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About ukraine money during the war a digest of the main Sports Events well, the weather from natalka didenko, will this week be hot in ukraine, or will the weather change . Well, now i will tell you in detail about the most Important News that happened at this hour i will tell you that the armed forces of ukraine have confirmed the destruction of the russian command post in the village of yuryivka, that in Donetsk Region the settlement is located near the temporarily occupied enemy mariupol, also the adviser to the mayor of mariupol, petro andryushchenko, published a photo of the hits, according to him , there are no wounded among the locals, the Defense Force has reduced the offensive potential of the russians by a lot yana and lyman directions and also prevented the advance of the enemy , deputy minister of defense of ukraine hanna malyarom informed about this, according to her, the situation on these in difficult areas, the occupiers are constantly attacking in parallel in the east of the country, the invaders are regrouping and trying to restore lost capabilities, the fighting is ongoing, 5 billion euros, even military support for ukraine , germany plans to allocate this amount until 2027, the minister of finance of the federal republic of germany, christine linner, announced this during a meeting with the minister of ukraines finance serhiy marchenko, however, the decisions must be approved by the parliament, lindner added , germanys support will also consist of aid to ukrainian immigrants and contributions to the International Monetary fund, which is currently actively lending to our country, 12 years behind bars with confiscation of property, the court passed a sentence in the case of former Major General of the Security Service of ukraine valery shaytanov. He was found guilty of treason, an attempt to commit a terrorist attack, and in the storage of ammunition, the prosecutor proved that the perpetrator had transferred to the russians information that was a state secret to the security forces, in addition, he was looking for executors who would be able to kill adamov smail, who during the ato led the International Peacekeeping battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev then Law Enforcement officers warned of a planned assassination by the special services of the Russian Federation russian occupiers who Pay Attention to sacred dates may carry out shelling of ukraine on independence day, while the attacks will probably last for several days ukrainians were warned about this by the deputy chief of the Main Intelligence Directorate vadym skibytsky, he noted that he did not call people to completely abandon the celebration, however, in the event of an air alarm, everyone should definitely go to the shelter with the usual excavator in a homemade demining machine, such an invention is created by volunteers together with the army to destroy russian mines, the team developed this installation based on the principle of the m4 sherman tank from the second world war, it was equipped with chains, engineers assure that the excavator has an armored shield sufficient to contain the explosion, but that it is necessary to conduct some tests, the equipment is multifunctional and will also be needed after the war , the fields will simply end when there are no fields left for demining. We will have to store this machine somewhere or forget about it, so we decided it will be possible to combine it with an excavator on the excavator and then hang any other devices, for example, turn its bucket, since there are many destroyed buildings in ukraine, the excavator can continue to work in this form , the russians are increasing the pace of production of drones. Regarding iran , they may suspend the supply of uavs to the territory of ukraine to the aggressors , the head of the press center of the force defense of southern ukraine, anna nataliya humenyuk, said that the enemy will continue to pressure us from the air because it feels its superiority there, thats why ukraine is preparing for the next attacks of the russians , humenyuk noted, and the Public Integrity council has been formed this is a United Association called to help the Higher Qualification Commission of judges to evaluate the servants of themis for integrity among the Foundation Collection and analysis functions excuse the collection and analysis of information about a judge or candidates for this position, currently among the tasks of the Higher Qualification Commission is to complete the review of almost two thousand judges and to select approximately 700 specialists for vacant positions in Appellate Courts will serve to improve the judicial system and ensure justice for every citizen. We count on your Partnership Support and cooperation in our joint work. We understand the composition of the vkks, there were many questions, and indeed there were cases when it caused a dream to take into account the conclusions of the Central Committee of the Russian Federation. However, we hope that with the newly elected the composition of the bkks ee will be a much more fruitful and effective cooperation, so we expect that the voice of the public will be heard in the face of the vkks grd. They found a heliant who was lost in the forest and needed medical help. A 32yearold resident of the zaporizhzhia region tried to illegally cross the border and get to romania, he did not expect forces from got lost. This was reported to the state border service. The man tried to find his way for almost a day, then his Blood Pressure increased and he called the rescuers. The doctors gave the man help, and the Border Guards drew up an administrative report for an attempt to cross the border illegally, the Security Service detained two enemy henchmen of a russian propagandist in the capital, on his instructions, the women spread up to 70 fake messages about the war in ukraine every day on social networks, first of all, they massively dispersed disinformation about the course of hostilities and tried to discredit the Defense Forces for this , they received up to uah 10,000 during