Those comments the goal here is to win elections in november. Back in 2010 and 2012 we nominated several candidates, christine odonnell, sharon engle, todd aiken, richard murdoch, theyre not in the senate, and the reason for that was they were not able to appeal to a broader electorate in the general election. My goal as leader of the Republican Party in the senate to keep news the majority. The way you do that is not complicated. You have to nominate people who can actually win because winners make policy and losers go home of we changed the Business Model in 2014. We nominated people who could win everywhere. We took majority in the senate. We had one skirmish in 2016. We kept the majority in the senate. So our operating approach will be, to support our incumbents, and in open seats, to seek to help nominate people who can actually win in november. That is my approach. That is the way, that is the way you keep a governing majority. [shouting questions] reporter mr. President , earlier today you criticized Drug Companies and also Insurance Companies saying Drug Companies were charging prices to high and Insurance Companies were taking government money. Exactly right. Reporter specifically what you would like to see both of those companies do . Insurance Companies Made a fortune with obamacare, absolute fortune. As you know what i did with the cuts at the end youre talking about hundreds of millions of dollars a month going right into pockets of Insurance Companies and im very happy of what i did. Because of that people are talking now. Democrats are talking to the republicans for short term taking care what we will call health care, so that people can have Good Health Care without big spikes. You would have had massive spikes you already have. Every year the massive spikes to obamacare have been ridiculous. As far as, i didnt speak to mitch today, priority of mine, you know this is coming up, will be the cost of Prescription Drugs. Well get costs way down, way down and those Drug Companies, you have Insurance Companies on one case, in other case with regard to both you have the Drug Companies. They contribute massive amounts of money to political people. I dont know, mitch, maybe even to you, but i have to tell you they contribute massive apartments of money. Me, im not interested in their money. I dont need their money. I will tell you, you have Prescription Drugs, you go to england, you go to various places, canada, many, many country, the same exact pill from the same company, the same box, same everything is tiny fraction what it costs in the United States. We are going to get drug price, Prescription Drug prices way down because the world is taking advantage of us. The world is taking advantage of us when that happens. So that will be very important. [shouting questions] reporter on to health care, there are about six Million People that get subsidies to help pay for obamacare. About 70 unstudy come from states you won in november. Now thaw cut off payments will you insure toes those people get help from the federal government. What is what were trying to do, joe. People in some states, 60 up, a last at that 100 up and some states 70 up. Those states doing better. Obamacare is a wreck, we want to get those states i did so well in but also states i didnt win. I want to get health care that is much more affordable and much Better Health care. That is what were doing. [shouting questions] reporter let me ask you about tax reform. Go ahead, tax reform. Reporter you had said the other day there were adjustments being made. Gary cohn said today there would be some, some things that are negotiable. What exactly in your eyes are negotiable . For the leader, you said top priority is tax reduction. You did not say tax reform in 2017, leader mcconnell, speaking specifically to tax reform in 2017 to both of you. We are doing minor adjustments. We want to make sure the middle class is the biggest beneficiary of tax cuts and tax reform. Im sure that is what mitch meant also. People get it confused. Were doing massive tax cuts and simplification an refor. Simplification, we can do it one page, some cases may be two pages. Were doing major simplification. Bringing categories down, if you include zero, were bringing it from 8 to 4. That is a big, big simplification, just that alone. We are doing massive cuts and i will say this wherever i have been, this has been so popular with the people. Now we have to get a couple of additional people to raise their hand. Mitch . I agree with the president. It is about both reduction and reform. It has been 30 years since, since this kind of effort was undertaken successfully. Were going to succeed this time. The bills, details of them, will be written by the ways and means and finance committees, after we approve the budget. And obviously the budget opens the path to tax reform. But it is about both, about both reform and reduction. [shouting questions] reporter why havent we heard anything from you so far about the soldiers killed in nigeria . What do you have to say i have written them personal letters. They have been sent or