Al of alexandria ocasiocortez. Within just 60 seconds, that was what he was allotted, the congresswoman disavowed capitalism and endorsed not joe biden, but bernie sanders. The unsustainable of an economy that rewards explosive inequalities of wealth for the few at the expense of longterm stability for the many, i hereby second the nomination of senator bernard 157d ors of sanders of vermont. Lou bernie sanders. Who knew . Convention and Party Leaders have also been scrambling to explain some perplexing exclusions and inclusions in large virtual forums. For example, elizabeth warren. Making it into a native american caucus discussion yesterday without any notes of irony, a curious spot though for someone who is just oneone thousand 24th native american. And the Biden Convention thinking so highly of radical antisemite linda sarsure that she was featured in a meeting. Bidens Campaign Today trying in some way to distance itself from her, but this is bidens convention, and this is the Democratic Party of hate and what it stands for. Those blunders pale in comparison to the awkwardness exhibited by joe biden himself. He appeared somewhat stunned after being announced as the partys official nominee. And just listen to how china joe actedded after his wife, dr. Jill biden, gave last nights key e note address. [laughter] hey, everyone. Im joe bidens husband. Jill bidens husband. As you heard tonight, excuse me, thats the kind of first lady lady, lady, lady this jill biden will be. Lou a little awkwardness there, a little embarrassment, perhaps, playing out at the end of the night with strange musical performances like this one from musician billy porter. A thousand people in the streets listen, whats that sound. Everybody look whats going down. Down, down, down lou no singing tonight. The speakers will only speak. The failed president ial candidate, Hillary Clinton, will be among them as will be the Vice President choice of joe biden, Kamala Harris and former president barack obama, the featured speaker, were sure. Obama will have to work hard on enthusiasm levels. According to the new york times, mark leibovitz, obama has been known to speak about biden with what he called a, quote, patronizing overfondness as if the vp were the beloved family dog that kept peeing on the carpet, end quote from the new york times. The radical dems have done very little to help themselves during this virtual convention. In fact, President Trump appears to be the only one benefiting from their days so far. A week ago joe biden led the president by 6 points in the rasmussen poll. Today that lead is 4 points. President trump today expressing husband frustration with Senate Majority reeder Mitch Mcconnell, demanding to know why republicans are permitting the democrats to host hearings on the post office this week and next. Why are republicans allowing the democrats to have ridiculous post office hearings on saturday and monday just before and during our convention . Let them hold them now during their convention. Or after our convention is over. Always playing right into their hands at majority leader. And, yes, Mitch Mcconnell has not played an artful guam at all, and game at all, and he has played more than a few double games. Joining us now is pulitzer prizewinning columnist for the new york post, fox business contributor michael goodwin, who has covered more than a few conventions in his distinguished career. And joining us as well, well, i guess its going to be you and me, michael. How are ya . [laughter] im fine, lou, thank you. Lou well, lets, lets turn to the convention so far. It has had some of the most difficult moments ive seen in any convention since, oh, say 1968. Your thoughts. Well, to me, there are several main themes to watch. When we were together monday, i said i would be surprised, ill be shocked if anybody called out the riots, the violence in the cities, the democraticrun cities, the crime wave, the murder wave. And so far two nights down theres been no mention of it. Theres been lots of, a lot of lots of laudatory remarks about protesters and the demonstrators and the resistance but nothing, nothing, not a word about the violence, about the murder rate going up. This is supposed to be, you know, a convention that talks about particularly urban people at risk with jobs and disease and things like that. But theyre actually being murdered at enormously high rates this year, and the democrats are not interested in it. And then the second thing, you know, as you mentioned with joe biden, this idea that he is diminished becomes more and more apart even with apparent even with these very restricted appearances hes making at the convention. I mean, that little moment where the balloons fell from the ceiling when he official lu got the total officially got the total, it just looked like he didnt quite know where he was. And so i think, you know, its clear that his handlers are going out of their way to keep him hidden. No interviews, anything like that. And theyre trying to foist on the public a man who seems incapable of even sometimes knowing where he is. I mean, this is quite, this is quite scandalous. Lou it is, and i want to bring in our good friend and colleague ed rollins, the savant