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Move even farther left, but that is exact exactly what they want their leaders to do. And selfing righteous protesters and agitators pushing the left ageneral da, and at the top of that agenda, Defunding Police departments. President trump making it clear he will not permit lawlessness in this country and now reminding everybody as we approach election day that he is the law and order president. Within the past hour, President Trump had a round table discussion with africanamerican leaders. The white house also saying the administration is nearing final edits on a number of Police Reform proposals. As debate over reforms rage in washington, we are witnessing firsthand what the radical lefts policefree utopia looks like. In seattle were watching in realtime a city descending into anarchy. During the early hours of the morning, thousands of leftist protesters led by black lives matter and antifa and anarchist groups broke into city hall and took over. The mob just a few days ago seized a six block zone in the downtown area that includes a shuttered Police Precinct which has been boomedded by Law Enforcement abandoned by Law Enforcement in the face of antifa, black lives matter and friends. Thats right, parts of one of this countrys largest, most innovative, most leftleaning cities now under mob control. The leftwing activists are demanding the citys democratic mayor, jenny durkin, resign. But they say she might be able to keep her job if she will just do a what shes told. Which is to defund the police. Leading the overnight charge into city hall was Council Woman sawat. Shes a member of the socialist alternative party. And recently she talked to the Campaign Event in tacoma for failed socialist president ial candidate bernie sanders. What got in the mood of the thing . He talked to her adoring mob and had this to say about her fellow seattle city councilmen. This is up a moving occasion such a moving occasion. For all the difficult moments i have having to be a corporate politician boo bureaucrat, this, this is what its all about. Lou quite a rhetorical device, that, waiting for the boos. Finish were also witnessing, of course, a clear statement of what happens when police are no longer there to protect the rest of us from the missouri during the riots that stemmed from the protests over the death of george in los angeles far, far from the actual incident the l. A. Police department reporting homicides there rose by 250 , the number of shooting victims rose by 56 . In new york shootings surged, murders more than doubled from the same period a year ago. All of this as protesters were flooding the streets along with rioters and looters and shattered windows and destroyed property in their wake. Numbers like these should be enough to end even the remote possibility of any city defunding or dismantling Police Departments. And as weve reported here, some of the radical Democratic Leaders now seemingly, seemingly understand that to remove a Police Department would be disastrous for a city, even more disastrous for the Democratic Party and their efforts to ever take power again. Perhaps they now realize the disastrous policy that led to the demonstrations and the riots, to the protests and, yes, the arson, the vandalism, the looting and that all of that could bring the end of their quest for political rule soon. And as always, there is money, of course. Numbers show the police and Law Enforcement associations who the radical left want to dismiss are among the largest donors to democrats since 1994. Ill bet youre surprised at that. Those Police Groups donating lots of money to the senators and congressmen who want to get rid of them, especially to Senators Amy Klobuchar and patrick leahy. Klobuchar, of course, was the attorney of hennepin county, minnesota, a favorite daughter, if you will, of the state who chose to pass cases of Police Brutality to grand juries rather than bring charges herself. The top two beneficiaries of police money in the house are democrats, democrats Bill Pascrell and House Majority leader steny hoyer. How about that . Who knew that democrats, democrats would be the beneficiaries of Law Enforcement associations and lobbying groups. Some of the Democratic Partys most radical elements, however, like freshman congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez are far more outspoken in their push to rid this country altogether of police and Law Enforcement. Aoc seem to be even a little too radical for george stephanopoulos. This, their exchange this morning. Why is it necessary to take the money from the police . I understand your argument, the argument youre making about expanding social services, investing in social services, but the research does show that more police on the street means less crime. Well, i think theres one question that is interesting here is that when it comes to funds, its not always just about the number of officers in the street, its about the Police Precincts that have tanks, that have military weaponry and, frankly, have a degree of, have a degree of Material Resources and warlike, warlike weaponry that people ask why does a local Police Precinct have this in the first place . Lou aoc having a little trouble getting to her notes apparently there, thats the only thing i could figure out that she would be doing. Politicians like aoc proposing cuts to Police Departments, they should have to answer, dont you think, for the cost of their proposals . Theyve incited more violence in American Cities that have taken peoples lives, ruined businesses and changed communities perhaps forever. Their wholesale attack on police is one that the American People simply will not accept. As congressman jim jordan put out today, the scariest part about all of this is those on the left who are willing to stay silent and just let it all happen. It is pure insanity to defund the police. And the fact that my democrat colleagues wont speak out against this crazy policy is just as frightening. Lou well, this evening well be taking up the very issue of the lefts push to the left including their efforts to Defund Police and much more. Our exclusive interview with the Vice President of the United States, mike pence, coming up here shortly. On wall street today stocks it should mixed. The Dow Jones Industrials down 238 points, the s p lost 17. The nasdaq up 67. The first 10,000point close ever. There it is. Volume on the big board, 6. 