theyre going out tonight but they were during the weekend. I will at some point during the period of time call the parents, and families. I have done that traditionally. I felt very badly about that. I always feel badly. Toughest calls i have to make are the calls where this happens. Soldiers are killed. It is very difficult thing. Now gets to a point where you know, you make four or five of them in one day, it is very, very tough day, for me that is by far the toughest. The traditional way, if you look at president obama and other president s, most of them didnt make calls. A lot of them didnt make calls. I like to call when it is appropriate. When i think i am able to do it. They have made the ultimate sacrifice. So generally i would say that i i like to call. I will be calling them. I like a little time to pass. I have as you know, since i have been president i have, but in addition i actually wrote letters, individually to the soldiers were talking about. And theyre going to be talking out either today or tomorrow. [shouting questions] reporter general kelly said just last week that you believe cuba could stop attacks against americans. Do you believe i do. Reporter do you believe cuba is responsible . I do believe that. I do believe that it is very unusual attack as you know. I do believe cuba is responsible yes . Reporter roy moore down in alabama says that he believes homosexuality should be illegally and muslims should be barred from serving in the u. S. Congress. What makes you comfortable with someone those beliefs serving in the u. S. Senate . Same question to you, mr. Leader . I will be meeting with roy sometime next week and, were going to talk to him about a lot of Different Things but i will be meeting with him. He ran a very strong race. The people of alabama, who i like very much and they like me very much but they like roy. They will be talking to them. I can report to you then, okay. [shouting questions] go ahead. Reporter mr. Question this is question for you and leader mcconnell, following up on your comments on judges, one of the issues outstanding whether the Senate Judiciary committee will take [inaudible] what your position is, leader mcconnell, this is tradition right now gives democrats leverage over appointments . I can give you my position. The blue slip for those not familiar with it, is a custom determined by the chairman of the judiciary committee, and senator grassley can give you his view of how he views it. I will give you my view. My view is, that a blue slip on a circuit judge is simply a notification of how youre going to vote. To conclude otherwise would have left us in the following position at the beginning of this senate. 48 Democratic Senators would have been able to black ball 62 of the circuit judge nominees. That is simply not a tenable place to land in a senate that now deals with judge with a simple majority. My own personal view is, that a blue slip on a circuit judge should simply be a notification of how you intend to vote. [shouting questions] we can talk blue slips. My attitude i want really capable people going to the courts. Peter. Reporter mr. President , in 2012, obama complain employments stopping agenda, are bs. He had full control over two years. He can never take responsibility. Some of the challenges in congress or washington. I will not plame myself. I will be honest, they are not getting job done. What is difficult then and now . Let me explain what is different. We have nominations pending right now and we have 182, if you look at this, the number he had approved was 65 and 70 . We have 39 . Theyre holding up every single nomination. Reporter [inaudible] schumer and the group are holding up every single nomination. They are obstructing. Theyre doing, im telling you, theyre not good politicians but very good at obstruction. They are holing up every Single Holding up every single nomination. I tell you, peter, it is not right. Bring them right at the end, last minute, what theyre doing is unfair. So you look at even bush, you look at obama, you look at clinton and look at bush, you have 389 versus 182. These are approvals. Look at clinton, 357, versus 182. You look at president obama, 346 versus 182. These are nominations approved and what theyre doing to us. We have unbelievable people. Theyre waiting to be approved. Theyre waiting for a long period of time. I believe mitch will start pushing them very hard. He can do that and he wants to do that. He wants to get judicial nominations through and get them through faster. [shouting questions] go ahead, john. Reporter could i follow on that, you seem to have a budding spirit of cooperation with the Senate Minority leader and House Minority lead, when it came to the budget, when it came to the idea of finding a fix for daca but you have proposal you quoted since then they have critically rejected. With are is the relationship . I hope to have the a relationship. If we dont we dont. We have races coming up, as you know, a year from now. I think well probably do very well. I can say this, if we get taxes approved, well do unbelievably well. Many