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Feel the joy of Movement Without pain call and order a knee brace move easily for only 199 uah call no matter what ukrainians think about, no matter what they talk about, war, war and our victory still come first, only on espresso, from monday on sunday, absolutely. Various spheres of human activity sports, health, politics, the return of crimea, military analytics, nine presenters, journalists, experts, opinion leaders. In real time, about the most Current Events through the prism of war in authors projects on espresso. A collaborator is a person who knowingly cooperates with the occupation authorities to the detriment of his own country. Until recently, these people lived nearby, pretending to love ukraine. Our home, the school family, were waiting for russian peace on the day of the independence of russia, on this day day we honor our family, we must know the traitors in the face, know to punish, watch the collaborators program, every wednesday at 17 45 on the espresso tv channel, we continue the live broadcast of the ruso tv channel and now we will talk about the challenges related to bplla technology in our war with the russians. Valery borovy, commander of the white Eagle Special unit of strike drones, is in touch with the studio. Mr. Valery, congratulations, glory to ukraine. Congratulations, glory to the heroes. Yes, where do we start, roman, i would like to start with the shaheds, and that too, with the shaheds, first no, no modernized ones, and those that are now being used and have been popularly called mopeds, so these mopeds are now being used. Massed by such parties, it means that there are enough of them in russia, and we see that they can effectively hit targets exactly there, well, where they say, where, where there are no cheetahs, thats how the people say that it is precisely these german eyes that are effective against them , the cheetah system, what, except for the cheetah, we have no way to shoot down when they come en masse, here are these shaheds, tell us, well , first of all, we were not ready, and no country the world was not ready for such a massive use of drones, including russia , there is iran, and so on, because this is the first war , such a war of drones and the massive use of drones, in striking infrastructure objects, military objects, decisionmaking centers of oil depots, warehouses, armaments and so on, therefore of course, when the world is not ready, and even more so ukrainian industry is not ready for this, then of course, the means of impressment and means of neutralization, such and such weapons, such a method of delivery combat units to points of impression, of course, that we do not have enough, various types of air defense protection are currently being used, and we are currently participating in the delivery of some of the newest types of weapons to ukraine, and active negotiations are underway with western. Partners, in which types of weapons are under embargo, for delivery to hot spots, that is why it is such a complex decision, not only technical, not only commercial on the part of its western companies, but also a political, bureaucratic decision that must be made by our structures, which will receive it, get permission and to receive already either in the form of. Aid there through ramstein or through other programs of aid to the Defense Forces of ukraine, or through procurement through procedures. Well, as we understand it, our drone war is provoking new trends in the world , the United States army has received the first four prototype 50 tail laser air Defense Systems of a short radius in operation, its called, in fact, these are machines called shorat, well, its so for of our viewers, they say that this story can theoretically be effective against the shaheds who terrorize ukraine, i. E. Not missiles, and lasers, thats what the idea is, please tell us what prospects are possible for us to reach precisely such emphasis in our antiaircraft system. Defense, well, lets be realistic, no one will transfer the latest systems of this type to ukraine in the near future, first of all, these are only the first samples that will undergo testing, tests in field conditions and so on, so it is possible to somehow test them in to ukraine, on the shaheds flying from russia, let me explain to you, look, so they have to pass their types of tests, get nato codes, for example, our uavs that we produce received nato codes, that is, it is their own procedure, their procedure is sometimes even more bureaucratized than ours, that is, they have to go through their own procedure, first, second, they have to release them as much as the pentagon and their troops will satisfy, as much as they need, this is the second, third, it is already to such countries as ukraine and other countries. As far as testing on the battlefield, it is possible, but will the developer and the command there, the armed forces of the United States, a big question, because the question for them is not to test it on the battlefield, the question is that these weapons do not get into. And in this there was a caution in other weapons, in drones that still, some are not allowed to be delivered to ukraine, and now serious work is underway with the congress to deliver some of the drones with serious and reconnaissance and strike systems to ukraine, that is, these moments must pass, what i said, and it is all going even. Responsibility for management decisions of the United States, as well as the companies that do this, of course it is interesting for the companies to test and receive an order from the United States government for supply to ukraine, because it is quite profitable, these are completely different prices than what is supplied in the domestic market, but these procedures, must be passed and their warning is not to allow losses. And capturing the enemy so that they could study him and do the same after a while, mr. Valery, i still go back to those mopeds and to my favorite cheetahs, look, we see completely different statistics from our defenders, 20 shaheds fly in the direction of the capital, 20 are destroyed, and this is repeated more than once, the same number flies in the south. Down in the danube and there, seven or eight pieces of them fly to the ground and to the whole, does that mean that there is simply a lack of cheetahs, or er, i mean to guard the sky, or does it mean something else, that in the same way, in the same directions , our antiaircraft defenses are breaking