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Rioters and arsonists left entire city blocks in ruins in some cases, barbaric in their attacks on people. In cities like rochester, new york, a man in white was savagely beaten for trying to stop a group of looters in a store under their apartment. And a dallas man trying to protect his neighborhood was beaten within an inch of his life by these socalled protesters and demonstrators. The man is stable, but police have made no arrests whatsoever. Nearly all of these ugly scenes of vicious mobs rioting unfolding in the streets and neighborhoods of democratic partyrun cities, democraticrun cities. And local Law Enforcement in nearly every one of those cities was apparently ordered to permit leftwing extremist groups including antifa run rampant to do as much damage as possible to property and injury to citizens and Law Enforcement alike as they chose. Where were those mayors, where are they now . And why arent citizens demanding these mayors, these city council members, these Police Chiefs do their jobs . And why werent those same Citizens Holding them accountable . Failed frauds like the young mayor of minneapolis whose Police Department permitted a cop like derek. Chauvin to kill a citizen and not take responsibility for hi z heinous heinous act, why didnt the mayor meet the Community Leaders and floyds family immediately . Why wasnt he on the streets to listen to and talk with outraged demonstrators and protesters, citizens all . And where were the communitys Church Leaders and councilmen . Minneapolis socalled community organizers. For that matter, where were the Business Leaders . Where were the local members of the chamber of commerce . Why has the National Chamber of commerce been silent . Where was the community of minneapolis that to this point has blamed seemingly everyone but themselves for George Floyds murder and the phi days it took five days it took the city to charge his killer with that crime despite unequivocal evidence on video of that crime . Instead of consoling his city, the a mayor was caught lying about outside agitators running through his city. Here he is on saturday. The people that are doing this are not minneapolis residents. They are coming in largely from outside of the city, from outside of the region to prey on everything that we have built over the last several decades. Lou not only incompetent, but lacking integrity at all, it seems. He later apologized, took some responsibility for lying. Arrest records show 86 of those taken into custody are from minnesota. Five out of state cases from arkansas, florida, illinois, michigan and missouri. And adding to the insult, minnesotas failed governor making an incendiary choice. The governor, who has been led by his nose and set on his hands as minneapolis was burning, appointing radical dem state attorney general Keith Ellison to create possibly even more division, more calamity. The ignorance of minnesotas leaders, state and local, is overwhelming and would be dispiriting to any community in the state or, for that matter, to any other state had they been forced to tolerate such incompetence, such ineptitude and such, such lack of integrity. With a lack of any local leadership, President Trump is now demanding more action as he has from the outset and has designated antifa to be a terrorist organize. He also used a Conference Call today to unload on some of the nations weak governors, calling them weak and urging them to arrest more people and to dominate the streets, take those streets back from the amazing viciousness of a mob that has shown up in so many of our cities. The viciousness of inaction and irresponsibility. The only place our local communities, but the u. S. District court system as well. For the past two and a half years, former National Security adviser general Michael Flynn has had a case before u. S. District court judge Emmet Sullivan that has yet to be resolved. Today sullivan further extended that case that has dragged on for years saying he doesnt have to drop flips case just because flynns case just because the Justice Department dropping charges. Sullivan claiming he, he has the right to conduct his own investigation now into flynns withdrawal of his guilty plea. Hes asking the d. C. Circuit court of appeals to stay out of the case to insure, quote, the integrity of the judicial process. It is my opinion that that judge would not know integrity if it smacked him straight in the nose. Joining us this evening by phone is sidney powell, general flynns defense attorney, former federal prosecutor. Sidney, it is great to have you with us. Make of this what you can for us who dont know the law, but we do know common corruption and just spite which seems to be that which is driving this judgeer respect i of the further irrespective of the further injustice he does to general flynn. Well, its clear from his brief with, lou, that the judge has abandoned any pretense of impartiality and wants to prosecute general flynn himself and conduct a mini trial over whatever issues he chooses to identify in the case regardless of what the attorney general has decided and done here. Even going back to charges that didnt exist in the first place and creating some new ones as well. Its just absolutely beyond the pale. You dont is have to understand law to understand this because the brief, obviously, doesnt cite real law or distorts what they pretend to cite as it is, and they completely ignore our motions to withdraw the plea, the fact that general flynn was represented by counsel who had a nonconsent bl conflict of interest that was so bad he effectively was not represented by counsel at all. I mean, everything wrong with