of the senators are running in states that i won by massive amount as, over 20 , sometimes, 30 . I guess in one or two cases by over 40 offer the democrat. Reporter do you think you can work with them . Well, were going to let you know that at i would like to give you that answer in about seven years from now. Is that okay . Meaning one plus, seven. John, i hope to be able to because i like the concept of bipartisan, but right now they are doing nothing but obstructing. Really, if you think about it, theyre against major tax cuts that is going to make our country stronger and more competitive. That is a hard thing to win an election on. I believe some democrats will be voting for us when it comes to the tax cuts. [shouting questions] reporter what about the Economic Development you mentioned . I will be proposing a Economic Development bill in nottoodistant future. I want tax cuts and maybe health care. Somewhere in between or shortly there after, im going to be developing an Economic Development bill that will put us so far ahead of other countries you will not even believe it. That will be very important. [shouting questions. Reporter thank you, mr. President , last week your Administration Made two major announcements rolling back iran deal and getting rid of the cost sharing reductions as part of obamacare and a lot of criticism is leveled at your administration all youre doing a lot of praise. Reporter fair enough, sir. Rolling back what youre doing is simply rolling back everything your predecessor accomplished. Is there a single policy of your predecessor that you specifically do not want to touch, sir . Well, were very opposite in terms of incentives and inscienttives for jobs and other things. Look what happened, we hit a new high in the stock market. Mitch, we picked up at this moment, 5. 2 trillion in stock market value. We have the lowist Unemployment Rate in almost 17 years. Were doing well. Were going to be doing immigration work that is going to be outstanding and well have people coming into our country based hopefully on merit system, not just coming in randomly. But they will come in based on a merit system because they can help us. I have Companies Moving into this country. You saw what happened with the Automobile Industry last week with five major plants. We have companies pouring back into this country for the first time in anybodys memory. We are actually going to be fairly soon at a point we need workers. Our country is going to do so well but the tax cuts will be a major, major part of it. Reporter anything you want to keep in place . Not too many. It is opposite side of the spectrum. [shouting questions] go ahead peter. Reporter earlier you said that president obama didnt make calls. How do you know that. I dont know. I do a combination of both. Sometimes very difficult thing to do. I do a combination of both. President obama, i think probably sometimes and maybe sometimes he didnt. I dont know. That is what i was told. All i can do, all i can do is ask my generals. Other president s did not call. They would write letters. Some president s didnt do anything. But i like, i like the combination of, i like when i can, the combination of a call and also a letter. [shouting questions] reporter sorry. One at a time. Reporter if it would help special Counsel Robert Mueller get to the end of russia investigation i would like to see it end. The whole russian thing was excuse. Excuse me. The whole russian thing was excuse for democrats losing election and turns out to be just one excuse. Today hillary blamed nigel farage. That came out of nowhere. That was excuse for democrats losing an election, frankly they have a big advantage in the electoral college. They should always be able to win in the electoral college. They are unable to do it. There is absolutely no collusion. It has been stated they have no collusion. They ought to get to end of it, i think the American Public is sick of it. Go ahead. Reporter mr. President. Veronica with fox 5. Do you think in any way your comments affected Bowe Bergdahls ability to receive a fair trial and can you i cant comment on bowe bergdahl, i guess he is doing something today as we know, and he is also, theyre setting up sentencing. So im not going to comment on him. I think people have heard my comments in the past. [shouting questions] go ahead. Reporter deadline for [inaudible] they should be able to do something but we need very Strong Border security. We do want the wall. Go ahead. Reporter yes about the [inaudible] i spoke to governor brown. We had a great conversation. We have fema there. As you know James Lee Witt gave us a aplus and i think, if he didnt include the fires he would include the fires also. We have fema there. We have military there. We have firstresponders there. Its a tragic situation. But were working very closely with the representatives from california and were doing a good job. [shouting questions] go ahead. Reporter [inaudible]. All i can say it is totally fake news. Just fake. It is fake. It is madeup stuff. It is disgraceful what happens but that that happens in the world