6 billion shares. The first half of this year never happened, apparently. Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin said today we definitely, definitely need another bipartisan bill to help put some money back into this economy. He said it will be targeted to help specific Industries Like travel and leisure and restaurants. And like the previous money as well. And a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. Up next here, former acting dni ric grenell. Hes shined more light on the deep state in a matter of weeks than any other director of National Intelligence. The great ric grenell joins us here tonight with his plans for his life next and what he has accomplished in office. Also our exclusive interview with Vice President mike pence. We take up the radical lefts takeover of the Democratic Party, President Trumps unprecedented actions to support the Africanamerican Community. Stay with us, were back with all of that and more. 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Lou in the midst of the unrest and in some cases the violence and destruction that has hit many cities across america over the past two weeks, Vice President mike pence and the Trump Administration have been engaging with black leaders. The Vice President himself has been spending considerable time listening to the Africanamerican Community and in particular ministers of black churches. This past friday he joined Bishop Harry Jackson for a listening session with faith and Community Leaders at Hope Christian church in beltsville, maryland. Joining us now during what is certainly one of the most extraordinary periods in recent american history, the Vice President of the United States, mike pence. Mr. Vice president , we appreciate you being here. Thank you, lou. Lou give us a sense of what you are hearing from the Africanamerican Community. Well, lou, it was my privilege to travel to maryland to bishop jacksons church to meet with the pastors and Community Leaders. Weve also convened conversations here at the white house with africanamerican leaders as well as those in Law Enforcement, and what we consistently hear is, first and foremost, people want law and order on our streets. We really think theres ways that listening to Law Enforcement, listening to Community Leaders we can advance improvements and reforms, but the contrast between what the president has done putting law and order first, listening to Law Enforcement, listening to leaders in communities, looking for ways we can improve peoples lives with the radical agenda that the Democratic Party has embraced of defunding the police is truly remarkable. I cant help but believe that tens of millions of americans see all of this as a part of the ongoing march of thed radical left the radical left to take greater and greater control of the Democratic Party. Lou it is interesting to me that a, the most recent study, polling on our Community Approval of Police Departments shows 72 of americans approve of their local Police Departments. 72 . This also looks like a serious miscalculation once again by the radical dems who now seem to be in absolute control of the Democratic Party and, certainly, a very strong problem for nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer who have to contend with a, well, with Vice President , former Vice President joe biden leading their ticket into november. Well, thats right, lou. And now you even have, you have some Democratic Leaders that are starting to back away from the call of their most radical supporters on the left calling to defund the police. But even joe biden said that he would be willing to withhold federal funds from cities if they didnt otherwise comply with the new dictates. Hook, President Trump brought together look, President Trump brought together Law Enforcement officials, weve been listening to africanamerican leaders here at the white house and in my travels, and what this president s prepared to do is what hes done all along, and that is advance policies that will insure the safety of every American Family in every community and also the prosperity. And we understand that the wellspring of our prosperity is safe and secure streets. And, you know, what we saw over the last three years before the tragic death of george floyd sent our nation into the last two weeks of protests was that Violent Crime was declining all around the country. Wed seen the lowest Unemployment Rate ever recorded for africanamericans. This president actually advanced legislation with senator scott to create opportunity zones. Now thousands of opportunity zones have been launched in cities around the country generating more than 100 billion in Capital Investment to create new jobs. And also this is a president whos been a champion of a cause that africanamericans have supported in