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Events, wait. News time on espresso tv channel. In the studio of iryna koval. Greetings to all viewers. The armed forces of ukraine continue to closely mine the northern borders. As Lieutenant General serhii nayev, the commander of the Northern Army group, said, the entire territory bordering belarus and russia has mineexplosive barrier. Ukrainian sappers install explosives around the clock. On bridges and crossings. Our defenders destroy the roads that are located close to the enemys border. Soldiers cover each minefield with weapons to prevent the enemy from demining the area. We continue the stabilization operation and preparations for the defense operation. Therefore, forces and means are currently sufficient for conducting stabilization. Operations, we plan that in the event of an increase in the military threat, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine will transfer Additional Forces and assets, these are the usual military rules of war, and they work. In kursk, partisans destroyed Russian Military equipment, the state Border Service of ukraine reported. Two unidentified kamikat drones attacked an automated resident station that creates radio interference. And it was also shelled with mortar fire. Australia will place a Reconnaissance Aircraft in germany to help ukraine. This is stated in the joint statement of the president of the usa, joe biden, and the Prime Minister of australia, anthony albanese. Task of the aircraft monitors the threat to the flow of western military aid. The aircraft is equipped with a longrange surveillance radar and will provide Early Warning of attacks. Are prepared by the occupiers. Sodno will operate outside the airspace of russia, belarus and ukraine. Therefore, the aggressor country will not be able to prevent this in any way. The mission will operate for six months. They dont have enough ammunition. The European Union is disrupting its own plans to supply ukraine with artillery shells. According to bloomberg, more than half of the planned period has already passed. But the plan was carried out. Only by a third. Analyzing the signed contracts, the publication concludes that the eu risks breaking them. Let me remind you that in march, the countries of the European Union undertook to supply ukraine with a million scarce Artillery Ammunition during the year, through joint purchases and by increasing production capacities. At night, the israeli army drove into the gaza strip on tanks and struck hamas targets there. After. After the end of the operation , the Israeli Military left the territory, tzahal reported. They also added that it not the first raid, but this time it was relatively large. At the same time, the army men noted that this is part of the preparation for the offensive stages of the war. Meanwhile, french president Emmanuel Macron called the announced largescale tzahal ground operation in gaza a mistake. He noted that it will harm the civilian population and will not guarantee israel longterm security. France recognizes israels right to defend itself and its population, but it recognizes this within the framework of respect for the civilian population, so a Ground Invasion must be targeting only terrorist groups that are fully identified. A young hero, a nineyearold sportsman from transcarpathia, vasyl majevsky, became a world record holder in heroic sports and got into the guinness book. In a minute, the boy was able to lift a weight of 16 kg 20 times, despite the fact that he himself weighs 48. Said the head of the National Register of records lana vetrova, adding that for the first time the young strongman surprised his parents with his abilities at 10 months, the boy did not even know how to walk well. But managed to lift the weight for 6 km. In the book of records of ukraine emphasized that ukrainians are the strongest people in the world at the moment. Among men, it is oleksiy novikov, and among women, olga lyashchuk. That was all the news for this time, we will see you at 3 00 p. M. Antin borkovskii, Khrystyna Yatskiv, continue the broadcast of the tv channel uso, we continue the live broadcast of the tv channel, Khrystyna Yatskiv and andin borkovskii, together with you, together with our guests who live reporting what can be reported. Civilians about the situation on the contact line, we continue to talk about probably the most emphasized now on the side of the enemy, the avdiiv direction and in communication with the studio serhiy tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized Infantry Brigade named after yakov handyuk. Mr. Serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, we cant even imagine what kind of hell is going on in the vdiiv direction right now, we only read rather dry summaries of the general staff, but we understand, yes, that superintendent a difficult situation taking into account the active use of aviation by the enemy, as far as we understand, they are intensifying their attempts to encircle avdiivka. Share, be kind with breaking news. Yes yes they do not abandon their attempts, they have their intentions, they show us what they want to do, the situation is really difficult at the moment, but, but still controlled by the command of the armed forces of ukraine, all their efforts did not lead to the success they planned, er, practically , this is already a summary of the general staff, that during this period it is full, full of attacks that they attempted, more than 5,000 of their personnel were killed, just killed, more than 100 pieces of equipment, well, you understand that this is a very huge blow, but their intentions also remain take possession of avdiivka, sir. Serhiy, if we talk about some more or less specific locations that are key for avdiivka, in what status terekon is now, the height with the railway