himself. He is joining us now. And, ed, good to have you with us. This democrat convention, michael and i were just talking about how, ultimately, well, it is just a peculiar presentation. And i know that these are the most difficult of times, but your thoughts on what youre witnessing, and how are they measuring up to the environment . Well, its a very dull, boring show. The viewers are not watching it, the whole message which michael articulated in his column this morning, i dont like trump. Well do better, period. Without any explanation, without any, basically the whole idea of a virtual, this is supposed to be the hightech guys. These are the democrats that run hollywood, and its a terrible, terrible show. And my sense is its going to get more and more boring. Tonight, obviously, they have harris on and obama, but its been a very dull show. Theres no presentation, theres no significance to what theyre arguing other than they dont like trump. A lot of us didnt like obama and clinton. Lou well, usually the other side doesnt like the other side thats right. But were in the midst of crisis and not a word about the crisis in the streets, about the chaos thats going on. Theres no solutions being offered for the virus that were suffering with aacross the country. Their old economic plan, we know, doesnt work. So my sense is theyre not getting much out of of this thing and the countrys not getting much off the it. Lou well, and the countrys not watching either. Its, this is terrible, these are terrible ratings even by Hillary Clinton standards in 20 16, the first night. Its been a disaster in every way. But it is wartime footing, and weve got to get some allowances for the environment. We are in a national crisis. We have a deadly virus pandemic raging through parts of the country. We are also, without question, i emerging from a deep recession and doing so probably, it looks as though now, at a historic rate in recovery from the selloffs and the markets, no question about it. We watched the markets today give back a few points of what is the a record high for the nasdaq, the s p, the economy generating jobs faster than, i think, even the most optimistic of us would have imagined. Your thoughts, michael, on what the democrats can do with that environment, because theyre flailing now. Right. Well, i think there are, obviously, theyre doing everything they can to keep the economy shut down, to keep schools shut down. Its another one of these things, lou, thats just remarkably polarizing, to open schools becomes simply a blue red divide. To go back to work becomes a blue red divide. Look, i think we will get unemployment numbers, september will be the last ones before november 3rd. And so i think that if the Unemployment Rate keeps falling at the record rate that its been falling the last few months, then i think the president will be in good up shape on the economy shape on the economy. The Unemployment Rate is down in the 8s somewhere, i think that would be a remarkable turn around and a good sign that Better Things are coming and, therefore, i think that would really boost his chances in november. Finish. Lou your thoughts about how rapidly the polls are closing, ed, and how strong the president is looking, because theres no question he is gaping momentum gaining momentum. And the democrats, despite being in convention, despite having their nominee, despite having his choice for Vice President , this is not providing a boost to him at all. And if not now, when . I dont think theyre going to get a boost. I think they were at their high point before, and i think the president s closing fast on them. By the time he gets to his convention and offers his solutions, i also think theyve done a brilliant campaign. They havent sat idly by. I like the idea of running out of the white house, he won that, he gets to use it, and my sense is itll be a much better show next week. By the time we get to september its going to be very, very close. Lou all this president has going for him, his historic achievement. He is, without question, a historic president in terms of his successes, and policy agenda and leadership. Oh, gosh, there is this matter that he can travel thousands and thousands of miles in a week while the democratic nominee cant, well, cant manage to get too far from his home basement. Ed rollins, michael goodwin, as always, thanks for your insight. Good to see you and hope to see you here, well, tomorrow evening. Up next, goodgear goodyear gets political. What messaging is okay for p. C. Corporations and frustrate ld employees . We take it up with bob woodson here next. And my new book, please preorder yours, the trump century, available for preorder. Get your copies at amazon. Com, thetrumpcentury. Com, barnes and noble. Well be right back. Stay with us. Omizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Given my unique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Lou breaking news now, former fbi lr Kevin Clinesmith today in federal court pleading guilty to one felony charge of making a false statement. Obamaappointed judge james moseing burg accepted that plea and set the sentencing date for december 10th. He also sevens as the presiding judge of the fisa court. Were told