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Father on the phone with any number of different people and they never once spoke about any business dealings. It was all casual conversation, niceties, the weather. Laura is he like susan rice was during bengals. Send him out. They have gone from joe knows nothing to he may have spoken to hunters Business Associates but you cant prove any wrongdoing or that he actually helped hunters clients. Gosh, they think you are this stupid. Their new spin is about as convincing as their new pitch that bidenomics is working. Did you see this today . Bidens over all approval alltime low on the economy just 34 . So im telling you, americans are not this stupid. Facts are stubborn things. People see that as most americans are getting poorer, the bidens keep getting richer. How is that happening . During the past several years, the evidence about hunter has pointed to one unmistakable conclusion. The biden family acted like the u. S. Government was for sale. Hunters old pal and Business Partner devon archer testified on capitol hill today and he confirmed what we suspected before, that joe biden lied when he said he didnt know anything about his sons business. Well, we all know that when he was v. P. Joe biden was put on phone call with hunter and his client not to discuss the weather, as fascinating as joes perspective on the weather must be, but to reassure those clients that the big guy was on their side. Archer testified that hunter put his father on Speaker Phone while meeting with Business Partners at least 20 times. A lot of weather to talk about and said that joe biden was on the phone to basically sell the brand. Now, no one should really get hung up as sometimes republicans are want to do on whether sufficient proof exists to convict joe biden of a financial crime. Thats irrelevant here. If biden had any brains, he would never have wanted funds to go directly to himself anyway. It would be better if it all went to his son or brother or anyone in his family for that matter as long as it went to a biden. Again, consider what we already know, hunter was promoting himself as someone who could get things done. Remember the whatsapp message. We know that his dad was happy to participate in these calls with hunters foreign clients. And im thinking about this today, im thinking imagine for one millisecond if the same fact pattern applied to don jr. And donald trump. Do you think the New York Times would be defending their actions because there isnt a smoking gun . Theres never a concern about needing a smoking gun when the bogus trump investigations are involved. Thats never a consideration. We all know that hunter was paid obscene amounts of money for one reason and one reason only. He could deliver results. What Foreign Energy company or bank would ever consider writing a check for 10 million as burisma did and expect nothing in return, just nothing . Do we think the Chinese Energy firm cefc a big conglomerate just randomly wrote checks, whether or not they actually received services in return in the type of services that only hunter could provide. Yet, thats the type of absurd argument that the democrats would have us believe. Or to put it another way, that hunter, who had precisely no expertise in international business, essentially, i guess, bulked his foreign clients, cheated them out of millions of dollars, because his dad just did nothing for them. But, come on. We all know thats another lie because we know joe made it clear what he would do to zelenskyy if the prosecutor was not fired that just so happened to be investigating burisma. I said youre not getting a billion. Im going to be leaving here and i think it was 6 hours. I said im leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, youre not getting the money. Well son of a bitch. [laughter] got fired and they put in place someone who was solid. Laura Investigate Burisma remember how trump was impeached over a phone call, trying to get to the bottom of that . There has never been a time like this in our country. They go around indicting me for nothing and this is a crime family. That was like mobsters the way they spoke on the phone. The way he spoke on the phone about his father sitting there and he was sitting there does anyone have a doubt about that . Amongst the many shocking revelations from archer was this that hunter biden and top executives at burisma called d. C. In 2015 to ask the Obama Administration to help fire the ukrainian prosecutor investigating the firm. That was today. Now, we asked from the beginning i think the only question that really matters here how did the bidens get so rich and what services were paid to hunter biden under these circumstances . Now, at this point, just to save the u. S. Government any more money on these investigations, we actually should consider Getting Congress just to pass something called the biden Family Support act for 2023 just appropriate, i dont know, 50 million to the family and be done with all of them for once and for all. Think about how much money we are spending here. Im only half kidding. This has never really been a hunter biden scandal, as slimy as he obviously is. This has always been a biden family scandal. And everyone knows it. Everyone in that hearing room today know it. Every lawyer worth his salt knows it. Every lobbyist, every foreign official. So tonight im telling you this that democrats cannot keep spinning and lying to us. I mean, they can try and do it to themselves. Its not going to change the following, that this saga has formed another political cloud over joe biden that will never depart. And if the democrats continue to defend this by hanging it all on legal