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Radical dimms. House republicans voting as a cohesive block to censure adam schiff and dozens of them protesting the schiffled star chamber, storming the dimms secretive hearing room. Not so view discuss in the senate. But a handful of gop senators standing with the president against impeachment. Senator Lindsey Graham today stepping up his support of the president and railing against the leaders of the Kangaroo Court proceedings against president trump. Whats going on is a runaround the impeachment process creating a secret proceeding behind closed doors that is in my view denies due process. When you are talking about removing the president of the united states, it seems to me you would want a process that is consistent with who we are as americans. If you can drive down a president s poll numbers by having proceedings where you selective live leak information where the president who is the subject of all this is pretty much shut out. God help future president s. Lou as this president takes on the left, his administration is standing up to the decades long theft and espionage originating two come snift china. Vice president mike pence today cast i gaited china and their leaders as the white house is working towards a new trade deal with them. For the latest, edward lawrence, live in washington. Reporter Vice President persons muting china on notice for human rights abuses and creating what he called the Worlds Largest surveillance state. He says china is trying to export that state to other countries. He said china is taking advantage of smaller nations through the belt and road he plan and rack up their debt. We are not seeking to contain chinas development. We want a constructive relationship with chinas leaders like we have enjoyed for generations with chinas people. If china will step forward and seize this unique moment in history to start a new start anew by earning trade practices that have taken advantage of america for too long. Reporter the new regulations are set to want forced transfer of technology and offer more patent and trademark protection. The Vice President also calling out american companies, specific think nike saying the shoe company promotes itself as a champion of social justice. But when it comes to hong kong. Backed down by ring moving Houston Rockets gear from its stores there. Some of the nbas players and owners who routinely use their freedom to criticize this country lose their voices when it comes to the freedom and rights for the people of china. In siding with the Chinese Communist party and silencing free speech, the nba is acting like a whollyowned subject isary of the authoritarian regime. Reporter he you offered good if faith dialogue and that continues tomorrow as members of the two trade teams will talk by phone. Lou its no coincidence the Vice President s remarks come just the evening before the talks are set to begin. Reporter that and the chinese. The chinese saw his speech coming and they wanted to do something that u. S. Wanted forking a long time. Lou words are not meaningless when it comes to the chinese. Perhaps that is change. Another delay tonight in Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitzs report on fisa abuse. In a letter to the heads of four congressional committees, horowitz says the report he has been working on since march of last year will have limited rye taxes and is nearing completion. We have heard similar statements before. Horowitz writes add receiving the final classification markings from the department and the fbi, his office will prepare the report by insuring appropriate reviews for accuracy. He says that process should not be lengthy but does not say what lengthy means because lengthy is what i would call the course of this investigation and delay after delay after delay in the delivery of the report. Earlier this week senator Chuck Grassley tweeted his frustration with that delayed release of the Inspector Generals report. The senator suggesting it could be the deep state slowing things down. Deep 60sing as he d deep sixing as he put it, the acow sizes against the deep state. President trump thanking House Republicans who stormed the radical dimms socalled secret inquiry, the scif. The greatest witch hunt in american history. Its been going on since long before i even got elected. The dimms are saying they expect the hearings to become public if only we be patient. They will be public in midnovember. Isnt that nice of them . Even possibly bringing back witnesses they already questioned so you and i can watch and listen, too, we are after all, simply voters and the body politic citizens of this great country who these lots are presume these louts are presumably to serve. But there are only 20 legislative days remaining in the house business year. 8 of those days being in november, 8 of them in december. So this would you give the dimms 16 days in which to hold public hearings. Constrained opportunities to do urgent business if thats what you would call their Kangaroo Court star chamber sovietstyle proceedings. Its an impeachment inquiry . Thats what they call it. Joining us is fred