Game, watch from the euro 2012 selection aa ah, listen to your fm halychyna glory to ukraine was dedicated to vorskli, we won domestic championship awards many times shot the country in the euro arena , many thanks to those who defend our independence glory to the ukrainian nation quickly reduces inflammation and heals pain from pain in back and joints flamidez there are discounts on fervex 20 in pharmacies podorozhnyk you and savings there are discounts on the floor from 10 in pharmacies podorozhnyk you and savings during sports the body loses water and electrolytes as a sports doctor i recommend reo from unfit i will recover with reo water for special medical purposes ukraineengland on megogo in the selection for euro2024 our team needs to tame three lions turn on the match on september 9 at 19 00 cheer for the countrys main team on megogo events the most important events events happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but little is known about what is happening, you need to understand antin borkovsky and the invitation experts soberly assess the events, analyze them by modeling our near future that on saturdays at 1 p. M. Zero with a repeat at 10 p. M. Studio event with Anton Borkovsky nayspresso about to no matter what the ukrainians thought about, no matter what they talked about, the first place is still the war, the war and our victory is only on espresso from monday to monday completely different spheres of human activity Sports Health politics the return of crimea military analytics nine presenters journalists experts opinion leaders in real time about the most relevant events through the prism of war in the authors projects on espresso there is a war going on and not only for territories it is also a war for minds russia is throwing millions of oil dollars to turn ukrainians into little russians ukraine will become russia, analysis and analysis of information about ukraine by russian propagandists, specific facts and methods by which enemy propaganda turns people into obedient zombies ruyut progolosovat residents of the ldr lets counter to the information attacks of the russians in the project of the chronicle of the information war with olga laziness tuesday thursday friday at 17 10 on the espresso tv channel hello this is freedom morning the information project of radio svoboda top guests every day this is the ship district of kherson live inclusion we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut we tell the main things on weekdays at 9 00 a. M. We ask the vet and wait for the appearance of egor checherinda, which means that he already has someone interesting as a guest , they are preparing for our geter before they appear , but before egor and his guest appear i want to thank you for today and for your todays greetings in the form of donations. So, to be precise, today we are with you. That is, you congratulated me on aa. Now i will tell you more precisely for 53,036 uah and three kopecks, and this is what i am talking about our collection in fact, the money is not for me. Although if it is for our soldiers who are knocking out the enemy, then it is also a great gift for me and for each of you. Thank you for responding to my appeals. Thank you for writing your kind words. Thank you if you continue to criticize dont stop the collection is still going on a huge amount is ahead, 1 million 760,000 still need to be collected well, but we are already 382,2036 kopecks closer, so now we need to collect a total of 1 million 378,000 e, please join the collection while you see it on your screens qrcodes and card numbers well, you can also see a qrcode in the left corner of our screen, and now on our screen you will see yegor chicherinda who is visiting him he will tell you there are mountains i congratulate you, tell me who is there and what are you going to talk about . Congratulations. Well, lets talk today, i will remind you about the case of Ihor Kolomoisky, the day before yesterday, literally, he was not only brought suspicion from the sbu. Why from the sbu and not from nabu, but we will also talk about this in the evening, but in the evening he was even chosen by the court as a preventive measure. I will remind you that it is 600, not 660 days. However, kolomoiskyis lawyers said that he was bailed, they will not wear it, they will prepare an appeal, the appeal will be considered in the coming days , and now we will talk about this case, a fashionable word, such a youth, with the head of the public control board, mark savchuk congratulations, marko. Well, lets start by determining the nationality of Ihor Kolomoisky and whether it is important for the case at all. Well , i will tell you the background the day before, literally yesterday. The suspicion that was served the day before yesterday to kolomoisky in the morning indicated that he is a citizen of israel and cyprus, if i am not mistaken, i am not mistaken, but today, well , yesterday, the day before lb. Ua, our colleagues published a video from the meeting, which for some reason was closed, where the judge clearly reads when the Court Decision is already a citizen of ukraine, Ihor Kolomoisky, that is, which country is he a citizen of and is it important at all for this case , please . Yes, i have the same questions. As fleshchenko made public, there are other nationalities indicated, well, at the moment, there is such a collusion. We do not understand the details. It would be great if some state official was not a deputy of the last convocation. And