through. Everything is quite simple, you cant fool physics, lets not focus only on ge on cheetahs, different pppo systems are working to shoot down the shaheeds, including, planes that rise interceptors, which also shoot down attacks of drones and missiles, so i would say that the means of these impressions and protection of our infrastructure, civilian objects, military objects, really it is not enough, it is impossible to cover the whole country with these means, and of course, kyiv today, well, probably the most protected point on the planet from the arrival of the military, means of influence, and today kyiv is probably the point on the planet that suffers from these means, so its like struggle, you know, doping, antidoping, who, who will catch up, yes, who will have more, technology will be better and more effective, yesterday all these supporters of the guardians of islamic revolutions were released in videos, they say that they have modernized their shaheds, and it will no longer be a moped , they will have a turbojet engine, the video showed how it flies and explodes. What does this mean for us, and does it mean that the muscovites will soon have modernized shaheds and how to shoot them down, they will become faster . Well, look, i wouldnt call them warheads, because persia has a very long history, and iran has a very serious and powerful scientific base and military base, iran itself releases missiles that fly into space, iran has actually approached its nuclear weapons, iran is under sanctions, which the western world, the civilized world imposed on it, makes serious decisions and releases serious means of strike, surveillance and so on, which even russia , which was not under sanctions, is now using, therefore, iran is able to release serious means with its own forces, intellectual potential. Which will be strong heavily modernized, and which will be used against us, and it is necessary, well, to respect such an adversary, with whom , unfortunately, we are dealing now, we are fighting with him, and with whom we, in fact, have to win, or rather, against whom we have win, because he is now on the side of our enemy, so these means can appear. In ukraine, but again with the same caveats that i said about american means, so iran, i dont think that in the east everything will be handed over to the russians, it will all be gradual. Mr. Valery, finally, lancets that hit farther than they used to, how much of a new problem is this, how much of a game changer could this be, in general, at least in the areas that are. Adjacent to the contact line . Well, i will remind you that the lancet is an israeli development, which was copied and in fact the technology was bought by russia , several years, if not decades ago, and it is already being modernized by the russians, the Russian Defense industry, so the lancet really has a perspective in its development, the lancet very serious for impressions, we dont have it yet what kind of analogues are there, for example, we produce a 40 kg interceptor drone there, with a 3 kg warhead , that means, but its a completely different type, it s an aircraft type, a lancet, well, actually , its an interesting tool to work with , and it, well, has a serious potential for further modernization and increase of the combat unit and the range of the impression, unfortunately, the enemy has such a tool, but we are developing it, including the company that is in the alliance, which i head, i even before the war , he headed the new Energy Alliance of ukraine, which engaged in military and space projects, so we will try to do as much as possible. Means of impact and means of neutralization, their means of impact, and i think that this year and next year we will see serious attacks, our drones already using roiv technology , so that it was massive and it was scary for them and motivated them to stop this war. Thank you, mr. Valery, for the work on inclusion, valery borovyk, commander of the white Eagle Special unit of strike drones was in touch with us, its time to add to our broadcast yaroslav yurchyshyn, peoples deputy of ukraine, and switch to other important topics. Congratulations, mr. Yaroslav, glory to ukraine. Glory to heroes. Mr. Yaroslav, you already told us this morning, so take a breath, please, and drink some coffee. We have sent you a list of reforms that you should carry out for your own purposes, but this does not mean that we will connect them with supplies and the aid of armaments. Yes, not about military aid, now it is already a clarification that military aid is military aid from the United States, and reforms are reforms, in general, this is the first time such a case has occurred, so publicly, we always knew what kind of foreign partners, curators of certain reforms, but so openly there, here are your homework, then bring a diary, and parents to school, i. E. Why did this story arise in the first place, well, in fact, i do not agree that for the first time, if we remember, back in the days of yanukovych, there was a socalled list of fillets, which were officially also points, very reasonable, adequate things, in particular there release political prisoners, carry out reforms, and we will do it for you we will give an association with the european union, yanukovych failed, but the tactic of agreeing on some public demands, it is in principle very common, any agreement with the International Monetary fund, these are always also criteria, you fulfill, you get a resource, you dont fulfill, you dont get a resource, and now we see a slightly different approach, which in principle is quite logical, and the International Partners decided to consolidate their requirements, and therefore in the list submitted by the state department itself, the United States submitted to other participants. of the International Platform of assistance to ukraine, and thats it the world bank and the structure of the european union, an agency of developed countries, are not only those areas that were accompanied by our colleagues in the United States, such as the creation and launch of a National Anticorruption bureau, a specialized anticorruption prosecutors office, but also those areas in which at one time, the european union, this and the investigation and Asset Management agency arma and the National Anticorruption agency were involved, so now it is all synchronized, and in principle, why is it made public . Now, if only International Partners understand that very often the driving force is not so much their diplomatic language