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Largescale attacks and does not exclude the beginning of a ground operation in the gaza sector. They did not distinguish between women, children, the elderly, they hurt everyone. Hamas will soon realize that it has made a grave mistake and will pay the price. We will change the realities of gas for 50 years ahead. Yuv galland, minister of defense of israel. Among. There may be one ukrainian woman who died as a result of hamas attacks on israel, and two more of our citizens are currently being sought, president zelenskyi announced, and stated that israel has every right to be protected from terror. The terrorist attack on israel was carefully prepared, the whole world understands exactly which sponsors of terror could incite and ensure the organization of this attack, israel has every right to return. From terror, like any other state. Terrorism in its most heinous form was called terrorism in its most disgusting form in euroasia. Earlier, the president of the United States, after a conversation with Prime Minister netanyahu , promised that the United States would provide israel with everything necessary for its residents to support themselves. Protect at the time of the tragedy, i i want to tell them and the whole world and terrorists, the United States together with israel. We will never leave them. We will make sure they get the help their citizens need and they can continue to protect themselves. The world saw terrible pictures, thousands of rockets fell on israeli cities within a few hours. Let me put it the best way i can. Now is not the time for anyone to attack israel for their own gain. While the western world condemns the actions of hamas, in tehran, actions are held in support palestinian terrorists, they even organized a holiday, many people went out into the streets, music is playing everywhere, and fireworks are lighting up the sky. Let me remind you that the representative of the Supreme Leader of iran, ayatollah khamenei, openly stated that the Islamic Republic of. Hamas, a mass procession in support of palestine also passed through the streets of istanbul. The russians are also happy about the mass casualties in israel, they did not go to rallies, but they do not hold back in social networks. The kremlins reaction to the war in israel was not surprising. As always, moscow blames the west for everything. After, after israel completes the first phase, clears the territories of militants, the second, actually big war will begin. This is the forecast on the air. The National Marathon was organized by david sharp, an Israeli Military analyst. According to him , the main goal should be to destroy the fighting potential of hamas, it is more than powerful. Sharpe added that gaza is wellarmed, with rockets that fly from seven to 80 km literally being stamped there. In addition, the militants have a considerable stockpile of mortar shells, and hamas itself is more like a military organization. This. The movement created a real army, they have approximately 40,000 security forces, a clear military structure, these are not gangs, not disorganized gangs, commanders , trained, with great combat experience, trained in iran by iranians, or with their own resources, they have their own military industry, whatever strangely, created with the participation of iran, and returning to ukraine, joe biden intends to ask congress for 100 billion dollars for the military and humanitarian needs of ukraine, writes the telegram. This money should be enough for two years. The publication notes that before such a step biden is pushed by the upcoming election. Approval of this tranche will avoid a potential threat of blocking aid to ukraine. However, it is already known for certain that next week the administration of the us president will announce a new package of military aid for ukraine. It is about 200 million dollars. This is reported by reuters. The composition of this package is currently being formed. Washington is preparing it for the 16th meeting in the ramstein format, which will take place next wednesday. From the beginning of russias fullscale invasion of ukraine. The United States provided kyiv with 44 billion military aid gurv showed how scouts destroy the enemy and his equipment near bakhmut. The footage shows how a kamikaze drone flies into the open window of an enemy pickup just on the move. Drones eliminate russian trucks and armored vehicles, hit enemy surveillance and Electronic Warfare stations and, of course, the occupiers themselves. On the southern flank. Bakhmut, the russians are trying to hold positions that are convenient for them and are clinging to the railway in the district ticks with all their might, but our defenders are crushing the enemy, discovering him observation points and inflict targeted damage. Two people, a man and a woman, were killed as a result of the russian attack on the village of bilenenki in zaporozhye. They were found under the rubble of their houses, two more are now in the hospital. The russians hit the village with cluster shells. From the place where olena kaptyukh was hit. Vladyslav still cant believe that he survived the