Release its infrasphruk chur proposal. Its a plan which already has bipartisan support. Former Reagan White House political director ed rollings will be joining us and another promise kept, the Trump Administration negotiating budget cuts for the United Nations after the International Body voted to condemn President Trumps recognition of jerusalem as i reals capital. Ambassador john bolton will be with us in moments. Again with the top story, the president taking on the corrupt fbi leadership over its use of the discredited dossier which was meant to smear donald trump during the 2016 campaign. And the president appears to be winning on that. President trump tweeting this morning that the dossier has proven to be quote, a pile of garbage after the Washington Times reported that fbi agents could not verify any of the many outrageous and salacious details in the document backed by the way and funded by democrats and the hill clinton campaign. The deputy fbi director, at the center of the trovers over collusion between the democrats and the bureau is reportedly running out the clock. Really . Hell hoping to hold on to his position until march when he can retire from the fbi with full benefits paid for by you, the taxpayers. And the president s legal team claims the clock is ticking on the special counsel investigation of trumprussia ties. Trump attorney telling the wall street journal he expects Robert Muellers probe to be over soon although he would not provide a specific date. Joining me now, christopher rale, director of investigations and researcher for judicial watch. Good to see you. The president s tweet was an understatement. Its more than a pile of garbage. We have kids watching so i wont say what i think it is. But dont you think the fbi of all agencies of anybody would want to verify at least some of it before they use it as a pretext to launch a federal criminal investigation into trumprussian collusion. But because the dossier there wasnt a scintilla of evidence of it. Failure to do so is criminal negligence on the part of the persons who dance the manufactured dossier to use it as leverage for fisa warrants. In your introyou talked about the cast of characters involved. Mccabe needs a favor, according to my understanding, to get to the march retirement date. I dont think hes eligible to retire until a little after that. So his retirement and all of the benefits that flow from it can all be administratively held. And i would recommend very strongly to the fbi director and the attorney general that any sort of retirement or any benefits that might accrue to him automatic be held in suspension until this entire matter is cleared up. Just like theres a similar instance where another very senior fbi agent i think read the handwriting on the wall and bailed out of this whole thing and then found himself a very cushy job as a Senior Vice President for a major hotel chain in this country. That individual, whose name i will withhold for the moment but maybe later on we can talk about it, that particular agent who is working for this hotel chain and driving a brandnew jaguar, he sheuld be subpoenaed and called in. And frankly the gs13 journeyman level street agents who worked for mccabe, they should be called in to testify because theyre not going to lie and purger themselves for their boss. Shouldnt all of these guys, if theyre planning to vanish into retirement with full pension benefits paid for by taxpayers, shouldnt that be held in abeyance until its finally determined whether or not they should Face Criminal Charges for things like filing a phony affidavit in support of a warrant to spy or whether they were participating in obstruction of justice in clearing Hillary Clinton and targeting donald trump. I mean those, as you and i talked before, those are potential crimes. Exactly. And these are measures that can be taken administratively. Look, if they were on their investigation, whether it takess six months or three years and they decide, you know what . We cleared you. You were just an unfortunate bystander, well then fine, they get all of their pay and benefits, even if its backdated. Thats great. But this person or these persons, plural, should not collect a dime if they have been engaged in misconduct and attempting to overturn or thwart the election of the president of the United States. Gregg there are two reports that im looking forward to. One is the Inspector General of the United States who is looking into alleged wrongdoing by james comey, lisa paige, maybe mccabe, Vickie James Baker and baker who has since been reassigned. All of these guys are fbi players in the exoneration of Hillary Clinton notwithstanding compelling evidence she violated the law. So when you hear that devon kn nunaz is talking about issuing a report on fbi corruption, that would be a long report i in my judgment. How about yours . The Justice Department is utterly gutness. A guy named dan berkhart sat on criminal negligence in el paso texas. I know this first hand. Im not guessing at it. Ive looked at this case for over six years. There is people like beckhart running around, the deputy. You have