dad who were you during the war a defender a defender lets get back to the conversation oleksandr works at the hotel of the tv channel espresso in our informational marathon continues and here is information about how the minister of Foreign Affairs of china wang ye spoke with the minister of Foreign Affairs and propaganda of the Russian Federation Serhii Lavrov so i will remind you that the peoples republic of china participated in saudi arabia regarding the ukrainian peace formula in the city of jeddah and there actually supported the most important position, well , one of the most important positions concerns the implementation of the peace of peace formula of the president of ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi this is the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine, after that Serhii Lavrov called avana to tell him how china will now behave further after the meeting in jeddah, direct speech, what vaneev said, the facts prove that the chinese are faithful and reliable friends of russia, money, partners, now the most important task for the parties is to continue to implement the consensus reached with the heads of state and to work on the Continuous Development at a high level of the complex historical process of russia and china from added that china and russia should coordinate actions and promote multipolar world democratization of International Relations with regard to ukraine, he said that china will adhere to an independent and of an impartial position plans to actively advocate for peace negotiations and political and political solutions, well, before that it was said that china and its positions regarding ukraine will not change, meaning the support of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. But i think that these statements about the fact that there are partners there here it is all very important. They always say. Well, but with this very act, china has already shown that it will probably pull , as they say, by the hand of its western partners and will try in this situation in this to advocate for the war. Well, for the observance of at least International Laws and rules. Well, according to these laws and rules of war, russias war against ukraine is aggressive. It must be stopped. Russia must pay for everything, everything, everything else. I really want china to move from general phrases to specific actions, because specific chinas actions, understanding russias dependence on china economically, first of all as an importer of its energy resources, are very important. And i want to talk about the actions of the ministry of defense of russia. Lies. So, a day after the rocket attack on pokrovsk on the civilians of this settlement, we remember that about 90 people were injured and at least seven people died, so they say that the command post of the united armed forces of ukraine, khortytsya, was destroyed instead in the forces the defense of ukraine notes that this is already the third or fourth such destruction, that is, it is already the third or fourth time, the russians say that they managed to hit the greyhound, and this is not their first lie, their first distortion of information about hits about destruction and victims in ukraine every time it is peaceful peaceful people when it is residential buildings when it is establishments like a pizzeria they talk about some military facilities about foreign mercenaries about western weapons Armored Vehicles and so on here by the way it is very important to beat the hands of the russians and announce to the whole world what happened, because we have to understand very well that there are many countries in the world that, after reading russian news or receiving information from russian propagandist journalists, they will believe thats how it is, because conventionally speaking, if you dont go on the other side, russia is somewhere far away, somewhere in the conventional paraguay , in brazil, you will read, you will say, look, they hit military facilities, and something happened there and people died, well, this is not russia. Did you understand that russia may not care about its inhabitants of the republic of sahad, and fires are destroying settlements and a huge amount of territory. You can care about those who still go to the toilet behind the house. Simply deprived of funding because funding is needed for the promotion of the russian war , its just politicians in education without money and they dont care about that, but about their propaganda in the world. Of their media agents on the territory of the republic of serbia, newspapers are published there with the headline ukraine attacked russia and believe that many residents in the series can read this who will not follow ukrainian news because they are not interested in it it is not available to them, they have to look for it somewhere, they dont want to deal with it. They will read what is available to them and understand what is probably considered obvious, at the same time, ukraine was hit in pokrovsk, now it has been attacked, so it is not necessary to beat some ukrainians. Are you referring to the statement of proof of archamiy, this faction is a servant of the people there are several factions who said that deputy torokhtii, who was on vacation in bulgaria with his wife, he was not in the maldives. Like some people, bulgaria is not the maldives. Well, but after all, david arkhamiya obviously monitored the reaction of society or received some other information from the bank, where did the servant of the people faction come from and we will not hide this, well, the initiative to expel bohdan trokhtia from the peoples deputy from the servant of the people parliamentary faction in the Verkhovna Rada, the head of the faction wrote in our telegram about this patience is not eternal , he says in danterokhtiy, he had time to explain his behavior during the war, an attempt to somehow rehabilitate himself as an option to sell, change something, and there, in short, nothing this will not be done, thats why it will already be there, there is some servant who will go away, let them go, at the beginning of the fullscale war of russia against ukraine, there have been a lot of initiatives to ban the activities of the church of the moscow patriarchate, local authorities are making decisions about such bans in some individual regions but in fact it would be quite logical if it all happened centrally, when the Verkhovna Rada would pass such a law, the corresponding law, and do it all in one fell swoop, currently 11 draft laws on the role of of the Russian Church in ukraine, more details about all of them in the material of our kateryna galko , at the