Tax rate than someone who is like i said the schoolteacher and a firefighter. Kennedy i need so much more of that. That is my happy place. Clipping coupons in the stock market. The gaffe machine was all gassed up that joe wasnt only losing to themselves he also got guff from the other candidates primarily lives warren who is trying to cement her new lead. Last night she hit joe with a hammer over credit for something called the Consumer Financial protection bureau. I convince people to vote for that will so lets get those thing straight to. Senator wore an your response. [applause] im deeply grateful to president obama who fought so hard to make sure that agency would pass the law. Kennedy she hit joe right upside the head with that. Lives stole your thunder and thats got to hurt but it doesnt help your shady deals and ukraine are dragging you down. Last nights moderator had that issue too. Her son did nothing wrong. I did nothing wrong. I carried out the policy on the United States government. Rooting out corruption in ukraine. What we have to do now is focus on donald trump who is going after me because he knows if i get the nomination i will beat him like a drum. Kennedy like a drum. Just when you thought the sad story couldnt get any more awkward the Biden Campaign is spending more than its taking in. Joe bidens old dos barack obama just endorsed canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for reelection. Thats right he endorsed a guy who has admitted to being in black face multiple times, so many in fact hes lost count and he still has not endorsed sleepy joe. Can the guy who claims hes the only one who can beat the president present like a drum even gets the nomination . Is figured out for ourselves. We have have attorney and liberal commentator Daniel Mclaughlin is here. We have associate editor and author of the fantastic book panic attack robbie sauve in criminal defense attorney going to bail us all out. Mike chase is back. Obviously you are watching this was a democratic set of eyeballs i felt bad for job at the same time the fact that he was lackluster it showed that hes not the guy to be right now. The polls particularly iowa and New Hampshire we will see what happens when we get to the third state. Kennedy not many people talk about because South Carolina is where joe biden attended. Africanamericans youve got to get past the first two States Kennedy what if he doesnt do that . With Hillary Clinton is other people who were devoted to one candidate and Hillary Clinton once you see a different frontrunner emerged you may see the polls go from biden to wore an or sanders or maybe put a judge who is rising in the polls in iowa and is killing it. Kennedy he is killing it on fundraising and thats an interesting thing about biden that we point out the top the show. Biden is outspending himself of the majority is going to Campaign Staff but its not really helping. You know youve got someone like Pete Buttigieg who was silently stoking the critical passion. What did you make of the front for . I mean theres no way around it was a bad night for biden. When he talked about the Capitol Gains tax. My friends and me at the libertarian magazine we all go that was a sad turn about and he made a number of mistakes. I think he confused assad and erdogan at one point. It was bad for him. Bernie had good days afterwards. Hes getting endorsements from the squad and he looked great for just having had a heart attack a few days ago. I thought it was a pretty good night for him. Kennedy some eyes were on bernie. I have some hot young freshman democrats, socialists congresswoman who have now endorsed me. Its a threeway raw race. Its wrong to say its just warren and biden. Kennedy we dont need to turn it into a big fast. I think this is fascinating because biden needed a breakthrough. He really did. He needed the one night where he comes through with that left hook and annihilates the field. He had that night, didnt he . I would say he definitely have that night but i think he did when a little bit because the entire night wasnt about hunter biden. This is a story that had staying power for multiple weeks which in this news cycle is not common kennedy we do have news add. Anyhow what are you doing . Go ahead. For biden frontrunner status is his to lose any starting to do that but hes one of three for runners with a combined age of 224 years over bernie to be looking spry compared to him. Kennedy you said it was like ready tap danced out of the hospital. My heart is better than ever. Kennedy you want if you like your president present is the superhero. The endorsement from the squad is interesting because i dont think its as much an endorsement of Bernie Sanders wood against Elizabeth Warren. Bernie and warren are very different. They actually do matter to the activist progressive space. One wants to destroy capitalism which is bernie. Kennedy to illogical progressive mouth breathers bacon see a difference. To the rational they look the exact same. Danielle mclaughlin and the panel returned surely because their combined height is 42 feet per the whole democrat debate is a moot point . According to moody to just might be because the Analytics Company is the data that suggest President Trump will easily win reelection. Our day lewandowski . Theyve been running the number since 19 a. D. Each election and they collect every single