searches , computer equipment with all correspondence and evidence was seized from the perpetrators, they are required to criminalize collaboration with the enemy, ukraine does not or will corner the olympics in paris if russians and belarusians take part there under neutral flags, stated the minister of youth and sports of ukraine, vadym goodside, he noted that it is important for our athletes to be at these competitions to represent the state, so that the world can see that ukraine is, was, and will be at the same time, he emphasized that in if the Russian Federation and belarus are allowed to compete in paris under their own flags , ukrainians will be forced to boycott these international games. Partially opened for vacationers, despite the warning of the military, people visit both the hot springs that were officially opened the day before, and those where swimming is prohibited, six beaches approved for recreation cannot accommodate everyone, so People Choose their own places for leisure at their own risk , like me, the Holiday Season or the end of the Holiday Season my colleagues from odesa learned their word. They will tell more for more than two weeks. Experts have not detected any signs of chemical or bacteriological pollution in the waters of the black sea. The area has become much cleaner and now, in addition to vacationers, even sellers of corn delicacies have returned to the beach, and many people have nostalgia for vacationers by the sea much more than after the first days of the terrorist attack on the kakhovsky hydroelectric power station, however, there are almost no odessans among them, local residents are worried about the presence of mines that are regularly washed onto the coast by waves tourists come mainly from the regions close to the front line after the russian terror and the deterioration of the situation at home, they have become less cautious about possible danger, we serve in general nothing no, thats why we are here without it and its good. Rest on this beach is prohibited, but no one punishes violators. The law does not provide for any fines for the organization of rest. The local military administration has decided to open several beaches. However, representatives of the military leadership and administration do not have a single view on this issue. Remained, it did not go anywhere , and mine danger is one aspect, the second aspect is a general danger, since the enemy gravitates towards the recreational infrastructure to the coast in general, additional measures are taken to reduce the risk of mine explosions on the beach. Specially designed protective nets help prevent the penetration of mines from underwater areas. This is an important precautionary measure that significantly increases the safety of vacationers. This is followed by a buffer zone and buoys, i. E. During the battle, we do not swim. In order not to fall into this buffer zone that separates uh, and there from the net, because the net is what delays and can detonate on beaches that have been approved for visiting , lifeguards work regularly inspection by divers, one of the additional conditions for the resumption of beach work was the availability of shelters from odesa for the espresso tv channel, people want to grab summer by the tail. Well, yuriy fizr, you dont need to grab him, he came himself and is ready to sleep about what happened in the world, the world about ukraine, yuriy dobry evening please, good evening to you vasyl, i am ready and i will talk in particular about the fact that ukraine will receive a new package of military aid from the United States of america, in finland they say that russia has exposed its border, well, at least in what part touching on finland and moldova kicked out employees of the Russian Embassy from its territory about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine column well, but i will start with such a slow and advancing ukrainian counterattack is the result of indecisive and nonstrategic supplies of weapons and military equipment to ukraine technicians about this in an authors article in the columns of the wall street journal , john bolton, former adviser to donald trump on National Security issues, said, according to him , the leadership of western countries is too strong is afraid of a possible escalation of the situation in ukraine, moreover, mr. Bolton called such behavior a paralyzing caution that led to a slowdown in the counteroffensive actions of the armed forces of ukraine and added that precisely because of this , western countries in general and us President Joe Biden in particular should review their strategy regarding the issue of arms supplies to kyiv and the of sanctions pressure on moscow, mr. Bolton was right to say to use this term , which he himself probably invented paralyzing caution if it were not for vasyl of this paralyzing caution before the start of a fullscale invasion, and there is just super paralyzing caution, then it would be possible and there would not be this fullscale side or we would not let the russians go where they were able to. They are already preparing western society and in europe and the United States of america for the fact that the war will be protracted, but realizing that even in the states there are discussions between certain politicians about you know how to help ukraine, thats the worst. Well, maybe theres no such thing. The worst thing could be if it was such help that leads to the fact that were slowing down somewhere. Someone just wants us. Lets get to the condition when we agree to some favorable negotiations. Someone didnt want it, but well, its just when everything is untimely. Its about whether he knows about the turtle, which came out of its own in the winter. And uh, in the spring, on skis. Well, everything was a little bit wrong, although again, a big thank you to our partners, because it is important that they for of course, we are thanked. And now i will continue to thank you because john bolton spoke as a representative of, lets say, the opposition. And now a representative of the current government , the United States of america allocates an additional