to hope that wh horowiz has enough guts. His report is supposed to come out in the next couple of months. Maybe. And theres good evidence the Intelligence Committee will be coming out with a report as well and maybe a separate report on fbi corruption. So i mean there is some hope for those who feel as though this entire thing was rigged, rigging it, fixing it so Hillary Clinton was absolved and launching an investigation of trump with no evidence. Yeah. I would temper everyones expectations. Look, many, many, not all, but many inspectors general are really the department of coverups. All right . Their attempt is to constrain and minimize wron wrongdoing bye agency that theyre inspecting. While im hopeful, im forever hopeful but im also a realist. Ive seen these guys in action before. And if you expect some hardhitting thing that can be turned around into an indictment, dont bet the farm on it. Gregg i agree entirely and that is the history of the inspect generals. However the fact that horowitz obtained 10,000 of these Text Messages between struck and lisa paige and revealed some of them, which are quite incriminating, antitrump messages, complimentary messages of Hillary Clinton while these two are bot involved in both investigations, that gives rise to some measure of hope. We have those two and they can be kind of strung up as pinatas for everyone to point at. But i think it goes deeper and further than that. Gregg good to see you. Thanks for being with us. The president today spending his working investigation targeting not only the fbi and antitrump dossier but also north korea. The administration announcing new sanctions against a pair of officials that are key to the regimes Ballistic Missile program. Owrp correspondent is outside maralago in florida with our report. Reporter the Trump Administration refuses to take a holiday from sanctioning north koreans. The Treasury Department announced the United States is sanctioning two of north koreas leaders. In a statement, quote, treasury is targeting leaders of north koreas Ballistic Missiles pranl as part of our maximum Pressure Campaign to achieve a fully denuke rised korean peninsula. This follows fridays United Nations Security Council that imposed new sanctions on noarks targeting the money flow, a move that north korea attributed to an act of war. The russian government is offering to mediate between the u. S. And korea. The state department failed to spobd to comment on the offer. Rex tillerson said north korea must earn its way back to the negotiating table starting with a halt on the Nuclear Missile tests. The president promised persistent pressure on king womn jongun. There is much more work to do. America and its allies will take all steps to achieve a denuke rye disaition and ensure that this regime cannot threaten the war. Reporter the president spent the day at Trump International playing golf with republican senator and normaller pga prodana quigley. The administration dispriebs this as a working vacation. On policy from the president this morning, a tweet, quote, the unfair and unpopular mandate has been terminated as part of the tax cut bill which repeals over time obamacare, the democrats and republicans will eventually come together and develop a great new health care plan. The republicans already tried to replace obamacare thwarted by insufficient support. The president says hes discuss husband 2018 strategy the first week in january at camp david. The Administration Says it will also push an infrastructure package. Some democrats say theyre willing to work with republicans. Weve got an aging infrastructure with potholes and highways that arent working and bridges that are in trouble. We need to do something together to fix our infrastructure. Reporter immigration, budgeting, disaster relief, health care, all part of the 2018 agenda which is also Midterm Election year. Gregg thanks very much. Were coming back with much more. Stay with us President Trump delivering another Campaign Promise by cutting funding to the United Nations. When was the last time you saw the United Nations make a settlement. You dont see it. Its like a country club, folks, and were spending a fortune. We take up the president s America First policy with ambassador john bolton. And new calls for a purge at the fbi and Justice Department as President Trump works to drain the swamp. Those details and more next. daniel jacob for every hour that youre idling in your car, youre sending about half a gallon of gasoline up in the air. That amounts to about 10 pounds of Carbon Dioxide every week. malo hutson growth is good, but when it starts impacting our quality of air and quality of life, thats a problem. So forwardthinking cities like sacramento are investing in streets that are smarter and greener. The solution was right under our feet. Asphalt. Or to be more precise, intelligent asphalt. By embedding sensors into the pavement, as well as installing cameras on traffic lights, we will be able to analyze the flow of traffic. Then that data runs across our network, and we use it to optimize the timing of lights, so that travel times are shorter. Who