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The scene in moments stick around for that. Kennedy and just when you thought Jeffrey Epstein sa saga could not get any more strange. Their guards reportedly fell asleep on the job, and they falsified records in an attempt to cover it all up. Conspiracy theory are still flying, because the whole story does not make any sense. According to new york times, guards panicked when they found epstein dead in his cell, they had not checked on him in three hours. So they reportedly funded the log they have been suspended d could face criminal federal dhrjs, thcharges. The union claims that guards were overworked. Bureau of prisons tells us they have two teams investigating, one that is look into the Major Incident in prison, and one that will try to reconstruction the suicide. We have no idea what happened in the cell had. Internet all over the place from israeli hit squads to a fake body, and epstein is in hiding with andy kaufman and others. Were told that prosecutors went light on epstein in 2008, because he may have been working for the cia, well, how about that. Well have more on that. Meantime, one of his alleged victims filed a laws against his estate and his former girlfriend and pimp jil Ghislaine Maxwell r her alleged role in the crimes but no one knows where maxwell is. There was a report that she was hiding out in a house in boston but the homeowner is denying it saying only a cat lives there joining me on this wednesday night, man panel. We have right turn strategy president , lgbtq for trump founder chris baron, and fox news medical correspondent, dr. Mark siegel, and reason Magazine Editor at large, matt welch. Howdy. Hello. Great to see you. Kennedy part of the parties panel, this will be great. What do you make of the assertion that the guards will fall asleep, they were working overtime, they are sleeping. Is that acceptable for the incompetence . Hell, no, it is not, not remote he acceptable with high you covered the ess escobar trial. Kennedy el chapo. They are the same. Kelvin escobar trial. Kennedy kelvin. There was a highvalue target, making sure ha one guy would not be able to break out, this case was handled really bizarrely in 2008 with intelligence asset thing, and parts of the plea arrangement wer extraordinary. Given all this, you have to do better than your normal crappy Prison Guards problem, and they didnt. Kennedy those nonexplanations are not holding up, you with william barr and president , and bill de blasio all on the same page, that is going to get stranger. I am curious about this idea, one of the explanations has been, well you know, you are only on suicide watch for 4 or 5 day, dr. Siegel, you have treated peac many patient for my situations, it would seem strange that a person would no longer be suicidal went a couple days. A couple of point, not like, you trying to kill yourself, and have you marks on your neck then hi, i am find in my prison cell with no one watching me. Kennedy that is one thin, they said he was go doing great. And who made that decision, they say prison officials, i dont know what role the psychologists played in this. They have to tell you, a trained psychiatrist has to make that decision, i cant believe he got better, suicides creeps on to you, you dont just isntly turn off that spigot, esspecially that situation. If you make a decision they dont need one to one, if he were in a physch ward he would be seen every 15 minutes, i wonder, you talk about security, matt, i wonder, this is not a terrorist, he could have been transferred to a psychiatrist help or a prison ward in a hospital. Kennedy right, one reason his lawyers gave, oh, no he told warden he had been attacked. If that were the case, if he were that much of a target, ven more reason to check on him constantly and bring in the ateam with another high pro myelin mate that world is profile inmate that the world is watching. There was a massive dump of documenting that day. Right, i am normally person who dismisses conspiracy theories, but atthispoint how do you look at his career, history is shady. How do you look at what transpired while in prison. Taken off suicide watch. And guards falling asleep, one of them not actually on a guard. Kennedy have they looked at their Bank Accounts . The officers, and those making decisions about when and where he would be in the cell. By the way, this is time where i really am sad about the loss of faith we have in our mainstream media, this is time we need a media that is asking tough questions, my fear is were never really going to know what happened, no one would believe what the outcome is, a real loss to our fabric of our culture. If it is suicide and incontinental tense thacompetent is not enough to keep the focus of the media. There are a million conspiracy theories surrounding his death, biggest question is how did the guy who owned a place called pedophile island, manage to avoid serious jail time for so long when so many people knew that he was raping young women . One theory picking up i steam, e was a spy. Former labor secretary, acosta reportedly told Trump Transition Team he cut a light plea deal because epstein quote belonged to intelligence, and prosecutors were told to quote, leave it alone. This is this possible explain nation. Joining me is buck sexton, that is strange, alex acosta. That satisfied trump team, said, yeah i thought it was weird but i was told he belonged to intelligence, someone told him to let it go. That was unusual, who that that person have been . Who could have gotten to a u. S. Attorney, to a high you know someone who is clearly guilty of the horrific crimes, sex trafficking and sexual assault, who