Flames came dangerously close to his home, scorching nearly every building on his street. As of this hour hundreds are presumed missing bodies being pulled from the ocean after people had no choice but to jump in to escape the flames. Thousands are scrambling for safety. Max gordon is on the ground in maui. Max. You got it there. Its an Island Paradise that was turned into a hellscape the field behind Me Blackenned by the fire, the scent of smoke heavy in the air but good news this morning We Saw Rain Roll through. Much neededed needed for this scorched island. My gosh. Look at the harbor. Oh my gosh. Long time residents here shock at what they saw, people here in maui have dealt with so much loss because of these fires at least 36 people dead, its the deadliest u. S. Fire since the 2018 campfire. Officials here say the conditions have been dry and winds from passing Hurricane Dora fanned fires and caused them to spread quickly gusts up to 85 Miles Per Hour reported, grounding firefighting aircraft. Communities on maui decimated block after block burned to the ground. In some cases people had to jump into the ocean to escape the flames. Some are left with nothing. At least 11,000 people have been evacuated from the island of maui via air. Right now Hawaiian Airlines is offering 19 tickets to get people to other islands and today around 1500 people are expected to leave the island via air. Thank you. Now to rick, fox weather center. Yes just want to show you the setup of what caused. This we talked about Hurricane Dora. Thats south 700 miles away. High pressure to the north. Its those two in conjunction that funneled all the winds through. Youll notice where they are now moving past hawaii so the winds calming down. Few before and after pictures. You see almost all of lahaina burned. This is the outlet of maui. Now to banyan court, wins up to 80 Miles Per Hour and right there in the Larger Population area. Right now, winds have calmed down but around 2025 Miles Per Hour, across the area that certainly is improvement. One thing i want to show you we as of yesterday 6 percent of the entire state of hawaii was in drought. Now the number has gone up to 14 percent and new monitor out but the worst is on mauai severe drought and the precipitation its the one island here below average, so maybe a little bit of rain coming in over the next few days but they have a deficit in the rain and thats the problem. Max, youre seeing something new. We have a Chinook Helicopter here carrying a bucket of water. This is one of the important Tools Firefighters use to dowse the flames and one of the reasons its made difficult by high wind. You can see it circling around. Not sure where this helicopter has been making this bucket drop but this is the first time we have seen the chinook in action. The National Guard has been the Ground Aiding in the Search And Rescue efforts and as you can see theyre helping out with the firefighting efforts. Jesse. Dana perino has a question. I was wondering given what we know, this happened quickly yesterday and looked like it was far enough away people could take an assessment and decide whether to leave but do you think there could have been more warning the government could have provided to save their property or lives . Yeah, so we had a combination of a lot of different environmental factors. We had dry conditions on the ground. This part of maui in a drought high winds low relative humidity creating a firestorm that moved very quickly. You know, im not necessarily going to second guess whether or not there should have been Evacuation Orders but when a fire starts moving with 80 mileanhour winds, oftentimes theres not much firefighters are able to do to stop the flames and we saw the fire move into the town and go from building to building. When a fire goes through and this is a historic area its like a chain reaction. We saw buildings going down and we saw the town essentially decimated. Max thanks for the reporting. Are there people stranded in places where they want to evacuate . We saw reports of that. Im hoping thats wrong. You know, i havent necessarily heard of anybody stranded. I know that evacuations are going. County of maui busing people to the airport trying to get as and out as possible but Search And Rescue operations are ongoing. One thing making the a lot more difficult is that communications are spotty on the west side. Cell towers down, phone lines down, power out so some people might not be able to contact their loved ones and death toll could rise. Judge. People jumping in ocean because they felt they couldnt having been in a national or i mean a natural emergency, once the Search And Rescue is over they have to feel confident that someone is going to save them not emotionally from the trauma but emotional financially to allow them to build again the army corps of engineers. What is the plan Going Forward once the Search And Rescue is over . Will the people be allowed to come in and assist the people from hawaii . Yes, a major disaster declaration is going to unlock federal funds. We are going to have to wait and see. I think right now we are in the Assessment Phase seeing whats broken finding the people who are missing and then we are going to get to next steps but what is clear is going to take a long time for folks to recover. Weve got more than 200 structures burned down in lahaina. A lot of things cant be replaced. Greg. The variables of a dry summer and strong winds created this devastation, but how did it start . Usually these things are man caused. There could have been volcanic. Do they have any