knew asphalt could help save the environment . Wifiso if you cant live without it. T it. Why arent you using this guy . It makes your wifi awesomely fast. No. Still nope. Now were talking it gets you wifi here, here, and here. It even lets you take a time out. No no yes yes, indeed. Amazing speed, coverage and control. All with an xfi gateway. Find your awesome, and change the way you wifi. Gregg the Trump Administration delivering on a promise to cut the funding to the United States nations negotiating a 285 million budget cut. Now the move follows a fight condemning the decision to move the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem. Nikki haley saying, we will no longer let the generosity of the American People be taken advantage of or remaining unchecked. Joining nenow to talk about it, former u. S. Ambassador of the United States john bolton, now senior fellow at the American Enterprise institute. Great to see you. Excellent column that you penned in the wall street journal today. I want to many president s have sort of hinted that they are so disgusted with the United Nations that they have threatened under their breath, if nothing more than that, to cut some of the funding. This is a president who had the courage to actually do it. What you make of it . I think its an important step and i think theres every prospect, theres going to be more of it. This particular budget cut was negotiated basically baked in the cake before the jerusalem vote. But if there were ever a pivot point for an administration to say to congress and the american public, this is what were spending our money on, i cant think think of a better one. You know, back in the day, in the 1980s, it was Congress Cutting the budget to the u. N. And cut a substantial amount under the leadership of senator jesse helms. Now i think President Trump has an opportunity to do something about it and i hope he takes advantage of it. Gregg going back a few days just before the vote and a great many speeches on the floor of the United Nations, the turkish ambassador said, oh, threatening to withhold money to Member States would be extortion youre trying to buy our vote. Its not even close to that, is it, ambassador . No. And i have to say while certainly the budget levels at the u. N. Are a serious problem for the United States, theyre actually Something Else more serious. Theyre symptoms of the larger problem at the u. N. , where bureaucracies exist, ive called them selflicking ice cream cones. They have no apparent effect in the real world but they cost a lot of money. So i think what the United States needs to do is go through and systematically separate the u. N. Sheep from the goats and i would go further. Id say the entire assessed system of contributions. You mentioned the u. S. Pays 22 . Its kind of like an international tax. We pay 28 of the peacekeeping budget which is bigger than the regular budget. Lets contribute on a voluntarily basis. Lets contribute to what we think is worthwhile and not contribute to what we think is not worthwhile. Gregg one could argue that the entire United Nations is not worthwhile but well leave that for another day. Lets turn now to north korea. A couple of topics there. The south is asking that the United States postpone military exercises, worried about some provocation with the north before the olympics. There is some talk about negotiations, although the north is refusing to back off its nuclear program. What do you think of those two topics . Its understandable that south korea is worried about the effect on the olympics. But there are bigger things at stake here and im pretty con convinced that were going to come to a head on the north Korea Program in the near future. I feel sorry about a potential impact on the olympicses. But there are bigger issues involved. As far as negotiating with north korea, this is a waste of oxygen. They are not going to give up their Nuclear Programs voluntarily. Were not saying that pressure applied to them will make that happen. Gregg last subject. Isis. U. S. Forces and allied forces have done a wonderful job of getting rid of the caliphate in syria and iraq. What about afghanistan . Theyve exspannedded their territory there, their influence is growing. There is true in other regions in the world, in libya and yemen. Although the physical caliphate in syria and iraq is close to being destroyed, the isis threat is far from over, including in syria and iraq where every likelihood is theyll turn back to terrorism more than conventional warfare. I think the analysis by the Intelligent Committee that the threat we face internationally is equal to or greater than it was on 9 11 remains true. Gregg the kremlin is criticizing the u. S. Army, the army in ukraine, that must mean were doing the right thing. Absolutely. Look. I think it was long yofer do ovo provide this assistance. Long overdo going back to barack obama. I think that encouraged putin to go further. This is a significant move for the Trump Administration. You have to wonder where all of the collusion with russia is when theyre arming russias enemies. Gregg again, everybody can read the ambassadors column in the wall street journal. An intel lent one. Excellent one. Be sure to vote in tonights poll. Can you think of any reason the corrupt deputy fbi director Andrew Mccabe should be given full Retirement Benefits from you the American People. Cost your vote on twitter. Follow lou on twitter, like him on facebook, follow him on instagram on wall street, is the dow off 8 points, s p down 2, nasdaq dropping 23 points. The lightest of the year at 2 billion shares. Apple shares fall 2. 