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Did the weak reaction of the west become an encouragement to new russian aggressions against the neighbors . In august 2008, Russian Troops invaded the territory georgias pretext was the alleged defense of selfproclaimed South Ossetia, in fact , experts and historians say, the goal of the Russian Troops was the overthrow of the then president saakashvili, the assaultdubilisi, the surrender of georgia the war lasted only five days, but it significantly affected the further history not only of georgia itself, but also of all of europe. Georgia lost control over a fifth of its territory and, most importantly, people, according to official data , as a result of the conflict , 179 georgian servicemen died and went missing these days in tbilisi honors their memory to the graves, the first persons of the country carry flowers and wreaths in that war , experts say, russia showed how to fight medals, in particular, in ukraine. How has georgia changed over the past 15 years and where is Georgian Society moving now . My colleague spoke with the bbc correspondent in tbilisi, nina and ahmeli, about how the perception of russia in georgia has changed and what is considered the cause of the war. Despite the fact that 15 years have passed , not only injuries remained from that war and memories, but it is also impossible to forget about her, because the Russian Troops did not leave the territory that separated from georgia, namely abkhazia and South Ossetia, and despite the fact that the agreement on the end of hostilities was signed and one of the points of the agreement is withdrawal troops to prewar positions, despite the constant calls of the International Community to do so, however, russia did not withdraw its troops and recognized the independence of abkhazia and South Ossetia, then concluded separate agreements , as a result of which the Russian Military presence there grew several times. In addition, on these unrecognized borders, together with the khattian and south the russian Border Guards are ossetians and already after the war they started this illegal bordering, as they call it in tbilisi, and they call it the arrangement of state borders there they are installing border posts and barbed wire in georgia, they call this policy a creeping occupation in tbilisi, everyone remembers the war, everyone remembers that 20 of the country is occupied, but it is more felt in those places in the report of the Security Service of georgia, the occupation of these regions by russia is called the main challenge to the national security, according to this report , the russians conducted military exercises there, there was a rotation of personnel, and some part even took part in the war in ukraine, but still there are quite a lot of such large military resources, however, the rhetoric of the georgian authorities, such a war happened because of the reckless and irresponsible policy of the expresident of georgia, mikheil saakashvili, in ukraine they say that the war will not end without the liberation of the occupied territories, including crimea, until Russian Troops enter the borders of the 90s, and how does Georgian Society react to the occupied georgian territories, or have they already been forgotten . I would not say that anyone now , at least openly, would like georgia to try to restore its territorial integrity, the authorities say. But in principle, everyone agrees that a peaceful path and restoration of trust is needed. But experts still support the opinion that it is necessary to agree on the withdrawal of Russian Troops. Because it is the factors of russia that prevent a peaceful settlement in 2008. Georgia planned to get closer to nato. Which path does georgia choose . Now we have european and euroatlantic integration even mentioned in the constitution , according to polls, the absolute majority of citizens stably support the future of georgia in nato and the eu, if you look at the dynamics protests in georgia, usually the biggest protests are usually related to the topic of russia, the very rapprochement with russia causes a painful reaction in society, and we have seen very large actions in support of european integration. Therefore , for now, the authorities, at least as they wanted to say , about some change in the course of Foreign Policy georgia is very risky, and the opposition constantly says that our government is prorussian, the ruling party, the Georgian Dream is generally called the russian dream, but as analysts say, the government wants to get the status of a candidate in the eu, but on its own terms in ukraine believes that if the west had better protected georgia, this would not have happened in georgia. They are disappointed by the wests reaction to the russian invasion, and even now there is a sense of resentment that not enough was done and russia was left unpunished. They blame the International Community from the west for not implementing sanctions for the fact that there was no adequate and tough reaction to the actions of russia in 2018, however, at the same time, the georgian government itself is now refusing to introduce sanctions against russia. Now lets go back to the beginning of the war and the date itself is very important here the police insist that the war began on august 7 with an explosion at the border checkpoint in South Ossetia, while moscow traditionally calls the date of the beginning of the war august 8. My colleague georgy erman, however, how did the First Interstate war in europe of the 21st century begin, as the weak reaction of the west then became the cause of the following warriors to begin with, a little history of russia, back when georgia was part of the soviet union, it included two regions that had autonomous status , South Ossetia and abkhazia at the end of the 80s, when the union was already collapsing under its own weight these regions became a problem for the authorities in tbilisi, the ossetian abkhazians have their own language, culture, history, but as always happens in such cases, these regions were not inhabited only by ossetians