of politics. John . Reporter mr. President on the wall [inaudible] our country needs a wall. Mexico, you see what is happening there. You see what just happened yesterday with one of their big political leaders. Mexico is not doing particularly it comes to the kind of thing we have great interest in. Drugs are pouring across our border. Were stopping it, but we need a wall to really stop it. We need a wall in this country. We know it, i know it, Everybody Knows it. So a wall will be part of [inaudible] puerto rico situation is reporter [inaudible] according to the clinton administrations head of fema it has been outstanding. Puerto rico is very tough because of the fact it is an island. It is also tough, as you know it was in very poor shape before the hurricanes ever hit. Their electrical grid was destroyed before hurricanes got there. Was in very bad shape. Was not working. Was in bankruptcy. Owed 9 billion. On top of that the hurricane came. Now youre going to have build a whole new electrical plant system. Were not talking about generators. We moved, puerto rico has more generators i believe than any place in the world. There are generators all over the place. The fact is, their electrical system was in horrible shape before and even worse shape after. So we are working right now, as you know, relief funds were just approved or in process of approved by congress, that include texas by the way. That includes florida. And it also includes puerto rico, the u. S. Virgin islands, et cetera. But, but, it was in really bad shape before. We have done, i will say this, we have done reporter people dont have drinking water. We have delivered tremendous amounts of water. What you have to do you have to have distribution of water by the people on the island. We have massive amounts of water. We have massive amounts of food. But they have to distribute the food and they have to do this, they have to distribute the food to the people of island. So what weve done, is we now actually have military distributing food, something that is really they shouldnt have to be doing but if you look at the governor, who is a good man by the way, but you look at governor of puerto rico, he himself has said weve done outstanding job. Most people have said we have done outstanding job. Puerto rico is very tough one. Go ahead. Reporter [inaudible] ill let mitch, you want to talk about that . Was the question about the 20week . Yeah, well, it is supported by virtually all of my members. We expect to have a vote on it at some point. [shouting questions] reporter [inaudible]. Those who believe this would be the worst time to do that because it would be viewed as provocative. How do you view what youre trying to accomplish and do you intend to i will be going to south korea, to china, to japan, vietnam, the summit. We have a big economic summit there. I may be going to the philippines also. Weve been invited. Weve been invited to the philippines. I may be going to the fill peoples. I look forward to all of them. We havent set the details as of this moment. Reporter latest proposal [inaudible] well take a look at that i didnt hear in terms of provoking but we will certainly take a look. Reporter quick followup on earlier question to sarah. Talking about the special counsel and consideration, are you considering firing Robert Mueller . No, not at all. Reporter kurdish and iraqi forces were clashing in northern iraq. Are you concerned about a larger conflict in the region while u. S. Forces are still on the ground . We dont like the fact were clashing. Were not taking sides but we dont like the fact theyre clashing. Let me tell you, we have had for many years very Good Relationship with the kurds as you know. Weve also been on the side of iraq, even though we should never have been there in the first place. Were not taking side in that battle, john. Reporter interview earlier today Hillary Clinton said she did not believe players taking a kneel in nfl is about disrespecting flag. The way you have portrayed this you fired back in a tweet, you hope she runs again in 2020. Why oh, i hope hillary runs . I hope she is running. Hillary, please run again. Go ahead. Reporter she is at odds whether or not this is disrespecting flag. Is she right or is she wrong . I think she is wrong. There is plenty of time to do knees and plenty of time to do lots of other things but when you take a knee that is why she lost the election. I mean honestly that thinking, that is the reason she lost the election. When you go down and take a knee or a any other way, youre sitting, essentially, for our Great National anthem. Youre disrespecting our flag, and youre disrespecting our country. And the nfl should have suspended some of these players for one game, not fire them. Suspended them for one game. And then if they did it again, could be two games, three games, then for the season. You wouldnt have people disrespecting our country right now. And if Hillary Clinton actually made the statement that in a forum sitting down during playing of you are Great National anthem is not disrespectful, then i fully understand