5 on reports of weaker than expected demand for the iphone 10. Crude oil setting at the highest level since june of 2015 closing nearly 60 a barrel. Listen to lous report three times a day cost to coast on the salem radio network. Coming up next, the white house is demanding answers about bias at the fbi and Justice Department during the clinton probe. So the president is saying we need to have we need to know that our Civil Servants are doing the honorable thing and its important for the American People to know what happened in that investigation. Gregg elrollins taking that up Liberty Mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. snap achoo snap achoo achoo snap snap achoo achoo feel a cold coming on . Zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. I mwell, what are youe to take care odoing tomorrow 10am . Staff meeting. Noon . Eating. 3 45 . Uh, compliance training. 6 30 . Sams baseball practice. 8 30 . Tai chi. Yeah, so sounds relaxing. Alright, 9 53 . I usually make their lunches then, and i have a little vegan so wow, you are busy. Wouldnt it be great if you had investments that worked as hard as you do . Yeah. Introducing essential portfolios. The automated investing solution that lets you focus on your life. Gregg im greg jarrett in for lou dobbs. Hes on vacation. President trump taking historic moves to transform the courts during his first year in office. The president has nominated 66 judges thus far this year, nearly three times as many as president obama did during the same period. But thanks to obstructionist dems and weak republican leadership, so far only a third of President Trumps picks have actually been confirmed. New yorks left wing attorney general Eric Sneiderman is waging legal war against the president. Hes challenge the Trump Administration or Congressional Republicans 100 times, including a lawsuit over air pollution today. These suits oppose the administration on everything from the travel ban to repeal of Net Neutrality joining me now is former reagan political director ed rollins. That was to be expected, i would think. Legal challenges against president the first one was actually filed by richard painter and a couple of others within two days of the president taking office claiming he violated the constitution on emoluments. I read a column. Its a total joke and it will be dismissed. And sure enough a few days ago it was dismissed. The president hadnt even unpacked his red ties and they were suing him. The number of judges that the president has moved forward and will continue to move forward, the courts play an important part in this government. And the key thing is to make sure you get your good people in there and you make sure that people share a conservative philosophy and make sure theyre wellskilled and can stay a long period of time. As we see, the first major things that the president put up there, some judge somewhere basically tried to block it. The thing is to find good conservative judges with experience that will stay on the court for a period of time, not just come in for two or three years and leave. Gregg i read a column that says the only collusion appears to be within the fbi and the department of justice to clear Hillary Clinton and frame donald trump. Every day seems to bring new evidence of that. I think thats a terrible disappointment for me. Ive always had a lot of respect for the fbi. I started in politics during the nixon era when you still had some not necessarily best people in the fbi and other agencies. And i think over the last 20 or 30 years weve tried to clean that up and move it forward. Somehow its politicized in the last eight years and i think the Justice Department was the lead of that. And i think theres no question ive never seen in all of the years ive been around politics, ever an attempt to tip the balance as they did. They were prohillary and antitrump. And the idea that you were going to let the people make their choice, have a check mate system of. Gregg it never made sense when james comey stood up in july of 2016 and laid out a failly meticulous case of how Hillary Clinton had violated the law in the handling of her emails and then said but no reasonable prosecutor will bring this case. Now were beginning to learn how that all occurred. People changed the wording in his statement to clear her when nirnlly he was going to refer an indictment. The basic premise as you know having been a lawyer and taught law, is that basically the attorney general makes the decision. The fbi director does not make the decision whether youre going to prosecute. You put the evidence forward and there was sufficient