flights, from the center for security policy. You served as a senior staff member on the House Intelligence Committee for years. You are watching a process that is very familiar, i guess, in so many ways. It has two personalities things and schiff who you worked with as a senior staff member. These two are locked in real combat over ethics, over pro right, over tradition, secrecy, and the publics right to know. Was that divide he when you were there . City wasnt. And the history of the Intelligence Committee, it has never been this bad. It started with what congressman schiff did when he was in the minority in the first years of the Trump Administration. Its rough being in the minority. You dont have many rights. But when you look at impeachment, there is a precedent where special rules are passed to make sure the minority has equal rights, and the president s counsel has special rights. The reason is because impeachment is such a grave, serious matter. Lou we had it happen three times. A by partisans vote to make certain it is not a part and exercise, a witch hunt as the president correctly calls it all though its so much more than that as well. Its that simple its that sordid, that petty, that vile and disgusting and the part of nancy pelosi and adam schiff. I hope all your viewers will look at his resolution its excellent. When the democrats are confront, why arent you doing this, they give four objections. Under the constitution we are not required to give them these rights. The second is if we gave them these rights, they would abuse them. The third objection this is all politics, its sorry politics. Really, not on venomous. But vapid members of the democratic party. They just dont like the president. But the most of important objection is we know hes guilty. We heard this over and over again. Lou for over two years schiff lied, lied and he lied today. They are so taken by this moment in history that is so urgent, a constitutional crisis that they fly off to and and to jordan in the midst of it. Now they have 16 legislative days remaining in which to do the peoples business. And there noise resumption of innocence. Whenever you complain about the process the democrats point to the what they said the president did. Nothing has been proven yet. We cant run it this way. Lou intelligence ask committee, when you served in 2011. What would have happened if anyone has suggested such a path as being pursued now by the radical dimms . Its so bad that when schiff was in the minority, they were going to build a wall in the Intelligence Committee staff to separate the republican and democratic staff. Documents are shared as a courtesy. Lou a literal barrier . A barrier. We sat in one giant space in the basement. But things were so bad they were going to build a wall. Apparently the management of the house wouldnt allow that. Boehner, pelosi decided they wouldnt allow this wall to be built. It may have been lou so why is there no outrage here until just these last few days . Because everyone can see whats happening. Schiff and pelosi have gone mad with partisan fervor, and their greed for power. We have to make the point to the American People that you have to have a fair process. If something can be common in the senate, the senate Intelligence Committee has to take this up, subpoena people, and they need to subpoena this whistleblower. Lou richard bir richard byr. Republican senators have to demand this. We need to find out who this whistleblower is. What were his partisan motivations. On three levels at least he was compromised by a partisan bias. I guess in favor of whom . The radical dimms. Six journalists told me the name of the whistleblower. But the American People are not being told who it is. Why . Lou we know why, dont we . Of course we know why. Because this person put think it forward for political reasons. Lou and what happened to the second whistleblower, apparently a second cia officer attached to the white house and attached to the schiff tonight he, for crying out loud. This is preposterous on its face yet the Left Wing National Media continues to stand away as if its a legitimate process as if there are no questions to be answered other than quid pro quo. Its tiresome to see come reply sittity of this to see complicity. They are not going to be open. There may be a hearing but the minority wont have the rights. This is another sham. Lou what are republicans going to do about it . What is Mitch Mcconnell going to do about it. Right now Mitch Mcconnell if he had any principle, any guts, any loyalty, he would say in the name of the constitution and this country there will be no trial on the basis of is illicit, illegitimate and unconstitutional process. This is mindless. Yet they play their games. Its nauseating and deeply sickening to watch. I agree. Lou u. S. Officials telling fox news the pentagon is looking to send armored units, including i perhaps tanks to syria with which to guard oil fields and protect the kurds. Officials say those tanks would come from a unit already deployed to the middle east. Thats expected to be near the Omar Oil Fields in Eastern Syria that were seized bi u. S. Forces in 2017. Mark esper lashing