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Cheryl lets take a look at asian markets. The green arrows on the screen. The nikkei in japan, the hang seng strongest morning. Cvs has a warning for cosmetics companies. It is time to get real. Fbn am starts right now. Cheryl 5 01 a. M. New york said good morning and cheryl casone. Lauren good morning. Im lauren simonetti. Drink your markets closed in observance of Martin Luther king jr. Holiday but after the threeday weekend investors are ready to do some buying today. Lauren if we getting close to 26,000 from the seven trading days since 25,000. Breaking news this morning. Lawmakers are trying to work with four days left to avoid a government shut down. Drink two more right from her own adam shapiro. Reporter good morning. Intense discussions on capitol hill with members of the administration. They are trying to come up with some kind of deal to pass another continuing resolution, the deal with the issue of immigration and daca. Senator rand paul on fox and friends monday, but he said the two issues should be kept separate. The immigration debate is separate hopefully from funding of the government, but that is the question. What democrats wouldve spending and funding over this issue . I was not immigration would be settled separate. I still think it would be and should be. Republicans will need to vote for any funding measure. Dick durbin, senator from illinois who leads negotiations for the democrat on the Immigration Reform and saying we can work this out. As far as im concerned if he will move forward and endorse this bipartisan agreement, we can get this done this week. Reporter where we stand right now, democrats are saying god to do a daca dill to get a resolution passed. Both sides staring at each other waiting for the other side to blink. Training to more fallout from president clintons controversial fallout on immigration with lawmakers. Trump firing back at senator dichter of income and the only democrat in the oval office at the time giving him a new nickname. Senator dick durbin misrepresented what was said at a daca meeting. Deals cant get made when there is no trust. He blew daca. Lauren five democrats plan to boycott later this month. Heres a list of democrat saying we are not going also today in the nations capital. Cause extend to trust Regional Security as well as economic issues. Cheryl back in session. The u. S. And canada hosting a meeting in vancouver to find ways to enforce sanctions against north korea. Officials in 20 nations gathering to discuss the topic and the need to convince the north that could hit the united states. Coming after a false alert in hawaii about an incoming Ballistic Missile that happened over the weekend and now tensions between the u. S. And north Korea Building the state department is warning americans who plan to travel to north korea to prepare for the worst. That includes making funeral arrangements and preparing a will before you travel to that country. Lauren at the pentagon may be in being a nuclear arsenal. The new Defense Department report that reportedly says the u. S. Should include more socalled low yield weapons considered smaller, flexible, more usable. Reverses the former policy of reducing Nuclear Weapons. The new plane not yet approved by President Trump is intended to deter a potential nuclear war. However, critics say it would do the opposite. Cheryl wall street journal reporting u. S. Officials warned Jared Kushner this year about his friendship with Rupert Murdochs exwife early 2017 saying she was in for the chinese government. Sources telling the paper counterintelligence officials feared when they murdoch was using a close relation ship to lobby for a chinese funded Construction Projects that have been proposed in washington d. C. The project was considered a Security Risk that the murdochs divorce in 2013. Cheryl one of the biggest events in the Auto Industry. The Detroit Auto Show in this year citing tax reform is the big reason for their car sales going out. Cheryl jeff flock was there to check out all the action. Lauren sherilyn lauren, good morning. The stars of the show this year, trucks and tax reform. The ram 1500, the big unveiling yesterday at the show. As a truckers heavyduty versions now made versions now native plants in mexico being brought back to the u. S. According to the ceo because of tax reform. Also totals an exclusive oneonone on the floor by 2000 bonus being paid to 60,000 Fiat Chrysler employees is also the result of tax reform. Listen. I think it is a morally them to do at some point in time. The tax reform made it unquestionably do now. Is not the only one feeling positive. We talked to jim lynch, ceo of toyota north america busy unveiling the new avalon car that he hopes will be a big seller even though chrysler tremendous. Jim lynch on fox business becoming the first Auto Industry ceo to say how many additional cars he thinks will be sold as a result of the tax reform law. It will put more money in consumer pockets and when that happens they go out and buy things like cars. We think the tax package will have about 200,000 unit to the overall marketplace. More important to back, people have a really positive attitude going forward. Consumer confidence is very