morning shelling, he was sleeping when the russians hit him, and from the explosion, he says, the ceiling in the room fell, right on the bed. Woke up, from under the debris everything, the whole roof fell on me everything. Voyskova the administration reported that these were cluster shells, people are already collecting debris in rooms and yards in the afternoon. This fragment found its way. He was lying in the room where the roof had broken through, several houses were destroyed last year, people were sorting through the rubble, they were the first to find the mans body, it was here under the rubble that they found volodymyr, the owner of the house, when the shelling began, he was in the kitchen, he lived here with his wife, only yesterday she went to her relatives, this is what saved the woman, the headman of the village says, the couple has two adult daughters, now they live in ros. Women were also found dead across the street under the rubble, these are local people who lived, residents of our community, who were born here. Two more villagers are in the hospital with various injuries. The russians destroyed 10 houses in the village, instead of a wall in valentinas bedroom, there was a hole. Such a rumbling, hissing was incredible, and by some miracle, i dont know, i was sewing, i was sitting there , by some miracle i jumped out into the street and then , as it creaks, it just got here, i dont know if it will have time to recover before the real cold, now they are planning to live with acquaintances, there are no two rooms at all, all the walls are facing away, well, Ludmila Kovalenko is also persuading her granddaughter to leave the village, this is my granddaughter, dont drive her anywhere, after that she looked at what was going on here, im sending her away, she didnt wants, does not want to go anywhere, from the shelling, the two of them hugged each other and hid in the corridor. Now, well , everyone was very scared, everything was shaking, everything was walking with a walk. All day long, the Energy Workers restored the Electricity Supply in the village, because the wires were cut by the blows. From the zaporizhzhia region olena kaptyuk, daria ziranova, my ukraine marathon, single news. Collaborator volodymyr malov, who was blown up in the new kakhovka on saturday, died in the hospital, the citys Occupation Administration reports. Malov was the executive secretary of the law department. Russia of the united russia party, he was elected there in the recent fake elections. Ukraine is provided with the necessary Energy Resources ahead of winter and, although repairs are still ongoing, Energy Protection is much better than a year ago assured Energy Minister herman gallushchenko in an interview with the my ukraine channel. The only thing that can significantly affect her job is massive shelling by the enemy, says galushchenko. Generators, check that it is in working order, if there is an opportunity to boost, autonomous operation, do it, and we, for our part, together with our air defense, will do everything so that you do not need this technique. Dnipro is already preparing for possible blackouts, free wifi Access Points have appeared in the parks of three districts of the city, the internet will work in almost all alleys, routers are powered by but in the absence of light, they will be connected to mobile generators. Wifi is planned to be connected soon in the park on the left bank of the city. This is shevchenko park, but which one goes. Along the summer theater and also the Observation Deck pisarzhevsky park and zeleniy gai park are the main avenues. These parks were chosen because there are the largest number of people, the largest traffic. This night , all the elite clubs in kyiv are closed, even the scandalous boho is not open, the journalists of the online publication ukrainian pravda, who again conducted an inspection, confirmed. But for a long time, because it is legally responsible for violation of the curfew is not foreseen. The relevant draft law has been in the Verkhovna Rada since may last year, but has not yet been adopted. The police do not have the right to enter private institutions in selomitsy. Thus, the kyiv police chief commented on the scandal surrounding the boho restaurant. A week ago, the night life there was just boiling. The Law Enforcement officers did not arrive immediately upon the call of the journalists, but when they arrived, they spoke with the employees and reported an administrative violation. Now the institution will have to pay a maximum of 13,600 hryvnias fine currently, the ministry of internal affairs is developing a draft law , which we hope to pass through the peoples deputies to the Verkhovna Rada for consideration and to provide for the responsibility, in addition to natural persons, to provide for the responsibility of business entities for knowingly violating the curfew. Vinnytsia aytishniks have come up with a way to use Virtual Reality to fight phantom pains after. Loss of limbs, as well as to speed up the rehabilitation of military personnel. She found out how it works, and whether it really helps our victoria hetman. I have two legs. Yaroslav lupadyuk from vinnytsia