idea . We dont know what caused these fires also this is not necessarily a volcanic island. It is part after volcanic chain but there arent active volcanoes so we have to wait for officials how it started. Lets take it over to rick, last words. The active volcano is on the big island so not there in maui but with winds this high very easily knocked power lines down and spark the vegetation. Way too early to figure out what it is but because there were a few fires winds knocking down power lines would be suspect. Thank you rick and max. Coming up on the five. Liberal leaders slamming joe biden over the border crisis. Frustrated by skin tags . Dr. Scholls has the breakthrough youve been waiting for. The first fdacleared athome skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. Remember the things you loved. Before asthma got in the way . Fasenra is an addon treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. Its designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. Fasenra is not for sudden Breathing Problems or other eosinophilic conditions. Allergic reactions may occur. Dont stop your Asthma Treatments without talking with your doctor. Tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. Headache and sore throat may occur. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. Get back to better breathing. Ask your doctor about fasenra. Better late than never democrats quickly catch than on to the fact joe biden has messed up the border and the city runs out of room to house migrants in the massachussetts democrat governor is out right declaring one over her state surge. Immigration system in this nation is broken. New york city has been left to pick up the pieces. New yorkers are going to be left with a 12 billion bill. This is a national issue. It demands a national response. Today i am declaring a State Of Emergency in massachussetts. Critically, i am delivering an urgent and formal appeal to the federal government for intervention and action. And you know joe biden is screwed when the liberal media and the squad are calling out his border failures. We need leadership from President Biden, period. Democrats are looking bad right now in New York State and thats unacceptable when we have to win at least four congressional seats to take back the house. So, hopefully the president is listening. You look at the skeengs out of new york out of massachussetts its a State Of Emergency. Theres nothing positive about this for anybody involved here and this is just a situation that looks to be completely out of control. Showi a local channel in new jersey. Yeah its called Happy Days With Joe very strange couple. I point out the process of matching liberal consequences to liberal fantasies and this has achieved probably more than anything republicans have ever done Busing Migrants. Now they have to face their own problems. Its brilliant. Its harrowing and its an emergency. One of the motivators for the governor to start Busing Migrants because the white house condemned anyone on the board are for taking action any State Government for taking action at the border and the white house saying this is a federal government responsibility. No can iing. Nobody cared that local show of happy joe didnt care about anybody in the border state. No. So they start busing the migrants and that was racist and bigoted. Now you have mayors major cities having to say we need a State Of Emergency but what are they doing . Theyre doing something that is the going to backfire. They might get binds attention but theyre asking for more resources and access for migrants to get jobs. Does that discourage any migrant from coming across . No because you have more money and opportunities for jobs sooner. Thats not going to stop the problem. I do say those governors for example Governor Abbott was called every name in the book but he stick thipt and now you have governor healey saying this is a National Problem. For once we agree. Judge it is frustrating when you hear these leaders saying its a National Problem because you spend so many years prenning behind the virtue of Sanctuary Cities and mocking State Leaders and you could have watched the five and figured this out three years ago. Thats right. Its like what i said yesterday, you know. They condemn the movement of the migrants of the southern states. They call it a political stunt. They said it was inhumane. They said it was racist and they came out to welcome them and said like mayor adams, who are a sanctuary city. Lets meet you at the bus and shake your hands and get you into hotels and 50 percent of hotels are filled with migrants. Then all of a sudden theres too many they say gee maybe we got it wrong but if you listen to jamaal brown its not they got it wrong because the law said they cant come n. Its because we are democrats and we are going to look bad. And lose. And they know that and theres another example the democrats want to reinvent the wheel cancel everything that donald trump did, they didnt want to remain in mexico. They didnt want to do anything and now they have the consequences and now we have got schools starting in a couple weeks. Do you know how many schools have to hire teachers who speak ten languages they dont know in order to start . No one is talking about that. Its a nightmare. You know i thought harold your idea at the break was absolutely brilliant when you said all these new workers, why not have them build the wall . I thought that was just amazing. You solve two problems. They got jobs. They build the wall. You should be our border czar. I dont remember half the things i say. Biden had been on the defensive in immigration on the border since he took office. If i were advising him i would tell him this is time to build a Bipartisan Group of senators and congressman bring them to the white house, sit them around the table let the press in and say lets hammer out 45 things we can agree on. Build a wall. 2, increase Border Patrol and agents. 