The Huntington Center in toledo, this is his first rally since he ordered the United States military to dispatch soleimani. The president s rally in toledo comeing just after the house of representatives voted in favor of a war powers resolution. The resolution simply a symbolic act nonbingedding only. But it was aim ad at rebuking the president s order to kill not only irans deadliest terrorist, but one who was responsible for the death and wounding of hundreds of our troops. The party of hate won the vote. 224 to 194. Three republicans sited with radical dems eight Democrats Join the republicans. And at a News Conference today parking lot president condemn those who choose to defend soleimani over his decision to put an end to evil. What bother es me when i see a nancy pelosi a trying defend this monster from iran who has killed so many people when nancy pelosi and democrats want to defend him, i think thats a very bad thing or for this country. I think thats a big losing argument a politically too. The president will address the party of hates resolution im l sure tonight and the contrast of his historic leadership of success and achievement and amongst those achievements, of course, the elimination of soleimani and putting america in best strategic position it has ever been in middle east when it comeses to dealing with radical islam. The president undoubtedly ready to also take up his achievements on trade, the economy, and a so much more. Wall street already giving him another victory to talk about tonight all three major stock indexes at record highs today. The dow jones is industrial surge 212 points and s p 500 gained 22 and nasdaq jumping 74 points. All at records and as you saw the Dow Jones Industrial just below 29,000. The president also realizing his goal of balancing americas trade relationships with much of the world. The Commerce Department this week reported that for the first time in three years that u. S. Trade deficit has plunged to a new low further demonstrating that the president s economic policies and yes his tariffs are working and working precisely as he said they would. Hes been right all along. While his critics to tractor and Corporate America lobbyist have all been wrong as wrong as they could be. With their a chaims that the president tariffs would cut into Economic Growth and weaken our soaring markets. The globalist wall street e the leet and executive rad cam dem and rhino, washington lobbyist all alike, now must come to terms with this booming trump economy, these soaring markets strong Economic Growth, strong, strong record low unemployment. Its called prosperity and yes, were going to have to get used to as years go on under President Trump. While the President Trump winning on all fronts this week with House Speaker pelosi flailing she could potentially concede that, that stalemate with Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell fox newss told that mcconnell now expects pelosi to turn over the parties sham articles of impeachment both of them pl to the the senate and that may happen were told as early as tomorrow. The speaker of the house ramming those articles it is through the house and record time more than three week ago because of socalled urgency saying that pelosi did that country couldnt afford to wait for the president to actually go to court and have these punishes resolved. No, during her weekly News Conference, pelosi remained absolutely quiet on just when she would take action. [inaudible conversations] article indefinitely . No ill sepgd them over when im ready opinion. She speaks more like a aristocrat a queen of sort doesnt she . Thats oh very chilling. Not really american do you think anyway well see. I guess she gets a snuff box next had. Follow her comment in her rather eking regal comments or noncomments, senators are calling for pelosi, her own Party Senators to hurry up. Dianne feinstein richard blooming that will joe mansion among them changing their attitude towards speaker and the delay in turning over those articles of impeachment. The democrats are in some disarray tonight. Many of them dodging question altogether today or schismly saying that when they have spoken on the Public Record criticizing and effect of the speaker they were misunderstood. Well new development withs tonight in the the downing of that ukrainian airliner, just moments after leaving the runway in tehran. The pentagon today stating that the plane was with high confidence they believe the shot down by mistake by an iranian antiaircraft missile all 176 people onboard aircraft were killed just hours after iran fired 16 Ballistic Missiles at military bases hosting u. S. Troops in iraq tuesday. Iran is said to abuse russian made sa15 a missile. Which is part of the tour service to air missile stham russians have provided iran. One official telling fox news the incident was a, quote, tragic screwup. Our first guest tonight standing along side the president and a tonights vote on what is widely considered to be just simply a rebuke of the president , theres no affect of this toothless symbolic resolution. Joining us tonight, the House Minority leader of the Republican Party kevin mccarthy. Pg congressman good to have you but us. A busy time, and extraordinary vote in the house. Your reaction to the vote on the on the resolution to con train President Authority to take this country to war if need be. Well this is a nonbinged resolution. It is what it is called con current resolution. That times that we use con current resolutions when we want to invite a soap box derby to be held on capital what democrats are doing is empowering iran and what frustrates me most lou here we have a president in trump that on instinct is for America First and the democrats instinct is to blame america. Iran is one who escalated this. This president has played this correctly. Hes made america safer. Hes made world safer and he september a very clear message remember what iran did. They killed americans. More