tests the development of vinnytsia engineers, puts on Virtual Reality glasses and sees himself before the injury, whole and unharmed. Last year, on november 11, on the day of the liberation of kherson, a fighter was one of the first to visit the deoccupied city. City ​​and came across a mine, now yaroslav is preparing for prosthetics of both legs. For me personally, its a kind of nostalgia for the leg, to be honest, and secondly, i knead the place and it seems to disappear a little, like phantom pains. Four of them feel this pain five patients with amputation, says orthopedic doctor volodymyr danylyuk. Sometimes even the very feeling of phantom pain causes more discomfort than the fact that it is a patient. In the end, when night comes, one of our doctors in nimirov often told me, guys, you will now be like good german barometers, that is, if something starts with the feet, i tell the woman, the wife, i tell that already in poland it is raining, and the complex for rehabilitation called phantom was developed by andriy polishchuk from vinnytsia, in fact he adapted the game for Virtual Reality to the needs of the military, special sensors that we originally used to control games, we used to control 3d models, augmented reality. The program not only helps to get rid of phantom pain, but also improves muscle tone, patients even jump virtually while playing games. Currently , the program is being tested by 10 patients. If the experiment is successful, the developers promise to share the invention with other rehabilitation centers. From vinnytsia, victoria hetman, dmytro kabak, we ukraine, marathon one news. And thats all for this hour, then the informational marathon will be picked up by my colleagues, mykyta mikhalal and serhiy chernyshov, meet, and i will see you exactly at four oclock in the quiet night. Chevrons bringing victory closer. Enemies thought that independence was just a word for us. But from the very first steps on our land, they were convinced we have been defending our independence for centuries and are ready to fight for it again. The Defense Forces of ukraine, stubbornly, relentlessly , step by step, win, gnaw, squeeze out of the enemys claws our land, our will, our independence. Thank you for every moment and for this day. We prove independence every day. Current data is the foundation for effective decisions. The state Statistics Service launches the first online survey. We collect information about the level of employment and unemployment among ukrainians. We collect thanks to you, join the survey and become part of it. Government changes, to go to the survey page, just scan the qr code on the screen, its easier than making your morning coffee, we are making changes, for the sake and thanks to each of you. Please help me not to feel like a burden. This is a quote that belongs to me indomitable hero. In the war, he lost two legs, but he did not lose his zest for life. Such stories personally inspire me a lot, most importantly, they bring me back to reality and give me strength. I hope that todays conversation will inspire you as well. These are the indomitable olena chabak and my guest today andrii khomyak, call sign dobryak. Andriy khomyak, call sign dobryak, a soldier of the 26th separate Artillery Brigade named after general khorundzhoi roman dashkevycham. He joined zsu in 2015 after signing a contract. Served in the 30th separate mechanized brigade. Participant ato, after the end of the contract , engaged in the repair of apartments in kyiv. On february 24 , he went to the military commissariat to once again defend the country. During shelling by enemy cluster mines. 10 months of treatment in the central kyiv city hospital. Andriy is one of 20 ukrainian soldiers who were taken by israeli doctors for rehabilitation and prosthetics last fall. Andrei, good day to you. Good day. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for covering such a short route. You came to us from zhytomyr oblast, here in kyiv. They came from lviv, even from lviv. I thank you for being here, for me this conversation is very important and i thank you for what you have done for our country. We will definitely talk about it today, because your struggle is not over, it continues and you continue to inspire others. I want to mentally transfer with you to the 14th year, the period that changed us, lets be honest, and someone changed already then, and someone began to change only in the 22nd year, during the second phase of this war, for you personally this war is exactly that then, yes, yes, she, the fact is that at that time my friend, a very close friend, served in the army, did his military service in the army, and he was sent to the ato zone, and when he returned on vacation, i stopped understanding, like, well, i didnt know what to talk to him about and how , and im a military man, youre a civilian, and theres a gap between you, yes, i immediately decided to sign a contract, and what were you able to do at that time, what could you be helpful driver yes, i am a driver by profession, so i knew that normal drivers are always needed everywhere, in any department, that is why i was an ammunition Delivery Driver in a tank