this brief. It ignores the truth the, the brady ed the government suppressed, it perceivedded the pursued the fallacy that the government the did everything right when it did everything wrong. Lou it also ignores, does it not, the ruling of the Supreme Court on this very issue, that the court has no role once the Justice Department, the prosecutor makes a decision to drop the case. Exactly. And the brand new Supreme Court decision that was unanimous that says the court cant just call for briefs of friends of the court because it wants to. Or redefine the issues before it, before it. None of that is permissible. So i dont think this brief is going to favorably impress the court of appeals at all, and im hoping they rule very promptly. Lou yeah. And we havent even heard from the government yet. Im expecting their brief to come in any minute. Lou yeah. Well and what do you expect that brief to hold . This is they dropped their charges, they want this case dismissed, they made the motion to do so, and this judge appears to have some motivating force that the rest of us mere citizens are unaware of. And, apparently, theres no existence, any basis at least of a motivating force in law. So what in hell is this judge doing . I dont know, lou. Its not rational. They even ignore his brief even ignores the fact he ended the december 18, 2018, sentencing new plea colloquy with this question. At some point it probably wont surprise you that i have many, many, many more questions. And he specifically says he questions what part of the governments investigation was impeded and what was the Material Impact of the criminality. Things like that. And those are are precisely what the government addresses in its motion to dismiss, that it wasnt material, there was no valid investigation, there was nothing to be impeded. General flynn never should have been interviewed in the first place aside from the fact we now have scads of evidence that he told the truth to the agents as they knew it and briefed that fact back to three different groups in the fbi and doj. General flynn was honest with those agents. Everything proves that. Lou the record is clear. This man was framed, he was set up, and the fbi behaved like they, like you know, third world, corrupt, petty agents of a dictator instead of representatives of the people, the Justice Department and our constitution. Its sickening to watch. And to watch this judge drag the entire federal judiciary into the same cesspool that the fbi and the department of justice officials, top officials have been living in for who knows how long is truly, its i outrageous, its disappointing, and it wont be soon that this country recovers from this level of incompetence and corruption. It is very bad, lou. It is very bad. And the d. C. Circuit, i believe, will fix this very soon. Theres nothing in this brief that gives them any reason to do otherwise. Lou and it has taken a long time, but the Justice Department under attorney general barr has done the right thing in making the motion to dismiss. But emmett smith is clinging on to every part of the swamp, apparently, that he can. Is sidney powell, thank you for all you do. Thank you for being with us this evening, we appreciate it. Still ahead here, we look at the failures of the radical leftist mayors who have allowed chaos to rein over to reign over much of the country. Well be johned by tom fitton, well also be taking up the president s designation of antifa as a terrorist organization and what will be the effect of Law Enforcement and the crackdown on the groups nefarious activities. Well be talking about that with president jim hanson and former joint task force steve robbins. Please stay with us. If your gums bleed when you brush you may have gingivitis. And the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums and possibly tooth loss. Help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. Leave bleeding gums behind. Parodontax. So as you head back out on the road, well be doing what we do best. Providing some calm amidst the chaos. With virtual, realtime tours of our vehicles as well as remote purchasing. For a little help, on and off the road. Now when you buy or lease a new lincoln, well make up to 3 payments on your behalf. Now when you buy or lease some Companies Still have hr stuck between employeesentering data. A. Changing data. 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Last summer he told fbi director Christopher Wray to label antifa as a terrorist organization. Harmeet dhillon, cochair of Republican National lawyers association, member of the trump 2020 Advisory Council e, and she is also representing the journalist who was attacked by antifa in portland last summer. Its good to have you both with us, and lets first start with the idea, jim congressman banks that finally it looks like youre going to get your way, and antifa will be called what it is, a terrorist organization. Yeah. Its about time, lou. But this president s serious about holding antifa accountable for their actions. It was last summer when app any kno andy noe got his face beat in that i called on the fbi director, chris wray, to do something about it. To this point, he still hasnt, by the way, done anything about it. But if chris wray would have added antifa as a domestic terrorist, Ideological Group right next to other domestic terrorist groups, at this point we would already be tracking them, we would be prosecuting them, we would be treating them like the terrorists that they are. Unfortunately, the lack of action by the fbi director has led us to where we are today with the president take necessary action to name antifa as a terrorist group. Lou i said that the, that the designation had