and abkhazians, there lived georgian firms and other peoples, and South Ossetia and abkhazia wanted more independence from tbilisi and there and there were separatist movements that fought with the Georgian Army in the 90s. Guess who supported the separatists, right . Russia, these wars further deepened the differences in the regions and ended with the introduction of peacekeepers including the russian ones, russia tried to exploit the weakness of georgia, the support of the separatists in abkhazia, the southern session was a blow to this country, especially for those who believed that russia would support georgia, this case confirmed that russia is not interested in having a strongly independent georgia next to the separatist formations became more and more dependent on russia and the kremlin, playing the role of a peacemaker and negotiator, increasingly influenced georgian politics. Lets move to 2004. Mikheil saakashvili, a young politician from the west, comes to power in georgia. Who wants to see his country in the European Union and nato, as well as solve the internal problems with abkhazia and the Southern Network with his intentions. He challenges vladimir putin. At that time, russia was already reeling from the impoverishment of the 90s. And putin openly opposes the dominance of the usa in the world and the expansion of nato to the east, shortly before the russiangeorgian war, an event occurred that determined the future of ukraine and russia , the bucharest nato summit, this is what ukrainian observers mentioned so often on the eve of the recent summit of the alliance in vilnius and did not want the Vilnius Summit to be similar to the one in bucharest, that is why , a few days before, in bucharest, america supported the idea of ​​giving ukraine and georgia a membership plan. As for england, i am absolutely convinced that ukraine and georgia should receive a membership plan and no compromises, full stop. Actually, i recently told president putin about this on the phone , i told him that you should know that i am going to bucharest with the intention that ukraine and georgia will receive a peace treaty, and you should not be afraid of that mr. President , however, france and germany did not share such enthusiasm. Moreover, in ukraine, unlike georgia , the process of joining nato was not so popular in those years. Lets remember that about 40 of voters supported the prorussian party of regions and communists at the end of that summit in ukraine georgia was promised the prospects of membership in the alliance, but without any terms , there was no talk of any action plan regarding membership, the kremlin raised glasses at the dugerai summit, and in fact received the right to veto the Expansion Alliance to the east, and it was absolutely obvious that putin dissolved natos refusal to grant the pdf as car blanche as permission to start such a war. Meanwhile, tensions in the southern set grew in the summer of 2008. Georgia and South Ossetian separatists increasingly accused each other of shelling. Russia began to evacuate civilians from of South Ossetia , Russian Military aircraft periodically flew into georgian airspace. Tbilisi recalled the ambassador from moscow in protest. On august 7 , an explosion occurred at the checkpoint near the village of avnevi, several georgians were killed. The military continued shelling georgian villages on the night of august 8. Tbilisi launched a military operation. To establish control over the capital of South Ossetia, the west cautiously called on the parties to negotiate, and dmytro medvedev, who was then the president of russia , announced that georgia would be forced to make peace. Then the russian army attacked the georgian military on the evening of august 9 , the Georgian Army took control of most of tskhinvali, ethnic georgians fled from the southern session, Russian Troops crossed the administrative borders the southern session of abkhazia began to advance deep into georgia and captured the port, then the city of gori near tbilisi. They were about to enter the georgian capital. Their task was the overthrow of the democratic regime. Saakashvili stormed tbilisi. It did not happen. On august 10 , saakashvili agreed to the ceasefire plan proposed by french president Nicolas Sarkozy and approved by moscow. The International Discussion of the status of South Ossetia and abkhazia, what was not in the plan was the mention of respect for the territorial integrity of georgia. By the way, no International Discussion of the status of the two regions was held afterwards. On august 12 , russia stopped the offensive and the fiveday war ended in tbilisi on the same day a large rally was held to support the georgian people, five president s came there , including the president of ukraine, viktor yushchenko. There was a feeling that the west breathed a sigh of relief. Medvedevs plan did not interfere with russias sarcasm to recognize the independence of the southern session and abkhazia already on august 26, moreover, Russian Troops still remain on this internationally recognized georgian territory, now the process of interporation of these territories is actually taking place, the composition of russia, since the leadership there is mostly russian, former Russian Security forces there postav and even the report of the International Commission created by the European Union, which was made public a year after the war, became unpleasant for georgia. The report stated that it was georgia that started the war in South Ossetia, but both sides are responsible for the escalation, the commission did not find evidence that Russian Troops were present in this territory until august 8 and recognized that at the first stage of the war russia had the right to protect its peacekeepers, a similar measure then did not decide who to consider as a victim and who as aggressors in that war and georgias hopes for western sanctions against russia failed, at that time obama began an illadvised reset policy in relations with russia because they did not want to spoil relations through little georgia. It gave the wrong signal the georgians realized that the smell of gas and oil is more important for the west than the protection of small democrats in eastern europe. You can find the incomplete material of my colleague on our Youtube Channel bbc news ukraine. There is more about everything. 