than 600 of them. This is no question asked. What had the democrats are doing to me is appalling. That theyre going to defend iran. That theyre going to sending wrong message to iran how do they look in 600 gold star mothers and tell them what theyre doing today . Do they not understand . I have no illusion of what the Democratic Party is it has become the party of hate. But surely they have selfknowledge that to walk with into the 2020 elections having defended the largest states a sponsor of global terrorism in defend and effect the the man who killed and is responsible for the death of perhaps a third of our casualties in in iraq. And hundreds and hundreds more. Theyre defending him against the United States government. Thats exactly right. Thats exactly what theyre doing here, and thousands of innocent as thes killed even in his own country are let known that e he bombed those tankers are bomb the e refinery and remember what they just did within the last six months not only kill an american. But tried to burn our embassy. And here we have a president who i think was very calm in how he dealt with knocking down our drone and others. Trying to make sure that it got deescalated but what do they do . They went and killed an american now we have administration that when it has a red line it holds them accountable. Correctly what President Trump did. But whats more importantly through here hes making this country safer by doing it. It reminds me a lot of Ronald Reagan could anybody else had that berlin wall come down . This is a president who understands why iran should never have a Nuclear Weapon, but here we have a Majority Party in congress. That all they want to do to investigate him you have adam schiff ahead of the Intel Committee spent last year investigating the president instead of should have been focus on the issues in middle east in the Intel Committee but had those hearings. Thats whats appalling. Democrat Party has been actually beraft of any comment whatsoever in their entire time in control the of the house of representatives. And their opposition before that it was you know, sometimes just inexplicable and unproductive there was one surprise in this day, three republicans voting with the democrats, the surprise there is one of those was congressman matt gates of voting for the resolution. What in the world, this is a man who has been defending the president who has, i mean, i was just shocked were you . Im very shocked by it. It does not seem like this should be the vote he would take. This was a resolution that was nonbingedding wasnt changing anything. It wasnt going to president s tesk. This was sheerly a Political Press release from democrats to attack our president who has been defending this country so im shocked by e this and i have to ask why he would do this. He was effect a vote against the president. By by a member of your party, it is just stunning that that one person amongst those three would be matt gaetz. And one thing you have to note too is there are more democrats vote ising against the republicans and once again heres pelosi thinking shoos going to do something bipartisan and really we e see really and when we deal with situations like this remember how did republicans act when we killed bin laden we came together as americans. And remember what general petraeus said this is bigger than killing bin laden and why couldnt democrats in congress understand that . And give this president the respect and support he needs in a time of crisis like this . You should put party aside and be an american at this moment. And certainly porting this president every republican in my judgment frankly every democrat should be supporting this president. Who is who is acting as an a exemplar of any president we would have lead the free world and hes doing so in ways that many of his detractors thought never possible achieving more than most of his supporters thought, thought possible. It has been extraordinary three years and promises to be an extraordinary another five. Dont you think . If this president gets another five years, the next century will be the american century. Thats why so important, and if the democrats were able toll win the white house, or democrats were able to keep the majority in the house, it just be investigations. They wont even release and what was really telling to me yesterday was Dianne Feinstein who was my state senator but actually hometown senator of nancy pelosi you listen to what she said. That if this was so urgent why wouldnt you send impeachment over if youre not sending other i guess it wasnt very urgent. It appears that the Democratic Party and house is starting to awaken to what American People did long ago that they are carrying out nothing more than as farce. And that will be how theyll be judged come election day as well, i believe. Congressman, we thank you very much as always. Kevin mccarthy, appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you, sir. National security expert katy mcfarr land and ferris join me right after the break request that and much more. Please stay with us. Hey, saved you a seat. This rounds on me. 