in the north, and whether the enemy is far or near from koksokhim, as such, look, it means that what you mentioned, it all appears, lets say it is information primarily for the enemy, we know it, okay, and we will not tell them so that they do not use it, but i will say that the situation is under the control of the command of the armed forces of ukraine, full stop, sir serhiy, what is the situation in the water region, we understand that there is a rather powerful array of russian interventionists, and accordingly, we hope that something will fly there regularly, but the enemy is still there, well, look, i am in general. I will tell you, the navdiyiv direction in this area, this fortified area has been strengthened since 2015, there were a lot of attempts during this period, since the 15th year, including provocations from the period of a full scale invasion, but they did not advance, thats why uh, the attempts were unsuccessful, i hope, and we are doing everything to make them and in the future were just as unsuccessful, but we know theirs. Steps, we see what they want to do, we know, even more than they can guess, to date, just recently, our intelligence has reported that one of the enemys warehouses supporting the avdiiv direction was destroyed in donetsk with ammunition, in fact, to what extent, mr. Serhiy, does the enemy fire, specifically the artillery fire in your direction, remain dense . Here, for example , the infantry of their Assault Group advanced a little have decreased, but the arterial shelling is constantly being conducted, both day and night, that is, it is, well, the tension from this is constant, something is flying in the sky , artillery shelling is being carried out, any attempt to inflict some, well, terrorist act on their part, it continues, so the tension is constant , oh, but we are looking at this and are in this area in order to give him a decent farewell, dear mr. Sergey , yes, if we talk about the enemys nonsecret plans, why does he, you know, an idiot repeat that that they were trying to do their own thing time in the bakhmut direction, that is, we see a huge amount of Russian Armored vehicles destroyed by fire, we understand what losses they suffered in terms of manpower, but still they pump, pump, pump with personnel, which then fertilizes the avdiiv terekonons, but no matter what, why the strategic goal of their movements, right there, right in the english direction. Our front as a whole is russianukrainian in all directions, one, one commanderinchief who manages it, oh, and you see, they have many, where there are gaps, where they lose, and they understand that they are losing, they are quietly retreating in many areas of the front, oh, here at least to achieve something, at least to reach some kind of border, lets say the administrative border in the Donetsk Region and then. Freeze the conflict, this is one, the second , the whole world knows that putin went to beijing there on october 1718 and by this time he really needed this small victory to somehow politically wave it there with some six goats, so to speak, but it all failed, thanks to the efforts yes, our brothers, every second there is work and day and night, and this. Well, lets not say at what cost it is being achieved now , we all understand it, thats the situation, thats all, nothing else, he doesnt need any people from donbas, he doesnt need any russians here, nothing like that, hes nothing, he destroys everything, hes a terrorist, you see what hes doing to adiivka, i hope it wont reach like bakhmut, but he keeps flying there and destroying our buildings, and there are still peaceful residents, civilians, yes thats mr. Mr. Serhiy, there has been a very high intensity, largescale war going on for quite some time now invasion, i call it, as far as it is now at some such and such a level and what is the level of relations of the Ukrainian Military with the local ones who remain in the areas where you are, is it some kind of synergistic coexistence, or after all, understanding that you are doing your job, they are trying to survive there and so on, i will say what i see personally, and in communication with civilians, including us, at the beginning, yes, there was some misunderstanding, so there was such , not all individual people, they were just silent or there somewhere we thought about our own, during our stay there, when we began to communicate more, more uh, well, to be involved in some. Projects related to help, to bring someone there, to take them out, for example, to provide medical help and so on, people have opened up more, and they want to say that the people of donbas, most of them are also ukrainians , and they think in ukrainian, but we practically cannot, but today i am very glad that we saw a lot of this with our own eyes , who are the people of this region, who were somehow confused all the time with that russian world, why not . It is in cool, very cool motivated people who also stand for the unity of ukraine, probably somewhere there are those who are silent, hiding, the socalled scumbags, but in general, this is today, unfortunately, the trouble, it has united ukraine more, that is, all the regions , than everyone there 30 years before, thank you, mr. Serhiy, serhiy tsekhotskyi, officer of the 59th separate motorized Infantry Brigade named after handzyuka was now in touch with us, the avdiiv direction is extremely difficult, and now we will take a short break in our broadcast, after which we will talk about the situation on to the people of khmelnytskyi, we would like to remind you that the city of slavuta was seriously damaged as a result of the attack of the previous night, we will remind you that the enemy tried to attack with unmanned aerial vehicles, the Defense Forces worked on all targets, but the fall of debris also entails certain consequences, and we will talk about them. So wait, it was me , before, bleeding gums, inflammation of the gums, and the solution was so simple, gum problems, lacal active, lacal active actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens clear. 