some state official today, who is responsible for this, who is responsible for this responsibility, if he collects something, then he will simply resign so that this official leaves, you said that mr. Kolomoiskyi does not have ukrainian citizenship, here we are, six months later, we are still waiting for this news, and this is the first thing that concerns the citizen kolomoiskyi. And regarding that that a citizen of another state can be prosecuted by Law Enforcement agencies of ukraine this is not a problem and if a person in ukraine violates the law of course Law Enforcement agencies will arrest this person and and she will have a court hearing, he will be elected and so on and so on , that is , this is exactly the problem. By a decree deprived Vadym Rabinovych of the citizenship of Gennady Korban and igor kolomoisky, then korban, who was then the head of the Defense Council of the dnipropetrovsk region, was not allowed into ukraine on the basis of this information, but there was no official confirmation of this fact at the time therefore, we still do not know whether kolomoisky was deprived or not deprived and in what status , in which citizenship kolomoiskyi is, but some say that such secrecy of the entire citizenship can be deprived connected with the possible extradition of kolomoiskyi to, for example, the United States in the event of a request of the United States , there are also claims against him by the criminal headquarters , that is, if he is not a citizen of ukraine , he is a citizen of israel. Can this prevent his extradition, for example, from ukraine to the United States , if there is a request, of course. See if to be honest, legally, i dont even know, because we havent had such cases yet, when a citizen of another country who was an oligarch was asked by a third country for extradition. But i think that if you apply the situation today, the United States is a very big partner of ukraine. From the fbi. Well, to be honest, i dont see how president zelensky can say no, we wont give it to him. I just dont understand how it s even theoretically possible. Ukrainian Law Enforcement officers the day before yesterday morning when they brought this suspicion, why did the sbu and not nabu answer this question . Do you have any concrete answer, please, look at everything, which Law Enforcement agency gives the suspicion, this is in accordance with the article of the criminal code of ukraine, which they see as the fact that nabu has a case on privatbank, kolomoisky is indeed listed there, and the fact that he is working on the suspicion of kolomoisky does not mean that other Law Enforcement agencies of the sbu, and even though there was still a bureau of economic security, do not have the right to suspect him under other articles of the criminal code of ukraine, i. E. Itself. This fact that it is Something Else Law Enforcement agencies suspect kolomoisky in the fact itself. And i wouldnt say that this is some kind of treason. Well, the question is not about treason. And in general. Well, then the Conspiracy Theory begins. The sbu is a more controlled structure by the president s office. It will be less controlled because there is a competition there , our western partners control and all of them at once. Well, Conspiracy Theory, who probably want to cover up this case, then tell me, please . Well, its all Conspiracy Theory, i hope, tell me then according to the essence of these two articles of the criminal code, this is fraud and Money Laundering, that is, the legalization of money , what exactly is it about, the case is worth half a billion, a little more than 510 , plus or minus million hryvnias, what is it about, what is it about, we do not know, the meeting was closed because said the prosecutor, and in the Court Session we dont know, but what i can tell you is that if we see the assets controlled by kolomoiskyi , it is ukrnafta and it is already nationalized, it is no longer owned by him. And kolomoiskyi had something to do with ibox bank which National Bank was liquidated, and tabep opened proceedings against the managers and bobbak of ibox bank in the field of and this is a bank for which a lot of people laundered money, and the gaming business, too, and if you look at the assets that kolomoisky controlled, all the big assets that he had he no longer has them, that is, the very fact that the bep and the sbu have another suspicion against him, and instead you have cases that are still working for me. I would not say that this fact is conspiratorial. Well, the consequences of this decision regarding the closure of this ibox bank we we all see, because now if you put something through ibox to any account, even to your phone, you have to confirm, well , with your phone, you receive an incoming call and output the last four digits. This is how the person is identified, as i understand it. Well, it is probably the right decision in terms of combating Money Laundering money but why is the Court Meeting at the request of kolomoiskyis lawyers, as i understand it, held behind closed doors . Were there any issues considered that constitute National Security or danger . Under the conditions of wartime why explain because if the meeting was open we would have fewer questions in general well as far as the transparency of the process is concerned this is an absolutely good question and the right question it should be open and the fact that it is closed well we have a question why i also have a question why . Because i cant