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This which he simultaneously put forward the line that there will be no Nuclear Weapon in the handle of the iranian while hes president and also offering them, i thought rather e generous offramp from the confrontation with the United States and pin deed western civilization. I think the other thing he said it was that were going to by the way impose more sanctions on you regardless so thats the maximum Pressure Campaign so keep turning up the dial of the pressure as long as they havent gotten all the way to where you want them to get and i think donald trump has handled this and fixed American Economy and understand that Economic Warfare and technological warfare is to our advantage and a hes employed that. He then took game changer strike against soleimani and it was a calculated risk but one that paid off iranian reaction was about the the mildest they could have done and a still salvage their National Dignity and then as you just pointed out trump also is in hand of friendship. Absolutely, and while again thank you for being with us last night in the at the heat of the moment and thank you for your perspective and insight. This is now an Iranian State that has an opportunity to join the community of nations and the president is made it cheer he will be their foremost facilitator in achieving that goal. But he will also be absolutely their greatest opponent should they seek Nuclear Weapons and not understand their day of using proxy or even direct sponsorship of terrorism are at an end. You know and this press conference today, the president physician in the United States in a much more strategic position it was before at least over the past maybe eight to nine years number and he called on nato to be part of these efforts. We have this whole gigantic machine and iran is threatening the International Waterway that is back this terrorism it is oppressing its own people and people of other countries. So really that call for nato to put pressure on the key playerses is very important and two, he was bold enough to ask russia and china both of them are, of course, competitors with us to let go of this regime. It russia and china actually want to function better, and International Community they need to be working with us and making sure that the iranian ym is not developing Nuclear Power or spreading those militia everywhere in the region. You said president was deaf in handling of this. That deafness is i think visible certainly as well. Outside confrontation with iran in that he is reaching out to the nato to russia, to china, it is going to be interesting to see how they respond. Because he has an opportunity here that hes created and point of fact to advance u. S. Reelses with both china and russia. Simultaneously with changing behavior in the direction of iran in the middle east. Well and not only that but i think that trump when he came into office and even before what he said to us in the situation room in the this many the oval office on campaign trail, he said he wanted a different relationship with everybody. He wanted to reverse the involved in preowtion with the middle east and too much american blood and treasure wases spilled and lost he wanted to focus on china. Hes been adamant about it. Adamant about it and wanted to change focus of the United States to china. I think the initial plan that he had was if there could be some kind of a relationship we work on with russia, understanding all of the problems that we would have with russia, it would forestall what i think was always our greatest fear that russians and chinese would get together. And those two would be formidable. Which they are working toward right now. Without question, and carrying the military exercises simultaneously and a and sharing well, working to the to confront the United States. Well, give us your sense as to what will be the reaction of the iranians . Two rockets fired into the green zone today . But did not strike targets again . Where are we headed in the days and weeks ahead . About you know Iranian Regime behavior since e elimination of soleimani is very coming number one. They are shooting against our bases but they have a big division inside their ranks. They dont know really what to do. If engage us they saw theres a Firm President admission that will respond if they dont then those resolution continue against them and i wouldnt want to be a Decision Maker in tehran today. All right. Katy. I think one more point about that that two weeks from now with soleimani haze is gone iran and iranian preem going to be just as squeezed economically as they were before. I think they take to the streets again, and thats what the heeders have to really worry about not just the United States coming after but their own people. Katy who wassing working on the maximum Pressure Campaign for the Trump Administration precisely speaks on that and everybody else do you have a quick last word if you wish it . Look, for history our very happy with the president making a point about the iran deal. He made it very clear and it was very clear on the ground that the iran provided 150 billion to iran regime bought weapon and use them against us. That is the most important part in my view in this press conference. Putting everything in context and proper place, and causal that causal chain that led to this moment in history. He was professor trump today as well. Thanks so much officer professor, and katy. Katy mcfarr land thank you both. The rise of sex traffic in our southern border. Awardwinning journalist lora logan joins us right after this quick break. Stay with us. Im your 70lb st. Bernard puppy, and my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. Ahh no, come on. I saw you eating poop earlier. Hey my focus is on the road, and thats saving me cash with drivewise. Whos the dummy now . Whoof whoof so get allstate where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. Sorry hes a baby do you recall, not long ago we would walk on the sidewalk all around the wind blows we would only hold on to let go blow a kiss into the sun we need someone to lean on blow a kiss into the sun we needed somebody to lean on all we need is someone to lean on three Illegal Immigrants were rescued this weekend after they got stuck on the new southern border wall in san diego. Border agents say Illegal Immigrants have to smugglers abandon them what they got up the 30foot high barrier but couldnt get down and firefighters had had to bring a ladder to rescue them from there, we dont know what happened presumably, they were sent back where they came from. Our next guest is host had number brand new show on fox nation laura logan has no agenda. It consist of 16, in investigate episodes including look into the the powerful drug cartels in about mexico and our crisis at the