could have gotten to Jeffrey Epstein and alex acosta . We heard some names associated with epstein, include some richest and most connected people on the planet. , i would guess to name names, we know epsteins circle included true global elite. On the recent untimely demise of heaofmr. Epstein, there was a conspiracy with epstein, the one that we should focus on is one that lead up to what happened in that prison cell. There snow way, i have talked with many about this, there is no way that this guy got the deal he got that even protected initially coconspirators from prosecution for kind of crimes they had him dead on rights, there is no way unless someone exerted influence at a very high level on his behalf. Kennedy how high . President , ag abush administration or obama administration. He had clinton on his plane 27 times or 4 trips depending on who you listen to. But. It impossible to know. That is why more information is really need. Need. Kennedy why are they not talking to acosta right now, why not say who told you that and why were you not protecting children, why were you beholden to that persons opinion instead of the victims, acosta cut a secret deal with him so victims could not see who was shielded from plea agreement. There was in my opinion, political pressure brought on bear on epsteins behalf by someone very high up the neighborhood chain, i dont know who. Or i would be breaking a huge news on tv. Kennedy you were listening. I have to tell you, i dont think that whole thing about he belonged to intelligence, i think that Single Source so far, that is a stretch to me. People in that community, they are bureaucrats they dont be the kind of people to make a call on someones behalf like that now, someone on the political side, if you ask where i would expect influence to come from, i think someone in elected office or very high up food chain on a partisan side. But, again, just look at ha happened, the guy we dont know how he made his money, i have been talking to people on wall street about this for weeks, no one signs over a 70 million house to someone just because, and no one people keep saying she worth 600 million. We dont know what his assets are. Kennedy i hope that is real, i hope all dispersed to his victims through proper channels of restitution. Buck sexton. Were just beginning to scratch the surface. Thank you. Kennedy coming up, a live report from philadelphia, 6 cops have been shot, standoff that still on going. The dow also in freefall today. Why has it been so volatile . Should you hide your money under our mattress or just buy bitcoin . Later, talking with pauley shore, i cant wait for that hmm. Exactly. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty as a doctor, i agree with cdc guidance. I recommend topical pain relievers first. Like salonpas patch large. Its powerful, fdaapproved to relieve moderate pain, yet nonaddictive and gentle on the body. Salonpas. Its good medicine. Hisamitsu. Introducing the allnew chevy silverado. With fifty industryfirsts. Its the strongest, most advanced silverado ever. 2,000 fence posts. 900 acres. 48 bales. All before lunch, which we caught last saturday. We earn our scars. We wear our work ethic. We work until the works done. And when it is, a few hours of shuteye to rest up for tomorrow, the day well finally get something done. theto the wait didlly frowe just winners. Prouders everyone uses their phone differently. Thats why Xfinity Mobile lets you design your own data. Now you can share it between lines. Mix with unlimited, and switch it up at anytime so you only pay for what you need. Its a different kind of Wireless Network designed to save you money. Save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus get 250 back when you preorder a new samsung note. Click, call or visit a store today. Kennedy we have breaking news out of philadelphia, 6 Police Officers there have been shot, a crazy shootout in north part of city, police have a house surrounded, several officers are pinned down inside of the that house, Rick Leventhal is live in philly with latest. Reporter it started to rain, we heard thunder, it first sounded it could have been more gunshots. From the scene, a couple blocks from us, were in middle of broad street by Temple University campus in north philadelphia, eerie, police with a command post set up, that bus there abused bus you see is used to transport officers to and from the scene. It iit is on going, it start the 4 30 this afternoon, Police Serving a warrant, part of a narcotics operation, went into the home, they encountered a suspect who had anar 15, an r 15 and started firing at officers. We will show you [ sound of gunfire ] reporter those are some of the shots more than a hundred shots fired today. And against this is an on going situation, 6 officers wounded, not lifethreatening here is more. They entered the premises, got toward the rear in kitchen area when the gunfire aerupted, shooter fired mull up will mult. Reporter a Police Source tells me that suspect has put furniture up again the doors inside of thes redense, s. W. A. T. Team had to retreat because of heavy gunfire. Kennedy all right stay safe there. That is crazy. Reporter yeah. Kennedy well bring you updates as we get them. There will be more coming in. Money time, the markets took a beating today, investor spooked about something called th the inverted yield curve, we takes about that last night, what is it . Why does that mean there could be recession on the horizon, joining us, christina welcome. Thank you. Kennedy there are few things that can tell you when this degree of certainty there is economic doom on the horizon. Why does the yield curve do that, what does