3 lets stop busing people around the country because there is not working it was a gimmick at the beginning but i agree with everyone around the table we are seeing the kind of pressure that it puts on doesnt matter if youre democrat or republican as mayor governor these are real issues these are real people and these issues cost real money and create great pressure. Why stop it . If its working. Its working as a stunt. You cant criticize congressman bowman. He said he wanted to do it for the politics. We need to fix it. 3 lets develop a real strategy to invest in the hemisphere. Vicepresident harris responsibility assigned to i think its never too late to step up and provide this kind of leadership. 3,we have to develop a strategy to go after the cartels, President Biden and President Trump. President trump had Creative Ideas how to go after cartels. We should think more creatively how to do this and finally should not be lost on anyone, we need not on Immigration Policy to help the border but would have a Worker Shortage Challenge in the country. Im saying let a select group of people in but it wont happen unless theres leadership at the top. Boring, but thats what i think. Im getting ribbed later. We were talking about ribs. Jesse, i think there should be a new mesherment of time called the fiber the time between us pointing out a serious problem and everybody else from happy joe coming to the same conclusion, i call that a fiver. I call it a fiver too. Lets go with that. This adams guy pathetic. Tiptoeing around calling joe biden out. Hes already got kicked off the reelection committee. Go for it. Right. Say, joe biden, you, yeah, im talking to you, get down here and help us out. Get control of the border. Give us the money and figure it out. This is kill us here. Why doesnt he do that . Why is he so scared of joe biden . Bowman is not scared of him. Bowman name checked him. I dont care if he does it for political reasons as long as he does something. Get joe bidens tension. Scarborough joe biden watches that show every morning, only thing he watches on tv so scarborough knows hes talking to the president and trying to warn the president this is a political problem and they just basically admitted the democrats arent going to do anything about a problem until it becomes a political problem so the republicans to have take the problems the democrats are making and make them a political problem for the democrats. Republicans arent smart enough to figure out, i mean finally abbott and desantis figured it out but if the National Party can figure out how to make Fentanyl A Problem for the democrats, inflation, you got to put the heat on the democrats because theyre allpolitics. They dont care about the people. They care about their own power. Yeah. All right. Coming up the Meddle Covering for Hunter Bidens caldron of corruption as republicans uncover more evidence of his malfeasance. burke a new car loses about ten percent of its value the minute you drive off the lot. Or more. Thats why farmers new Car Replacement pays to replace it with a new one of the same make and model. Get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum woman why did we choose safelite . Vo for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. We went to safelite. Com. Theres no one else wed trust. Their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our cars advanced safety system. They focus on our safety. So we can focus on this little guy. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. We start with sustainably grown cotton from the rich red soul of north alabama, here on our family farm. Then we partner with family owned mills from maine to mississippi to manufacture our cotton into quality American Made fabrics that become our heirloom inspired bedding, towels, blankets and apparel. Experience our 100 American Made luxury linens for yourself. Go to red line Cotton Dot Com and receive 15 off your order with code fox news. Republicans putting the pedal to the metal apparently to uncover more evidence of potential biden family corruption, releasing bank records over hubs Business Dealings and huge payday of 20 million. The cash flow stems from Hunter Bidens time with burisma and bidens time as vicepresident. I wish the media would have asked the president what exactly did your family do to receive this 21 million the House Oversight committee has proven. He says thats not true. We have their bank records bank records dont lie. That might seem a hard sell politico accused of biased. Quote. The Washington Post fact checked and update to the hunter biden after devin archer saying joe didnt dine with the Burisma Executive and msnbc. Jesse weve come a long way from republicans are Conspiracy Theorists making up lies about joanne hunter, of course they got 20 million but you cant say it went directly to joe biden. The russia hoax. Trump had the same answer for two and a half years. No collusion. The answer never changed. Joes answer has changed 17 times and the media arent curious about why its changing. If youre a journalist, and someone continues to lie over and over again, and it used to be a conspiracy. Now its okay if i have dinner with a Burisma Executive for an hour. What . What is this guy hiding . We have no money from china. Actually it says youve taken 6 million from china and no, my family hasnt taken anything. J. P. Morgan sits at 6 million and the media ask about Climate Change. The minute they ask the question the entire biden presidency is happening. What is happening to the media . You get the impression that everybody knew this so its no longer a big deal but when you ask about it they say how dare you. Now its like yeah, but its just money. Everybody does it, especially the bidens. And by the way, thats one rallying cry, knob direct payments. You get behind that one. 21 million Biden Companies and cronies, dozens of phone calls the drugs the guns hookers neglected grind child the lies but no direct payment. We havent discussed the war. Think about it. There is something going on here with biden. Obviously he was there a long time before this started. We got a war and it doesnt even feel like a war. Know what im saying . Feels like they do something and its basically an ongoing Profit Center and i think theres something there that we have yet to address that has to do with our president. Okay. Intruiging. Judge. Your thoughts. Well, just to take off of what greg just said, if the United States were really interested and engaging in war and ending it which is the focus of any war to get in hand get out we should have been involved when they were lining up the tanks on the border. We should have been involved when we knew and had information what was coming. What we have are payments that just keep going through from the United States and another few billion and everybody goes over there. Nancy goes over there, joe biden goes over there, joe biden goes over there and Randy Weingarten the whole issue the 21 million, you know what thats like, thats like a Defense Attorney telling a jury in a murder case the prosecutor did not have the victim tell you that he killed that victim. That i as a prosecutor should dig out the victim from the ground bring him in have him testify as to who killed him. Theres something called Circumstantial Evidence and when you put all the pieces together of the whistleblowers and the Bank Accounts and the lies and the facts that there was a laptop with emails that confirmed Everything Else and the timed Dinner Meetings about which the press lied and the warning post wont admit they said the wrong thing but while there was no record on the schedule about that famous meeting in georgetown with the Burisma Executive no record we didnt recognize the name. Now devin archer says he was there for done terry whole time. He was the executive from burisma. Its ridiculous. The press is not doing its job and in the end the American People dont need the press anymore. They see can see what it is. Elizabeth stepped into this a little bit, perhaps a thorn in bidens side if we have that sound bite please. I always worry about the influence peddlers in washington and we got to shut down the revolving door. We have got to have ethics rules that apply to everyone. What do you think of that harold . I think shes consistent how shes concerned about this issue but i would say three or four quick things. Hunt hears a lot of questions to answer. Ive not seen evidence and ive said on your show dana and this show two things are showing, or one of two things. Ill be the first to say not only is there a problem for the president but the congress should begin to act like theres a problem. Is there any evidence of vicePresident Biden in his official capacity receiving a payment . Second, is there any evidence of vicePresident Biden ordinary when he was in elected office or official capacity doing something to enable or help his son . If one or two of these things are true then congress would be right to begin impeachment proceeding. On putin and ukraine youre my friends but im for the United States. Im not for putin. I know youre for the United States but i remind you if we allowed putin to take ukraine without us providing assistance weapons and money to ukraine china my theory china would have taken taiwan and putin would not have stopped advancing across europe. Thats my opinion. I love you. I love you back. No, the whole idea that you need this information, you need this direct evidence, what did joe biden do as vicepresident to show there was a problem . He with held A Billion Dollars of american money until a prosecutor was fired. We are involved in the highest crime level in 30 years in this nation. Have you ever seen joe biden once, one time, with all the lunacy and all the chaos and anarchy in this country going after one prosecutor in the United States . Not a one but you can be sure hes going after the prosecutor in another country where his son is on a board making Million Dollars a year. He did it as president when he didnt sanction the woman who gave 3. 5 million to his family. I would say joe biden did benefit. I think its direct when your grandchildren who arent of voting age are getting thousands of dollars in their Bank Accounts. That seems like a direct benefit. I dont think the trump kids because they go into business and were in business when President Trump was in office that people shouldnt say they shouldnt be in business because their dad was in office. What in they were in business before that. We dont know what the bidens do. I hear you. Lobbyist. Thats a felony. A foreign agent. Jesse, questions to answer, i think taking it from hunt tore the president is a bigger lead. I thought we were over this. The media say you should wear a mask in your home. Turns out they didnt trust the printing of paper money, but they did trust gold and silver. Article 1, section 10. Gold and silver. Good for the founders, good for me, good for you. Rosland capital is a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. 