out at turkey calling their incursion into syria unwarrants and adding that turkey is heading in the wrong direction and getting closer to russia. Not only geographically he means. The republicans exhibiting steel and spine taking on the radical dimms and the rinos in their own party. Two senators doing their best to drain the swamp. Proposing a bill i think you might find intriguing. Well take up their efforts. The possible consequences, much more straight ahead after these quick messages. Well be right back. Yeah, thats half the fun of a new house. Seeing what people left behind in the attic. Well, saving on Homeowners Insurance with geicos help was pretty fun too. Ahhhh, its a tiny dancer. They left a ton of stuff up here. Welp, enjoy your house. Nope. No thank you. Geico could help you save on homeowners and renters insurance. Performance comes geicoin lots of flavors. E dramatic orchestra theres the ampedup, overtuned, feedingfrenzyof sheetmetalkind. And then theres performance that just leaves you feeling better as a result. Thats the kind lincolns about. Its what gives audible themembers an edge. 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Strongve is one of a kind brilliant unbreakable Engagement Rings now 20 40 percent off shop unique bridal styles at zales, the Diamond Store with sofi, get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. And get your Interest Rate right. So you can save big. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. To the wait did frowe just winners. Prouders everyone uses their phone differently. Thats why Xfinity Mobile lets you design your own data. Now you can share it between lines. Mix with unlimited, and switch it up at anytime so you only pay for what you need. Its a different kind of Wireless Network designed to save you money. Save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus get 250 back when you buy an eligible phone. Call, click, or visit a store today. Lou republicans on capitol hill seem to be throwing their full support behind president trump. Mike emanuel has the story. Reporter senator learned i graham says the house impeachment process is illegitimate and offered a Senate Resolution make that case. What you are doing today in my view is unfair to the president and dangerous to the presidency. I think 41 republican senators and growing is a strong signal to our house colleagues that you are off the script here. Reporter a deposition scheduled for saturday the republicans argue will limit republican participation. This letter was sent to adam schiff demanding the whistleblower be called to testify. The lawmakers note several witnesses have offered closed door testimony in the socalled impeachment inquiry that rebuts the central assertion of the whistleblowers complaint. Democrats defended their actions. Graham argues impeachment is different. Make sure the president is allowed to participate in a meaningful manner week we did in the past. Reporter the republicans say selective leaks are driving the president s poll numbers down while building impeachment without the full story. Lou republicans frustrated with mitt romneys petty, bitter broad sides on president trump. They are insisting he focus more on policy than his deepseated unresolved conflicts after his loss of the 2012 president ial elect. We would like to come plim two senators tonight for helping to get the government out of the swamp. Josh hawley and Marsha Blackburn introduced a bill to move federal agencies out of washington, d. C. 10 agencies would be required to move 0 person of their staff to economically depressed areas across the country. You can move the government out of the swamp. But can you get the swamp out of government . It would be nice to find out what the answer to that question is. Joining us, former Ronald Reagan political an vice. Ed rollins. I think its a great idea. When senator byrd was the senator from west virginia, he moved every project to his home state of west virginia. Lou tennessee and missouri being represented, there would be agencies moving to both of those states. Im happy to move them anywhere outside the district of columbia. I had a cabinet secretary say i would be happy if i wasnt competing with the agency across the street. Something has to be done. Its a good step forward. Lou it looks like the republicans are finding a backbone. They are starting to fight, they are starting to scrap. Matt gaetz inspired the effort by dozens of senators, republican senators to storm the scif, if you will. He morning they need to look in the mirror and say the public elected me to be a member of congress. I have every right as every other congressman here. This is the most of important vote i will be forced to make and i want to make sure i am involved in every element of it. And i think hes done a good job so far. Lou the president is thanking those house numbers who stormed the scif. Hes build something support. But yet Mitch Mcconnell and he has, by the way he saith an ad to his constituents in kentucky that he would stand proudly with the president to make sure he was the fire wall, if you will, the wall against impeachment. Now they are saying he doesnt