why she didnt win. I know, i mean, i look there are a lot of reasons she didnt win including the fact she was not good at what she did but i will tell you, that is something that i just had heard about. I think her statement in itself is very disrespectful to our country. [shouting] thank you very much. Reporter as relates to nfl that is what the players are saying, it is a why theyre taking a knee, sir. Police is not it is disrespectful to our country takinging a knee duringe national anthem. Hear it. It is very disrespectful to our country when they take a knee during the national anthem, number one. Number two. The people of our country are very angry at nfl. All you have to do is look at ratings and stadiums. You see empty seats where you never saw before. A lot of people are angry at it. Highly disrespectful. Shouldnt do it. Thank you, everybody. Trish he ended on the nfl. That is a very contentious issue right now anyway. Other republicans calls a truce. What do you think of that . Mitch mcconnell and donald trump eating lunch. Going out hand in hand essentially for a News Conference where they announced plans for tax reform, vowing to get it done this year, you heard president talking about health care and all that he has done to try an improve our Health Care Situation in the United States of america. Im trish regan. Welcome, everyone, to the intelligence report. Were watching all this as markets again hit another high. Were nearing 23,000, folks. Just 70 points away on the dow. That would be 49th record close of the year. Were just shy of 23,000. By the way you heard it here on this show first, predictions of 23,000. Looks like it could happen. Joining me with his reaction what we just heard from the president and Mitch Mcconnell, we have congressman from florida, ron desantis. Good to see you. Hi, how are you . Trish im good. So what do you think of this . Are the republicans going to finally get it together and Work Together, come up with meaningful policy . I think we need to. Specifically the senate needs to. You know the house, we passed repeal and replace of obamacare. We passed repeal an replace of doddfrank. We passed kates law. We passed defund of sanctuary cities. I think we will pass tax reform within the next six weeks. I think the question is, i think it is good the president meeting with senator mcconnell. Can republicans in the senate get their act together to deliver on promises all of them made to their voters. I think today was a good sign. I think folks in the senate realized that our voters are getting frustrated with their inability to do things. I know the president is too. So i appreciate what he did today. And what he said and i think were on the right track. Trish congressman, let me ask you, how significant was this meeting. . This president called out Mitch Mcconnell on twitter and verbally to the press and highly frustrated with Mitch Mcconnells leadership in the senate or lack thereof. He doesnt want to see the same thing happen to tax reform that happened to repeal and replace. So put context around this. How critical is this meeting, is this dialogue, that seems to be opening up between Mitch Mcconnell and the president . It is important because you know, the president is somebody, he wants results. He is a business guy. If youre not producing results, he will let you know about it. At same time he never quits on this stuff. He was frustrated, rightfully so, the senates failure to repeal and replace obamacare. You look over the next six months, we have a chance to do big tax reform the first time in 30 years. We have another chance to take a swing at repealing and replacing obamacare. He sees that, says, hey, lets seize the day right now. I think he communicated that to senator mcconnell there. Is sense of urgency with our voters. They want the senate to take advantage of this. Trish do you buy that his relationship with Mitch Mcconnell is outstanding . Or still i think there are shared, there is a shared realization, the president wants his agenda passed because that is what i ran on. There is realization by senator mcconnell and others in the senate, unless they produce better results, that is not good for the president. There are some senators who dont want the president to succeed. I think, and im frustrated by that. If the senate doesnt succeed, they will pay the price in 2018. It will not be President Trump. He is not up until 2020. So i think interests are aligned they have a common cause right now. Trish steve bannon indicated that. All these seats could be up for grabs, every traditional republican is up if stuff doesnt happen. I think president gets that, Mitch Mcconnell gets that and i know you get that why i like seeing. You bannon is recruiting challengers. He has got resources and media. That will be very formidable. The best way for the incumbents to fend that off, produce results. Have the president sign a bunch of bills. Most Republican Voters will be happy. Trish yeah. I think a lot of those senate incumbents, they have their future in their hands, if they get things done, they will have the upper