overwhelming numbers for decades. Hes been a supporter of giving parents the right to choose where their children go to school whether its public, private, parochial school. And were going to continue to move forwards in a way that forward in a withdraw that puts law and order first. Were going to listen to Law Enforcement and Community Leaders about constructive changes that we can advance and support in public safety. But were not going to stop there, lou. I mean, the truth is the Democratic Party has failed much of the Africanamerican Community for generations in this country. Many of our africanamerican families live in our inner cities that have the worst schools, the most unsafe streets, and theyve experienced the very worst effects of that. Lou i think that i would like to add to to the list that you t expressed. This administration has done more for africanamericans in this country than any other administration in 50 years. It has achieved the lowest Unemployment Rate for africanamericans in the countrys history. Unprecedented funding for historic black colleges and universities right. Lou Justice Reform. I think the listening, if i may say and i know that there is certainly a temptation is to be one way at this point. And i applaud you and the president for listening and certainly think the country will be stronger for it. But i think that it also has to be mutual and reciprocal. It has to be a communication across the country, and i think every american should be listening to what you and this president have accomplished because its extraordinary. And to see the Democratic Leadership that have done nothing but oppose President Trump, Vice President pence and your administration kneeling, kneeling in the capitol as they are subservient to what . To whom . Americans dont kneel, and americans dont demand that others kneel. It is an extraordinary, gutwrenching moment in this cups history to see countrys history to see this kind of pandering and sickening display of absolutely, absolute cowardice. And, as you say, devoid of ideas and achievement for the very people whose votes they, they take for granted. Your thoughts. Enter well, i well, look, the contrast with what youve seen by democrat leaders at the national and local level and this president has been very stark. Not just on policy, but because in President Donald Trump you have a leader who is standing with Law Enforcement, standing with peaceful protesters, standing with africanamerican families who want law and order on their streets, they want better schools, they want with more jobs and more opportunities, and President Trump has been delivering that. And were going to continue to deliver that. We think we have an opportunity here, weve been in discussions with Law Enforcement and with the leaders in the Africanamerican Community, we think we have an opportunity here to improve Law Enforcement. We heard that at the white house in that round table earlier this week. The willingness that we heard of Law Enforcement officers from around the country, states attorney generals to find ways that we can, that we can strengthen Law Enforcement in this country, build Public Confidence in Law Enforcement, its all there, lou. And were going to do that. But the most important thing is that we dont stop there. What ive consistently heard from africanamerican leaders is that while we were all or horrified by what we saw in the killing of george floyd in minneapolis, that it struck a nerve that we believe is much deeper. It goes into the issues that have beset the Africanamerican Community for generations in cities that have been run by democrats in liberal democrat policies for 50 years. Theyve failed to bring public safety, theyve failed to bring jobs and opportunity, theyve failed to bring safe and Successful Schools to our africanamerican families. Were committed to seize this moment. And not just find ways that working with Law Enforcement and Community Leaders to improve Law Enforcement, we want to improve the lives of africanamerican families in every city in this country just as President Trump has been doing, as you said, every step of the way with record unemployment, opportunity zones, educational choice that criminal Justice Reform and a whole range of issues that were in the process of achieving real are results which is what were about at this white house. Lou and up next in our exclusive interview with the Vice President , the relationship between the contagion that china unleashed on the world and xi jinpings apparent desire for a cold war with america. More with Vice President pence when we continue. Stay with us. In my line of work, i come face to face with a lot of behinds. So i know theres a big need for gasx maximum strength. It works fast. Relieving pressure, bloating, and discomfort before you know it. So no one needs to know youve got gas. 