Capacity increased three or four times, and the money did not increase much, lets say, so now there are whole companies that are not there this year, well, their products are not a priority, because the priorities are now at the front these are primarily fp drones and longrange drones, and some systems, well, in fact, they are like punishers of this class, they are not currently in the first. Priorities and well, maybe they will be purchased later, when additional funds appear, but if we talk about the procurement of drones in general, that is, we must say that drones are, first of all, it is like an unmanned aviation system, and the main thing in this is the system, the systematic nature of procurement, system of application, it must be present, now we are a little bit towards system of the newly created unmanned forces. Systems, but them we still need to work, because now it is a bit different, i will say frankly, even before systematicity, before a systemic vision, there are Big Questions in procurement, i am currently communicating, the association is actively helping the Technological Forces of ukraine, precisely the priority of predictability of procurement and systematic procurement is the number one priority , which they, as representatives of the industry, lobby in front of our, lets say, the people of kerman, but does it mean that in this situation, relatively speaking, the structures that have money, in particular, there are mindigits, or state special communications, it can impose which things, some things that actually may not match the priorities of the command of the unmanned forces, because conventionally speaking, different models may be proposed that do not fit into the concept that sees, in particular, well, there is a new commander. Well, look. This is not entirely true, there are questions, lets say this, because the first request for supply, which was formed in accordance with the needs of the general staff, was coordinated by the old team, yes, and there were certain questions regarding the process of this form of formation, because already at that moment , when it was formed, there were, there was an understanding of what is more effective means that should be purchased, but even the process of changes to the supply request, it is bureaucratized, well. It should be simplified so that the general staff can respond to changes more quickly, because this is a technological war, and changes in needs are quite fast, in relation to the fact that there may be some manipulations regarding the fact that what is being purchased is not what the general staff asks for, well, this is not entirely true, because in fact, if we talk about the agency, then the agency specifically receives from the general staff a specific list of means with the indication that it for the tool, what is it called, what are its codes. Who is its manufacturer and even buy a similar tool, which may be cheaper, maybe a little more effective, the agency cannot directly, that is, the general staff determines what it needs, and when we speak about foreign samples, there was information for literally a couple of days that we are buying vector drones from the germans, there is a significant amount for the future, are these samples really much more technological than those that can be offered by Ukrainian Companies . In fact, if we talk about the vector drones of the quantum systems company, then they really are, they are technological, they are cool, and whats more, quantum system has already opened a Representative Office in ukraine, its service center, well, that is, they are already partly, one might say, a local manufacturer, i i know that there is even a factory where the housings for these drones are made, and this factory is located in ukraine, no wonder, thats why these drones are. Which are not bad, there are, even not that they are not bad, they are cool, there are definitely those that we like partners help and transfer, and often the general staff refuses these means, realizing that they are not. And spending money on these means is ineffective, that is, there are certain countries in which, in principle, there are no means that can be effective in a modern war, such as the technological war that is currently taking place in ukraine, so the general staff is forced, lets say, to refuse from these means, so as not to multiply means that once fly out and are ineffective. Mr. Maksym, thank you for your work, for your time, for inclusion, now i will talk to you about. Expert on defense technologies, i think that after a certain interval we will know your new position and then in a new capacity we will continue to discuss what is happening with our unmanned systems, how they are developing them and what our Defense Companies can provide to our armed forces. Let me remind you that it was maxim muzyka. And then we will talk about a topic that is a consequence of hostilities, it is about the mining of territories and how to fight it, this is actually one of the problematic and thematic. Areas that will be in kyiv tomorrow to be discussed at the forum that opens tomorrow in kyiv called the safety of the population in conditions of war, this is the cooperation of the state Emergency Service and our communities, there are many different topics, but we will single out only one issue, which is precisely related to the