have that much to do with it. He doesnt even blanch. He doesnt blush but he shamelessly plays politics with a threatened presidency held by his own party. He plays politics better than anybody i have seen in a long time. This is a fight for our lives. We cant dismiss this. The democrats will impeach this president and when have to make sure we win the battle out of the country and make sure the senate lou i believe the country would support telling him to go to hell. Mitch mcconnell could stand up and say this is an illegitimate process its unlawful. Its a violation of every tradition and precedent in the impeachment process of any president. And there is til no crime. Actually there is general understanding on the objective evidence of the transcript of the call that nothing happened. So its worse than that. No crime, nothing. So this is part of a long process they had. They dont like this president. They never liked this president. Lou ways mcconnells motivation. What is he trying to do because he isnt just simply trying to help the radical dimms overthrow this president. He has a wife in the cabinet. Lou that doesnt seem to concern him in the least. It should because she has problems too. I think mcconnell sees himself as a longterm player. He need to step up and make sure this thing shuts down. I would say there is no evidence there. I would have a oneday vote and get it done real quick. Lou maybe tomorrow. What do you think. Tomorrow. Lou well be right back in one moment. Stay with us. 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The president instructed workers to tell the Washington Post and the New York Times to go away. Hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars will be saved as a result. Joe bidens efforts to reach out to latino voters backfired. He failed to buy the website or obtain the twitter handle. Guess who did buy hose handles . The Trump Campaign swiftly bought the domain and obtained the twitter account. Which says oops, joe foreabout latinos. Gentlemen is all talk. How about that. I have some say, street smarts and great energy in the Trump Campaign for joe biden not so much. President trump is nothing if not a master marketer. He can smell an opportunity. Lou a battler. Joe biden hasnt just lost his fastball. I dont know that he ever had a fastball. But hes definitely missing a few marbles these days. Lou i love Stephanie Grisham announcing the administration told every agency to get rid of their Washington Post and New York Times subscriptions. The gat across the Administrative State today. Its about time. I hate saying this. Because there was a time coming along work for newspapers hide entire life. I love reading newspapers, i want newspapers to be great. There was a time when i admired both those newspapers. But what we have seen the last four years from both of them. They have given you will all pretense of trying to cover the news fairly. They have become basically organizations propaganda outlets working for one party and trying to destroy the results of the 2016 election. And i just i havent read either one of them in years now. Its a sad thing to me. Our republic does not survive without an informed public. Lou they are not going to be informed by those two outlets. They are committed to nonsense. I think well learn a great deal more about their complicity in a number of instances that will be emtbiergs both. I want to turn quickly to the whistleblower, the charade of adam schiff. Do you for a moment believe as hes intimating to some that they will go public with their process sometime in mid november . My guess is when november gets here well see it in january. Who knows. I dont know what their strategy is. Its so politically stupid what they are doing. Nancy pelosi is a lot of things. But she is a smart tactician. She is smart politically. They would rather supplant a primary election in favor of this congress. Nonsense . Its going to hurt them so badly in the 2020 elections. Can you imagine consider they will be dealing with this come next summer. Can you imagine running a National Election on the argument they want to take voters right to cast a ballot away from them . It doesnt work. Lou i think what we are about to witness is this outrage, this affront to the constitution and to the American People will result in a disaster for these radical dimms at the polls. Charlie hurt, god to see you. Up next, the latest on the efforts to combat the flow of deadly drugs from mexico. May 1 of 75. The magic moment. Congress really democratized wall street. I wanted to have a firm that wanted to get everybody in. Because people couldnt access wall street. We wanted to be agents of change. For the better. I am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. And now for their service to the community, we present limu emu doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] its an honor to tell you that Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. And now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Lou this follows the discovery of 2 million counterfeit nike shoes discovered in containers at the long beach port. China is accounting for much of the counterfeit