strong and Consumer Confidence helps drive car sales. Heres another thing that helps drive car sales. Cars like this one here. This is actually the 50 Year Anniversary mustang bullitt and not only is back here, but over there you remember the movie. Thats the original car in the movie that Steve Mcqueen drove to believe it or not im here with Steve Mcqueens granddaughter, molly mcqueen, herself an actress and youve got to actually say it in your grandfathers car. I did and it was for me the most tangible connection ive ever had to make grandfather. You get in there and you smell it and i dont know how many of her years ago he did the same things i did and i can imagine it being on the side of polio. It was a real treat for me. Reporter well, it was a treat for us to hear that. Thank you so much. Great to meet you. Maybe it includes the new mustang ballots. Had been dropping hints. I think im going to try one, two. Sherilyn lauren, back to you. Cheryl cvs pharmacy has a message for cosmetic pharmacy and attempt to get real paid to track searching will be an retouched ads in its that Means Companies will go to change the model shape, size, skin or eye color, even when closing display at. Companies say is the responsibility to send realistic messages to girls and young women also tried to get other National Brand with other pharmacy chains for the company said they started bulimia eating disorders and 10,000,009. Thats kind of the reasoning of the social platform. Lauren if we look at those two images come attached an untouched come i thought the woman looked beautiful in both been pretty similar. Cheryl do you want your Cosmetics Company to be your moral compass. Thats year biggest question. Lauren sometimes i like the exploration. A girl can dream. Disturbing report out of california. The Team Children held captive in one room. Some of them starting a chain to beds. There is always a little bit of something because theres no way way that you dont hear and see the little kids. Lauren the chilling details of the rescue. Literally jumping for the allies, brandnew details that the passengers this country and surviving the casino boat consumed by flames. The captain now being held a hero. You are watching fbn am. T this is lauras mobile dog grooming palace and this is where life meets legal. Stay at la quinta. Where were changing with stylish makeovers. Then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. Bravo, tall meeting man. Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com when it might be time to buy or sell . With fidelitys realtime analytics, youll get clear, actionable alerts about potential Investment Opportunities in real time. Fidelity. Open an account today. Cheryl welcome back. Lets get you caught up and its happening now. A california couple charged with torture for running a house of horrors. 13 children found starving cover several change to their bed. Parents arrested after one of their daughters escaped and called police. Investigators found 10 children inside the homebrew were shocked to discover seven of them were actually adults ranged in age from 18 to 29. The video showing the scary moments when 50 passengers were forced to jump into icy waters to escape the massive and erno on a casino boat did Officials Say one woman has died succumbing to injuries hour after the injury off the coast of florida. 14 other people were seriously hurt. All that remains a burnedout home. There were no problems at the boat before the fire. The investigation continues. Amazing new video showing the car that went into the second floor of a secondfloor intent in it. The card at race intermediate and went flying, nearly missing another vehicle in a bus as it soared through the road and into amazingly nobody was hurt, but new video of the crazy crash. Lauren you know, looks fake. President trump slamming democratic senator dick durbin totally represented what was said at the daca meeting. Deals can get made when there is no trust. All of this communist lawmakers are back at work today. They must figure out a way by next friday. The democratic strategist and a founder and ceo of the Blueprint Strategy cliff mahoney, president of Young Americans for liberty. Good to see both of you. Thanks for having us. Lauren last week seemed so promising. We fund the government. How distant are both of those things right now . This is what we find when they come to washington d. C. Total disarray. One side saying one thing aside from another side saying another thing was said. We are in a moment where its like lets come together and have real conversations, real dialogue, real debate. That is what this whole daca deal is supposed to be about. Congress coming together for at least having conversations, but the reality is the exact type of disarray. When you have a private meeting to discuss this and senator dick durbin says you said this curse word in all these disrespectful things and now we are talking about racism. And also in fun, the president said ill make a deal but i want the wall in funding for the wall. When you dont have that, as the proposal. A couple things. Chris is right. I call it dysfunctional city. Very little confidence in washington d. C. What i will tell you his selections have consequences in the American People are seeing firsthand how dangerous it is to have republicans controlling our government. The good news is the legislative branch of government make laws in this country. 