hand. If they dont, then i think you will see a populist insurgency in some of these primaries because our voters will demand results. Trish as they should. Congressman desantis, thank you so much. Good to see you. Good to see you. Trish all right. Were watching a market that is on fire. We look at a market 70 points away from 23,000. One of the sectors that is challenged today, and has been challenged ever since the president started taking aim at them is health care, health care. He is threatening to shut off federal subsidies for these companies a lot of these companies benefited from obamacare. The president calling them out for it. You heard him earlier today. Is this crony capitalism. We have intel for you. That is next. And ensure it lasts. Introducing shield annuities, a line of products that allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities. While maintaining a level of protection in down markets. So you can head into retirement with confidence. Talk with your advisor about shield annuities from Brighthouse Financial established by metlife. They always refer to me as master sergeant. They really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. Weve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. Usaa was there handson very quick very prompt. I feel like were being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. Were the webber family and we are usaa members for life. Usaa, get your insurance quote today. Trish moments ago the president came out and spoke to reporters alongside Mitch Mcconnell. Theyre effectively calling a truce. They will Work Together on things. So that is a good sign for the markets which wants tax policy. Which wants Health Care Policy were at nearly 23,000 right now. Meantime if you look at some of these health insurers, well theyre struggling a bit today because the president is promising to cut off federal payments to some of these insurers. Take a look at this one, one of them had been up 650 . Do you see that, Centene Corporation there at the top of the list . 650 you guys, since obamacare was signed. Anthem, look at that, 185 . Aetna, 341 . Trump has been saying look, this is a bunch of subsidies, a bunch of bail wrotes for insurers, obamacare is. Bailouts. It goes to deductibles for low and middle income customers. Harlan hill, President Trump election Advisory Board and hugo gerden. Good to have you here. What is your reaction to this. Insurance Companies May not like this. Due to obamacare, Insurance Companies received overnight, 20 million new customers forced to buy Health Insurance by the government, and through biggovernment price controls. They are being subsidized. Plans too expensive for the free market to support are being subsidized by the federal government at almost a blank check. So this is unsustainable in terms of managing a proper budget. It is unsustainable, making sure people have long term access to health care. President trump is standing up saying enough is enough. Republicans say they believe in personal responsibility but Mitch Mcconnell stood up there with the president today and he didnt take any personal responsibility for his failures to get Obamacare Repeal and replace done in the first nine months of this administration. He just passed the buck. This is what weve seen in washington time and time again. People arent going to put up with it forever. Trish no, theyre not. Congressman desantis heard him say his constituents dont want to put up with it. Why youre seeing a backlash, threat of a backlash in 2018. You can run candidates maybe wont actually just stick with the status quo. Let me ask your reaction hugo, what you saw there. Do you buy that, there is effectively a truce Mitch Mcconnell and president they have to get on with this and they know they have to do something about obamacare before the election, otherwise as senator Lindsey Graham said they will suffer very badly in the midterms. One of the things viewers should remember, the money being paid was not even constitutional. Congress did not appropriate the money. There was authorization for it, but constitution says the money has to be appropriated. All the president did was make things constitutionally proper. And throw responsibility back to congress where it needs to be, to make this stuff happen. Trish let me ask you about this as well, guys, while you have you here because this has been a little pet peeve of mine. Insurers are not only ones profiting from obamacare. You have all the taxexempt, nonprofit hospitals, they have this taxexempt status. They say theyre nonprofit. Theyre bringing in billions of dollars. So many of these local communities are really suffering. Politico did an interesting article. Let me share this the nations top seven 7 hospitals collected 34 billion revenue in 2015, 50 jump in obamacare, but charity care fell 35 . Have they been getting a free ride with the taxexempt status . He should. This goes back 50 years. If hospitals serving communities, providing good support to people that need care, they should benefit from taxexempt status. What were seeing, theyre more focused