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Limu emu doug what do we always say, son . Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Thats my boy. Now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh . Bye, uncle limu. Stay off the freeways only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. The covid quacks are back. Did you miss them . While cases of the virus are rising they remain a historic lows but this doctor thinks you should bust out the masks even while at home. We do the public a disservice by rolling over, saying lets move on because the truth is the virus doesnt care. Yes, you should be Wearing Masks in crowded areas. So certainly at home it works if you want to reduce household transmission. So greg will you continue to wear a mask when youre driving your car . Yes. In fact you know what i do i wear a mask when im putting on another mask. I dont like the period when im not covered so ill put a mask on when im getting the other mask. Before i get the other mask i have to wear a mask so im usually up early morning. As predicted masks became an identity marker. Its a Bumper Sticker for your face. Its like your body is now a use ed volvo. You got a brew piercing, maybe one or two tattoos from that spring break weekend where you decided you were going to be some kind of rastafarian and these are all visible so everybody can gaze at you and see how much you care and how many concerns you share and how complex your life is because you wear a mask thats so important but in reality youre like that woman in that room. Youre alone lonely sad and broken. Youre a broken person. Did i see this in the green room too . All right, harold. I think its 25 percent of americans dont trust the cdc and do you think that the new director of the cdc ought to take tips from this pbs doctor to try to get americans back into the fold . No. Im not masking at home. I think people get covid they have kids and they want to make that decision they should make that decision for themselves. Im interested in hearing from an array of medical professionals. Up with thing we learned from covid just listening to your favorite professional may not be the thing to do. I hope platforms allow all professionals to share their views. I had covid for the third time a few weeks ago. First two times not sick third time a little bit double vaccination and three boosters. Im out and im taking the subway and im going to events. Do you mask up . Not at home. Maybe you should mask up at home. Maybe thats your problem. Im going to use your strategy. Im going to put a mask on as im changing my mask. Jesse most americans think covid is under control and we are laughing at these people. We have covered three things the last two weeks, its too hot, its racist to go to work, and now we have to mask up because of covid again. Theres a reason they want us to stay inside, judge. If you stay inside and dont leave all you do is stay on your computer and your phone. You order food. You order movies. They extract as much capital out of your system as possible. Cant do that when youre walking around. Thats right. All those boxes show up at your doorstep. I dont know anything about that, judge. Never that had problem. I think joe biden might like this doctor because if there was another masking mandate, he could have every reason to go back to Basement Strategy 2. 0 and not have to travel and campaign. One point is people with long covid down to 6 percent. What is long covid . You want to have long covid. I have this theory on one side of the population its long covid, other side its side effects from the vaccine and you either have one or the other. Theres vaccine side effects . Yes there, is. I dont want to get into it here. What would it be . You know what im saying . Its almost a mirror debate. Up next. Sorry vegans but the fake meat sorry vegans but the fake meat trend could finally be over. Ever since i retired, ive had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep you know, insomnia. Which was making my days feel like an uphill battle. That is, until i discovered Something Different, quviviq a oncenightly fda approved medication for adults with insomnia. Not getting enough sleep was leaving me tired. Oh come on but quviviq helped me get more sleep. Quviviq works differently than medication you may have taken in the past. Its thought to target one of the biological causes of insomnia overactive wake signals. And when taken every night, studies showed that sleep continued to improve over time. Do not take quviviq if you have narcolepsy. Dont drink alcohol while taking quviviq or drive or operate heavy machinery until you feel fully alert. Quviviq may cause temporary inability to move or talk or hallucinations while falling asleep or waking up. Quviviq may cause sleepiness during the day. Quviviq may lead to doing activities while not fully awake that you dont remember the next day, like walking, driving and making or eating food. Worsening depression, including suicidal thoughts, may occur. Most common side effects are headaches and sleepiness. Its quviviq. Ask your doctor if its right for you. Every so often, a voice speaks the truth over a sea of malarkey. Both the democrats and the republicans caused this debt crisis. My two cents plan solves the problem. If washington cuts the budget just two percent a year, Problem Solved perry