semantics, no one is going to take them seriously on any other ethical matter, not ever certainly not involving trump. How silly, how hypocritical does biden sound when lecturing other countries now about democracy or about the need to preserve norms . Joe, what norms are those, exactly . Do you think your whacked out son to make money by his dropping your name, putting you on the Phone Bragging about how the bidens always deliver and then leaving the customer with a, what, we are supposed to believe a pretty box full of air and yet they wrote these big checks . Is this what democracy looks like, biden style . The best lawyer in america may never be able to prove that joe biden had the intent to solicit bribes and the senate probably wouldnt have the votes anyway to convict him if he was actually impeached, but that is beside the point. Its not about whether joe himself committed a crime its whether we really want to reward this family with four more years in office. The democrats just want us all to move on. And, yes, we intend to from the bidens and thats the angle. Joining me now is mollie hemingway, editor and chief at the federalist and Miranda Devine new york columnist. They are both Fox News Contributors. Just as shocking as these revelations from archer the statement from the white house claiming that this proves President Biden did nothing wrong. That was very interesting statement to get from the white house. Of course it matches what their interest is. What happened today was actually quite breathtaking devon archer saying that burisma executives joe biden was speaking in front of the Ukrainian Parliament laying the ground work get this guy fired and as you showed he bragged about getting it done within just a few short month. This teaches us so much how this biden Family Business worked, Foreign Oligarchs. Ukraine is one example. China, and russia. Paid millions of dollars to the biden family for just this type of action. This is amazingly corrupted behavior we played that snippet from congressman goldman, the democratic who was in the hearing today he came out and they decided they the cred. They were going to use him as the susan rice, bengals i know you love that comparison. This is what he claimed was vindicated today. Watch this. There is not a shred of evidence of a single conflict of evidence of President Biden ever doing admission in connection with or in relation to Hunter Bidens Business Ventures other than advocating for the removal of a Prosecutor General who was advantageous to burisma. Laura miranda, he is Flop Sweating there if you look closely and i think for good reason. Your reaction . That, in itself, dan goldman has done it again. He is playing the role of the Defense Counsel for the biden family but he cant seem to get out of his prosecutorial previous role because is he making the case for the prosecution against joe biden here again. So, Victor Shokin at the very time that he was removed on the orders of joe biden the prosecutor there. Burisma the company that was paying hunter biden 83,000 a month hunter biden and devon archer getting joe biden on the phone to talk to their burisma pay masters in buoy by we had Victor Shokin seizing all property belonging to the owner of burisma in kyiv. And so he was operating as a thorn in the side of burisma and we know that because the burisma executives were extorting and trying to get devon archer and hunter biden to do something about shokin because it was causing them problems. Again, this. Laura im just saying you took the words out of my mouth. I mean, the fact pattern here, mollie, is not this is not a coincidence. This all just happened to happen at the same time. What talented that you may be aware of in all of your reporting, does hunter biden have in International Finance . This is what is so amazing. We had all the drama during the Trump Administration which whatever you want to say about this family, they were known as a Global Business involving real estate. And our media were so curious about every little aspect of that here you have the biden Family Business. Theres not a single like tangible thing that they offer, other than changes to u. S. Policy, which we now have evidence that there was a change in u. S. Policy that was advantageous to burisma, which was paying the Vice President s son money for that access. These types of things or we also learned, you know, there was moscow wife of the former mayor of moscow was giving money to the bidens. She is mysteriously not on the Sanction List that we have against so many russians. This is what was offered. There is nothing tangible or like that anyone would realistically pay hunter biden or other biden Family Members for other than that access to joe biden. More of the spin coming out of this was that hunter was selling the allusion. That word was thrown out today. The allusion that his father would step in and help. So were supposed to believe, i guess, that he cheated his clients and that all these huge con glom member rats and sophisticated financiers were Writing Checks for nothing . And if so did hunter biden declare a gift on his tax return . Because that would be subject to gift tax if, in fact, he was paid to do nothing. I dont believe he did. The spin coming out of the democrats is just desperate and hilarious to pretend that its nothing that joe biden appeared on Speaker Phone at as many as 20 Business Meetings that hunter was having with his overseas benefactors who were spraying him with diamonds and cash to pretend that thats nothing and joe biden was dialed in to talk about the weather . Of course joe biden is not going to discuss the fine points of the deal. Laura he is not that dumb. Chairman. Its