see exactly what the prosecutor is saying to the judge, and of course i cant give you any normal comments because we still dont have the details of the case. Well, what can i say . I hope that the next session will be open. In a few days, we will understand what exactly the prosecutor said at that meeting. And i have one theory. If so, why could it be like that . It could be that the prosecutor was not very well prepared for the meeting and they simply closed the meeting in this way, but its just mine theory, i dont have any evidence for the price, i have the same questions, or you do . Why exactly was the meeting closed . Well, after the closed meeting, kolomoiskyis lawyers said that they would not pay 510 million as a surety, its still too much, they will wait for an appeal, they said that we are going to askoldovy lane, there is the sbu there, the sbu Pretrial Detention Center, the tank is in excellent conditions, fortunately i havent been there yet, i think i hope you are too, but this is not the lukyaniv Pretrial Detention Center, where there are 80 people in a cell, i think they won only a personal camera, a tv, a refrigerator maybe he even now sees us in italy ihora valeriyovych i apologize to the moscow sbu Pretrial Detention Center and whats next what will happen in the appeal what do you think, i understand that the appeal will be this week for sure, that it will be in closed mode and that it will be as if it will not be reduced the level of the bail, the amount of the bail, just look, i dont know. Well, lets look at the meeting itself, but you still have to understand that and according to kolomoisky, i probably think so, there are still proceedings, that is, there are still episodes for each of these episodes, he can, er, be given a preventive measure separately. That is, maybe this is a theory, maybe the lawyers did not want to pay the bail now because they do not know what the final amount of kolomoiskys bail will be, that is, they will pay something now, and in a week they will give him another suspicion and another half a billion hryvnias will be collateral, that is, they are waiting to see how it will develop here, are you hinting at the fact that such a small al was taken by the capons for nonpayment of taxes and then they were not screwed by other evil people here, too, there may be a similar situation , yes, yes, of course well, then, regarding the size of the collateral, you said he in general, it corresponds to what do you think of the damage that Ihor Kolomoisky could have caused to the ukrainian state, we dont know what kind of case it is, you understand, big cases usually have several episodes and these are somehow separate offenses because we remember the case it seems to privatbank that the state paid 5 billion and a half dollars, not hryvnias, for this hole that was created in the bank. If you convert it now to human money, it will be 37. 5. I cant even calculate. Since this is not a matter about privatbank. As far as i know, it is not related to privatbank , i think so, but we do not know if it is true and so for sure, and we do not know if it is all the episodes or why they will still comment on it according to this episode is it fair bail or not and whether no, not quite polite, because we have to see what else the Law Enforcement agencies have in order to point it out, ok marko then lets talk about the episodes, i just know that literally i will be hearing several cases in ukrainian courts in different jurisdictions, not only the kolomoisky appeal on the day before yesterday decision, but also the privatbank privatization case, which kolomoiskyi and bogolyubov are still contesting in the courts, then the case about the relationship between privatbank and the nikopol ferroalloy plant , kolomoiskyi proves that the plant has already paid the entire debt to the bank. Well, a loan, but the bank says no, and the third case is about the stolichny hotel mir, there is also a small one, for some half a billion hryvnias, some pennies. But nevertheless, there seems to be such an amount, and they also dispute this loan, it seems that it is also from privatbank kolomoiskyi and there are some other partners of these cases, somehow we dont talk about them at all, tell us about the details, what kind of cases can be announced, well, look against the law in front of privatbank. And around privatbank, there are very, very many legal disputes between former shareholders, i. E. Bogolyubov and kolomoiskyi and his partners, there are figures from different offshore companies. And who are currently suing privatbank regarding the cancellation of control over assets, which are actually initiated from the very beginning of the nationalization of the bank and they are still being considered. That is, for almost five years, we have even more and we are considering various disputes surrounding privatbank a and igor in kolomoisky, to be honest, i think that the fact that he was suspected and the fact that he has a court case in london, which he almost lost, we are waiting for the final decision, but well, 99. 