it mean when it inverted. Bond market tells us a story that possiblys recession is coming, if i am government, you loan me money, you get a 10 year loan, i pay you money for tying up your cash for 10 years, if you get two years, i pay you less, im not tying up your money for as long, normally the yield on the 10, is a little bit higher than the two, that what happened today, that inverted, we is a graph, they are fun. What we see normally with curve it should go up, and up to the right. But it inverted, usually, when that happens a recession is looming, but since 19 70s, we have had inverted yield curves before the recession but not every inverted yield curve results in a recession. Kennedy my next question, everything is weird, the world is weird, our for foreign polics strange, our president is unorthodox, not all of the same rules, we had a 10 year period of pretty constant growth. So, were kind of due for a recession, could it be wrong . It could be. That is why you dont have to go hide your money under your bed or look at your 401 k . On average usually there could be a recession in 11 months, that is average. We have some time. But it does not always result in that. Kennedy that would be worse timing for the president. Right. President. July of next year in middle of like the conventions, and the height of the president ial election. He is very ad adamant. Kennedy can he do anything. Try to get Federal Reserve to cut rates, we have a lot of people weighing in. They are worried. But markets go up and down. Kennedy a rollercoaster, would 6 flags be fun if it was a Straight Line like a buyering train, no. Buyer boring train. Coming up, beto, announcing another campaign relaunch tomorrow. Does he really catapult himself back into reverence relevancy or is it a little bit too latatt whos dog is this . Its my special friend, antonio. His luxurious fur calms my nerves when im worried about moving into our new apartment. Why dont we just ask geico for help with renters insurance . I didnt know geico helps with renters insurance. Yeah, and we could save a bunch too. Antonio fetch computer antonio . Ill get it. Get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. Now you can, with shipsticks. Com no more lugging your clubs through the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. Sending your own clubs ahead with shipsticks. 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Kennedy beto orourke, resetting his failing campaign. Again. Yea. He has personally fizzled as voter learn to dislike him more and more. Beto seemed like a 1 in generation phenom coming within a pig s whisker of beating ted cruz in last years race. But instead of a meating man witch, he turned out to be texas tofu. He fooled people to thinking he was deep and authentic, but ted cruz is still senator, and beto is once again hitting the reset button. Beto took a few months off after his senate loss to be annoying and sel self indulgent. Posing for cover of vanity fair, and saying, i was born to be in it . What, last place . He is pontiac aztec of president ial candidates, is mayor pete rolled up in his tesla and stole betos mojo, he has become obsolete. He is jumped a table, live streamed his grooming errands, and called president nazi, and blathered out talking points like a moldy tshirt cannon, none has worked. His long history of failing upward. The only adoring outlet left is the houston concric chronicle. They want him to remain in spotlight to is to drop out of the president at race and take on john cornyn. It time for this bearded lady to take a powder event beto knows it nothing sadr than a narcissist who fell out of love with himself, except one that hangs on way after the moment as past, rest in peace beto, that is the memo. Be beto will focus on racis. He loves them all. But can anything bring back his flat lining campaign . With me fox news contributor, host of the Richard Fowler show, it is Richard Fowler, welcome back. How are you . I think you might agree with me, i think that beto needs to take a powder. I agree with that. There is not much he could do to restart this flat lining campaign, he does have a great opportunity to do, he ran for senate, in texas he lost but carried tons of coattails, 19 black women are now in houston courts. It takes a white man to get black women elected, that not okay. No, he is a lot of coattails, same in dallas, and houston and isan antonio, he could make a real run for senate, to be a real challenge to cornyn, he has millions to spend. Kennedy he can no longer raise money as a president ial candidate. But he was a fe nom, he had a mystique against cruz, if he just went away and came back said, you know what cornyn, i thought about things, and examined my life, my political life worth living a mateoy po shout out, now im coming for you, bobo, hug but he has gfn gt and said stupid things now he is a weaker candidate than he was. Right. We as a party. We are part of being president of United States is not an entry level position, for beto after a couple terms in congress he does not have experience. He does not have experience for a president ial campaign. Kennedy and does not have momentum. That thing. No. Kennedy does not have that. Important. Magnetism that draws people toward him and his idea. He would be a great Senate Candidate because cornyns Approval Rating is lower than cruz into this election. Kennedy that is the big question, texas is more purple now than a year or two ago, i dont think he can capitalize on any of it, but i think he should take his friends get out of the race so interesting and serious candidates trish i. He will have some moxie in texas but money, and time name i. D. , and a lot of