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There are 20 discounts on dolgit cream in the psyllanyk, ban and oskad pharmacies. There are 20 discounts on helpex pills in pharmacies podorozhnyk bam taschad see this week in the program judicial control with tatyana shustrova unlocking the disciplinary function of the vrp. How successful is the transformation. But why did the Supreme Council of justice lash out at public activists. Pressure is exerted on the judge, which may affect his future. On thursday, october 26 , at 5 45 p. M. , watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. Mykola veresen, Vitaly Portnikov and the main topics of the week. If indeed Tactical Nuclear weapons are used against ukraine, god forbid, it will certainly change the world. Stories, issues, analysis and personalities. Us john herbst, the former ambassador of the United States to ukraine, is waiting. Good afternoon, thanks for you have questions, you will get answers, interesting questions too, they are worth analyzing, sportnikov veresen, every friday at 21 15 on espresso greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. We have already come to the snake itself. The following shots may shock you. News from the scene, live. Drone attacks, kamikaze. Political analytics, objectively and substantively. There is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest spots the front freedom life frankly and impartially. You draw your own conclusions. The war in ukraine is the main topic for ukrainians. Wins and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics. Serhiy rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this. People who have information and shape public opinion. People defending ukraine and creating the future right now are the main and interesting thing in the verdict by Serhii Rudenko program. From monday to friday at 20 00, repeat at 12 10. Thank you for waiting. Valentin sokolyuk, in touch with us, deputy chairman. Khmelnytskyi regional council. In the khmelnytskyi region , a lot of civilian objects and 282 apartment buildings were damaged due to yesterdays air raid. Glory to ukraine, mr. Valentin, we congratulate you. Glory to the heroes, have a good day. Well, we would like some official and unofficial statistics. Yes, the enemy attacked extremely hard, attacked the khmelnytskyi region. Share be kind information. So. As for the damage caused by the enemy attack on the night of october 2425, the slavutsk urban Territorial Community and neighboring krupetska, rural community, the damage was mainly caused by blast waves, damaged windows, doors, roofs, i. E. About 1,760 objects, including Industrial Enterprises, infrastructure facilities, communities, as well as, as already mentioned, 282 apartment buildings , this is more than half of the total in slavut in the city, this is 15 private houses, 70 four objects of social infrastructure, this is 41, an educational institution, six health care institutions, 14 cultural institutions and two more temples were also damaged. Sir valentin, uh, well, we understand that this is very sensitive information, but the extent of the damage is really impressive, and its a little difficult for us civilians to compare it to an attack by a drone, or a few of them, well, i imagine a big one a missile that, falling there, could cause similar consequences, but the debris of a downed uav, well, that is. We are now witnessing some kind of targeted attack on a specific object, and how can the Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant be connected with this, was it, in particular, for the purposes of the enemy . Well, yes according to one of the versions, this was exactly the case, since there is no military unit stationed in the slovutskyi urban community, so i think that this was also an element related to the damage to the Energy Sector and was critical. Infrastructure, er, well, what was the damage, mainly due to the topography of the area, the blast wave also damaged the administrative building and another utility building there, but the damage, mainly due to the Defense Forces there, which destroyed the air targets , were only there part of the windows, the roof of the premises, as to why such explosions. Well, according to official information, these were also shahedis, drones, the number is not announced, of course, but as a result of their downing and falling there were such explosions that led to such significant damage, and now basically an assessment is already being made, yes, of this damage, and according to the information of the city council, it is already tens of millions of hryvnias. For the restoration of Industrial Enterprises and private estates, residents of the community. Mr. Valentin, but the enemy attacked khmelnytskyi in one wave or several waves, and in general, how it all looked, well, through the eyes of a civilian , which you are, so we understand that the military has its secrets , well, but in simple language, to the viewers of espresso, please tell me, well, its been four days in a row, at night, there were attacks from the khmelnytskyi region, its not just the slavutsk community, its also the khmelnytskyi community, there were shootings and the starokontynivsk community, we all know that there is also a military airfield located there, from which very painful strikes on the enemy are carried out, well, but at night it looks like, that is, it is one wave drones, shaheeds, those arriving there do it there, i dont know, on the first night one wave, then on the second night another and so on and so on, as a rule, it is several waves, the alarm