time except in 2016 when they picked hillary to win. Their projections are based on Consumer Sentiment stock market gains the job market and Economic Indicators and right now the economy is still doing pretty well. Of course that could change in the next 13 months but if things stay the same is President Trump at a loss in 2020 . Here to discuss eu and gop pollster chris will comes. Welcome back. This is fascinating because it seems like the president is having a very tough couple of weeks but democrats arent doing themselves enough favors to capitalize on his misfortune by presenting their good ideas. If the ukraine story fades in the economy continues to improve do you agree with movies that the president will be easily reelected . I think in time the answer to that is yes. The typical time when you have an economy and a president presiding over an economy where unemployment is down the wages are up and continues to improve then yes. In typical time he would be up for reelection but we are not in typical times. The onetime moodys was wrong was in 2016 and what youve seen proliferate since 2016 is this partisan tribalism and what you have people picking sides pulling on their jerseys and the economy matters far less today than it did in 2012 or 2008 going all the way back to 1980. It becomes a little bit of it different situation and thats why people we are talking about in terms of democratic process in who they nominate in who becomes the ultimate party bearer of the democratic nomination is going to matter so much. You take dump trump versus a generic democrat most polling shows him down but donald trump versus Bernie Sanders or elizabeth warned that changes the situation and you end up in a more likely time and probably moodys analytics is far more indicative than it is today. Kennedy and we also dont have that democrat nominee. The top four who do you see posing the biggest threat to the president if the economy doesnt hold stable . It bans on who you defined as the top four. Candidate. Kennedy Sanders Biden warren and buttigieg. The one person who wasnt mentioned who was the mars to search for candidate overall with Tulsi Gabbard and shes not mention the conversational and that was in 49 states that she was the most searched. Kennedy she does garner a lot of interest. Theres no doubt about that but can she translate that into poll numbers, donors and votes . Thats the big question but ill are my two and 2016 in the republican primary ben carson was in the top of the field when you saw him change quickly. I think Elizabeth Warren is running a slow steady campaign and she probably stays there but having said that if you calculate into it the lack of consistency that we have seen in past elections in 2008 where he hillary lead pretty big over obama. Kennedy and then she cried in it still didnt work. Someone has to cry. Thank you so much. Coming up a little later he federal jobs guarantees a hot topic at last nights debate. John stossel the one and only here to explain the difference. First up the situation in syria getting worse by the second. Holding back our troops while sending thousands more to saudi arabia. I i am totally blind. 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You will hear the president say we walked everywhere offended deeply by his treatment of the speaker of the house of representatives. He called her a thirdrate politician. He said that there are common is involved in you guys might like that. I mean this was not a dialogue. It was sort of a diatribe. Kennedy the president countered with the classic i know you bar but what am i. Tweeting as pictures and quote nervous nancys unhinged meltdown but of course here he is going to helena handbasket quick. Many republicans say he was a horrible idea to pullback our troops. Today the house passed a resolution rebuking the president s decision three to 5460 in tomorrow South Carolina republican senator Lindsey Graham and maryland senator Chris Van Hollen plan to introduce bipartisan sanctions on turkey but should we just settle this with the game of red rover . Send the companys right over. Joining me to discuss republican senator and house former and Relation Center had well and the author of the brandnew book the case against socialism. Senator rand paul is back. Welcome back, sir. Thanks candidate. When you are rolling datatype in about the president saying nancy pelosi was a thirdrate politician in the communist thats the best thing ive ever heard the president say about her. Ive never heard him say such nice things about her. I think she ought to take it as a compliment considering all the other adjectives and all the other descriptions that he could have used. Thirdgrade politician communist, you know . Kennedy its better than being a fifth rate anarchist i guess. I have a little bit more fondness for anarchists but you have been deferential to the president lately particularly in regards to turkey and syria. A lot of your likeminded libertarian colleagues dont share the same enthusiasm that you do for this most recent action. How do you explain being deferential to the president on what seems i can shake a move . You know i dont think i describe it that way. I would describe it as the Foreign Policy as we think we should not be involved around the world and we should not intervene in every civil war. I would say most libertarians in fact most