the judge was selected at random, if you believe that, thats fine. From the 13 other judges on the district court. Quite a choice, though, to end up with the very fellow that runs the fisa court. Breaking news now, more than 200 people have been charged with federal crimes, more than a thousand arrested in operation legend. Attorney general william barr touted that ninecity effort, its mission to combat Violent Crime including catching the killer of 4yearold legend who the operation is named after. Barr blames radical left prosecutors and judges for not putting these violent criminals away. Going back to some of the old practices we followed in the 60s and 70s where this revolving door justice and people are not being held. I think if you go to most of these big cities that are experiencing an increase in Violent Crime and you go to the police departments, they will know who the shooters are. They will know exactly e who the shooters are. And there are not that many of them, relatively speaking, 2300. If you took them off the streets, you would more than half Violent Crime. Lou goodyear trying to walk back its discriminatory zero tolerance party. Diversity trainers at a kansas plant said workers can Wear Clothing supporting some political and social causes like black lives matter but not Blue Lives Matter and not maga is acceptable. Hours after that story broke, President Trump called for a complete boycott of goodyear. And goodyear had an extraordinary response, and see if you can stay up with this, because i want you to know i couldnt even begin to understand the h. R. Speak and the blather that preceded. The company saying the corporate, corporation had no role in the diversity training and, quote, it wholeheartedly supported both equality and Law Enforcement and will continue to do so. If that makes any sense to you, it sounds like what theyre saying clearly is that black lives matter will continue to be permitted, maga will not, and the president says boycott on. Joining us tonight is bob woodson, former civil rights activist. He headed the National Urban League Department of justice for five years. He is the founder of the Woodson Center. It helps residents in low income neighborhoods. Bob, great to see you, and i dont know what to say about Corporate America right now. And what goodyear did is ignorance, to me, in orders of magnitude beyond anything i would expect to come from an american corporation. Well, my good friend, the late michael novak, was with the American Enterprise institute with me, and when he talks about how american corporations are really tigers and lions in the marketplace. And this is just another example. The fact that target and nike would give millions of dollars to black lives matters, but with it didnt prevent those looters from going into nike or target stores and wiping them out. So Corporate America continues to give these protesters the rope to hang themselves with. But, lou, it even gets worse than that. A young friend of mine whos going through managerial training to a major store in a mall, and she was told that if a shoplift arer comes in shoplifter and is black, do not call mall security. Let it go, because they dont want to be accused of being racist. Can you imagine that level of permissiveness and what that says to the country . Lou that is, it is a terrible statement for all americans. It is a terrible state, just a terrible element to even contemplate when you think that we are a nation of laws and we are not enforcing it, not in the streets of portland, not in the streets of many of our democratrun largest cities, and now not in a mall because of the color of ones skin. Its ignorance, it is cowardice, it is debilitating and toxic. I just cant even imagine how weve gotten to this tate. I look out to this state. I look out there, bob, and i look at everything thats going on across this country every day, ever night, and i cant help but wonder how we got here and what in the world must all of the civil rights icons who did so much for africanamericans, for black americans, to see the violence, to see the ignorance and to see Corporate America behaving as if marxists like black lives matter had some sort of equivalency to say the red cross. Its madness that we are witnessing, and i dont know how to stop it, do you . Well, one thing, i was appalled in looking at the Democratic National convention when speaker after speaker failed to mention the riots that are going on. They never mention the blackonblack murders that have become epidemic in our urban centers. And each one of them talked about systemic racism, that we must end systemic racism. And i think worst of all was Michelle Obamas statement when she said that george floyd and breonna taylor, a never ending list of people of color that continue to be murdered. There are four blacks murdered, killed by police unarmed. And for every one of them, 270 killed by other blacks. And yet she falsely makes the statement that the endless, an endless list of people being murdered. All they do is contribute to add to the mayhem that is going on in the cities. The Washington Post did not print a single word in the last four days about the mayhem thats going on, but yet today theyre preparing us for