on revenue and profit than anything else. As theyre getting more benefits from the federal government, theyre giving back to their communities has fallen off of a cliff. Is im asking, when is there a point of no return for republicans here . Because you know, we have believed for a long time charity is an important tenet of the american company. The government shouldnt come down on high to make sure people have access town limited resources. Hospitals and Community Hospitals serving the poor is important piece. Serving a void. It is clear theyre not. Trump will leverage this for political benefit, if republicans wont do something, if they wont come to the table with real comprehensive health care reform, he will apply pressure to hospitals, to health Insurance Companies and whoever else is needed to get something done. Trish hugo, i mean i think this is peoples biggest frustration, right . If you ask anyone, they hate politicians. They hate d. C. They feel like theyre all corrupt, and there is motivation, whoever is backing your campaign, that is the policy you back. You heard trump say over and over again. President said look, i will not make any friend with all this. Insurance companies are not going to like me. There is plenty of senators and people in congress that may not like me as a result of this as well. Is that true, hugo . Yeah it is true. He won election because he said that sort of thing. People believed him. He was won election because he said he would come to washington and represent people whose voices are not being heard. This is the kind of policy. This is the kind of action where it makes people think, yes, that is why we sent him there. He is stopping these payments. Which were not constitutional. He is very wellaware there are a lost millionaires at the top of a lot of charities. Maybe he will force their hand there. He is forcing the people up on capitol hill to come back and to address these issues. If they want to he has thrown the ball back into their court as he has with several executive orders the last several days. Trish Interesting Times indeed. Thanks so much, guys. Interesting times here on the dow. Take a look at this. Were nearing 23,000. 22,934. Were looking at a new record high. 23k in sight. Well be right back. If youre approaching 65, nows the time to get your ducks in a row. To learn about medicare, and the options you have. 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Here to discuss, kaltbaum capital president gary kaltbaum. Senior policy analyst for independent womens forum, patrice liwuca. Good to have you both here. Gary, kind of dirty money, right . 250k. The Clinton Foundation could give it back. They should give it back but theyre not giving it back. Why . Look, multiple Sexual Assault accusations, multiple rape accusations. I dont understand, they talk about that it already has been spent. I work very closely with philanthropic organizations t has not been spent. These things get designated. You go into your war chest and pay it. The optics are bad but in clintons world trish that is what were talking about. You want to talk about bad optics, this charity spends more money than flying people around than it does on charity itself, extremely opaque, the Clinton Foundation is. Weve talked about that repeatedly right here on the show. I think it is one of the things that actually hurt her. But gary, given opaqueness of the place, you cant expect them to return a sent, no matter how dirty it is . We could spend a few hours on the Clinton Foundation, how in 2014 they took over 100 million in and only paid out about 6 million. So, yes, you are correct. But, for me again, it all comes down to usc paying back 5 million. A bunch of democratic politicians, paying it back or donating it back. This makes absolutely no sense. Tells you she doesnt care. The clintons dont care what it looks like. How it looks. I have to put myself in that position. What would i do . It would go back yesterday. Simple as that. Trish i dont get it. In other words, she made, being a feminist her calling card. She had a womens card, right . Lets not forget. She seems to care about womens issues but perhaps it is all for show. I will point out when she was asked by fareed sakiria, if she would give back the money. She laughed a little bit. I guess my colleagues are doing. I give 10 back to charity every year so i fest it will be part of that. It shouldnt be part of that. You should give it back separately because it is the right thing to do. Patrice, what is missing here . Well, lets think about, you know, her approach to to the people that brought allegations about her husband. She was trite about it. She dismissed it when called out on her hypocrisy lately. Her husband, a powerful man, settle ad lawsuit with paula jones for 850,000. If she is willing to wink her eye at hushhush money back in the 90s, why are we surprised her winking at this kind of hushmoney today. Trish i said this before. Feminism is a loaded term. I am a feminist because i believe entirely in the equality of women. Women should have every single opportunity and