people left and right and all over which side of center if you talk about the iraq war they came to the conclusion that the iraq war was a mistake. I dont know how the Syrian Civil War thats been going on for seven years would be any less of the mistake in the iraq war. I think President Trump has been very wise in pulling troops out of this war zone. I can imagine not seeing any libertarians in favor of paying and the Syrian Civil War. Kennedy i dont think they are in favor of being in the Syrian Civil War. What they take issue with is the president take having a discussion with the turkey president and shifting troops and there arent that many of them but enough to play a vital role with the kurds that are there that are our allies and then all of a sudden turkey now committing for what are essentially a war crimes for the libertarians that i know want to preserve human life. They are against the atrocities that turkey is willing to i dont know to libertarians want to be involved in the wars of the middle east. Most libertarians i know like the constitution and believe you only go to war when you declare war. I frankly dont know a libertarian who thinks being involved in a syrian war is a good idea. Kennedy i will give you that but what im saying is you are not ringing troops home. I would love to bring troops home. I would love to bring troops home from yemen and afghanistan and libya and Northern Africa and i would like to close big u. S. Military bases but shes moving them to iraq and saudi arabia isnt bringing the troops home. No but i think if you are taking that attitude you are missing the whole point here. If we had Hillary Clinton or if we had romney or mccain or Lindsey Graham is president we would have 10, 20,000 troops in syria involved another quagmire another iraqi war or another libyan war. Libertarians i think should the feeling very good that President Trump said im not putting thousands of troops in their. We arent going to be involved in the Syrian Civil War. Kennedy he has sent a thousand troops to the middle east since may. That is the opposite of what you are talking about. Thats what the point is. Youre missing the whole point. There is not a libertarian alive or breathing that thinks the Syrian Civil War is a good place to be and theres not a libertarian alive or breathing that thinks we should go to war without having Congress Vote on it so it in this instance i think President Trump has taken libertarian position which is we dont have a dog in this fight. If we did we should debated in congress, declare war so im proud of President Trump for keeping us out of another nowin battle. Kennedy i dont think theres a libertarian alive who wants turkey murderous authoritarians dictating our Foreign Policy. Think youd be hardpressed. You are reciting the neocon position kennedy. You think that libertarians kennedy turkey is not committing atrocities . No. Kennedy are you telling me that the president is bringing troops home . Executive actions involved in a Syrian Civil War on any side of the civil war. Kennedy why not bring everyone home . Well what he is done does not get us further and fall. He took troops out of the middle of the war thats going on between the turks and the kurds. He said we are going to have an expanded role in this and we should be thankful for that. Is the perfect libertarian but the libertarians would like . It sounds as though there is confusion in what the libertarians would like. Libertarians arent interested in getting involved on the side of the kurds or the turks. Libertarians say go to congress and the constitution and you declare war. Kennedy do you think troops would want to aid saudi arabia and killing civilians and yemen . Im not in favor of that in neither libertarians. Let me finish. What you are saying is the president cant be doing anything libertarian are leaning towards a libertarian thought in turkey or syria because he is not doing it in saudi arabia. Ive opposed the yemen war. Ive opposed arming the saudi arabians and i have a pose the president policy of putting more troops in saudi arabia but i dont oppose just because some people are so hostile what you were buying into is the trump syndrome like the democrats do. The democrats is to be against the war in iraq but now they are for the war in syria because they hate trump so much so libertarians fall in that trap they can never be in favor of some of the things the president is trying to do. Kennedy im in favor of preserving life and ending war and being nonaggressive. Unfortunately we are allowing turkeys aggression. Aiding turkeys aggression . Thats ridiculous. We had 50 soldiers and he said we are going to leave them in the onslaught of turkey coming in here. We never promised the kurds a homeland. Thats the neoconservative logic that we stay in syria and create a homeland for the kurds. It has nothing to do with libertarianism. Kennedy i would like to see what our government promised the kurds, the good kurds for their help in in containing isis. If there is an isis resurgence who is to blame . What i would say he is there are a lot of terrible wars around the world and a lot of genocide and a lot of terrible things going on. If we want to get involved in ward libertarians have traditionally believed we vote on it in congress and we declare war but we dont believe in expensive executive power. Whether its trump