already taken place, and i want to correct that. It will be taking place. The president has tweeted that he will do so, and the white house acknowledged they will be prosecuting whoever in antifa is breaking the law as members of a terrorist organization. How complicated, how difficult will it be, or will it be simply a stroke of a pen for the president to designate antifa a terrorist organization . Well, lou, thanks for asking, and thanks for having me. Our law provides for designation officially of International Terrorist organizations, and i think antifa should be designated as such. But right away the president can do something called putting together joint task force, thats something that the doj already has a right to do, and they can immediately begin coordinating different agencies, homeland security, fbi, other surveillance and National Security outfits to then coordinate with local Law Enforcement as well. But the problem is the local Law Enforcement in these blue states dont want to prosecute antifa. Thats been the problem in oregon and in portland. Thats been the problem in other big cities. And so its really going to have to be the fbi doing it from scratch. And as congressman banks mentioned, theyre a year behind. Hopefully, they can start now. Lou congressman banks, the president making this decision, and i want to read a statement from attorney general william barr, if you could put up that full screen, folks. He said this federal Law Enforcement actions will be directed at apprehending and, and charging the violent radical agitators who have hijacked peaceful protests and are engaged in violations of federal law. The violence, further goes on to say, the statement, the violence instigated and carried out by antifa and similar groups in connection with rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly. I, this is, brings us to the issue of who is hijacking these protests . Are they being hijacked or, in fact, being led, are they being coordinated by, and by whom if not radical anarchists . Because what is happening is very clearly a plan, because its happening simultaneously, contemporaneously in almost the same fashion in most, nearly all of these cities which are, again, most of which are or the vast majority of which are democratic9ically run. No doubt about it, lou. I had a black a pastor in my district in fort wayne, indiana, call me yesterday and say he went down to observe some of the protests, and it was very clear to him that there was a very strategic element behind the scenes that was coordinating much of it and deciding where the riot would go next. He was observing it and recognized that many of the leaders who were ins gate it, the violent extremists that were instigating our particular riots locally were not a part of our community. He saw that with his own eyes. But what you heard the president do to do, lou, when he spoke to the governors, ive never heard a president in my lifetime speak to politicians the way that he did, demanding that the governors and the mayors in this country rise up and show leadership to quiet these riots, to quiet it down, to show the type of leadership necessary to do it. If theyre not going to do it, then the president is going to step in and do it by taking measures like what you described today. Lou and, harmeet, lets talk about what the president is doing, because these, the citizens of these communities some of them the nations largest cities are not demanding more of their local leaders. This is a matter of proximity in politics, power and responsibility. These are the people responsible for the violence on their street. Why in the world are they not demanding i mean, this mayor in minneapolis is one of the most objectionable fellows i can imagine. Inexperienced, melodramatic and lying. Thats, that is a dangerous cocktail of character in the minneapolis mayor, do you not think . Oh, completely, lou. And i think whats going on here is a confluence of factors and this, you know, susan rice is completely out of touch and out to lunch. For many years weve had these type it is of violent protests in american cities. They started with the occupy wall Street Movement which itself came out of european black block movements, and then we had black lives matter which was some legitimate concern over Police Brutality in certain cases. That was then hijacks by malicious forces, and today we have antifa which is building on all of that. What happened in those earlier movements, lou, is that the aclu and other liberal groups sued all these cities claiming they were First Amendment violations, and as a result, a lot of these cities will not go in and disturb protesters unless somebodys about to be killed. So weve seen the consequences of that, were reaping that now, and antifa now is organized. What congressman banks was saying is absolutely correct. They travel from state to state, they use telecommunications, social media to communicate. They even, those reports of bricks being delivered to different riots in advance so that they could be used as weapons, and theyre using these [inaudible] communities and others for their troops. Thats what theyre doing. Lou obscenely sip call and viciously cynical and viciously destructive. Congressman jim banks, harmeet dhillon, thank you both. We appreciate it. Wed like to hear your thoughts on all of this. Follow me on twitter loudobbs like me on facebook, follow me on instagram loudobbstonight. And a programming note, john solomon, asia expert dr. Michael pillsbury amongst our guests here tomorrow. Please join us for then. And stay with us because next a shakeup at the fbi. Who is the latest fbi official to, well, to leave the bureau because of obamagate . Judicial watchs tom fitton joins us on that issue and many more right after these quick words. Please stay with us. Excuse me. Uh. Do you mind. Being a motour . What could be better than being a motour . The real question is. Do you mind not being a motour . I do. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Lou new developments in the investigation into the effort to overthrow President Trump over the course of the past three and a half years. The fbis top attorney, dana buente, forced to resign. We reported on april 27th that he worked with fbi director Christopher Wray to block the release of exculpatory everyday in the general Michael Flynn case. That evidence is now in full view of the american public. The fbi doesnt have many more excuses. Joining us tonight is tom fitton, the president of judicial watch. And, tom, i want to begin by asking you for your reaction to the forced resignation. Well, its a little bit of accountability. He was involved, had signed one of the fraudulent fisa warrants targeting President Trump through carter page, of course, and reportedly he was part of the cabal in the fbi that was objecting to releasing the smoking gun information to the Flynn Defense Team showing the fbi and Justice Department led initially by president obama, its clear, framed him. Look, you know, the report is that he was fired by doj, not by mr. Wray. So this is a dramatic show of no confidence in the directorship of the current fbi e director, mr. Wray. Lou yeah. And he is at the very least a member in horrible standing, in point of fact, of the horrible group that some refer to as the cabal led by or at least amongst its top representatives, none other than james comey, the director of the fbi. It is, as you say, encouraging that he is, he has been sent on his way. His accountability is yet to be determined. Speaking of accountability, District Court judges famously dont have much, and Emmet Sullivan is behaving as a man who has decided he can take leave of his senses as well as law and the constitution and do as he damn well pleases no matter how much pain he causes an innocent man, in this case general Michael Flynn. Your reaction to sullivaning response to the d. C. Appellate court. Well, i read it quickly. His lawyer, Beth Wilkinson who is also, by the way, defending free of charge Hillary Clintons top aide cheryl mills from having to testify to judicial watch, just a side note but shes throwing up a lot of chaff to distract from the point that the judge is engaged in unprecedented judicial adventurism targeting general flynn. And i dont see much in that brief at all in terms of any concern about the evident prosecutorial misconduct that judge sullivan used to be concerned about and has always highlighted from the bench his concerns about it in terms of whats been uncovered recently about what would happen to general flynn. I see a judge who doesnt want to protect general flynn. I see a judge who wants to go after him, and thats not what you know, that may be his personal view, but as a a judge, hes supposed to be protecting the defendant who has the presumption of innocence right now. You dont get that feeling from judge sullivan. Lou yeah. Judge sullivan is not a judge in any way, in my sense of what the word would mean and certainly would not be representative of the ideals of the constitution and the judiciary. Lets and its, its amazing to watch a man forfeit his reputation, everything that he has been on the court for with some reasonable career over the course of the last decades. Lets turn to another big event, and that would be the testimony of Hillary Clinton, cheryl mills or chief of staff her chief of staff. Will it go ahead as planned . Well, we dont know. Theres a hearing tomorrow. She filed also a writ of mandamus, she filed an emergency writ saying she was too important to testify. Theres nothing else that could be learned from her testimony. A federal court judge has disagreed and wants to know whether her use of emails was defined as work foia. Unfortunately, the state department had been defending her, but even now though the Justice Department abandoned her. And this is interesting, they said they didnt agree with her appeal, but they didnt want to argue before the court. And the court said youre arguing. So even when theyre helping us in terms of defending the rule of law, the Justice Department is still trying to hide. Well see what happens with Hillary Clinton tomorrow, but like i said, Beth Wilkinson is representing her top aide, cheryl mills, free of charge. And she has represented many of those witnesses as well during the emailgate scandal. Lou thats astounding. Your sense as to why the Justice Department would not be doing, once again, what seems to be an obvious and right thing to do . Well, they did not want mrs. Clinton to be deposed to begin with. They wanted to shut us down, but they lost. And then mrs. Clinton made this dramatic appeal. And they said they didnt want to do that, they disagreed that she didnt have the right to seek protection from the court. After all, shes a Government Official whos been out of office for years. Theres no emergency to stop her from having to testify. But on the other hand, you know, lou, we have other litigation with the state department has just said and told us that what Hillary Clinton did in terms of taking emails is no big deal, and we shouldnt get any more information about what happened. Look, the deep state is still running the show and still protecting Hillary Clinton. By the way, the statute of limitations on all of this hasnt run yet. Theres a good reason for the stall tactics. Lou as usual. The swamp has an awful stench, doesnt it . Tom fitton, thanks for being with us, we appreciate it. You and everything you and your group do. Up next, well talk with two men with experience in counterterrorism, jim hanson, steve rogers. What in the hell is going on in this country . Well have answers next. Stay with us. I was born in 37. It was a very struggling period of time. Up and down. Depression to exuberance. And you could name many, many cycles like that over the years. 