southern border. Joining us tonight awardwinning journalist laura logan great to have you with us. Congratulations on the new show. And i want to talk because youve spent considerable time in the middle east and and iraq, but i want to turn first to the fox nation show, give us a sense of what you are focusing on what has been your, your reaction to what youve found in your reporting. Well theres one thing i was most surprised about, you know, spengdzinging time down on border and talking to people both sides mexico and in the u. S. And when i would ask like whos in control of the southern border, no one said the u. S. [laughter] right . And wouldnt you expect that . So if the answer is well cartels control it both in mexican side and american side, how is that possible in so thats how, you know, as the reporter you again this journey up to occur yousty and drug cartel have transformed in mexico. Over the last few deck decades now among most powerful organization in the the world but perhaps so striking is that theyre global so someone buying cocaine on streets of moscow or in south america or in europe or africa theyre buying it from Mexican Cartel and theyve also diversified and so you to me its impossible to understand what is really happening on border if you dont go to the heart of where the power highs and why people across and where theyre crossing and when they cross and who makes those decisions. Theres such a naivete that is aful naivete i think certainly in part of Public Officials in this country they want to condescend to mexico and corruption is all of the cartel all in Southern Side of the border but the reality is as you found that that corruption is on both sides of the border. And the control certainly rest with the cartels not the u. S. Government and certainly not the mexican government. In one of the most striking number it is that i have seen, is that 80 of mexico is either influenced or actually under control of the drug cartels. I mean that should be chilling to every american. Well theyre not drug cartels anymore. Right . Because theyre global organized crime candidates who carry out most extreme form of violence that you will see anywhere in the world. I mean it is not enough, you know, just to head people they have heading videos where theyve taken sledgehammers and obliterate skullses and Human Rights Watch has actually come up with a new term to try to explain the extreme rate of at which women are being murderedded and disappeared in mexico today, i mean, theres no one has suffered more to have them by the way literally for decades. We are just now awakening to what has been going on the murder rate in mexico is greater. Is greater than any combat zone including iraq, afghanistan, anywhere in the world. But there are people and i spoke to one of them a pommer captain with texas Public Safety which is a crazy term for Law Enforcement body that only exist in texas and and he ran cross board operation and very smart and what he said what hes done is track what he calls trip trigger jason jones and a he can literally maam out the transforms of the cartel for you and a they have military camps they use military tactic and a weapons. They amount operations of 20 caliber machine guns. Prnlg l no one more excited than jason jones most knowledgeable person in terms of the narco crime if you wish i call them drug cartels that are now international. He has and i have not talked to him since the president deferred ding ig nateing those cartels as terrorist organizations. Like him, i hope that president changes his mind because about i talked to him after that. Im l sorry you talked to who . I talked to jason jones after that enhe was gutted. He gave up his career, with and literally goes length and birth of this country to talk to policeman so they know what theyre really dealing with. Of when youre watching lora logan on fox nation she has no agenda. Just the facts, maam. Let me ask you this because you spent far too much time in middle east to ignore your expertise in that experience. Your thoughts about iran. And listening to the the senators like mike lee. I mean, it is patheticking to me to hear u. S. Senator suggest that the United States government did wrong when killing a terrorist. A Constitutional Authority of the president is clear that National Interest is clear. My god what a redealing. It is really interesting because where was senator lee when obama assassinated remember the lead or of al qaeda who was really one of the main recruiters al qaeda and at that time thats always my question as a journalist right is i look for consistency and inconsistency i look at motivation. Swamp is a terrible place to look for consistency. Well, and you know in the troubling part is wheres the accountability, thats what is really troubling for me. Because where is accountability for all of these statements . Why whats the if youre going to challenge the president s Legal Authority to act, then tell us the law thats been broken. Tell me specifically what that law is so i can look it up and i can see whether that valid argument or not. I think mike lee stands as to you will as a as an avatar for all in washington and the senate and house by the way. Who are questioning this president and a his judgment Foreign Policy when hes done more many three years and achieve more success than any president first three years of this presidency. It is remarkable to me that there would even be an issue over soleimani who is what he is. He was a vicious, vile do you remember when iranians posing as american soldiers went into a base in 2007. Do you remember when they killed one american there was a grenade and took four americans with them . Two of their bodies were pouked handcuffed together in back of the car and executed four and they fled that was a sophisticated operation by the way that what the u. S. Government says was carried out with training from Lebanese Hezbollah because they did a operation against that border and where were those toys voice when is custom soleimani was orchestrating attacks and killing americans . Where were with they then . Great question. And a lot of answers on fox nation. Laura logan catch all of her reporting on fox nation we look forward to it. Thanks lauren great to see you. Thanks for having me. Before we go to break recommend katy new book it is available for preorder revolution, trump, washington, and we the people. It is available for preorder right now on amazon. Barnes noble and everywhere else. We recommend it to you highly. Stay with us. Well be right back. 