battalion, so how much time did you spend at the front during this first phase of the war, so it was several periods, three, four months at a time, if i am not mistaken, there were four runs in mine, if so, well, half of the service time of the contract is on ppd. In the military unit , and so in general, it is not known whether there were risky situations for you then, whether there were contusions, injuries during that period, there were no injuries, there were contusions, yes, risky situations, well, if there were always to be in, its a risky situation, because no one ever knows where and what to expect, yes , thats why its normal, its a war, andrei, please tell me, what did you do before the war back then in the 14th year, you were a driver, that was your main occupation. I was driving a truck, 2022, february 24, all ukrainians will already know about the war, not only those who lived in the east, kyiv, kharkiv, khmelnytsk, lviv, all cities of ukraine understand that this is a real war, where it caught you, in zhytomyr , i was in zhytomyr at my lovers apartment a girl, and by the way, there were flights from zhytomyr, but i didnt hear them for some reason. If i was just sleeping, i guess so, my mother called me and said that this is the situation, the war , she was crying, if everything was fine, what a war, well , i went outside, i already went to the bus station, i see it there, right there youre really hot like that, ugh, the atm already called, i asked about the situation , if so, i recently got laid off in the 18th year, that is, i have acquaintances there, i asked, they say, yes, the guys are picking everyone up and ugh, come, everything is like until february 24. There were many conversations and from experts and from our western partners who informed and warned that this war cannot be avoided, how did you react to such reports . Lets say so, uh, for the new year, yes, and from the 21st to the 22nd, my first glass of champagne was for us all to survive this war, and my friends who were with me in the company wondered about me , from which i celebrated the year, such as you are talking about, well, if they thought that it was not, well, it was unrealistic and it was impossible, i was sure that it would be, because again, due to the fact that i had previously served, i still have a lot of guys who have continued their military service. I spoke with them and they say that they are preparing us very seriously for this, that if we knew that in principle it would all happen, that is why i was sure that it would happen, you are talking about this new years toast of yours, i have goosebumps, because you know it, its like a certain foreshadowing, and you already knew each other in the war, yes, when my friends and i are talking about this situation now, they too, if they say that they didnt expect it, and my friend, who was there before not served, he was too. Celebration of the new year with us, then he went with me on the 24th to the vincomat and one unit went to serve with me, today he is still serving, then he is now in the war zone , my cool friend, so yes, let him good luck and he will return home unscathed with victory, you said that there was a misunderstanding between your comrade who returned from the war and you, please tell me how your comrade is now, he is alive, yes . This is very good, he continued his service, yes, i was mobilized, and this is incredible, if people survive for such a long period, it is very important, and let it be so until the end, so that you wait for your friend from the war, people, i also have no doubt, i will cheer with all my heart, now we will return with you to february march of last year, the 22nd year. You came voluntarily to the military, yes, what tasks were assigned to you, where were you sent, what were you supposed to do, there were a lot of people near the military who wanted to go to defend the homeland, the boys were determined and lined up right there broke up, but i was the first to arrive, one more thing, and the buses were loaded very quickly, and i was supposed to go to the 30th marginal brigade, with which i had been released earlier, yes, that is, i was in the reserve of this unit, but it was no longer there recruitment and i. Was offered Something Like the 26th, i said okay, im a driver, it doesnt matter to me where to perform my duties as a driver, thats all and i got there on the 26th, already at night, i was already in the 26th to the brigade, where were you sent to, we also went from there to starichi, we got cars there, went to starichi, got hawks, and already on the cargo platform, well , the railroads sent us to kyiv, huh. Did you receive your injury in the kyiv region . Yes, in kyiv itself. How long did you manage to chase the enemy, defend the capital . Well, lets put it this way, no, not that long, like, somewhere on sunday and a half we were already on combat duty, yes, well, that s all, we were studying, because we all didnt know what this gun was and how to work with it, we had an instructor, and here in kyiv we also studied, like on the spot, on the go, well, but on. We studied, the guys work normally, because they are talented and because they