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Joining us tonight is jim hanson, former u. S. Army special forces, president of the Security Studies group, a National Security and Foreign Policy think tank. Good to have you with us. And steve rogers, trump 2020 Advisory Board member, retired Police Detective in new jersey, former Fbi Joint Terrorism Task force member. Steve, good to have you with us. Jim, lets begin with you and marco rubio who now is head of the Intelligence Committee in the senate talking about farleft and farright. I mean, its a kumbaya moment that you would never expect given the civil unrest, the rioting, looting, arson that we are witnessing in this country right now. Your reaction to the senators comments. Rubios not showing a lot of intelligence, lou. There is absolutely zero evidence that any rightwing groups have done anything related to this entire nationwide riot spree. Leftist groups, as you mentioned, have been going bear sec, and theyve been burning and looting and busting peoples heads open. And in a couple cases theyve killed Police Officers. Instead of focusing on that, he wants to play both sides in a very misguiding attempt to try and placate people you cant placate. They need to see force, not kumbaya, as you said. Lou steve, your reaction. Lou, President Trump has won universal praise across this country from black people, white people, hispanic people. You name it, he won praise from the people for what he did today in telling those governors that they need to step up, and they need to fight. He called out antifa for what it is, and, lou, the surrendering of a police station, my goodness, ive never seen that this country. Is so now we have a president who seems like hes standing alone in this fight, but people are letting him know that theyre with him. Lou you both are familiar with the forces at work here, and suddenly susan rice shows up on sunday television talking about russiainspired chaos and mayhem. Jim, this is, this is stunning stuff even from a certified liar like susan rice who will never live down the infamy of all she said about benghazi. Susan rice might be the most shameless liar in a collection of shameless liars of obamas minions. I always thought ben rhodes was his goto liar, but apparently shes going to be the one who keeps going. Lou, this is a domestic problem. This is a domestic terrorist group, as President Trump rightly pointed occupant, and now he put, lou, some of the tools that the patriot act allows us to do to work with the network of individuals who are trying to do evil, trying to overthrow the our way of life. And we need to be able to have a nationwide, coordinated, integrated effort by all of our Law Enforcement agencies to track them and find higher level crimes than the vandalism and petty crimes theyve been charged with in the past. We need to throw em in prison. Lou and it seems that attorney general barr means, steve rogers, to do just that, to prosecute with the full force of the law. And, lou, you just said the keywords, the full force of the law. Overwhelming response. The word overwhelming, and the attorney general and the president has talked about that. Theyve got right now because of the way these governors and mayors have been, the police are outnumbered. We have to outnumber these domestic terrorists, and they have to be arrested. Lou and because of all that we are witnessing and have witnessed for a week and all the unfortunate people who are suffering as victims of this rioting and looting and arson inspired, they said, by the death of george floyd not one Single National News Organization that im aware of is investigating why in the world this mayor of minneapolis is not being held accountable for his outray juice failure outrageous fail your to be both responsible and compassionate. Its an extraordinary story of ineptitude and shameless blameshifting or at least attempted. Jim hanson, steve rogers, thank you both for being with us. We appreciate it. Breaking news now, the Justice Department has just responded with its own brief in the pending case against general Michael Flynn saying judge em melt sullivan is required under law to dismiss the case after the government made a motion to, finally, to dismiss the case. Arguing, quote the District Court plans to subject the executives enforcement decision to extensive i judicial inquiry, scrutiny, oversight and involvement. Under the Supreme Courts and this courts precedents referring to the Appellate Court it is clear and indisputable that the District Court has no authority to embark on that course. End quote. But this is not at an end, and we will keep you apprised of developments in this shameless prosecution of general Michael Flynn. Also breaking tonight, at least a quarter of wuhan virus deaths in this country are now reported to have been among nursing home residents. Nearly 26,000 nursing home residents killed by the wuhan virus, the china virus, according to this report prepare for state governors. A total of 104,000 americans have now been killed by the china virus. And that is the latest development in a tragic, sad development. Up next, the radical lefts efforts to help bail out the rioters and the looters in minneapolis. Got a that love hollywood. Burgess owens joins us next. Stay with us. Limu