threat from mines that are scattered on our territory, and now we are joined by timur pistryuga, he is the head of the association of miners of ukraine, mr. Timur, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. Good afternoon, the association of sappers of ukraine, because we are demining, the association of sappers of ukraine, okay, and i would like to ask you if there are any statistics now, which allows us to assess this threat associated with the mining of our territories as a result of hostilities, what are the indicators, how to deal with this, what are the temporary financial components associated with solving this problem, yes , there are statistics, and unfortunately, they are not comforting, ukraine, this is already a fact, at the moment it is the most mined country in the world, with the biggest problem that other countries have not yet faced, if we are talking about the scale of our tragedy, if we speak in the language of numbers, then literally recently. It was announced by the National Mine countermeasures body activity, such a figure as 156 km of potentially dangerous territory, that is, we cannot yet provide a clear figure of how many territories are mined, because for that we need to conduct at least the first stage, that is, to finish a Non Technical survey of the territory, then we can understand exactly how many mined, but. Potential dangerous territory, it is already 156, km. Mr. Timur, who is doing this, do we have private companies that carry out this Mission Related to demining, are there enough of these companies, how are they financed, where does the money come from, where do they do they take technical equipment, as with this layer to solve these problems . Yes, of course, well, look, in accordance with the law. Of ukraine on mine action, humanitarian exchange is carried out by operators of mine action, that is, it is any organizational legal form, organization, institution that has passed certification, responded, received the appropriate certificate for one or another process and is authorized to engage in this activity, if i am not mistaken, somewhere , well, at least on. Last week , the data that are as of today were made public there are 34 certified operators on the list, that is, there is a corresponding list, 34 of them, and it can be a private company, such as, for example, a public one, because the association of sopers of ukraine is also an operator of mine countermeasures, even a state one. The structure and even the military part, the most important condition is that they have to pass certification, is that enough . I think we should talk here , after all, not about the number of such operators, but about their capacity, because, lets say, one operator can have 1,000 sappers, in another may have five sappers, we understand that here in this case we need to talk about their capacity, then answering the. Question, of course, at the moment it is very insufficient, if you can answer like that, but when we talk about needs communities, can the communities themselves enter into. Talk to such associations, structures, and where to look for funds to pay for Services Related to demining, do they have community funds, is it possible that there are some state or foreign Financial Solutions that allow, well provide this service. Well, for today moment, if we talk about the financing of humanitarian exchange programs, then we must first of all talk about donor funds, here, but, but, eh,. The ministry of economy has already made public many times, and i know that many are very much waiting for the opening of our state market for this service, and the state budget provides 3 billion hryvnias to, lets say, compensate the costs of humanitarian demining specifically for the agricultural sector, thats it for now, so far these are. Two, lets say, main programs that can , well, you can find some funding for these measures, regarding the allocation of funds to communities, well, i have not yet heard that specifically, even, lets say, the most affected communities, which need priority exchange, to be allocated funds separately by. Line, you corrected me at the beginning, because i was thinking about the war and i was thinking about the sappers, and you still told me that we should think about the miners, but here the situation is such that in any case we understand that there is a war, and i understand that now there and tsc and other structures, in principle , need people who understand explosions of explosive devices, how can they be demined, how is this balance between humanitarian demining and. Well , in fact, the situation in ukraine is unique and this is a very big difficulty for all our activities, because humanitarian measures, according to the classics, begin to work after already there, the end of the war and they begin for. With humanitarian exchange, yes, then everything is clear there, and that is how it works in many countries, but it is not that it does not work in us, because we have a lot of deoccupied territory, where it was mined by the russian occupier , and this should be decided today, how to balance it, well, here the answer is simple, because humanitarian demining and, lets say, combat demining are different measures. Completely different procedures, and although both are called replacements, but these are specialists of different, lets say, different