brothers who get us involved in war ive opposed that but in this regard hes getting us out of a war and actually making it less likely that syria will become an iraq war. Also with regard to afghanistan its important to know that the president has been in favor. Has he gotten us out of afghanistan as fast as i would . No but in stead of sina glass is halffull or the glass is halfempty we should look at the president and say my goodness so much better than Hillary Clinton who was in favor of the syrian war and so much better than george bush instead of saying hes not the perfect libertarian when we look at President Trump and say hes a heck of a lot better than the neocons and the Lindsey Grahams and george bushs who would have us and were using it so those trying to say what he is doing in syria is not libertarian are wrong. I want to talk about your new book the case against socialist because i think the push for socialism that has largely gone unchecked by the media is incredibly dangerous for a number of reasons. In and of itself it breeds its own form of tory. Some and we will financially bankrupt future generations. I think its disturbing when you look at polling data by young people, more than half of young people think socialism is a good idea. Really thing thats encouraging is when you look at the polls closer you find somewhere between 15 and 20 of these young people dont have any kind of understanding on what socialism is. If you asked them to identify socialism as the state owning the Media Production its only 15 or 20 i think we have a chance but its alarming that mainstream were becoming mainstream politicians like Bernie Sanders or alexandria ocasiocortez they think its a good idea to run on the label and popularizing the label. In the book the case against socialism what we try to do is make sure people remember the history of socialism and its association with genocide in gamman but also we point out the fallacy of trying to say that scandinavia somehow socialism. The private stock market and even the Prime Minister of denmark said to bernie piped down we are not socialists in effect you are bad for business. Kennedy senator paul we have run out of time but thank you very much for being here. The case for socialism. In get this book now and thanks for your time. We have a great new game called kennedys court. Ive got a gavel. Thats all you need to know. Thats all you need to know. Its coming up next. Fun fact 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. And most of that debt is actually from credit cards. Its just not right. But with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. You can get your Interest Rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. And you can get your money right. With sofi. Check your rate in 2 minutes or less. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. Thand find inspiration who win new places. Ct. Leading them to discover were woven together by the moments we share. Everything you need, all in one place. Expedia. Itso chantix can help you quitd slow turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. 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Kennedy we cover a lot of crazy criminals on the show but justices rarely meet that happy that theyll buck stops here in the first installment of kennedys court but am going to redirect it is the true crime headline about the lovable losers. And attorney mike chase is going to give us the defense. Danielle and robbie will decide if the suspect is guilty or not guilty and deliver the final verdict which i will have to do because ive got a gavel. Lets get started danielle and robbie its time for kennedys court. Lets start with case number one. An oregon dad takes a Home Invasion to cover up the girl scout money he stole from his daughter. Brian told 911 simon broke into his home through the sliding glass door and took 740 in cash. Later. A staged the incident. He was charged with initiating a false reporting improper use of emergency recording systems are what is his defense . If i can get them kicks i will raise something you dont get to raise for apple which is dress. I have to group he view was in fear of his life that only committed the crime because of fear for his life. He was up against the girl scouts. They are like a gang. They were the same colors and they have hand signs. Kennedy they have organizations. Suspect he didnt want the rest of the girl scouts. Kennedy is a guilty or innocent robbie . When you have poisoned candy on halloween asides the parents who did it. I have to say as well as he did with the cookies im going with guilty. Kennedy you dont mess with snickerdoodles and tagalongs for samoans or the glutenfree cookies they have now for that matter. He is guilty. Hes going to get mouth. Flog him and waterboard him. Case number two. A woman drove to jail to bail out her boyfriend with a suspended license and she had meth in her pants. Amanda smith drove to jail an expired license but during the arrest she denied having anything on her tell deputies showed her footage of a map from a security camp ritchie was charged with driving while revoked delivery of controlled substances and then went to the county jail. She guilty or innocent . Im not worried about the driving while revoked. Anybody who does math pants and those its known in the defense criminal system is not my pants. This