80 of the American People want a comprehensive Immigration Reform package. 80 of people want to secure borders. Its going to be up to a Republicancontrolled Congress to reach across the aisle to democrats. What i will tell you is the right wing racial rhetoric last week is to get a comprehensive immigration deal. It does show a breakdown in trust and the point of my question is if the president said we must have more fun then there must be an end to chain migration to the lottery system and you dont have that presented to you, what are you supposed to do . This is the congress is here for, to have these conversations. I would say two and one, is not President Trump. The last three or four administrations. Nobody is having power designated chris, chris, the Obama Administration is working with Lindsey Graham in the game is fixed to comprehensive immigration plan, but Republicancontrolled Congress didnt want to do that. Now we have a president who campaigned on fixing a broken immigration system, Republicancontrolled Congress who want to do something. The ball is in their court and now they are stalling. Lauren has this been a bipartisan issue . What do . What do they spin his state the union 1995. We are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately selfdefeating for a nation of immigrants to prevent the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must do more to stop it. Lauren class, decades later talking about the same thing. Thats what i have to say its both parties. You cant see the right is out of line here. Both parties have rhetoric they continue to spew that they will go with whatever posters. D. C. Needs to follow the constitution, but the legislative process work, but dont give democrats a pass on this because theyve been doing the same thing for years. They flipflopped on every issue based on where polls told him to go. Chris, you cant talk out of both sides of your mouth. Democrats want to come to the table who want a longterm comprehensive Immigration Reform. They want to keep the government no pain, but its going to take republican leadership. Republicans have the vote in the u. S. Congress to get these things done. It has to be done and needs to be done in a bipartisan way. Lauren wish we could keep talking. Thank you to you. We will see what happens by friday because we say its a potential government shutdown. Shut it down. Thats a republican talking point. Cheryl makes it shone so easy. Shut it all down. Cheryl to talk about going to extremes. This man arrested for trying to avoid an Airline Baggage fee by basically wherein everything that he owns. Leave yourself some extra time today and bundle up yet another winter storm bringing snow and ice. Janice dean will be here with the forecast. Checking stock market futures. Take a look at what is happening at 236 points right now. We may have 26,000 when the markets closed today at 4 00 p. M. Eastern time. We shall see where they open soon. We will be right back. The retail. Under pressure like never before. And its connected technology thats moving companies forward fast. Ecommerce. Real time inventory. Virtual changing rooms. Thats why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent Network Speed across multiple locations. Every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. Leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. Comcast business outmaneuver. You are watching fbn am. Lauren breaking news this morning. Countdown is on as lawmakers return with four days to fund the government. What a shutdown could mean for the markets. Cheryl President Trump firing back at dick durbin blasting him for misrepresenting what he said during that Oval Office Meeting on daca. Lauren today could be the day. 26,000. If so it would be the shortest 1000point gain ever. Dow futures up 1 . Nasdaq and s p futures up half a percent. Cheryl european markets now closed for holiday like u. S. Markets, but all these trending higher with the dax up 1 as well this morning. Lauren for theater records, hong kong hang seng up on 20 p. M. Et and japan getting 1 . Cheryl the new way that brickandmortar stores are trying to keep up with amazon. They are following their footsteps. Fbn am continues right now. Drain 35 31 a. M. In new york in new york could win stake in the 16th of january. Thank you for joining us from lauren simonetti. Cheryl and cheryl casone. At this point we should all wear sensors and 24 7. Lauren they know what you do online and now they know what you do at the store. Cheryl that story coming up later on in the show. Big news is is President Trump is firing back at senator dick k durbin blasting them for mithras presented what he said during the infamous Oval Office Meeting at daca last week. The shutdown living with no deal for the dreamers. Lauren Griff Jenkins covering it all live in washington d. C. With the very latest. Hi, great spirit reporter good morning. What a difference a week makes. Remember watching the president negotiating in real time for nearly an hour last week . The president says democrats dont want to make a deal at senator