professions, and there are different procedures, and therefore, that is why we do not mix them here in this case, and sappers are needed both there and there, and these are different sappers and different tasks, mr. Timor, thank you very much for the inclusion, for your explanations. Let me remind you that this is was timur pistryuga, the head of the association of sappers of ukraine, and i will also say once again that tomorrow in kyiv a forum called population safety in conditions of war opens. There will be several panels that will discuss Community Issues related to the existence of war conditions, ranging from demining to other components. I think that this is an extremely important direction for our communities. Felt safe in some component and looked for mechanisms for their own safety. These were the main military results of this era, and more international and economic ones news next, vasyl zima will be on the air. Thanks to serhiy zgurets, thanks to his guests. These were the military results of the day. Next, the second hour of veliky teru, a lot of interesting and Important Information awaits you. World about ukraine with yuri fizer, money. During the war with oleksandr morshchivka, sports news from yevhen pastokhov and weather from natalka didenko, when the heat returns to ukraine. Well, now about the most important news, i will tell you in detail. In the south, our defenders repelled five assaults by russian invaders in the orichiv direction, two disappeared in the area staromayorskyi and three in the robotneno area. On the left bank of the dnieper, in the temporarily occupied kherson oblast, the enemy launched three unsuccessful assaults in the krynok area, suffering losses, the occupiers retreated. As noted. Military, the enemy is pressuring with artillery shelling, airstrikes, using a large number of attack drones, the enemy intensified aerial reconnaissance last day, 236 intelligences were recorded. Drones and in the village of ivashki , zolochiv community, Kharkiv Region , all families with children were evacuated, nine families with 15 minors were placed in other districts of the region. They will also be provided with Material Support said the head of the Regional Military administration oleg synigubov. Forced evacuation of families with children has been announced in 47 frontline settlements. There were 180. Two children in these territories, the evacuation is ongoing. Scandals in warsaw, outraged ukrainians blocked the premises of the passport document service, demanded to give them already produced documents, actually passports, but the employees refused to do so. The law stipulates that services in ukrainian consulates will be given to men only after they clarify the data on military registration. I wanted an inflatable. A man tried to cross the dniester in a mattress to reach moldova, but he was noticed and pulled out of the water by border guards. A resident of the city of dnipro wanted to escape from ukraine with the help of advice he read in one of the messengers. The coordinators remotely gave instructions on where and how to follow him and gave instructions to use an air mattress, and to put a change of clothes, documents and phone in a shoulder bag. This service is a basket, a service cost , half of which he has already paid in advance, the state Border Service said. An administrative protocol was drawn up against the offender. And zaporizhzhia finally got a city manager, regina kharchenko, deputy from the servant of the people faction, became the acting mayor and secretary of the city council. The deputies unanimously terminated the powers of anatoly kurtev, who temporarily performed the duties of the mayor. According to the chairman. Of the Regional Military administration of ivan fedorov. During the fullscale invasion, the city and the region moved in Different Directions directions, which is unacceptable during the war. He called the creation of an economically strong zaporizhzhia a priority for work, and the city should become the center of the rear support of the Defense Forces. Well, the Security Service of ukraine reported the suspicion to the metropolitan of the Sviatohirsk Lavra of the Ukrainian Orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate. Polyt arsenia, also known as ihor yakovenko. In communication with believers, the agent of uryasia praised cyril, used liturgies to reveal to the occupiers the location of checkpoints of the Defense Forces in the kramatorsk district of donetsk region. Then video recordings, liturgies with the addresses of checkpoints of ukrainian troops were published on the website of the lavra and in local telegram channels. In december 2022 , the president of ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi suspended it by decree. Citizenship of a number of uocp priests, among whom was the aforementioned yakovenko. Teacher, participant in the revolution, head of the myrhorod district council, volunteer and defender of ukraine, anatoly karban, did not live to see his 56th birthday for a little more than a month, the memories of family, friends and colleagues of the fallen soldier, who in word and deed developed ukrainian. Culture was collected by anna morozova. Glory to the ukrainian people, glory to ukraine. Anatoly karban, teacher, public figure, politician. The last case during his life was the defense