riots in louisville, kentucky, where the headline reads five months after taylors death, kentuckys largest city has become the epicenter of Racial Justice backed by professional athletes and alist celebrities that have put pressure on the investigation. Theyre setting louisville, kentucky, up to be another portland. And yet the politicians meeting at the convention are silent on this. And also the question is where are the civil rights leaders when black lives matter has migrated from seeking justice for blacks to denigrating the black family, burning bibles in portland, tearing down the cross, desecrating the world war ii memorial, putting a hammer and a sickle on it. People at the convention continue to mention support for black lives matter. Lou as if they are, as if they are heroes. Bob, weve got to go to a quick commercial. Were going to come right back. More with bob woodson, stay with us. Cant wait for the other side of these commercials. Watch these commercials, enjoy them, bob woodson and i will be right back. Please stay with us. We made usaa insurance for veterans like liz and mike. When their growing family meant growing expenses, our agents helped make saving on insurance easy usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa tools, cattle, grain, traded goods. Even shells represented value. Then currency came along. They made it out of copper, gold, silver, wampum. Soon people decided to put all that value into a piece of paper, then proceeded to wave goodbye to value, printing unlimited amounts of money as they passed the buck to the future. Thats why its time for Digital Currency and your investment in the grayscale funds. Go digital. Go grayscale. Lou were back with bob woodson, and one of the things today is a tweet from the president , bob, id like to take up with you. If we could show the audience this tweet from the president on the goodyear fiasco. The president saying dont buy goodyear tires, they announced a a ban on maga hats. Get better tires for far less [laughter] and then he said, this is what the radical left democrats. Two can play the same game, and we have to Start Playing it now. The boycott is on. Goodyear is, you know, has some sort of silly, weakkneed response here, but they dont disi avow what disa avow what has happened. They dont put up a policy and say, here, theres still freedom of speech in this country. Your reaction to this. Well, again, goodyear has just played into this victims narrative too. The fact that hundreds of millions of dollars are being given these companies to black lives matter, they dont ask what the moneys being used for. But all its doing is continuing to divide this nation and supports tribalism. And what i find most disgusting, instead of investing in institutions within the community that will solve the problem but within, they keep acting as if the problems with black on black violence, for instance, can be the solutions are external. Lou, theyre internal. Lou yeah. And so what were trying to do at the Woodson Center is to meet with some of these Corporate Leaders and give them an alternative to funding victimization by helping them to understand that the solutions to the problems that are plaguing particularly the black community and as a consequence this nation, can be found by going inside of those communities. Lou, on any i have been on the inside of the kind of mayhem that is going on around this country. Ive had three members of my meet family die as weve felt the violence in the i inner city. A brother, 29, who left five children behind. Ive also gone to the homes of mothers who have lost children as i have been involved in gang mediation. Ive had to go into the homes a day after a sun was killed. Ive been a son was killed. Ive been to funerals of exgang members to give them a big hug at the funeral of their fallen friend to discourage them from retaliating. So ive been on that side. But going into those communities, you cannot say to them that somehow the solution to their problem is ending systemic racism or somehow the statues that are being taken down, southern statues, are somehow a remedy for their problem. But i really think all these officials, the civil rights leaders, the urban league, the naacp, the congressional black caucus, all of these people who are supposed to be supporters of Racial Justice for blacks, they need to be held accountable. They need to answer where do they stand with black lives matter, because black lives matter says that the Nuclear Family is eurocentric and, therefore, no longer useful, that bibles should be burned and crosses defaced. Where are they . Are they still supporting black lives matter when they take these radical leftist positions . And i think lou the answer is they are well, you know what . Were going to make a practice of it, as you suggest. And were also going to make a practice out of pointing out bob woodson is speaking as an american who wants to see more africanamericans not become marxist or see american corporations supporting marxism which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever in this country, he wants to see more africanamerican, more black millionaires and have them minted by the hundreds, not, you know, not by, you know, diverting