dick durbin and the president are calling a war of words over what the president did or did not say in the Oval Office Meeting now we have a new nickname. Of course drilling in the building here. Ill get to that later. Senator dick durbin totally misrepresented what was said at the daca meeting. Deals cant admit when there is no trust. It is hurting our military. Theyre been responsible for dealing with the controversy is vigorously defending his allegations. I know what happened. I stand behind every word i said in terms of that meeting and focused on one thing. Not that meeting, but making sure it does protected by daca and eligible for the dream act have a future in america are focused on a full time. There is any hope left in a deal is possible, democrats need to get over the idea to clean deal about the president s priorities. Cheryl there is there is no such thing as the queen tonight. Get over it. Its not happening. We have come up with a clean priority and not should be a starting place for these negotiations. Meanwhile, grimaced at democrats led by Maxine Waters have announced they will boycott the president s state of the union speech. You see them there. Bottom line is theres no deal by friday night as you mentioned four days to go and democrats refuse to support a funding bill which could be headed for a government shutdown. Important to remember the gop house could possibly pass something along but not in the senate. Theyll need nine democrats and an apology to our viewers every now and then theyll be doing a little drilling here early in the morning. Cheryl what are they building . Weve had this noise going for weeks. We are curious. Lauren i believe a second version of rome because they been fiercely working every morning. Drills, hammers. At the very least it makes me laugh. Lauren these are new office, griff. Thank you. Cheryl thank you, griff. President trump meeting with the president of kazakhstan to discuss ways to strengthen the partnership on Regional Security that the president has other things on the agenda. Dozens of countries coming together to take on north korea. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson to enforce sanctions against north korea if the state Department Issues an ominous warning for potential visitors. Cheryl kelly wright, construction or not, go ahead. Reporter good morning to you as well. Secretary to listen with the Vancouver Sun appeared to seek in strategy to enforce sanctions and further isolate north korea appeared to countries that are absent from the summit by russia and china appeared in a statement canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau explained why stating this as an opportunity to gather together a group of nations that are historically linked through the korean war there will be another piece. We certainly hope and feel on the path towards resolving the conflict. As the summit gets under way, and state Department Warns americans who plan on traveling to the hermit kingdom to prepare for the worst. Make funeral arrangements and draft a will before going. This dire warning underscores the escalating tensions the u. S. Now how was north korea appeared it comes on the heels of a false alert recall in hawaii about an incoming Ballistic Missile on saturday. Congressional leaders calling for direct talks between the u. S. On the north korea former u. N. Ambassador john bolton says the u. S. Must find a way to denuclearize north korea. It is right to be concerned about a possible north korean threat whether they pushed the wrong button in hawaii or not. Weve tried to bake a vacation for too long from people appreciating the rogue states with Nuclear Weapons can be a problem for the united states. That is why george w. Bush wanted defense capabilities. That is why stopping north korea from a stop in a ring for Nuclear Weapons is so important. Ambassador bolton at the nations must seek a peaceful solution, but keep the military option on the table. Canadian officials must also find a way to tone down the rhetoric and statements like my Nuclear Button is bigger than your Nuclear Button. They believe that could further escalate tensions. Sherilyn lauren coming back to you. Lauren kelly wright, thank you. Cheryl dow futures surging past 26,000 this morning. Jonathan hoenig, capitalist. Com. Weve been looking at the numbers all morning long. We are going above 26,000 today. What is behind this . A threeday weekend come as out of washington . It is a bull market, for many years and its ramped up since the president ial election. Bull market continues as evidenced by this higher prices. 