the whole point of Influence Peddling is to demonstrate that you can get the most powerful man in that country, in ukraine, or china, on the phone in a moments notice. And that was what was demonstrated with those phone calls and those dinners, and Everybody Knows that you know, i think that democrats think they can get away with it because the New York Times and cnn and the Washington Post will not report on this as they should. They will report it as the spin from the white house, which is that joe biden is suck his father. He calls his son every day. Laura yeah. But there was no conflict, mollie, because joe biden didnt say well, by the way, burisma, my son is actually working and to help burisma and they might be helped if this guy gets fired. He needed to say that at the very least. Nothing but Conflict Of Interest when you are taking money from Foreign Oligarchs access. Laura mollie and miranda, great to see you dont, thank you. We will have more with Oversight Committee member Byron Donalds. I cant wait to hear what he says about what happened today on the show later on. But, up next, u. S. Cities collapsing and meet aoc. Wasnt she supposed to be a progressive . Next. Laura well, i dont think this is the heap that sinatra was singing about. In new york over the weekend, hundreds of migrants violently tried to bust into the once luxurious Roosevelt Hotel and nypd had to be called as the poor people who were working Hotel Security could not handle what amend amounted to be a not so small migrant right. As of this Morning Hundreds were still camped outside. Throughout the weekend, dozens of migrants were told there was no space inside. And many waited in a line that wrapped around a city block. Others slept outside. Since last spring, more than 93,000 migrants or Asylum Seekers have arrived here to new york city. Some have been bussed to other locations. But there are still more than 56,000 in the citys care. Now, this is what democrats have always wanted though, isnt it . An open border that would help usher in a new america. And this is what were getting. Millions upon millions of illegals who fanned out across america with their free cell phones and dubious intentions. They want benefits and they are hurting those already struggling, people struggling the most like minorities in chicago. The community continues continues to feel inundated trash, loitering, parking, noise and most recently the national violent. They drink, they deal drugs. There prostitution. There are the citizens are afraid. They disrespect us. They rob us. They harassed us. We deal with it. Deal with the streets. I havent felt safe Walking School he should be able to walk freely to and from school. Laura of course, if democrat policies arent littering urban american with illegal aliens destroying it permissive policies toward crime. Look at once grand san francisco. City leaders seem more concerned about removing elons musk from twitters former headquarters than actually locking up violent offenders. Its a Sanctuary City not just for illegals but for deranged politicians as well it turns out. City residents were incensed to learn that d. A. Brook jenkins decided not to charge two defendants behind the violent carjacking and crash you see here. Even with the perpetrator caught on video. Well, jenkins says more investigation is required to properly charge this case. What a place. One where job creators are hassled but thugs doing drugs are coddled. Miles away in oakland the violence has gotten so bad that the naacp is demanding that city leaders declare Crime A State Of Emergency surely things in our Nations Capital got to be better . Wrong. Endangered species and here is where things stand. Compared with this time last year homicide rates in d. C. Are currently up 17 . Carjackings up 117 . And Violent Crime overall is up 38 . In fact, the situation has gotten so dire in washington, d. C. , that the Mexican Consulate there, yes, Mexican Consulate has issued a warning to their citizens. Attention mexican community, the city of washington, d. C. Is experiencing a significant increase in crime in areas previously considered safe take precautions. Now, liberals always hated the idea, didnt they, of american greatness. And america as number one. And we are getting a clear idea of what it all looks like because this is what it is, third world america. Now, for years, we have told you that aoc was a progressive fraud. She had an opportunity to meet conservative populist in the middle on issues like government surveillance, these forever wars and not letting big business dictate our lives stuff we could Work Together on. Of course she is too obsessed with political power to do any of that now the liberal media are finally catching up. A recent piece in the new York Magazine declared aoc is a regular old democrat now saying since taking office in january 2019, she has deferred to Party Leadership again and again on issues that matter, even as she has made token gestures of resistance to try to solidify the allusion that she is a a good fly. Steven, she is she is entitled. Petulant. Good at tiktok and those types of things. She is ultimately going to bow down to the establishment in the end. Its entirely a performative rebelliousness. There is no actual rebellian. There is no actual resistance democrat leadership. Issue after issue indistinguishable from corporate democrats. Look on the reauthorization bill. She voted with democrat leadership to kill every amendment to impose some kind of control on the ukraine policy not only voted against the funding ukraine war. Joe biden to have a strategy on ukraine. She has gone full blown neocon, laura. Laura neocon prowar type. She sees