as pressure from within the country. Lets recall the recent history with our declarations, yes, when certain representatives of the authorities tried to manipulate that it was a demand of International Partners that the declarations be closed, taking into account security, society very clearly showed its position through a petition, in democratic countries the position of society should be ignored not accepted, therefore International Partners of course supported this demand, but primarily it was a request of Ukrainian Society. Therefore, now the International Partners have purposefully highlighted this letter, ugh, so that Ukrainian Society can very clearly articulate, put pressure on the authorities, confirm that it was a targeted, such a special confirmation of these demands, and from here we simply see that the key thing there is the anticorruption practices and innovations, including anticorruption structures, and this story is not more than one day, and sap, and nabu, and naz, and in this case a question simply arises, there is already an answer, the state depot wrote an answer to tatar, who in manual mode supervises and intervenes in these bodies, that is, it is necessary to talk with him, not society, there, there, one of the points is actually very interesting, i dont remember how it was formed, but in essence it is about the fact that ukraine should return to the way it was before of the prewar proposed draft law on such supervisors, who will have the function of contacting the anticorruption authorities, in case those responsible for the reconstruction have any unpleasant stories, well, tatarov is the supervisor here, the supervisor, here is a slightly different story, although of course it looks, well, actually, as in viewers, and the role of chief inspectors on reconstruction issues is the role of external auditors in any structure of the same United States, britain or european countries, that is , there are people who monitor important directions, and, that is, accompany important directions of policy, so that politicians, state administrators, well, if it didnt creep in, because well, if the corruption risks. In any country , there is no temptation anywhere, there are specially trained people, and this is achieved in two ways, the first is internal audit, internal inspection, and external audit all Law Enforcement structures in developed countries are audited annually or for a certain period , it sounds strange, but there the fbi, the Central Intelligence agency undergo an external audit, and the conclusions of this audit can become a basis for the heads of these bodies, if , of course, they are devastating and will it is shown that the structures do not work as they should, but accordingly the structures work as they should. Now regarding tatarov, i dont know what other hints there should be, but, representatives of the president s office have repeatedly drawn attention to personnel politics, ah, in conditions that are not even public but to prescribe that release tatarov, release shurma, and bring order to communication with Law Enforcement structures and the economic bloc, ah, they will not write, neither milk nor lemon juice, in in private conversations, of course, such questions are raised, but here, as it were, the scythe finds a stone on the stone, ah, our, representatives of the authorities very often agree to external management, when they are told what needs to be done, because somehow they themselves somehow do not reach of this, the opportunity to think, and predict what we still need to fix, do, but very sensitively, they react to the fact that certain personnel problems are pointed out to them, so for now, well, the problem is still the deputies of the president s office, which formally, well, if they do not have the authority, this the problem is that they were given this by the president , giving away part of his powers, yaroslav, if we talk about corruption, well, big Corruption Cases worth billions are being considered, this is the second time in court, this is the beginning of this stage, under the name of kolomoisky , but somehow thats all little by little, they are being transferred into the mode of some such cringe. A show where some freaks in the style of irmikrates speak as part of court proceedings, that is, in general, this informatively worked out case, when the shooters are transferred to the fact that kolomoisky is the defender of the motherland, and not about the stolen big Corruption Cases of money from the private sector, what does this mean, the comedy will be closed, it does not work for the audience, it is not picked up, so how should we look at it . Well, first of all, any such important political affairs, even in developed countries, is always a show, and there are several points, its firstly, the publicity of the trials, were interested in that, but on the other hand , is the defense going to use any of the shows approaches, especially considering that theres a whole media empire that can provide this show , of course it will be, because it is very important for them now. To move the arrows and show that this is political persecution, that putin would cry and the like, instead of clearly answering the question of whether he stole refinance money or not . Yes, thank you, yaroslav, we continue to speak in these and other ways other topics, a little later, yaroslav yurchyshyn, peoples deputy of ukraine was in touch with us, now there is a short pause in our broadcast, after which the news, and we will continue. The partner of the healthy look project is glaufix. Glaufix protection and maintenance of your eyesight. Sensation of impaired vision, discomfort in the eyes, sensitivity to bright light. These are possible harbingers of cataracts and glaucoma. And the way out is to protect and maintain visual acuity. Gloofix is ​​11 effective components to protect your eyes. Glaufix sharp vision. Forever. According to voos, about 285 Million People around the world suffer from visual impairment, of which 39 million are affected by blindness. 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The russians threw people into their homes. Aerial bombs damaged the Hospital Building and farm buildings, fortunately no one was injured, in total 12 people were injured in the region during the day. 119 times the russians shelled the kherson region, hitting residential quarters, educational institutions, factories, a penitentiary, and a medical facility

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