260 points coming out what it used to be. Only 1 now. Just under point when it was at 10,000. Its a bull market. You mentioned earnings. Theres many reasons to be a little concerned, too. Were all very excited about 26,000. At an alltime high, now at an alltime high. They tend to be signals and despite their record run come to some type of correction is likely a minute. Cheryl i want to see the bull market again just to point out a couple of things because its not just the dow. He said this to me before you have to look at the s p to a broader swath of what the market is doing. The s p up more than half a percent. The nasdaq up more than half a percent. This says to me technology, manufacturing looking at the s p, but the Broader Market is the s p still very strong. What you say to that . Ashore nearly. The real winners last year were the socalled bank stocks at the technology stocks, facebook, amazon, google. The rising tide lifts both in the financial stocks were example obviously very much in play this week have been leading the charge as well. Financials up 40 to 50 in the last year. The bull market almost everything is up and despite the fact bitcoin is down, all stocks are following suit. Cheryl 40 since donald trump was elected president. We are going to hear from city today the estimate on 118 earningspershare. United health to 51 is the estimate there. Financial stocks were stronger in 2017. Are you looking for these to perform again . One of those will be Interest Rates. Thats been a benefit for all stocks, especially financials. Nearly all at an alltime high as her wish. Well have to see the reaction in earnings because the selloff at the earnings could be an indication the economy is slowing and lower Interest Rates back on the horizon and this will be watching closely. Goldman, schwab, this is the week for the banks. It sounds like you are saying these guys arent that Interest Rate sensitive anymore. Tremendously Interest Rate sensitive. The price of credit obviously a bond market, the financials as well a rising tide good financials have been leading the way. Markets will be along for the ride. The trend with the financials, we know weve got Interest Rates coming. Performance of stocks have been incredible. We shall see. Well have you back to talk about it. Lauren probably expected european track online. Read about in store. Milwaukee start up using floor sensors to track our customers move around the store. Dissenters actually reach her for compression to track your path to a digital display showing how long you stand in front of that display. The mailer to reach out the best time to offer you a coupon or change the display are looking at before you lose interest. The cost to businesses for a tracking system tops out at 1000 a month. How do you feel about this . Cheryl goodbye to do something for companies. This guy to be privacy concerns about this. Im not concerned about it. Transfer weve given our privacy. Cheryl west coast governors have a simple message for the government. Do not mess with our marijuana. Its a significant amount of revenue and theres no doubt about it. It could be said that we are addicted to money. Cheryl addiction, interesting word. How pot is sending out west. Keep walking, johnny. Wwhiskey could be getting a female friend very soon. Lauren welcome back to for a white house chief strategist Steve Bennett to take the stand today. He will testify behind closed doors as part of the house investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump Campaign in brescia. Bannon will face questions about on a 2015 the demand trump tower treasonous. White House Communications could also testify as soon as friday. Johnnie walker is getting a female friend. Tmc reporting that the Parent Company went into work earlier this month raging walker trademark. We dont have details on what it will be, but the timing seems right. Kfc chicken is certainly finger good, but now come up with some lipsmacking tales. Kfc cocktails launched a new menu featuring none other than gravy as the key ingredient. The drinks are the gravy married, finger power in southern twist. Im sort of on board here. They do have recipes available. That is how these companies are attracting millennialist. Come on in. Cheryl west coast governors fiercely defending the pop business, telling the federal government not to mess with the industry. Where lawmakers so bent on keeping the business alive . Dan springer has got that story. When u. S. Attorney general Jeff Sessions rescinded a policy announced to enforce all drug laws come even in states that legalize marijuana come elected leaders in the state fired back. The industry has created 19,000 jobs throughout the state of oregon come adding over 100 million in revenue to schools, to Public Safety into drug and alcohol treatment. Reporter recreational pot is legal in 18 states that under federal law to schedule one drug testing of lsd and heroin. Tax revenue is staggering and exceeding expectations. Washington state has collected 831 million. Colorado seeking men and california, which just started with a billion dollars figure. Lawmakers in both parties are from even republicans who voted against legalization. A significant part of revenue and theres no doubt about it and it is a factor. It could be said we are at it into the money. Paying for the most basic of government functions in Colorado Building schools to oregon 40 goes to pay teachers and fund pensions. Some use to hire troopers. Washington state spends more than half a medicaid easing financial blow from obamacare. Now the feds could deliver the blow. Lawmakers are becoming required on this new revenue which is showing up in starting to devote it to essential state programs, even though they dont know what the future of this revenue is going to be. U. S. Attorneys in states have given no indication they will start busting blowers and sellers. Still, the overflowing