johnsons genius helped save the american automobile industry. Now, its our turn. His Simple Truths will bring america back. Im perry johnson, and i approve this message. The whole fake meat craze. Beyond meat saying revenue diving plunging 30 percent the second quarter. The fake meat fad has been exposed as a complete waste of money. You were so eager to talk. You have thoughts on this. First, i will defend beyond meat. The first attempt is never the good one. You saw the wright brothers. Red eye. You know what bothers me most about this, why does it have to be fake meat . We have not had a new food group in ages. Can you think of the last time we have had a real new food group . Why not just create a new food group . You dont have to identify as beef or chicken. Why dont you be yourself . Nothing since dairy. We are stack nant in the food group genres. We need something new. How about glurg . We need to have glurg for breakfast. First of all its not meat. That has been a disservice to Cattle Ranchers across america and people who raise chickens or the fake pork. I think thats unfair and there should be a law against it but the law of the marketplace works better. Nobody likes this stuff. Its a weird texture. Its a weird color. They put color to make it look like blood and i cant take it. Then today i was at a shop and got Almond Milk Latte but on the board it said you could get a chickentuna special. I dont know understand that. So is It Chicken Fake or tu that fake . I dont know. This is really tearing you apart. This is just a get rich scheme and im jealous. These people made millions of dollars the last five years selling meat. The stock has dropped. Theyve gotten homes. They did all this because of the Global Warming issue. What doesnt make sense to me, if they hate meat so much why do they make fake meat . Other thing is its Ultra Process E so its not that good for you, plus theres all kinds of energy thats needed to make it. In the end theres no benefit to it. So i think we should have a blurb or Something Different or a darn hamburger. Im a Climate Change guy and im going to grig grill a steak. Subway refreshed everything and now theyre slicing their deli meats fresh. Thats why this qb profers the new five meat beast. And this qb profers it. And if we profer it. We know youll profer it too. Are you trying to outspokesperson me . Maybe. This isnt just freight. These arent just shipments. Theyre promises. Promises of all shapes and sizes. Each, with a time and a place theyve been promised to be. A promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. aidyl hi, im aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. I struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life. With all the yoyo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. Thanks to golo, ive been able to steadily go down the sizes in my closet and keep the weight off. For the first time in forever, i feel in control. announcer change your life at golo. Com. Thats golo. Com. [laughter] jesse time now for one more thing. Dana. [laughter] dana workers at Hardware Store in new zealand were surprised to see a customer with whiskers and flippers up and down the aisles. Pup was corralled by employees and quickly the department of. Go back to eating fish and lounging on the beach. He price shopping. Also, i did short questions with kennedy. You can find out what her Signature Cocktail is. Jesse is this seal like a fish out of water. Dana clearly he didnt die. Greg you should ask heidi klum. Harold watch this this is from last nights phillies nationals game where pitcher mike lorenzo being traded. Pitcher, no hitter. 124 pitches, striking out five batters. When you pitch a no hitter pretty doggone good. First no hitters since 2015. He is the winner of the day. Dana also somebody who hit their first run ma major leaguen the fil phillies side. Jesse greg . Greg whats your problem. Great show, martha mccallum, kat timpf, tyrus. We are awesome. Come be awesome with us. Lets do this. Gregs you go boy. Jesse yes. Its about time. Greg about time we saluted some of the achievements of young men everywhere. Here we are at the San Antonio Zoo with a moss scott, a rhino, probably a guy. Gives a wave while hanging out with the real rhinos. You know its been a hard challenge to become a mascot for rhinos. Buff you go, boy. We salute you and all the work you do and all the other little boys who want to grow up and be rhino mass scouts. You go, boy. Jesse that was so touching. You know, little boys do not get enough play here on the show. Harold oh, my god. Jesse judge . Judge jeanine one of my alltime favorite moses is breakfast at tiffanies offering to own a piece of history from the iconic film. Pientka tour gown expected to auction. Featuring a pink bow; channel your inner audrey hepburn. Maybe Dylan Mulvaney will get in on it. Jesse tonight, Jesse Watters primetime, who started the fires in Hawaii Investigation . Thats it for us. Tonight. Have good one, everybody. Greg there you go. Bret good evening. Welcome to washington. Im bret baier. Fbi director Christopher Wray under fire over what republicans contend is the weaponization of the bureau and the justice department. We have two specific examples tonight. The u. S. And iran engage in a prisoner deal. But there are some major objections. Well hear from former secretary of state, former cia director mike pompeo. Plus, republican president ial candidates head to iowa for the state fair as we get a clearer picture of who exactly will be on that first debate stage

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