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Our team has been following the potential Health Implications of these protests very closely. And what i can tell you is is that at this point we dont see an increase in new cases now nearly two weeks on from when the first protests took effect. Were also encouraged by the fact that you saw a great deal of consternation in the media over memorial day weekend, lou, where there were many gatherings on boardwalks and beaches and places around the country. We saw no significant uptick in new coronavirus cases from that. The truth is the American People are a lot of common sense have a lot of common sense. They understand the importance as we continue to work every day to put this coronavirus in the past of continuing good hygiene. Many people at protests were Wearing Masks and engaging in some social distancing, and we also know for a fact, lou, that sunlight, humidity, heat all have a very good effect for us on defeating the coronavirus in its transmission. So we remain hopeful. Were following it, but at this point now nearly two weeks on from the initial protests, we havent seen an uptick. And the truth is because of the Decisive Action the president took shutting down all travel to china, because of the sacrifices the American People made when the president called for those 45 days to slow the spread, because of the relief efforts that the president was able to make available businesses and families around the country and because of, once again, of the guidance we gave to states to open up america again, were seeing this nation coming back. Our economys coming back, all 50 states if all of our territories and all of our territories are open to one degree or another. And i think the American People are proving even in the midst of these challenging times that they can do that safely and responsibly. Lou i want to turn with that note on the virus, the wuhan virus, we now know that china, its communist government shut down Domestic Travel to prevent further contagion. But left wide open right. Lou the invitation from the world for their travelers, International Travel by the chinese, some of who were obviously contaminated wasnt even, even discussed. Wasnt considered. And we know now that the Chinese Government lied to us, we know that they let an unsuspecting world go unwarned by the chinese. Thats akin, in some cases, to murder, certainly for 100,000 plus americans. Dont you think . Well, and we grieve the loss of every single of the more than 100,000 americans who have lost their lives to the coronavirus. But, lou, youre absolutely right. China was not straight with the United States, did not give the facts to our country or to the world. In fact, they didnt even allow cdc personnel to go to china to look at the real data and what was happening until the middle of february. That would be several weeks after the president suspended all travel from china which, again, i think you cannot overstate the significance of that. We didnt have a single domestic case in the United States other than people who had returned to this country from china at the end of january, and yet the president looked at the circumstances, and he made that gutlevel decision to suspend all travel from china. And i can tell you it, it bought us invaluable time in standing up this whole of america response that did slow the spread, we flattened the curve, we saved lives. But the president s been very clear, were going to hold china and the World Health Organization accountable for their failure to adequately warn the world about the coronavirus. Lou this is the sin and the act of xi jinping. Its indisputable. He did not warn an unsuspecting world of a deadly contagion. And his government instead is bellicose, threatening. The president of china himself telling the Peoples Liberation army to prepare for war. And we continue to negotiate what was a historic agreement in treaty. Is that going the continue . Is there any prospect that they will honor their commitments this one time over the past two decades . Well, china continues to buy our goods and buy particularly agricultural goods, but your viewers would do well to know that the vast majority of the tariffs that the president s imposed on china to reset that imbalanced trading relationship that existed under successive administrations are all still in effect. I mean, no president has done more to stand up to china or to stand up for American Workers in our relationship with china than President Donald Trump. And we will continue to stand strong there. We will continue to assert americas Strategic Interests in places like the South China Sea e and the asiapacific. Well continue to stand strong as china breaks their word to the people of hong kong and the International Agreements theyve made. Well stand strong on human rights. But the American People can be confident that its not just what happened with the coronavirus, but every step of the way this president s strong sanding with china has been vindicated. I think the American People see it, and they can be confident that President Donald Trump and our entire administration are going to continue to stand firm when it comes to china until dewe reit the economic relationship in a way reset the economic relationship in a way that puts American Workers first and hold accountable all of those who failed the people of our country and failed the people of the world when it came to the coronavirus. Lou Vice President mike pence, thank you for your time. Appreciate it. Good to see you. Thank you, lou. Lou our thanks to the Vice President for taking time to talk with us. Coming up here next will be dni ric grenell, former dni, the man who revealed a trove of information about obamagate. Rick grenell joins me right after this quick number of messages. Well be right back. Is stay with us. There are times when our need to connect really matters. To keep customers and employees in the know. To keep business moving. Comcast business is prepared for times like these. Powered by the nations largest gigspeed network. To help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. Tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. And a team of experts here for you 24 7. Weve always believed in the power of working together. Thats why, when every connection counts. You can count on us. Thanks for sharing your savage moves, and especially your awkward ones. Thanks for sharing your cute kids. And your adorable pets. Now its our turn to share. With the geico giveback. A 15 credit on car and motorcycle policies for both current and new customers. 