lasts for 34 hours, residents also hear these all the sounds of these mopeds, and of course the sounds of the work of the Defense Forces, mobile brigades to neutralize these drones , but communal services, communities are working. To eliminate all consequences, in particular the slavutsk community, there is also help from the khmelnytskyi City Community, kaminpodilska , from yaslovska, starokstantynivska is getting help, thats why everyone, services and a commission have been created in the city council, slavutska, yesterday an extraordinary session of the city council was held, where funds were allocated from the city budget for liquidation of the consequences of this tragedy. Mr. Valentin, i wanted to ask you about the local mobile brigades, which should strengthen the air defense units. In general, this initiative appeared in ukraine, ammunition, military equipment and so on, and so on, there are regions, well, the situation in regions, of course there is a difference. Which one your situation, to what extent can this experience of the khmelnytskyi region. Be useful in other regions, and what are the possible problems actually associated with the creation of these mobile response teams, the socalled hunters for russian iranian mopeds . Well, the military leadership usually works on the creation of brigades, local communities also join in, volunteers, businesses join in, everyone works to support these brigades, so i think that mainly and thanks to them , air defense is also carried out and provided, in particular against such means of impression mopeds that are directed at certain. Infrastructure objects, mr. Valentin, and regarding the victims, two people are in a serious condition, 20 people are victims in general, what are the dynamics here and how did people react in general, is there any unnecessary panic because what happened well, there is no need to panic, there are about 30 injured people, two soldiers. They are in the intensive care unit in the sovutsky city hospital, but their lives are in principle not in danger, the residents, well, to say the least, this was the first time for them , such damage, but there is no panic, everyone is working on restoration, on ensuring the liquidation of the consequences, everyone understands that there is a war in ukraine and it is necessary to work for victory. Uh, one more question, mr. Valentin, we understand that the damage is extensive, and you have already noted that, uh, the local government is trying to allocate funds, in particular for the elimination of these consequences, i understand that some peoples housing is unfit for life, and before we can make it fit again, we have to house these people somehow, and well that is, certain, certain such processes in the city, at least now, will definitely take place. Are the allocated funds of the local community sufficient, or is it possible that there is, lets say, the need to turn to the central authorities, of course , the funds will be provided not only from the local budget, charitable organizations are also involved, in particular already working in slavut, also, through action, yes you can apply for support. Also receive compensation, regarding the city budget there, of course, as the mayor already noted, that it is dozens millions of hryvnias are needed for the restoration of the infrastructure, especially private houses, Industrial Enterprises, and here of course the question is about the fact that, yes, the authorities initiative to withdraw, in particular the military, and according to the estimates of the slovak City Community there, although no military units are stationed there, then on october 1, it was planned to withdraw about uah 4 million, next year there will be more than uah 20 million , and this is military, although there is no military, but it is the pdf of those power structures, the state emergency service, the police, and it is these funds that are needed now precisely for the restoration of these damages that the community itself suffered as a result of drone strikes. Finally, mr. Valentin, we would like to briefly ask you about Additional Needs for khmelnytskyi in order to prepare, perhaps for an extremely difficult winter, i did not hear the question, unfortunately, the needs of khmelnytskyi, on the eve of a possibly extremely difficult winter, well, there are more needs here, i i think the military leadership will also comment, but all communities, the entire region. Prepares for winter, is provided with everything necessary, gas and heat are also contracted, electricity, thank you, again, it will depend on how the enemy behaves, he will, i think, try to destroy our energy infrastructure. Thank you, mr. Valentin, valentin sokolyuk, the deputy head of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council was in touch with us about the situation in the city of slavuta in the khmelnytskyi region, which suffered from the last uav attack by the russians, and let us remind you that the thesis about , that the enemy tried to demonstrate something, in fact by attacking the Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant, is gaining momentum, and he spoke about it as a ukrainian the president , as well as the secretary of the nsdc, oleksiy danilov, to frighten the world with a new nuclear incident, you know, but now we were actually talking about the affairs of the communities, very briefly, that s all for our next study. Today, the Law Enforcement officers arrived at the acting mayor of chernihiv, oleksandr lomako, with searches, but not only that, the Law Enforcement officers are conducting searches in the sums of the acting mayor yulia pavlyk, we order from our editors the inclusion of sums and even roughly guess who could strengthen our information front, well, we pass the word,

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