democrats in lower office that oracles we hymn owe him to come out up and support him. Kennedy Richard Fowler thank you so much, deep in the heart of fowler snoal foul beto went on a profanity laden tirade about how reporters are not hard enough on the president with race relations, beto is far from only candidate who does not like what he sees on the news, railing against media is Bernie Sanders big. And joe bidens slamming media. Over coverage of his recent gaffes, hey, joe, dont make gaffes. Our man panel has returned. Funny, when you are not doing well, you lost your jam, and voters are no longer responding, it is so cliche too blame the media, they have attacked the president for doing the same. We have seen disappearance of a line between opinion folks and hard reporters in mainstream media. , before this elect cycle started, democrats had no problem. Now they suddenly do, they are now the people who are seeing stories written about them coming from an angle, they see opinion journalism bleed into regular reporting, now that is a prooay problem, guess what tough crap, you made this issue, now lay in it. Kennedy bensche saying bernie says they are mean to me because i attack jeff bezos, at Washington Post they say were independent. This is ridiculous. He said what he think twitter, they attack him, bernie, you own three houses, what you are talking about corporal sponsors corporate sponsors and owners, what are you talking about. But they undercover it, when bernie said, you may not that job, maybe you want medicare for all this crummy insurance that will be more like medicaid, maybe millions of people to livleave their job, he said that a town hall, that got little college, what medicare for all would do for healthcare system, that a 40 pay cut off the top. Hospitals would, doctors would. Kennedy no way, that is people continue to see doctors at level they are now, they think that everything is free, and every specialist they are will go and no one will pay for it. 3 months to wait for an mri. No thank you, i will take one after the show. Populist movements hate mead why, you Google Search enemy of the people, corporate media. Kennedy does Rick Santorums face pop up . Trump people, michael malice and bernie. They have been saying this forever, say safe bet to attack media always, you get 20 candidates or more, you have so distinguish yourself kennedy they say who is getting a fair shake. No one. Kennedy they are all complaining, that means someone is doing their job. Your boyfriend beto. Kennedy he is not my boyfriend, mayor pete is my boyfriend. I dont think that things will work out between you guys. No. After el paso. Kennedy all right. People will learn. Man panel thank you, matt, dr. Siegel and chris. Thank you. Coming up, pauly shore is here. He said there is one person who can beat the president , find out who that is, this person is not yet in the race, i will ask him who next. All right brad, once again i have revolutionized the songwriting process. Oh, here we go. I know i cant play an instrument, but this. This is my forte. Obviously, for auto insurance, weve got the wheel route. Obviously. Retirement, were going with a longterm play. Makes sense. Pet insurance, wait, let me guess. Flea flicker. Yes howd you know . Studying my playbook . Yeah, actually. 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Veejay, the best known there has been now we tackle politics, pop culture and all shore things. Pauly shores random podcast host great pauly shore. Nice to see you kennedy. Kennedy i am so glad you are here, how are things. Im alive, i have been living in williamsburg, that is cool, that is where i grew the beard out. Kennedy you have to. I live in a lotf. I have a pair keet. Kennedy and a banjo. No, i live in los angeles. Silver lake is like, that i was thinking about you know about silver lake, tell people in america. Kennedy it is hipster liberal. Kennedy annoying, come on, you got to go through their to get to dodger stadium, blah, blah, blah. Lets talk about you. You have seen culture pass before your very eyes. And you have seen politicians and celebrities in your re real, you were raised at comedy store, it should be a comic a dream come true. It is, i like cory bookers head it is always shiny. Kennedy because he is a vegan, he takes that bacon grease, right on the chrome dome. Then kamala harris, she looks like he has a great sense of humor. Kennedy you are mispronouncing her name. I am not. Kennedy Bernie Sanders claimed he ran a 4 minute mile in high school, i dont believe him, he is lying, if you and Bernie Sanders like modern day, 90yearold bernie and you had a footrace right now who would win. He would win. Kennedy you think. His hair is so wild. You know. Hair is wild, he looks like he he looks like he late for reservations in a restaurant. Kennedy yes. I hav have to get there in t. Kennedy why does he sound like andrew yang crying. I dont know. In a good way. Kennedy he is. Adorable. Kennedy he is stagnating have you warren. We need to take the viagra pill that will make him more sharp. Kennedy to his brain and not his yes. Kennedy we have celebrity president , and if there were a celebrity who could mount a late stage attack on positive see who has best presidency who has best chance. I know the best person. I have been messing round is the rock. Kennedy he has talked about it. Donald trump supporter like the rock. And i think he would throw them for a curve. They would see the two candidates, and they would be man, i dont know, dude that dude is in tooth fai fairy and s body is gorgeous, a beautiful body. Kennedy he does have a beautiful body. I am stumped, if the rock runs, if he runs for president , i