what happened with kyrsten sinema. They just want to leave her behind and leave her in the dust in the democrat party. Anyone else. She could have actually made real alliances with conservative populist on these issues that she claimed which she campaigned to care about. Thee is more repulsed by conservatives than she is with any allegiance towards real progressivism. Thats the real tragedy. It would actually be good for our country. Laura Work Together. Good for our country to have a real patriotic left, that questioned mega corporations. Questioned oligarchy, questioned the war machine, that questioned by the way who is profiting from open borders. Laura like Glenn Greenwald one of those people. Having that in congress would be very good for america. We would wants those kinds of leftists. Now they are all the same bland old horrible d. C. Democrat that is for corporate policy and war policy down the line. Laura aoc solidified her cred with this latest endorsement. I think he has done quite well, given the limitations that we have. I do think that there ebbs and flows as there are in any presidency. The Inflation Reduction Act was a massive step in terms of our climate agenda. Will you be supporting joe biden for reelection . I believe given that field, yes. Is it just me or did she look like she actually was laughing at herself saying that she looked like she was going to burst into lafayette are because she knows its all bs. Given given in place. Inflation reduction act. What is that going to do. Jfk jr. Probably disagree on 90 of the issues. I have to have higher percentage. To have people what is big pharma up to. What are big business up to. Why is there censorship on the First Amendment . All the kinds of issues that should unite right and left. Laura trump should hitth hit illegal immigration. Do not just if he campaigns. I absolutely agree. Chicago, oakland, st. Louis. The black vote is up for grabs more than ever on this issue after whats happened under biden with the delusion of their communities. Laura i said this to desantis people and trump people it should be no state or city left behind. Go do it, laura. Laura thank you. Thank you. Laura now its fulltime for our political pallet cleanser. Laura how to beat the unbearable heat. California Police Responding to a bear sighting in burbank the found the Animal Bare Naked in a jacuzzi behind the home. The heat was turned off. The bear lounged blew some bubbles. Escaped over a wall. Thats tonights palate cleanser. J. D. Vance is here with reaction next. Will you pause it real quick . mumbles just sold the car to carvana. What . All i had to do was answer a couple questions and got a real offer in seconds. Then, they just picked up the car and paid me right on the spot. Sell your car at carvana dot com today. How do you think republicans can justify blasting bidenomics when what they are saying about his policies is objectively false . People need to stop paying attention to the polls and start paying attention to what joe biden is actually doing. And the numbers dont lie. Republicans do. Laura the numbers dont lie, what . What is she looking at . What polls are they talking about . A new cbs poll for one most respondents describing the economy uncertain along with calling it bad and struggling. Only 34 approve of joe biden, the job he is doing on the economy and when asked what comes to mind when voters think of bidenomics . Half of respondents said inflation smarted americans, 49 inflation. While 32 percent said job creation. No comment. Joining me now is j. D. Vance. They are going to spend a time and money selling bidenomics. My point on friday night is a point im going to state again for those who missed it. If republicans get caught in the culture wars and leave the economic lane to biden, anythings possible. Do you not agree . Thats exactly right, laura. Most americans are voting their pocketbook and look Biden Economics is a failure we need to point that out and make the case to the people make their lives better. Average ohioans bidenomics is higher food and gas prices. Its the fact if your children cant afford a home these days because Interest Rates are so high and all of the homes are going to chinese investors and illegal aliens who are coming in and taking them. Bidenomics is the emiss ration of the american middle class average American Family has 500 or fewer in the bank account and worried about taking vacation. What bidenomics is doing is taking american citizens and turn them into permanent renters. People that cant afford a home and slice of their own nation. That is not a record of achievement but republicans cannot forget it and cannot ignore that reality. Most americans right now feel very precarious in their economic lives and they have every right. To say they have a right to expect the government put their interest first. Thats the argument republicans have to make. If we do, laura, we are going to wind a landslide 2024 and get a chance to govern this country. Laura trump is way ahead of everybody in the field. Its just stunning every Demographic Group he is leading. Desantis didnt listener to what we were trying to say earlier. Away from that and go back to the economy. I know you have endorsed President Trump. But, at this point, do you agree that a discussion about, like, slavery and School Curricula vs. How much is gas going to be in 2025 . Thats there is no contest there what people want to hear. Yeah, look, laura, obviously the cultural stuff matters, the life issue matters. Laura you bet. American values matters. And you and i agree on that. We also have to recognize that most americans are voting their pocketbooks and rightfully so. If you think of the