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And general flynn still in the grip of what has been a threeyear torture by the Justice Department and the judicial, the judicial branch. Attorney general william barr saying theres some familiar names under investigation by u. S. Attorney john durham. Barr didnt want to give the names, but he did say hes troubled with what durham has found so far. Barr saying durhams investigation does not directly involve former president barack obama or former Vice President joe biden. Well, more than 1200 former department of justice workers want an investigation into the role that the attorney general played when protesters were cleared from Lafayette Square or in washington. If you can believe this nonsense. The letter was formed by the activist group protect democracy. They want the Justice Departments inspector general, michael horowitz, to look into the use of force. Barr has said some in the crowd were throwing bricks, frozen Water Bottles at police, and these 1200 bless their darling hearts want to know something more about 15 minutes in lafayette park. Well, our next guest this evening spent three months as acting director of National Intelligence and for that the nation is indebted to hum. In that short time, he declassified a number of obama officials unmasking general Michael Flynn. He forced the release of all 53 Interview Transcripts from the House Intel Committee on, remember that, russian collusion . Declassified susan rices email to herself about flynn and declassified notes from the Justice Department inspector generals report on fisa abuse. Im pleased to say joining us tonight is ric grenell, and it is great to have you with us, r irk c, and congratulations and our thanks for all that you have done for your, for your country as ambassador and as dni. Its good to see you. Lets start thanks, lou. Lou the attorney general talking about, talking about the prospect of names were familiar with coming up in durhams investigation. Your reaction. Look, i think attorney general barr is doing a great job. I got to work very closely with him. Shes very thorough. Hes very thorough. Hes letting the facts determine the case. We clearly had a problem, lou, and i think people are beginning to realize that the red flags that were raised early and this is a very key e point that people need to understand the red flags that were raised early on in the Russian Investigation, red flags from career officials at the fbi and the cia and other intelligence agencies saying that this was something that they shouldnt pursue, that seemed to be trumped up, that had really dubious claims with the steele dossier, all of these red flags were pushed aside, they were done through the bureaucratic task of classifying these comments, pushing people aside s. And, frankly, when i is saw it, i was very sad for our country because i couldnt believe that the voices that were saying from the beginning slow down, this doesnt seem right, this is wrong, this isnt the whole story, all of those voices were silenced and pushed away. And yet the people who clearly had political motivations to fan the flames and to make the situation much nastier than what it really was, those voices were the only voices out there. And so when i was inside and looking at this information, i was saddened because the American People didnt get to see full story. They got half the story. Hay got a little piece they got a little piece, and that little piece was really disingenuous to the truth. So i think its important, i think the American People deserve to have information, and what i wanted to do was to systematically go through and declassify the information that was from the beginning, that was used to start this Russian Investigation and let the American People see the facts. And its shocking to see how many of these transcripts and many of these footnotes and specific pieces of information were pushed aside and not given the light. Because, frankly, if they had been given the light, if they had been given voice, the narrative would have fallen apart rather quickly, i think, as we saw some doj Officials Say lets collapse this case, there is no case here and yet it continued. Lou would you not also agree that this, this effort by the deep state, if you will, referencing both the Intelligence Community, the, specifically the department of justice, the fbi could not have reproceeded without a proceeded without a symbiotic relationship of evil, in my view, between the radical dems who were so politically motivated and lusting for power and frustrated at the election of this president that thaw worked with they worked with those agents within the Intelligence Community and with the fbi and the department of justice in league with a compliant, complicit national leftwing media without all of those characters in position and playing their roles it just could not have, could not have been carried out with successfully. Look, i think what youre touching on is the culture of washington, d. C. , and i think that you hit it on the head. We have a real problem. Right now we do not have a fight between republicans and democrats. That traditional fight has given us great policy issues, many would argue when youre in the center you get this kind of Majority Movement towards progress. And we dont have that fight anymore, lou. What we have is a permanent bureaucracy in washington, and i include the media in