beginning of the fullscale invasion, there are discussions about the need for a law that will limit the activities of churches in ukraine that are governed by russia from the spring of 2023. Psu, however, to clean up such processes are taking place outside the law, as projects that could normalize the situation have not yet been approved by law, we want to dismantle the structures of the moscow patriarchate, but not we want to forbid believers to believe, to practice their religion, to gather with others in order to practice this religion, everything that ukraine took upon itself under International Law , the cabinet of ministers proposed to the Verkhovna Rada to ban the activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate in ukraine and also initiated a check on the legality of the stay on the same day , president Volodymyr Zelenskyi of the uoc mp in the kyivpechersk lavra told about this in his evening address to ukrainians , but since then there have been no significant changes in it is a pity that even russian terror and a fullscale war did not convince some activists that it is worth overcoming the temptation of evil. Why should we create such conditions when any activists dependent on the aggressor state have no opportunity to manipulate ukrainians and weaken ukraine from the inside in the Verkhovna Rada and the council of 11 draft laws which in one way or another relate to the uoc mp, the main ones are number 8221, the initiators of which are indicated on the website of the council by 34 peoples deputies, and number 8371, which was submitted to the council by the prime minister, exists and alternative pregovernment number 83711 experts also allow the creation of a joint project that will contain the provisions of both documents according to the law of the project number 8221 in ukraine there must be one Orthodox Church and such changes will not give the moscow patriarchate the opportunity to manipulate the statute, it also provides for the early termination of all property transactions concluded between residents of ukraine and the prohibited foreign religious organization and the peculiarities of the naming of religious organizations, in particular the use of the word orthodox, the whole problem lies in that the law that we initiated in 82 21 on the banning of the activities of the Russian Church in ukraine is still a government draft, it is planned to be brought to the hall, but the government draft does not ban the Russian Church in ukraine, but rather drags out this process of many, many years, from my point of view, this lets not miss government bill number 8371 currently has the best chance of being passed, in particular , the document provides for a ban on the activity of religious organizations in ukraine that are connected to russia, the activity of the uoc mp cannot be stopped if they prove its connection with the russian the Orthodox Church, however, the state service for ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience must first establish that a certain religious organization has its center in russia, then the Service Issues an order to correct this situation, and if this does not happen, the service must file a lawsuit in court , which must already issue a decision on the ban alternative 8,3711 offers almost the same thing with the key difference, it does not provide for the issuing of a prescription when our draft laws were evaluated in the world, including by our enemies. But they were forced the conclusion that only this way is effective and the one that will stop the activities of the organization or its Center Located in a country that carries out aggression against ukraine, a lawyer , the same draft law contains a number of shortcomings because it protracts the resolution of the issue for years, primarily due to a large number of interim legal decisions such as a prescription or decisions related to expertise which are the subject of an independent court appeal which is provided for by this draft law it is not carried out in ukraine we do not have accredited specialists we do not have methods and it is not even mentioned among all types of examinations conducted by the ministry of justice of ukraine, that is, we actually get that the court should conduct an examination, which does not exist. Experts note that the fight against Russian Churches does not end immediately after the adoption of any initiative. The fact is that in such churches for many years, they poisoned the consciousness of the faithful with russian narratives, and it is almost impossible to immediately get rid of such influence, the situation with attempts to open a religious foundation against ukraine and she certainly wont solve it only in a legalistic way, but many believers are already starting to move away from the moscow patronage, which some clergymen, in particular, on july 23, the priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate appealed to metropolitan onuphrius with a call to immediately and definitively break ties with the russian Orthodox Church in an open letter, the clergy calls russias aggression against ukraine satanic and condemns the support of the war by the head of the russian Orthodox Church, the patriarch kirill, a letter of request was published after an enemy rocket attack to save the transfiguration cathedral in odessa. It was signed by more than three hundred priests. Kateryna galko, andriy verstyuk, oscaryansons , espresso tv channel, rostislav pavlenko, people s deputy of ukraine, member of the Verkhovna Rada committee on education, science and innovation. Communication good day mr. Rostyslav congratulations glory to ukraine heroes glory to ukraine ask about the most important thing how to limit the influence of the Ukrainian Orthodox church of moscow patriarchate in ukraine, because we see that the church is doing quite well on the territory of our country, in addition to the fact that it continues to work and influence, we see that there are enough people who can easily collect uah 33 million and take away from the tobacco shop of pavel lebid, the abbot of kyiv of the pechersk lavra, he probably knows what he should do outside. Well, in any case, we see that everything. Well , in principle, the former abbot is quite good. Well, vladyka pavlo is the one how to act. As far as i understand, in the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine, after all they are considering one of the bills there is a government bill there was a bill from European Solidarity there together with other deputies made regarding the ban of the uoc mp they took up for consideration that bill which is government bill will it at least reach the vote and what and