9 , that he he will be lost by this court, and the criminal proceedings of the fbi against kolomoiskyi, the states, i find it difficult to imagine that the judges of ukraine will start ruling in favor of kolomoiskyi and bolyubo at such a time , well, the reaction of the official ukrainian authorities to this case, to this decision on bail on suspicion of ukrainian the president it seems like he said yesterday that, as before , it wont happen again. Whoever stole will go to jail for bandits. Well , i already remember this, but look. Well, it seems to be correct. I support yes, the statement is correct , the decision is correct, but from a formal point of view. Is this not a certain influence or pressure on the ukrainian courts and on the investigators who will consider this case . Well , he does not testify that it is already being considered in court. The fact that he says that, well, you know, i cant speak from the president , i dont know why he didnt want to fight corruption normally since 2019, why now, and will it somehow affect the judges, you understand kolomoisky is such a toxic person that i dont know how can you still influence the judges in order to the judges saw what needed to be done. Well, you say that he is a toxic person, but this person has a huge Media Holding, a huge media hoarding that includes several channels, internet resources are verification resources, and this Media Holding is part of the great military information marathon. What will happen now with this holding, in your opinion, with this by the number of people , i just remember other ukrainian oligarchs. Well , someone calls him no less toxic, so who is called by another name named renat, who just at some point gave up his mother, he is free in sex. Byebye, we are closing our media business. How long is there a law on oligarchs . I dont want to go to this register. Well, byebye, now we cant repeat a similar situation in your opinion aa well, during wartime, we must understand that a politics is controlled by the government, that is, the office of the president at the moment, in fact, well, he is not the owner of the tv channel, but he can tell them what to do if they shoot, because there is a war going on in the country, and we should have some kind of information line, but in ukraine, this is good question well, lets see what will happen now. Maybe 1 1 will suddenly see kolomoiskys corruption there. I dont know. Thats what i know. Well, once a week, well, it used to be like that in the first year of the war. Maybe now its different. Representatives of each tv channel came to the office there. The minister who has already been dismissed from the information policy and they held a meeting that we are covering this week some emphasis, we put accents and everything else, and now i am just wondering how rostislav karandaev, who has not yet been appointed to the current minister, will there be someone else a representative from the channel will come to kolomoiskyi and he will be there. And now we are covering the case of your owner from such an angle or from such an angle, but it is difficult for me to imagine such a situation, but i am just an information analyst for him. I dont know what will happen now him plus one, i myself am interested in seeing it, but we must understand that if there is some critical situation, then in one way or another , and the information policy in the country. I hope that it will be an objective information policy. I hope, look at the end. I wanted to ask, we touched on the register of oligarchs. And what about us in general, when we had a law passed long before the war . That almost 300 people can get to him there, i remember correctly it was someone yermaks castle and all of them danylo was yes yes exactly yes exactly yes nsdc secretary of the nbu yes, he said that this register of oligarchs is not in time at the moment because there is such a war everyone business. Thats it was to introduce a register of oligarchs, only to later say that i did not apply it at the right time. This is a very good question for danilov. In principle , the question goes to danilov, what about the oligarchs in ukraine . The law people adopted it, discussed the amendments, the first reading, the second in general well, now we are waiting for the end of the war , lets hope that after the war, after our victory, the register will definitely be on time and all criminals and oligarchs will be punished who stole money is really in ukraine, if it is confirmed by an honest and fair ukrainian court. Thank you, max savchuk was visiting us, now we were commenting on the situation with kolomoisky, the head of the Supervisory Board of the National Anticorruption council of public control. I want to broadcast our information broadcast, what surprised me the most is that such a person has such a huge amount of money and then he came to the courtroom in a sports suit , what kind of love do people have in the postsoviet era space to wear sports shoes and go to those liquor stores. I think that Igor Valeriyovych has much more money, but how is it possible that he wants to be closer to the people in this way , or what he wants to say with his appearance is unknown, dear friends. Thank you for being with us today tomorrow we will be back on the air at 7 10 a. M. Thank you for joining todays festive collection for wishing me a happy birthday e 55,000 was added to our account today and we need 1 million 760 so dont stop, join us we are collecting for da vincis wolves and for the mixed Tactical Group adam, we are gathering for ukrainian development, which will help them destroy the muscovites. Have a nice day. Stay with the press. You want to wake up rested and full of strength , but from the old mattress, your whole body constantly hurts, and you cant find a comfortable position on the sofa. You need to improve your sleeping place. 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