entire trump campaign, he still is talking about issues that most conventional republicans are terrified of, including by the way his competitors in the republican primary field. Is he talking about trade. Is he talking about the fact that Immigration Steals Wages from working and middle class americans that if we have 10 million, 15 million illegal aliens coming in and taking homes from the Average American Citizen Next Generation is not going to be able to afford to buy a home. Thats what people care about. Its an insult and a terrible verdict on the Republican Party that donald trump is still one of the few people in our movement who is still talking about these issues. Laura the working class. The rest of the party ha catch up here. Laura speaking of this is right in your wheelhouse, senator. News came out this afternoon bloomberg reporting that a Political Action committee with close ties to billionaire charles koch has raised now 78 million in the first half of 2023 with pretty much the sole purpose of preventing President Trump from becoming the republican nominee. Its Americans For Prosperity pac or Something Like that. Your reaction to that development . We have to remember what that money wants. That what that money wants is wide open borders and it wants to continue to ship our Industrial Base all of our good jobs and our manufacturing to china and the rest of east asia. They hate donald trump because they hate the agenda and they hate the fact that Working Class Americans are finally starting to fight back. We cannot ignore whats at stake in this election. This is the main reason, laura, i would say to folks should support donald trump for president because if trump loses, either the primary or the general election, all of the old School Establishment republicans will try to take us back to the losing agenda that led to the emiss ration, the end in many ways of the traditional american middle class if trump can win and if he can pull outs a Governing Agenda over the next four years. What we have a chance to do is reset the Republican Party. Its not shocking the old guard is putting hundreds of millions of dollars. The question is what do we do and we have to fight for it. Laura yeah. Well, desantis message is very similar to trumps. If you listened to him in New Hampshire today it was get rid of most favored nation status for china and, you know, there are a lot of good things there but, i mean, trump is just destroying the field right now, fascinating but charles koch is very worried. Senator, great to see you. Joe biden offers a shocking admission in a brand new interview and black voters arent buying the white house line. Raymond arroyo has it all seen and unseen is next. Municipal bonds dont usually get the Media Coverage the stock market does. In fact, most people dont find them all that exciting. But, if youre looking for the potential for consistent income thats federally taxfree, now is an excellent time to consider Municipal Bonds from hennion walsh. If you have at least 10,000 to invest, call and talk with one of our Bond Specialists at 18002173217. Well send you our exclusive bond guide, free. With details about how bonds can be an important part of your portfolio. Hennion walsh has specialized in fixed income and Growth Solutions for 30 years, and offers highquality Municipal Bonds from across the country. They provide the potential for regular income. Are federally taxfree. And have historically low risk. Call today to request your free bond guide. 18002173217. Thats 18002173217. Laura its time for seen and unseen segment where we reveal the stories behind the headlines for that we turn to Fox News Contributor raymond arroyo. While we learn more about bidens business dealings, joe is offering his own true confession. You know, laura, when public figures let their guard down, thats often when the truth comes tumbling out. Joe biden sat for a Wellness Podcast for who else would you turn to for wellness advice. He offered sage tips for coincluding with World Leaders to deceive the public. Listen have any will say to leaders sometimes why dont you let me criticize you for this or thank you for that and most of the time they will go okay. Or why dont you why dont you criticize me. Why dont you criticize me for my not doing something and then i will respond and say okay. And then can you do what you want to do . So basically, laura, Joe Biden Conspires with World Leaders to create a dumb show for the public so they can all go out and do whatever the hell they want to do. Thats called deception and its really a bad look when you are being charged with making money off of foreign entities. I love the dark. Creepy. Appropriate, ray. Very intimate. Almost confessional. And then the president offered this advice to those the frail elderly. Its like, you know, you are walking across an intersection they dont let me do that anymore. And walk across an intersection and there is an elderly man and woman and waiting to see if they have enough time. Just grab their hand and walk them across. Its a little tiny thing but it the anxiety it relieves. Good to know the anxiety is being decreased all the time. Ainsley what . Ray, im sorry, raymond, is he talking about himself. Great. It looks like he he looks like he is going out of his way now to acknowledge his seventh granddaughter after years of ignoring her. I have seven grandkids. You know, every day i either text them or call them. Being there is important and makes such a difference, i think. Now, laura, this new affection for his granddaughter is clearly happening because the polling is so bad among democrats and especially the black community. This is cheryl underwoods podcast from