resources to pushing nonprofit marxist organizations. Its time to change the direction of this country, and bob woodson is at the forefront of leading that change. Bob, we thank you for being with us. Look forward to our next talk next week. Appreciate it. Bob woodson is a great american, and i hope you enjoy listening to him as much as i do. Well, speaking of people i enjoy listening to, President Trump is scheduled to hold a briefing this hour on the china virus pandemic. Well be taking you there when he enters the room. Up next, red storm rising. Is the United States doing enough to combat chinas rising aggression . Sebastian gorka with us next. My new book is the trump century how our president changed the course of history forever. Please, preorder your copies at the trump sent citily. Com the trump thetrumpcentury. Com, amazon. Com, barnesandnoble. Com. Well be right back, stay with us please. But, we have aunts. Youre slouching again, ted. Expired, expired. Expired. Thanks, aunt bonnie. Its a lot of house. I hope you can keep it clean. At least geico makes bundling our home and Car Insurance easy. Which helps us save a lot of money oh, teddy. Did you get my friend request . Uh, ill have to check. doorbell ringing aunt jonis here for bundling made easy, go to geico. Com. Hello . Always have been. And always will be. Never letting anything get in my way. Not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. And certainly not arthritis. New voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief to help me keep moving. And it can help you too. Feel the joy of movement with voltaren. Lou breaking news now, a los angeles man today charged with voter fraud, casting a ballot for his dead mother three times. A ballot for his dead mother three times. Yes, you heard me correctly. The local Prosecutor Says 55yearold caesar peter cast votes for himself and his dead mother between 2012 and 2014. She died in july of 2006. He faces up to three years in prison. Our countrys elite universities are bowing to china and its takeover of hong kong. This is an incredible story from the wall street journal. The wall street journal reporting that they found universities including princeton universitys, Harvard Business school, university of pennsylvania are planting things like secret codes in Anonymous Online chats in an effort to shield Chinese Students from discussion on politically sensitive topics about china. Doing this in the United States. The schools fear that some of their students might be prosecuted by communist china under its new National Security law, but not one of them that im aware of has said a word in protest of chinas takeover of hong kong or its aggression around the globe. Joining us tonight is sebastian gorka, host of the salem radio program. America first, author and former strategist to President Trump. Seb, i dont know, when with we have universities pulling this kind of nonsense, it really does make you wonder what were in for. Truly, truly stunning news. Its not bad enough, lou, that we have faculty members, researchers being arrested at Ivy League Institutions for how theyre helping out communist china, its not bad enough that we have millions of dollars flooding into america to set up propaganda students, these socalled confucian institutes across academe. Now they are kowtowing to a communist regime . What next . When it comes to a history class, are we going to see professors delete parts of communist chinese history that the regime in beijing might find embarrassing . The tens of millions killed in the name of karl marx and mao tsetung . Universities are meant to educate based on the truth, based upon investigation. This is a true outrage. Lou it is, indeed. And the idea of Academic Freedom , think about this, seb just as a little brain test here. Whens the last time you heard anyone from academia mention anything called Academic Freedom . Can you think of the last time you heard it or watched a significant report on television or in a newspaper outlet or web site . You just dont hear it because it isnt happening our universities and our college campuses. The sad truth that these are no longer institutions of higher learning. Sadly, we conservatives have allowed them to become indoctrination mills for at least two generations. Lets recall what happened in 1968 and 1969, the weather underground. People like bernadine and bill ayers trying to affect a marxist revolution in america with the sds. They failed. Did they retire . No. They became tenured professors in chicago. They became high school teachers, and what did we do . Nothing. The delayed reaction of home schooling was a bandaid on a sucking chest wound x now weve woken up to the fact that the victims of communism in this latest survey, lou, found that 72 of american millennials would prefer to live in a socialist or communist america. Thats happened in our universities and high schools. Lou yeah. Those universities, those colleges obviously dedicated more to indoctrination than education. Finish and, again, Academic Freedom is, well, its a banished word and expression as well as right, unfortunately. The Confucius Centers you mentioned earlier, 75 of them still on University Campuses and some k12 