what will it give please look even before consideration no everything was taken from you correctly, it was summarized in the plot so as not to be repeated, i emphasize that before a decision is made to ban the moscow patriarchate in ukraine, it is necessary implement the legislation that already exists, because since the 18th year there is a law that obliges the Moscow Church to at least tell people the truth to call itself the Moscow Church, and then people will decide whether to go to such a church or not. And the priests and bishops will decide whether they and they still want to worship cyril, their father and mistress, or still be with ukraine and its people. Last year, the Constitutional Court recognized that this law is constitutional. This year , the court of appeals recognized that there are no problems. I just have to comply. Perform if the church refuses to give its moscow name. And we see that if it refuses, then all relations, including property, should be terminated. Therefore , European Solidarity, in particular at the level of local councils, puts forward the initiative that the lease or use of moscow the church with the local haula was stopped, this would be a significant step towards getting rid of the Moscow Church in ukraine and then again. Even the government volume, and i say something, even it was not taken into consideration. And this would be an absolutely necessary step, which would also push the officials , including in the center and in the localities, to do something with the Moscow Church in ukraine, they rostislav on august 7, not on the 19th, on the feast of the transfiguration of the lord, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew said that in our modern age of rapid transformations, there is a challenge for the church as well, and actually this challenge is to change the world. But in order for the church to achieved success in this mission so that our world will experience real transformations in christ. According to patriarch bartholomew, the church must also appear in a new form as a single holy cathedral and apostolic. In fact, in this address, the patriarch actually accused cyril and the russian Orthodox Church of undermining the unity of world orthodoxy. In support of the war in ukraine, i am asking you to reflect on what exactly ukraine owes you. To draw conclusions from this , first of all, it is absolutely correct that for the ecumenical patriarch, we can say that the Orthodox Church of ukraine has appealed several times to his holiness the patriarch of zelensky and to the heads of other churches, which, like the ukrainian one, are autocephalous and all together make up the unity of this church, and what the ecumenical patriarch said about the fact that the Russian Church is just getting smaller and smaller has something in common with orthodoxy, and it should be condemned as supporting war, actually blessing it, and they depart from dogmas and practices , both spiritual and secular, and this is also a reason for condemnation well, the third most important thing is also a passport to the ukrainian state in order to take the necessary steps that we are talking about in relation to the banning of the Moscow Church in ukraine, a year of life, protection so that these tentacles of the russian measure are processed, is she rostislav in your opinion . We understand very well that the Russian Church during its long stay on the territory of our country, even in the days of independence, has gained many adherents, obvious and hidden, who have connections and business connections, family ties there the possibility of intimate relations between we dont know with representatives of the russian Orthodox Church in ukraine who call themselves the uoc mp, yes, no. Do these people today have an influence on the decisionmaking by state authorities regarding the uoc mp, that the church will really rely on them to the greatest extent is there another question here that this is a large, uh, large audience . Lets say so, a large number of people who go to the uoc mp, and also the authorities will think about how to attract these people to their side, so they will not take drastic actions against the uoc mp in why is the main reason that they dont know for so long what should be done finally with the outspoken and agents of the moscow moscow criminal Organization Religious in ukraine please look very correctly the question of everyone who hears the surname trofimov who was once the first deputy of kirill in the office of the president and is still, if i am not mistaken, the adviser to the president bakanov who was the head of the sbu was filmed with nothing new wording, but then we see with a new one, he surfaced somewhere there , he is a lawyer now, and i think that this is far from exhausting the list of adaptations, as you say, they really exist and there is really great hope for them in addition, one really gets the impression sometimes that someone in the office wants to make such a uoc opp from the president s office , but such reasoning they impersonate the government , in fact, because they build their worldview in a completely different way in the Moscow Church, they think that you will stay here, wait and be swayed all of them and tried to move cunning, they are immediately doomed because the only way, which is also legal and economic, is the implementation of the tomos, which was given in january of the 19th year to ukraine and the Orthodox Churches of ukraine this means that there should be one Orthodox Church in which all Ukrainian Orthodox are united and accordingly the issue of the orthodox language in this community should be resolved. The Verkhovna Radas committee on education, science and innovation was with us , and i announced the first news. The United States of america will strengthen sanctions against north korea for helping russia, the spokesman of the state Department Said this Matthew Miller heres what he said, weve made clear our concerns about cooperation between moscow and pyongyang, weve made it clear that north korea seeks to help russia in its war against ukraine, our position on this issue remains unwavering, we will increase sanctions against north korea, thats whats next for espresso news more news from anna eva melnyk and the entire News Editorial Team in a moment congratulations colleagues thank you for your work the News Editorial Team will continue to work on the most important things an unknown country bought 50 leopard tanks from belgium 1 more news next one is made i start with this corruption in the majority of the sbu along with nabu they caught bribing an incumbent

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