goods coming into this country. East of yuma they seized 50 pounds of methamphetamines. It goes on every day. In texas the Border Patrol seizing meth am get means at two checkpoints. Border patrol agents at that checkpoint intercepting 25 pounds of methamphetamines. Those drupgs were head for kansas city, missouri. Joining us, mark morgan. Great to have you with us. The beat goes on. Fentanyl continues to come into this country, primarily through mexico which is counterintuitive. But from china where most of of it is made. Killing what is it, 60 of the 70,000 overdose victims a year. You know, marijuana, methamphetamines, cocaine, most of of it coming in from mexico. And it hasnt let up. In fact, if anything, its accelerating. You are absolutely right. This is something we dont talk enough about. When we talk about the crisis at the southwest border. The narrative has been taken up with the humanitarian crisis. We have not talked about the National Security crisis. Drugs are pouring into this country every single day from the southwest border. 68,000 lives last last year to overdose of illicit drugs. If you are talking about cocaine, get anyone nil. Those drugs are from the southwest border. Every down, every state, every one any this country. More and likely or not, if you have an overdose in ohio, chances are that drug came from the southwest border. The democrats just dont give a backm. D dont give a damn. They dont about the deaths that tear families apart its so tough to watch what is happening in this country and there doesnt seem to be any empathy between the national leftwing media. And what i dont understand is the Trump Administration continues to do business with china, even as they continue to violate their word. They ship more and more deadly drugs, fentanyl is going up, not down in both production and shipment of into this country. Last year cdp, 910,000 kilograms of illicit narcotics were seeds. Up to 50 of our resources are pulled away from the border to deal with the human the airian crisis. And we saw an uptick . Cocaine, heroin and fentanyl. 50 of our resources pulled away to deal with the families and kids. And seizures of hard narcotics went up. We need the wall. Thats why the men and women of cbp wants to build the wall. That will improve their capacity to prevent the drugs coming into this country that are killing people every single day. Lou the president got the loudest cheers for the wall and bringing their troops home from syria. Its not happening quickly. I think there was the expectation that as he put together the money through great ingenuity, bringing money in from the department of defense to build the wall despite the efforts of the radical dimms to stop him. We have a National Crisis at the border. You can barely read by the on the front pages of the Washington Post and the New York Times. I tell you, i think thats right. We need to get out there and tbaict. 75 miles have been built. We work with the army corp of engineers on a daily basis. You will start seeing an increase on the miles of wall being built every week. And you will see 450 miles of new wall in strategic locations built by the end of 2020. Lou mark morgan, good to see you. On wall street, stocks closed mixed. The s p up 6. The nasdaq up 66. Volume on the big board. A day of big stock. The a remind tore listen to my reports coast to coast on the salem radio network. A majority of americans worried about the countrys political divide. What drives that divide. Incivility and the crassness of American Society or is it something more . Val, vern. Im off to college and im not gonna be around. Im worried about my parents retirement. Oh, dont worry. Voya helps them to and through retirement. Dealing with todays expenses. Like college. While helping plan, invest and protect for the future. So theyll be okay. 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Were the kirby family, and we are usaa members for life. Get your Auto Insurance quote today. Thats why Xfinity Mobile lets you design your own data. You can share 1, 3, or 10 gigs of data between lines, mix in lines of unlimited, and switch it up at any time. All with millions of secure wifi hotspots and the best lte everywhere else. Its a different kind of Wireless Network, designed to save you money. Switch and save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus, get 250 back when you buy an eligible phone. Thats simple. Easy. Awesome. Call, click, or visit a store today. Lou a new National Survey find 2 3 of the country believes the country is nearing civil war. The level of political divide on a 0100 scale. The mean response 67. 