protect their own. Andrei, when i got acquainted with your story, i confess to you, i was a little surprised, and because in your place there were heroes who returned from the eastern direction, from the southern direction, they lost their arms and legs, i confess, i did not have a hero yet , who lost his legs in the kyiv region, you are the first, and it affected me a little, you know, i remember that period, i. Stayed here at home, it was scary, it was loud, it was scary, but i honestly didnt know , that such stories can be, can we mentally transfer to the day and situation in which you are lost your legs . Yes, at that time we were in obolon, on the riverside, this is the outskirts of kyiv , on the bank of the dnieper, and were preparing to leave, and if, all the crews were near their cars, waiting for the order. To move forward, and its still daylight, were in the middle of the field, everything is quiet, its cool, its calm, like i didnt feel any such danger in kyiv , i somehow felt free here, and even if there wasnt such a moment, im in kyiv, like , what can to still be normal, but there was no such caution, Something Else like yes, for some reason there was a feeling, well, and then cluster mines have arrived, they somehow greet without a sound of silence. Quickly, yes, it was very unexpected, well, first of all we started running away from the cars, because we have ammunition in the car and it can detonate if, the further away from the cars, you. Managed to escape far, far from escape, yes, it was already the first week of march, march 22, 22, even the end, and the story is actually impressive, because you immediately realized that something was wrong with the legs, yes, with the right leg, i immediately i realized that everything was because i, one cassette fell, knocked me out of legs, i fell, ugh, eh, my combatant was wounded, he was seriously wounded, he was lying next to me, and then i touched. Its real and thats all, well, im lying down, its real that my leg is near my ear, yes, oh my god, ugh, i understood that i was like, if, well, not only my legs, everything was rubbed, numb, if it wasnt there is pain there or Something Else, well, everything just took over, well, thats it, i took a cross for myself, there i said goodbye to life, i remembered my mother, sisters, brothersinlaw there, the boys were forging, and there, i remember, the boys were also from azov. Uh, they came to help on evacuation, and how they said that i was everything, this, this everything, like 200, they didnt believe it, no, they didnt believe it, its just that when i wanted water badly, i called, give me water, we have such a unit there father, they said, yes, and he says, but he is still alive, the boys have already been taken out, in principle, and then they already took me, andriy, in fact, your story is incredible, because apart from the fact that you asked for water, on this , your rescue from life, it continued, you arrived at the hospital, or rather did not arrive, you were brought, and there is such a medical concept as sorting, so wounded, and the doctor said that we will not waste our time on him, we will save others, i understood it in principle, and now i seem to understand it, but still, what drives me, in principle, in life, to me it seems that stronger support is needed. There can be no defense of power when you realized that you are without legs, you have already regained consciousness, look at this, i regained consciousness, i passed out of anesthesia, and the doctors just tell me that i have already been transferred, this is the first day, it seems, if im not mistaken, because everything was so foggy there especially, maybe on the second day i was brought to the kyiv central hospital, yes military, and the doctors, when i regained consciousness there, they say, this is the situation. We have to amputate your left leg too, like, because it cant be saved, and its impossible to stop the bleeding, well, you doctors, you know what its doing, what you ask me, they say, well, because you have to sign, like, then i signed and they have already amputated my second leg, thats all, andriy, forgive me, maybe for being tactless, but what does a person feel when they ask that you need to cut off your foot, its not a nail. Yes, i understand, but simply there the question was that, well, 95 percent of what you are, we will save you, for example, with her, because we did not have time to pour blood, which quickly came out of the wounds, and the wounds were very large leg, and when the question arises, either we save you, or we try to save your leg, but we do not guarantee that we will save you, then, thats it, lets solve what problems, who informed the mother. The sisters that you injured, by the way, such an interesting story about this message, i asked the nurse for a phone, i have my phone i lost it when i was injured, i asked for the nurses phone number and said that i want to call my mother, i know my mothers phone number by heart, its not a problem, so i called, i understand that she is worried, i get in touch, some time, thats all im saying, im in the hospital for a bit

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