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This time in a Senate Impeachment trial of President Trump if the senate were to subpoena him and plon say he wants to hear from bolton and former ryan bolton said he would be, quote, an appropriate witness for the trial. Only in the senate do they talk like that. Joining us tonight, one of the Republican Leaders attempting to have adam schiff for his role in in this impeachment farce. Congressman jim jordan Ranking Member of the House Oversight committee, member of the House Judiciary Committee congressman great to see you. Great to be with you. Happy new year, lou. I want to start with bolton hes decided he will unlike in the house, being willing to testify where he to be subpoenaed. Your reaction. No. I think look thats up to the the senate. I dont think if it does happen, i dont think it should. But if it does, it shouldnt happen until after the opening arguments were made in senate trial as senator mcconnell has said. Look heres what we know four facts have never changed theyve been the same and stay the same. They have never changed one bit democrats dont care about facts and keep pushing but we have the call transcript there was nothing wrong with the call transcript both guys have enjoyable call there was laughter. There was all kind of things on this call but no quid pro quo, we have the two guys saying all of that. So excuse me, the ukrainian knew didnt know aid was held at the tile of the call and most importantly they took no action to get the aid release or to get a meeting with president of the United States. So thats those are the facts theyre never going to change so whole thing has been ridiculous exercise. The democrats have put the the country through. Theres absurdity in all of this that to me is foundational. And that is, President Trump is the one who released that money to the ukrainian for defense against russians and encourage it. Obama for years refused to do so, and yet the same radical dems who pine for more obama passivity criticize president who took action, about remarkable. Look, the president gave him gavel and a missiles obama gave them blanket that wasnt jordan but made by witness withs they brought in like ambassador yovanovitch as you said tougher on roar than democrats and out of iranian deal and moved to jeers loom and who isages home from north korea and eliminated albaghdadi and a this week soleimani and for them to be criticizing president based on that and Kellyanne Conway same criticizing president now are one who is gave iran 130 billion dollars are you kidding me. So they can criticize all they want the the American People be through it they appreciate the work that president has done for them here domestically and work in a Foreign Policy area as well. Tonight is strange. On its space the absurdity of this impeachment inquiry farce, theater whatever you want to call it, it persist and the president might be seek your help here if this goes forward in the senate. Kevin mccarthy minority leader actually saying that we would like to see fellow by name jordan and radcliffe help the white house and if they are to be impeachment proceedings your thoughts . Well i think kechi leadership throughout this ordeal hes done oustanding job of keep our conference focus on job and helping president i think that help us in the whole argument and debate when pelosi announce this thing on september 24th, that he shes going to move down this road she never expected one democrat to vote with us another in the to vote president and a third democrat to vote with us and then switch parties. So i appreciate kevin leadership if, in fact, were involved in this Senate Proceeding thats up to Mitch Mcconnell in senate but if we are ill do everything i can to help this president because this case is ridiculous and lou the last thing is think about this. The fact that the whistleblower never had to testify and the only member of the United States Congress Knows who is that individual is is adam schiff thats ridiculous too and highlights and underscores how ridiculous whole process is and why it should move quickly . Senate as Mitch Mcconnell once did too. Smtion it is it is tragic. It is outrageous, and it is infuriate. Congressman, thanks very much. Just very quickly Speaker Pelosi calling for house vote on a war of powers, war powers limit resolution i think more. But your thoughts about even attempting such a boat. Look i havent seen it but im sure it is ridiculous one more ridiculous move by the democrats one resolution to vote and hope passes is one senator holly is offering in the senate to get this this impeachment thing over as quickly as possible over there. I hope thats one they actually vote on in the senate and we can forget this one that pelosi is talking about about here in the house. Jim jordan as always great to see you as always. Up next makers of more than 80 of this country Voting Machines now weve heard about russian meddle and a various meddling well theres a new reason to worry about meddle and it is all about this years elections. And its this time not the russians well explain right after these quick messages. Stay with us. Well be right back. All Money Managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. 