evidence put forward that she should have been indicted or at least had more than her hand slapped. They clearly violated the law, clearly obstructed things and i think to a certain extent the fbi was fully in cahoots with that. And the second step was to hinder trump when he bedwan his presidency. Gregg and a year and a half after the fbi got their hands on the dossier, they cant confirm any of it. And yet they used it in july of 2016, almost the same time they cleared Hillary Clinton, to launch the trushrussia investigation based on a phony document that they didnt try to confirm at the time before launching the criminal investigation. One of the worst cases of lawment ive ever seen, the idea that you go out and hire somebody to make the case with information that you know is false. Obviously when you go to the fisa court adds they did, they sense is theyve misled the american public, done great disservice to the Justice Department at the fbi and i think the story is going to finally get out. Its going to take a long time but its going to get out. Gregg and whats confounding is mccabe when he testified apparently couldnt say when he learned that this dossier was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National committee. Wouldnt that be your first question, where did you get the dossier, who paid for it. And if they had found out the answer to that question, they would have filed probably criminal charges against the dnc and the Hillary Clinton campaign who paid for it because thats a violation of the law during a political campaign. You cant pay a foreign national. And equally important, you basically dont take political documents that have gathered to run a campaign against somebody and make it into a legal document. And i think to a certain extent thats what they did. And i think its going to be one of the great black eyes on the fbi. And comey had a good reputation prior to leaving here is now getting his total career tarnished. Gregg comey, mccabe, james baker, peter struck, lisa paige, maybe some others, james baker. I mean the list goes on and on, it gets longer and longer day by day of people who appear to have acted improperly. We knew the Justice Department was very politicized. What we didnt know is that the fbi had gotten very politicized and it clearly is indicated today. Gregg and its a shame because the rank and file of the fbi are fine were hardworking excellent people but its the top management that became politicized under the obama administration. Absolutely. Gregg good to see you as always. Were coming light back with much more. Stay with us President Trump confident that republicans and democrats will Work Together on his agenda in the new year. Infrastructure is the easiest of all. People want it, republicans and democrats. Were going to have tremendous democratic support on infrastructure as you know. Will democrats stay defiant as President Trump seeks another legislative victory . Well take that up with Jason Chaffetz yet. And this fearless snowmobiler stomping her name in the record books with this world first stunt. Well show you her amazing gregg President Trump today expressing confidence that Congressional Republicans and democrats will join forces to Fix Health Care after falling short this year. The president tweeting, quote, based on the fact that the unfair and unpopular mandate has been terminated as part of the tax cut bill, which essentially repeals obamacare over time, the democrats and republicans will eventually come together and develop a great new health care plan. How about that for optimism. Joining me now, Jason Chaffetz, former republican congressman from the state of utah, now a fox business contributor. I give President Trump credit, congressman, for his optimism. But wu know, im not sure theres much realism in that. What say you . Yeah, i love President Trumps cheer in that one. Look. Premiums are going up, people did not get to keep their same doctor like president obama promised them. It was built on a bed of lies to start with. Prescription drug pricing is an issue. I do want to believe that theres some bipartisan way to do that if you parse the individual parts. But right now im a little bit cynical because i believe everything that donald trump says and wants to do that is met by the democrats with a stiff arm saying no, no, no. They used to be in favor of reducing the Corporate Tax. But when donald trump says hey, lets reduce the Corporate Tax, then suddenly theyre opposed to it. Gregg he could say the sky is blue on a sunny day and they would disagree. Im not optimistic but one of the hurdles hes got to get over and so does congress is funding the government. Its running out lickety plit,. Its one thing to pass the tax deal. And hats off to the republican after having a face plant essentially after repealing and replacing obamacare. Whats different come january 19th is when the government has to be funded. They have to get 60 votes in the senate based on their current rules. That means youve got to bring along eight democrats and i dont know how youre going to entice them. It changes the dynamic, the whole pai paradigm on how they t to 60 votes. Gregg if the government shuts down who gets the blame . It seems like the republicans always get the blame. But when the roles were reversed, it was all of the republicans fault even though they were in the minority and the presidency was in Barack Obamas hands. Suddenly it was the republicans fault. Look. Its a 4. 