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In podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies, see this week in the judicial control program with tetyana shustrava , the bribe of the head of the state Judicial Administration two and a half thousand dollars salnikov should have kept for himself for Intermediary Services and how salnikov managed to privatize his official residence, the documents provided to us testify to his stable Financial Condition , watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel on august 410 at 5 45 p. M. Mykola veresen Vitaly Portnikov and the main topics of the week if god forbid will be applied against ukraine really Tactical Nuclear weapons, it will definitely change the World History , problems, analysis and personalities, we are waiting for you john gerbs, the former ambassador to the United States in ukraine good afternoon thank you for the invitation you have questions, you will get answers, so the question is waiting , how should you figure it out . In ukraine, the main topic for ukrainians is victories and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics, Serhii Rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this, people who have information and shape Public Opinion the opinion of the people who defend ukraine and create the future right now is the main and interesting thing in the program verdict Serhii Rudenko from monday to friday at 20 00, repeat at 12 10 my tank driver dad was my sniper, he stood so well that no organization could sneak up on of our positions, he even received an order, and mine knocked out two enemy tanks and destroyed an entire warehouse of ammunition, oh, and my dad served in the air Defense Forces and shot down missiles over kiev, finally, i can tell about it ah , cool. My congratulations, this is freedom, lime. My name is lazar, and today in release powerful an explosion occurred at the zahirsky optician mechanical plant in serhiyiv posad, northeast of moscow, the plant produces hightech products for military purposes, who and what is behind the attack on the russian plant and how will this affect the supply of the russian army , more on this in a minute, the Ukrainian Military made a new attempt to gain a foothold on the left bank dnipro in the kherson region , the American Institute for the study of war reports that, according to published data, the Ukrainian Military landed an Amphibious Assault on seven boats each of which transports transported six or seven people near the settlement cossack camps broke through the Russian Defenses and advanced 800 m deep, does this mean the beginning of the liberation of kherson region , lets talk soon well, personnel rotation in the verkhovna rada, the servant of the people andriy holodov, deprived of the mandate of the city deputy aristov who rested in the maldives, the sister of Volodymyr Zelenskyis assistant took over, a couple more deputies received suspicions, and yet another elected official is being forced to draft a mandate , what is happening or how did the servants of the people end up out of the public about it today, svoboda life, the same explosion occurred at the zahir opticalmechanical plant in serhiyiv posad , northeast of moscow , a huge column of smoke rose at the scene of the incident, there are many videos on social networks, the plant produces hightech products for military purposes, at first the Russian Media wrote about the drone strike a later it was announced that, according to preliminary information, the explosion was caused by the detonation of pyrotechnics, it is known that there are more than 50 victims, six of them are in intensive care. This was reported in the press Service Administration of the municipality, the chronology of events. We collected in one material at 10 40 a. M. One of the Video Surveillance cameras in the russian sergiev posad, which is near moscow, recorded a powerful explosion from the blast wave in 20 nearby residential buildings. Smoke rising into the sky is being filmed by locals from different parts of the city, there was an explosion, there was such a sin, the mushroom is growing so scary , information that the explosion took place on at the zagorsk optical and mechanical plant, russian news telegramchannel 112 reports that according to preliminary information , a drone hit the building, later the information about the explosion was confirmed by the Russian Ministry of emergency situations, but the version about a drone strike was rejected. Of the pyrotechnics warehouse of the piro rose company, according to bbc journalists. This company organized festive fireworks for the russian victory day in various cities of russia, and this Company Allegedly rented premises on the territory of the factory happened at the site of a powder warehouse. And what kind of enterprise was there once about this version, the Russian Prosecutors Office later declared that it was true. These are objects similar to artillery shells, eyewitnesses found near the explosion. The governor of the Moscow Region , andriy vorobyov, assures that the plant is allegedly not related to optics and there have been producing pyrotechnics for a long time, but in 2018, according to the bbc, the plant presented the latest laser Radiation Detection system to the Russian Ministry of defense; one of the main reasons for the explosion, the official russian authorities call violations of technological processes and the human factor the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case under the article about the violation of industrial safety requirements as a result of the explosion at the plant , more than 40 people were injured Serhiy Stetsenko radio svoboda what happened today near moscow , we will return to this topic literally in a few minutes and we will return repeatedly well and in the meantime, the