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I dont think youre going to be pleased about this because it turns out that more than the clintons and more than the Democratic National committee and russians are melding or perhaps the yew compare i can are melding in election or could. The companies which remostly unregulated were questioned about their manufacturing ties to china oh, and to russia lets not forget russia. Two of the companies admitted to using chinese factories and components for their machines. Including lcd screen, chip components, capacity and resistor and were talking about meddling and we dont even know whats going on with those machines and were not regulate them. And were supposed to pretend were concerned about meddling this is something for the Trump Administration to get involved in. And i believe right now. Up next new details about the socalled dirty steel front dossier and its links to an aid of one, are you ready . John kerry. Dont you love it with a favorite name comes up again . Judicial watchs tom finton up next after this break. Stay with us. Whatd we decide on the flyers again . Uh, fifteen minutes could save you 15 or more on Car Insurance. I think were gonna swap over to over seventyfive years of savings and service. What, were just gonna swap over . Yep. Pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. Pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over . Thats right. Instead of all this that ive already . Yeah. What are we gonna do with these . Keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. Do you recall, not long ago we would walk on the sidewalk all around the wind blows we would only hold on to let go blow a kiss into the sun we need someone to lean on blow a kiss into the sun we needed somebody to lean on all we need is someone to lean on i am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Well new documents reveal how the Obama State Department circulated reports from the discredited phony dossier and its author Christopher Steele. Emails obtained by Judicial Watch found former aid to secretary of state john kerry. Jonathon winer apparently decided to sending steeles reports from his personal email to an assistant who would then forward them to the state departments classified system. Joining us tonight, tom fitton the president of Judicial Watch tom good to see you happy new year. Happy new year. Lets turn to this jonathon winer, and what youve discovered in Judicial Watch it is extraordinary. Supposed to be doing working on libya for John Kerry State Department but instead he was the hand her it look like for Christopher Steele who, you know, given the volume of reporting and material he was sending to state department both before and a during russia gate may as well with have had a desk at Obama State Department, and as you point out he was steele material was concerning enough to see your official at state department that they wanted put on classified system with, of course, mr. Winer who by the way had helped compose parts the of the dossier used by fbi to smear trump thought he knew better and was sending this supposedly classified material it looks like on his personal email account as you point out to hissing colleague that be into the classified system. You know, the state department is an aged that needs as much focus from wall Law Enforcements doj and fbi did on fisa gate theyre heavily involved in the spy smearing on of President Trump. They were pushing material out to congress. Just before the the president came in. It was a hot bed of antitrump activity. I think youre exactly right i agree with you completely. But i want to also focus on contemporaneously at the state department there was knowledge within at least elements of state Department Leadership that that dossier had serious questions about its authenticity. The reliability of its documentation we learn later that it was absolute work of fiction but at the same time senator john mccain, it is said was turning over the document to the fbi. There were there were a number of entry points into the federal system of this dossier that was the front work of fusion gps Christopher Steele, and, of course, paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the dnc. You have to hand it hand it to Clinton Campaign and dnc they used every avenue a available to them. The only question about what the Obama Administration was up to is which agencies werent involved . Now we know it is the fbi. The cia, the justice department, the state department, that defense department, the nsa, of course, President Trump and the white house National Security counsel. If if mr. Barr is doing his job and durham is doing his job job there they have a lot to investigate. In meantime, you know, were doing the basic work of getting the information about what the state department is doing. Because congress is gone bonkers in their well related cue attack against the president. Yeah. It is its almost impossible to comprehend that these attacks on the president the efforts to subvert him to and his policies and overthrow this Trump Presidency has been going on for three years. Its stunning and still without, without accounting without consequence. Tom fitton thanks for all you Judicial Watch continue to do in search for the truth, and keeping the public at least aware that it has right to know what our government is doing. Thanks so much. Youre welcome. Thanks for joining us. See you tomorro i hope you got a lot of money to get a lot more. Maries next. Space. Maria happy weekend everybody welcome to the program that analyzes the week that wasnt help position you for the week ahead. I am maria and thanks for joining us. Coming up in just a few moments a pair of explosives this weekend. First bank of americas 2020 productions. Chief Investment Officer chris is giving us his outlook and then later my oneonone with auto giant carlos on the heel of his amazing escape to lebanon from japan. He was in house arrest hes going to tells all about it and what his plans are next. But first the december jobs report friday capped o

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