ability to make their own choices in life. No one looks down their nose, if you decide to stay home to raise your kids, whether you decide to be career woman. Feminism, should be about embracing women. But i dont like this. When you just embrace the kind of woman that you think a woman ought to be. Weve seen this from Hillary Clinton. Weve seen it from michelle obama. If you dont think the way they think, that group think, then all of sudden you are not a real feminist. Youre not even a real woman who is thinking for herself and voting for what is important to her. You know, as a young woman, i think it is, it is, you know, says that i, im not smart enough to make my own decisions on issues that i care care about. But unfortunately they go back to the feminist playbook. This is not what a lot of women this country care about. They want jobs and opportunity. They want government regulation scaled back to become a hairdresser or manicurist or that is not what the left is talking about, the real barriers for women today. Trish i hate to go back to this one, think about poor monica lewinsky. Plenty of feminists were already to tar and feather that young girl when he was at fault. Gary, last thought. Clinton foundation has taken in over 2 billion since inception. They have the money. I dont understand why just logic would dictate, just do the right thing. Those women coming forward, they were more than likely violated and, somewhere along the line you will start being on their side. Looks like theyre not. Trish yeah. I think we can all agree the guy is a real creep. Creep. Leave it at that. Thank you so much, gary, patrice. Good to see you guys. Markets today hitting new highs, yet again. Were looking at nearly 23,000, how do you like, that folks . This market is on a tear. Well get, to what exactly is fueling it and whether or not it will continue right after this. Well, its earnings season once again. Yeah. Lot of Tech Companies are reporting today. And, hows it looking . I dont know. Theres so many opinions out there, its hard to make sense of it all. Well, victor, do you have something for him . Check this out. Td ameritrade aggregates thousands of earnings estimates into a single data point. That way you can keep your eyes on the big picture. Huh. Feel better . Much better. Yeah, me too. Wow, you really did a number on this thing. Sorry about that. Thats alright. I got a box of em. Thousands of opinions. One estimate. The earnings tool from td ameritrade. Markets hitting record highs as investors keep showing their optimism. On this Seasons Companies earnings as well as a possible of tax reform coming. We heard from donald trump and from Mitch Mcconnell and they just kind of came out in the coup by a moment said that they are willing to Work Together. We need tax reform. Is again hit the big 23 could happen this week. Thank you trish. We are what within striking distance. It could even happen today if you think about it. I did not bring my baseball cap. I hope it doesnt happen today but perhaps it will and we still have an saw an hour in change before the close. The markets are still attracting positive flow. Valuations are becoming somewhat lofty right now. We have many sectors participating. Not just the banks. You heard donald trump go after the Health Insurance and he pointed out that under the Obama Administration they did great. There was one that was up 650 percent. They struggle in recent days because the president is calling them out. We will not had any more of these federal subsidies. What is your thought on that. Should they be very careful careful around the sector. Is a good gauge of tracking this war on doug prices drug prices. Hillary clinton also had tweets against high drug prices. Any reaction in that sector i think will be shortlived. It might be a knee jerk reaction. Insurers in general had have a tremendous run. I dont see that stopping anytime soon. Even though people are backing off. I think healthcare is very strong. Unless we had complete gridlock in washington. I just think its very strong sector. Said happened this happens this week then what happens. Warren buffett is saying doubt 100,000. One hundred years from now. We may be dead by then but if the markets pull back a little bit before the end of the year a lot of investors are waiting with a lot of cash on the sidelines to buy any debt. Heather, we hope it happens soon. Its good to see you. The conversation you know it doesnt end here. Tell us what you thought of todays show. We always love hearing from you. We like to hear what you like and what you didnt like. Im going to be live from chicago the windy city tomorrow right here at 2 00 p. M. Eastern so i hope you will join me then. Liz claman is taking you through the close. It is in your hands. At foxbusiness anything can happen. The markets started to clawback. Close to session highs just over 60 points away from the 23,000 mark as markets stay on track to zoom to new record highs. What happens while this happened. President trump and Mitch Mcconnell holding spontaneous

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