package of military aid to ukraine worth 200 Million Dollars , us secretary of state Anthony Blinken announced this today according to him , this time the armed forces of ukraine will be given ammunition for antiaircraft support systems , and artillery shells, javelins from means for demining, while the leader of the American Foreign policy department reminded the russian leadership that it can end this war by withdrawing its troops from the territory of ukraine well, as long as the kremlin does not do this, says Anthony Blinken, the United States will continue to help ukraine as long as it takes and will provide weapons. After Anthony Blinken only hinted about what will be in this new package, the spokesman for the pentagon came out and he already said in more detail, in particular, there will be ammunition for the Patriot Air Defense system, as well as ammunition for heimers because they are, of course, due to the fact that we shoot down russian missiles even very fast. That is, they are becoming less and we need more of them. There will also be ammunition for artillery guns of caliber 155 and 105 mm , 120 mm tank guns, and for antitank missiles, jeweling and tall, and also we we are receiving equipment for demining those minefields in which the russians , well, so kindly instructed, in particular, in zaporizhzhia and in the Donetsk Region, so that our advanced assault units of the armed forces of ukraine did not experience difficulties during the counteroffensive and the breakthrough to the sea of ​​azov, the finnish government perceives the threat from russia to increase the number of its troops near the border quite normally. Plans to increase its contingent on the border with finland, according to the minister in helsinki, they are not afraid of such a step on the part of the russians at all, mrs. Eltonen says that over the past year and a half, russia has withdrawn its troops from the border with finland in order to use them in ukraine, and that is why such a decision of the kremlin leadership in finland was even expected, because according to the head of the finnish Foreign Policy department, the border with russia remains quite empty. Well , lets listen to minister elina veltonen in direct speech. If we threatened the russians, they would definitely not withdrew their troops even in a situation where they are busy elsewhere nato is a defensive union it does not threaten anyone nato is expanding not at the expense of force but at the expense of the fact that free people in democratic countries decide to join him, these are really golden words. Remember how putin lavrov said that he and all the rest of the russian posipaks talked about wanting to go further to the east. This threatens our security. After that, donato , finland joined after that. Recently increased by 1,000 km and at the same time when nato is planning to go to russia and threatens us, they withdraw these troops because they have no one to die near in ukraine that it really threatens the security of these people who robbed russia well, in fact, they use all their Resources Limited by their company, because how for the russians to see, lets say, a successful ukraine in nato, its the same well, it cant be explained in any way and here , therefore, its really too much of a threat for them, unequivocally the Prime Minister of latvia good a friend of ukraine , kristianishka will resign. He announced this himself during a press conference today. He motivated his decision by the fact that the Ruling Coalition failed to agree on a single candidate for the post of head of the latvian government, according to data according to local media, the future Prime Minister of latvia can become the minister of welfare evika sillini. Well, karinc himself can become the minister of Foreign Affairs. This position is currently vacant because its former former minister of Foreign Affairs Edgar Rinkevich was elected as the president of the country. It is such a shame that such a decision was made. E kristianishka others a lot of help we received from lithuania in general and from him in particular well, but this is his decision with things to leave moldova this morning on a special evacuation flight 45 employees of the Russian Embassy , ​​among them 22 diplomats and 23 technical workers. Well, since family members are also leaving, the number of expelled russians exceeds 100. Embassy employees were expelled. Embassies currently there are only 25 people left in the embassy unfortunately there are only 25 people left well but if you want to use a diplomatic institution in order to display spy ee satellite dishes and spy on the country where you came to work , then you have no place in this country, you were expelled from this country because that is what they do when they violate the laws of this country. In moldova, Oleg Vasnetsov told the Russian Media that the decision made will complicate the work of the embassy of the Russian Federation, but they are still trying to adapt to the new circumstances in which they will work. Well, let them adapt, Chinese Defense minister li shanfu is going to russia again, an official representative of the ministry of defense of the republic of china announced this today during a briefing. According to him, the chinese minister was invited to participate in the 11th moscow conference on interNational Security. He also has a scheduled meeting with the leadership of the Russian Ministry of defense. After that, li shanfu will move to belarus there in he is also scheduled to meet with the top military leadership, but also with the selfproclaimed president oleksandr lukashenko, the visit will continue, meaning also to russia to belarus from today to 19 in august, i can already imagine how he comes to lukashenka and lukashenko introduces him, shows him there, and here we have 100. By the way, i read about him that he is such a lover of all these topics , er, who are close to putin from the 18th to the 18th lukashenkas year under the american ones, that is why these topics are close to pain for him, i would even say so, nothing good , you shouldnt expect a video visit , probably in