is litigated by the Washington Supreme Court anointed is get a witness that will say they are not her pants. Im going to put out the not my pants defense. I thought this was still america. What do you think . I think my head just explodes are there heroin pants to . I think it might not be her pants. Just because shes wearing them. Do we have pictures of the pants . Kennedy what woman was not in it because she was wearing cocaine pants . Is she going to have a Monster Energy drink . She could have five nodoz and shed be fine. Could she put it in or her broad . I think if you have a Monster Energy drink in your pants people leave you alone. Kennedy back kennedy lets go to kentucky with where men were arrested for one running naked through walmart and one was yelling im on fire for Timothy Smith 24 and David Daniels shot the video for large man in a halloween mask pouring milk over his naked hadi Police Tracked him down when he posted the video later that night and they were charged with indecent exposure. Whats the defense here . The naked guy had a mask on so identifying him when he has a mask on and he is naked lets just look at the case. Some of that harder to identify. The issues hes covered in milk and theres regular milk and chocolate milk. Anyone who wants to identify this guy has to identify them to the mask into the milk. I think the optical illusions are clearly on the defensive side. Its a hoax or something. Its a victimless crime. Are you going to lock people up for those . Not guilty. Not guilty. Kennedy not guilty is absolutely right number four in new jersey woman burns down the mans home after he all invited her over for a latenight booty call but fell asleep. She became enraged after her suitor failed to answer the door. She drove to a local gas station bought lighter fluid and a lighter and let his house on fire while she slept she texted him a waste of my money to come out here before the blaze was extinguished. He escaped or windows suffered burns and smoke inhalation. The jury can say in the face of overwhelming evidence of guilt against a not guilty because we dont agree and principle. I would say ladies and gentlemen did she burn down the house after getting a 4 00 a. M. What he called the turned out not to work out . Your dam right. There are lots of things that are legal but shouldnt be in a jury should be able to overturn that. Guilty . Who hasnt burned down a house after a failed booty call . Kennedy not guilty, guilty . Im going to have to stay guilty because i dont like arson. That was fantastic. Court is adjourned. Thank you mike robbie and danielle. Several Democratic Candidates pushing for uv i pray can you get an antibiotic for like you, my hands are everything to me. But i was diagnosed with dupuytrens contracture. And it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. Thought surgery was my only option. Turns out i was wrong. So when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. Like you, my hands have a lot more to do. Learn more at factsonhand. Com today. Like you, my hands have a lot more to do. Going back to the doctor just for a shot. With neulasta onpro. Patients get their day back. To be with. Family. Or just to sleep in. Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. In a key study. Neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 . To 1 . A 94 decrease. Neulasta onpro is designed to deliver. Neulasta the day after chemo. 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Of the federal jobs guarantee you have to look at how would materialize in practice. What if you dont like your job and what if you are not good at your job . The fact is most americans do not want to work for the federal government and say that the vision of the economy of the 21st century. To me its not a vision that most americans would embrace. Kennedy Tulsi Gabbard in Julian Castro have gotten behind the ubi while cory booker is the enemy backer of the federal jobs guarantee. Do either of these things actually were . Here to discuss fox business very own john stossel. The ubi argument is compelling but only under certain conditions. What are those conditions . Ubi universal asic income is 10,000 a year. It was brought up by Charles Murray who said the welfare programs now spend more than 40 per person in need and they wasted. Would a better that we gave families the money which i would argue take away the rest of the welfare program. These guys want to add it on in addition to the welfare program. Kennedy this is not a libertarian proposal in the slightest. Its better than guaranteeing people a job. Full employment economy who was going to get there federally guaranteed job except the math pants people who really dont want to work. Kennedy do you want the math pants people bugging you at the airport while you go through tsa . No and really if you apply for work now everybody can get a job. I dont understand how it will work. Whatever person just doesnt show up. Are they guaranteed a job anyway . The democrats are competing on who can give away more stuff in what form. Kennedy and forcing that has unintended consequences that would bankrupt country. Yang did a precise job. Saying what if i dont want a government job and what if im not good at the job the government gives man whos going to manage me . I think those are points of most americans havent thought up because people who get