of ukraine against the russian aggressor. On february 24, 2022, with the first sounds of explosions in myrhorod, a 54yearold man took his longpacked backpack and joined lovetro. Anatoly, as a history teacher, he understood that there would be a war. And he had been preparing for this all his life, he had been preparing all his conscious life that it would be necessary to take up arms and defend his homeland as the chief sergeant and combat medic of the Rifle Company of the 116th tro brigade, anatoliy managed to visit the hottest areas of the front. Soledar, ugledar, avdiivka, bahmud, recalls his friend and brother oleksandr senelnyk, says karban had a goal. I need to kill at least a dozen of these enemies. And when the last time he came, we saw him in myrhorod, at my house, when i asked him, well , everything, tolya, carried out the plan, the answer was, i overdone it. Anatoly karban was preparing for the great war long before it began, working in as a director and history teacher at a labor school, he has long been telling students who is the enemy of ukraine. He was able to convey that what you love must be protected, and when it started , you were full. Not an invasion and before that, our boys and girls protected us without thinking, and there was no question of who would go and stop the enemy, and this is probably one of. His greatest achievements. Karban studied the history and culture in depth, which resulted in the creation of the room of the light house. Together with his colleagues, he found and transferred more than one exhibit here. Anatoly yevhenovich is a part of every thing that is in this light. These towels are old, these clothes are old. He loved everything ukrainian so much that he instilled this love in all of us. Because we didnt understand this before, until the russians attacked us. Anatoly yevheniyovych was engaged in national and Patriotic Education as early as 2010, he joined the myrhorod regiment of the ukrainian cossacks. Here he started the first competitions of jura and participated in the creation of the cossack estate of an openair museum in the center of the city. We are proud to have our share in development of the cossack state, in this monument of local importance. This is a soldier who served ukraine all his life, and these are not just some words, these words are confirmed in his actions, in his deeds, in his deeds. Anatoly and alyona karban lived in a happy marriage for 34 years, since they were students, the young historians were united by one love. Love for ukraine was the main thing for him, he is it. Nose to the children, he wrote it in his diaries, these were his speeches, which we all remember, what sticks they were, his speeches about ukraine. When we have the spirit of fighters, when we have these monuments that we erected at the beginning of the revival of ukraine, when we remember ourselves as cossacks, when we remember ourselves as ukrainians, our spirit is not destroyed, visiting the grave of her husband, alyona karban often takes his diaries with him. Reads the sentence aloud. Today we have to raise a nation of avengers, not squeegees. It is useless to look into the mouth of america or europe, what they will say about us. They will not send their soldiers to the war for ukraine. So we have to listen, see, but do your own thing. Unceasingly strengthen ones own military power, train defenders, arm oneself. He wrote this just before february 24. He took the fight on april 12, 2023 in the village of tonenke in donetsk region. Anatoly karbens photo hangs on the wall of memory of the fallen defenders from myrhorod region. The street was renamed in his honor, and his wife wants to publish his prophetic diaries so that more ukrainians will learn about the soldier who gave his life for a free ukraine. Anna marozova from myrhorod for espresso tv channel. Correct words, honor and respect eternal memory to the fallen hero. Of course, the support forces to those soldiers who are today on the front lines continue in and on the front lines, and somewhere further, who are there air Defense Systems continue to defend our state, and also i ask you to join the gathering that we announced today for the 65th separate mechanized brigade, let s remind now, please join, i see that you have already donated today, please do it, we must collect 100 uah for the ammunition needed for our soldiers, quite often, but not quite often, it saves lives, because. Comfortable, highquality ammunition is always an advantage in battle for our soldiers, comfort, speed, join in, and i will join yuri fizer in the conversation, the world about ukraine, yuri, good evening, please , good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time, today we are talking about such things, there will be american weapons in ukraine, in switzerland they are again saying that a peace plan is impossible without russia, and the mountains are clear, of course , which is in russia, my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about. Ukraine, and im already starting for moment. It happened. This morning kyiv time, closer to 5 am, members of the senate, which is the upper house of the american congress, supported the law, which was passed by their colleagues from the house of representatives on saturday , on the allocation of additional funding to ukraine, israel and the countries of the