general, this cooperation, Partnership Relations , which are constantly talked about in china between beijing and moscow, well, no good, no lead because they dont talk in the sky about the fact that they are trying to make maximum efforts to help end the war in ukraine in a peaceful way, all the same, russia is a country with which they cooperate and from which they receive some benefit. You know, if russia considers it is such an oncological tumor on the body of the earth, then in the principle of life these oncological tumors that will eat away all healthy organisms that reach china can feed for quite a long time, well, actually, it does not fight. He doesnt do anything bad to anyone, but he feeds this cancer that is eating up ukraine is eating up nato and it can last a very long time in this danger of course it is and its not a great pity he doesnt have enough weapons for his own army but he decided what will happen to produce it and sell it even abroad, then he offered potential partners, according to him, a wide range of modern weapons of all types and all types in a video address at the opening of the 2023 army arms exhibition putin said that his country is ready for Technical Cooperation with by all states that want to protect their national interests, to ensure this protection, russia provides the latest Intelligence Systems , highprecision weapons and robotics vasyl i simply do not understand these potential partners who will want in the future, it is possible to purchase weapons in russia, russia does not have tanks and is deconserving, remember the information was which she didnt just decon the tanks, the tanks are being built but i watched the material that they are shooting well there they are they are finishing some moments with a hammer well its clear that he will go and shoot we should not belittle its dangerous, its heavy and shoots like that well, but to talk about the fact that its some kind of highprecision weapon that someone can buy for a lot of money, and i read today about the fact that we dont know that it was a joke that a nigger wants to become a member of the dkb well, maybe they will submit there if i dont i know, but you understand, they produce weapons, but they need these weapons; they themselves do not have enough of these weapons, and he comes to the exhibition. Well, he does not come out, but speaks via video link and says that russia is ready not only to produce his units, but to bury the old one tank you are there 624 and shooting is one story and you sell people who, well, highquality weapons for a lot of money for currency and what do you offer them now, well, he said confidently , highprecision, highprecision, right . Well, they listened and thought, haha, an explosion in romania near the city koshtinesht and this is the southern part of the black sea coast of the country detonated today. The mine was reported by the local mass media. You slipped 100 km 100 m from the pier of one of the local hotels. The administration also stated that another mine could be drifting near the coast , however, this information was later denied. As it turned out, it was just a very lucky wooden log. After the explosion, the command of the naval forces of romania sent a patrol of the coastal waters to identify other potentially dangerous objects. Kim jong un is confident said today that he wants more missiles, therefore he ordered a sharp increase in their production at the countrys factories , the leader of the most closed country in the world said this after visiting one of north Korean Military factories, as always, he motivated this by the fact that missiles are needed exclusively to deter an attack on the dprk and not for an attack on the dprk itself. Well, then it is. In this way, our army must carefully ensure mainly military positions and reliability , readiness for any war in any what time, well, after the visit of the minister of war of the Russian Federation, sergei shaygu, to north korea , after kim chinyn took him around these factories and showed him what missiles we have, what shells we have. It seems to me that it is not at all for of defense, how did he order to produce more missiles, and in order to be able to sell them to russia . Well, finally, at least some goods have appeared that can be produced in any way, and there is a buyer for this product. Its a pity, of course, because for us its death. Well, the end of us has woken up and breathes fire. Vitali volcano etna has begun to spew lava. This is reported by the publication the waters. Due to increased activity, the local observatory has increased the color code for aviation from yellow to orange and then to the red level. In addition, in the city of rifugiosapiens there is ash fallout this morning, the activity has decreased somewhat, it has decreased, but it has not stopped, so let all italians be careful, at least those who live near the volcano. 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The most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how does the International Community evaluate our successes community and about what moscow is lying from the flow of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones from closely monitoring whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what and what the russian occupiers are whispering about behind the backs of the news commanders. The results of the week this is a review of only important events, events of weighty and reliable events this is analytics fact checking, expert comments about this , much more today, who has sport about plain language available to all viewers vita yu at 9 00 p. M. I warmly congratulate you this is svoboda life on radio svoboda, we have already come to the very change of footage can shock you news from the scene of the events live and also kamikaze drones political analysis objectively and meaningfully there is no political season exclusive interviews reports from the hottest points of the front freedom life frankly and impartially draw conclusions yourself the war in ukraine is the main topic for ukrainians wins and losses

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