decided im saying this right now america, i will be his running mate. Kennedy great. If you saw that Bumper Sticker who would you vote for trump and pence or rock and the weeze. Kennedy i would like to think you and the rock are libertarian. What does he say, the rock is cooking. Yeah, well have a thing. Kennedy great, what will your tag line be . My tag line . Kennedy yeah. Make america chill again bro. That is better than marianne williamson. Kennedy i dont know who that is. She wants to eradicate the dark psychic forces from the country. Wow, i dont know about her, next question. Next question is hey kennedy better pauly on mtv. Shore or d . Come on. Next question, we know that one. Woo i dont want to disrespect. Kennedy if you were in a jam at 2 00 a. M. , what which democratic candidate would you call. Warren. Kennedy why. She is sexy with a mochsmokepocka polka hands thank you thing happening. With tomahawk pasties then she become with kamala harris. Kennedy come back. I am here. Kennedy a better handle on politics than brett baier. He is awesome. Kennedy do you want to meet him. I am friends with tucker, he told me to text you said hi, he is so waspy. Kennedy throws a hell of a badminton tournament. You have to get out. Kennedy thank you. I love you, i am at carolines this weekend, and check out my podcast random rand. Kennedy bye. Their bearnaise sauce here is the best in town. [ soft piano music playing ] mm, uh, what do you do for fun . Not this. Oh, what am i into . Mostly progressives name your price tool. 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No one was hurt, were happy to respect that fighting couple report that fighting couple is out of the woods, police encourage them to find a different way to air their grievances. In florida they are lucky to crack top 10 of craziest video of the week. Florida, yeah. Police announce there have been no arrested made in flying car, they are selling a used suv. Low miles. It was never on the road. Topic two. Olive garden, you love that place. Man boobs, offering a lifetime pasta pass, a perfect gift when you are looking to upset an italian person but you have already called them fredo. Giving customers unlimited access to all of olive garden finest 18 tray entrees to feasth as you want. So soft from tenderizing, and pasta paradise for just 500 dollars. You think that company would lose money selling a lifetime supply of food for 500 bucks, you realize that people who eat olive garden every day, dont live very long. The company strise stresses, thw sharing. Anyone that eats this much olive garden is used to not sharing their neighborhoo noodle. No state in country has a finger basketball representation than North Carolina. Heels, these days they go backward in tar heel state, leah church a january of university of North Carolina she may get snatched up by wnba before she becomes a senior, maybe the nba, knicks dont have anybody that is hit 3s from the front let alone the back. She is state record holder in free throws and 3 pointures, and legend has it she has kill three classmates playing beer pong, they all died of natty causes. See what i did there. She has 3 million views on line. Partly because impressive feat. Nice to see someone looking beside the guards not watching Jeffrey Epstein what . Topic 4. 4. Update on guns nroses, dropped lawsuit against a colorado brewing company, that was making a beer called guns and rose. All it takes is just a little patience. Were just getting warmed up withs puns, by the time i am didnt you will want a civil war, they sued oscar blews brewery in may, trying to convince people they were hanging with more brownstone but acts aley lores told him his odds of winnings were one in a million, you are crazy, if you get to the ring, in the end they decided to live and lit die. Last thing that i want to do is lose a lawsuit and walk out of a courtroom in cold november rain. Sometimes it feels like im beating a dead horse, antii aino sides did not disclose terms of the settlement. That. Dont cry tonight. I still love you baby. Topic 5. Makers of 4 low co loco about to sell their own selle 14 percentagecoho alcohol by volume. Said too be a light beverage. To forget about your calorie count but focus on your criminal counts again you instead. They have not set a release date for beverage. If you join the email list, they hit you on your beeper. They are experiencing with free delivery. 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Fun fact 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. And most of that debt is actually from credit cards. Its just not right. But with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. You can get your Interest Rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. And you can get your money right. With sofi. Check your rate in 2 minutes or less. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. Kennedy breaking news on the shootout in philly, s. W. A. T. Teams have evacuated the two officers who were trapped in the house with the gunman, and they are okay. 6 cops have been shot in the fight with the suspect, that is amazing news. Witnesses say hundreds of rounds were fired. The entire neighborhood video collection. Welcome to our first show that were doing. Im real excited. Careful, youll smear my lipstick. laughter lively music good evening, sir. laughter my goodness. Millions of people are demanding my return to the screen. Whats so funny . We are. tarzan yell applause why the hell dont the two of you go on home and let me watch my tv . goofy laugh tim mrs. Wiggins . Hello . Goodnight, thank you. applause well, hello. Im carol burnett,

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