behind jobs guarantees are people who are to have jobs. If you guarantee people a job what incentive is there for them to work . To show up and work hard and do the job rapidly. Kennedy if you are guaranteed a job if someone doesnt want to work right now there are plenty of cool. Jobs many of them entry level that are open why would they work when they are forced to take a creative job . There are lots of jobs. Eyes send interns around manhattan in almost every place had entry level jobs and they were desperate for applicants. Kindle i looked for fruit flavored jamison. John stossel thank you so much. Topical storm is i cant believe it. What . That our new house is haunted by casper the friendly ghost . Hey jill hey kurt movies . Ill get snacks no, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on our Car Insurance with geico. 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Switch and save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus, get 250 back when you buy an eligible phone. Thats simple. Easy. Awesome. Call, click, or visit a store today. Kennedy before you go moment further they could take this opportunity to wish a happy birthday to Philadelphia Phillies outfielder who turns 27 years old today. Thats one year for every can of beer. He stirred up the tv. Make a wish and blow out the candles has this is the topical storm. Topic number one, lets start in north korea for kim jongun is once again leaving citizens with a long face. Guess these propaganda photos were meant to put the world on notice. Apparently that notice as kim jongun is a model for romance novels. First there was fabio and now theres le bail. Thanks to him north korea has been plying hunter games for years. The dictatorial derby has gone viral on line and not in a good way. On the flipside hes no longer the biggest loser. Topic number two. Pop up dell recalling 2. 3 Million Pounds of seasoned beef because of metal shavings. I dont know why thats a problem now. Health Officials Say taco bell meat is a Major Health Risk and that was before they found that there was metal in there. It was discovered after a small and shiny piece of metal. As you can imagine at first he thought it was a fragment from his long. The company can be taking a hit from a lawsuit because not only is the victim is upset thousands of taco bell supporters are furious as well. They are filing and no classaction lawsuit and of course the nooses and all bad for the burrito baron by the Company Announced its bringing back the popular taco promotion for the world series. The way it works is ever time a player steals a base the Company Gives away free tacos. You get used to running fast. Topic number three. The owners of jim beam are renting out their family home on airbnb because its about time jim beam drinkers left somewhere besides the county jail. Air brawl and bail. A bourbon soaked still house in claremont kentucky for 23. It sounds like a great deal but as you can imagine theres a topical blackout date. You cant use your points but you could end up with points on their license so theres that. The house has three bedrooms, two baths and free wifi. Why send a postcard when you can send a picture of your jogs . Of course jim beam wants you to enjoy their booze responsibly so they offer Free Transportation home. Someone said this looks like a classic western movie. Get out to theater and see high plains grifter and dont forget the sequel a fistful of notches with cheese the way the lord intended. Topic number four finally tonight we salute the florida golfer who allegedly beat his mechanics with a 9 iron for fixing his car too slowly. Floridians are like thats crazy he should have used a three wood this guy doesnt look violent at all. The 56yearold, he looks so young ronnie cardegna may look likes personal chauffeur but police say he was his own driver he was fixing his car in the driveway and cops were called. Apparently this is not his first swing. Told them to work out his mechanics. Its nice to see a golfer getting in trouble besides President Trump. Its not the only golf story making headlines. Tiger woods announced hes writing an autobiography called back. Sounds like a Hillary Clinton title. The publisher shortened it from and if youre interested tigers selling it exclusively at the perkins gift shop. Womens pants are also half off. We will be limu emu doug and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] its an honor to tell you that Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. And now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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If there was a rule, he broke it. carlin when youre in someone elses house and they leave you in the room, any room, alone for a moment, do you look in the drawers . Yeah, i dont want to steal anything, you know, i just want to know where everything is in case im asked. announcer if a word was unspeakable, he spoke it. There are a lot of these little twoway double entendre words that have two meanings, words that are okay part of the time. I call them, like, part time filth. Ass is hardly even a dirty word anymore, but it has a few meanings that you cant say on television. You can say on television things like, well, youve made a perfect ass of yourself tonight, but you cant say, hey, lets go get some bleep

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