2 trillion budget. Were spending a lot of money. And yet, you know, how you actually fund this, the folly is going to be on the conservatives who are not necessarily going to want to go along with spending money on insphra structure. It sounds good until we ask how were going to pay for that. Remember, theres 100 billion that we have to pay for the hurricane relief. Gregg no one wants to get blamed in an offyear election. The Midterm Elections come up in november. There was a meeting last week about how the gop really needs to reorganize. How should they do that . Well, look, each of these races ends up being an individual race. I mean we have a party leader. We have somebody in donald trump who is leading the party and i would suggest hes Getting Better and better at what he does and how he does it and there have been a host of successes. I think the president exceeded all expectations in 2017. But the traditional play book of just spending a whole bunch of money and throwing ads up on tv, donald trump helped blow up that model and lets learn from that and realize youve got to have a ground game with social media highly engaged and positions that incumbent republicans can run from. Right now the democrats have no leader, they have no message. I mean theyre opposed to, you know, allowing you to keep your own money in your own wallet. They were opposed to tax reform. We ought to be able to go out as republicans and sell that. Gregg the wild card is the Mueller Investigation as it continues to progress. But republicans are doing their own investigations in uncovering evidence of corruption. How corrupt do you think the fbi and to some extent the department of justice under obama was . Well, the more we see this, the more really just flat out sad. My grandfather was a career fbi agent for goodness sake. And youre looking at the upper echelons. And weve only seen parts of the information but its losing its credibility fast. And those are based on facts. I give a lot of credence and you and i have talked about this on air the Inspector General you have mike 8horowitz as the Inspector General who can look under the hood, and by about the end of march, right in the height of when, you know, primaries and what not are happening on both sides of the aisle, youre going to have a bombshell report come out. We dont know what its going to say but its probably closer to the truth than anything weve seen. Gregg if its anything like his discovery of the peter struck, lisa paige emails, yeah, bombshell may be exactly what it is. Jason chaffetz, thanks for being with us. Thank you. Happy new year. Gregg be sure to vote in tonights poll. Can you think of any rn Andrew Mccabe should be given full Retirement Benefits from the american taxpayer . Cast your vote on twitter at lou dobbs please roll the videotape. A 26yearold snowmobiler soress into the record books. The first ever snow mobile back flip. Herb dreams of becoming a professional snow mobile rider one day coming up next, the trump economy rolling on. Stocks at record highs. Unemployment lowest level in 17 years. Now retailers posting the best Holiday Season in years. Well have a full report next. Stay with us. Cannot live without it. So if you cant live without it. Why arent you using this guy . It makes your wifi awesomely fast. No. Still nope. Now were talking it gets you wifi here, here, and here. It even lets you take a time out. No no yes yes, indeed. Amazing speed, coverage and control. All with an xfi gateway. Find your awesome, and change the way you wifi. Gregg President Trump tonight touting a Strong Economy tweeting quote, business is looking really good for next year. Retailers already seeing signs of economic confidence. Sales surging during the Holiday Season. In fact the best in years. Fox news korch correspondent ana vocal has our report. Whether online or actually waiting in a line, theres no question shopping was back this Holiday Season. I just felt more excited about shopping. You know. And i usually dont go out and shop. No, never. But this year i just felt more positive. I like stores. I always like to i prefer buy in the stores because i like to see it and touch it and feel it. Retailers got their wish as sales grew at a faster pace than they have in the last five years. According to the National Retail federation, sales were at 28 billion. In 2017, the estimate for this Holiday Season is 682 billion. A spokesperson for mastercard says overall this was a big win for retail this year. Experts point to three key factors that led to increased sales. First, Good Shopping weather across the country. Next, a national low Unemployment Rate of just over 4 and that led to the third thing on the list, consumer confidence. They feel more secure that theyre going to be able to keep their jobs. So now theyre