indopacific region. Initiative. Supported by 79 senators, opposed by 18 legislators. The total amount of the package is 95 billion dollars. It includes, in particular, 61 billion for ukraine, 26 billion for israel, as well as funds for the provision of humanitarian aid population in conflict zones, in particular in the gas sector. In addition, the adopted law provides for the confiscation of frozen russian assets for their further transfer to the needs of ukraine. It has been decided. Also allows for new sanctions against china. And now i will remind you of the chronology a little saturday is the voting in the house of representatives for four bills against the law. Which broke, that is, the law that passed through the senate, first went to the house of representatives, it was broken in the house of representatives, voted on saturday, yesterday they started sit closer to the evening kyiv time in the senate, this is the upper house of the american congress, they sat for a long time, they thought for a long time, but still there is such an important decision for us, but two resolutions do not mean anything, the president of the United States of america must sign. Biden and he did it today at approximately 18 00 kyiv time, the current owner of the white house signed this law and it is now on its way to the pentagon and the pentagon will allocate money to us, so a huge thank you to all american lawmakers who supported immediately supported those who joined this support, in the end, great support to all the United States for helping us in our just fight against the russian aggressor. Allocating multibilliondollar aid to ukraine is critically important, as the Ukrainian Armed forces are unfortunately experiencing not the best of times on the battlefield. This was said by the White House Security councils Strategic Communications advisor john kirby to the United States senate before the law was passed. For him in other words, weapons and ammunition, weapons and ammunition will begin to be sent to ukraine immediately after the president of the United States of America Joe Biden signs, of course he has already signed, so it begins. Well then, says the admiral, representatives of the pentagon will communicate with Ukrainian Military personnel in order to understand their, that is, our ukrainian strategic plans and send exactly what is most needed on the battlefield at this moment in time, therefore, as we see, started, went, well, and i will add about the fact that they will be sent mainly from stocks located on the territory of poland or germany, and therefore it will arrive in ukraine extremely quickly, and whoever watched the column the world about ukraine remembers the day before that i said that the whole the package is planned to be delivered by may 9, that is, quite and soon enough. They dragged for a long time, but it went very quickly and went on. The pentagon will make every effort to send aid to ukraine as soon as possible, which will cover all the needs of our countrys armed forces to fight against aggressor this was announced by the spokesman of the ministry of defense of the United States of america, patrick ryder, during the briefing. According to him, the package may include air defense equipment. And ammunition for them, but the representative of the department, to my great regret, of course, did not provide me with any other details. At the same time, mr. General ryder refused to announce future deliveries of weapons and ammunition to her until the draft law has passed all stages of review, well, it has passed, moreover, it has already been signed by the president , so it is possible that it will appear by tomorrow some more information about future deliveries, maybe there will be some more already made. Plans are being made that will be able to tell us, i know what yuri thinks, but i am now reading many versions about what made mike johnson put to the vote and speak literally from the position that this is how it should be done a long time ago, to give ammunition, not soldiers to ukraine, i think that soon, which is possible even now in the bowels of some film company or maybe a platform like netflix there or something else, well, this is not advertising, its just that. Theres a movie being made about like johnson, well i dont know what its going to be called but whatever but it would be a class sweet couple johnson and trump because for me i think no im convinced why johnson put this bill is up for a vote, because it was with trump a few days before, in mara lago, florida, and trump allowed him to do it, there was not, in my opinion , taylor, that i was not, she then after that a lot what she said, but thats it. Didnt matter at all because trump allowed him, although i have a suspicion that johnson himself probably would have wanted to bet a long time ago, trump just held, held and probably told him that nono, dont bet, dont bet, dont bet, here in that one in that p slaughterhouse, although we found out on saturday morning already, he said that, well, why not me, but in fact all the laurels now, well, globally speaking, johnson collected, he is now a good guy, and even many have already forgotten that he actually posed, and trump is not here at all, trump is not articulated anywhere. Everyone says, but you see, johnson still understood

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