pot does seem to be more risk even as politicians think their hands deeper into it. In seattle, dan springer, fox news. Lauren coming up, lebron james and the Cleveland Cavaliers rematch while with kevin to rent in the Golden State Warriors go for the Season Series sweep. In the music world today, morning the shocking loss of cranberries lead singer rachel borodin. A look at her life and early death. Stay with us, transcendent. Fbn am. tom villa we took our world class network, and we developed devices to track environmental conditions. This device allows people to understand whats happening with the location, but also if its too hot, if its too cold, if its been dropped. Its completely unique. dennis woloshuck if you have a sensor that can keep track of your product, it keeps everybody kind of honest that way. Who knew a tiny sensor could help keep the food chain safe . Cheryl the lead singer of the breakout 90s harish rocker of the cranberries has died at the age of 46. The whats in your head, in your ahead comments on the comments on the, zombie, zombie. Singer Dolores Oriordan died suddenly in london in her hotel room where she was recording. The mother of three had a long history of depression and had to cancel appearances due to health issues. The cranberries had hits like zombies and the linger. Lauren a bigname basketball including a rematch of the last three nba finals. Cheryl jared maxes herewith the highlight. As legend goes the box Boston Celtics used to turn up the heat to make the players on the entertainment comfortable. Interesting tale last night in cleveland. Rematch of the last three finals. Big interception then goes the other way in a big way. Kevin durrant with 32 points as holden stakeout 23. Warriors beat the cavaliers by time. 13 straight wins and they are hot. But they cant cool down after the game. Players went into the showers. No hot water. They could be heard yelling and discomfort. They got to do something in the . Quicken loans arena. Somebody call lebron. Big matchup last night. Chris paul back in l. A. Everybody was making nice before the game. Happy new year, how are you, how is the family . The clippers won the game 1131 or two. 19 points in his return will be remembered for his chipping is. Blake griffin got ejected from the game. After the game, chris paul with teammate james hurd and reported to march towards the clippers locker room to confront alex austin Server Security before anything could get ugly. They traded major league baseball. The adults who are the face of their franchise. Andrew mccutcheon most valuable player traded from pirates to the San Francisco giants at the minor league outfielder. Andrew mccutcheon saying goodbye saying goodbye to the place to raise me and helped mold me into the man i am today. You will forever be in my heart. The tip of the cap to all who have been on this journey with me, touch. Veteran outfielder Curtis Granderson to play for the toronto blue jays. In just about 17 million. Tennessee titans and yesterday the Team Announced she would no longer be as head coach. Bork years out. Why . Weve decided to part ways with mike malarkey as their head coach. We will begin the search immediately for a new head coach. The new york giants are going to offer their job to posh armor. Cheryl interesting. Difference from last week. This time of year it all changes. So vikings a round of the playoffs, that theme. Cheryl fox news headlines, serious xm channel 115. Sirius xm chenault 115. Lauren japanese car at the Detroit Auto Show. Details from london coming out. When you have something you love, you want to protect it. At legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. With an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. Legalzoom. Where life meets legal. Train to the honda accord is japanese. President trumps tough talk on trade. Riva gold joins us right now. Good morning. These guys thinking about the european auto sector and what they are doing it to Japanese Cars are car of the year. It is certainly an industry year for international autos. European car carries at a phenomenal start to the year. The best performer in europe and this is surprising when you consider a lot of these companies are big exporters. The euros climbed a really happy new year. Anything tied to the Global Economy and the general kind of consumer right now is taking off in europe and the autostart or has benefited a lot from that. Cheryl a lot of great vehicles coming out of the show. Card here come the japanese japanese is interesting for us here. Riva gold, thank you very much. Once again, futures pointing to a big strong opening. A big good morning today can make towel and for maria bartiromo. Dagen the honda accord is made in the united states. Its assembled here. The parts come from all over but its assembled in the united states. Thank you so much. It is about jobs, this economy in the text reformed giving these markets a huge lift. Good morning. I am Dagen Mcdowell in for maria bartiromo. Tuesday, january 16th. Charging towards 26,000, futures are showing a skyrocketing market across the board to start the short trading week. Markets were not open yesterday. The dow at 25,000 on january january 4

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