emu doug [ siren ] give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Unlike ordinary wmemory supplementsr . Neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. Lou a small group in minneapolis called the Minnesota Freedom Fund has now receive more than 20 million with which to bail out those arrested during the protests and the riots, the arson, plundering and looting. Celebrities like chrissy teigen, steve ca carell, seth rogen have all donated to the fund. More than a dozen members of joe bidens president ial Campaign Staff have also donated. Theyre pretty well heeled, huh . Joining us tonight burgess owens, super bowl champion nfl player, author, republican candidate for utahs 4 congressional district, and i might add great american. It is great to see you, burgess. Thank you, lou. Lou i wish the times were thank you. I wish the times, the circumstances were different, but the circumstances in some ways arent even being portrayed on its. Were watching rioting, looting, arson, everything that should not be here if people are really honoring a man who was killed, as i said earlier in this broadcast, i think one of the most heinous acts of any Police Officer in the countrys history. I mean, its horrible. Yeah. Lou and yet all of that is lost in the way in which people are behaving and conducting themselves and being led, whether its antifa or other leftwing groups. Well, lou, first of all, this is one time that we can truly say as a unified country what we saw was heinous, what we saw was an evil act, and this guy, this cop is a [inaudible] on our entire country. And he will pay the price, no question about it. This gives us the chance to understand whats within happening for a long, long time. These attacks are not new. These socialists and marxists have been at it a long time. And i want to give you a little history. A community that led our country in the growth of middle class [inaudible] and the percentage of, it was over 40 which gave us across the country, throughout the country in our communities 50 of us were middle class. Watched what the leftists, those who with betrayed us, those elitists get to turn that upside down where none of that is true anymore. Understand the traitors among us are those who are within the democrat party. Democrats out there love this country as much as i do, and i applaud them. These are times we have to make sure were doing the right things. What we can agree on is there are people in our midst that hate our country, and they will destroy anything or anyone who gets in the way, including the black community. What theyre doing in the black community in the black businesses. Whats made our country great is our middle class. Our middle class is so up urinal, nothing like it unusual. Nothing like it in man kind. You get compassion, ingenuity, and the bigger it is, the freer our country is. So the left who wants to destroy our middle class, Business Ownership, thats what theyre going after. Thats why you have these governors who hold down our Business Owners for not going to work, and when that does work no more, they unleash this virus of antifa, this anticapitalist, antiamerican people thats in there waiting for this opportunity. So were going to catch up with them. Well come off the this. I think itll be a good conversation, theres so much more misery were going to go through because of these democrats, these democratic leaders. Lou yeah. The anarchists, the antifa, i have to say, burgess, when i was watching, for example, last night on some of the leftwing networks, i heard no expression of sympathy for those presumably black owners of the businesses in black communities, certainly not all, but at least some were own by africanamericans. And im watching antifa folks, or presumably so, dressed in black throwing bricks through windows, trying to burn out somebody else. They were white. Yep. Lou its an extraordinary the image for us to see, because it is so outrageous, its enraging, and at the same time it is so sickening. No, they are cowards and bullies. Thats why they dress up in black and hide their face. What we have to understand, they dont care about black people. They use, abuse as the democratic leadership has done for decades, they use, abuse, discard anybody who trusts them. And these cowards get into these people peaceful process where people are truly trying to get a message out and use that to attack our country and destroy the communities. So we have an opportunity right now, in the last two years Business Ownership, black Business Ownership, that says Everything Everything about where our economys going. Guess whos hunter the . These black whos hurt the most . These black owners. They want to destroy us by destroying our middle class, our Business Ownership. Look at the democratic leaders, the governors, these mayors, this cowardly, evil people that purposefully put people in danger and destroy their businesses and lives because they want power in november. Its all about novembers elections, guys. Keep in mind, thats what the left cares about more than anything else, is power. Lou burgess owens, thanks so much. Well be right back. Stay with us. At Fisher Investments, we do things differently and other Money Managers dont understand why. Because our way works great for us but not for your clients. Thats why were a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. So, what do you provide . Cookie cutter portfolios . Nope. We tailor portfolios to our clients needs. But you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right . We dont have those. So, whats in it for you . Our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. 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