yesterday. Listen to this. They dont want to acknowledge the other baby. Im going to tell you from the black side. No matter whether friend or foe, as soon as the baby show up, we love the baby while people have no shill when it come to a Baby Showing Up that they never acknowledge. Do you know why this all this matters, laura, the Washington Post found a 10 drop in the turnout among black voters in the midterms compared to 2018 and in a new the Washington Post poll, 25 of black respondents said they would be disappointed if joe biden were elected this is a bad time for democrats and black constituents. Laura raymond, i think that a lot of votes for the taking there on the illegal immigration issue and on issues like this. I think part of the reason you are seeing this volatility in the black community is for another reason. Kamala harris. Here she was this weekend. What we need to do to reform the criminal justice system, which is something i have been working on my entire career as you know. That is about restructuring and thinking about how we restructure, how we think about what causes people to enter the system. Especially if you enter the system thinking about restructuring it. Laura. Im sure that would really focus us to think about the entering and restructuring. Didnt she lock up all these people . Rewriting the whole story. She was like go get them throw away the key. That was her reputation when she was in power. You bet. Laura im not following the redo of the image. Finally, laura, you remember Greta Thunberg famously chiding the United Nations for their sluggish response on climate change. How dare you, you have stolen my dreams and my childhood. Well, it turns out she says this all the time. Here is greta from over the weekend. Somebody spilled a drink at lunch, apparently. Im so sorry. How dare you. You have stolen my dreams and my childhood . You know, laura, it gets hard to take any of this seriously. It brings us full circle to what biden said at the top. I guess you say im going to criticize you for this. I will say that. You say this. And then we will do whatever we want. Did seems to be with greta here, too. Laura its all performance art. We are all being punched. And the children of the climate as we know. We are looking forward to that new release. Raymond, she is laughing at herself but really laughing at us. Thanks, ray. After devon archers testimony today the biden doj its possible looks even more corrupt. House Oversight Committee member Byron Donalds is here next to tell us why. President biden, in ukraine and that he was a man of the highest integrity, who only advocated on behalf of the united states. Democrats might believe that, but the American People are paying attention. 60 of voters believed biden has been part of an illegal coverup to hide his involvement in his son hunters foreign Business Deals and that comes before devon archer revealed the 20 Interactions Joe had with hunters business clientele, that occurred. Joining me now is a member of the house Oversight Committee. After what we heard from devon archer, only a few people were allowed as part of that proceeding. It makes the doj look more corrupt for almost getting away with that Sweetheart Plea Deal with hunter biden last week. That plea deal was designed to cover up the corruption surrounding joe biden and his family. Especially when you look at the facts that the violations were buried in this gun charge and now what Devon Archer Has come forward and said, he confirms the fact that not only was he operating as an unregistered Foreign Agent that his daddy was always on call. If my wife or my son say come to dinner, the first question is who is at dinner . This stinks. It is Influence Peddling and public corruption. The democrats require a clear paper trail that joe biden would be stupid enough to allow to occur, to go back to him when he was Vice President , to have a problem with how this appears. At the very least, appears. They just want that because they are trying to defend their man. When it was donald trump, they moved quickly on a phone call. It was about the same allegations that pan out to be true about hunter biden and joe biden. They dont care about the paper trail. They care joe biden has done the democrats bidding when it comes to policy in the federal government and they want to protect that. Listen to what adam schiff said yesterday. They seem to be in search of a subject, and search of evidence. Mccarthy is not thinking about what he is doing to the country, which is devastating, these faux investigations and the potential abuse of the impeachment power. Apparently he has a case of amnesia. He is a liar and a hack. With all the information we have, in about six months of investigation, we have more than they wish they had on donald trump and they are going after him using the department of justice, which is corrupt. Adam schiff needs to sit down because he lied to the American People. They are hauling these poor workers into squeeze them out of the deal. Which of the American People know now. They see this for what it is. This is the Biden Administration and his hit man going after their political rival and they dont like it. Its it stinks of twotiered justice. It happens in third world countries and it is wrong for our country. Remember to follow me on twitter and instagram and set your dvr to never miss us. It is america, now and forever. Jesse watters takes it from h here. Jesse tonight. I am the biggest [bleep] in the history of the mafia. A Family Insider flips on the big guy. Get out of cities. The president has. Consequences catch up to you. Jesse the hunter becomes the hunted

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