spending some of the money they may have been holding back a little bit. I think a lot of people spent a little more this year. But its not the rosiest picture for the old brick and mortar stores. Some of the Big Chain Stores that used to anchor shopping malls are shuttering locations across the country, stores like macys jcpenneys and sears have all had to cut back. Any business, whether youre small or large, has to be efficient and cost effective. And those models are not working as well any more. But there is a Silver Lining for the old brick and mortar stores. Shoppers tend to spend more money many person than online. And next year businesses across america will be getting what the president calls a christmas present, a huge cut in the Corporate Tax rate. Gregg. Gregg anita, thanks very much. President trump looking ahead to 2017, predicting a great year for the u. S. Economy, all thanks to the big beautiful tax cuts. What else is on the trump agenda. Well take it up with Brad Blakeman after this. Gregg in our online poll we asked do you believe the collusion between hezbollah and the doj means they are getting serious about draining the swamp . 70 said yes. Niger innecessar innis and brad. You know before you launch a criminal investigation and before you go to a go to a judge to spy on someone, you have to confirm the content of the document. What do you make of that . I think its an outrage. Its Something Congress needs to look into which is their constitutional responsibility. If they used this dossier which is neither corroborated or valid on its face to go before a judge to seek warrants to eavesdrop on u. S. Citizens, this is pretty important stuff. For the supervisory management of the fbi to have so many chings in their armor with regard to their credibility and bias, these are troubling times in america. Its about American Government interference. Gregg equally troubling is it was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democratic National committee yet it was used by the fbi. Do they not realize its a clear violation of law under the federal Campaign Election act . Yet they used a criminally obtained document which they didnt verify for a criminal investigation and spying through a warrant. The antitrump never trumpers and the far left wing liberal democrats try to be fair. Imagine this. Its 2008. The election is raging hot and heavy. The John Mccain Campaign using Israeli Intelligence gathered to them and given to them by a former british spy. They use this information to give to the Bush Administration so that the Bush Administration can get a fisa warrant to spy on then senator obama. What would the Mainstream Media be doing right now . They would be asking for john mccain to be hung from the nearest tree. This is an outa rage. When mccabe was asked by the House Committee for this collusion, this connect the dots of the Trump Administration the Trump Campaign and russian spies, all they could come up with, carter went to russia, went to moscow on a visit. This is outrageous. The real crisis here, we sounds like a banana republic. You are using the powers of the executive branch, the most of powerful agency probably in the history of the world, to actively even gang in a president ial campaign and undermine the opposition party. This is outrageous. Gregg the democratic media, its sort of redundant. Let me spread this out to 2018 in terms of the president s agenda. The wind is at his back with the tax cut package. The americans will see the benefit of it soon. But the wind can change very quickly. What do you expect in 2018 . I expect a strong state of the union january 30. Thats where the viewers should concentrate like a laser beam. He will lay out his agenda and lay out his schedule. People will be going home to their districts to campaign for the midterms. 60 votes in order to make this jeb rational reforms made with healthcare in particular. Infrastructure. There are vulnerable democrats in ruby red states. If they want to stick around. The art of the deal is coming in the spring and summer with healthcare, infrastructure and maybe even immigration. My old friend brad is absolutely right. I think folks should Pay Attention to the state of the union. Also President Trump needs to go on the road. Go to missouri, go to north dakota go to ohio and pennsylvania, 10 states and maybe more where democrat senators are up for reelection and donald trump won handily. Force them to tell their constituents and vetters why they are voting against infrastructure and repairing obamacare. Gregg thats it for tonight. Im gregg jarrett. Good night from new york. Kennedy who is going to dominate in 2018 . President trump or democrats. Chris bedford is here with answers. The president is going after Andrew Mccabe. How could that affect the Mueller Investigation . Could not following your dreams make you more successful . Its time to see the light. 2017 finally ended on a good note for republicans who stumbled and bum bold out of the congressional clown car. The only question now is who gets 2018. The Alabama Senate race

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