23 , republicans, democrats and independents naming social media as a factor for that divide. Joining us, miranda divine. Lets start with this report. That is stung. We talk about the divide all the time. The partisan divide. Ugliness and meanness of this time. Your thoughts. You can blame identity politics, i think. Its been a deliberate strategy of the left. And they pushed it from daycare through college to divide us up by competing tribes, depending on your gender, your race, your sexuality, your religion. They deliberately want to have us fighting each other, viewing each other with distrust. You no longer are journaled by the contents of your character as Marlin Luther King said, you are judged by the tribe you are in. It is a deliberate divide mentality to cement power. Lou american oligarchs. However want to refer to in corporate america, there is an effort and it begins in our academia, to slice and dice us down to the most of minute difference that will make you a kaleidoscope of demographics at a time when we slid be working toward commonality, we are focused on differences and dissimilarities. And i dont know where it ends. Victimhood. Its all about victimhood. Im a woman, i must be a victim of sexism. You are a white male so you are the top of the trade. You are part of the patriarchy and need to be dragged down kick and screaming. And American Society is the Worst Society in the world. Thats the other tory we are told. So of course people are feeling negative. Then they are on social media which is as sewer, and it allows people to anonymously abuse each other and things they would never say in real life. The empathy is gone. Lou the european experiment in the case of germany, Angela Merkel running the bell. She says multiculturalism is not work in germany, even though she invited wholesale millions of immigrants into our country, effectively stabilizing. Not just immigrants, male muslims who were young, not fleeing from think civil war in syria, they came because they want and better life. Lou they brought their wives and children with them left them behind. Of course, its going to undermine your society and destabilize it. You have a million men there. What are they going to do for kicks. Lou the experiment is young and well where it goes. The president under assault, where does that end for him . I think it ends well for him. Hes just demonstrating that he is an outsider. 63 Million People voted for him. Yet the democrats dont want to wait just a bit over a year to let the American People make up their own minds. They want to delegitimize the 2016 election results. They are insulting the voters. Lou its amusing to watch the radical dimms campaign against the electoral college. Then as they look at the prospect of the election in 2020 and this president they think is unbeatable because why else would they want to unseat him now surely a few months if they that they would win anything. I dont understand why they are putting so much energy into it rather than finding a fantastic candidate. Have a good policy. Why dont they do that . They are just going to lose the next election if they are going to continue on like this. They seem to be bereft of any inspiration and perhaps capability. Hopefully well never have to find out which is the greater lacking. Brenda divine, the new york post. We recommend her column to you highly. Mike pence puts the nba on notice. We take that up right after the break. Theres a power in listening; its what gives audible members an edge. It opens our minds, changes our perspective, connects us, and pushes us further. The most inspiring minds, the most compelling stories audible. Now you can, with shipsticks. Com no more lugging your clubs through the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. Sending your own clubs ahead with shipsticks. Com makes it fast easy to get to your golf destination. With just a few clicks or a phone call, well pick up and deliver your clubs ontime, guaranteed, for as low as 39. 99. Shipsticks. Com saves you time and money. Make it simple. Make it ship sticks. Shipsticks. Com saves you time and money. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. woman but to businesses, were a reliable partner. We Keep Companies ready for whats next. man we weave security into their business. Virtualize their operations. woman and build ai customer experiences. We also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. Like 5g. Almost all the fortune 500 partner with us. woman when it comes to digital transformation. Verizon keeps business ready. Lou a tough day for china and the nba. Charles barkley says Vice President pence need to shut the hell up. In swieghtd Chinese Communist party and silencing free speech, the nba is acting like a wholly owned subsidiary of that authoritarian regime. A Corporate Culture that ignores human rights is not progressive, its repressive. Lou with that im sure the American People side with the president and Vice President on the issue of china. Tomorrow night white house strayed czar Peter Navarro and pastor robert jeffress. Thanks for being with us. See you tomorrow. Good night from new york. [ ] trish a letter from Inspector General Michael Horowitz to congress. He will deliver his letter on the spying on the Trump Campaign very soon with limited redactions. Horowitz telling ranging members quote i can report the process is nearing completion. The goal is to make as much of our report public. I anticipate the final report will be released publicly with few redactions. So america is going to soon find out to what extent the Obama Administration did or did not spy on innocent americans with these alleged

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