schools. Why are we not simply dealing with it instead of giving them an order to divest . Why respect we using the power of arent we using the power of the federal government to remove them from universities and create a significant consequence, and i mean right now for continuing a support and partnership with those students that are nothing more than propaganda options and bases of operation for surveillance and, most likely, espionage . Im making this my personal mission. On friday the president signed my confirmation as a president ial nominee to the National Security education board, lou, and i my primary mission is to make sure things like confucian students get short shrift in america. This is a communist regime. It has labor camps, it has forced organ transplants. Look at that video of the uighurs being blindfolded and put on those cattle trucks. The idea that we are seeing communist propaganda invade our colleges has to stop, and im going to make it my mission to make sure that happens under Donald Trumps watch. Lou and your reaction to reports that the u. S. Government is approving a doubling of routes between china and the United States from four to eight in this, during this moment of crisis, in this moment of rising tensions. Your thoughts. I havent seen the threat analysis that justifies that expansion. All i know is that in january the president made the right decision, but we have to think twice. As far as im concerned, america shouldnt be doing business with china, full stop. It is a dictatorship. We can live without them. We will survive. We will have more, better economic trade relations with other countries. As far as im concerned, china declared war on us years ago, and we have to win our trade war against them. Lou any nation, any decent, civilized nation, after what president xi jinping unleashed on the world, would remove him from office and seek forgiveness and seek a new direction for the republic of china. Nothing less will make it right, in my opinion. Seb gorka, always great to have you here. Thanks so much. We are waiting for the president to address us. We will be bringing that to you as soon as he approaches the lectern there. A major fire is burning tonight, it has been burning through the evening and the morning hours. Its at a plastics plant near disaster, texas. Fire marshals say the fire could burn for several days. Authorities believe that fire started when a power line fell near an area where rolls of plastic inventory for the manufacturer of various Plastic Products had been stored. There are no reports, thank goodness, of anyone being injured in this massive fire. But the dark smoke that you see there is ominous for the quality, the air quality in that area for some time to come, one would expect. Up next, wildfires raging in california, thousands being asked to evacuate. Well bring you the latest when we continue. Well be right back, stay with us. Traded goods. Tools, cattle, grain, even shells represented value. Then currency came along. They made it out of copper, gold, silver, wampum. Soon people decided to put all that value into a piece of paper, then proceeded to wave goodbye to value, printing unlimited amounts of money as they passed the buck to the future. Thats why its time for Digital Currency and your investment in the grayscale funds. Go digital. Go grayscale. But what if you could stdo better than that . K. Like adapt. Discover. Deliver. In new ways. To new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. But bounce forward. Thats why were helping you stay ahead and adapt with a network you can count on, 24 7 support and Flexible Solutions that work wherever you are. Call or go online today. Lou on wall street, stocks finishing lower despite apple, apple becoming the First Company in the world to pass 2 trillion in market cap. The First Public Company ever. That is extraordinary, 2 trillion. The dow can, though, fell 85 points. So much for those 30 stocks. The s p down 15, so much for those 500. And the nasdaq down 64 points. Volume on the big board, 3. 7 billion shares. Same trading level as yesterday. Crude oil finishing at 42. 83 a barrel, a slight loss on the day. And a reminder, listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. And right now thousands of acres are burning along the west coast this week. Millions of people facing Power Outages in california. Fox news correspondent jeff paul with the story. Governor gavin newsom issuing an emergency order with more than two dozen fires burning throughout the state. Resources stretched so thin, theyre trying to bring in help from outside the state. Firefighters on the front lines saying they can use any help available. The terrain that were fighting the fires in very steep and difficult, and the sheer lack of Resources Available due to statewide activity has hampered our efforts significantly. Some of the worst fires right now are burning in northern california, impacting the area surrounding the bay area, sacramento, as well as nap thats wine country. Napas wine country. More mandatory evacuation orders were issued for folks impacted by the tennessee fire burning in napa county. The fires are an immediate threat to life. Some of those fires have essentially