that. Washington versus the rest of america. When you go to washington, d. C. And you live there, then you can get a job in one of these bureaucracies. Why do we have all of the federal government or at least by far the majority of the federal government bureaucracies based in washington, d. C. . I dont think its healthy. I think we saw with covid its not healthy when theres a pandemic. Theres a whole bunch of problems that we can unpack here but, clearly, when the media live in washington, d. C. , when the bureaucracy lives in washington, d. C. , they fight for their city. They have a sports team now, and they are very proud of this city, and they therefore are not going to be able to be a check and balance on the growth of the capital, so to speak. And the American People are to understand that donald trump, when he was elected, he talked about changing the culture, changing the way that its done. And this was an awe front to the people affront to the people in washington d. C. They did two things. One, almost 70 democrats refused to show up at the peaceful transition of power. Now lou right. Lou, i worked at the state department for ten years. We would call it it out. We would say grow up and go to the inauguration, go to the process and show that you can be peaceful. We had almost 70 democrats, sitting members, completely say that theyre not even showing up. We have a problem in washington, and i think donald trump put his finger on it, and they are lashing out against them because of it. Lou and we have, lets be straightforward, we have an obama problem. Members of his administration unmasking, amongst others, general Michael Flynn. I know youve got some strong views about unmasking and what did occur, and well take that up with ric grenell as we continue the conversation in just a few moments. Stay with us, well be right at mercedesbenz, nothing less than worldclass service will do. Thats why were expanding your range of choices. Many dealers now offer optional pickup delivery and athome maintenance, as well as Online Shopping with Home Delivery and special finance arrangements. So, whether you visit your local dealer or prefer the comfort of home you can count on the very highest level of service. Get 0 apr financing up to 36 months on most models, and 90day firstpayment deferral on any model. We could never do what they do. But what we can do it be a partner that never quits. Verizon is the most Reliable Network in america. 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Lou the unmasking of general Michael Flynn, the obvious partisan judicial process working against the general for the past three years, were back with the former acting director of National Intelligence, ric grenell. And, ric, i want to ask you author thoughts about unmasking your thoughts about unmasking and what needs to be done to protect the rights of american citizens. Well, first of all, i think, you know, unmasking in and of itself is something that should be allowed. In certain cases, i think, its important for policymakers to see that there are americans who may be swept up in something, and maybe they need to know because they dont know whats going on. And so there are a variety of reasons why you could and should be able to unmask. But what i did when i went to the office of the director of National Intelligence and i saw the information, lou, to me theres a higher bar from the election day of donald trump until the Inauguration Day of donald trump, in that transition period. Thats when we know that trump and his team, President Trump and his team are coming in. Thats when we know that the obama team is going out, and we know exactly who is going to be replacing whom. Its very important for a peaceful transition of power to be peaceful and to be cooperative. I think president bush gave that to president obama. They worked very closely. Matter of fact, i could tell you that happened because susan rice and sam that power in their house Samantha Power in their house testimony admitted that during the transition between bush and obama they worked very closely with president bushs team, and they also were talking to foreign leaders during that transition. But for me, when the unmasking lou weve just got a few seconds, ric, a apologize. When flynn was unmasked during that short period of time, that was troubling for me. Thats why i unmasked those names, to show who did that. Lou ric grenell, enjoyed talking with you. Thanks for being here. And whenever you decide what youre doing next, we wish you all of the best and great success. Stay with us, were coming right back. When you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. But when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. And you can pay your friends back from here. So when someone asks you, wheres your bank . You can tell them heres my bank. Or heres my bank. Or, heres my bank. Because if you download and use the chase mobile app, your bank is virtually any place. 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A Court Appointed former judge now says the president s former National Security advisor committed perjury. He says the judges on flynns case should reject the Justice Department motion to drop independent. This unfolding as a house and senate gop investigate why the fbi went ahead with the trump russia probe even as fbi and doj officials knew in early 2017 that they had no case, no evidence of trump russia collusion as they now admit. Republicans demanding why if they knew they had no evidence was Robert Mueller appointed special counsel anyway . With us tonight andrew

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