Ukrainian Military made a new attempt to gain a foothold on the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region , which controls the forces of russia, according to the conclusion of an expert of the American Institute for the study of the war came to an end based on the analysis of the russian report on military sources, according to published data, the Ukrainian Military landed a Landing Party on seven boats, each of which carried 67 people, on the eastern bank of the dnieper near the settlement of kozach , the camps broke through the Russian Defenses and advanced 800 m deep, according to the report of one of the russian soldiers , recently the russian command relocated a trained unit of paratroopers from the area of ​​cossack camps to the zaporizhzhia region, replacing them with mobilized ones, which weakened the Russian Defense in this area at the institute for the study of war emphasized that they cannot unequivocally state whether ukrainian troops managed to gain a foothold on the left bank of the dnieper, however , it can be concluded that Ukrainian Forces carried out a limited raid across the river and not a largerscale operation. Ukrainian officials have not commented on operations in this region at the moment well, what could have happened there, we will discuss it now , yevhen is already joining our broadcast, a wild public activist , a former Company Commander of the aidar battalion , yevhen, my greetings glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes ill start with this message that i just quoted from the American Institute for the study of war, so we know from open sources that the Ukrainian Military allegedly landed near these goat camps , broke through the defense there and advanced 800 meters. Who doesnt know, ill just say that the cossack camps are between boryslav and kherson, but from the left bank of the dnieper near the oleshkiv sands. And here are the russian soldiers, they shouted from the front today about, firstly , the capture by the Defense Forces of the bridgehead in this village, and secondly, the disappearance of their major tomova well, thats what they call him, and what could have happened there, including if we analyze the videos and photos that are already on the internet, well, lets start with the missing major, eh. So far , the information has not been confirmed to the end, but allegedly he has already was found and was found by us on the right bank in captivity, moreover, not by himself, but with at least 16 of his soldiers, that is, what can be asserted , well, with a sufficiently high degree of probability, is that such a very successful and very daring raid took place for the first time on left bank in progress which was really completely surprised by the russians and at least half of the platoon was taken prisoner and even to the rule on the right bank, thats what we can say, well, 99 of life, the information is true , not relevant to the halfplatoons troops thats as much as i can say, at least with him from together, the platoon is about 30, yes. But what is not obvious. At the moment, it is all about the raid with the return to ones shore, so far, whether it is about the capture of the bridgehead, it is not obvious to me, lets say, because of that the fact is that in general, we are on the left bank, to put it mildly, not for the first time, in fact, since kherson was liberated, that is, since november of last year, even throughout the winter , even in the cold season , there were raids on the left bank regularly. Scouted subversive groups that, what is it called, led every year along enemy lines, of course, when it got warmer this year, starting in the spring, it became very regular, that is, actually, in the very fact that ours there is nothing strange, but usually nevertheless, small groups of 12, a maximum of three boats were landed, that is, they made a short raid, inflicted maximum damage on the enemy, did not allow him to gain a foothold anywhere, and retreated back to the islands or to the right bank, in fact, it can be said that it was like very ancient times when the zaporizhia cossacks hid in these same flatlands, or between the same dnieper islands, sometimes from the turks, sometimes from the poles, and neither of them could drive them out of there, so the dniprovska the cossacks there have been going on since last fall, but its a completely different thing to secure , uh, well, lets say on a permanent platform and hold positions so far. We managed only in the area of ​​the antoniv bridge, but around the piers, in fact, and under the piers of the oleshkiv bridge. Excuse me, antoniv bridge in oleshki, it was not by chance that they managed to establish a bridgehead there, but the russians managed to localize it, you could say. They could not knock out our defenders from there, but they will surround so they put it in order to further develop this plazdar to nowhere. That is, there is no point in throwing units that are larger in size to you, there is no place to drag the equipment, and this is what is currently happening in the cossack camps, but as long as the intrigue persists, it is still a very powerful, daring , but still raid. Is this the second after antonov bridge is an attempt to take the bridgehead and then expand it and transfer reinforcements. I think that we will not understand this sooner than a day, well, here is such a peculiarity, eh, judging by what the American Institute for the study of war transmits that just this time supposedly experienced paratroopers were transferred by the russians to the zaporizhzhia direction , and hmm, there, on the left bank of the kherson region, they moved the less trained soldiers, honestly, it is more difficult to the institute for the study of war , they know. They are often busy with that. In some random details, find some deep regularities. Well, you know it, it is in the war, a much simpler concept, trained paratroopers and untrained mobs, you know, they were untrained mobs when their past in the fall, they started sending ee here, but if

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