merged together forming whats being called the lnu lightning complex fire whichs has burned 46,000 acres. Often for those who are evacuated lou jeff paul reporting, and we thank you. Were going straight to the president whos just gone into the briefing room. Here the president. Our continued progress against the china virus. Id like to discuss our latest actions against the iranian regime. Today im directing the secretary of state, mike pompeo, to notify the u. N. Security council that the United States intends to restore virtually all of the previously suspended United Nations sanctions on iran. Its a snapback. Not uncommon. Two years ago i withdrew the United States from the Disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal which was a product of the obama biden Foreign Policy failure, a failure like few people are seen in terms of the amount of money we paid for absolutely nothing in a shortterm deal. This deal funneled tens of billions of dollars to iran, 150 billion to be exact plus 1. 8 billion in cash which i dont know that the authority had the authority to give, gave 1. 8 billion in cash. Just another great deal that turned out to be a total disaster. That would have funded all of the chaos and the bloodshed and the terror in the region and all throughout the world. And i wont say anything because i dont like saying it, but iran doesnt have so much money to give to the world anymore, to the terrorists, to give to alqaeda, various other groups of people that they were funding. They have the keep their own regime together and its not easy for them. And if and when i win the election, within the first month iran will come to us x they are going to be asking for a deal so quickly because they are doing very poorly. But that deal was a disaster. 150 billion, 1. 8 billion in cash, and we got nothing except a shortterm little deal. Short term. Starting to expire already. Its terminated, but it would are if we didnt terminate it start to expire very shortly. A good deal was the deal we made with uae and israel. And, by the way, other countries, i will tell you now, want to come into that deal, countries you wouldnt even believe. All of a sudden youre going to have peace in the middle east, and you couldnt have done. As they call it that president obama made along with sleepy joe biden. I imposed the toughest ever sanctions on iran. And, this has caused great difficulty for them, giving money to terrorist organizations and if they do, they will have hell to pay. Earlier this year i ordered the strike that took out the worlds number one terrorist, soleimani in addition to previously terminating leader and founder of Isis Abu Bakr albaghdadi. The two leading terrorists by far in the world. Founder of isis. Nobody even talks about that. And we also defeated, we now have 100 of the isis caliphate in syria. When i took over it was a mess, it was a total mess. They were all over the place. My administration will not allow this iran Nuclear Situation to go on. They will never have a nuclear weapon. Iran will never have, mark it down, mark it down. Iran will never have a nuclear weapon. When the United States entered into the iran deal it was clear that the United States would always have the right to restore the u. N. Sanctions that will prevent iran from developing a nuclear weapon. We paid a fortune for a failed concept and a failed policy, a policy that would have made it impossible to have peace in the middle east. Here at home through operation legend we have confronting the wave of crime in democratrun American Cities that is absolutely shocking. When you look at portland or new york, san francisco, seattle, chicago, sometimes los angeles, democratrun cities. Theyre a mess because they dont get it. Either they dont get it or there is something that nobody else understands. We deployed more than 1000 additional federal agents to help these democratrun disasters. We just have done this. We have to give them a hand and we can stop it immediately like in portland would be so easy to stop we would stop it immediately. We only sent in some homeland people who were great by the way, to save the courthouse because it would have been blown up or burned down. They did that very easily. But if we were called upon we would send it whether it is homeland, whether it is fbi. Whether it is Law Enforcement. We send them in quickly. We would [inaudible] lou president respond to in any large city that needs federal help. Will do that immediately. Snapback sanctions applied instantly to iran after the u. N. Failed to do so. Rnc chair Ronna Mcdaniel and Rudy Giuliani among our guests tomorrow. My new book, the trump century, how the president changed the course of history, available at preorder at amazon. Com. See you tomorrow. Good night from sussex. President trump leading democrats like in new york or in portland. We made arrests in kansas city, chicago, cleveland, detroit, milwaukee, st. Louis, memphis, albuquerque. For many Violent Crimes including gun crimes and arson and 91 murders. Were using the full power of the federal government to defeat as you know the china virus. New cases have declined in 80 of the jurisdictions in the past

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